• Published 26th Jan 2017
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Dragon Ball Z: Daughters of Destruction - Blackdrag-rose

Rainbow Dash and Applejack are transported to a strange world, where they are raised by Beerus the Destroyer and his attendant Whis.

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Universe 6: The Queen's Power

Normally Beerus would have been annoyed with Goku and Vegeta, two of the strongest fighters in his universe, loosing to the same person, though this time around he knew that they had been beaten by two reasons. First off Vegeta had no knowledge of what Hit could do and what his limits were, meaning that he went into the fight blind and had to go by trial and error to figure out what was going on. Goku, on the other hand, had that knowledge and might have beaten Hit at some point in time, but due to the strain that his body was put under, from combining the Kaio-Ken and Super Saiyan Blue, he either would have fainted on his own or it would have deactivated at the wrong moment. Either way Goku and Vegeta had been beaten by Hit and that meant that it was all up to the final fighter in their group, to which he glanced over at Mizuna for a moment and noticed that she was still staring down at Hit... where he wondered what was going through her mind at that very instant.

At the same time, however, Goku returned to the platform and apologized to him, indicating that he was sorry that he couldn't defeat Hit, where Beerus smiled and said that it was okay, because he put up quite the fight and had shown that both he and Vegeta were stronger than what Champa believed them to be... which had to be making his brother worried about what Mizuna could do.

"Mizuna, are you ready for this?" Beerus asked, as he had faith in the fact that the Queen of the Saiyans was going to beat Hit, because she had been training with her powers for a much longer time than both Goku and Vegeta, meaning that she had to be stronger than them.

"I am." Mizuna replied, though she smiled as she uncrossed her arms and stared at the group for a few moments, where everyone smiled at her for a few seconds, before she heard the referee call for her and jumped into the arena so she could face her opponent.

"So, you are the final fighter of the Universe 7 team," Hit said, though it was clear that he was studying her, just like she had been doing while both her son and Goku had been fighting him earlier, "yet you are different from your fellow Saiyans, as neither of them have a tail like you do."

"Pure-blooded Saiyans in Universe 7 are born with tails," Mizuna replied, to which her's moved around for a few seconds as she spoke, though she focused her attention on Hit, as lowering her guard would be fatal against this sort of opponent, "Goku and my son Vegeta, for instance, are pure-blooded Saiyans and were born with tails, but overtime they faced circumstances that caused them to lose their tails. From what the other Saiyans and I have seen a half-human half-Saiyan child has a decreased chance of being born with a tail, as Goku's son Gohan was born with a tail and lost it while his other son, Goten, wasn't born with one. The same is true for my grandson, Trunks, as he wasn't born with a tail, but he did inherit an impressive amount of power from my son."

"Interesting." Hit commented, though while he spoke he knew that Mizuna had to have the power to transform as well, but he had no idea if she had the basic form that Vegeta first showed or if she could use Super Saiyan Blue, "You also seem to have a halo above your head, and likely a story behind that as well."

"Your right in that regard, but this is here because I'm actually dead," Mizuna stated, noticing a look of shock appear on Hit's face for a few seconds before it disappeared, though she couldn't fault him for feeling that way, "Forty-three years ago, three years before the destruction of Planet Vegeta and the extermination of the majority of the Saiyan race, I fought two powerful enemies that ambushed me. I fought them to the best of my ability, but in the end they ended up overpowering me and ended my life, where I ended up in the Other World and watched over my family from the afterlife. I was forced to watch as Saiyans were betrayed by one of their own, my husband was killed by a tyrant, and my planet was blown to pieces. Since that fateful day I died I resumed training, so that way I could protect the Other World and make up for my failures to protect my own people while I was alive... though I asked to spend a day in the world of the living to come here and help my son win this tournament, especially considering what the prize is."

"The Super Dragon Balls," Hit said, as he knew that the ultimate prize, for the Gods of Destruction anyway, were the six massive spheres that were floating around this planet.

"That and Lord Champa wants to move Beerus' version of Earth into Universe 6," Mizuna replied, though at the same time she let out a sigh as she shifted to the left and raised her right hand into the air, while also bringing her left hand to her side, "but for now I'm focusing on fighting you."

"Then why don't you transform?" Hit inquired, because that was what he was more interested in, as he was sure that she had another form to use and she wasn't using it at the moment, reminding him of how Goku started the match that had just ended, while at the same time he entered his new stance as well.

"Because it's been some time since I've fought someone while in my base form," Mizuna answered, as she knew that she could easily transform and truly wanted to see how strong she had gotten in her base form, while keeping her guard up as she stared at Hit, "Now, let's get this started."

That was when Champa raised his hand and loosed the final blast at the gong, allowing the two combatants to know that they could start whenever they desired, to which Mizuna and Hit simply stared at each other while they waited for their opponent to move first. Hit was the first one to move, as he rushed forward and headed straight towards Mizuna, who was clearly expecting him to use the Time-Skip to get really close to her and release a series of attacks on her, but what really happened was that he came at her and threw a punch at her. Mizuna moved to the side and let the punch moved passed her before jumping to the side, as she was wondering if Hit was going the route of martial artist this time or if he was luring her into a false sense of security before knocking her out. When Hit came at her with another punch Mizuna charged at him and leapt into the air, bypassing both his hand and her opponent, before landing behind Hit and kicked him in the back, knocking him away from her.

She then waited for a few moments as Hit regained himself and held his arms up again, once more making Mizuna wonder if he was going to implement the Time-Skip for if he was choosing to ignore it, though she did the same thing and stared at him for a few moments.

This time, when one of them made a move, both of them charged from where they were standing and clashed with their opponent, where Hit threw his fist forward and Mizuna caught it before kicking him in the side, which caused Hit to retaliate with a punch to the chest that separated them for a few seconds. Mizuna then followed that up by charging at Hit and moved into a series of attacks that seemed to resemble Applejack's Harvester's Barrage, but in reality it was just a couple of punches and kicks thrown together in the attempt to bypass Hit's defenses and get at him. From what Mizuna discovered, when Hit blocked her kicks with his own and parried her punches with his fists, that he was truly acting like a martial artist and not an assassin, meaning that he must have decided not to use the Time-Skip for the sake of a more interesting fight between the two of them. She had to admit that fighting an assassin, that chose to be a martial artist instead of using a technique that might let him win the match in seconds, was more interesting than she originally thought and jumped backwards as Hit tried to strike her face once more.

It was clear to her that, from their brief exchange just now, that if she really wanted to get the fight going she would have to transform, though she had to wonder just how much power she really needed and which of her forms she should use to fight Hit... before sighing as she stood straight once more.

"I see that you are getting ready to transform," Hit commented, as this was what he had been waiting for since the battle started, though at the same time he was curious as to how much power his opponent truly had, "So, will it be the Super Saiyan form that Vegeta started with, or the Super Saiyan Blue form that Goku used for the majority of our fight?"

"Oh, we have more than the two forms my son and Goku showed you," Mizuna replied, though she did hold her chuckle back, as since everyone from the Universe 6 team had no idea that Saiyans could transform this was all new information for them, even if it was partly incorrect, "In reality we have four transformations we can use... and, just for the sake of our fight, I'll take a moment to show you the forms I have access to. It'll also serve as a lesson for Cabba, to show him what he'll have access to if he commits himself to training for the sake of his planet and his people. We'll start with the most basic of the four transformations; Super Saiyan."

With that said Mizuna braced herself as her Super Saiyan aura appeared around her, while at the same time her eyes changed to the familiar green color while her hair flared upwards and became spiked as it turned golden yellow, and even her tail turned golden yellow colored as well. The air shook for a few moments in response to her transformation before settling down, though at the same time she could tell that Cabba was interested in what she was doing, while Goku and the others were curious as to how far she would go. Hit, on the other hand, wasn't too impressed by her change, which made sense considering that he had just faced Super Saiyan Blue merged with Kaio-Ken, but she wasn't through with her changes just let.

"What you saw earlier was my normal state, and this is a Super Saiyan," Mizuna said, though that was swiftly followed by her bracing herself as she pushed the transformation even further, where her hair became more rigid as small bits of blue lightning danced around her aura, "This, however, is a Super Saiyan that has ascended past a Super Saiyan... though we call this a Super Saiyan 2."

"Your power has increased at a reasonable rate," Hit said, as he knew how powerful Goku had been with his times ten Kaio-Ken, which had forced him to improve his skills quite rapidly, otherwise he would have lost the earlier match, "though something tells me you aren't done just yet."

Mizuna smiled as she reached even further, to which her eyebrows faded away and her hair started moving down her back, just like what happened whenever Goku and Vegeta used this form in their battles, before it came to a stop just passed her waist. She found it funny that both her son and Goku were shocked by this transformation, as while she may have mentioned that she got it they never envisioned that she would have used it, and they had actually never seen her take on this form since she never revealed it during their training. This time around the area really shook for a few moments, demonstrating just how strong this form seemed to be, before quieting down... though this time around she decided to hold off on going any further and entered her battle stance once more.

"Hit, this is what we call Super Saiyan 3," Mizuna said, while at the same time noticing that Hit was still studying her and her power, though his expression told her that he found her form interesting while also not terribly impressed by the power she was generating, "Now then, let's get this fight started for real."

Mizuna dashed forward and struck Hit in the side with her foot, where he staggered for a few seconds before throwing a punch at her that was immediately countered by her own fist, causing the two of them to jump backwards before they engaged. Hit discovered that while Mizuna was in the Super Saiyan 3 state her speed and power were definitely much greater than her base form, but they were also lower than Super Saiyan Blue, which meant that whatever fourth transformation she had was the one he wanted to fight. While he was thinking about that, however, Mizuna decided that it was time to stop playing around and got serious, where she started channeling her ki as she attacked Hit, running through the techniques she knew and picking which ones would serve her well in this fight. Mizuna had learned much from training with her son and Goku, and from watching them and their friends battle the evils that attacked their world, so she knew a few attacks that they would easily recognize... and one that she had only shown off the one time, back when she and Vegeta were reunited in the Other World.

She started by rushing at Hit's location and started blocking the barrage of attacks her opponent was throwing at her, though when the opening revealed itself Mizuna struck Hit in the chest and caused him to bend over towards her for a few seconds, which she used to jump into the air and stare down at her opponent. She then started forming ki spheres in her hands and threw them towards where Hit was standing, letting them rain down on him while he silently questioned why none of them were coming anywhere close to actually touching him. That was then followed by Mizuna smiling as her ki expanded, causing the spheres to light up and forced Hit to cover his eyes for a few moments, though instead of an attack coming, as one would expect, Mizuna had the spheres move in unison, where they all exploded around Hit as they converged on his exact location. She called this her 'Cage of Light' attack, which was derived from the fact that her ki spheres formed a cage of sorts around her target before lighting the area up, temporarily blinding her opponent... and it was also based off of Piccolo's 'Hellzone Grenade', who was nodding his head as she glanced over to him.

When the smoke cleared, and revealed that Hit was only lightly grazed by her attack, Mizuna smiled and rushed back down to where he was standing, where the two of them resumed their earlier battle of throwing punches and kicks at each other, while at the same time Mizuna readied her next attack. As she fought she made sure to transform small bits of her aura into even smaller needle shaped objects, like one would find at a doctor's office or on some cactus, and kept them hidden until she was ready. When Hit knocked her backwards, however, Mizuna smiled and swung her arm towards him, where she sent some of the needles she had created in his direction and caused him to move out of the way, which was a smart move because each needle let off a small explosion when it touched something. She kept at it for a few more seconds, as her 'Needle Storm' was a distraction type move she had developed, because it forced an opponent to focus on where the needles were flying and not pay attention to what was around them.

The moment Hit realized that he was being maneuvered to a specific spot, however, Mizuna gathered the remaining needles and converted them back into a green colored sphere that she hurled towards her intended target, who rushed to the side and let the orb come into contact with the edge of the arena, blowing a chunk of the edge away in the process. Mizuna then smiled to herself, because the last time she had used this move, against one of the Saiyans she was training with, she had struck her target and knocked the poor warrior out cold, so it was nice to see that Hit was fairing much better than her other opponents usually did. She usually referred to the green colored sphere as her 'Chaos Orb' and either loosed one when an opponent was distracted or fired multiple of them at the same time, like Jeice did against Applejack with his 'Crusher Volcano' move. She found it humorous that she was like Goku in a regard, as he saw attacks and made them his own if they proved to be useful, but the difference was that she used her new techniques in a different manner, often adding something to her's to make them unique... though there was one attack that was original to her that had caused her son to create his own ultimate attack, as a tribute to her.

A few moments later she landed on the arena floor and faced Hit, who seemed to be getting tired, meaning that he must have expanded too much energy fighting Goku and was using his reserves to get the job done... to which she sighed and reverted back to her base form.

"What are you doing?" Hit inquired, as he would have expected Mizuna to continue the fight in the form she had been using for the last couple of minutes, as he had seen no signs of her needing whatever was after Super Saiyan 3 for her.

"I thought it was time for me to really get serious and show you my final form," Mizuna replied, though at the same time she offered Hit a smile as she prepared herself, as she was sure that this was going to surprise a lot of people when the transformation was over.

As she took a deep breath she noticed that Hit wasn't going anything, once again to the annoyance of Champa since he wasn't attacking an open target, but Mizuna was happy that he was such an honorable fighter, otherwise he would have knocked Vegeta, Goku, and herself out of the tournament without allowing them to transform. A few moments later she braced herself as the wind around her kicked up and her aura started to take on a blue tint, though that was rapidly followed by her taking on her Super Saiyan state... only this time around her hair was blue colored, as well as her eyes, eyebrows, her aura, and her tail. From what she could tell it appeared that everyone from Universe 7 were surprised by what she had done, as if they weren't expecting her to actually have this form unlocked and practiced like Goku and Vegeta did, but she was happy to prove them wrong.

"So, you also have access to Super Saiyan Blue," Hit commented, though that made this fight all the more interesting, because Goku had put up a good fight before he had been forced to go into the Kaio-Ken state.

"In Universe 7 the Saiyans have a ritual were five of us with righteous hearts instilled our light into another," Mizuna said, to which she gestured over to Goku and Vegeta for a moment, as she remembered what had happened when they first went through this process, "I was one of the five Saiyans that helped Vegeta reach the level of Super Saiyan God, which eventually allowed him to access this form through training and hard work. Shortly after that, when the dead Saiyans returned to Asgard, we got together and repeated the process among two of our number, as in the two greatest warriors to grace the Saiyan afterlife... one, of course, was myself, while the other was Bardock, Goku's father."

Before Hit could say anything Mizuna rushed towards him and slammed her fist into his chest, before spinning around and kicking him in the side, knocking him backwards as he attempted to regain himself. Mizuna, on the other hand, continued her attacks as she and Hit moved around the arena, where she found that he was still restraining himself from using the Time-Skip, even though it would let him win this match in an instant. Since he wasn't using that technique, and was fighting like a martial artist, Mizuna fought him like that for a few more moments, dodging his attacks and dealing some damage in return, before she decided that they had dragged on this match more than was absolutely necessary... to which she pulled herself away from Hit and moved her arms out to her sides, just like Vegeta did when he was using his Final Flash technique.

Despite the fact that it had been awhile since she had last used this technique, which was only during training since she almost never fought people in the world of the living like her son did, Mizuna felt the balls of energy form above her palms and charged them as green lightning branched off of her attacks.

Vegeta's eyes widened as he recognized what attack his mother was going to use, because after she had used it against him he had the idea to create the Final Flash, which used the same charge style that his mother was using and even came with lightning branching off and cutting lines into the arena floor. From what he could tell Kakarot, Rainbow, and Applejack, the only other ones who had actually seen this attack in action, recognized what his mother was doing as well, though they were interested in seeing what sort of power it commanded now that she was using her Super Saiyan Blue state and not just Super Saiyan. At the same time, however, he could tell that Cabba was watching the battle with an interest, meaning that he was eager to see what the Queen of the Universe 7 Saiyans could do when she put her mind and her power to a task... even though the air shook as his mother pulled her hands together in front of her and pointed the combined sphere down at where Hit was standing.

"Final... Shine..." Mizuna said, speaking the parts of the name like she and Vegeta would do when they were charging their own versions of this attack, while at the same time noticing that Hit was curious as to what she was doing and seemed to be readying the Time-Skip at long last, meaning that he knew how powerful this attack was going to be and was likely going to dodge it entirely, "Attack!"

The moment she said the final part of her attack's name Mizuna released the burst of ki energy, baring the same green color as the rest of her attacks so far, which barreled through the air and rushed towards where Hit was standing, where he crossed his arms and prepared himself for the collision. Since Mizuna wasn't actually trying to kill him, or destroy an attack he was throwing at her like she did with Vegeta's Galick Gun all those years ago, she purposely charged it for an extremely low amount of time. Despite that fact her Final Shine Attack was still powerful enough to force the stubborn Hit to remain where he was standing as he tried to withstand the power she was using against him, though before the rush of ki energy was over Mizuna surprised him... by jumping into her own attack and kicking him in the chest, sending him flying out of the arena and forced him to collide with the barrier, where he fell to the ground and remained there for a few seconds as Mizuna's attack dissipated completely.

A few moments later, as the referee declared that Mizuna had won the fight, she sighed and reverted back to her normal state, before she jumped down to where Hit was laying and helped him back onto his feet, where she offered him a smile before heading back to Beerus' platform... while also seeing that her friends were cheering her own because she won them the Super Dragon Balls and saved the Earth from being taken to Universe 6.

When she returned to the platform, however, she felt the air behind her change and found that she wasn't the only one interested in what was happening, where they found Champa threatening the four conscious fighters Vados had chosen, and the unconscious Frost, with total erasure due to them embarrassing him. Goku, not wanting to lose the fighters that had actually put up a good fight, turned towards Beerus with a look on his face that asked if there was anything the God of Destruction could do in this situation. For a few seconds Beerus wondered if there was some way for him to calm Champa down and avoid his brother accidentally destroying the Super Dragon Balls in his rage, though at the same time his brother challenged his fighters to fight him if they truly wanted to... indicating that all of their 'tricks' wouldn't save them this time around as he prepared to erase them from existence.

That was, however, before Whis and Vados pointed out that someone had arrived in the middle of the ring, where Beerus and Champa noticed that Zeno-sama and two of his attendants had arrived... which meant that the two Gods of Destruction were likely in sort of trouble, though they left their seats and headed down to the arena with their Angels.

"Welcome Zeno-sama," both Beerus and Champa said, where the two of them landed near each other and bowed towards the King of All, though while Champa was sweating a lot Beerus was absolutely calm, while hiding any terror he was feeling inside his body.

"We haven't seen you since the summit of the gods some time ago," Whis commented, recalling that event well, because it had been interesting watching Beerus fight another God of Destruction that actually pushed him harder than any of the others had.

"Have you been doing well?" Vados asked, though to the observers they would have noticed that the Gods bowed to the King of All while the Angels appeared to be on another level, while the Supreme Kais gathered behind them and bowed with their heads near the ground.

"Yeah." Zeno replied, though at the same time that one word essentially was a response to all three statements that had been spoken since his arrival, indicating that he acknowledged the greeting, Whis's observation, and Vados' question while making no attempt to really say much.

"Zeno-sama," Shin said, though at the same time he kept his eyes shut as he waited to hear what was going to happen next, because it seemed like this tournament had taken a turn for the worse, "what can we do for you today?"

"I came here because..." Zeno started to say, though he had to pause for a brief moment to remember why he and his attendants had come here, before he started speaking once more, "It was brought to my attention that today you were doing something arbitrarily. Skipping your jobs as Gods of Destruction is not a good thing."

"Please, listen to this, Zeno-sama," Vados said, to which she slightly beckoned to Champa and the fat that he had accumulated over the years, something that she was trying to work on, "Champa-sama neglects his health, as you can see from his body shape. This affects his work and so I, in turn, prepare balanced nutritious meals for him to enjoy, but he says that my food tastes... really really really bad."

It was in that moment that Beerus actually felt a little sorry for his brother, because he had never heard anything about Vados being a horrible cook, apparently worse than when Chronoa first started out by the sounds of it, and wondered if Chronoa could help Vados improve her skills. At the same time, however, he wondered what Whis was going to say about him, since he had changed since Rainbow and Applejack had entered his life... and the fact that he actually had plans made after this tournament was over.

"Beerus, on the other hand, actually has three dead planets scheduled for destruction in the next few days," Whis said, to which Beerus mentally let out a sigh of relief, because he could count on his oldest friend and trusted companion to speak the truth on what he was doing, "Since the arrival of Rainbow Dash and Applejack, who became his daughters, Beerus has become more active in making sure that the planets he destroys are those that don't have life on them, unless his rage breaks, so that Shin and his fellow Kais can continue the cycle with creation. True, he likes delicious dishes like his brother does, but he's taken to eating a more reasonable meal everyday and sleeps when it's necessary, instead of sleeping all the time and destroying little... I'd say that he's improved quite well over the last forty years."

"Maybe I should... appoint a new God of Destruction for Universe 6." Zeno stated, though he sounded very serious for a moment and that freaked Champa out, because he liked being the God of Destruction for his universe and didn't want to give that up for anything, before Zeno shifted his head slightly, "Just kidding."

Champa relaxed for a brief moment, because one was never certain what might happen when they dealt with Zeno-sama, though he kept his ears open as he waited for the King of All to say something that required his immediate attention and needed a response from him.

"Well, I did come here because I was concerned," Zeno continued, to which he gained the full attention of everyone around him, along with those that were moving towards the area behind the Kais, "but, I ended up enjoying what I saw... very much. So, I thought that maybe we should do this one more time, with contestants gathered from every universe."

"Pardon me for asking this, but does that include Universe 13?" Goku inquired, though at the same time he and the other fighters landed behind the Gods of Destruction, their Angels, and the Kaioshin from both universes.

"Hmm..." Zeno commented, as if he was actually thinking about something, which made sense to Beerus because the once unofficial universe had only been elevated to the status of official recently, before the King of All seemed to come to a decision, "Yeah."

"Awesome." Goku said, though those that knew him well already knew that he was imagining fighting against Rainbow, Applejack, Pinkie, and the other displaced ponies whenever the King of All wanted to have the tournament between universes.

Beerus noticed that Goku was already walking towards where he and Champa were standing, though before he could say anything Zeno-sama told his attendants that it was fine and walked forward as well, to which the two attendants moved to the side as Zeno walked forward and told Goku that the matches were good. It was then that he repeated the desire to have another tournament between the thirteen universes, something that Goku was greatly interested in, to which Goku held a hand out towards the King of All. A few seconds passed as everyone stared at the exchange in interest, as the two attendants were ready to pounce on Goku the moment their master told them to, but Zeno simply smiled and held his hand out, where Goku grasped it... and lifted Zeno up on accident, which seemed to excite the King of All a bit, as he called Goku an 'interesting guy' before he was set back down.

That was followed by Zeno saying that he was heading home and grasped hands with his attendants, to which Beerus and Champa thanked the King of All for his hard work before the trio disappeared... though once they were gone everyone relaxed a little bit, even though Champa was still annoyed about something.

"Beerus, the tournament held by Zeno-sama will be the real thing," Champa said, to which he turned towards his brother and stared at him while he imagined the next team he built conquering everyone from the other universes, "think of this tournament as a practice run. That's why, I'm not frustrated even though I lost."

"Well then, I look forward to seeing what happens when that tournament starts," Beerus replied, because he knew that there was a small chance of the tournament actually happening, not unless Zeno-sama asked the Grand Priest to remind him of it every now and then so he could plan when to hold it, before he turned his mind towards what had happened before the arrival of the King of All, "You do remember your promise, don't you?"

"Yes, I remember what I promised you," Champa growled, indicating that he took no pleasure in handing over the six wish orbs he had spent so much time collecting, especially because he wanted to have Earth's food all to himself, "I'll leave the six Super Dragon Balls here, though I doubt you can find the seventh one at all. Come Vados, we're leaving."

As the Universe 6 warriors started to follow their God of Destruction, so he and Vados could take them home and drop them off on whatever planet they all came from, Cabba rushed over to Vegeta and promised him that, in exchange for teaching him the first level of the Super Saiyan transformation, that he would be honored to show Vegeta around Planet Sadal someday. He even went as far as to call Vegeta his mentor, to which Vegeta smiled and told the young Saiyan to continue his training, so he could protect his planet and his loved ones from harm, to which Cabba agreed before heading off to join his team. Goku, on the other hand, tried to convince Hit to fight him again, where he would be able to use his full power, but Hit said nothing and walked away, leaving Goku to form a plan in his mind to get the fight to happen regardless of what Hit said or did. It was also during that time frame that Buu woke up from his nap, as he had apparently fallen asleep at some point before the start of the tournament and Mr. Satan hadn't said anything about it, before Whis called for everyone to start gathering in the Universe 7 cube.

At the same time, however, Bulma walked forward and pulled out the Super Dragon Radar, the contraption she had been working on to ensure that she could find the seventh Super Dragon Ball for whichever God's team had won the tournament... though when she turned it on she found that there was no sign of the seventh sphere.

"Wait... isn't it showing that all seven spheres are present here already?" Android 18 commented, as she, Krillin, and Beerus' daughters were the last ones to board the cube, though she had noticed something interesting when she looked at the modified radar.

When Bulma confirmed that the seventh sphere was present, where she had no idea, Applejack's eyes flashed for a moment as she jumped to the planet's surface and rested a hand against the ground, where she closed her eyes and sent her energy outwards as she waited for a response. When 18 asked what she was doing, however, Beerus said that, as someone that was destined to become a Kaioshin in the future, Applejack had the ability to communicate with the cores of each planet, which was how she allowed Planet Meka to come to life during their fight. He further explained that she could tell which planets were truly dead and which ones needed a nudge in the right direction to bring them to full life, which was a skill she was actually helping Shin improve on. A few seconds later, however, Applejack opened her eyes and jumped back onto the arena floor, though her expression said that she knew something that the others didn't.

"Dad, you're never going to believe what I discovered," Applejack said, though at the same time she turned to the rest of the group and smiled, which really made them wonder what she had discovered, "Everyone, get in the cube and we'll show you something interesting... once I explain myself to Whis."

A few moments later, with everyone aboard the cube, Whis lifted them into the air and took them into space, stopping at the right distance to show the six Super Dragon Balls and the Nameless Planet, before Whis swung his scepter and lines started to appear on the planet's surface. It was almost like a planet was being destroyed before their eyes, though they had to actually cover their eyes as the surface of the Nameless Planet exploded in a bright flash of light, something that reminded Frieza of when he blew planets to pieces in the past. When the light faded, and they were allowed to look again, they were stunned to find that the Nameless Planet hadn't been a planet at all, rather it had been the seventh Super Dragon Ball that had been covered in asteroids and space debris until it was no longer recognizable for what it truly was. It was then that Applejack explained that, instead of hearing the voice of a planet's core like she had with Earth or Shin's planet, she heard what appeared to be a fragmented voice instead.

Bulma, being the smart lady that she was, quickly determined that the fragmented voice was the voice of the God of Dragons, indicating that Applejack had heard a small portion of an unusual voice and figured out that the Nameless Planet wasn't what Champa thought it was... which made Beerus fortunate that his brother didn't try to blow the entire place up, otherwise he might have taken the seven spheres and stole his Earth before the tournament even started.

"Okay, so how do we summon the God of Dragons?" Beerus asked, because this was honestly the first time that he had ever had all seven Super Dragon Balls in his possession and he never bothered to get the incantation to summon the dragon, but since Bulma had gone out of the way to talk to Zuno he knew that she had the phrase they needed.

"Say in the Language of the Gods, 'Come forth, God of Dragons, and grant my wish, easy peasy lemon squeezy'," Bulma stated, though when she noticed the looks she was getting from some of the people around her, however, she merely sighed and shook her head, "Trust me, I asked the same question to be sure that this was the correct incantation to summon the God of Dragons... even if the last part seems like a child created the passphrase."

"Well, we don't have words for that last part, so we'll have to say them normally," Beerus commented, though he glanced up at Whis to be sure he was ready, to which his Angel nodded in return and faced the Super Dragon Balls once more, "Teenakawo Iganeteshiso Uyurinomika Yodei Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy."

Whis coughed once and repeated the words out loud so the Super Dragon Balls could hear them, to which the group waited for something to happen, though since they had no idea what happened when the incantation was spoken they simply watched and waited. That was swiftly followed by the stars on the seven spheres glowing for a few seconds, where they started moving on their own and moved into a specific formation, with the one through three stars near the top, the four star in the middle, and the five through seven stars resting near the bottom. Once they were in the formation that they used electricity, which was likely the energy of the seven spheres, braced off from each sphere on the exterior of the hexagon and latched onto the four star ball in the middle. A few moments later the seven spheres were consumed by a bright golden light, to which Whis formed a barrier around the cube and moved them away from the ball of light... which collapsed into a single point for a moment before becoming incredibly strong a few moments later.

This time around everyone covered their eyes and waited for the light to fade, though when the light faded they came face to face with a massive golden colored dragon that looked more frightening than Shenron did... though moments later it snapped it's eyes open, where were red colored, and started to move as it slowly opened it's mouth. When the dragon finally woke up, however, it let out a roar that caused everyone to cover their ears for a moment before it shattered the circular barrier that had been resting around it. That was followed by the dragon circling around a golden sphere before coming their way, where the group barely had even a second to react before they were literally swallowed by the dragon... though they quickly found that they were alright as they traveled along the insides of the massive dragon.

Whis told them not to worry about being digested, in case anyone was thinking about that, and simply said that they were traveling towards their goal, to which they passed through a green colored dragon shaped gateway of some kind and continued forward... where they eventually came to a stop in front of the dragon's nucleus.

"Uroyateenaka kedatsutohimoiga eneandoeiwaigaane asa." the God of Dragon's nucleus said, though at the same time those that were familiar with Shenron knew that the creature was asking for them to speak their wish, to which they turned towards Beerus for a moment.

Beerus, on the other hand, already had a wish in mind from the moment his brother threw down the gauntlet and tried to take his Earth away from him, something that would make his brother happy and maybe change his attitude towards him and his family.

"Roseraegamiyo Woirunji Touyukichi Nooyuchiukuroida." Beerus stated, speaking his wish in the Language of the Gods, which he knew Whis could easily speak to the nucleus of the God of Dragons.

For a moment everyone was silent as Whis repeated Beerus' wish, as they wondered what their God of Destruction could possibly wish for when he already had everything he could ever want, before the God of Dragons' eyes flashed red for a brief few seconds.

"Dabarasawade Tatsuyateenaka Haigane!" the God of Dragons declared, which made those think that he said that the wish had been granted, before the nucleus disappeared and let the group in total darkness for a few seconds.

That was followed by them reappearing in front of the seven Super Dragon Balls, with the God of Dragons nowhere to be seen, before the seven wish granting orbs separated from each other and hurled themselves to the furthest reaches of Universe 6 and Universe 7. Once that was over the cube remained floating where it was for a few minutes, as Bulma was interested in hearing what Beerus had wished for, especially since when he gained the Earth Dragon Balls he stated that he had everything he could ever want.

"If you must know I wished for something that benefited my brother more than it benefited me," Beerus said, though at the same time he was rather proud of himself, because from what he had seen most people who use the Dragon Balls either wish for personal gain in some manner or resurrect the dead, "I gave Champa exactly what he wanted; a thriving Earth full of earthlings, with a civilization that makes decision food and isn't on the brink of annihilating each other over a stupid and pointless war. Basically I restored life to the Universe 6 version of Earth, meaning that my brother now has his own version of Earth that resembles yours and he can eat their delicious food to his heart's content... provided he doesn't accidentally blow them up or something in the near future."

"That's... kind of you to do." Bulma replied, as while she was expecting Beerus to wish for something interesting, and having another version of Earth with an near identical civilization was definitely interesting, she was not expecting him to restore life to a planet when it was his job to do the opposite.

"I win the tournament and Champa gets the true prize," Beerus stated, though he was happy to see that his family and closest friends were quite pleased with what he had just done for his brother, before he turned to Whis, "Come on, let's go home and get some rest."

"Actually, there is one unresolved issue," Goku spoke up, to which he turned towards Chronoa, who had been silent the entire time Zeno had been present and hadn't said anything since the God of Dragons had been awoken from his slumber for Beerus' wish, "What do you say Chronoa? Can we spar for a few minutes?"

Beerus started to open his mouth, and say something about how Goku should be resting after the punishment that he put his body through, but before he could actually say anything on the matter Chronoa touched his arm for a moment and stopped him in his tracks, to which he closed his mouth and waited for his beloved's decision.

"Whis, set a course for Planet Aytera," Chronoa said, though at the same time she turned her full attention towards Goku, whose eyes lit up the moment he understood what she was going to say next, "Goku wants to see the full power of the Supreme Kai of Time in action, so I intend on showing him, and anyone else that wants to join in, my full power."

Beerus raised an eyebrow as Whis got them underway and headed for Planet Aytera, because he was really interested in seeing what Chronoa's true form looked like when she went through whatever transformation she had and witnessing what she was capable of doing when she channeled her full power. This next fight was going to be an interesting one, he knew that already, and he was eagerly looking forward to seeing what happened next.

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