• Published 26th Jan 2017
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Dragon Ball Z: Daughters of Destruction - Blackdrag-rose

Rainbow Dash and Applejack are transported to a strange world, where they are raised by Beerus the Destroyer and his attendant Whis.

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Android: Super Saiyan Battle

The first thing that Goku did upon his return to Earth, after listening to Xeno and hearing that Vegeta had an excellent training method in mind so they could prepare for the Android attack in three years, was head back to the Capsule Corp building with everyone else, because Bulma said that Chi Chi had gone there the moment Gohan had left their house the instant he felt Frieza's ki. When Chi Chi heard that Goku had returned, and that Gohan was with him, she insisted on them coming back with Bulma and the others, though considering that the ship was out of fuel Bulma said that she would come back for it later. Bulma did, however, return to the vehicle she had used to catch up with everyone else and used it to head back home, where everyone else simply levitated into the air and flew in the direction of West City.

As they flew back to the city Goku inquired what the special training method was for a few minutes, as he was curious as to what Vegeta was thinking about, but in the end he was told that it would be a surprise that he wouldn't even see coming, which actually peaked his interest more than he was willing at admit. Goku, having his experience with training under King Kai and his one hundred times Earth's gravity while on his way to Namek, was interested in finding out what the new training method was. He also admitted that he was interested in exchanging blows with Rainbow and Applejack in the future, as every other time he had been interested in doing so they had been interrupted by their opponents... but now that they had three years of training to go through he knew that they could finally have a chance to fight each other.

Rainbow agreed with Goku, to train at some point in the future, though Applejack merely nodded her head, as she was worried about the future and what Xeno had told them, but she didn't say anything at the moment.

When they returned to Capsule Corp, however, Chi Chi immediately lectured Goku on not coming home the instant he had escaped Namek with the ship he had landed in and left her and Gohan alone for a whole year. Dr. Brief had to come in and explain that the explosion of Planet Namek had messed with the ship's controls and sent it off course, but because he couldn't fix the ship without being there he had to assume that someone else had fixed the ship for Goku.

When they dropped the information that they needed to train so they could beat a pair of Androids in three years time, however, Chi Chi was against even endangering her son in such a manner, despite the fact that everyone would die if they weren't prepared... but then Vegeta had an idea that might change her mind.

"Hey Gohan," Vegeta said, a slight smile appearing on his face for a few seconds as he tapped the medallion, though he noticed that Rainbow and Applejack were smiling as well, "how would you like to meet your grandfather and your grandmother? And I don't mean Chi Chi's mother and father... I mean Kakarot's mother and father."

"Vegeta, what are you getting at?" Goku asked, as he had absolutely no idea what his training companion was even talking about, but he noticed that both Chi Chi and Gohan were interested in such an idea, "My parents are dead... they died when our home planet was destroyed by Frieza, which we finally avenged thanks to the efforts of our new friend Xeno."

"True, but also false at the same time," Vegeta replied, knowing that even Goku should be able to get this, especially since the other Saiyan had been in the same position that he vaguely described after his battle with his brother, "With this medallion I can take you, your son, your wife, the girls, and myself to the location of your father... along with some other people that are excited about the idea of meeting all of us."

"That's impossible!" Bulma stated, to which she approached the group for a moment, while the rest of the Z Warriors left to go about their various training methods, "You think this one medallion can transport all seven of us to the Other Word, just like Mr. Popo's carpet?"

"Yes, because my parents told me so," Vegeta said, holding up the medallion as he looked at Kakarot and his family, "So, do you want to go meet the other side of your family... and get to know them at the same time?"

"Trust on us this fact, he's not lying," Applejack stated, stepping between Vegeta and Goku's family, because right now they really shouldn't get in a fight when they should be heading to the Other World, "so put some faith in what he's saying and believe that he has your best interests at heart."

Goku looked over at Chi Chi for a moment, who was confused by the entire conversation they were having, before looking down at his son for a few seconds, as if he was mentally thinking about something important. It was clear that he was debating whether he should head home with his family, and spend an evening with them, or trust what Vegeta was trying to tell him and take a leap of faith. After a few seconds he turned to Vegeta and nodded, to which his training companion beckoned for the group to stand around him and place their hand on the shoulder of the person standing next to them. Once they had formed a perfect circle he held the medallion out in front of them and stared at it for a few seconds, remembering the original one his father had worn so long ago... before he pressed the middle of the design and the air around them shifted.

A few seconds later they all disappeared, much to the surprise of Dr. Brief and anyone else that was in the room with them, but they were heading someplace that would surprise Goku and his family.

Bulma blinked in surprise as the group appeared next to a shrine of some sort, though that was before she noticed that the walkway that they had appeared on had been made to look like some sort of long stone serpent. She then looked at the area around them and noticed that there was a sea of yellowish clouds on both sides of the walkway, effectively making it hard for them to see anything. After a few seconds she looked behind where they were standing and noticed a building of some kind, one that seemed out of place, resting in the distance, though that was before she turned her attention back to everyone else. She noticed how Goku and his family were surprised by where they were standing, as one of them had experience with this place and had no doubt told his family about it, while at the same time the girls were smiling, meaning that they knew where they were.

She had to assume that this was the Other World, where Goku had gone to train for the Saiyan arrival back when they thought that they were going to be invaded, though she was still shocked by what she saw.

"So we're training in the Other World?" Goku commented, though as he looked around he noticed a golden shimmer in the distance, one that he was sure he hadn't seen the last time he had been here, "What is that?"

"Follow me and you'll find out," Vegeta said, to which he lead the way down the winding road, though once Rainbow and Applejack followed him the rest stepped in line as well.

It didn't take the group long to reach the metal gate that lead into Asgard, which Vegeta and the girls were keeping from their companions at the moment, but they were surprised to find someone standing outside the gate. The person that was standing in front of the gate had extremely long, spiky black hair with a prominent widow's peak, though the man was also wearing a brown and black colored suit of armor, in the same style that the Saiyans and Frieza's soldiers wore, complete with boots and armored gloves. The man was also wearing two red bands on his body, one that happened to be located around his left arm, while the second rested on his left leg... though oddly enough the scouter he had been wearing on the day he died was nowhere to be seen, while at the same time Vegeta spotted the halo that was resting above his head.

Vegeta heard Kakarot gasp in shock, as well as Bulma and Gohan a few seconds later, but he simply smiled and approached the other Saiyan, who seemed unsure of what to do at this point.

"Hey Raditz," Vegeta said, causing the Saiyan to turn towards him for a few seconds, though it was clear that he was shocked by something, "How are you doing?"

"Ugh... good, I think." Raditz replied, though it appeared that he was studying Vegeta for a moment, as if he couldn't believe what his eyes were showing him, "What are you doing here, in the afterlife? Frieza didn't kill you, did he?"

"No, but he certainly tried his hardest to kill both Kakarot and myself," Vegeta said, to which he pointed back at the group that was behind him, causing a look of confusion to cross Raditz's face, "I do, however, have something interesting to show both you and your brother."

Raditz looked back at the group that was approaching them and looked into his brother's eyes, who also seemed shocked to discover that he was here, on Snake Way. A few seconds later Raditz started walking towards Goku, but as Goku raised his fists Raditz wrapped his arms around him and hugged him, though he did so in the manner of a big brother hugging a little brother and not as one combatant trying to break his opponent with a painful hug. When he finally let go Goku admitted that he was confused as to what was going on, because both he and Gohan remembered Raditz dying and could have sworn that he would have gone to Hell for his actions... to which they discovered that he had only turned slightly evil in the six months that had been before he fateful visit to Earth.

According to what Raditz told them he had killed a few innocent civilians before his trip to Earth, which he had stated that he felt guilty for doing and regretted his actions after he committed them. As such he was unable to join the rest of his race behind the golden gate and was sentenced to either repent for what he had done, or stay in Hell with all the villains and evildoers that resided there. Raditz also admitted that he had expected to be in Hell for more than the time he had been in there, but when he took into consideration everything he did to repent, which he refused to tell them about, he knew that he was glad to have faced his demons and see the light again.

Once Goku and Raditz had calmed down, and both Chi Chi and Gohan were fine with the man responsible for getting Goku killed back when he landed on Earth, Vegeta stood in front of them and beckoned to the gate that they were ignoring.

"Now then, its time we got the show on the road," Vegeta said, to which he pushed the gates open and revealed what was resting behind them, "Welcome to Asgard, home of the Saiyan race!"

"Im... impossible." Raditz commented, looking around at the familiar city that was stretched out before them, to which he actually had to rub his eyes to make sure he was seeing what everyone else was seeing, "This is a near perfect replica of our city, back on Planet Vegeta before it was destroyed by Frieza... so how can this be sitting here?"

"King Kai and the other Kais gathered together and created this place for us," Vegeta replied, remembering what his father had told him when he and the girls came here for the first time, while at the same time he politely nodded to someone was they passed by some stands, "the Saiyans that fought for the greater good, saved innocent civilians, and defeated tyrants were welcomed into the city. Seeing how you broke one of the Saiyan principles you were forced to atone for your deeds or stay in Hell, though I know some people that will be anxious to finally meet you."

"Wow... there are so many powerful fighters in this city," Goku stated, to which Gohan nodded as they felt the presence of so many powerful fighters, along with two fighters that were higher in power than everyone else he had felt so far... where he noticed that one of them was rapidly closing in on their location.

"There ought to be many powerful warriors in this city, considering that we have been training for nearly thirty years now," a voice said, to which Bardock landed in front of them, while at the same time surprising Chi Chi, Gohan, and Goku with how closely he looked like Goku, "Hello Raditz. Hello Kakarot."

"Fa... father!" Raditz exclaimed, to which he charged forward and wrapped his arms around Bardock, who replied in kind by hugging his eldest son for a few seconds, before beckoning for Goku to join in.

Goku was caught off guard by the fact that he was not only discovering that his brother was a good guy at heart, and had been allowed into the Saiyan afterlife, but also by the fact that he was meeting his father, who had a tight grip for someone whose been dead for so long. After a few seconds Bardock pulled back and formally introduced himself to Bulma, Chi Chi, and Gohan, though all three of them indicated that they were pleased to meet him. When they got around to saying their names, and what their relation to Goku was, Bardock was surprised that his youngest son had a decent best friend in Bulma and a great wife in Chi Chi, though he was more impressed by Gohan... as when he introduced himself he actually called Bardock 'sir'.

"'Sir'?! Son Gohan, I haven't been dead long enough to start being called 'Sir' by my own grandson." Bardock said, though his words were quickly followed by a smile appearing on his face, "but you... you can call me grandpa, and I will gladly enjoy hearing you say it."

Gohan was caught off guard by what his grandfather had said, especially since nether he or his father had known much about him until this point, but he was more than willing to see where this would take them. He knew that his mother was a little hesitant to believe what Bardock was telling them, despite the fact that the resemblance between him and Goku was uncanny, but she had some faith that Vegeta wouldn't lie to them. Once the introductions were over Bardock beckoned for them to follow him to where Gine, his wife, was waiting, to which Goku and Raditz expressed their interest in meeting their mother while Gohan was interested in meeting his grandmother.

As they walked towards the area that Vegeta knew the arena rested in, and a large amount of the Saiyans nodded to them as they passed, Goku silently noted that they were heading towards the location of the other powerful fighter than he had felt earlier.

When they reached the Training Yard Bardock lead them up to a sitting area that Vegeta had neglected to look at the last time he was here, which he assumed was where spectators watched the fights that were in process. In the actual arena he spotted several Saiyans fighting each other, where they were tearing apart the landscape that they had chosen to fight in, while some of the watchers cheered when something interesting happened. After a few minutes Bardock stopped at one of the sitting rooms that overlooked the Training Yard, where Vegeta and the girls spotted Gine sitting in one of the chairs and watching the fight.

"Gine darling, we have visitors," Bardock said, to which Gine started to turn her attention to the group that was behind her, "and there's two people I think you'll be happy to see."

"Raditz... Kakarot," Gine said, staring at the two of them for a few seconds, before getting out of her seat and embracing her sons, who had been caught off guard for a few seconds but immediately returned the gesture.

"So pretty much every Saiyan is alive in this place?" Gohan asked, though while he was glad to meet his father's parents he was confused about everything that he, his mother, and Bulma were learning.

"That is correct young one," a voice behind the group said, to which everyone turned around and spotted a lady standing behind them, though Vegeta smiled when he noticed that his mother had found them, "with the exception of He Who Must Not Be Named... the one that arrived with my son when he landed on Earth."

"Wait... son?" Gohan commented, remembering who had landed in a pair some time ago, to which he turned towards Vegeta and understood who the lady was talking about.

"Yes, this is my mother, Mizuna," Vegeta said, to which he almost laughed when he noticed that everyone, except the girls and Kakarot's parents, was shocked by the fact that they were meeting his mother, "mother, these are my friends Kakarot, his wife Chi Chi, his son Gohan, and our friend Bulma."

"Its a pleasure to meet all of you," Mizuna replied, bowing her head a little bit, before standing straight and turning to Bardock, "Gorlick told me that the arena is ready for whenever you wish to begin... though I think that you knew that already."

"I could have guessed, but its nice to know that piece of information anyway," Bardock said, to which he turned to the group for a moment, "Kakarot, Vegeta... are the two of you free for a few minutes? I only ask because I want to see the Super Saiyans that beat Frieza in action and test their power for myself."

Vegeta and Goku smiled as Bardock jumped over the railing that was in the sitting area they were standing in, though while everyone else took their seats they followed after him, to which they landed in the arena as the other Saiyans pulled out to give them room. Vegeta immediately knew what was going on, because he had heard that everyone wanted to see them fight Bardock, the other Super Saiyan that he had known about. A few seconds later the terrain changed to what they had fought on while they were on Namek, much to Goku's surprise, though both he and Vegeta dropped into their battle stances as they faced Bardock.

"Now then, allow me to tell you the rules," Bardock stated, to which he dropped into his battle stance as he faced his opponents, "First, there's no killing allowed in the Training Yard, and when we say no killing we mean it. Second, feel free to use your Super Saiyan forms whenever you desire, because I won't be holding back. And third, have some fun and feel free to use all the skills that you possess."

With that said Bardock releasing his ki and started firing small ki blasts at the duo in front of them, to which they forced themselves apart and landed on either sides of him. As Bardock targeted his son at first, as he had no idea what Goku was capable of, Vegeta appeared to the side and kicked his chest with his right leg, sending him flying into the rock plateau that had been resting behind him. The moment that happened the two of them prepared themselves, because not a few seconds later Bardock tore his way through the plateau and came right at them.

Vegeta realized that Bardock was much faster than what they were used to, as he was able to get close to them and punch one of them in the chest before spinning around and planing his foot in the other one's chest, sending them flying in opposite directions. As they went flying Bardock chased after Vegeta, to which they exchanged a series of punches and kicks with each other, though it quickly came to an end when he punched him square in the jaw and sent him flying into the plateau behind him. Before Bardock got distracted he noticed his son moving around and charged at him, where they exchanged a few punches with each other for a few seconds, though that was followed by Goku hitting him in the chest and causing him to stagger backwards.

Goku took that opportunity to fly over to where Vegeta was and pull him free from the plateau he had been thrown into, though once he was free they looked at their opponent and prepared themselves.

"Ah, so the two of you are a dynamic duo... a team," Bardock commented, to which he brushed off the small amount of dust that had gotten on his armor before facing the two of them again, "Good... than this should make things much more interesting for all of us."

The two Saiyans shared a quick glance with each other, as if they were thinking about what they wanted to do in this fight, before they released their ki and charged back into the fight that they had paused. Goku was the first to strike, because he appeared in front of his father and slammed his right fist into Bardock's chest, knocking him backwards for a few seconds, while also sending him into the uppercut that Vegeta had prepared. Bardock quickly regained himself and exchanged blows with the Saiyan prince, though while he did so he had to pay attention to which attacks were coming his way, because one of them sent him back to his son so they could exchange a few punches with each other. After being tossed back to Vegeta, and receiving a punch to the gut, Bardock loosed a little ki and knocked both of his opponents back for a few seconds, though at the same time he was impressed by their teamwork.

While he thought about how great the two Saiyans worked together, and reflected on how they had used their skills to defeat Frieza, both Goku and Vegeta took the opportunity that he presented to them, where they appeared next to each other and slammed their fists into Bardock's chest, launching through the air and sending him flying into another plateau. To be on the safe side both Goku and Vegeta gathered their ki into their beam attacks and sent the beams right towards where Bardock was waiting, which detonated upon impact and swallowed the plateau whole. Instead of assuming that Bardock was defeated, which was how Frieza had survived their battle on Namek, the two separated from each other, by just a few steps, and immediately dropped back into their battle stances.

As the smoke cleared Bardock stepped out of the ruined plateau and stretched for a few seconds, though the cracks on his armor indicated that they had hurt him a little bit... but as they felt the rise in his power Vegeta had the suspicion that he was going to go Super Saiyan at any moment.

"I think the warm up is over, wouldn't you agree?" Bardock asked, to which both Vegeta and Goku nodded, which was understandable considering that they were all excited for this moment, "Well then, activate your Super Saiyan forms and show me what the two of you are truly capable of."

Both Vegeta and Goku awakened their ki, causing the very ground beneath them to shake and crack for a few seconds, while at the same time their hair was pushed upwards. They knew that they had succeeded when the golden aura had wrapped around them, though Bardock clapped for a few seconds, to indicate that they had taken on the form he had told them to assume. Before Bardock could finish clapping Goku appeared in front of him and slammed his fist into his father's jaw, sending him flying into the air, to which he followed him and swung his foot into his side, sending him towards another plateau. As Bardock started to correct himself, and stop his speed before he reached the plateau, Vegeta appeared in between him and his destination, to which he stopped him by throwing several punches into his chest and sending him into the water that was below them.

A few seconds later Bardock burst out of the water and flew towards his son, though as a punch came at him he pulled himself back for a few seconds before spinning around and delivered a kick to the back of Goku's head, which sent him flying towards Vegeta. The moment the two Saiyans were together again they burst through the air and soared at Bardock, where they started exchanging blows with him while at the same time forcing him to focus on one of them. The tactic was designed to make him choose who he wanted to fight, which meant that the other person could easily deal some damage while he was distracted. The moment Bardock was distracted by Goku, be it dodging an attack or delivering one of his own, Vegeta would come in and attack him from whatever angle he desired, which would either do some damage or just annoy Bardock if he caught the attack before it landed.

Both Goku and Vegeta knew that this was the tactic they had used back on Namek while their were fighting Frieza, where they had forced him to pick who he wanted to attack while overpowering him with their own attacks, though they were merely giving Bardock exactly what he had asked for. As they prepared third volley of attacks a change occurred, because while Bardock caught Goku's attack with his fist, and knocked him backwards, Mizuna stepped in and stopped Vegeta's attack in its tracks, though before they could question what had happened the two parents moved to one of the plateaus. Goku and Vegeta followed after them, because while this was still a fight they had no idea what Vegeta's mother was doing in the fight... but Vegeta could hazard a guess.

"So this is how you two beat Frieza," Bardock commented, a smile appearing on his face as he looked at both his son and Vegeta, though his expression indicated that he was proud of them, "I guess its time to stop holding back."

Bardock released his ki and suddenly the ground shook worse than when Goku and Vegeta accessed their Super Saiyan forms, though Vegeta knew that it was because he had more training than they did, so if he wanted to be dramatic with his transformation he could do it by adding some ki to his release. A few seconds later the same glowing aura, which was wrapped around Goku and Vegeta, came to life around Bardock as well, though when they looked at his golden blond hair and green eyes they knew that the transformation was a success. They were both surprised by the amount of power that he was putting out, which Vegeta knew had to be the result of nearly thirty years of constant training.

Though as Bardock calmed down and regained himself, which was understandable considering the rush of power that came with the transformation, Vegeta glanced over at his mother and wondered if she was still going to fight... or if she had just entered the arena to ensure Bardock had a change to transform as well.

"Say Bardock," Mizuna commented, causing the Saiyan next to her to gaze in her direction for a few seconds, "do you think there's room for one more in this fight? Or should I back off and keep my trump card to myself?"

"Your seriously thinking of busting out your transformation as well?" Bardock asked, to which he smiled as he looked back at Goku and Vegeta, "The two of you are going to enjoy this."

Mizuna smiled as she stood straight and gathered herself, letting both Goku and her son understand what Bardock had been talking about when he mentioned 'transformation', though while she did that she started to raise her ki until small bits of rock, from the plateau she and Bardock were standing on, flying through the air. After a few seconds of doing that she increased her power, which caused the ground around her to crack in several places, while at the same time her hair flowed upwards. With one final push of her energy the area around them calmed down, though her hair was locked in the spiked up fashion of the Super Saiyan while at the same time the golden aura wrapped around her body. Ironically even her tail had taken on a golden color, though once the deed was done she faced her son and Goku, allowing them to feel both her energy and Bardock's at the same time.

Goku was surprised and shocked that his father, and Vegeta's mother, were Super Saiyans that possessed an incredible amount of energy, which actually made him worry about their chances at beating either of them at this point. Vegeta, on the other hand, was not as shocked as his companion was, but he had the feeling that he knew how his mother had transformed for the first time all those years ago.

"I know that the two of you are interested in how we acquired these forms," Mizuna said, to which she beckoned to Bardock for a few seconds,"Due to his complicated relationship with Frieza's ancestor, the pirate named Chilled, and Frieza himself Bardock was able to push himself to being a Super Saiyan, though if you really want the whole story you'll have to ask him yourself. As for myself I was dead before the destruction of Planet Vegeta, though when the planet was destroyed I thought I had lost my family, as this was before I even knew about the existence of Asgard. My first transformation was so great that Bardock had to use his own Super Saiyan form just to calm me down enough so I could revert back on my own... as well as control some of my outbursts before I was reunited with my husband."

"Wow... I'm sorry to hear that," Goku replied, though at the same time he dropped into his battle stance once more, as he was excited to do battle with two powerful Super Saiyans, "but I am interested in seeing how powerful the two of you truly are."

Mizuna nodded and disappeared before their very eyes, though literally a second later she appeared in front of Vegeta and kicked him in the chest with her foot, to which he soared through the air and collided with a nearby plateau, where he flew through it and came to a stop in the middle of it. Goku turned for a moment, to see what had happened to his training companion, before Bardock appeared in front of him and delivered a series of punches and kicks to him, some of which he was able to dodge... though the vast majority of them he ended up missing completely. That was before Bardock hit him so hard in the chest that he was sent flying into the same plateau that Vegeta had been thrown into, though he simply made a crater in it and stayed there for a few moments.

"Hey Vegeta," Goku said, though at the same time he coughed as he looked up at the two Super Saiyans that had basically beaten the stuffing out of them, without any effort he mentally added.

"Yeah Kakarot?" Vegeta asked, to which he carefully pulled himself from the plateau he had been thrown into, where he moved his neck a few times before walking over to help his companion out of his crater.

"If you knew your mother was a Super Saiyan, you would have warned me ahead of time right?" Goku inquired, though he happily accepted the hand that Vegeta offered him, to which he pulled himself onto his feet and stretched for a few seconds.

"If I had known that fact I would have mentioned it," Vegeta replied, though as soon as he said those words both he and Kakarot dropped back into their battle stances, "but now is not the time to be discussing this... focus on at least landing a blow on them for now. Oh, and you can't say that I gave you a better training method than whatever you were originally thinking about."

Goku chuckled as both he and Vegeta burst into the air, to which they separated from each other and targeted their parent that they were fighting, to which Vegeta pushed his mother away from the fight and gave him room to fight his father. Bardock didn't seem to mind what was happening with the Queen and her son, as the moment they were further away from them he started throwing small ki blasts that were designed to distract an opponent, leaving Goku open to several attacks. Fortunately Goku had been expecting something like that and had prepared some ki blasts of his own, which blew his father backwards for a few seconds, but then Bardock stopped in his tracks and came right back at him. They then exchanged blows with each other, where Goku could tell that his father had powered down to be more of his level while retaining his Super Saiyan form, but he was still being pushed back.

After a few more exchanges Goku jumped backwards and landed on top of one of the plateaus, where he brought his hands to his right side and prepared the attack he used more often than anything else... while at the same time noticing that his father was preparing something of his own.

"Ka... me... ha... me..." Goku said, charging as much power as he could into his attack, while at the same time keeping some for himself to stay in his transformed state, "HAAAAA!"

"Riot," Bardock shouted, to which his ki morphed into a blue sphere of energy as he arched his arm back, though he followed that up by throwing the ki at Goku's attack, "Javelin!"

Goku could immediately feel the power of his father's attack bashing against his own, creating a stalemate between their attacks for a few seconds, before he discovered that his Kamehameha was slowly being forced backwards. He held his ground for as long as he could, trying to force the ki attack backwards and hit his father, but before that could happen the Riot Javelin pierced his Kamehameha and struck him in the chest. The force of the attack cancelled his own out and forced him into a plateau, where the attack detonated and destroyed a section of the landmass he had collided with, though when she smoke cleared Goku had some scratches on his body and some dust... along with the fact that he had dropped out of the Super Saiyan state and fell to his knees.

"I see you used up too much of your energy in that attack," Bardock commented, to which he dropped out of his own Super Saiyan state and approached his son, "though I will admit something; if you get some proper training in your new form, against an opponent like me or Mizuna, you'll be able to sustain that form for longer periods than what you just did."

"Th... that's good... to know," Goku replied, though he was smiling despite how exhausted he felt, while at the same time noticing that his father was smiling as well.

"Don't worry, you can rest while Vegeta and his mother finish fighting," Bardock said, to which he picked up his son and flew up to where the rest of the family was waiting, while at the same time noticing that the remaining two combatants were still going at it.

Vegeta wasn't doing anything rash this time, like pouring most of his energy into one attack, because the last time he tried something like that his mother had unleashed her final technique and smashed his own like it was nothing. Kakarot had already burned through his energy, which was understandable considering that they were fighting Saiyans that had access to the Super Saiyan transformation for twenty to twenty-five years. Both his mother and Bardock were extremely powerful in their base forms, so much so that if Bardock hadn't been holding back to gauge their power for himself he would have likely beaten them within a minute or two. Vegeta never enjoyed admitting when someone was stronger than him, but this time he was sort of glad he was, because if it was another Saiyan than he knew that, at some point in time, he would be able to match his mother and Bardock in battle.

A few seconds later he blocked the attack that was aimed at his chest, though before he could return the favor his mother moved backwards and smiled at him, indicating that she was enjoying herself... though at the moment he had to admit that he was feeling the same thing that she was feeling. He smiled as they exchanged another set of blows with each other, because this training that they were doing would give them some control over their Super Saiyan forms and improve their chances of beating the Androids when they showed up. Vegeta knew that he was going to have to explain what he and Kakarot knew to their parents, as they were sure to be eager as to the reason for their visits, but he focused on the now as he dodged an attack and delivered a small one to his mother's chest... before they separated from each other and went at it again.

He knew that Gohan, Rainbow, and Applejack needed some turns in the Training Yard as well, but he knew that they were patiently waiting their turn for a match against some of the Saiyans... and felt sorry for whoever ended up fighting against Rainbow or Applejack.

Frieza groaned as he looked around the area that he was walking around at the moment, which was pretty much a rocky area, where the ground was colored blue, with blood red colored water and a deep red-orange colored sky... though it was much better than the flower field that he had awoken in, which had a large tree that he wanted to stay away from. He knew that he was dead, if the halo above his head was anything to go by, but so far he hadn't seen anyone he recognized, be they the Ginyu Force, Zarbon, Dodoria, or even his father, and he had been searching for a few hours at this point. Not that he knew how time passed in the realm that he knew to be Hell, which was no doubt another way to torment him and everyone else, but he had the feeling that it had to be a few hours.

Then he thought about the guards that apparently patrolled Hell, because based on what he saw of the first few groups he noticed, where he recognized the armor that they wore and the monkey tails they had, he knew that the Saiyans were guarding Hell. The first time he had spotted them he had assumed that they were serving a sentence like everyone else, or in his case eternal damnation, but then he saw how happy they looked when the second group met the first one. He even noticed that some of the dead Saiyans were staring at him, as if they were pleased to see that he was dead and serving his sentence for everything he did while he was alive, which was why he was walking away from them.

Even as he walked away from the Saiyans, and ventured deeper into Hell, he could hear what he assumed was Nappa, though he couldn't tell if someone was torturing him or if he was doing the torturing. What annoyed him was the fact that he could feel the stones around him vibrate every so often, though based on what the Saiyan guards said, when he was still within hearing range, it sounded like a few Super Saiyans were fighting each other. From what little information he could gleam before his departure it sounded like there were four of them now, twice the number that had beaten him on Namek, though he was surprised to hear that Bardock, of all people, and Mizuna, the Queen that Zarbon and Dodoria had killed, were apparently Super Saiyans.

His entire afterlife didn't make any sense, because he had exterminated the entirety of the Saiyan race... and apparently they had been moved to another realm or dimension of some description, given the task of guarding condemned people like himself, and had unlocked the Super Saiyan form in at least two more members, which meant that there could be more Super Saiyans somewhere.

"Hello Frieza," a voice said, though as Frieza heard it he barely registered who was talking to him, because he was too focused on the reality that he had found himself in, "fancy meeting you here."

Frieza glanced to his left for a moment and noticed that a humanoid cat creature, wearing some sort of important clothing that his mind as starting to recognize, was walking beside him, though it was only when he noticed the face that a name came to mind.

"Oh, hello Lord Beerus," Frieza absently said, as he didn't really care about who he was around at the moment, though that was before he realized whose name he had uttered and realized how disrespectful he had sounded, "L... L... Lord BEERUS!?"

That was swiftly followed by a finger touching his chest and blasting him into the rock wall that was behind him, though as he felt pain for a brief moment it was overcome by his confusion as he looked up and noticed the look of rage that was on Lord Beerus' face. Frieza had absolutely no idea what he could have done to anger the God of Destruction, and he knew it was unwise to even do that, but whatever he had done was enough to bring Lord Beerus to Hell itself. That fact alone told him that whatever he had done was serious, more serious than anything his father could have told him about when he was younger, which made him nervous and afraid for his existence.

"Lo... Lord Beerus, wh... what have I done that has made you so angry?" Frieza asked, though he absolutely hated how afraid he sounded, though there was nothing he could do against the God of Destruction.

"You killed Rainbow Dash," Beerus stated, to which he glared at the dead tyrant that was resting before him, while at the same time he was enjoying the terror and confusion that was paralyzing Frieza, "and you nearly killed Applejack."

"W... who are they... to you?" Frieza inquired, though he knew that he was treading on thin ice at the moment, as whenever someone questioned Lord Beerus it usually ended up with someone dead... unless that someone was a Supreme Kai or his Attendant.

"They're my daughters." Beerus replied, though this time he kept himself calm as a look of pure terror appeared on Frieza's face, because this was one of the best parts of being a Destroyer God... the looks of terror and fear that people gave him when they realized that they had, in some manner, displeased him or upset him.

"W... wait a second... they were telling the truth?" Frieza said, to which he noticed that Lord Beerus nodded his head for a second, where the fear and terror took a hold on his body, "I... I had no idea. P... please do... don't destroy me."

Beerus flashed his wicked smile at Frieza for a few seconds as he raised his hand until it was parallel with the dead tyrant's face, which was followed by his aura wrapping around him for a moment. He knew that it would be so easy to say the one word that would erase Frieza's existence from reality, something that Shin agreed with when he stated that he was coming here to confront Frieza, but he had to take what Chronoa said into consideration. Frieza was, somehow, still important to the timeline, which meant that he was split between acting as the angry and destructive god that he was, or the more understandable father figure that had been developed when he started taking care of Rainbow and Applejack.

Though as he considered which route he wanted to take he remembered the middle way that Whis proposed, which he guessed was better than annoying Chronoa... especially when she had something interesting planned for the two of them in the next few days.

"I'm not going to destroy you... not yet anyway," Beerus said, to which he cancelled his aura and pulled his hands behind his back, while secretly enjoying the terror that was on Frieza's face, "but let me make one thing clear, Frieza; if you ever find yourself revived by the Dragon Balls, and find yourself able to travel across the universe again, I would recommend that you leave Earth alone... otherwise I'll hunt you down and destroy you. And if this should come to pass, and I find out you went to Earth, I will ensure that you feel a level of pain that makes what Goku and Vegeta did to you look like a blessing in comparison, before ending your existence. Do I make myself clear?"

Frieza barely had the strength to nod his head, which seemed to please the God of Destruction for the moment, because the moment he got what he wanted Lord Beerus stood up and left Hell, leaving Frieza alone with the terror that had been inflicted upon him. He had no idea that the pony girls had been the daughters of the God of Destruction, as no one had ever heard of such a rumor even existing, but now that he knew the truth he understood why the two girls had insisted on what he had once considered to be lies. It made so much sense when he thought about the power that Rainbow commanded, with the lance that had nearly killed him, but even as he thought about the events of Namek again, and relieved what the girls had told him, he leaned against the wall and stopped caring about everything around him at the moment... as he needed some time to think about the mistakes he had made on Namek, though he focused on what he had done to the two pony girls instead of the near destruction of the Namekian race.

Beerus, however, stopped on the top of the rock wall, on a level that was higher than what Frieza could see the top of, and looked down at the dead tyrant for a few seconds. He felt pleased with the terror that he had inflicted upon the tyrant that had killed Rainbow, but even as he thought about it he knew that the girls would be somewhat disappointed in him for terrorizing a dead person, even if it was someone that had killed one of them. Once his few seconds were up he let out a sigh and left Hell behind, knowing that if he stayed too long someone was bound to see him and report his presence to King Vegeta, which would eventually reach his daughters. As much as he wanted to spend time with them, and be a family, he knew that he had to wait until his 'slumber' was over... though he was excited to see what Rainbow, Applejack, and the others did against the Androids that they had been warned about.

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