• Published 26th Jan 2017
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Dragon Ball Z: Daughters of Destruction - Blackdrag-rose

Rainbow Dash and Applejack are transported to a strange world, where they are raised by Beerus the Destroyer and his attendant Whis.

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Cell: Determination

Rainbow, Applejack, and the rest of the assembled Z Warriors were forced to watch as Cell left his semi-perfect form and ascended to his perfect form, the one that was apparently much stronger than anything and anyone that they had fought up to this point in time. They knew that it would be impossible to hit their opponent while he was in the middle of transforming, as the amount of power he was pushing out was literally pushing all of the clouds away from the island that they had been fighting on the entire time. That fact, however, didn't stop Gale from releasing a storm of ki blasts at where her brother was standing, because she refused to allow him to ascend to his perfect form and gain the power to kill all of them, including fulfilling his promise that he was going to kill her once he reached this state.

Android 16, on the other hand, was smart enough to carry Krillin away from where Cell was, as Gale's ki blasts zeroed in on her target and exploded all around Cell, but even then the Android knew that Gale was doomed to fail... as he could tell that some of the ki blasts were pushed back into the walls and the ground by Cell's energy.

The area around Cell violently shook as he ascended towards his perfect form, as if the ground itself was suffering an earthquake that was larger than what Applejack had done with her Tremor Punch earlier, while at the same time lightning seemed to separate from Cell's body and lash out at the sky around them. The Z Warriors watched as the ground around Cell started to flatten under the intensity of his power, telling them that his power was much greater than what they had originally been expecting it to be. Even the water around the island was creating waves that could rival any storm, once more telling everyone that was watching the transformation that Cell might be beyond their power at the moment... but that didn't stop them from being prepared for what was coming their way.

Eventually, after a few minutes of strange weather occurring and darkness surrounding the island, Cell was engulfed in a blinding flash of light, causing the Z Warriors to divert their eyes until they were sure that the light was completely gone... though when the light faded, and they were allowed to open their eyes once more, they watched as everything returned to normal and gazed upon Cell once more.

Cell's perfect form was where he was definitely much more humanoid than any of his previous forms, which meant that his face had a fully-formed nose and mouth, making him look more like a person instead of the monster he had been a few minutes ago. As the Z Warriors took in his new form they noticed a few things; Cell's tail had retracted into an area on his back, his wings were apparently fully grown and had turned to a shade of black, and he also had black plates located on his shoulders, the lower part of his legs, and on his chest. The strange orange line, that had been beneath his chin and had reached to both of his square shaped ears, had changed from its original color and had turned yellow, though at the same time his eyes had a more menacing look to them.

The group watched as Cell floated in the middle of the air for a few seconds, as the ground had been flattened by his transformation, before he finally lowered himself to the ground... but at the same time the group prepared themselves for what was going to be one of the hardest fights of their lives.

"So... so that's my brother's perfect form," Gale commented, fear creeping into her voice, because despite all the training she did, both in the future timeline she had come from and the fighting she had done in this timeline, she already knew that there was a vast difference in their power levels, "his power... its incredible... and frightening at the same time."

"He now has the power to destroy the world... and potentially the universe as well," Trunks said, looking down at Cell's perfect form in both shock and terror, as he had been trying to prevent this from coming about ever since he had heard about Cell, though that was followed by him turning to Gale and grabbing the collar of her gi, "This is all your fault! If you had aimed your attack so it would have sent Cell flying over the water, instead of into the ground below us, we won't be in this situation to begin with! Better yet, you should have never come back to this timeline to begin with... you have done nothing but hinder us since you arrived."

"Trunks, I understand that you hate me and are looking for every opportunity to tell me so," Gale replied, though at the same time she didn't bother to force Trunks to release her collar, because even if she did it would only make her situation worse than it already was, "but I would never intentionally send Cell to where Android 18 was hiding. Its just bad luck that she, Android 16, and Krillin happened to be there when I sent my brother into the ground, so we'll just have to put forth our best efforts to defeat Cell."

Rainbow and Applejack looked over at Gale for a few seconds, to be sure that they had heard her correctly, before they returned their attention to Cell, who was currently punching and kicking the air, testing out the movements of his perfect form and preparing himself for the fight that was coming his way. The two of them already knew that a frontal attack wouldn't work against their opponent, not now anyway, so their best course of action was to combine all of their various strengths and skills into a continuous stream of attacks. It was a foolish plan, as the only attack that might have the potential to stop Cell now was Rainbow's lance, though she considered eating one of the last two Senzu Beans they had so she could use the final of the three techniques she had developed while they were training.

The Wrath of the Thunder God, a move that could easily be as destructive as the Lightning Lance, might have the power to stop Cell, but even as Rainbow looked at the sky around them she knew that it wouldn't work... as Cell's transformation appeared to have upset the clouds and it would take some time for them to return to normal.

"So, who wants to be the first to taste the power of my perfect form?" Cell called out, as he was now standing still and was patiently waiting for someone to attack him, though at the same time everyone noticed that his voice had changed and had taken on a slightly more menacing tone.

Before anyone could react, or even come up with a plan of attack, Gale broke herself out of Trunks' grasp and charged at her brother, to which Rainbow and Applejack noticed that the wind around her was bending to her will at the moment. As Gale neared Cell she flipped to the side and threw her leg at her brother's back, intending to take him surprise and open a door for everyone else to unleash their strongest attacks at the Bio-Android. What actually happened was that Cell seemed to sense that she was coming his way, because he moved out of the way and caught Gale's leg with his hands, though that was followed by him heaving her into the air and slammed her into the ground that was to the right of where he had been standing the entire time.

After tossing Gale into the ground, and hurting her in the process, Cell let her go and jumped backwards, to which he floated in the air and watched his sister, which meant that he was waiting for her to get up and attack him again. Gale, on the other hand, carefully pulled herself out of the small hole that had been created around her and glared at her brother, though at the same time the wind around them shifted as she accessed her elemental affinity. The wind wrapped around Gale for a few seconds and formed what appeared to be a miniature tempest, though a few seconds later she flew through the air and raced towards Cell. She swung her hand in the motion that a cat would do, when one was trying to claw at something, and five strands of wind leapt from her fingers and raced towards her brother.

Cell, on the other hand, merely reached forward with his left hand and stopped all give strands before they could even wound him, to which he grinned for a moment before throwing them back in Gale's face... where they slammed into her body and cut through her gi, and her body itself. Gale coughed as she threw herself out of the area of her own attack, as she was surprised that her brother was able to catch her attack and throw it back at her, but what annoyed her was that he apparently added some of his own power to her attack... and the cuts on her body, with blood already starting to gather, hurt worse than anything else she had felt before today.

"Come dear sister, show me your full power." Cell commented, though at the same time he made a few more punches and kicks at the air around him, almost as if he was taunting her into attacking him again, "After all, I did promise you that once I obtained my perfect form I was going to kill you... so if you don't want to die then you had better show me the power that I had feared up until this point in time."

Gale growled and opened herself to every ability that she had access to, which was when she raced towards her brother and swung her fist right at his face, but instead of dodging it Cell merely blocked her attack with his hand and smiled at her. Gale was not in the mood for this, to which she started swinging her arms and legs at her brother, which was followed by each attack being aided by the wind in some manner so she could bring an end to this fight. Every attack she launched at Cell was met by some level of resistance, as the elemental attacks were thrown to the side of where they were fighting and each of her punches and kicks were blocked. It was annoying that her brother's perfect form was this powerful, as she couldn't get passed any of his defenses, but if she gave up then Cell would destroy the world.

Her next attack was blocked by Cell's arm, though instead of allowing her to back away this time he swung his arm and slammed it into her chest, releasing enough force to knock the wind out of her. The moment she considered jumping away from her brother, and regrouping with the other Z Warriors, Cell was on top of her as he unleashed a barrage of blows, where he slammed his fists into her and continued his assault.

"He's going to kill her," Vegeta commented, because he and the others were watching Cell dominate Gale, which meant that his perfect form was much stronger than anything they had ever seen before, "Damn, I really didn't want to do this... Trunks, you need to transform into the Super Saiyan Third Grade form."

"Are you sure that such a transformation is even going to work?" Trunks asked, though while he was glad to see that Gale was getting what she deserved, he knew that they needed to stop Cell before he destroyed the world, "Sure, the increase in power is great, but the drawback is that it saps away so much of our speed that it would make it impossible to hit our opponent."

"Not if he's distracted by someone else," Applejack pointed out, knowing what Vegeta was thinking, but at the same time she knew that this was a risky plan, as there was no telling what Cell would do when they started attacking him at the same time, "Rainbow, you should stay here and see if you can't find an opening in Cell's defenses... and then pour your energy into a lance that should stop Cell in his tracks."

Rainbow clearly hated the idea of not joining in the fight and leaving it up to everyone else, but it appeared that the lance was the last move in their arsenal that might have a chance at beating the Bio-Android. She would have used the Wrath, but Cell's transformation had wrecked the sky and there was no way to get everything back together without him noticing what was happening. She was going to have to watch and wait for a weakness to show itself, or she could just prime the lance and throw it when she was ready... but then she merely sighed and nodded her head, letting her sister know that she was willing to play along.

Trunks let out a sigh as he started to power up, though because he was currently in the Super Saiyan form, and not the Second Grade state like his father, it would take some time for him to transform from his current state into the empowered state, and then a few more seconds to take on the Third Grade state. At the same time Vegeta and Applejack headed down to where Cell was at the moment, though at the same time Applejack opened herself to the Kaio-Ken, as she knew that she was going to need it this time around.

Cell grinned as Gale took everything that he did to her body, as he could feel some of her bones cracking under the pressure he was using against her, but at the same time he desired a stronger opponent that could put up a decent fight. He seemed to get his wish, as both Vegeta and Applejack flew into the area near him and attacked him, to which he tossed his sister away and raised both his hands to defend himself, where he parried each attack that was sent his way. Cell noted that his opponents seemed to be working well together, which made sense considering how long they knew each other, but even then he could tell where their attacks were and could plan his parries accordingly.

Gale, apparently not having enough punishment, pulled herself back up and gathered her energy into a ball of energy, though when she charged at Cell he separated himself from his opponents and appeared behind her, to which he slammed her into the ground and, in a moment of decision, raised his hand and severed her arm at the elbow. The action canceled out Gale's attack and caused her to scream in pain, though with the deed done he backed away from her as Applejack tried to kick him. He then tossed the severed arm to the side and watched his sister being helped by the other pony girl, but as he watched he noticed that Gale was bracing herself... which was followed by her arm regenerating, just like he had done earlier when his own arm had been blown off.

"That's right, you have Piccolo's cells in your body as well," Cell commented, though as he spoke he knew that he didn't sound surprised, because all Dr. Gero did was edit the genetic material he had been made from and added the cells of Rainbow and Applejack to it, which was how Gale was created in the first place, "but it appears that you aren't used to the level of pain that comes with loosing an arm or a leg... which means that you just lost quite a bit of energy there."

"Screw you," Gale replied, though at the same time she accepted Applejack's help in getting up, to which she stretched her arm for a moment, just to make sure nothing had gone wrong when her arm had regenerated, "I've got another attack or two in store for you... if I ever get a chance to use them."

Vegeta seemed to know that Gale had something in mind, as he and Applejack charged at Cell and continued to distract him, making sure that both Trunks and Gale had time to prepare themselves for their attacks. He already knew that they were fighting a losing battle, as Cell was more powerful than anyone they had seen fought since Frieza, which was insane when they thought about it, but they needed to stall Cell so Rainbow could have the time to make her lance. Even if Rainbow could make the lance, however, Vegeta knew that Cell would be watching for it, so there was no guarantee that the attack would work this time around... not when their opponent knew about it.

"I can tell that you are attempting to stall me," Cell stated, to which he blocked both Applejack's punch and Vegeta's kick, stopping them where they were for a few seconds before forcing them backwards, where they regrouped with each other and stared at him, "Trunks is currently transforming into the Super Saiyan Second Grade form your using, Gale seems to be planning something big on her own, and it seems that Rainbow is looking for a weakness that she can exploit when she decides its time to use her lance against me. Face the facts, I know all of your tricks and plans... which means that everything you are currently planning will fail the moment you put your plans into action."

Vegeta was surprised that Cell could even tell that Rainbow was planning on trying to find a weakness before using her lance, without even looking in her direction at all, but it meant that they needed to be careful about their attacks. He cast a glance back at Gale and found that the wind around her was bending into a sphere above her right hand, which was what she had been doing before Cell had severed her arm, but this time it appeared that she was planning on using it to its full potential this time. The ground around her was breaking under the intensity of the wind itself, which meant that whatever attack she was preparing was definitely powerful, but even so he had no idea if Cell would even allow the sphere of energy to hit him.

Instead of allowing Cell to stop the attack again, and break Gale under his power once more, both he and Applejack raced at their opponent and started throwing punches and kicks at him, because if they could distract him long enough he might miss something and they could sneak an attack by his defenses. Their plan seemed to work for a few moments, as Cell seemed to be focused solely on defending himself and was ignoring everyone else, so Vegeta hoped that Gale would be coming with her attack in the next couple of seconds. At the same time Vegeta noticed that the sky was swirling around the entire island, which meant that Trunks' transformation was reaching its apex, but he kept himself on the offensive until either his son or Gale was ready to attack.

He and Applejack didn't have to wait for very long, as Gale swiftly appeared in between them and swung her right arm at her brother, intending to use her attack and do some damage to her brother... unfortunately Cell grabbed the attack and ripped it from Gale's hand, to which he squeezed it with his hand and shattered it, before kicking her backwards.

"Damn it, just how powerful is this form?" Gale asked, though at the same time she coughed as she stared at her brother, as she could not believe that his perfect form was powerful enough to overcome her strongest attack and break it like it was nothing, "What did Dr. Gero do to make Cell this strong?"

"We're going to need some serious training to even get on his level," Applejack commented, though while she wasn't opposed to additional training she was slightly annoyed about how weak she felt at the moment, because it appeared that Cell could overcome all of them with very little effort, "but we might be in luck if Trunks does some decent damage to him."

Not a few seconds later Trunks appeared behind Cell and slammed his fist into the side of his head, sending the Bio-Android flying into the rock wall that was near them and cracking the area around him. Applejack noticed that Trunks' appearance didn't seem to change all that much, as the only thing that really seemed different was the fact that his muscles were even larger than what Vegeta's were. She also noticed that his hair was spiked in almost every direction and made him look more menacing than he had been before his transformation, though if Vegeta was right the increase in power the Third Grade state gave Trunks would also restrict his speed... which was where she and the others came in.

They turned their attention to where Cell was resting and watched as he pulled himself out of the small hole that had formed around him, though he didn't seem phased by the attack Trunks used against him.

"So, there was another upgrade to the Super Saiyan form," Cell commented, to which he stretched his arms and legs once more, as if he was checking something, before he stared at his opponents, "now I see why Vegeta didn't use it in the beginning of our fight. The price of using this form is a massive decrease in speed, which means that you won't be able to hit me unless you have someone to distract me, but now that I know what's going on you won't be able to do the same thing a second time."

"You say that now," Trunks said, to which he and the others dropped into their battle stances, as they were prepared for anything that Cell could do to them, "but soon we'll be taking you apart... whether its with our powers or with the strength that courses through Rainbow's body."

Before cell could reply Trunks and the others charged at their opponent, where Vegeta, Applejack, and Gale distracted him with their punches and kicks, though at the same time Trunks waited and picked the perfect opportunities to unleash his power against the Bio-Android. Unfortunately it appeared that Cell's prediction about not allowing the attacks to reach their target was correct, because every time Trunks tried to hit him, when a 'hole' opened in his defenses, Cell would block the attack and force him backwards. No matter who tried to hit Cell, and do some damage to him, all of their attacks were blocked and repelled... so much so that eventually the group backed away from Cell and stared at him.

Rainbow, who was watching the entire fight unfold before her eyes, noticed that it appeared that Cell was going to win this fight and force them all to flee at the moment, which was why lightning flickered around her body for a moment... because she had the feeling that she was going to need her lance soon.

"He isn't playing around with us," Applejack stated, to which she sweated for a moment as she looked at Cell, who was smiling at them as he floated above the ground, which he seemed to be fond of doing, "It appears that the Second and Third Grades of the Super Saiyan transformation, as well as the Kaio-Ken, aren't going to cut it in a fight against Cell. Does anyone have any final techniques we can use?"

"I have one in mind, but someone needs to tell Rainbow to prepare herself," Vegeta replied, to which he stared at Cell for a moment and smiled, because if they did this right they might be able to stop Cell in his tracks, "Cell, allow me to bring an end to this fight."

With that said Vegeta jumped backwards and landed on a small rock that was level with where Cell was floating, to which he raised both of his arms out to the side and gathered his energy all around him, though when his ki flared he created a small crater around him. As he gathered his ki into his palms, however, everyone backed away and landed on the nearby plateau, where Piccolo and Tien joined them so they could see the end of the fight, but at the same time they noticed something interesting; Rainbow had taken on the form that would allow her to summon the lance. As Vegeta prepared his final technique, one that he hadn't shown anyone yet, he noticed that the weather was definitely being effected by what he was doing, but he focused on his opponent... who happened to be standing still at the moment.

When he brought his hands closer to each other, and actually formed a sphere of ki between his palms, a small fraction of his ki branched outwards and acted like lightning, to which it struck the ground and cut a thin line into the earth beneath their feet... which seemed to impress Cell.

"That's much better!" Cell called out, letting Vegeta know that he was definitely impressed by what was going on at the moment, which made everyone else wonder if the Bio-Android had a death wish, as he wasn't moving at all, "I can actually feel that!"

"In mere moments all you'll be feeling is oblivion!" Vegeta replied in kind, though while he knew that Cell would be focusing on his attack, and only his attack, he was really referring to Rainbow's attack, which was being masked by the sheer amount of ki he was using at the moment.

"That or disappointment," Cell commented, but even as the words left his mouth he held his hands out and smiled, which was his silent challenge for Vegeta to release his attack and allow him to see how strong it really was, "go ahead... flip that coin."

Vegeta smiled as Cell accepted his challenge, which meant that he had no idea what was coming his way, but he intended to keep it that was, because if Cell knew that the lance would be coming his way he would be departing from this area and leaving them all behind. He could tell that the ground was shaking beneath them at the moment, which was understandable considering the power he was putting out, but he was thankful that his opponent was being stupid and not running away from them. He did glance over at Rainbow once during his preparation of his attack, though when she nodded he turned his attention back to Cell... to which he prepared himself for what was to come.

"Final," Vegeta called out, to which he stopped gathering his ki and started to release, which would be in the familiar form of a beam of energy like his Galick Gun, "Flash!"

The moment the second word left his mouth he leveled his hands with Cell and loosed the large amount of power that he had been gathering, to which a large beam of energy erupted from his hands and went flying towards Cell, while at the same time destroying all of the rock structures that were around them. Cell barely had time to move, even if he wanted to move out of the way, before the attack was right on top of him, where it struck him in the chest and raced through where he was standing. Vegeta was thankful that he had angled the attack to head into the sky once he had struck his opponent, because he was sure that he could have destroyed an island with the amount of power that he had gathered... though his attack dissipated when it passed through the atmosphere.

When the smoke cleared, however, he and the others were surprised to find that he had actually done a lot of damage to Cell, as his entire right arm was missing and he was acting as if such a thing could never happen to his perfect form... but everyone knew better, as he had Piccolo's cells and they were waiting for him to get serious.

"You know, your no fun," Cell commented, though at the same time he grinned as his arm burst out of his body, which was the same thing that Gale had done a few minutes ago, "You should have been gloating about damaging me and laughing over how you were going to obtain victory... and yet all you do is stand there and stare at me, as if something is going to turn in your favor."

Vegeta, instead of saying anything and revealing their hand to Cell, merely smiled as he felt the sudden change in the air, to which he noticed that Cell was turning his head in Rainbow's direction. He had enough time to see Rainbow yank her hands apart as she summoned her lance, which happened to be blue colored, though at the same time it actually caused the entire area around her to quake as lightning flashed above their heads, indicating that she had poured more energy into the attack than she had in the past. Cell had a few seconds to brace himself as Rainbow grabbed onto the lance, spun it around for a few seconds, before leveling the tip of it with her target... though the instant Cell realized that he was about to be the target of the lance Rainbow set it flying through the air.

The instant the lance bypassed all of Cell's defenses, and struck him in the chest, it sent Cell flying backwards as he struggled against the power that Rainbow had packed into the weapon, to which surprise crossed his face for a few seconds. The ground around him broke apart as he was pushed back towards the rock wall he head been planning on throwing Vegeta into once their fight was over, though the instant his back connected with the rocks he finally understood the difference between his lance and the one Rainbow used. Not a few seconds later the lance detonated with enough power to obliterate the entire area around him, which was followed by a massive surge of wind that had to be on the level of a tempest.

"Take that Cell!" Rainbow shouted, though at the same she prepared herself for when Cell revealed himself, because based on every other time she had used the lance in the past everyone she had used it on had survived the attack, which told her that Cell would do the same thing as well.

When the smoke cleared they discovered that Cell was missing his right arm for the second time since he took on his perfect form, though the additional damage involved a number of cuts and bruises to the rest of his body, along with part of his right wing and a chunk of his right leg missing. Cell seemed pissed off about the damage that he been done to him, for a few seconds anyway, but then he simply regenerated his injuries and stretched his arms and legs, where it appeared that he was thinking about something. That was the one thing about this sort of opponent that she was annoyed with, because they could do a lot of damage to Cell, and even take off an arm or a leg, but he would simply regenerate the damage and learn from his mistakes.

That thought made Rainbow wonder if she hadn't just given him the secrets to creating a lance that was as powerful as the one she used, but there was no way to know that until Cell decided to use it himself... though as they all prepared themselves they could not be prepared for what happened next.

"All of you are boring me." Cell commented, causing the entire group to look at him with a look of confusion on all of their faces, as they had expected him to fight them until they had been completely beaten by their opponent, though at the same time he raised a hand and pointed his palm at them, "None of you have the potential to allow me to test my perfect form to its fullest... so I should just kill you all and go find someone that can test my perfect form to its full potential, like Son Goku."

"Sure, go ahead and hunt for Son Goku," Trunks replied, though at the same time he dropped out of the Super Saiyan Third Grade form and reverted to his normal form, which his father and Applejack echoed a few seconds later, "he's sure to beat you into the ground and erase your existence from the universe. We may have failed to stop you, but Son Goku will win and save this world from you."

"No doubt he's using the same training method that all of you went through," Cell said, to which he lowered his hand and smiled at his foes, where they raised an eyebrow at him as they wondered what he was planning, "Very well then, I shall host a martial arts tournament in a little over a week, once I have selected the perfect place to hold it and build the perfect ring to house our fights. I will, of course, appear on the news when I have completed those two tasks and announce when the day of this planet's fate will be decided, so you will have some time to train and increase your power."

"And what could your ultimate goal be?" Applejack asked, because it didn't sound like he was interested in killing Goku, like the other Androids that came before him, but rather it appeared that he was interested in something else.

"I wish to see the heights of my power and strike fear into the hearts of the people of this world," Cell replied, though at the same time he opened his wings and floated into the sky, which told everyone that he was planning on leaving, "so go ahead, train to your hearts content and obtain a new level of power that will allow me to enjoy a decent fight... and keep your eyes on the news, because soon you'll be seeing my announcement."

Before anyone could say anything Cell turned around and flew away from the island, leaving them to do whatever they wanted with the time he was giving them, but at the same time they had no idea how long it would take the Bio-Android to find a spot to build his arena in and actually build the fighting area. Applejack, on the other hand, considered that they had at least a week worth of time on their hands, which would give them enough time to train in either the Saiyan afterlife or use the Hyperbolic Time Chamber again. She also knew that many of them were surprised by the gap in power that existed between them and the monster that was leaving them behind, so much so that she silently wished that her father was awake so he could simply erase Cell... but in her heart she knew that their father would stay asleep until his slumber was at an end.

Applejack let out a sigh as they watched Cell fly off into the distance, because now was the time where they needed to get serious about their training so they didn't let him walk away from them a second time... and bring an end to his life be he managed to bring about the end of the world.

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