• Published 26th Jan 2017
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Dragon Ball Z: Daughters of Destruction - Blackdrag-rose

Rainbow Dash and Applejack are transported to a strange world, where they are raised by Beerus the Destroyer and his attendant Whis.

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Majin: The Third Transformation

"Oh god dammit Nappa," Vegeta said, staring at the evil Saiyan's empowered state, because he refused to believe that Nappa had any of the emotional experiences that he and the others had experienced to reach their Super Saiyan and Super Saiyan 2 forms, "How in the hell did you manage to unlock the powers of a Super Saiyan 2? For that matter, how did you even manage to become a Super Saiyan in the first place?"

"Pushups, sit ups, and plenty of juice." Nappa replied, though at the same time he flexed his muscles and smiled at them, indicating that he was pleased with the power that was coursing through his veins at the moment, before turning back towards Vegeta and growing serious once more, "But in all honesty the answer to your question are these three simple things; my anger, my hate, and plenty of time to think about what I was going to do to you once I got out of Hell. Since none of the other inmates bothered to visit me while I was chained up, and the only time the guards came in was to be sure that I was still chained up, it got pretty lonely and allowed me to think without being interrupted. It gave me plenty of time to consider what had happened between us and gave me the opportunity to plan my revenge... and the best part was that I gained my transformations shortly after being revived."

"We would have felt your transformations if that was the case." Vegeta stated, but at the same time he suspected that there was a reason that they hadn't detected Nappa up until today, which he assumed Babidi had a hand in considering that the bald Saiyan worked for the villain.

"Dabura and I used one of the Stages in Babidi's spaceship to teleport us to a faraway planet," Nappa explained, because at this point he was sure that everyone here was familiar with what Babidi had done to them to prevent the destruction of his spaceship, "From there it was a simple matter to train my body back to what it had been before my death, while at the same time getting used to the power that came with both of my new forms. As you can tell this will give me the victory I have long since dreamed about... and finally I can get my revenge on you and all of your friends."

The moment Nappa let those words out of his mouth Vegeta raised his arms to defend himself, though before he could do anything his opponent seemed to vanish from where he was standing. A few seconds later he felt his world start to shift, as Nappa appeared to the left of where he was standing and grabbed onto his head with his right hand, though that was followed by Nappa tossing him forward with all of his strength. Vegeta found himself flying through the air almost immediately, where he slammed into one of the plateaus and was pushed into the rock, but before he went too far he used his aura to slow himself until he was completely stopped. Once his body was no longer heading through the rock he flew out of the tunnel that had been created around him and started looking for Nappa, while at the same time being amazed by the fact that his opponent had done so little training and had already caught up to his level.

Vegeta knew that most of Nappa's power must have come from Babidi, as there was no way that Nappa would be a prodigy Saiyan that gained absurd amounts of power from his training sessions, but even still he was shocked by the power that was being used against him.

He immediately spotted Nappa landing on the top of a nearly rock pillar, like the ones that had been in the area that they had last fought in, and decided that he had best put an end to this fight before Nappa did something that really pissed him, or his friends for that matter, off. Vegeta raced through the air as he zeroed in on where Nappa was standing, though instead of heading into the battle immediately he moved around the area and started firing small ki balls at his target. As Nappa started to swat the balls away, and cause them to blow up when they struck the ground around the rock pillar, Vegeta took the opportunity that presented itself and moved in to strike a blow that would turn things in his favor once more.

Vegeta leveled himself with where Nappa was standing, and was still distracted by the remaining blasts that were coming at him, before he charged into the cloud and threw his fist at Nappa's face. A few seconds later his fist made contact and it appeared that he might have done some damage to his opponent, but not even a moment later his hopes were dashed as Nappa grinned at him.

"Thank you sir, may I have another?" Nappa asked, though Vegeta could tell that the bald Saiyan was mocking him, indicating that there definitely was some gap between their powers.

Vegeta attempted to back away from Nappa, so he could get a better idea of what to do next, but before he could get away from his opponent Nappa swung his fist and struck him in the chest, causing him to bend over Nappa's fist and cough for a moment. Nappa took the opening and raised both of his hands, in the form of a fist, into the air above his head for a few seconds, before he brought them down hard on Vegeta's back and sent him flying back down towards the ground, where a small crater formed around him. Vegeta coughed as he looked into the sky, noticing that Nappa was returning to his perch once more, before he growled and burst back into the air... though this time he landed on another rock pillar that was level with Nappa.

Nappa was much stronger than he had originally thought, which was thanks to his Super Saiyan 2 form and the power that Babidi had given him, but this fight was far from over... he just needed to plan his moves carefully and not do anything that might give Nappa an opening to exploit.

"What's the matter? Is the Prince of all Saiyans getting tired already?" Nappa asked, once more using the mocking tone he used when he uttered Vegeta's title, one that he had stopped using on Earth after he and the others defeated Frieza, though he occasionally used it in Asgard, "Is it time for your nap, my little prince?"

"SCREW YOU NAPPA!" Vegeta shouted, to which he brought his hands to the left side of his body and started gathering his ki, allowing the ball of energy to form as black lightning danced around his body, "GALICK GUN... FIRE!"

The moment he said the attack's name Vegeta launched the Galick Gun, to which it raced across the distance that rested between him and Nappa, while at the same time noticing that Nappa wasn't even bothering to move at all. The attack barreled into the rock peak that Nappa was standing on and pushed against the bald Saiyan, while at the same time the area around him started to crack and buckle under the power of Vegeta's attack. A few seconds later, however, the Galick Gun suddenly veered off to the right and went flying into the plateau that Vegeta, to which it exploded and took the entire plateau with it. As the smoke cleared, and Vegeta was able to see his opponent more clearly, he found that Nappa was still standing on the top of his rock peak... and his left hand was resting in front of him, though his palm had some smoke coming off of it.

"This truly is a wonderful power," Nappa marveled, looking down at his hands for a moment, indicating that he was definitely pleased with what his training had given him, before he glanced back up at Vegeta, "Not only do I have the power to stop any attack that you can throw at me, and emerge without a hint of damage on my body, but now all of your ki based attacks are useless as well. With this power I will become the strongest Saiyan that has ever lived, though that means I'll have to remove all of my obstacles... including you, Prince Vegeta."

Vegeta barely had time to move as Nappa flew through the air and appeared behind him, where the bald Saiyan grabbed onto the back of his head and pulled him into the air. As Vegeta started to struggle Nappa flew around the area they were in, slamming him into every rock structure that was around them and bashing him into the ground several times, as if he was making a point. As that happened Vegeta caught a glimpse of Nappa smiling like a kid in a candy shop, as he and Bulma had taken Trunks and Goten to one after a hard day of training one time in the past, and he had seen some pretty excited children there, before Nappa slammed him into another plateau... though this time around Nappa finally released him and backed away from where he was resting.

As Vegeta shook off the dust that was on him he caught sight of Nappa charging several balls of ki energy at the same time, where he noticed that the bald Saiyan was juggling some of them with his feet, to which Vegeta got onto his feet and moved towards the plateau that was close to where he had been left behind. A few seconds later Nappa let one of the balls slip out of his juggling circle and kicked it with the side of his leg, to which it raced through the air and collided with the plateau that Vegeta was hiding behind. The plateau was engulfed in a burst of energy that tore everything apart, though Vegeta continued moving as he tried to avoid all of the attacks that Nappa had prepared for him... which was followed by a series of explosions as Nappa kicked the other balls into the other structures he tried to hide behind.

Nappa grinned like a madman as his attacks struck every structure that Vegeta tried to hide behind, obliterating all of them from the face of the Earth, before he and Vegeta were the only things standing in the immediate area... though the plateau that Vegeta's friends were standing on, which was some distance away from where they were standing, was perfectly fine.

Vegeta knew that, despite the fact that it appeared that Nappa was playing around with him, Nappa was actually very serious about this fight and had already planned out the next three steps he was going to take. It felt like he was walking into a trap, as Nappa was waiting for him to move before he made his own move, but at the same time he had to do something to beat his opponent and stop Babidi from reviving Majin Buu. If he did nothing Nappa would continue his assault until he was dead, which would cause Rainbow to go into her Avatar form and obliterate the evil Saiyan where he stood, but at the same time he really didn't want to bust out his ace just yet.

As he thought about it he knew that revealing his ace would be the only way that he was going to get out of this and stop Babidi... though he had no idea if he'd be able to pull off the transformation quick enough.

"You should be terrified of the power I am using against you," Nappa commented, sounding a little annoyed that Vegeta hadn't started showing despair over the fact that he couldn't win this fight, but then Nappa grinned as he prepared himself once more, "yet even in the face of my new power you act like you are stronger than me. Very well then, since you won't show me any fear, even when I am clearly stronger than you, I shall show you why you should be feeling scared of me and my power."

Vegeta, sensing that an attack was imminent, started to raise his arms as Nappa dropped into his battle stance, though that was followed by Nappa crossing the distance between them and slamming his fist into Vegeta's chest. The force of the blow sent Vegeta flying through the air, to which he slammed into a rock pillar, broke through it completely, and collided with the second one that rested behind it. A few seconds later Nappa appeared in front of the second rock pillar and raised his fists, to which he started pounding Vegeta in the chest, slammed him into the ground when he tried to fight back, and made sure to deal as much damage as possible.

Eventually Nappa slammed Vegeta into the nearest rock structure, which happened to be a rock pillar that was in front of the plateau the good Saiyan's friends were standing on, and pushed him into the rock to make sure that he didn't go anywhere. He then grinned as he picked up two sharpened rock spikes, which had been created from slamming Vegeta into the rock pillar, and pushed them into the palms Vegeta's hands, pinning him to the pillar and causing him to scream in pain. Vegeta then dropped out of his Super Saiyan 2 form and huffed, which was understandable considering that he had been beaten into submission, but at the same time Nappa knew that victory was his... as well as giving Babidi exactly what he had wanted the entire time.

Good work Nappa, Babidi said into Nappa's head, though his tone indicated that he was extremely pleased with what he was seeing, Your fight with the one you call Vegeta has produced enough energy to revive Majin Buu... the reader is reading a full tank. Soon Majin Buu will return to the universe, and then we can both exact our revenge on the people that wronged us in the past.

"You have lost, Vegeta, in more ways than one." Nappa said, to which he reached forward and touched Vegeta's chin, where he lifted the Saiyan's head until they were looking at each other, "All the damage you have taken has been converted to the necessary energy to revive Majin Buu, thanks to the special Stages that Babidi has created for that very purpose. Not only have I beaten you, which delights me to no end, you unknowingly gave us the energy we needed to bring back Majin Buu, which means that the universe will tremble under his power."

"Sh... shut up... Nappa..." Vegeta spat out, though at the same time he realized that Nappa had to be speaking the truth, because he could slightly feel an evil ki that was just starting to wake up.

"Oh don't be a sore loser," Nappa said, though at the same time he backed away from Vegeta for a moment, because he wanted to take the time to gloat before he carried out the first part of his revenge, "You know, despite the fact that I hate you with every fiber of my being, you're actually the last person I plan on killing before this planet is destroyed. I'm going to keep you in this state for a few days while Babidi, Majin Buu, and I go around this pitiful planet and exterminate the entire population. Considering who you are friends with, and the fact that they'll try and stop us, we'll be sure to beat them down first, but I will take pleasure in making sure you watch as I personally kill everyone that you know and love.

Once everyone you care about on this planet is dead, and the population has been reduced to nothing, we'll return to the spaceship and let Majin Buu obliterate the planet from existence, where we'll begin our crusade across the stars. My first target will be the planet that your brother lives on, where I will gladly torture the last living Saiyan that fights for justice before destroying him and his new home planet. Then we'll continue destroying planets until we discover a way to cross over to the Other World without dying, where I will gladly kill the people at the check in station and make sure that your soul is sent to the place that I was imprisoned in for so many years. The moment you have been dealt with, and chained up in the same fashion that I was, I will erase the Saiyans guarding Hell and release the criminals and villains that call their eternal damnation home.

Majin Buu and I will then lead an army of evil to the gates of Asgard, where we will wage a terrible war with the soldiers of justice, while at the same time you will listen to their cries of agony as we slaughter all of the Saiyans that call the city home. Then we will march into the Palace and I will personally fight both the King and the Queen until they submit, where Babidi will ensure you can see me kill your parents with my bare hands. After that Majin Buu and I will burn Asgard to the ground, with Frieza and all the other villains you have killed at our side, and then we will kill whoever else tries to oppose us. What happens after that doesn't matter to me, because I will have fulfilled my dream of revenge against you and the other Saiyans... and I will enjoy every moment of the pain I will inflict on you, before I finally return to Hell for the last time and bring an end to your life."

"Your insane..." Vegeta said, but at the same time his anger returned in full force, because the thought of everyone he cared about dying, at Nappa's hands no less, really pissed him off.

"I am indeed." Nappa replied, a grin appearing on his face as he looked over at Vegeta, "Babidi told me the same thing when I explained what my plans were, but then when he realized that we would both benefit from this exchange he gladly told me to take my revenge on all of you. Now you will watch as I slaughter each and every one of you frie..."

Before he could finish his statement something struck him in the head and sent him flying through the air, allowing Vegeta to see that Rainbow had jumped into the battlefield. Rainbow glared at where Nappa was for a moment, as if daring him to get back up, before she turned over to her friend and gently pulled out the spikes that were keeping him pinned to the rock pillar. The moment the spikes were removed Vegeta collapsed on the ground and Rainbow bent down to make sure that something hadn't happened to him... to which he noticed that she was holding one of the Senzu Beans in her spare hand.

"Goku told us not to interfere with your fight, but I couldn't stand by and let you die." Rainbow explained, though at the same time Vegeta let her place the bean in his mouth, to which he chewed on it and swallowed it, "He also told me to tell you that you shouldn't hold back anymore... though neither Applejack or I have any idea what he means by that."

"Don't you worry, I know what he means." Vegeta replied, to which he gently pulled himself back onto his feet, where he noticed that the Senzu had worked like it had in the past, as the small holes in the palms of his hands had been healed and his stamina had been restored, "Head back to the others and try to figure out how to open the hatch... we've been tricked into doing Babidi's dirty work from the very beginning. All the damage I've taken has given Babidi the energy he needs to awaken Majin Buu, so it is only a matter of time until the dreaded Majin awakens from his slumber."

Rainbow seemed shocked by the news, and Vegeta was sure the rest of the group would be once they heard the message, but she nodded and headed back up to the others, giving Vegeta room to finish the fight with Nappa... to which he got back onto his feet and stared at his opponent, who had regained himself after being hit by Rainbow.

"She will be the first to die once I am finished with you." Nappa remarked, to which he glared at Rainbow for a few seconds, though once she touched down on the top of the plateau he turned back to Vegeta, "Though whatever she gave you won't help you, as your power is still much lower than mine... even if you powered back up to your Super Saiyan 2 form and attacked me again."

"Wait," Vegeta said, though his voice stopped Nappa in his tracks, which was great because he had one shot to access his ace and he knew that this was his best chance to do so, but he had to convince Nappa to wait for a few minutes, "do YOU want to see something cool?"

Vegeta purposely put an emphasis on the word 'you', because if Nappa knew that what he was going to show him was specifically for him, as in prepared to do battle with him and no one else, he might have a chance to access his ace... he just hoped that Nappa would say yes.

"Now I know you're playing me," Nappa replied, though his grin remained on his face as he crossed his arms and pulled himself out of his battle stance, which meant that Vegeta had been successful, "and I do."

"Then you are going to love this," Vegeta said, to which he focused his energies and prepared himself for what he was about to do, as the last time he and Goku had used this technique was when they were in the Other World, "What you are seeing now is my normal state..."

Vegeta let the words hang as he accessed his power once more, though instead of skipping straight to Super Saiyan 2 he purposely raised himself to the rank of Super Saiyan, to which his hair moved upwards as it turned back to its golden state, while at the same time his aura surrounded him once more.

"This is a Super Saiyan," Vegeta explained, though at the same time he pushed himself further, to which his hair became more rigid as the small bits of blue lightning danced around his aura, "and this is a Super Saiyan that has ascended past a Super Saiyan... though we call this a Super Saiyan 2."

"Yes, I understand your transformations." Nappa remarked, though he sounded incredibly bored, as if he was expecting something greater than Super Saiyan 2 and was disappointed in what Vegeta was showing him, "So either show me something 'cool', like you said you would, or I'll just finish this fight now."

"God dammit Nappa," Vegeta said, as the bald Saiyan had sort of ruined the whole vibe of the situation, but at the same time he knew he had to get the show on the road, "just wait for a few minutes and I'll show you something cool."

Nappa let out a sigh as he beckoned for Vegeta to continue, though at the same time Vegeta knew that his opponent was getting impatient and decided that ti was time to get the show on the road, to which he prepared himself for what he was about to do. He then floated into the air for a few seconds, where he stopped when he reached a distance that was above the plateau his friends were standing on, before he raised his arms to his side and got started on taking the next step forward.

"And this..." Vegeta shouted, his voice echoing throughout the area as he braced himself against his aura, which was starting to vibrate as he started to ascend past the Super Saiyan 2 form he was using, while at the same time his hair seemed to move with his aura, "is... to go... even further beyond!"

Vegeta let out the 'power up' scream that he and Goku had assigned to the transformation, while at the same time his power flowed into his aura and transformed it into a golden shine that made him look like a golden ball of light. As he started to sweat he could feel his power rising, just like what had happened when he first assumed the rank of Super Saiyan, only this time the power was much greater than it had been in the past. A few seconds later he heard a chorus of gasps as his friends felt his power, as they were used to feeling the ki of everyone else, but that didn't stop him from ascending to the next form he and Goku had unlocked.

Applejack and Rainbow, while shocked by the power that their friend was putting out at the moment, watched as the clouds started to flow into where he was floating at the moment, which was really weird when they considered what Rainbow could do. That was followed by the ground beneath them starting to violently shake, which spoke volumes of the power that was now coursing through Vegeta's body, though they all patiently waited to see what happened next.

"What's... going on?" Trunks asked, as he was shocked by what he and the others were seeing in front of them, as he had never seen his father do something like this in all the times they had trained in Asgard, "My dad is putting out even more energy than before."

"You'll see." Goku remarked, though he was the only one grinning at the moment, as he and Vegeta were the only ones to see each other in their new form and he knew that this would be enough to defeat Nappa.

As the group watched what Vegeta was doing, however, both Rainbow and Applejack noticed that, in addition to the waves of energy that seemed to be pushing the wind itself away from where Vegeta was floating, their friend's hair seemed to be growing and heading down his back. They had to wonder what was happening before their eyes, as neither Goku or Vegeta had said anything about what they were witnessing, but they were eager to see what had changed when the transformation was over.

Eventually Vegeta pulled himself to his full height and, with one final scream that echoed throughout the entire area they were standing in, was consumed in a blinding flash of light, one that made everyone cover their eyes with one of their arms. As the light faded, and everyone was allowed to see again, the group pulled their arms down and stared down at the battlefield once more, where they were shocked to see the changes that had happened to Vegeta. Rainbow and Applejack had been right when they saw Vegeta's hair heading down his back, as now that he was standing up his spiked Super Saiyan hair was now flowing down near his back and stopped by his waist. Vegeta then glanced back at the group for a few seconds, allowing the girls to see that his eyebrows had completely vanished, making his forehead and eye ridges appear larger... while at the same time making him look a lot stronger and tougher than he had been earlier.

Once that was done, and his power was under control, Vegeta floated back down to where Nappa was standing and let out a sigh, because now their fight would quickly come to an end... and he would ensure that Nappa would be dead before the end of the day.

"Normally I would apologize for the delay, but you don't get one." Vegeta said, to which a small smirk appeared on his face, as it appeared that Nappa was a little shaken by the power he was generating, "Nappa, this form is what Kakarot and I call Super Saiyan 3, which utilizes every drop of potential a Saiyan has in their blood and increases our skills to a higher degree than the other two forms."

"Yes! This power pleases me!" Nappa shouted, to which he raised his arms and entered his battle stance, indicating that he was ready for battle, "Come at me, Vegeta, and show me the power of your 'Super Saiyan 3' form!"

Vegeta grinned as he dashed through the air, his empowered speed allowing him to literally appear behind Nappa before the bald Saiyan even realized that he had moved, though when Nappa noticed that he wasn't there anymore Vegeta slammed his fist into Nappa's back and set him flying into the air. As Nappa started to right himself, and glare down at his foe, Vegeta moved with his new speed to catch up with his target and slammed the back of his arm into Nappa. The force of the blow sent him flying back to the ground and he created a crater around him, though Nappa flew back into the air and went on the offensive, where Vegeta saw the attacks coming and dodged them accordingly.

A few seconds later Vegeta punched Nappa in the chest and caused him to cough up some blood, before Vegeta spun around and kicked his foe into the face, sending him flying through the air until he collided with the plateau that was outside the area they had been fighting in the entire time.

Nappa, apparently not sensing that he was outclassed at the moment, gathered his ki into his hands and fired a beam of energy at Vegeta, who simply stood there and let the attack come at him. Once the attack was close enough Vegeta extended his hand and let the energy collide with his palm, to which he used his own power to literally crush Nappa's attack and break it apart before the bald Saiyan's eyes. With the attack neutralized Vegeta flashed through the air and started punching Nappa, his attacks knocking the wind out of the bald Saiyan, before he knocked him back into the ground and created another crater around Nappa's body.

This time Vegeta flew down to where Nappa was resting and grabbed onto the Saiyan's arm, to which he pulled him up and started spinning his around for a few seconds, before throwing Nappa into the air. As Nappa soared into the air Vegeta remained where he was standing and gathered his ki into his hands, once again charging up his Galick Gun as he locked onto where his target was standing. Once the attack was ready he threw his hands forward and loosed his beam of energy, which raced through the air as it zeroed in on where Nappa was floating... who, after a brief moment of decision, raised his hands to try and stop the attack like he did earlier.

After a few seconds, however, Nappa finally became aware of the situation he was in, as Vegeta's attack started to eat into his hands as a large amount of pain started to course through his body.

"No no no no!" Nappa shouted, though those were the last words that left his mouth as the Galick Gun tore passed his defenses and barreled into his chest, to which he felt the energy tear through his body and start to break everything apart.

Vegeta smiled as he pushed some more power into his attack, to which the beam increased in size before it collided with Nappa, where the sky was filled with a large explosion that rocked the area around them. As the smoke cleared, however, Vegeta found a reason to be happy, because Nappa's ki had disappeared and the only thing that remained of the evil Saiyan was a small piece of one of his black shackles he had been wearing the entire time.

"He's dead." Vegeta said, to which he chuckled for a few seconds, because he was glad to be rid of the one annoyance in his life, "He's finally dead... and there's no way for him to come back to life anymore."

"Vegeta, the way to where Babidi and Majin Buu's ball are resting is open," Rainbow shouted, to which Vegeta looked up at his friend for a moment, where she beckoned for him to follow after her and the others, "Come on, let's go stop Majin Buu from being revived."

Vegeta nodded and let out a sigh as he closed his eyes for a moment, to which he carefully powered back down to his Super Saiyan 2 form, before heading back to Super Saiyan, and finally returned to his normal state. As much as he would have liked to stay in his Super Saiyan 3 form, as it could be the one thing that might stop the revived Majin Buu, the transformed state was still very draining and he could only fight for some time before he had to leave the form. He could have spent another minute or two beating up Nappa before he would be forced to change back, but he had decided to end the fight now while he had the chance.

He was still disappointed that he and Goku hadn't gotten rid of the time limit for the Super Saiyan 3 form, but he was sure that when they resumed training in Asgard they would overcome that problem... to which he flew up to where the girls were standing and followed them into the open tunnel. It was time to deal with Babidi before he revived Majin Buu... and hopefully save the universe at the same time.

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