• Published 26th Jan 2017
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Dragon Ball Z: Daughters of Destruction - Blackdrag-rose

Rainbow Dash and Applejack are transported to a strange world, where they are raised by Beerus the Destroyer and his attendant Whis.

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Future: Farewell

Rainbow and Applejack broke their embrace with their father and finally reverted back to their base forms, to which their Avatar states broke apart and their clothing returned to how it had been before they had been angered to the point of using their full power against Zamasu. Once they had returned to their base form Applejack collected the Potara earring from her sister and returned the pair to the small container that Shin had given them, where she hid them back inside her hat, as it was the one location where they would remain safe. She was sure that she and Rainbow would never need to become Aekarai again, but she knew that the level of power that they had commanded had been on par with the highest level of power that Sunset could wield, which alarmed her. The two of them were well aware that they were constantly getting stronger with every passing month, but since they were from the same universe as Sunset there was no telling how strong their God of Destruction had become since she had last displayed her power.

Rainbow, on the other hand, could already imagine the damage she and Applejack could cause to Sunset if they were to battle against her again, in the form of Aekarai anyway, though before they could do anything Future Trunks, Future Gale, and Future Mai climbed out of the time machine with Bulma.

"Goku... our world..." Future Trunks said, looking at the time machine as he remembered what had happened to the planet he had the others had been trying to save, only for Zamasu to destroy everything and everyone they cared about due to them beating him at his game.

"Yes, it was destroyed," Whis commented, knowing what had happened to the future the moment Zeno had arrived, as nothing survived the King of All's power when he wanted to erase something, though at the same time he sighed, "I'm sorry that your world was destroyed in such a way."

A few seconds later, before anyone could say anything, Shin and Gowasu appeared nearby, though while Shin was overjoyed that all of his friends were okay, and he was fine with calling Frieza a friend despite everything that happened back when he was a tyrant... though that was when Gowasu separated himself from Shin and approached Beerus, who glanced at the Kaioshin from Universe 10.

"Beerus-sama," Gowasu said, taking a moment to respectfully bow his head towards Beerus, who remained standing in the same position that he had been in when his daughters separated from him, "I'm sorry for all the trouble that Zamasu has caused you and your friends."

"Truthfully, we would have found something like this eventually," Beerus replied, knowing that Goku and the others would have discovered some villain or got into some fight with a powerful foe at some point in time, before he looked at Gowasu for a few seconds, "but I would suggest that you choose your next apprentice a little more wisely... and maybe wait for someone with an Avatar of Creation to appear."

"I might just do that," Gowasu stated, though as he turned to leave, however, he glanced at Rainbow and Applejack, remembering the power they had wielded in their merged state, and remembering the slight fear he had felt for them and Universe 13, since it was common knowledge of where they came from.

Beerus had the others wait for a moment as Gowasu teleported out of the area and headed back towards Universe 10, to which he let out a sigh of relief, because he had seen the fearful look in Gowasu's eyes and knew that he would tell Rumshii about this development. The bad news about Gowasu seeing these events unfold was that he understood some of the power that Universe 13 now commanded, and that was without the remainder of the ponies returning from their individual adventures. He and the others knew the power that Rainbow and Applejack commanded, both in their base forms and their Avatar forms, but the only other pony that had returned was Pinkie, though none of them had any idea what her true power was like... and he had the feeling that all of the displaced ponies were going to come back even stronger than they had been when they left their home world.

Letting Gowasu see what Rainbow and Applejack were capable of meant that if there was a tournament between the universes, which was unlikely, Universe 10 had a slight advantage over everyone else, but Beerus pushed that thought to the back of his mind as Goku spoke up.

"Bulma, can you fire up the time machine one more time?" Goku asked, as a thought had formed in his mind after seeing the Future Zeno, as he had an idea of how to fulfill the promise he had made the Zeno of this time line.

"Goku, I'll go with you," Future Trunks said, as he had the feeling that Goku wanted to go back to the point in time they had just left, and he wanted to do so as well since he was interested in seeing what actually happened to the future world, while at the same time Future Gale and Future Mai knew that they would be staying here for a few moments.

Beerus wasn't too happy with Goku and Future Trunks wanting to see what happened to the future world, since they already knew what had happened, but at the same time he decided that he had overlooked all of the other visits to the future and mentally added this one to the list. As Goku and Future Trunks departed for the future, however, Rainbow, Applejack, and the others relaxed from their ordeal, while at the same time speaking with their friends as they attempted to make Future Gale and Future Mai at home. Chronoa, on the other hand, stood nearby and waited to see what happened when the duo returned from the future, even though she was likely to be able to see the change in the timeline and could tell them everything. Beerus noticed that she had reverted back to her smaller form, the one she was more comfortable with, but at the same time he also knew she was spending more time in her more adult form, though he chose to love both of her forms the same way, making her grow to love the other form as well.

A few minutes later the time machine returned to the Capsule Corp and the window of the cockpit opened, though that was when the gods noticed that Goku and Future Trunks had brought the Future Zeno back with them, where they respectfully bowed and knelled before the Future King of All... before Goku asked if Shin could take him and the Future Zeno to Zeno's Palace, where the three of them and Whis left the Earth behind.

At first Beerus had to wonder why Goku wanted to bring the Future Zeno to this timeline, but then he remembered that Goku had promised that he would find the Zeno-sama of this timeline a friend, which meant that he was hoping for the Future Zeno to be the key. It was an insane idea, since there was the possibility that Zeno-sama would find out that they were messing with time and punish them accordingly, but since it was Goku's plan he knew that there was a good chance of it working. Fortunately the Future Zeno said nothing about Aekarai and the power she commanded, though he guessed that it must have been because of the fact that he was more occupied with what Zamasu was attempting to do to the universe. Thinking of Aekarai made him listen to the conversation that Krillin had with the girls, as he was interested in Aekarai and the power that she had commanded, though the girls admitted that it was unlike anything they had felt before, since the only thing that compared to it was their ascension to their Avatar states.

Eventually Goku, Shin, and Whis returned to the Capsule Corp, just in time as Bulma laid out a victory feast to celebrate their victory over Zamasu, even though they also lost something important to Future Trunks, Future Gale, and Future Mai... though while they did so Future Trunks turned to Chronoa and made a shocking announcement that most of the group wasn't expecting.

"Lady Chronoa, I think it's time Gale and I fulfilled our part of our arrangement," Future Trunks said, causing everyone to stop what they were doing and simply stared at him, though at the same time his eyes were on Chronoa, who knew exactly what he was talked about.

"I agree." Chronoa replied, as she had been expecting this day to come eventually, though personally she wished that the terms of Future Trunks and Future Gale joining the team had been more pleasant, like they had stated when they originally agreed to the arrangement, before she turned towards the rest of the group, "When Future Trunks and Future Gale returned to their timeline, to stop the evil androids and Cell, I traveled after them and had a short conversation with them. I informed them that there was someone trying to mess with time and that I needed assistance in keeping the distortions in check, something that both of them agreed to after hearing that they would have like minded allies that wanted to keep the timeline intact."

"Like a version of my brother that actually loves me and wants to spend time with me," Future Gale commented, briefly remembering the day she had met that version of Cell, as it was strange for the two of them, but at the same time she was thankful to have had the experience.

"They agreed to be the first members of the Time Patrol," Chronoa continued, though she wasn't even annoyed with Future Gale, as it had been her pleasure to bring together the two siblings in such a manner, "where they'll recruite new people to become patrollers and train them, so they can maintain the timeline and keep it straight, without anymore interruptions than what has already occurred. They had agreed to join the Time Patrol once they had stabilized their future, to the point where they wouldn't be needed to save the day anymore... but then Black happened, though you know how that story ends."

"So, when are they, and Future Mai for that matter, going to depart?" Beerus inquired, though he was sad that Chronoa hadn't told him that she needed to spend more time at the Time Nest, because he would have been happy to let her take care of business while he watched over the girls.

"I'll take them to Toki Toki City soon," Chronoa said, knowing that Beerus was likely sore about her not telling him anything in relation to her job as the Supreme Kai of Time, or at least the recent developments anyway, before she turned towards the future trio, "for now, however, they're all tired from their ordeal and deserve some time to rest. Once I'm sure that they're ready to leave I'll take them, and the time machines, to Toki Toki City, where they can settle into their new lives before starting their work as Time Patrollers."

Bulma opened her mouth to say something about the time machine, but the mention of multiple machines told her that Chronoa was taking the one that Future Trunks had used to come and warn them about the androids, as well as the time machine that Cell had used to come back here. She knew that sooner or later Chronoa would have come to her and asked for her to hand over the time machines, since they made her job that much harder, and she knew that denying the Supreme Kai of Time was a bad move, especially with the God of Destruction was her lover. Despite their friendship Bulma knew that the two gods could conceive of some punishment for her not giving them the time machines, to which she mentally sighed and decided that she might as well hand them over... but she was going to keep the journal that the future her had put in the time machine.

If she couldn't work on one of the time machines she already had in her possession, which appeared to be the case this time around, she could at least attempt to make one herself with the notes that had been given to her... before one of the gods came and claimed it to prevent her from doing anything dangerous.

"Well, if we're going to be revealing things, I think it's our turn," Rainbow commented, though at the same time Beerus' heart fell, because there was only one serious topic that would have both of his girls glancing away from him, though at the same time he knew what it was, "Mom... Dad... Applejack and I were thinking that it might be time for us, and our Gale, to head back to Universe 13 and start getting used to life there, picking up from where we left off when we walked through that crystal mirror."

Beerus knew that this day was coming, because ever since his girls had gotten their old memories back they had acted the same, but there were differences where the old them revealed itself, though he wasn't sure if they were aware of that or were used to the slight changes they had been through. He had pushed the thought that they would eventually head home to the side, forgetting about it and the fact that they would have to go back home at some point in time, but now it was finally coming back. Rainbow and Applejack wanted to head back home, to their universe, and get back into the routine that they had left behind, though something told Beerus that whatever routine they had left had changed, since Sunset and the other gods had changed the ponies of Ponyville. He knew that Chronoa, Whis, and Shin were likely saddened by the news that the girls wanted to leave as well, especially since they had all spent some time training the girls and raising them like they were actually one big happy family.

Eventually Beerus sighed as he looked at his girls, who turned and looked at him in turn, though he could see that they were still torn about their decision, where he was determined not to make sure that they were comfortable with their decision... while also knowing that he might not be able to convince them otherwise.

"If you two want to go back to Universe 13, then I won't stop you," Beerus said, though while he was sad by their decision he smiled, because they were grown mares and they could make their own decisions, without him telling them how they should live their lives, "Truth be told, I was trying to put this off for as long as I possibly could, but I also knew that one day this would come and that the two of you would want to go home, something that I will happily help you with. Just tell us when you want to head back to Universe 13 and we'll make arrangements with Sunset, Twilight, and Celestia, so they know that you're coming back and prepare your Equestrian families for your return."

"Maybe we should call them now?" Applejack recommended, causing some of the group to turn towards her, as they were still surprised that the girls were suddenly bringing this up at the moment, "Give them some time to set everything up and give us a few days to gather what we need."

Beerus glanced over at Whis, who nodded his head and excused himself from the table that they were all sitting at, where he stood up and called his scepter to his side, though not a few seconds later he smiled as the image of Celestia appeared in front of him... while at the same time he could have sworn that he heard the sound of two people fighting in the background.

"Ah, Whis, this is a pleasant surprise," Celestia said, a smile appearing on her face when she noticed the group that was behind him, though at the same time her focus was on him at the moment, "What can I help you with today?"

"Rainbow and Applejack have expressed an interest in moving back to Universe 13," Whis replied, though at the same time he silently hoped that Sunset had found Tirek and was currently dealing with him, because just hearing what the centaur was capable of made him realize how much of a threat he posed to the thirteen universes.

"They want to come back?!" a voice exclaimed, to which the group watched as Pinkie appeared beside Celestia, where some of them were shocked by her sudden arrival, especially since they had never met her before, before Pinkie looked at the duo in question with a smile on her face, "Oh, that means I get to throw a party for them choosing to come back home and live with their old friends... even if some of them are still missing."

That was followed by another Pinkie, this one with blood red colored hair, which was straight, being thrown through the air before colliding with the rock wall that was near where Celestia was standing, who didn't seem surprised by the sudden event happening behind her... even though the group was surprised by the sudden arrival of a second Pinkie, though that was because they had no idea what she could do.

"Oops, I got to go," Pinkie said, though that was before she started firing blasts at whoever her opponent was before she left the area that Celestia was in, who chuckled at what Pinkie was even doing at the moment.

"Sorry about that," Celestia said, turning her attention to her own scepter once more, while at the same time the group heard an explosion happen behind the Angel, "Pinkie insisted on seeing what Sunset could do for herself and now they're fighting each other, though we're calling it training so Pinkie can better understand how to rely on her powers and not rely on the weapons she acquired during her adventure. Now then, you were saying that Rainbow and Applejack want to move back into their old places and resume living in Universe 13?"

"Yes, they informed us of their decision a few minutes ago," Whis replied, though he was a little sad that it wasn't Sunset fighting Tirek, but he kept that to himself as he focused on what they were really talking about, "I was calling to see how difficult it would be to make sure that their Equestrian families are notified of the fact that Rainbow and Applejack are coming home, as well as having their places ready for them to start living in again."

"Well, it won't be hard with the Apple Family," Celestia stated, though at the same time Applejack chuckled, as the both knew that the Apple Family had started making sure that Applejack's room was ready for her eventual return, as well as a number of chores for her to take up as well, "and I should think that Rainbow's house has been prepared as well, though by someone else anyway. After she figured out how to fly in her new form Scootaloo flew up to Rainbow's place and got to work making it ready for when her idol returned... and, if I were to guess where she is, I'd say that she's likely sleeping on Rainbow's couch at the moment."

"Don't know why she'd be sleeping on the couch," Rainbow said, as she honestly had no idea why Scootaloo would be doing that, but at the same time she knew the easy way to fix that, even if she wasn't there at the moment, "I mean, my house has three bedrooms, one for me and two spares that I haven't decided what to do with them. Just tell Scootaloo that she's free to use one of the spare bedrooms until I get back... and then I'll figure out what to do with her from there."

"I'll be sure to relay the message when we get back home," Celestia replied, which was accompanied with a smile, though that was before she turned her attention back to Whis, since he was the one making the call, "We should be able to have both the Apple Family and Scootaloo up to speed on what the girls want in a few hours, though they'll likely want another day or two before Rainbow, Applejack, and Gale come home. I'd say give us a few days to see what happens before you make the journey to Universe 13, and if a change comes up, where we'd either need to extend the deadline or reduce it, I'll be sure to let you know."

Whis took a moment to glance back at the group that was behind him, seeing if they would agree with what Celestia was saying at the moment, before he noticed that Beerus and Chronoa were nodding, indicating that they were okay with the timeline they had been told about.

"That works for us," Whis said, turning his attention back to the image that was in front of him, while at the same time knowing how hard it must have been before Beerus and Chronoa to accept that this was actually happening.

"Then we'll see you in a few days," Celestia replied, though that was before the group noticed that Pinkie was sparring with Sunset, as they saw the God of Destruction move into the area and block an incoming attack, though before they could see more of the fight Celestia cut the connection and Whis' scepter stopped glowing.

Beerus let out the sigh he had been holding, because while the gods of Universe 13 were likely to be happy having both Rainbow and Applejack back where they belonged, and he wouldn't deny that it felt right letting them choose where to live, it still hurt that his daughters were planning on moving out at last. Still, they were living up to their promise they made to Sunset and Twilight back when they originally regained their memories, that they would eventually move back into their old houses and pick up their lives where they left them. It was likely a painful choice for his daughters to make as well, since they would be leaving behind a life they had both gotten used to, but at the same time he knew that they had made the right choice in the end... especially since they had given Goku, Vegeta, and the others the necessary motivation to improve themselves.

Before Beerus could say anything Chronoa declared that they would get to work on packing Rainbow and Applejack's things once she was finished with Future Trunks, Future Gale, and Future Mai, to which the others agreed and returned to the celebration that they were having.

Instead of letting the knowledge of Rainbow and Applejack's eventual departure from Universe 7, and them taking up residence again in Universe 13, get everyone down the group turned it into a small party anyway, to celebrate the downfall of Zamasu and his Zero Mortal Plan. All three future warriors were happy to forget about their own troubles, as Future Mai had cried for a while after they got back since the majority of her friends had been erased thanks to Zamasu's attack, but eventually the group had to call it quits and went their separate ways for now. Future Trunks, Future Gale, and Future Mai stayed at the Capsule Corp and spent the night there, allowing themselves to have a truly restful sleep this time around, while the rest of the group retired to their own homes for the night. Beerus, Chronoa, and Whis, of course, traveled to the house that the girls had lived in for quite some time and knew that this would be one of the last times the girls lived in this area... though they were all sure that they had some fond memories that they would take with them.

When morning arrived, however, everyone got together once more outside the Capsule Corp, though this time around there was no time machine sitting outside, since they didn't need it with Chronoa at the helm, but she was waiting for a specific person to arrive... after making sure that Future Trunks had both of the time machine capsules that had been created, since she didn't want Bulma messing with anything.

One thing that Vegeta did before Future Trunks and Future Gale left was test their reflexes, though they caught the attacks he threw at them, while in his base state, and he smiled at them, because they were on their way to being good warriors that wouldn't need him or Kakarot to assist them anymore. After that happened Gohan and Piccolo arrived, where Gohan spent a few minutes with the two future warriors, leaving Future Mai to stand next to Chronoa, though she was happy to wait since being with Gohan made her Trunks' happy. Once the two future warriors were gone with their chat with Gohan, which took some time considering that this could be the last time they saw each other, Future Trunks and Future Gale took their places near Chronoa, who was using her more adult form to make this easier for all of them. The instant they were all ready, and had everything stored inside the bags that they were carrying, they joined their hands together and Chronoa smiled, before they all disappeared in a flash, leaving the majority of the group to wonder where she had taken them.

A few minutes later Chronoa returned to the Capsule Corp building and said that her part was a success, as she had come alone, though when she was questioned by the fact that it should have taken her a lot longer to get them integrated into their new living spaces she simply smiled and ignored the question entirely. Beerus had to remind Piccolo, who had asked the question, that time was much more malleable to the Supreme Kai of Time, so while it could have been a few minutes for them it could have been a few hours for the trio she took with her. That statement impressed Whis, as it showed that Beerus actually took an interest in what Chronoa did and what her exact powers were, though he kept that to himself as the more pressing matter come to mind... gathering the items that Rainbow, Applejack, and Gale wanted to take with them when they left for Universe 13.

Truthfully the girls didn't have too much to take with them, something that he and his fellow gods knew about, but going through their house, and their rooms in Beerus' temple, they could at least remember the memories that they had made in the various locations. Still, despite that fact, Chronoa made sure that all of them had something to take with them before they departed for Universe 13, while also making sure to take some pictures that they could keep with them, to remember the time they spent together. She also made sure that they spent that day and the following day together as a family, as they knew that when they started adjusting to their old lives the girls might not have the time to constantly be interrupted by Beerus and the others, even though they all knew that Sunset would let them visit the girls when they had time for visitors.

Goku and Vegeta, being the girl's closest friends, also decided that they would travel to Universe 13 as well, to help them move into their old homes, but at the same time they were merely curious as to what had happened since the last time they visited that universe. Rainbow, Applejack, and Gale were fine with them coming along, since it was likely going to be some time before they saw each other again after they resumed living in Universe 13, though at the same time they all remembered Zeno-sama's promise for an all universe tournament. Rainbow and Applejack knew that their father was slightly frightened by that, meaning that he was either worried about the other universes or he was frightened about the fact that his friends might have to fight the two of them. They could also see why that might be an issue, since the two of them were supposed to become gods at some point in the future and both Goku and Vegeta had a thing for fighting godly people... so they could likely destroy a fighting area with just the four of them.

The girls quickly discarded that train of thought, because they were sure that there would never be a tournament between the universes, or even half of them for that matter, as it appeared that Zeno-sama might not remember the promise, which their father seemed to be hoping for... and personally they had no idea what they would do if they were forced to fight against their friends.

On the morning of the second day, exactly when Celestia said it would be, Whis received a call from Universe 13 that confirmed that Sunset, Celestia, and Twilight had made sure that both the Apple Family and Scootaloo were made aware that the girls would be coming back. From what they heard both of the groups were happy to hear that bit of news, especially Scootaloo and Apple Bloom, and had made sure that Applejack's room and Rainbow's house were ready for their return. The moment the call was terminated Beerus gathered his daughters around him, Whis, Chronoa, and Shin, along with Goku and Vegeta, and made sure that their packs had everything they wanted to bring with them. Once Rainbow, Applejack, and Gale all confirmed that they were ready to leave, and had said their goodbyes to the rest of their friends, Whis called a bubble into existence around them and they headed into the air, where they departed from Earth and began the journey to Universe 13.

Beerus and the others knew that this was going to be a painful experience for all of them, but it was something that had been coming for a long time and they were going to have to accept that it was time for the girls to move on with their lives... even with a few visits from Beerus and the others in the future.

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