• Published 26th Jan 2017
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Dragon Ball Z: Daughters of Destruction - Blackdrag-rose

Rainbow Dash and Applejack are transported to a strange world, where they are raised by Beerus the Destroyer and his attendant Whis.

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Interlude: Time Passes

Vegeta and the others stared up at the sky as Future Trunks' time machine flew into the air and wrapped its energy around itself, to which everyone watched as the machine, and the people who were riding inside it, disappeared before their very eyes. The departure of both Future Trunks and Future Gale told everyone that they were truly done with the events that he had come to warn them about and they had bypassed the danger that would have ruined their world, if Cell had been allowed to complete his terrible mission. Vegeta would miss the future version of his son, as he proved to be a paragon of what the Saiyan race had stood for in the past, and would continue to stand for if he and Kakarot had any say in it, and was one of the best training partners he could have asked for... though Vegeta knew that Future Trunks and Future Gale belonged in the future, to which he smiled for a moment as the others stopped looking at the sky.

He knew that all of them were going to miss the future warriors, as he was already missing one of them, but he had his own son to teach and train, when he was older anyway... and his friends had a sister that they were going to raise as well, ensuring that Gale Wind would have a family that loved her.

"So now what?" Rainbow asked, though at the same time she glanced over at Applejack, who was tending to the young Gale at the moment, before she let out a sigh.

"We live our lives," Vegeta commented, though as he spoke the rest of the group looked over at him, as they were curious as to what he was saying, "I know that a few of us will go to school, in one shape or another, while some of us will continue were we left off before the Androids attack. I, for example, will spend a few days a week checking up on Kakarot and the Saiyans in Asgard, either training with them or relaxing with my family... and relax with some of you, if time allows us to."

"So basically do the same thing we did after Future Trunks warned us about the Androids and killed Frieza," Applejack said, to which she smiled for a moment, because while she was sure that Rainbow would want to train, and she would too at some point, there was something more important that they needed to deal with, "we go about our days eating, training, and working in whatever manner is appropriate..."

"Hello?" a voice said, one that made both Rainbow and Applejack turn towards it with a happy look in their eyes, because they had been expecting their mother to show up at some point, to which everyone watched as Chronoa walked around the corner and spotted them, "I had the feeling that i would find you guys here. I take it Future Trunks and Fure Gale went back to their own timeline?"

Rainbow, Applejack, and Vegeta were the only ones that knew that Chronoa was the Supreme Kai of Time, as she hadn't told the rest of the Z Warriors what her profession was, mostly because they all knew that none of them would really believe them at the moment. They had agreed to hold the information back until they were ready to understand who she was, though she had told the three of them that it would be soon, yet refused to tell them when that would actually happen. Rainbow and Applejack, however, had the feeling that either the arrival of their father or Shin would be the deciding factor in when they revealed the truth to the rest of the Z Warriors.

As the three of them turned their attention back to Chronoa, however, they noticed that she was carrying a few packages, which meant that she had some things that would help the girls raise Gale in the coming years... and they had the feeling that she would be helping them when she had the time to do so.

"Yeah, they left a few minutes ago." Bulma replied, though the look on her face indicated that she had forgotten about Rainbow and Applejack's mother, and she guessed Gale's mother as well now, as she assumed that the packages were supplies for helping take care of the one year old that Applejack was holding.

"I see." Chronoa commented, to which she gestured to the packages that she was carrying, where Vegeta walked over and took some of them so she could show them what she had brought them, "I have a few gifts for young Trunks, to make up for the parties I was invited to and had to miss because of my personal business, as well as a good number of items that will help the girls and I take care of young Gale here."

"Wait, does this mean...?" Rainbow started to ask, though the words caught in her throat, because while she wished that their mother could spend a lot more time with them, she knew that it would be impossible to her job as the Supreme Kai of Time.

"I figured out how to give myself more free days, so I can spend more time with you three," Chronoa replied, answering the unfinished question, though at the same time she set the rest of the packages down and let Applejack gently place the sleeping Gale in her arms, so they didn't accidentally wake her, "She's just as beautiful as her older counterpart... and I'm willing to bet that she is just as smart as well."

Vegeta could tell that Chronoa was going to say that the sleeping Gale was likely going to be as strong as the Future Gale, when she was older, though he also knew that she wasn't about to say such a thing in front of Chi Chi, who was already annoyed that Gohan wanted to go to Asgard once a week to see his father and grandparents. Of course that would mean that he would also spend some of his time training, just so he didn't forget the basics of how to fight during this time of peace that they had won, but Gohan was fine with the path that was laid out for him to take. Vegeta already knew that Chronoa was going to make sure that this Gale was the best of both worlds, a thinker who carefully planned her attack and an excellent fighter that adapted well to any situation.

Vegeta also knew what he would be doing in the future, as he needed to help Kakarot unleash the power of the Super Saiyan 2 form that he and Gohan had unlocked during their fight with Cell. He was sure that his mother would be willing to help them out, as she had unlocked the form shortly after the death of Future Trunks, though he had the feeling that she would also be trying to get his father to unleash that power as well. Once both he and Kakarot had access to the Super Saiyan 2 form, and helped everyone else get to it as well, he knew that they would be working on ascending even further, to an even higher transformation... one that Vegeta suspected was going to be called 'Super Saiyan 3'.

A few moments later Vegeta smiled as the Z Warriors, including Chronoa, got to talking about what they were planning on doing now that Cell had been defeated, the future had likely been saved by Future Trunks and Future Gale, and they had won the planet a period of peace once more. He was happy to have found someplace that he could call home again, especially after what happened to his home world, and he knew that he would rather sacrifice himself than see it be destroyed.

The month following the departure of Future Trunks and Future Gale was an exciting one for Goku, as King Kai and the other three Kais decided to hold a tournament in the Other World to see if one of their warriors could finally win the opportunity to be trained under the Grand Kai, the Kai that ruled over the four Kais that ruled over the four quadrants of the universe. It was there that Goku met the other three Kais, the West, South, and East ones to be exact, and had the opportunity to meet the Grand Kai himself, along with the other warriors from all across the universe, who had lived and died just like him and the rest of the Saiyan race. He also asked King Kai if he could invite Vegeta to watch the tournament, considering that this was for those that were dead anyway, and he was surprised to find that the Grand Kai approved of such a request, once he heard about it.

Vegeta wasn't too shocked to learn that there was more to the universe than the worlds he had been to while pretending to be Frieza's minion, though he did appreciate the chance to meet the other three Kais that watched over the universe, as well as the Grand Kai himself. One of the people that Vegeta had been hoping to see during the tournament was Shin, considering that he was the Supreme Kai of the entire universe, but he figured that he was busy creating new planets to replace the ones that Beerus and Frieza had destroyed. He suspected that Shin was grateful for a chance to catch up on the number of planets that he needed to recreate, though he didn't anything about him while he was in the presence of the Grand Kai.

Goku, on the other hand, had the opportunity to meet someone that was extremely powerful and didn't belong to the Saiyan race, as in the final round of the tournament he fought someone named Pikkon that hailed from the West Quadrant of the universe. Vegeta actually chuckled as Goku and Pikkon fought, because they were so evenly matched that they got so caught up in their match that they both made the same fatal mistake, bringing the tournament to a draw... though that was after Goku managed to ring out Pikkon. The two warriors promised that they would fight again in the future, whenever they were allowed to, and went their separate ways, though at the same time they both promised that there would be a clear victor the next time they fought.

A few more months passed before Vegeta finally asked the question that his parents had been bugging him about every since he brought Future Trunks, and his own son as well, up to Asgard for a visit... he asked Bulma if she would marry him. Despite the fact that he had absolutely nothing to his name, on Earth anyway, Bulma knew that the question had been asked from his heart, as that was what had happened to Chi Chi and Goku back when the question was brought up between them. No one was surprised when Bulma said yes, though Vegeta later heard that their party on Earth, to celebrate the fact that the two of them would be getting married, would be overshadowed by an entire day of celebration in Asgard... and all of the Z Warriors were invited to partake in the celebration.

The day of celebration in Asgard could, from what he was told a few days later, be heard throughout the entirety of the afterlife, though at the same time he knew that it had really been something, because he remembered seeing the four Kais hanging around and enjoying themselves as well.

When it came time for the actual marriage ceremony, which would take place on Earth, Vegeta had feared that his parents would have to watch from Asgard and hear about it later on, though he and the others were surprised when his mother and father showed up. Apparently, from what they told him before the ceremony actually started, the two of them had been granted a special day to come back to Earth and share this day with their son, though they also managed to convince King Yemma to allow Goku to come along as well, so he didn't get ahead in their training. The strangest part was when Tarble, Vegeta's brother, walked into the building they were in, along with giving Vegeta and the Z Warriors the chance to meet Bulma's older sister, Tights.

Vegeta found the entire day to be an emotional one, as he not only married the love of his life, but he also got to have a short family reunion with his entire Saiyan family... despite the fact that Tarble could only spend a few hours on Earth before returning to what he had been doing when he received the transmission telling him of his brother's wedding. Bulma had admitted that she had asked her sister to sent the transmission, as Tights had more connections than she was willing to share, though Vegeta wasn't about to ask how she figured out where his brother had been living since he had last seen him.

As that same year drew closer to an end, however, there was another bit of good news that none of them had been expecting, Chi Chi had another son, who she named Son Goten. Vegeta actually smiled when he gazed upon the sleeping baby, because it meant that there would be another child for Trunks to hang out with when they were older, in addition to Gale. When he said that, however, he had been expecting Chi Chi to get upset by the mere notion of Goten growing up to be a fighter like his father, but instead she seemed to like the idea of him following in his father's footsteps... which only served to confuse Vegeta for a moment, though he decided that it was best if he didn't argue with her.

He was happy knowing that, at some point in the future, that Trunks would have a few friends to play and train with, considering that he was sure that Chronoa was going to be helping the girls train Gale when she had the opportunity to come visit them.

Three more years passed before anything exciting actually happened, besides the fact that Goten, Trunks, and Gale had been introduced to each other and were already on the path to becoming best friends. That year was the year that Krillin decided to ask 18 the same question that Vegeta had asked Bulma, though he was overjoyed when she told him yes. Their party and wedding ceremony was on a lesser scale than the wedding Vegeta and Bulma had gone through, but they were just fine with a nice and quiet wedding with their friends, and that included 17 as well. 18 had asked how they managed to track down her brother, as she hadn't been able to do that since they had been brought him back with the Dragon Balls, to which Krillin told her that he asked Dende if he could find 17.

17 was more than happy to see his sister again, or what they assumed was happy, as 17's emotions were a lot harder to read, and he was pleased to find that 18 was happy with her life, especially when she was going to be marrying someone that loved her as much as she loved him.

The following year, in Age 771, Krillin and 18 announced that they also had a child, a beautiful girl called Marron, though unlike the others they weren't saying anything about whether they were going to train her to be a fighter or if they were going to go the route that Chi Chi did with Gohan. Everyone congratulated the duo on the fact that they had a child, as they were happy to have Marron in their lives, and they all went their separate ways, where some of them would cross paths depending on what they were doing at the time. Despite the fact that they had gotten married, and were supposed to be relaxing like most of the people on Earth, Krillin and 18 spent an hour a day practicing their own martial arts skills, just in the off chance that something ever happened to the peace that had been given to the world.

In Age 773, six years after the defeat of Cell, was when things started getting interesting, because Trunks, who was seven at the time, and Goten, who was six, were training against a pair of the strongest Saiyans in Asgard when something extraordinary happened. The two of them were taking hits and delivering their own when everyone had to stop and stare as both Trunks and Goten, in a fit of anger after bring hit one too many times, let their auras wrap around them as they ascended to being Super Saiyans... surprising the existing ascended Saiyans in the process. Goku and Vegeta were shocked that their sons were able to obtain this form of power at a young age, especially since it had taken Gohan some time to obtain the level on his own.

Vegeta, however, recovered and explained that this was likely fate's way of telling them that something major was coming in the near future and that they would be needing the power of Super Saiyan Trunks and Super Saiyan Goten.

While they were letting the two youngsters cool down after their first Super Saiyan transformation, which really shocked the emotions of the individual that used it the first time they used the technique, Goku walked over to Vegeta and mentioned that he had heard a rumor or two about a group of alien warriors called the Metamoran's. Apparently, from what he had been told, this species had a unique technique that they called 'Fusion', which allowed two warriors of nearly the same height and power to merge their bodies and powers into one being, acquiring an even greater power than either person possessed on their own. Vegeta admitted that having that sort of technique in their arsenal would be great, especially since they had no idea what was coming in the future, to which he agreed that Goku should visit the alien species and see if he could convince them to share their technique.

Vegeta had to wonder what the fusion between him and Goku would be, and what power they would possess if they managed to learn such a technique, but then he refocused on the task at hand and resumed training with the others.

Of course in that same training session, when Rainbow started to spar against a seven year old Gale, everyone remained watching as the two of them exchanged blows as well... though in the process Rainbow, somehow, managed to draw out the hidden power within Gale. That was when the wind bowed to Gale's control and wrapped around her, though because she had no control over her affinity Rainbow and Applejack had to wait for it to wear off before they could even begin to teach her exactly what to do with her new powers. Gale learning what her affinity was also meant that she could keep pace with Trunks and Goten, which made the two boys happy that they had another training partner, for when they were training on Earth and didn't have access to the large amount of Saiyans that were living in Asgard.

Chronoa, of course, was happy to hear that Gale had realized her elemental affinity, though that meant that the young girl as questions regarding why she and her older sisters were able to wield the power of an element while others, like Trunks and Goten for example, couldn't do the same thing. Considering that neither of the older sisters knew about the universe that they were from, as she and the others hadn't told them that before putting them to sleep all those years ago, all Chronoa could say was that Gale and her sisters were special, just like Trunks and Goten since they could take on the Super Saiyan form. Gale seemed to accept that and went about trying to master the affinity she had unlocked, to which Chronoa let out a sigh and watched her train with her sisters... though she smiled as they fought.

She was sure that they would be prepared for the trial that was coming their way, though she knew that they didn't need any warning from her... besides, she was sure that they could handle what was coming up next.

Shin sighed as he wiped the sweat off his forehead and placed the towel he was using on the rack in front of him, to which he leaned back in the bathroom he was in and sunk into the water. It had been a long time since anyone had used Planet Meka for training purposes, though since he was the one who built the dojo, and the area around it, he wasn't surprised to find that the entire place was still intact. Sure, parts of the planet were actually ruined now, but it was worth it when he took into consideration what he and Kibito were planning on doing tomorrow... especially when the person he had been training against had been holding back the entire time.

He was also glad to have installed a divider between the various sections of the bathroom, because he heard the sound of someone climbing into the side to his left... to which Shin smiled for a moment as he realized that his training partner was doing the same thing he was doing.

"Tomorrow is the big day, isn't it?" a voice asked, though Shin knew that it was Beerus, because he was the only other person, excluding Whis, that was on this planet at the moment.

"Yes... the day Kibito and I head to Earth." Shin replied, to which he let out another sigh, because while he suspected that something terrible was going to happen he knew that he needed to be on the planet, "We have spent the last six years preparing for this day, when we go down and see if we can't find the location of Majin Buu's prison ball... though if the worst possible future comes true we can always follow one of Babidi's minions to where he's hiding the ball."

"Shin... are you sure that you should go down there?" Beerus inquired, though while Shin was used to hearing the God be concerned for his family, the girls more than anyone else, he wasn't used to hearing the Destroyer God sounding concerned for his safety, "Majin Buu already killed the other four Supreme Kai that ruled the universe along side yourself... are you absolutely sure that you want to involve yourself in such a situation... especially since you nearly died the last time you and Buu were in the same place?"

"That is why you and I have been training for the last six years," Shin answered, knowing that he had to have been insane to train with Beerus for any length of time, but considering that the God of Destruction had lowered his power to his own level he was able to keep up, "In the event that Majin Buu is released I want to do more than just stand there like a weakling and be shocked by what's happening in front of me."

A few seconds passed, causing Shin to wonder if he had said something that offended the God of Destruction, before he noticed a hand appear against the divider for a few seconds, to which the divider moved out of the way and revealed Beerus sitting in the water as well... and he was looking over at Shin.

"Shin, you are by no means a weakling." Beerus said, though even as he spoke Shin could see the smile on his face, indicating that he was actually pleased about something, "Training with me has increased your power, elevating yourself to a position that is benefiting a God of Creation... no, a position that you, as my friend and counterpart God, deserve to stand on. I would wager that you might actually be able to stall Majin Buu, should he be released anyway, but there's no way to know for sure unless you actually fought Buu."

"Hopefully we can find Majin Buu's ball before Babidi does." Shin replied, though at the same time he was shocked that Beerus thought so highly of him, which meant that the girls, despite their absence, have changed Beerus into a more likeable person, "Beerus... if Kibito and I actually find Majin Buu's ball... is it okay to call you to Earth for a moment so you can use your destructive powers to wipe him out, before Babidi revives him?"

Beerus thought about that for a moment, because he was sure that Majin Buu being revived was an important part of history, but due to all the changes that had occurred so far, from what Chronoa decided to tell him anyway, he eventually came to a decision. If Shin and Kibito could find Buu's ball before Babidi did, and made sure that it was safe from their evil, he was sure that he could intervene and destroy the Majin before he was revived... though he would also have to stay his hand if Babidi found it first. He already knew what answer he was going to give Shin, and he was sure that his friend wouldn't like it, but it was the answer that needed to be given.

"If you can actually find the ball before Babidi does, and secure it long enough for me to reach it, then I would be willing to obliterate Majin Buu for you." Beerus answered, though at the same time he glanced over at the door that lead into the room they were in, knowing that Whis was likely preparing a message to send to Chronoa, "Though if Babidi finds it first we'll have to let events play out and see what happens."

"I can accept that." Shin said, to which he grabbed his towel and climbed out of the water, to which he wrapped himself up and turned back towards the one person he never expected to be friends with, "Beerus... I'll see you later, once I've finished my search for Majin Buu's ball."

Beerus nodded and watched as Shin walked into the changing room and disappeared for a few seconds, though when he walked back out he was fully dressed in his Supreme Kai attire. Shin then bowed to him for a moment, to which he respectfully returned the gesture, before Shin walked out of the bathroom and went to go find Kibito. Beerus, on the other hand, remained in the bathroom, wondering if Shin might be acting a little rash in his decision to head down to Earth and search for the missing ball that contained Majin Buu. The one thing that Beerus worried about, on an equal level as the death of one of his daughters, was something happening to Shin... because if the Supreme Kai died while he was on Earth, at the hands of Buu or anyone else, then Beerus would die as well and Whis would deactivate until someone became the new God of Destruction.

Beerus knew that if something actually happened to Shin, and he and the Supreme Kai died as a result, Rainbow and Applejack would be able to take over and run the universe with Whis and Chronoa showing them the way... though he hoped that such a thing never happened.

At the same time that Shin was coming to a decision on heading to Earth, to begin the search for the ball that Majin Buu was sealed inside, a group of evildoers gathered together on a plateau that was some distance away from the ship that had brought them to this planet. Their leader, a extremely short person that had shriveled skin, wore an orange colored robe with a light blue outfit and a belt buckle with a demon symbol on it, floated around the area and looked at them. His second in command, however, was a large person that had red colored skin, a short black goatee, a pair of horns on his forehead, large pointed ears, and animalistic yellow eyes. The taller person wore a light blue suit, one that covered his entire body and left his musclebound chest bare, along with a white spiked cape, a white circular belt, and white boots... though on his forehead rested the same demon symbol that was on his master's belt.

The soldiers knew that these were their leaders, Babidi and his right-hand Dabura, and that at any moment, regardless of whether they did good or if they had failed their master, that Babidi could easily order the death of any number of them, though he generally kept them around when they did something right. Tonight, however, it seems that they did something right, because seven of his minions were holding a special crystal sphere, each one possessing a number of stars that went from one star to seven stars. Babidi had done some research on this planet and found that there existed a special set of spheres, the Dragon Balls they were called, that could grant any wish he desired, though he was fairly certain that his true wish couldn't be granted.

He desired the revival of Majin Buu, the creation of his father, the great wizard Bibidi, so he could exact revenge on the Supreme Kai that had killed his father after Bibidi had sealed Buu inside his ball all those years ago... and then dominate the universe with the power that rested inside the Majin.

"Babidi-sama, are you sure we should be using our time like this?" Dabura asked, as it was common for him to inquire if his master was wasting their time or if what they were doing would actually benefit them.

"I am certain that wishing for the pure energy to restore Majin Buu is impossible," Babidi commented, staring at the seven spheres as they were placed in front of him and his right-hand man, though at the same time he smiled, "however, during our studies one of our scouts found a mention of a city that was destroyed in a single day, wiped completely from the face of the world. The person who did that was apparently slain not soon after destroying the city, how we have no idea, but we have determined that the person was sent to Hell for his actions... and that he was well hated by the people that protect this world."

"I see. So you intend to resurrect this man and force the hand of those that once despised him." Dabura stated, to which a grin appeared on his face as well, as he was starting to understand his master's plan, "Very clever."

"Indeed. It is a very clever plan." Babidi said, to which he grinned as he looked at the scrap of paper that one of his minions was handing him, to which he handed it over to Dabura, "Now then, let us see if this Shenron is real and see if it can actually grant wishes... though if it can't then I'll just shatter the Dragon Balls and call it a night."

"As you wish, Babidi-sama," Dabura said, bowing for a moment before taking the scrap of paper, to which he carefully read the incantation to summon the dragon, which was a rather simple one considering that this was supposed to be a powerful creature, before he raised his hands towards the seven spheres, "Come forth, Shenron, and grant our wish!"

The pair watched as the Dragon Balls started to glow brighter than they had when the seven had been resting together for a few moments, before they were consumed by a near blinding flash of light that ascended towards the sky, which also turned the night sky even darker than it had been seconds ago. Babidi and Dabura watched as the light swirled around itself, like a snake coiling around itself for protection or preparation for attacking someone, before the intensity of the light started to take on a new shape. The pair held their breath as the light expanded and a slender serpent creature, which Babidi had to assume was the dragon that his minions had discovered the existence of, appeared before them, though it's tail seemed to be connected to where the Dragon Balls used to be.

Babidi could tell that some of his minions were shocked by what they were seeing, as he hadn't been expecting such a thing to occur either, but he steeled his mind and prepared himself for what they were about to do.

"I am the Eternal Dragon," Shenron called out, to which he glanced down at the group that had summoned him, as he had been expecting the Z Warriors to have need of his services again, but this time he was pleased to find that someone else had found the Dragon Balls and was summoning him, "I will grant you any three wishes."

"T...three?!" Babidi exclaimed, as he had been told, when he first heard the tale of the wish granting dragon, that the creature could only grant one wish at a time, though three could definitely change everything for the better.

"Yes, I will grant you any three wishes," Shenron replied, though at the same time he wished that one of the Z Warriors would tell someone when they made a change to what he was able to do, because it was a little annoying when he had to waste time like this.

"Technically, we only have one wish prepared for you," Babidi said, though as he spoke he steeled himself, as he and Dabura knew that what was to come next would definitely help them out in the near future, "Eternal Dragon, our wish is that you bring back to life the person known as He Who Must Not Be Named."

Shenron did nothing for a few seconds, as while he knew that he could bring back the dead, even the evil ones, there were some people that shouldn't be brought back to life, such as Frieza. It was well within his power to reach into the depths of Hell, where the person that the group wanted to bring back was resting, and call forth the soul of the evil one. The person in question may not have been as strong as Goku when he died, but years of torture and punishment would have no doubt increased his own power, all because he was of Saiyan blood. This person was just as evil as Frieza was, because he sold out his entire race and helped speed along the destruction of so many other planets... just even thinking about bringing him back sent a slight shiver down Shenron's spine.

"Is this the wish that you want me to grant?" Shenron asked, because if it was a misunderstanding then he could get away with giving the group something else.

"Yes. We desire the return of the previously mentioned person." Dabura stated, though he was growing slightly irritated with the dragon, because it appeared that he wasn't going to grant their wish.

"Then it is a good thing that you only have the one wish prepared for me." Shenron replied, as he knew that it would take all three wishes in order to do what these guys wanted, and get him out of here quicker.

"W... Why is that?" Babidi asked, because the dragon had told them that he could grant three wishes, but now he was saying that he was only going to grant the one wish.

"Because the wish you want me to grant will require the use of all three wishes," Shenron answered, though at the same time he hoped that talking to the group would make them see the error of their ways, "The first wish would have to go towards breaking the shackles that are keeping the person you desire to bring back to life trapped in Hell. Once that is done the second wish would be used to bring him back to life in the spot where he died, as that is how this type of wish works, though when I consider who you wish to bring back, and who wants him dead, that brings me to the third wish. With the final wish I can bring the person to this exact location, safely away from those that want him to stay dead... are you sure that this is the path you wish to take?"

Shenron knew that breaking the shackles that kept the evil Saiyan trapped in Hell, put there by the greatest warriors to grace Asgard at the time of the Saiyan's passing, would eat up the entirety of the first wish, especially with how strong those shackles were. Bringing him back to life and bringing him to this location would also eat up the second and third wishes, freeing him to return to the seven Dragon Balls and depart from this area before someone tried to stop him. He could tell that the two main leaders of the group seemed to be debating their wish, which he expected them to do once he had told them what he was going to have to do to grant their wish... but his hopes were shattered when he saw the evil grin on the short one's face.

"Eternal Dragon, your terms are acceptable," Babidi stated, holding up a hand to silence the rest of his minions for the moment, as they would cheer once they were back in the safety of his spaceship, before he turned his full attention to the glowing dragon, "Bring back the one called He Who Must Not Be Named."

Shenron, instead of saying anything else, merely allowed his eyes to glow red as he started applying the wishes in the desired order that the group wanted him to use them in, while at the same time knowing that this was a bad idea. This one Saiyan had caused so much suffering while he was alive, so much so that the person he was supposed to be watching over before his death could still feel the anger he felt every time he returned to Asgard. A few seconds passed before he mentally heard the sound of the shackles snapping, indicating that he had bypassed the power keeping the evil Saiyan chained in Hell... to which he put the second and third wishes to use immediately.

A few more seconds passed before Babidi saw any change, as the moment he noticed something different the wind kicked up around them as the area between him and the dragon started to glow for a moment. That was soon followed by someone appearing in front of him, someone who was almost as muscular as Dabura was and had his chest bare in the same manner, despite the fact that he wasn't wearing anything over his chest. The man was wearing a pair of black metal cuffs on his wrists, which looked like a chain could have attached to them, while at the same time possessing the same thing on his legs, just above his ankles. Babidi was pleased to find that the man had died with some sort of pants on, in the style of a warrior if memory served him, though he was somewhat surprised to find that the man was bald... not that he had anything against bald people, considering that Dabura had no hair as well.

The man looked down at himself and pinched himself a few times, as if he was checking to be sure that he was alive, before a grin appeared on his face... one that told Babidi that he had been right to resurrect the man, as there was a profound evil in his heart that would make him the perfect left-hand for what was to come.

"Nappa's back baby!" the man said, though a few seconds later he turned his head towards the dragon that was staring down at them, where he made the motion of sending someone away.

Shenron would have struck the newly revived Saiyan down and damned the consequences of his spheres being destroyed, though he had the feeling that he would be needed in a year's time... to which he said nothing as he returned to the Dragon Balls and scattered the seven spheres across the world. His last thought was that he knew that the Z Warriors would be able to clean up the mess that the two men had created, by reviving the Saiyan called Nappa, yet he knew that bringing the evil Saiyan back was the least of his concerns. He had the feeling something terrible was going to happen in the near future... and the group that had summoned him was going to be at the center of it all.

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