• Published 26th Jan 2017
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Dragon Ball Z: Daughters of Destruction - Blackdrag-rose

Rainbow Dash and Applejack are transported to a strange world, where they are raised by Beerus the Destroyer and his attendant Whis.

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Cell: Saiyan vs Bio-Android

"Ah, a more worthy opponent has stepped into the ring." Cell commented, his smile remaining on his face as Goku stopped in front of him, or rather on the other side of the large hole that Rainbow had created earlier, "I'm all for fighting Rainbow and Applejack, and learning all of their various techniques and abilities, but even I can only take so much whining from one little girl."

"I'm thankful that Rainbow fought you first, because she's shown me that your perfect form is more durable than I originally thought," Goku said, to which he raised his fists and prepared himself, because he knew that it was a matter of time until Cell started the battle between them, "and you know, you could be a little more respectful to Rainbow. She and her sister are some of the strongest warriors we have on the planet, and they aren't even from the Earth to begin with."

"They may not be from this planet, but one of them whines like they were born on Earth," Cell stated, to which he glared at Rainbow for a few seconds, though at the same time he readied himself as well, as he also knew that the more serious fight was about to begin.

"Rainbow said something about you killing Gale Wind," Goku said, causing Cell to stare at him, as if the Bio-Android couldn't believe that he was mentioning his sister at this point in time, "Tell me, did you really kill your sister?"

"Yes. She came at me last night and tried to kill me," Cell replied, knowing that his opponent wouldn't get started on the fight unless he answered the question, "Gale was brave enough to fight me despite the obvious difference in our powers... and she was worthy of the death I gave her. Now that I have answered your question, shall we get started?"

Instead of responding to Cell's question, and delaying the fight further, Goku rushed forward and spun around to kick his opponent, where Cell raised an arm and blocked the attack, which was followed by a punch being thrown at the Bio-Android. As Cell blocked the second attack he threw one of his own at Goku, who ducked under the arm that was coming his way and responded with his own attacked, which was when Cell ducked under his own attack and backed away to the other side of the hole. Goku decided to take a chance and disappeared with his speed, to which he reappeared behind Cell and threw two punches at his opponent... where Goku found that the first one was blocked and the second was grabbed.

Cell smiled as he threw Goku back over the gap that rested in the middle of the arena, where he lightly landed on the floor for a few seconds, before the Saiyan rushed him once more. The two of them exchanged blows with each other, where they found the majority of their attacks being blocked by their opponent, before jumped into the air and disappeared. Cell picked himself off the floor and focused on trying to detect where his opponent had gone, because while he was good at detecting ki energy Goku's new technique, where he could jump from one location on the planet to another, was something that made it harder to find his opponent.

As he waited for Goku to reveal himself, however, Cell heard Mr. Satan being asked questions about the fight that was going on and the fights that had finished. Apparently the man assumed that Cell was cheating by 'tripping' him when they fought, which was followed by him stating that he'd be back in the arena at some point, provided Cell fix the massive hole that had been created. When asked about the hole and the lightning creature, however, the man stated that Cell had rigged the floor to detonate before the tournament even started, while the lightning had been some expertly planned tricks that made it seem like the weather was changing and that the creature had been all smoke and mirrors. While Cell may not have cared too much about the Wrath that Rainbow had thrown at him, as he was still hurting a little from being hit by it, he hated how the man disrespected what was going on in front of his eyes.

Cell resolved that the moment he had won the tournament, and that all of his opponents were defeated in the same fashion as his sister, that Mr. Satan would be the first human he took pleasure in killing... and then he would bring about the end of the world, as he had planned on doing ever since he heard about the power his perfect form commanded.

A few seconds later he snapped his head back to attention and started blocking the attacks that Goku was throwing at him, to which he silently commended the Saiyan for attacking him while his guard was down, though at the same time he knew that Goku was still holding back. He was fine with this, because he could take the time to test his opponent's new powers, if the permanently golden blond hair was anything to go by, and devise a way to make Goku reveal the power that he was holding back. It was at that moment that Goku lightly touched the floor and rushed at him, though as he raised his arms in defense Goku seemed to phase through his body, meaning that he had used some sort of after image technique, before slipping passed his defenses and delivered a blow to his chest.

That was followed by Goku delivering a barrage of blows into his chest, with enough power to push him towards the edge of the arena, where he used a kick to knock him into the air... though as he heard the reporter start to say something about his 'defeat', and would follow it up by talking about Goku's 'victory', Cell stopped himself and levitated himself back onto the arena floor.

"Well done." Cell commented, though at the same time he landed on the floor and stared at Goku, who was on the other side of the hole in the floor, "Did you start to feel a sense of joy as I went out of the arena?"

"Don't even joke about that sort of thing," Goku replied, though as he said that he moved back into his battle stance, knowing that they would continue their battle soon enough, "I know that you can't be beaten like this, so I won't be celebrating until I've actually defeated you."

"I know that you have been holding back the entire time," Cell said, to which he entered his battle stance as well, though at the same time he prepared himself to start releasing his ki, because the moment he did so he knew that Goku may or may not do the same thing, "So, shall we get started... for real this time? I mean, I know that you enjoy fighting, which might be because you are a Saiyan, but surely you would prefer fighting at full power at this point?"

"It all depends on my opponent." Goku commented, though at the same time he didn't try to deny what Cell was saying, because despite the fact that his race were saviors of the universe he still desired to fight strong opponents, and one such opponent, if he ever had the chance to meet him, was the father of Rainbow and Applejack, "and I'm sure that the same thing goes for you as well."

Cell smiled as he and Goku charged at each other again, though this time they had both used a little more of their power and started to disappear from the sight of Mr. Satan and his camera crew, as the group were shocked to find that they were disappearing and reappearing in a different area of the arena for a few seconds at a time before disappearing again. The Z Warriors, on the other hand, were following their fight closely, which made sense considering all of the training they had gone through before the arrival of the tournament, though Cell didn't pay too much attention to them as he and Goku exchanged blows with each other. They spent some time exchanging blows in this fashion, which was slow when they usually threw one or two attacks before disappearing again... though eventually they changed up their patterns and surprised their observers.

The two of them jumped into the air and moved above the arena, to the area that Rainbow had been standing in when she used the Wrath a few minutes ago, where they continued to throw punches and kicks at each other whole constantly disappearing and reappearing. As they did so Cell caught bits and pieces of Mr. Satan and the reporter talking about where the two of them were, where he heard mentions of them using an illusion to make themselves disappear. If he wasn't engaged in battle with the person he wanted to fight, and the only person in the area was Mr. Satan, Cell was sure that he would have snapped and killed the man where he stood.

Eventually the two of them came into focus above the arena, where their hands were locked together and they simply looked at each other, as if they were daring the other to make a move that would change the course of the fight... which was followed by Goku pulling Cell back, kicking him in the chest, and then appearing behind him so he could slam the Bio-Android in the back. Cell went back to the arena floor and the two of them continued their fight on the arena once more, where they simply stayed there for the moment and allowed Mr. Satan to comment on them. Cell eventually gained the upper hand and started pushing Goku back towards the edge of the arena that his friends were standing near... though when he went to use the knockout blow his fist passed though another after image.

Cell smiled as he stood at his full height once more, to which he turned back and noticed Goku standing close to the open hole, while at the same time putting some distance between the two of them.

The moment following that Cell flew at Goku once more and pushed him backwards, though before he could push the Saiyan back far enough Goku pulled back and kicked Cell into the air. That was followed by Goku following after Cell and bringing his hands together, to which the Z Warriors felt the slight increase of power in the air that meant that Goku was planning on using the Kamehameha on his opponent. A few seconds later Goku loosed the weakest version of the attack they had ever seen, which was followed by Cell slamming his hand into the attack and knocking it into the air behind him... though it apparently had been a diversion as Goku appeared behind him and slammed his fist into Cell's back, to which Cell retaliated by punching his face and hitting him in the chest with both hands.

The force of the attack sent Goku flying down towards the arena floor, where he flipped around and landed with both feet on the floor, which cracked a little bit around where he landed... though at this point, thanks to the damage that Rainbow had done to the arena, Cell couldn't care less about the damage his arena was suffering at the moment.

"I believe that now is the perfect time to end our warm up," Cell commented, though at the same time he landed on the arena floor and stared at his opponent, who was raising himself to his full height once more.

"Yeah. I would have to agree with you." Goku stated, as he knew that this was the time that the two of them needed to get serious, because if they continued to fight like this they would be here forever, or until Cell snapped and killed Mr. Satan's entire group.

The instant the thought crossed his mind, and remembered Cell's promise to kill everyone on the planet if he won his own tournament, Goku crossed his arms in front of his face and braced himself, to which he started releasing his ki as the golden aura burst into existence all around him. A few seconds later he released a burst of energy that loosed a wave of wind that would have rivaled what Gale could have gone, though at the same time the force pushed Mr. Satan's group away from the arena while giving his friends the feeling of his full power. Once the wind and pressure faded Goku stood up straight as the golden aura surrounded his body, indicating that he had finished what he had been doing and was showing his full power to his opponent.

A few seconds after the dust settled, and Goku was finished with what he was doing, Cell brought his hands up and repeated the motion, pushing almost everyone in the area backwards with his power... to which the two of them stared at each other for a few moments, as if they were daring each other to make the first strike.

The change came when Goku threw his fist into Cell's chest and knocked him into the air, though that was followed by him slamming both of his hands into Cell's back, delivering a kick to Cell's head and sending him into the air, and then finishing the series of blows with a kick that sent him flying towards one of the pillars that rested around them.

"This is what I have been wanting ever since I obtained my perfect form," Cell commented, to which he slowly spun around until he was facing Goku once more, though at the same time he wiped away the small bit of his blood that was on his lips, "The pleasures of battle can only be enjoyed when both fighters are using their full power... which means that they are less enjoyable when your opponent is a child."

"I can agree on the part about both fighters using their full power," Goku said, to which he frowned at Cell for a moment, because he was getting a little tired about hearing his opponent mentioning fighting children and, more importantly, the disrespect that Cell seemed to have for Rainbow, "however, Rainbow and Applejack have proven that a battle can be enjoyable when fighting against them... so I cannot agree on your second point."

"Of course you would say that," Cell replied, though at the same time he flew back into the battle with a smile on his face, because he was having fun and there was no reason for them to stop at the moment.

The two of them exchanged blows with each other, flashing around the arena and allowing the force of their blows to tell their observers, those that could feel their power, just how powerful the two of them really were. As they moved around the area, however, Rainbow growled as she watched Cell's movements, because it appeared that he might have accessed his full power to avoid being completely destroyed by her Wrath. She had told Goku and the other Z Warriors that she had created three moves while training in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, and that was the truth, but there was a move her father had used that she had seen one time... he pointed his palm at someone, gathered his ki around him, and simply destroyed whoever he was fighting.

It was a truly terrifying ability, one that Whis had told her was special to the Gods of Destruction and anyone that had the potential to take up the mantle of a Destroyer God, but she had never considered using the ability... though now, after all of her powers had failed her, she had to wonder if this was the time to see if she could use one of her father's powers to defeat Cell.

Everyone had their thoughts interrupted as Cell managed to kick Goku's face, though that was followed by their friend delivering another blow to Cell and knocking him backwards... though as the two of them landed the group heard Cell laughing about something. They knew that he enjoyed a battle against someone that was at the same level of power that he had, as he had stated that earlier, but it appeared that Goku was challenging him enough to make the fight more enjoyable than the Bio-Android had originally thought it would be. A few seconds later Cell faced Goku and raised his arms until they were crossing in front of his face, indicating that he was about to use another ability he had been given by his father and hadn't spent any time trying to master on his own.

"It can't be!' Tien stated, sweat rolling down the side of his face for a moment, because despite the fact that he had no idea what skills and abilities that Cell had access to, which everyone assumed was almost everything they knew at this point, he recognized the technique Cell was getting ready to use, "That's the Multi-Form technique!"

Applejack remembered seeing that ability when they were training on King Kai's planet, when she and Rainbow had been training with the dead Z Warriors before they departed for Namek. According to what she knew the Multi-Form technique was supposed to separate the user into two clones that separate again, creating a total of four clones, though at the same time she knew that the technique's weakness was that it also cut the user's power into four pieces. As she took that into consideration she noticed that nothing seemed to happen to Cell, nothing that looked like his power had been cut into four fragments, which meant that he might have perfected the technique before coming to the past.

They all knew that Goku could easily fight on par with one Cell, so if there were four of them, with the same power that Cell was using at the moment, they all knew that Goku might be in trouble... but at the same time they knew that they wouldn't jump in unless their friend asked for aid.

The instant Cell had finished using the Multi-Form technique, and there were four of him standing in front of Goku, they separated from each other and moved around the arena, as if they were trying to confuse him and make him lose sight of his target. That was swiftly followed by the four of them landing in the four corners of the arena, in front of the four pillars no less, though Goku didn't seem phased by the change in the fight, rather he seemed to be enjoying the fight and everything that his opponent was throwing at him. Goku stared at his four opponents for a few seconds, as if he was trying to determine what they were going to do next, before all four Cells came flying at him and started swinging their fists and feet at him... to which they started moving around the rest of the arena and exchanged blows with each other.

The group watched as Goku and Cell battled each other, either fighting on the various pieces of the arena that still remained or fighting in the air, much to the amazement and confusion of Mr. Satan's entire group. Both of the combatants received a few hits while they fought each other, though none of those strikes actually wounded either of them, before Goku landed in the middle of the arena again... followed by the four Cells returning to the four corners of the arena.

"Son Goku, do you understand the extent of my true power?" Cell asked, though at the same time all four Cells smiled, meaning that there was something else lurking beneath the surface, "I have taken all of your imperfect techniques, and those of your fellow Z Warriors, and have perfected them... though allow me to demonstrate what I'm talking about."

All four Cells raised their fingers to their foreheads and started to gather some of their energy, though at the same time Piccolo commented on the fact that he was stealing the Special Beam Cannon, the technique he had used to defeat Raditz when he attacked Earth. A few seconds later all four Cells loosed their attacks and sent them flying at where Goku was standing at the moment, though when they connected they detonated instantly, but at the same time the group noticed that Goku had moved into the air once more... and that the four Cells were following him out of the arena. Goku had apparently been planning on that happening, because he turned around and punched all four Cells, either in their faces or in their chests, before all four of them slammed back into the arena floor.

The group watched as the four Cells disappeared and only one remained, though at the same time Goku landed back on the arena floor and prepared himself, as he knew that this fight was far from over... and the other Z Warriors knew that Cell was far from being defeated.

What followed their return to the arena was Cell getting back onto his feet and using his ki to summon what appeared to be Krillin's Destructo Disk, though both Goku and Vegeta immediately recognized the attack as the one that Frieza had tried to use against them on Namek. It was the move that had resulted in the former tyrant being carved into pieces and allowed both of the Saiyans to claim victory over the person that was responsible for the destruction of their home planet, though at the same time Goku knew that he had to move. Goku moved around the arena and let Cell throw the red disk at him, where he had to move through the air to avoid being hit, though Cell, in his own words, could predict where he was going and soon added a second red disk to the battle... though whenever he 'hit' Goku he discovered that he was hitting another afterimage.

Eventually Cell stopped trying to hit Goku with Frieza's technique, to which he glanced behind him and found that the Saiyan was standing behind him, though he seemed disappointed in what was going on.

"Cell, you are never going to beat me if you keep using the techniques you have stolen from everyone," Goku stated, because while he was impressed with the power that the 'perfected' versions of their techniques had, he was annoyed that Cell hadn't bothered to create something unique that might let him win.

"So your telling me that you'll win with your stolen techniques?" Cell asked, though at the same time he placed both of his hands on his waist, as if he couldn't believe that Goku was even talking about this.

"I may have taken the basics of the techniques that Master Roshi and Tien used, but they helped me learn how to properly use them," Goku replied, causing a look of surprise to appear on the Bio-Android's face for a few seconds, as if he hadn't expected such a response to be given to him, "There is a difference between purely stealing a technique, without receiving instructions from the person that invented the technique in question, and seeing the basics and asking for further training on how to properly use the technique. I spent time and energy to learn the techniques I use, while you were simply gifted with all of our techniques and stole how to use them by watching us... and we all know that you are capable of stealing the abilities that Rainbow created."

"Speaking of techniques," Cell said, to which he pointed both of his hands at Goku, in a form that looked like what he did when he was using the Kemehameha, before he brought them to the right side of his body, "Ka... me..."

"Cell, you cannot use the Kamehameha with the power you are generating!" Goku shouted, feeling the Bio-Android's ki rise to the maximum, which meant that he was planning on killing him with the technique he used the most.

"Ha... me..." Cell continued, to which the attack phased into existence in his hands, indicating that he didn't care about the planet that they were fighting on and wanted nothing more than to kill Goku, "HAAAAAA!"

Goku, realizing that the attack would be coming his way, leapt into the air and flew away from the area, intending on forcing Cell to fire the attack at him and send the beam flying into space, though the moment it was fired Cell took great pleasure in frightening Mr. Satan's group before sending the beam at his true target. Goku stared at the ki beam that was coming at him and raised his fingers to his forehead, to which he waited for the attack to obscure him from Cell's vision before activating the Instant Transmission. He flashed from the air and entered the smoke that was resting around his opponent, using the smoke to hide himself until Cell was finished with the attack... though the moment the light was gone, and Cell was finished with the Kamehameha, Goku leapt out of the smoke and slammed his foot into Cell's back.

Cell, upon landing on the edge of the arena once more, decided that whatever technique Goku was using was troublesome, though at the same time he charged forward and started throwing more punches at his opponent, to which they rapidly moved around the arena and constantly disappeared and reappeared like they had done before. They spent some time like that, dancing around the arena floor and avoiding the massive hole that Rainbow had created, before Cell managed to get a lucky hit on Goku's face and started loosing a barrage on him. Goku appeared to be taking it on purpose, because after some time he pulled back and kicked Cell in the chest, sending him into the air and followed after his opponent, where they resumed their fight in the air.

As they fought each other they knew that only the Z Warriors could keep track of where they were, though that didn't stop them from trying their hardest to beat the daylights out of their opponent... until the two of them delivered a blow to each other and backed away from each other, where they floated in the air and looked at each other.

"Excellent form, Son Goku." Cell stated, to which he smiled as he held a hand towards Goku, though diagonally behind him was the arena they had been fighting on, "I wouldn't want to end our fight with a ring out or something similar to it, so I think it is time that we rid ourselves of such a rule... and then we can fight to our full potential without fear of the battle abruptly ending on us."

Before Goku could say anything, or even warn the others about what Cell was planning on doing, Cell's smile widened as his ki flared around his body and loosed a charge at the ring. A few seconds later the ring was engulfed in a ball of light as Cell's ki detonated it's charge, which was followed by a cloud of smoke being kicked up around everyone. Goku waited for a moment and let out a sigh when he saw that everyone had been smart enough to move when they felt the increase in Cell's power, though at the same time Android 16 was protecting Mr. Satan and his crew. He had figured that the arena would have been completely destroyed at some point, but he wasn't expecting the arena to be destroyed so quickly... though at the same time he turned his attention back to Cell.

"Now then, shall we get started... for real this time?" Cell commented, though at the same time he prepared himself for what was to come, knowing that the destruction of the ring meant that they could fight with their full power, which made him more excited than he had been so far.

Goku let out another sigh as he turned to face his opponent and returned to his battle stance, as he knew that it was a matter of time until Cell came at his and they resumed their battle... to which he resolved to do his best and try not to involve anyone else unless he desperately needed assistance in beating Cell, which he had the feeling that he was going to do before the end of the match.

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