• Published 26th Jan 2017
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Dragon Ball Z: Daughters of Destruction - Blackdrag-rose

Rainbow Dash and Applejack are transported to a strange world, where they are raised by Beerus the Destroyer and his attendant Whis.

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Cell: Island Battle

Piccolo sighed as he finally turned off the majority of his power, keeping some of it active so Cell could follow his energy and spring the trap that he and the others had set for the Bio-Android. Despite the fact that Android 17 and 18 had claimed that they wanted nothing to do with saving the world, as that was supposed to be the duty of the Z Warriors, the two Androids, and 16 as well, were standing nearby. At the moment 17 was standing near Piccolo in his battle stance, which would make it look like he and Piccolo had been fighting the entire time, while 16 and 18 stood near a rock and pretended to be watching them. Piccolo had already taken off his weighted clothing, because he already knew that it would only get in the way when Cell arrived, as he was positive that the Bio-Android would be going at full power the moment he arrived.

He cast a look back at the bushes that were above where he and the Androids were standing, because he already knew that Rainbow, Applejack, and Gale were hiding there, waiting for their opponent to walk into their trap before they sprung into action and surprised Cell. From what he could gather it sounded like both Rainbow and Applejack had developed some new abilities in wherever they had been training, which meant that they were going to be much deadlier than they had been a day or two ago. Part of him was glad to hear that they had gone through all that training, as it meant that they stood a much better chance at beating Cell, while the other part of him was worried about what destructive powers Rainbow might have created while she was training.

Rainbow and Applejack were the daughters of Beerus the Destroyer, the God of Destruction himself, which meant that destruction was in Rainbow's blood... though that only made Piccolo worry about the level of destruction she could cause with her new powers.

"Are you sure that Cell will come here?" Android 17 asked, though at the same time he kept his eyes open for anything that was out of the ordinary, or more specifically a large green creature that Piccolo and the others had warned him and 18 about, "I mean Rainbow, Applejack, and Gale all have a high power level, if what 16 says is to be believed, and any of them could easily tip off Cell that this a trap."

"I'm the only one releasing any energy at the moment, so Cell will have to assume that I'm 'fighting' one of you," Piccolo replied, though he couldn't fault the Android for asking the question, because it was hard to tell what Cell was going to do with how long it look him and the others to find him, "besides, if you want something to do while we wait I can spar with you for a few seconds... maybe get your blood flowing for the main event."

"I'm not going to lie, but that does sound tempting," 17 said, though at the same time he looked around the island they had chosen and noticed that there was no life around them, besides the people that had followed them, "though I think we had better save our energy, or at least save it in your case, for when our enemy arrives. I have the feeling that the coming fight is going to require every ounce of power that we can call upon... and then some of the moves that Rainbow, Applejack, or Gale can use, if we're truly desperate."

Piccolo took a moment to imagine Cell being thrown through the air with the force of the lance pushing him away from him and the others, because he already knew that Rainbow was planning on using that move against the Bio-Android when he opened a hole in his defenses. He had seen what the technique had done to Nappa, had done to Frieza, and had done to Android 20, so he could that the lance could easily decimate Cell if it hit him square in the chest, as that appeared to be where Rainbow aimed the attack all the time. He guessed that hitting a target in the chest distributed the destructive energy of the lance to all parts of the body, meaning that everything suffered the same amount of damage... but there was no way to be sure about that without being hit by it himself, and he wanted to avoid that.

"I'm sure that we'll get the chance to see what techniques Rainbow has cooked up since we last fought each other," Android 18 commented, causing both Piccolo and 17 to turn towards her, where they discovered that she was waiting for Cell to show up, while at the same time they noticed that 16 appeared to be following the energy signature of Cell, "I think that it will be hard for her and Gale to resist jumping into the fight once our foe appears, especially since one of them really wants Cell dead. Rainbow won't be able to resist showing off whatever she's created... and awing everyone with the destructive power that she puts into the attack."

Piccolo nodded and waited, searching for any sounds that would indicate that Cell had found them and was ready to try and absorb the two Androids he was after, but he suspected that Android 16 would find him before he could. He was, however, shocked to find that Rainbow was able to resist the urge to reveal herself, which meant that her sister must have knocked some sense into her while they were training. Still, he kept himself ready for the arrival of Cell, while at the same time going through the various attacks that he knew and weighed his options on which were the best to use against such a foe... though he had a trick or two ready for when Cell showed up.

"At last, the day of commemoration has arrived." a voice said, to which everyone turned and noticed that Cell was now standing on top of a nearby rock formation, though it appeared that he hadn't noticed the fact that Rainbow, Applejack, and Gale were hiding from him at the moment, "You have my thanks Piccolo, without you I would have never found 17 and 18 in a timely matter, but now I have exactly what I was searching for."

Piccolo was shocked, because he could tell that Cell was much more powerful than the last time they had encountered each other, as he could tell that he was outclassed without even having exchanged any blows with Cell. A few seconds later he noticed that the Androids were staring at Cell, though while they were surprised by the Bio-Android's appearance they prepared themselves for the battle that was heading their way. He was somewhat grateful that Cell was standing in front of them, because if he stayed where he was standing that meant he had no idea that he was outmatched... especially with the three pony girls that were hiding nearby.

Before anyone could say anything Cell dropped into the area in front of Piccolo and Android 17, to which he released his energy and demonstrated how much power he had gained, where he shattered the ground around him and broke the structure he had been standing on... before powering down and staring at the people he could see.

"Piccolo, you have no idea how easy you made this for me," Cell commented, to which he beckoned to Piccolo for a few seconds, as if he wanted to fight him with his new power, "In return for giving me what I have been searching for, and then some, I will spar with you for a few seconds, just so you can understand the power that I now possess... and I will start off with half of my full power, just to make it fair for you."

Piccolo growled and took another glance at the second rock structure that Cell's back was facing, wondering if the girls were going to show up now or not, but when none of the pony girls revealed themselves he released his full power and charged at Cell. Oddly enough the Bio-Android didn't bother to dodge the attack that was coming his way, because the moment Piccolo was on top of him he threw his fist at him, to which both of their fists collided in the air and they kicked up some dust in the process. Android 17, apparently discovering that the battle had begun, flew through the air and struck Cell in the back, kicking him away from Piccolo, though as Cell started to recover the two combatants loosed a ki blast at their target... just so they could push him backwards for the moment.

Cell chuckled as he picked himself up and stared at the two of them, as if he had been expecting the Androids to declare war on him at some point, but his expression told Piccolo that they had done nothing to their opponent. Piccolo and 17 looked at each other for a moment, as if they were determining what to do next, but before they could come to a decision 18 struck from behind and started throwing punches at their opponent. Cell apparently wasn't expecting 18 to join in the attack, and his expression told them that he still hadn't felt the three girls that were hiding nearby, but at the moment it appeared that their basic plan was working to their advantage.

Piccolo had suggested that 18 take some time to watch the fight and then jump in when she saw an opening, once she knew Cell's weaknesses, but apparently the Androids were designed for battle and nothing else, as she was determined to put Cell in the ground.

"I was expecting to fight Piccolo alone," Cell commented, blocking a punch that was meant for his face and delivered a kick to 18's stomach, though she moved out of the way and continued her assault, "but this will allow me to see how strong you actually are... compared to myself and my annoying sister."

"Wow, you really must hate Gale Wind," 18 replied, slamming her fist into Cell's chest, to which she knocked him back for a few seconds, though that was when Piccolo and 17 joined her, "Seriously, what did she do to you that makes you hate her so much? Sure, my own brother can be annoying at time, but even so he's done absolutely nothing to make me despise or even hate him as much as you hate your sister."

"She stole the attention and affection of our father," Cell replied, though at the same time he continued his own assault on 18, where Piccolo noted that his anger towards Gale only served to empower his blows, to some degree, "She was basically like an actual daughter for our father and she gained all of his attention until Dr. Gero died, but even then he left messages for her and gave me nothing. In my timeline she made sure I never acquired my perfect form, as the Androids of my era had killed each and every one of the Z Warriors... so she killed the future versions of you and your brother, just to save a dying world from me. I knew I couldn't beat her, so I acquired the time machine and came back for you and 17, because with my full power I can do so many things... even destroy my father's precious daughter."

"That's why you have been devouring people and stealing all of their life essences?" 18 demanded, slamming her fist into Cell's face and sending him flying into the rock structure behind him, though at the same time she approached the Bio-Android with a look of anger in her eyes, "Just so you can kill your own sister?"

"Yes, and now I have the power to overcome all three of you so I claim my perfect form!" Cell shouted, grabbing onto 18's hand and spinning her around, though that was when he loosed his full power and tossed her through the air, where she collided with 17 and knocked him to the ground, "And I'm going to start by killing Piccolo!"

Piccolo braced himself for the attack that was coming his way, because he already knew that Cell wanted all of them dead, but at the same time he had to wonder when the three pony girls were going to show their hand... and wonder how he was going to survive until they decided to come and help him out.

Tien, Roshi, Yamcha, and Krillin stood on the island and faced the direction that the fighting was coming from, while at the same time Chi Chi was on the phone with Bulma, discussing something about the controller that had been created earlier that day. From what they could tell the controller was designed to merely shut off the two Androids that had declared that they were neutral, which was actually bad for them because it meant that, if they used it, Cell could easily absorb them. The four of them knew that such a controller would do nothing to aid them in their fight against Cell, not unless Bulma could find a way for them to detonate the two Androids and destroy them before they were absorbed, but at the same time none of them were really worrying about the possibility of Cell absorbing 17 or 18. Rainbow, Applejack, and Gale would be fighting alongside Piccolo and the Androids, which meant that Cell had no chance of absorbing either of the two Androids he was after... though that didn't stop Tien from worrying.

They could all feel Cell's power, which had flared in what appeared to be a sudden burst of anger, and they all had different reactions; Tien was worrying, Krillin was trying to stop himself from pacing in fear, Yamcha was shaking, and Roshi was glaring in the direction that the fight was coming from.

"Do... do you think that Piccolo, the Androids, and the pony girls can kill Cell?" Yamcha asked, though he was more interested in having a conversation with the other Z Warriors at the moment, because he wanted to calm his nerves and take his mind off of what they were feeling.

"Yes, but it seems like the girls are waiting for something to happen before they reveal themselves," Tien replied, to which he wrapped his energy around him for a few seconds, "and I'm not going to stand around here and do nothing while they fight our battles for us. I am a warrior, and I intend to fight Cell with all of my might."

The group watched as Tien burst into the air and headed in the direction of the fighting, leaving the others to determine what they wanted to do. Krillin wondered if this was when he would stop going into battle against enemies that could easily kill him, but then sighed and resolved to head there as well. His plan, however, was to lend a helping hand and hopefully distract Cell so the Androids could escape, as he was sure he could get a Solar Flare off if Cell was close to grabbing one of the Androids. He let out a sigh and followed after Tien, leaving Roshi and Yamcha alone on the beach, knowing that neither of them would follow them... and then silently prayed that one of the girls would kill Cell before he and Tien arrived at the island they had picked to fight on.

Krillin already knew that something bad was going to happen, though it was impossible to tell whether his feeling was going to be Cell's terror once the girls joined the battle... or the terror they would all feel if he managed to absorb even one of the Androids he was after.

Cell was surprised when he found his attack stopped dead in its tracks, because that meant that his fist had been intercepted before it could even hit Piccolo's face, but his surprise quickly changed when he noticed the coloration of the hand that was holding onto his wrist. His eyes slowly followed the length of the arm that the hand was attached to and noticed the body structure of the person that was blocking his attack, though at the same time he started to sweat a little bit. He had been expecting Gale to show herself at some point in time, and had been hoping that she would arrive after he had absorbed both of the Androids, but she had gotten here in record time... or she had been standing somewhere and this was all a trap to get him to reveal himself.

"Hello brother," Gale said, though instead of giving Cell a smile, like she had done the last time they had crossed paths, she frowned at him, because she was disappointed in all the lives he had taken so far, "I think its high time we bring this game of ours to an end."

Before Cell could react Gale slammed her fist into his chest and sent him flying towards the rock structure that was behind him, cracking the wall that he had collided with and causing him to cough for a moment. A few seconds later he heard the sound of two more sets of hooves touching the ground, to which he looked up and found that Rainbow and Applejack were in attendance as well. He had thought that this was going to be an easy task, just beat up Piccolo and absorb the Androids, but now it seemed like an impossible one considering who was standing in his way. Cell knew that his power up would only allow him to beat Piccolo in battle, but if he could somehow catch any of the pony girls off guard he could easily turn the tables back to his side... and he had the perfect move to demonstrate how powerful he was.

"You are correct sister, it is time to end our fight," Cell replied, though at the same time he brought his hands together and formed the infamous triangle that he was sure everyone was familiar with, but he smiled at the same time, "but don't expect me to go down without a fight!"

As he finished saying those words he pulled his arms apart and revealed what he had been planning, to which a sinister green lance formed in front of him, much to Piccolo's horror. He silently thanked Rainbow for showing off this move a few times in the past, because he knew how to manipulate the power into the shape of the one attack that could put fear in the hearts of anyone that saw it. As he grabbed onto the lance he glanced at everyone, where he wondered which person he should take out to make his life earlier, but then he grinned as he laid his eyes on Rainbow, because if he took her out then he wouldn't have to fear having this attack thrown at him.

The moment he had his target chosen Cell pulled his arm back, in the same fashion that Rainbow did, and threw the lance towards the person that created the technique, causing everyone but Rainbow to flee as the destructive lance raced towards where she was standing. Cell had to smile as almost all of his enemies moved out of the way, as they all knew about the attack and the power it contained, while noticing that the only one to remain was Rainbow herself. This was too perfect for him, because he could take out one of the strongest threats that was standing in his way, which would make things much easier for him in the immediate future. The only odd thing about this whole situation was that Rainbow had an aura wrapped around her, which meant that she was either planning an attack or something else.

Cell's lance tore through the ground beneath it, which was common with the original attack, though as it reached his target the strangest thing happened; Rainbow extended her left hand and caught the tip of his lance with the palm of her hand. As Rainbow stopped the lance in its tracks the destructive force that had been behind it started to wrap around her, creating a vertex of energy that tore the ground around her to pieces while the tip tried to get passed Rainbow's defenses. Cell had no idea what was going on, because no one had ever stopped the lance in its tracks like this, but as the thought crossed his mind he noticed that his attack almost looked like it was being pushed back... which worried him about his chances at beating Rainbow, Applejack, or even Gale.

His thoughts were interrupted as the vertex disappeared and Rainbow appeared where she had been standing a few seconds ago, though this time the lance was floating in front of her palm... to which she swung her hand and set it flying towards a different island, where it detonated with enough force to create a small hole in the ground.

"Seriously? That's your lance?" Rainbow asked, shaking her head for a few seconds, indicating that she wasn't in any pain at all, which told Cell that something was wrong, "That was pathetic. Cell, your attack should have shattered the ground beneath it, kicked up a powerful tempest that pushes everyone away, and detonate with enough force to destroy an entire island... and all I got was some minor destruction, barely any wind, and a small hole. I could show you how to properly use my own attack, but at your current level there's no reason to waste my energy on you..."

Before Rainbow could finish her statement Cell gathered his energy and released a wave of energy at her, though when the smoke cleared Cell discovered that Rainbow hadn't bothered to take the attack head on, as she was standing next to the rocks he had been hit into earlier. Cell then noticed that the rest of the group had moved to one of the remaining plateaus and was watching them, which meant that they were going to be watching the fight until they were needed. Normally he would have liked a one on one fight, but now that he knew about Rainbow's new level of power, or rather suspected what her new power could be, he knew that he was in trouble.

There was no telling how much stronger Rainbow had been since the last time he had felt her power, which could mean that this island might very well be his grave if he wasn't careful... especially if Rainbow was able to catch his lance and turn it back with such ease.

"Allow me to assist you," a voice said, to which both Rainbow and Cell noticed that Android 16 had joined them, though he was standing beside Rainbow and was glaring at Cell.

"You want to fight Cell as well?" Rainbow inquired, to which she noticed that the larger Android nodded his head for a brief second, "Okay, I'm fine with that. Just don't get caught in any of my attacks and we should be fine."

"Do not worry, I don't intend to be hurt by you," 16 commented, though that was when he turned his full attention back to Cell, which caused Rainbow do the same thing, "I intend to help you destroy Cell."

Cell looked at the two people that would be coming at him first, wondering why he had thought that coming here was a good idea, especially when he should have considered that this might be a trap. He had, at the time, only felt Piccolo's ki energy, but there was no reason behind him missing everyone else that he could feel, which had put him in the position he was in. Cell knew that he was going to have to use some tricks in order to beat the Z Warriors and the Androids, otherwise he was sure that one of his enemies was going to be the death of him... and he would never be able to acquire his perfect form if he allowed such a thing to come to pass.

Now that he knew that his version of the lance was useless, and that both Rainbow and 16 had a good deal of power backing them, he knew that he needed to be careful, least one of them get the upper hand and kill him... though he prepared himself for the battle that was to come.

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