• Published 26th Jan 2017
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Dragon Ball Z: Daughters of Destruction - Blackdrag-rose

Rainbow Dash and Applejack are transported to a strange world, where they are raised by Beerus the Destroyer and his attendant Whis.

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Majin: Stalling for Time

Piccolo and the rest of the Z Warriors had gotten back to the Lookout, after the fusion training in Asgard with Goku and Vegeta, an hour before the transformation that had occurred in Buu, though Dende had been watching the creature ever since they had gone to the Other World. Piccolo had originally intended to give Goten and Trunks some time to rest and relax after their intense training session with their fathers, and the boys were thankful for the rest, but with Majin Buu's sudden transformation into what appeared to be a Super Buu, however, Piccolo knew that time was not on their side anymore. According to what he and Dende saw their opponent was headed towards the Lookout with Gale following behind him, which meant that he must have sensed the ki of Goten and Trunks... or maybe the ki of Rainbow or Applejack, considering that the pony girls were even stronger than the boys.

Seeing how Super Buu was coming towards their location, and was no doubt looking for the fight that Goku had promised him earlier that day, Piccolo had told Krillin to wake the boys up and have them head into the Hyperbolic Time Chamber... so they could use every minute available to boost their training and empower Gotenks' power even further.

Piccolo already knew that Gotenks wasn't ready for such a fight, not when Super Buu was even stronger than Majin Buu had been, but he and the others were banking on the two boys training their hardest so they could best Super Buu when they finally battled with him. If the situation called for it he could always follow them into the Hyperbolic Time Chamber and destroy the door from the other side, effectively trapping him, the boys, and Super Buu in another dimension, which would likely result in both his death and the death of Goten and Trunks. If such a thing happened the three of them would be able to be brought back with the Dragon Balls, though if Super Buu managed to kill them and escape back to Earth... well, it was a good thing that Rainbow and Applejack had mastered fusion as well.

For a moment Piccolo smiled, because no matter which way he thought about things he knew that Super Buu would be beaten in due time, by either Gotenks or Raijack... though before he could move from where he was standing Super Buu appeared in the air above them all, stunning him, Dende, and Yamcha. Mr. Popo, who was standing nearby, seemed a little annoyed about Super Buu's appearance, but he made no move to do anything, as if he was waiting to see what happened next. Piccolo cast a quick glance back and could see that Krillin and the boys were still up in the room that Goten and Trunks had been sleeping in, indicating that they hadn't had any time to actually train before their foe's arrival, before he turned his eyes back towards Super Buu.

A few seconds later Gale flashed up into the air behind him and descended until she was standing in front of Piccolo, to which Super Buu did the same thing and stood beside her... though before anyone said anything Rainbow and Applejack came out and breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that their sister was just fine.

"I knew it. Here you are." Super Buu stated, to which he did a motion that looked like he was cracking his nonexistent neck, considering that he had no bones to speak of, before he grew serious and let them feel his incredible ki, which pushed the wind passed the assembled group for a few seconds.

Piccolo had known that Super Buu was much stronger than Majin Buu, everyone that could sense ki knew that the moment the transformation was over, but to actually feel the pressure of Super Buu's ki told him that he was no match for the creature and that he could be killed in a single attack. He knew that most of the Z Warriors didn't stand a chance at beating Super Buu, not with the power he possessed, though at the same time he confirmed that his suspicions about Gotenks and Raijack had to be correct. The fusion warriors were the only thing that could beat Super Buu, unless Rainbow decided to transform into what she called her 'Avatar' form and fight Super Buu... but the chances of that happening were slim to none at this point in time.

"Gimme." Super Buu stated, causing the group to raise their eyebrows for a moment, though when Super Buu started to growl Gale poked him in his side, to which he appeared to calm down for a second, "The warrior whose hair turned golden promised me that I would fight a warrior worthy of my power. This is the only place he could be hiding. Bring the warrior forward so that I may fight and kill him."

"You are correct in thinking that the promised warrior is here, on Kami's Lookout," Piccolo said, causing Super Buu to turn towards him, indicating that despite the warrior like appearance he had that he also possessed some sort of brain, even if said brain was like Goku's at times, "but he has been training nonstop since the promise was made and has only just gone to sleep."

"Well then wake him!" Super Buu snapped, mainly in the sense that he wanted to get the fight started, instead of being angry that the promise warrior was sleeping at a time like this.

"Look, I know you came looking for a fight, but I also know that you would prefer to fight an opponent when they're at their full power." Piccolo replied, knowing that at any moment Super Buu could snap and kill everyone that was in front of him, before heading into the Lookout and killing the boys before they reached the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, "Let the promised warrior sleep for an hour at least, because he'll have more than enough power to give you the fight of your life."

Despite the number of times that Super Buu cracked his neck, which was a fair number of times, he actually appeared to be considering the request that Piccolo was making, allowing the 'warrior' to sleep for an hour so he could be well rested for their battle. For a few moments Piccolo actually thought that he had convinced Super Buu to wait, giving Goten and Trunks the time they needed to get to the Hyperbolic Time Chamber and begin some serious extra training, but when Super Buu frowned he knew that something was wrong.

"Its just no good," Super Buu said, though at the same time he moved his head forward, where it was bent at an angle that allowed him to stare at the floor, before he pulled his head back and looked at the sky behind him, "I hate waiting."

"The agreed upon date of your fight is in two days," Piccolo commented, knowing that Majin Buu hadn't even been awake for a single day before he transformed into Super Buu, as it hadn't even been twenty-four hours since his ball had been opened, "Surely you can find something to entertain yourself with... like playing some more games with Gale, because I know you enjoyed the game of hide and seek she played with you earlier."

Super Buu looked at Piccolo for a moment, as if he was actually considering what he was saying at the moment, before glancing down at Gale, who appeared to be ready to play whatever game he wanted her to play. He glanced behind him for a moment and looked down at the world beneath them, though not a few seconds later a brief smile appeared on his face. Instead of saying anything he turned to his left, let a frown replace his smile, and started walking around the edge of the structure they were standing on, while at the same time looking down at the world beneath them all, counting the number of humans and where they were all located.

As Super Buu started to walk around the Lookout, as that was what Piccolo had called this place, he could tell that the others were gathering together, though he paid them no mind as he focused on the task at hand.

"Wh... what is he doing?" Yamcha asked, though at the same time he kept his eyes on Super Buu, because he, like everyone else, knew that something terrible was about to happen, something that they couldn't stop.

"He's looking over the condition of the lower realm." Mr. Popo stated, though he was using his indifferent tone once more, which the Z Warriors were used to hearing at this point thanks to the amount of time they spent coming to the Lookout, "He's planning on bringing about the extinction of everyone that lives on Earth, just so he can get to the promised warrior all that much quicker... or at least that is what I would do, if I had his power coursing through my body."

Rainbow and Applejack knew that Mr. Popo was powerful, on the level of a deity considering that the man knew both their father and their mother, which meant that they knew that he was partly lying to them. If Mr. Popo had been evil the girls suspected that this would have been the same thought process that he would have gone through, but that the same time they were glad that he was on their side. It also surprised them that Mr. Popo wasn't afraid of Super Buu, which meant that there was more to him than they knew about, but now wasn't the time to be asking questions that weren't relevant to their current situation.

As the group watched Super Buu walk around the Lookout, however, they knew that they weren't the only ones, as the rest of their group was watching from the safety of the palace, keeping an eye on their foe as he looked down at the world below them. Eventually Super Buu reached the spot where he had started walking, which was right in front of where Piccolo was standing, and faced the assembled group with a frown on his face. At first the group thought that he was annoyed with them, and that he was going to take his anger out on them, but instead they watched as Super Buu's frown turned into a smile and he lifted his left arm into the air with his palm facing the sky.

That was followed by Super Buu being shrouded in a pink aura as he started firing his ki into the sky, where the group watched as thousands of ki strands surged towards the planet below them. A few seconds later everyone gasped as they felt the number of ki on the Earth start to rapidly drop, at a very alarming rate, to which they knew exactly what Super Buu was doing. A few minutes passed before Super Buu canceled out his own attack and smiled at the group, though at the same time Piccolo and Dende fell to their knees while everyone else stood their ground, but all of them were shocked by what they had just felt.

"There, I have killed all the Earthlings." Super Buu stated, though at the same time he lowered his hand and gave the group his undivided attention, causing all of them to look back at him, "Now, gimme the promised warrior."

"Very well then, but it will take some time to prepare him for the fight," Piccolo said, though at the same time he glanced over at Rainbow and Applejack, because at this point he knew that they were the only ones that might be able to stall Super Buu, "Give us one hour and he'll be ready to fight you."

"No!" Super Buu replied, to which he glared at Piccolo, as if he was challenging him for a moment, before turning his attention to the building that was behind everyone, "Bring the promised warrior out and let me fight him."

"If your looking for a fight, then why don't you spar with me and Applejack?" Rainbow inquired, to which Super Buu looked over at her, because he had been ignoring the pony girls the entire time and was only now remembering that they were standing near him, "We can go at each other, have a little fun, and before you know it an hours up and the promised warrior will be ready to fight you."

"Spar?" Super Buu asked, almost as if the word was foreign to him, though at the same time Piccolo knew that it had to be, considering that the creature likely never trained a day in his life, "What's that word mean?"

"Its like fighting, but without landing any heavy blows." Rainbow replied, though this time she smiled, because as long as she had Super Buu's attention she could give Goten and Trunks the time they needed to prepare themselves, "Meaning that the two of us would be fighting each other without trying to kill the other, sort of like what you would do when you do some training. For some people sparring is a necessary part of their training routine, while for others its merely about having fun and testing your skills out."

"Fun..." Super Buu repeated, making it appear that part of Majin Buu was still trapped inside him, somewhere anyway, before he shook his head and looked at Rainbow once more, "Fine. We'll spar for a few minutes and then I will fight and kill the promised warrior."

Rainbow grinned as she charged at the edge of the Lookout, leapt into the air, and started flying down towards the planet that was below them, to which Applejack and Gale sighed as they followed after their sister. Super Buu seemed surprised that they were leaving the Lookout, but then decided that he had best follow after them and abandoned the rest of the group. Together the four of them flew down towards the ground and landed in a plateau area that happened to rest near the Lookout, meaning that Super Buu wouldn't be inconvenienced when time was up, though at the same time Applejack and Gale landed on the top of one of the plateaus while Rainbow and Super Buu landed near the base of it.

A few seconds later, when the two of them were ready, Super Buu rushed through the air and swung his fist at Rainbow, who turned her body and let the attack fly passed her, before she spun around and kicked Super Buu in the chest. Thanks to his body Super Buu took the hit and didn't feel any pain from the blow, though at the same time the attack served as a basic idea of the power he should be using for this 'sparring' match. Normally it would have annoyed him to lower his own power in order to fight a foe, but the fact that Rainbow was able to see his first attack coming, and dodge it like she had, meant that this might be fun after all.

The two of them backed away from each other for a moment, allowing Super Buu to study his opponent for a few seconds, before the two fly at each other and threw their fists forward, where the two of them collided and shook the ground beneath them. Super Buu grinned as they forced themselves away from each other, to which he flew through the air and started firing small ki blasts at Rainbow, who replied in kind and let them detonate when they came into contact with each other. The two of them surged through the smoke and flew at each other, where they swung their fists and legs at the other while their attacks were parried by what the other was doing... before they both managed to slip a punch passed the other's attacks and punched each other in the side of the face.

With that done they separated from each other and wiped the area that had been hit, though Super Buu grinned for a moment, indicating that he was pleased with Rainbow and that he was actually enjoying himself.

"Pony girl, what was your name?" Super Buu asked, as his mind was so focused on the fight that he couldn't remember whether Majin Buu had known the girl's name or if he hadn't be told what it was.

"I'm Rainbow Dash," Rainbow replied, not surprised that Super Buu had no idea what her name was, though if he was asking her the question that meant that he might be having fun, before she beckoned to her sisters, "and those are my sisters Applejack and Gale Wind."

Super Buu smiled as he charged through the air and kicked at Rainbow's head, though she raised her arm and blocked the attack with the side of her arm, before spinning around and throwing another kick at Super Buu's chest, but this time he saw it coming and moved out of the way. Rainbow chuckled for a moment, because it appeared that her opponent still had Majin Buu's ability to study and learn the skills of his opponents, or maybe she was imagining things. The two of them then surged back at each other, their fists connecting and shaking the entire area around them, but seeing how everyone on the planet, save for Mr. Satan and her friends on the Lookout, were dead Rainbow knew that Super Buu was trying to get her to fight at her full power.

As much as Rainbow wanted to transform into her Avatar state and end the fight in a matter of seconds, she also knew that it was best if she let Gotenks fight Super Buu... though she and Applejack could always pick up the slack if the boys were defeated.

After a minute or two of their attacks colliding with each other, however, Rainbow decided that it was time to stop playing around and accessed one of the moves that she had developed back during the time that Cell was a threat, one that she had completed in the seven years of peace that had been earned with the Bio-Android's defeat. She concentrated for a few seconds and her ki started to dance around her body, though instead of appearing like a normal aura her ki took on the appearance of lightning. After a moment her ki flickered around her entire body and a few strands of energy separated themselves from her body, to which the air around her vibrated with a fraction of her full power... while at the same time the strands struck the ground and left small craters around where they landed.

Super Buu, having watched all of this with a look of interest in his eyes, wondered what the purpose of having a lightning based aura was, though before he could say anything Rainbow disappeared from where she was standing and flashed through the air at speeds that were faster than what Super Buu was used to. When Rainbow reappeared she punched Super Buu in the chest with enough force for him to actually feel the bite of lightning course through his body, while at the same time creating a small crater around them.

"What... just happened?" Gale asked, because due to her inexperience she still had no idea what sort of skills Rainbow possessed, save for the Lightning Lance, as that was the one skill everyone in their group mentioned from time to time.

"Thunder God's War Cry," Applejack explained, causing Gale to glance at her for a moment, with a look of curiosity in her eyes, before she turned back to the fight as Super Buu and Rainbow continued the fight, "Rainbow developed this skill seven years ago, during the time of the Cell Games, and she's only used it in an actual battle twice since its creation. The War Cry allows her to boost her speed to the point where she's moving like lightning, meaning that she's faster than anything or anyone else while she's using this form. She uses this to ensure that her opponent cannot follow her movements, meaning that she can deal damage before Super Buu has a chance to block her attacks... though years ago, when it was first created, the move was incomplete."

"You mean that Rainbow's managed to complete her technique?" Gale inquired, to which Applejack nodded, though at the same time Super Buu was stunned as Rainbow vanished and appeared behind him, "What does completing the technique mean?"

"Back in the day this technique used to drain her stamina at an alarming rate," Applejack replied, though she let a small smile appear on her face, while at the same time watching Rainbow flash around the area, "now, however, she doesn't have to worry about that. When she first used this against Cell he was stunned by it, just like Super Buu is, though it appears that he might be catching onto what's going on."

At the same time Rainbow dashed around the area that they were in, slowing down so Super Buu could spot her for a brief couple of seconds, before disappearing again when her opponent tried to hit her. It was plainly clear that Super Buu was actually enjoying himself, almost as if he appreciated the challenge that Rainbow presented, because she wasn't actually hurting him with enough force to make him change his mind about the fight. As long as they continued like this they could buy Goten and Trunks the time they needed for their training, though after a few seconds Super Buu spun around and kicked Rainbow in the chest, knocking her out of her War Cry state and causing her to groan for a moment.

"Sparring is fun," Super Buu commented, to which he turned his head up to where the others were and beckoned for them to join him and Rainbow, before turning back to his main opponent, "now, let's do a three on one sparring match."

Rainbow smiled as Applejack and Gale jumped down into the area that she and Super Buu had been fighting in, though the moment they drew close to them Rainbow jumped forward and the three of them starting swinging their fists and legs at their opponent. It quickly became clear that Super Buu was picking and choosing which one of them he wanted to focus on at any given moment, as sometimes he focused on blocking Rainbow's attacks and other times he blocked the attacks that came from both Applejack and Gale. Rainbow quickly came to the conclusion that Super Buu wasn't fighting them at full power, which was understandable that he was fighting on their level for a sparring match, but at the same time she knew that she and her sisters would be in a pinch if they were engaged in a serious battle with Super Buu.

After a minute or two Gale pulled away and the wind suddenly shifted, to which Super Buu smiled as he focused on her, because he could feel that she was going to show him some sort of power and he wanted to witness it for himself. The wind wrapped around Gale's body as she flew back into the fight, though as she punched and kicked at Super Buu's body small cuts appeared on his arms, his legs, and his chest. Gale enjoyed using this particular move, the Air Slash technique, against really stubborn opponents that refused to go down, but she had toned down the power she was generating so she didn't piss Super Buu off. Super Buu, on the other hand, seemed to enjoy fighting her as much as he enjoyed fighting Rainbow, as he was taking the hits that she was scoring on him with a smile on his face... and, oddly enough, part of the time it appeared that he was purposely taking the hits, as if he wanted to feel pain.

Gale quickly decided that Super Buu was a lot weirder than Majin Buu had been, but at least he was willing to spar with them and not fight like he was trying to kill the three of them. When she managed to force Super Buu onto the ground, however, Applejack appeared a few steps behind him and placed her hands on the ground, to which the plateau they were standing on shook for a few seconds. That was followed by a large earthen hand pulling itself from the ground and grabbed onto Super Buu, where he found it hard to move without separating his body into separate pieces and reforming somewhere else. This was another holding ability that Applejack had developed since the Cell Games, one that she called the 'Giant's Grasp', though against an opponent like Super Buu she knew that it wouldn't keep him contained for more than a few seconds.

A few seconds later Rainbow descended towards where her sisters were standing and swung her right hand, which had her Lightning Blade wrapped around it, and cut through both Super Buu and Applejack's hold, separating Super Buu into three equal sized pieces. She then backed away as the fragments of Super Buu floated in the air for a few seconds, though that was before all three of them morphed into the form of Super Buu, making the sparring match look like a three on three instead of a three on one.

"Earth, Wind, and Lightning," the middle Super Buu commented, his eyes locked on Rainbow, while the one on his right looked over at Gale and the one on the left glanced over at Applejack, "I was right, sparring with you three is fun... much funner than I originally thought it would be. Now, let's make things more interesting."

Rainbow, Applejack, and Gale smiled as they faced their versions of Super Buu, pulling them apart from each other and engaging in battle with their foes, while at the same time finding that they needed to use their elemental affinities in order to fight on par with Super Buu. Their opponent started throwing ki blasts at them, indicating that he wanted to sample more of their various powers, though at the same time none of the girls pulled out their ultimate attacks, because those would have been overkill for a 'sparring' match. At the same time, however, the sisters were glad to find that Super Buu was enjoying himself, as he wasn't trying to kill them and was simply having fun sampling their powers.

They continued their sparring for some time, as there was way for them to tell the time without pausing and heading up to the Lookout so they could ask Piccolo the question, before Rainbow and her sisters were surprised when Piccolo suddenly appeared nearby and stopped the sparring with his mere presence.

"Super Buu, an hour has passed since you started sparring," Piccolo said, surprising the pony girls for a moment, as they were a little shocked by the fact that they had spent an hour sparring with their opponent, "The promised warrior is ready to start his fight with you... and I will lead you to where he wants to fight you."

Super Buu grinned as the three versions of him pulled themselves back together and formed a whole once more, to which he followed Piccolo back up to the Lookout and landed in front of the building he had spotted earlier. Once they had landed in front of the building Piccolo guided him through the place, passing through some of the hallways and climbing some of the stairs, before they reached a lone door in what appeared to be a middle of the hall. Piccolo turned the handle and opened the door, to which he walked inside and beckoned for Super Buu to follow him, though as he walked inside Super Buu was surprised by the room he found himself in.

"This is a strange place." Super Buu commented, though at the same time he walked out of the room that they were in and spotted that they were in a completely different place than the building they had entered.

Standing some distance in front of him, however, were two small children that were the same size as Gale, though they were both boys and they seemed eager to face him, but he detected that there was something else that he had missed in his eagerness to fight the promised warrior. The two kids turned and faced him, proclaiming that they had been waiting for him to show up, to which he turned back and cast a questioning glance at his guide, who nodded his head. Super Buu was a little surprised that the promised warrior was two little kids, but that was why he was choosing to wait for a moment, just to see if there was something else he had missed.

He was right to wait for a few more seconds, as the two kids started going through a series of poses while saying 'Fu...', '...sion', and 'HA', before they were consumed in a blinding flash of light for a moment or two. When the light faded Super Buu found an interesting warrior standing before him, one that appeared to be a fusion between the two kids, who proclaimed that his name was Gotenks and that he would be winning this fight. Super Buu smiled, because this warrior appeared to have some strength to him and was definitely sure of his skills, meaning that the upcoming fight would be both fun and interesting.

Super Buu dropped into his battle stance as Gotenks did the same, as they were both interested in fighting each other and showing off their skills... and Super Buu hoped that his opponent was as skilled as the pony girls, otherwise he was going to fighting his boredom the entire time.

Beerus, Chronoa, and Whis were watching the crystal screen that showed them exactly what was happening on Earth, as things had picked up once Majin Buu transformed into Super Buu, which was clearly a being of pure evil based on his actions so far. At the same time, however, Beerus could feel the awakening of the Old Kai, meaning that the Z-Sword had been shattered and he had been released from his prison, though he already knew that the elderly Kai wouldn't accept that he had matured since the last time they had seen each other. It was a great shame, because Beerus had been hoping to at least mend that bridge at some point in time, but he guessed that he would have to talk with the Old Kai before he jumped to conclusions.

What shocked them all, however, was the instant where Super Buu decided to exterminate the entirety of the Earth, meaning that everyone on the world, with the exclusion of Mr. Satan, Tien and Chiaotzu, and those on the Lookout, had been killed in a matter of minutes.

"I don't believe it," Chronoa said, wiping a tear from her eyes, because while she had seen this coming it still hurt to see all those lives destroyed in a single instant, "Even with the knowledge of Gale fresh in his mind, Super Buu still killed everyone on the Earth."

"I'm going to destroy Babidi when this is over," Beerus growled, looking at the crystal with a look of anger and hate in his eyes, because this was the one planet that didn't deserve to have all of its people killed like this, "Super Buu did that for fun and nothing else... and its all because of what Babidi was saying before Majin Buu killed him. I'm going to make Babidi pay for everything he's done to the Earth and its people."

Chronoa knew that Beerus was going to say something like that, as he cared for the planet that his daughters called home these days, but at the moment she didn't say anything that would make him stay here. What mattered was that he was angry and needed a target of some kind, which Babidi happened to be in this instance, though at the same time she knew that someone would beat Super Buu soon... though even she wasn't sure who that someone was, as the timeline had multiple endings for this fight. She only prayed that nothing happened to Rainbow, Applejack, or Gale, otherwise Beerus would blow a fuse and head back to the Earth to seek vengeance.

The last thing the universe needed was for Super Buu and Beerus to meet each other in battle, especially with what was going to rear its ugly head in the near future... which was why Chronoa was thankful that Beerus was thinking of staying here until the battle was over.

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