• Published 26th Jan 2017
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Dragon Ball Z: Daughters of Destruction - Blackdrag-rose

Rainbow Dash and Applejack are transported to a strange world, where they are raised by Beerus the Destroyer and his attendant Whis.

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Android: Strategy

Rainbow, Applejack, and the others remained in the area that the girls had fought the Androids in for a few more minutes, waiting to be sure that the trio of Androids had been true to their word and that they wouldn't turn back to attack them while their guard was lowered. Once they were sure that the Androids were gone, and that they were off to do whatever it was that they wanted to do, the group turned to each other and reflected on the fight that had just occurred. The girls were surprised that their enemies had been as strong as they had been, especially after what Trunks had told them three years ago, but they were sure that he had something to say on the matter.

Trunks, as they noticed, was disturbed about something, which meant that something had to have changed from his own timeline, though for better or worse they had no idea.

"Okay, here's the terrible news," Trunks said, letting out a sigh as he looked at the group, while at the same time feeling a little concerned about their chances at the moment, "Those two were much more powerful than the ones in my timeline, which means that by coming back to warn you I, accidentally I might add, made the Androids stronger. I'm sure that if we all had ganged up on them, and fought them to the best of their ability, they would have beaten the majority of us without breaking a sweat. And don't even get me started on the fact that there's another Android, this Cell that they mentioned, that I know nothing about and have no idea how strong he could be... though considering the Androids are leaving us to fight him means that he has to be powerful."

"Which means that we're really going to need to go through some intense training if we want to take Cell on," Piccolo commented, though he growled at the same time, as the only way he would be able to obtain a vast power boost was to talk with Kami, "and, to be on the safe side, we had better move Goku to a much safer location. I know the Androids said that they were going to pay him a visit, but at the same time I wouldn't put it passed them to try and kill him, just to spite Dr. Gero."

"Well, I happen to have a great way to train," Vegeta said, to which the girls nodded as he tapped his medallion a few times, "though the fact remains that someone needs to find where Cell is hiding and destroy him... or keep an eye on where he is in the off chance that he's already been awoken."

"That would make me think that his awakening was tied to the other Androids," Trunks said, while at the same time shaking his head for a few seconds, "but you are correct. We need to find Cell and put him down, and then we'll have to get back together and figure out what the other Androids are actually up to. I'm sorry for saying this, but I'm sure that, given enough time, they'll eventually attack the world around them and create the future that I'm trying to avoid."

"Trunks, are you sure that you want to stay here and search for Cell?" Vegeta asked, as while he was holding the medallion he had thought to bring his son to Asgard and have him meet his grandparents, before engaging in some intense training with the other Saiyans.

"Yes, I am sure." Trunk said, though after a few seconds he realized that his father had a special training method that only a few people knew about, and that he might have hurt his father's feelings a little, "I'll be glad to join you... once I determine where Cell is hiding that is."

Vegeta nodded and pulled out the medallion, to which he tapped the button on the middle of it and disappeared, though those that knew about the piece of jewelry knew that he was heading to Asgard. Rainbow felt a little left out, that her friend had chosen to go alone, but she guessed that he might be going to set up some training routines with his parents and the other Saiyans, before coming back and inviting people to join him. Applejack, on the other hand, didn't seem too phased by the action, though she was thinking about what the Androids had told them and was wondering what this Cell character was like. Unfortunately there was still so much they didn't know about what the Androids were telling them, and it appeared that most of the group believed that the Androids were trying to trick them.

Trunks, however, seemed shocked to see his father vanish in a flash of light, though he quickly assumed that there was something he wasn't aware of and resolved to ask him about it later on.

"Well, I'm going to head to Kami's place and talk with him," Piccolo commented, causing the group to turn back towards him for a moment, though those that knew he and Kami were originally one Namekian nodded their heads for a few seconds, indicating that they understood what he was saying, "I'm sure that once I explain the situation to him, and he understands what we're facing, he'll have an idea or clue as to where this Cell is located... or maybe he'll have some thoughts on the Androids and their true motives."

"Good luck Piccolo," Tien said, to which he patted Piccolo on the shoulder for a few seconds, who merely nodded before flying into the air and flying off in the direction of the Lookout, where Kami and Mr. Popo would be waiting.

"You know, I feel like I should be the one asking this," Krillin said, causing the remainder of the group to turn towards him, while at the same time wondering what he was going to say, "Does anyone else think that Android 18 looks hot?"

"Krillin, now's not the best time to be asking stupid questions," Tien replied, though at the same time he was shaking his head, silently indicating that he couldn't believe that one of his friends had even asked such a question.

"Fine, then I have one that should be more important," Krillin said, though as he spoke it was easy to detect that he was annoyed that his question had been considered 'stupid', which meant that he was serious, "Trunks, how long will it take Goku to get better once he's taken that medicine you gave him?"

"I'm not sure what the average time of recovery was for all the other people we cured, as my mother would know that," Trunks replied, while at the same time shaking his head for a few seconds, "but, considering that it is Goku we're talking about, I'd estimate that he'll be up and about in ten days."

"Is that so?" Krillin commented, to which he let out a sigh as he looked at the group, though it appeared that he might be thinking about something, "Well, we should be able to keep him hidden for those ten days... provided the Androids take their time in passing through the countryside, like they said they would."

"Well, why don't we head back to Bulma's place and start coming up with an actual plan of attack?" Applejack asked, finally drawing attention to her and her sister, while at the same time allowing the group to notice that Rainbow was, once again, sitting on a cloud, "We can review the possible locations where Dr. Gero might have built a second hidden base, or another as the case may be, and determine where Cell is hiding."

"You two can do that while Trunks, Yamcha, Gohan, and I go check on Goku," Krillin replied, not even wanting to deal with Bulma and her baby at the moment, "and I'm sure that Tien will want to go pick up Chiaotzu so he can do some additional training."

Applejack mentally sighed as Tien agreed with Krillin's words and departed seconds later, which was quickly followed by the other part of the group leaving so they could go see Goku. She was somewhat annoyed that most of them were willing to put their faith in Goku, which was likely due to all the years they had spent fighting by his side, but she decided that it wasn't worth the time to talk them out of their chosen path. As the group flew away Applejack silently wondered if Cell might be hiding inside the actual laboratory they had been in an hour or two ago, as it seemed large enough to hide more than what they had seen. That was before she decided that it was better for her and Rainbow to wait until they had spoken with Bulma and discovered whatever additional information she had on their target.

There was no telling what Bulma might be able to tell her and her sister about the now dead doctor and the various creations he had brought to life over the years, if only so they might gain an upper hand against the trio of Androids and the mysterious Cell... for the next time they crossed paths.

It didn't take Piccolo too long to reach the Lookout, as he had remembered the location in case he ever felt the need to come back here and talk with Kami, but he had never acted upon his knowledge. All he had ever done was train with Goku or someone else, namely Gohan, and increase his strength that way, though he guessed that desperate times called for desperate measures. Though at the same time he knew that reuniting with Kami would have its disadvantages, as the Dragon Balls would cease to exist until someone convinced another Namekian to leave their new home and come here, which he doubted considering all of the horrors they had seen thanks to Frieza.

When he spotted the Lookout he corrected his course and leveled with the tower that was beneath it, pausing for a brief moment to stop by Korin and tell him that Yajirobe would be late getting back thanks to the destruction of his Sky Car, before heading up to the top of his destination... where both Kami and Mr. Popo were waiting for him.

"Hello Mr. Popo. Hello Kami." Piccolo said, knowing that the 'caretaker' of the Lookout liked being addressed first, while at the same time landing in front of the duo.

"Hello Piccolo, it is good to see you again," Kami replied, while at the same time Mr. Popo merely nodded his head, indicating that the 'caretaker' didn't much care for what was going on and had likely come to watch what they were doing, "To what do we owe the pleasure of your company? Have you come to sink my battleships, or are we actually going to talk business instead of playing games."

"Actually, I came to get your opinion on something that the others and I recently discovered," Piccolo stated, causing Kami to raise an eyebrow for a moment, before beckoning for him to explain, "We found a pair of Androids that weren't the ones that we were warned about, though one of them escaped and led us straight to the real pair of Androids... though after some time we discovered that there are actually actually two more Androids, ones that our friend knew nothing about."

"I think this might be something that's better explained by sharing your memories with me," Kami said, to which he held his hand out towards Piccolo, "Focus on what you know and show me what happened... I will do my best to figure out the intentions of these Androids, if they have any at the moment."

Piccolo stared at Kami for a moment before reaching out with his hand, to which he grasped it and closed his eyes, where he focused on the memories that were associated with the Androids. He showed Kami what Trunks had told them three years ago, to give him the background he and the others had originally been told, before fast forwarding to the actual pair of Androids they had actually found. He revealed everything that Dr. Gero had told them, along with his arrogant attitude that quickly changed when he realized how screwed he was, though after some time he switched to the hunt for the hidden laboratory. He then showed Kami what happened when the actual Androids had been awoken, along with the awakening of a third Android, before revealing his thoughts on the trio and the mysterious Cell they had told them about... before they had left for their journey through the countryside.

Once he had revealed everything to Kami, including his own thoughts on everything, he opened his eyes and pulled his hand back, while at the same time the elderly Namekian opened his own eyes and stared at the area around them.

"I see that you are conflicted between hunting down the trio of Androids and stopping this mysterious Cell," Kami commented, though at the same time he beckoned to Piccolo and the two of them walked around the edge of the Lookout, "Even though you did not engage the Androids in battle you knew that you, and the others, would have been defeated if you fought them, while at the same time being surprised that they could stand up to both Rainbow and Applejack and fight them on the same level. The knowledge that there is another Android, one potentially stronger than the three you had witnessed the awakening of, has left you uncertain about what to do next..."

"Its infuriating to be at this crossroad," Piccolo added, knowing that Kami knew of his frustration thanks to the memories he had showed him, though at the same time he needed to voice his emotion, "As you said, I want to kill the Androids in case their true colors are to burn this world, as Trunks warned us about, but at the same time I want to train so I can fight and kill Cell before he awakens... or kill him when he awakens. Having seen the Androids in battle has left me wanting more power, not for world conquest, as I would have wanted before the arrival of Raditz, Nappa, and Vegeta, but rather for the protection of the planet as a whole."

"I am impressed Piccolo," Kami said, glancing at the other Namekian for a moment, as he was genuinely surprised by what he had said, "I was not expecting you to say something like that, but at the same time I am glad to hear that you feel like protecting the world instead of conquering it."

"Its because I met Rainbow and Applejack," Piccolo replied, remembering the first time he had encountered them and witnessed the lance in action, which had made him reconsider being evil if that was the level of power they could bring to bare against their enemies, "I reconsidered being evil when they used the lance to kill Nappa, though at the same time they managed to reveal that a supposedly evil Saiyan had a pure heart. I'm sure that if it wasn't for them I'd be trying to convince you to reunite with me with the lie of taking out the Androids, while at the heart of it I'd be trying to take over the world like old times."

"And how do you feel now?" Kami inquired, though at the same time he knew that he could guess at Piccolo's true feelings, while deciding that it was better to let him speak his mind.

"I would ask you to reunite with me for the sake of the world, so we can destroy either the Androids or Cell," Piccolo answered, knowing how different he had to sound, which he contributed to the fact that he actually had friends and that he actually cared about the world around him, "At the same time I hesitate to actually ask you to fuse with me, because it would make the Dragon Balls disappear... and there's no knowing whether or not we'll actually need them once the Androids and Cell are taken care of."

"There is more that is confusing you," Kami said, though at the same time he and Piccolo stopped behind the building the rested on the Lookout, to which he turned to the other Namekian, "I can see it in your eyes... you know there is more to Rainbow and Applejack than what they had told you and the others."

"They are not like Krillin and Tien, nor are they like Goku and Vegeta... or even you and I for that matter," Piccolo replied, though at the same time he looked out over the ground below them, as he needed to think about what he was going to say next, "When I look at Applejack I see someone who approaches a battle with a clear plan in mind, meaning that she spends time thinking before joining a fight, while at the same time she speaks with the truth almost all of the time, save for whenever someone asks about their father. When I look at Rainbow, on the other hand..."

"Yes?" Kami said, trying to promote Piccolo to finish the thought he had started, though he had the feeling he knew exactly what the other Namekian was going to tell him, "What do you see when you look at young Rainbow Dash?"

"I see destruction." Piccolo replied, letting out a sigh as he thought about what he said, because despite the fact that he knew Rainbow was on their side he knew that the air around her screamed that she was a destroyer, but he had no way of knowing if that was because of the lance or if it was because of something else, "Kami, you and Mr. Popo know more about her and her sister than anyone else, save for Vegeta anyway, so you must know something about them that you can share with me."

Kami knew so much information on the girls that fusing with Piccolo would give him what he knew, which would open the door for the rest of the Z Warriors to learn that the girls were really the daughters of Lord Beerus, the God of Destruction that watched over their universe. He silently wondered what Piccolo would do with such information, as it would no doubt change how he perceived the girls and their actions, but he knew that he didn't have to worry too much, as he had a special guest that had showed up thirty minutes before Piccolo had. Chronoa had warned him and Mr. Popo of Piccolo's visit to the Lookout, though she had promised to stay out of the way until he and Piccolo came to a decision on whether or not they were going to fuse.

"I know some things about the girls," Kami said, nodding his head for a few seconds, though at the same time he held his spare hand up to stop Piccolo from interrupting him, "but before we fuse, and become one person again, I must ensure see what the Androids are doing for myself and determine whether they are truly a threat... or if they're just enjoying a life where they no longer answer to this Dr. Gero."

"I can understand that you want to make your own decision on our current situation," Piccolo replied, though at the same time they started walking around the rest of the Lookout, leaving him to wonder what the purpose of the walk had been, "I shall meditate while you observe them and come to your decision."

Kami smiled as they returned to the front of the Lookout, where he stood near where Mr. Popo was standing as Piccolo sat down and closed his eyes. He already knew that the Androids would likely cause no harm or destruction to the area and people around them, as they had apparently claimed that they were neutral, but he wanted to be absolutely sure that they were doing what they said they would. It would take him a couple of hours to determine what the Androids were actually doing, but at the end of his observation he knew that he would have reached his decision... and he was sure that Piccolo would be pleased with the news.

Thanks to their speed Rainbow and Applejack managed to make decent time and reach Bulma's place in record time, which had Rainbow happy the entire time, as she apparently liked pushing herself and breaking time limits. When they neared the building they noticed that Bulma's sky car happened to be waiting nearby, which was currently parked and turned off at the moment, though as they landed they looked around for their friend. Their search was interrupted as Bulma's mother approached them, though it was hard to tell how she knew about their arrival when she never seemed to open her eyes.

"Oh my, Rainbow and Applejack," Mrs. Brief said, beckoning them towards the building for a few seconds, to which they walked into the Capsule Corp building, "I take it that you two are here to see Bulma? Lucky for you she and Trunks returned some time ago, though she seemed to be in a happy mood... up until she got a call a few minutes ago."

"A call?" Rainbow inquired, wondering what was so special about this particular one that would have changed Bulma's mood, but she knew that they would figure that out when they spoke to her.

"From what I heard someone found one of our vehicles somewhere and called her about it," Mrs. Brief replied, though at the same time she opened the door that would allow them to head to where Bulma was waiting, "When your done we should have some cakes and drink some tea... or maybe I'll give you a to go bag so you can eat them when your not busy."

Rainbow and Applejack nodded as they walked into the room that Bulma was sitting in, though Trunks appeared to be sleeping in his crib while she was trying to figure something out, which she stopped working on as they approached her. They knew that she had to be curious about the fate of the Androids, which they were going to have to tell her before they figured out what was bothering her, but she seemed happy to see them anyway.

"So, what happened to the Androids?" Bulma asked, remembering that the girls and the rest of the Z Warriors had been chasing after the robot that looked like Dr. Gero the last time she had been with them.

"Rainbow and I fought them in what they called a test," Applejack replied, knowing that her sister had wanted to at least hurt one of the Androids and had failed to do so, before she focused on Bulma, "not only that, but there's a third one, Android 16 he's called, that Trunks had no idea about and learned of the existence of at the same time we did."

"Trunks? Wait, are you referring to my son?" Bulma inquired, beckoning to the sleeping angel for a few seconds, before turning to the girls again, "He's too young to know anything about the Androids... and I'm sure that he won't remember much about this time once he's older."

"That's right, you weren't there when he revealed his true name to us," Applejack commented, remembering that Bulma had left the area before the future Trunks had revealed himself to the Z Warriors, "the name that you know as Xeno is actually your son from the future, as he came back to warn us about the Androids and the future he wanted to avoid."

"Really?" Bulma started to exclaim, though a few seconds later she caught herself before she woke up her son, but the girls would tell that she was comparing the two versions of her son, "You know, how that you mention it, I can see a similarity or two right now... buts that's not important. Have the Androids been taken care of?"

"No, but they told us about another Android Dr. Gero had created," Rainbow said, to which she leaned against the wall for a moment, "Apparently this last creation of his goes by the name of Cell, though we have next to no information on him or where he was located, which is why we came here."

"You think I might know where Dr. Gero hid another secret laboratory," Bulma said, though this time she was speaking more to herself than to the girls, who nodded despite the fact that she wasn't looking at them, "Well, I know that my father might know something, but that's not important at the moment. What is important is that someone found one of our vehicles somewhere and wanted to claim it for their own, though when they asked us if we knew how to operate it I told them to hold off and tell us exactly where they found it. After a few minutes of conversation, and convincing them to send over a photo, we discovered that the vehicle in question is actually a damaged version of Xeno's, or rather future Trunks', time machine."

"Is that so?" Applejack asked, to which Bulma pulled out the photo in question and showed it to them, where she and Rainbow discovered that it was a rotting version of the one that Trunks had used to come back and warn them, along with a hole blasted in the area the person using the machine would sit in, "Well I'll be, that's an exact copy of Trunks' machine... I wonder if that's a bad thing for a good thing."

"I don't know, but I sent the location of the time machine over to Trunks so he can see what's up with it," Bulma said, to which she stood up and faced them, "I intend on heading over there to see what the deal is with the machine, though now I have the feeling that the two of you will beat me there."

Rainbow grinned and immediately headed outside the room they were in, though Applejack sighed and collected the watch that Bulma was offering her, which held the coordinates of the ruined machine, before following her sister outside and moving into the air so they could begin the journey. Applejack had no idea what was going on, with the second time machine and the reveal of this mysterious Cell, but she had the feeling that their timeline had actually been changed more than Trunks was willing to admit... and at the same time she knew that something terrible was coming their way.

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