• Published 26th Jan 2017
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Dragon Ball Z: Daughters of Destruction - Blackdrag-rose

Rainbow Dash and Applejack are transported to a strange world, where they are raised by Beerus the Destroyer and his attendant Whis.

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Interlude: Equestrian Reunion

Shortly after Sunset and her fellow gods departed from Frieza's base, to begin the hunt for the person that she had called Tirek, Frieza and the others returned to their previous conversation and the food that had been prepared for all of them, though at the same time the mood had been wrecked. Beerus apologized for Sunset's rather sudden departure, as it wasn't intentional, though he was surprised to find that Frieza was okay with it, as she was the God of Destruction for Universe 13 and had to assume that this Tirek was like him. Of course he was referring to a creature that was essentially evil incarnate, who crushed those that opposed him and destroyed whatever got in his way, though while Frieza said this he noticed that Rainbow and Applejack were nodding their heads... indicating that they were agreeing with him, which was something he hadn't been expecting when he made the comment.

Eventually they came to the conclusion that it was time for their break to end and Frieza happily escorted his guests out to the front of his base, where he watched them gather together before disappearing into the space above his base, no doubt heading back to Earth or Beerus' planet... to which he simply sighed and went back into the building behind him, as there were things he needed to sign to finalize the other parts of his empire that he hadn't mentioned to the Saiyans.

"So, who is this Tirek that Sunset mentioned?" Goku asked, because while everyone, save for Rainbow and Applejack, had assumed that the person in question was evil, thanks to Sunset's reaction, they had no idea who he was, what acts he had committed in the past, or how strong he was, "Just what sort of creature would make Sunset react in such a way, especially since she said that she was going to erase him the next time she found him?"

"The evil kind," Applejack replied, to which she noticed the eyes of everyone, save for Whis, turn towards her and Rainbow for a few seconds, though at the same time she was prepared for this to happen, "From what I remember, which was from what Twilight told us after our encounter with the centaur, is that Tirek and his brother came to Equestria to steal the magic of every pony that they could find. His brother eventually turned to our side, after growing to appreciate our ways, and both Princess Celestia and Princess Luna aided his brother Scorpan in trapping him in Tartarus. Now Tirek escaped Tartarus sometime before Twilight ascended to being an alicorn, where he gathered his strength before attacking Equestria again, which was a short time after Twilight's ascension.

Tirek's goal was to absorb the power of every single pony that called Equestria home, but in order to take the power that the Princesses possessed he had to steal the magic of every Earth Pony, Pegasi, and Unicorn first. After that the three Princesses gave Twilight their power and she was eventually found out by Tirek, where they had a brief fight with each other and tore up the landscape around them... until Tirek used his final bargaining chip to get what he wanted; all of Twilight's friends."

"Wait a minute, you don't mean..." Krillin started to say, but even with what little he knew about the centaur, and all of his powers, he had a feeling he knew what they were going to say next.

"Yeah, he stole both of our magic as well," Rainbow answered, to which she moved some of her hair away from her eyes, though Beerus detected that this had to be a painful memory for the two of them, "He did the same for Pinkie, Rarity, Fluttershy, and eventually Twilight when she made the sacrifice to save all of us... and then, with the power of all four Princesses flowing inside him, he stole the chaotic magic of Discord as well. Fortunately we had a secret weapon that he didn't know about, and neither did we until we realized that we had it, because in the end we took back our magic and restored everything to normal... and replaced Twilight's destroyed house with the castle we visited."

"But there must be more to the story than just that," Vegeta commented, as he had noticed something that made no sense, because if Sunset Shimmer was this annoyed that Tirek had escaped Tartarus again, for what seemed like the second time, it meant that there was more to the story than what they had been told, "The only reason I said that is because Sunset was never anywhere near Tirek and I'm sure that she would have fought against him if she was in Equestria at the time of his assault."

"That's because when he was sent back to Tartarus he managed to fling himself to another planet, or so we were told when Sunset came back to us," Applejack said, to which she sighed as she tried to recall all of the pieces of the story, but she did have a good idea about what happened before Sunset entered the mirror, "Basically Tirek landed on some planet called Nirn, went around convincing people to assist him in gathering magic, and he absorbed enough power to shift the ground beneath his feet. From what we were told he managed to find, capture, and absorb the energies of the sixteen Daedric Princes, which were beings of extraordinary power on Nirn, and having their power stolen upset the natural balance of that world. Sunset gathered together a new group of friends, raised an army, and fought Tirek, though in the midst of that battle she ascended to her alicorn form... where she defeated Tirek, stripped him of all the power he had taken, and healed the planet before coming home."

"So Tirek can steal the power of godly creatures?" Krillin asked, because now it seemed like he and the others should be helping Universe 13 search for this monster, especially since Sunset was likely his endgame goal.

"It appears that, if he has enough stolen power, that he could take the energy of an equally powerful god," Beerus spoke up, though at the same time he had no idea if his suggestion was anywhere near what had happened on the planet that Sunset had fought the creature on, "That being said, he'll be taking his time and staying in the shadows this time around, because he knows that Sunset and her allies will be searching for him and knows that, if he increases his power too quickly, she will find him in a heartbeat. Don't worry Krillin, I'm sure that Twilight, Celestia, and Sunset will be more than enough to find Tirek and punish him before he does anything drastic... so for now we should focus on heading home and making sure everyone isn't worried sick about you and the others."

As the others turned their attention to their family members, the ones they had left back on Earth when they got the call that Frieza had been returned to life, Rainbow and Applejack glanced at each other for a few seconds, as this was a topic they had been avoiding for the last year. Ever since they had visited Universe 13, fought Sunset Shimmer, and had their old memories restored they knew that there were some ponies that they needed to check up on, but only Applejack was willing to admit that they had become sidetracked the moment Whis and their father started training Goku and Vegeta. Applejack was worried about her family, as she was sure that they had been devastated to hear that she had suddenly disappeared, to which she let out a sigh as she considered what she and Rainbow were going to do... but at the same time she noticed that Rainbow already had an idea.

She wasn't sure if she was going to like the idea at all, especially since some of her sister's ideas weren't the best in the world, but there were times where Rainbow surprised her and she actually produced a good plan... but she guessed she would find out when they reached Earth.

Once they returned to Earth, and landed outside the Capsule Corp building, Whis dropped the barrier and let Goku, Vegeta, and their friends head towards the building, where the rest of their friends happened to be waiting for them with a bunch of worried faces staring their way. While their friends walked towards the building, however, Rainbow and Applejack stopped their family for a few seconds and explained what they were thinking it was time for them to spend a few days in Equus and reconnect with their old lives.

"Really now?" Beerus asked, because while he assumed that his girls would have wanted to head back home, a few days after getting their memories back anyway, he was actually surprised that they were mentioning this now, "Well, if you say that its time for you to spend a few days visiting your home planet, and are convinced that it is, then I say we should ask Sunset and Celestia about that... provided that you two wait a few days for this Tirek business to cool over."

Rainbow and Applejack hadn't considered the fact of waiting a few days, but at the same time they had to agree with their father, who had surprised them by being understanding about their situation and what they wanted to do, though they also knew that he wanted to meet their Equestrian families. Whis, Shin, and Chronoa said that it was a good idea for them to be heading over there, while expressing the same concern that Beerus had mentioned, but the girls were happy to see that their family was agreeing with them... especially Gale, who wanted to know more about the world her sisters came from and the other family members she knew nothing about. Goku, upon hearing that the girls were planning on heading home in the near future, to Universe 13 again, asked if there was room for one or two more, meaning that he was thinking of bringing Vegeta along... but Vegeta stepped forward and said that this visit was for the girls and that they shouldn't be barging in on a personal visit.

Goku seemed a little sad by that fact, indicating that he had been planning on showing Sunset his new power in order to take her mind off of the letter than Discord had given her, but then he smiled and said that there was always next time, before he and Vegeta walked away from the group.

Rainbow and Applejack then spent the next three days training with their father on his planet, spending some time with their friends on Earth when they were training, and planning out how they wanted to spent their time on Equus once their request was approved. Beerus was happy to see that his daughters wanted to head back home, though a part of him still wished that they had chosen Universe 7 over Universe 13, but he would still be happy with their decision, even if his heart ached every time he thought about it. When noon rolled around on the third day Whis decided to make the call and asked Celestia, and likely Sunset if she was nearby, if Rainbow and Applejack's request was something that they were okay with... where they discovered that everyone on the other side was happy that they were planning on coming back to Equus for a few days.

On the fourth day, shortly after Rainbow and Applejack had gone through what they did every morning, they gathered in front of their father's temple with Whis, their mother, and their father, though the only reason Shin was staying behind was because someone needed to be in Universe 7 in case something happened... to which Beerus wished his friend well before he and the rest of his group flashed up into the air and headed towards Universe 13.

It took some time for them to reach the outskirts of Universe 7 and pass through the outskirts of Universe 13, but they were all used to that thanks to the last time they had made this trip, so they simply made idle chitchat while they neared the planet that Rainbow and Applejack had come from. As they moved through space both of the girls wondered where Tirek could have wandered off to, since he was from their universe and was definitely something they needed to worry about, but their father told them that Sunset would be able to track the centaur down soon enough. They had no idea if their father was right in his thinking, but this time around they kept their opinions to themselves and focused their minds on what they were going to do when they arrived at Equus.

When they reached the planet, however, Whis lowered them down to the plains where they had landed the first time they had come to Universe 13, where they found Twilight waiting for their arrival... and there was no sign of Celestia or Sunset Shimmer at the moment.

"Rainbow, Applejack, I'm glad to hear that the two of you wanted to come home for a few days, to reconnect with your old lives a little more," Twilight said, though that was followed by her respectfully bowing her head towards Beerus, indicating that she hadn't forgotten about him, Chronoa, or Whis, "and its good to see that the three of you are doing well as well... even though we only saw each other a few days ago."

"You seem to be holding up well, what with this Tirek running around your universe." Beerus commented, though at the same time he wondered, for a few seconds, why Sunset hadn't destroyed the centaur the last time they fought each other, but then decided that she had her reasons and left it at that.

"Well, we don't know whether he's still on Equus, or if he's escaped to another part of the universe," Twilight replied, to which she rubbed the back of her head for a few seconds, as she understood what Sunset was going through and knew that her friend, and counterpart god, was more annoyed than she had been in the past, "Also, Sunset and Celestia are not on this planet anymore... Sunset's gone to ask her friends in the Solana, Bogon, and Polaris galaxies for their assistance in tracking down Tirek, as well as the Precursors from the planet that Pinkie had been sent to. Considering the crimes that Tirek has committed in the past, back when it was Celestia and Luna dealing with him, the crimes he committed when I had the power of four alicorns, and his crimes on Nirn, Sunset's asking everyone to keep an eye out for him. Someone is going to find him, of that we are all certain of, we just don't know when we'll find him."

"And hopefully this time she destroys him when she finds him," Whis added, knowing that there had to be more to Tirek's story than what Rainbow and Applejack had told them, but at the same time he suspected that Tirek could very well threaten the entirety of the thirteen universes if left unchecked.

"Anyway, you aren't here to listen to me talk on and on about Tirek and his crimes," Twilight said, though at the same time she pulled out a list that she had been carrying with her, in the bag that the group hadn't noticed that she was carrying until this moment, "Let's see here... Applejack, your family should be getting ready to take a break from the chores and other activities that they have been doing, so it won't be hard for you to find them all. Rainbow, unfortunately your parents are in Cloudsdale at the moment and happen to be busy with their work, from what I can gather anyway, so it will be difficult for you to meet up with them... though Scootaloo should be around here somewhere."

"Well, we'll just start with Sweet Apple Acres and go from there," Rainbow replied, though at the same time she knew that something like this would have happened, considering that they had called Celestia on such sort notice and gave Twilight little time to tell anyone what she knew about her and Applejack.

Beerus knew that Rainbow would have liked to meet her Equestrian parents again, and understand everything about her old life on this planet, but at the same time he had to admit that he was impressed by the fact that she was willing to let Applejack reunite with her family first. Before anyone could say anything, however, Applejack nodded and levitated into the air, where she faced the position of her old home and started flying towards Sweet Apple Acres, to which the rest of their group followed suit. It didn't take them long to reach their destination, but instead of flying right up to the house and knocking on the door the group simply landed at the main entrance of the entire farmland and walked down the path that would bring them to the house. While they did that, however, Applejack spoke about the last day she remembered spending in this particular farm, as it had been the day that Rainbow had come to her, bored out of her mind she added, and convinced her that they should ask Spike, and Twilight if she was near, about the mirror.

Rainbow, on the other hand, thought about stating that if she had known how broken the mirror really was, ahead of when she made the decision, she would have reconsidered passing through the mirror... but then she remembered all the adventures they had and the wonderful parents they were raised by, so she kept her mouth shut as they walked.

When they reached the house, and stopped in front of the door, Applejack stepped to the front of the group and paused for a few moments, as it had been a long time since she had been here, before she sighed and raised a hand to knock on the door. A few seconds passed before they heard the sound of someone running down the stairs, oddly enough not even tripping themselves in the process, which was rapidly followed by the door being opened in front of them, though at the same time Applejack and the others glanced downward for a moment. Standing in the doorway was a light grayish olive coated filly, with an amaranth red colored mane and tail, who was staring up at them with a look of wonder and surprise in her bright orange colored eyes... and she happened to be wearing a large light crimson colored bow in her mane, just behind her head.

Whis, being one of the most observant members of their group, noticed that the school age filly was definitely looking at all of them, but her eyes were mostly focused on one person... and that was Applejack.

"A... Applejack?" the pony asked, though while there was a hint of joy in her voice there was also a hint of doubt, meaning that she sort of recognized who was standing in front of her, while at the same time no really believing what she was seeing at the moment, "Are my eyes deceiving me?"

"Your eyes aren't playing tricks on you, Apple Bloom," Applejack said, though at the same time she knelt in front of her little sister and held her arms out, to which she smiled a bit as Apple Bloom seemed to recognize her voice, "I'm really here, standing in front of you."

"Applejack!" Apple Bloom cried out, to which she launched herself into her sister's arms, not even caring what they were at the moment, and wrapped her legs around her sister's neck as she hugged her, while at the same time Applejack closed her arms around her little sister as she felt some tears hitting her shoulder, "I... I thought we had lost you."

"Its okay Apple Bloom," Applejack replied, though she also did her best to help her sister deal with her emotions, as this was something that she had been expecting the moment this plan was put together, "Rainbow and I just went on a tiny, and completely unplanned, adventure..."

"You call being gone for a year a 'tiny, and completely unplanned, adventure'!" an elderly voice said, to which the group turned their heads towards the side of the main entrance and spotted an elderly pony sitting in a rocking chair, who happened to be looking at them with her tired eyes, "Well, if anyone else had said it, I wouldn't have believed them... but you, my dear Applejack, would never lie about something like that, so it must be the truth. And it looks like you brought some company as well."

"That I did," Applejack said, though as she let got of Apple Bloom, who was placed gently on the floor, she stood back up and waved a hand towards the rest of her group, "Granny, Apple Bloom, allow me to introduce my father, Beerus, his attendant Whis, my mother, Chronoa, and my sisters Rainbow Dash and Gale Wind. Guys, these are Apple Bloom, my little sister, and Granny Smith, my grandmother."

"Its... its nice to meet you all," Apple Bloom said, though while she was shocked to see who had come to Sweet Apple Acres with Applejack, such as a new mother and father, she was surprised to see that Rainbow was now her sister and there was another pony girl that was around her age... if she looked like Gale anyway.

"Sisters?!" Granny Smith asked, where her voice indicated that she was surprised for a few seconds, though that was followed by her laughing for a few moments, "I always said that that you two could have been long lost sisters, because you seem to argue and act like siblings all the time. Now that you are siblings, however, I insist that you tell us all the story about how all of this came to pass... over a meal, once Big Mac is finished with his..."

Rainbow was sure that Granny Smith was going to say something about chores, which Applejack would likely get back into the habit of doing once they moved back to this world, but before the elderly mare could finish her statement she, along with the others, heard the sound of two more fillies screaming in terror. Rainbow, being the first to react, walked outside the house for a moment and opened her ears to the noises of everything that was around her, as she waited for the screams to come back. When she heard the screams again she sprung into action and burst into the air, where she angled herself towards the Everfree Forest and flew towards the edge of the trees, though when she reached the first set of trees she simply flew over them as she looked out for whoever was screaming.

As she flew over the forest she spotted a bunch of wolf like creatures, as they appeared to be wolves made out of twigs, branches, and leaves, that were heading towards the location of the screams, to which she growled as she sent her ki into the air around her. The could shuddered for a moment before her Cloud Clone technique took effect, to which a few clones followed after her and waited for her signal, while at the same time she searched for the poor fillies that had wandered into the forest. Fortunately she found the poor fillies in question, as they had made their way to a small clearing of some kind, though the downside to that was that they were essentially trapped on all sides thanks to the amount of Timberwolves that were advancing towards their location. Rainbow immediately recognized the light orange coated filly the moment she spotted her, as that was Scootaloo, which meant that the light gray coated filly was Sweetie Belle, Rarity's younger sister... to which she growled as she waved a hand towards the copies, who stayed hidden as she descended into the clearing and landed between the wolves and the fillies.

"So, you think that its okay for you to attack little fillies that happen to be lost in the forest," Rainbow said, though at the same time she knew that the wolves wouldn't reply to her, considering that they couldn't speak at all, but at the same time that didn't stop her from preparing herself for battle, "Well then, since you want to pick a fight with someone, why don't you all come at me?"

The Timberwolves seemed to understand that she was essentially challenging them, as they all growled and charged at her in unison, to which Rainbow waved a hand and the copies dropped into the clearing, before she grinned and they all burst into action. Rainbow dashed forward and punched the first wolf she came across in the side of the face, though instead of instantly killing it she held her power back and knocked it backwards, but she also put enough power behind her attack to knock the wolf down for a few moments. The copies, on the other hand, replicated her moves as if they were actually the real version, which was what they had been designed to do, which meant that the Timberwolves were unable to even reach Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle, who huddled together and watched what was going on. Rainbow could tell, when she could spare a glance, that Scootaloo was amazed by what she was seeing, to which a small smile appeared on her face as she fought off the Timberwolves.

Unfortunately the fight only lasted for a few more moments, as the Timberwolves seemed to sense that something was nearby and turned towards one of the other entrances, where Rainbow noticed Applejack standing there in her Avatar of Creation form... and that the wolves seemed to understand that she was in tune with Nature, as they turned tail and departed from the clearing, to which Rainbow sighed and recalled the copies of herself.

"You know I could have finished them off without your assistance," Rainbow commented, though at the same time she watched as Applejack tended to the two fillies, who weren't even harmed from their venture into the forest.

"Yes, but sooner or later you would have blown them, and part of the forest, apart," Applejack remarked, though as she spoke she turned towards the two fillies, "Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, what were the two of you thinking when you decided to go on an adventure in the Everfree Forest?"

"We were looking for Rarity," Sweetie Belle answered, to which she pointed a hoof in the direction that they had come from, one that Rainbow and Applejack knew the castle that Princess Celestia and Luna used to live in a thousand years ago, before the Nightmare Moon incident, "She left a note on her calendar that said she was planning on coming here in the future... and I thought that, since I haven't seen her for a few days, my sister had to be in the ruins of the old castle. Since Apple Bloom was busy I asked Scootaloo to join me, but we never made it to the castle thanks to those Timberwolves that attacked us and forced us to run away..."

"...and then the two of you showed up and saved us," Scootaloo said, though she could barely contain her excitement as she charged up to Rainbow and started running around her legs, meaning that she liked what she had seen over the course of the last few minutes, "You have to show me know you pulled off that attack you used, how you were able to fly without the use of wings, and how you managed to fight off the Timberwolves in such manner!"

"Well, I heard that Princess Twilight and Starlight were coming up with a method to replicate Discord's transformation spell on the rest of Equestria," Sweetie Belle commented, to which Applejack chuckled for a few seconds, as Sweetie was one of the smarter members of the Cutie Mark Crusaders and could understand what others were saying, "Maybe that spell will help you fly?"

"That would be so cool!" Scootaloo exclaimed, though that was when she stopped and stared at Rainbow's new body, where she was clearly imagining having one for herself, along with the level of power that Rainbow had used earlier, "You have got to tell me how you got this way!"

"Let's head back to Sweet Apple Acres," Applejack said, to which she picked up Sweetie Belle as Rainbow did the same with Scootaloo, before the two of them floated into the air and carefully carried their younger friends back towards the Apple Family home, "We'll explain everything to the two of you once we return to Granny Smith and the others... or at least shorten our story to the best of our abilities."

Rainbow agreed with her sister for a few seconds, though at the same time she actually wondered what would happen to the power level of everyone in Equestria if such a spell were to be used, as she was sure that ponies would find their strength increased and, in some rare cases, develop powers like she, Applejack, and Pinkie did. She could already imagine the fun they would have when they got to training all of those empowered ponies, because she personally wanted to fight Luna one day... and test the power of the Lunar Princess once she had been strengthened to a whole new level. It would be good practice for another fight with Sunset Shimmer, while at the same time taking her mind off of the danger that Tirek posed to the entire universe... so she could relax for a few minutes before having to resume the search.

She already knew that if Goku were here, and he heard the same thing that she and Applejack had heard, that he would be begging to fight all of the other ponies once they went through the transformation process... to which she grinned a little bit as she and Applejack flew towards Sweet Apple Acres, as the future was looking bright for everyone at the moment.

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