• Published 26th Jan 2017
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Dragon Ball Z: Daughters of Destruction - Blackdrag-rose

Rainbow Dash and Applejack are transported to a strange world, where they are raised by Beerus the Destroyer and his attendant Whis.

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Interlude: Trouble in Paradise

Vegeta let out a yawn as the light of the sun passed through the window and landed on his face, to which he carefully pulled himself into a sitting position on the bed he had fallen asleep in... or more accurately the bed that he and Bulma shared. Sure, they weren't exactly married, but he had the feeling that the two of them were going to fix that at some point in the future, which would make both his parents and Bulma's parents happy. He remembered coming back to the Capsule Corp building with the others yesterday, where they had to tell Bulma and her parents the news that Cell had been defeated thanks to the efforts of Rainbow, Gohan, and the rest of them... as well as informing her that Goku had died doing what he did best, defending the planet that he called home.

Bulma was, of course, devastated to learn that her childhood friend was dead, for the time being anyway, though at the same time she had prepared a celebration that they all attended; one that honored the passing of Son Goku and the fact that the Z Warriors stopped Cell from bringing an end to the world. While they partied, softly not to annoy the sleeping children that were inside the Capsule Corp building, Bulma did ask about expanding Rainbow and Applejack's house, so they could have another room for the young Gale when she grew up. Apparently the three of them were going to openly discuss the matter in the morning, from what Vegeta remembered anyway, though that was before they got back to the party that was celebrating their victory over the dreaded Bio-Android.

Despite the fact that Gohan, Yamcha, and Tien had gone to their various homes, to check up on the people closest to them, they also came to the party as quickly as they could, bringing along Chi Chi and Chiaotzu, allowing them all to get the specifics behind what had happened after the cameraman's camera had been broken.

Chi Chi was also devastated by the temporary death of her husband, but despite her tears she was able to keep herself together, vowing to help Gohan improve in life and take a different path than his father, which told everyone that knew her that she wanted him to go to school and become a scholar. Vegeta knew better than to argue with her, because he already knew that Gohan wanted to spend some time in Asgard with his Saiyan family, which Chi Chi even agreed to once she remembered Vegeta had the medallion, so he would retain some of his strength in case something happened. Applejack approved of Chi Chi's idea, much to the surprise of everyone else, though Vegeta guessed that Bulma would likely help them out in school related subjects... unless Chronoa showed up and did that instead.

Vegeta yawned against as he looked out the window, finding that people were still celebrating Mr. Satan 'defeating' Cell in battle and 'saving the world, from being destroyed. He found it slightly amusing that they believed the lies they were being told, though he and the others were unwilling to break their innocent reality and decided to move on with their lives, while at the same time agreeing to keep tabs on the man in question... in case he did something. Vegeta had seen something in the man when he stepped into the arena with Cell, some sort of courage that had been awoken for a brief moment, but he had to wonder what it meant... though at the moment it really didn't matter.

He waited a few minutes later he pulled himself from the bed and made his way out of the room, to which he walked down the hallway and headed towards the kitchen area... where he found Bulma sitting at the table, feeding Trunks his morning meal while she drank from a cup.

"Morning Vegeta," Bulma said, noticing Vegeta enter the room, though at the same time she pulled out a second cup, poured some coffee into it, and help it up for him to take, to which he smiled and took the cup, "I take it you had a good nights sleep?"

"Oddly enough, I did." Vegeta replied, knowing that, based on the various ki that he was able to feel at the moment, that most of the others were either still sleeping or were too far away for him to notice, though before he took a sip from his cup he rubbed his hand through his son's hair, "I thought that being eager to visit Asgard, to see what was wrong with my parents, would have prevented me from getting any sleep last night, but I guess that I was more exhausted than I originally believed."

"I wonder what Goku meant by what he said," Bulma commented, remembering how Vegeta and Gohan had mentioned that something had happened in Asgard, though at the same time she knew that it must have been important if all the dead Saiyans couldn't prevent it from happening, "Could your parents have had a falling out or something, after all these years?"

Vegeta sincerely doubted that his parents would have broken up with each other after all this time, especially since they had been in love before they had both been killed and had clearly demonstrated that love whenever he and his friends visited the Saiyan afterlife. The most interesting fact about this situation was that Kakarot had mentioned the Super Saiyan transformation in his message, which meant that something must have happened to his mother... which was one reason why he was so eager to get back there and see what was going on. There was one reason why he was up at the moment, long before everyone else, because if he left before anyone else woke up he could figure out what was going on before anyone asked to visit Asgard.

He took a sip from the cup for a few seconds before he turned to Bulma, knowing that she expected some form of answer and had a few ideas of what he could say to her, but he had no idea if she would like what he was going to say.

"I'm not sure that a falling out would warrant Kakarot asking me to come to Asgard," Vegeta replied, to which he set his cup down and looked over at Bulma, while at the same time making sure he was quiet enough to prevent anyone, be they those that were still sleeping or his own son, from hearing what he was telling her, "though Kakarot did mention the Super Saiyan transformation, which means that someone must have transformed during the time we were fighting Cell. That could easily mean any of the existing Super Saiyans in Asgard, my mother and Kakarot's father, or it could mean that someone else might have ascended to a new level... which might make more sense considering that most of my race has been training for almost thirty years now."

"If Asgard didn't exist i wouldn't even have considered that someone else might have become a Super Saiyan." Bulma said, though at the same time she glanced over at him while she took their son into her arms, because she knew that it was only a matter of time until he left for the afterlife, "When do you plan on leaving for Asgard?"

"Soon... after a light breakfast anyway," Vegeta replied, knowing that if he went to the Saiyan afterlife on an empty stomach he would regret it, in more ways than one, but if he spent too much time here someone else would want to come along and he couldn't have that at the moment.

Bulma nodded and gestured to the kitchen for a moment, to which Vegeta noticed that something had actually been made before he had woken up and she had kept it warm the entire time they were talking. He chuckled as he grabbed the plate of food and sat back down at the table, to which he listened to what Bulma had planned for the day, with the others so she could attempt to keep those interested in the afterlife distracted. They also talked for a few more minutes, where Bulma tried to get a real reason behind why Goku would tell Vegeta that something had happened in Asgard, but all Vegeta could say was that either someone had ascended... or one of the prisoners in Hell thought they were tough enough to beat the entirety of the Saiyan race.

Once he was done with the plate of food, and had cleaned it off and put the dish away, Vegeta quickly retreated to the bathroom and got cleaned up... though when he walked out, dressed in his combat armor in case things went wrong while he was in Asgard, he patted his son's head and kissed Bulma once more, before he pulled out the medallion and journeyed to the Saiyan afterlife.

When Vegeta appeared in the afterlife, outside Asgard like the medallion was designed to do, he didn't notice anything out of the ordinary, but he also knew that things could change in an instant and kept his eyes peeled for whatever Kakarot was referring to. He quickly made his way down Snake Way and approached the golden gates that would allow him to enter Asgard, though when he opened the gate, and gazed upon the replica of his father's city, he found that nothing had changed since the last time he had been here. When Kakarot had mentioned that something had happened in the afterlife he fully expected a burning city or something, though he was pleased to find that nothing was out of the ordinary... though at the same time he walked through the gate and entered Asgard.

He waved and nodded to the other Saiyans that gestured to him, noticing that all of them seemed happy and really made him wonder if Kakarot had lied in order to get him to come here and train... though he tossed that thought away, as he knew that the other Saiyan would have asked if he wanted to train instead resorting to lying about the reasons.

He quickly made his way to the palace and entered the throne room, where he expected both his father and his mother to be at the moment, but he found neither of them inside the one place he knew they would be. One of the guards noticed that he was looking for them and mentioned that they had gone to the Training Yard, to work off some of the excess energy they had. Vegeta quickly thanked the guard that gave him the information and headed towards the area that all Saiyans trained in, though when he arrived he noticed that there was quite a large number of Saiyans that were watching whoever was fighting... though when he reached the area that his mother and father sat in he found that neither of them were in the area reserved for them.

Vegeta almost spun around and punched whoever was behind him when he felt the hand touch his shoulder, though he reined himself in and noticed Gorlick, the Keeper of the Training Yard, standing behind him.

"It is good to see you again Vegeta," the Saiyan warrior said, though he glanced at the room Vegeta had been looking at and already knew who he was searching for, to which he beckoned for him to follow as he returned to his post, "I see that you are searching for both your mother and your father."

"Yes. Kakarot mentioned that something had happened to my parents," Vegeta explained, while at the same time wondering where the other Saiyan had wandered off to, because he fully expected to find Kakarot standing on the other side of the golden gates when he arrived, "so, after getting some rest after the fight with Cell, I came here as soon as I could... and yet I can't find either of my parents."

"That is because both of your parents are in the Training Yard," Gorlick commented, though he held up a hand to stop Vegeta from saying anything, indicating he already knew what question was coming his way, "I know, it is strange for the King to come here and train at the same time as the Queen is, but it appears that change is coming to Asgard."

Before Vegeta could ask what Gorlick was talking about, however, he felt the air shake for a second and turned towards the Training Yard, where he noticed two combatants flashing through the air as their blows collided and caused the entire area to shake again. That was followed by two more figures attacking each other for a few seconds, which made him wonder what he was seeing at the moment, though at the same time he followed Gorlick to the area he was walking towards. He kept his eyes on the fighters that were engaged with each other, noticing that the shimmer on the between the watching area and the actual Training Yard was designed to prevent him from seeing who was fighting... though he patiently waited for them to reach their destination before he said anything.

A few minutes later Gorlick stopped at the location he had been bringing Vegeta to, where he noticed that King Kai was sitting in a chair as he watched the combatants... though he was distracted for a moment when Vegeta walked into the area he was in, which caused him to turn away from the fight that was happening in the Training Yard.

"Hello King Kai," Vegeta said, making sure to bow to the Kai for a moment, as he deserved respect and his constant thanks for creating this place to begin with, "Kakarot told me that something happened in Asgard since I was last here... yet I haven't been able to find out what that something is."

"It has to do with your parents." King Kai replied, though at the same time he beckoned for Vegeta to join him, to which the Saiyan walked forward and stopped when he was standing beside the Kai, "I know you felt the Training Yard shake a few times while you were walking here, so tell me this; who is fighting at this very moment?"

Vegeta looked out into the Training Yard and focused on who was fighting, to which he noticed that Kakarot had already taken on his Super Saiyan form and was jumping around the area they were in to avoid being hit. When he spotted Bardock in the area he thought that he was the one fighting his son, since he was also powered up and had ki blasts in his hands, but it appeared that he was targeting someone else at the moment. Vegeta let his eyes follow where Bardock was looking and nearly gasped at what he saw, because floating in the middle of the air, with his armor and cape on, was his father... though his hair had taken on the aspects of the Super Saiyan form, as well as his aura.

"In... incredible." Vegeta said, focusing on the power that his father was generating, though while it was impressive, and easily rivaled what his and Kakarot's power had been when they first transformed into that form, it was still surpassed by someone else, "My father is a Super Saiyan as well... I never actually thought that I would see this happen."

"And he's not the only one that's changed." King Kai commented, though it was clear that he found it funny that Vegeta hadn't noticed the other figure yet and was keeping his mouth shut at the moment.

Vegeta followed what the ki was telling him and found the last figure that was inside the Training Yard, though this time he really did gasp as he noticed his mother floating in the air... though what he immediately noticed was that she was using the Super Saiyan 2 form that he and Gohan had unlocked during their battle with Cell. He had guessed that his mother had the potential to ascend to this form, as she had been training for almost thirty years, but he never would have guessed that she would be this strong. He was sure that the power he was feeling at the moment matched the highest power that Gohan could reach when he used his Super Saiyan 2 form, which made him chuckle for a few seconds.

"It was a simultaneous transformation for them," King Kai explained, though he braced himself as King Vegeta and Bardock clashed, causing the room to lightly shake for a second or two, before he sighed, "Everyone was watching the fight with Cell and all of them were devastated when they saw Future Trunks die before their eyes, though your parents took the death of their future grandson on a whole different scale. The temporary death of Future Trunks allowed both your mother and your father to harness their anger and rage, resulting in the two of them ascending; King Vegeta took on the normal Super Saiyan form, while Mizuna went up to Super Saiyan 2. Your parents have been at this for some time, fighting whoever is willing to fight them or just clashing with each other... just so they can let off enough steam to regain themselves.

You Saiyans are a strange lot, terrifying too with how anger seems to increase your power and give you these forms, but I am glad that you are on the side of justice and honor... though I shudder to think of what the universe would be like if almost all of you were as rotten as He Who Must Not Be Named."

Just hearing the bald Saiyan's title, reflecting how he had betrayed everything that the Saiyan race stood for and sold them, and their planet, out to Frieza, made Vegeta wonder what sort of torture Nappa was receiving. He had never bothered to actually find out what his punishment, besides having the Gates of Asgard closed to him forever, was, though at the same time he knew that being in the same area as the bald Saiyan would make him want to try and kill him. Vegeta let out a sigh as he watched his parents engage both Bardock and Kakarot in battle once more, as he had let go of the past once Frieza had been sentenced to Hell for the rest of eternity.

Twenty minutes passed before King Vegeta lowered himself to the ground and finally powered down, indicating that he was still new to the sensation that his new form granted him and hadn't yet grasped how to fully control the Super Saiyan transformation. Vegeta knew that his father still possessed great power, which had been increased by him gaining the ability to use the Super Saiyan form, though he also knew that it would take time for his father to get used to all of it before he could reach the level that Kakarot was at. As his father returned to where King Kai was sitting, and discovered that Vegeta was standing there was well, he took a moment to embrace him before they all turned to watch the rest of the fight... where Vegeta noticed that the Saiyans that were watching the fight were cheering all three combatants on.

Another ten to twenty minutes passed before the three remaining combatants decided to call it quits, which was actually Mizuna throwing both Bardock and Goku into the ground before she finally powered down... to which she helped her training partners back onto their feet before they headed to where King Kai was waiting.

"Oh, hey Vegeta," Goku said, flashing his friend a smile as he rubbed the back of his head, as he was glad to see that Vegeta had been true to his word and had come to Asgard, "What do you think?"

"I'm amazed." Vegeta replied, though at the same time he was pulled into a hug from his mother, one that he eagerly returned, "By that I mean the battle with Cell had more lasting effects than we originally realized... and now I am eager to have a day of fighting between both of my parents and myself, once they have recovered enough to do so anyway."

Mizuna opened her mouth, as it was clear that she wanted to say something, though before she could actually say anything she noticed one of their scouts coming towards where they were standing, causing King Kai to let out a sigh. That told Goku and Vegeta that something must have happened somewhere in the afterlife, which meant that some of the Saiyans would be called out to deal with whatever was going on. Vegeta also noticed that this particular scout was another member of his race, one of the unfortunate teenagers that had been killed when Planet Vegeta was destroyed... though he was glad that the young lady had a position in being a scout, and seemed to be enjoying it.

"King Kai. King Vegeta. Queen Mizuna. I have news that you might find either interesting or disturbing," the scout said, taking a brief moment to catch her breath as the group turned towards her, to which she unfurled the scroll she was carrying, "King Yemma has sentenced the Bio-Android known as Cell to Hell."

"While it is good to hear that he will be punished for his crimes, that doesn't warrant us knowing about it so soon," King Vegeta said, to which both his wife and King Kai nodded their heads, which meant that there was more to the message that they hadn't heard yet, "Is there something else we need to know?"

"Yes sir. It appears that Cell has been telling anyone that will listen about how he killed Son Goku," the scout replied, to which the entire group let out a sigh, because now that he was dead it appeared that the Bio-Android was trying to caus trouble with the people who had been beaten by Goku in the past, "and, from what one of the Saiyans guarding Hell saw, there's someone else approaching the Bio-Android; a cat-like creature that walks on two legs, wears some sort of baggy pants with a collar around his neck, has a golden bracelet on each arm near the wrist, and had a look on his face that told the guards that they had best not interfere with his visit to Hell. The guards claim, on their honor as warriors of justice, that they felt like they were in the presence of what they called a God."

"That's because they were, even if they didn't realize who he was." Vegeta stated, causing those that didn't know the description to turn towards him, while at the same time his mind was trying to process what he had been told, "I'm not going to suggest that the guardians of Hell lied to you, but what they saw was something that's impossible at the moment. That description perfectly matches the appearance of Beerus the Destroyer, the God of Destruction for our universe... and I have it on good authority, from his wife for that matter, that he has been sleeping for the last twenty-six years, at the minimum anyway."

"Well, whoever he is, he's making his way towards Cell," the scout said, to which she turned towards her King and Queen, who seemed somewhat stunned by what they had heard, "Should we send someone to intercept the stranger, or should we let him be about his business?"

"Oh, we'll definitely send someone to see what's going on." King Vegeta replied, to which he turned to his son, while at the same time ignoring the look of fear that had crossed King Kai's face, "Son, seeing how you know more about Beerus than anyone in Asgard, you should head down to where Cell is and see what is going on. Please, make some sense of this situation and discover what is really going on here."

Vegeta nodded and headed outside the Training Yard, to which he flew into the air and started heading in the direction of Hell, though at the same time he noticed that Kakarot was following him. Kakarot told him that he was interested in seeing this 'God of Destruction' for himself, because if he was an interesting fighter he wanted to challenge him when they saw him. Vegeta didn't even reply to that, as he had the feeling that Beerus, if it really was him, was going after Cell for killing Applejack, which was why he was focused on getting to Hell and sorting this entire mess out. He also knew that Chronoa had told him that Beerus was napping, confirming what Rainbow and Applejack had told them years ago... which made his head hurt when he thought about what was happening.

He only prayed that the person the guards had seen wasn't actually Beerus, because he had no idea how he was going to explain this to the girls when he returned to Earth.

Beerus walked down the pathway that was in front of him, following the feeling of Cell's unique energy while keeping his own rage in check, to the best of his ability. He had been able to restrain himself when Frieza killed Rainbow and was sentenced to Hell, though it was only because the former tyrant was important to the timeline that had prevented Beerus from erasing Frieza when he was last here. This time, however, Chronoa had told him that his target wasn't important to the timeline and that he had the go ahead to do whatever he wanted with the Bio-Android, which was why he was allowing himself to dip into his old rage for a few moments.

He glanced to his right for a moment and spotted some of the Saiyan guards keeping an eye on him, though it was clear that they were keeping their distance because they had no idea who or what he was... which would have annoyed him, if his anger wasn't focused on someone else at the moment.

As he followed the path he noticed several of the people that Rainbow and Applejack had fought over the years; each member of the Ginyu Force, the father of their master, King Cold, and the tyrant himself, who was sitting on the ground and had his back resting against a charred tree. As he looked at Frieza, however, he had to wonder if the tyrant knew the location of Cell, though there was no way of knowing that unless he asked the question. A few seconds later he stopped parallel to the charred tree that Frieza was sitting in front of, though he kept his arms behind his back as he turned towards the former tyrant.

A second or two passed before Frieza opened his eyes and noticed that Beerus was back in Hell, standing parallel to where he was sitting, to which the former tyrant let out a sigh, pulled himself to his feet, and dusted himself off, before glancing up once more.

"Lord Beerus," Frieza said, to which he bowed towards his God of Destruction, while at the same time sounding more respectful than he had been the last time Beerus had visited him, which must have annoyed him to no end, "this is an unexpected surprise. Do what do I owe the pleasure of your company?"

"I am looking for the Bio-Android known as Cell," Beerus answered, though while he was pissed at Cell, rightfully so considering what had happened back on Earth, he decided to be somewhat friendly towards Frieza just this once, "I had heard that he had been sentenced to Hell shortly after his death, and I thought that I would pay him a visit. I have some... business... that I would like to finish with him, and I thought that you might know where he's resting."

Frieza did, in fact, know where the Bio-Android was, because he was already clearing an area so he could construct what he referred to as Hell's Arena, which was basically a new arena for him to call home.The inhabitants of Hell that challenged the Bio-Android, whatever that was, were swiftly defeated and impaled on the spikes all around the new arena, giving Cell screams to listen to. Frieza knew that he could easily show Lord Beerus the way to where Cell was, and he suspected that he could have done it on his own, though he simply sighed for a few seconds... before he jumped down onto the path and started walking towards Cell's new home.

"Cell is in this direction." Frieza said, though he only looked back once to be sure that Lord Beerus was following him, to which he mentally breathed a sigh of relief that he wasn't here to end his existence for killing Rainbow Dash while the two of them were on Namek, before he turned his attention to the path, "I will show you the way."

Beerus nodded his head once and followed after the former tyrant, knowing that this had to awkward for Frieza at the moment, but he said nothing as they walked and did nothing that would scare his guide off. He had been lucky the last time he came to Hell, because he had seen Frieza wandering away from the other damned villains and evildoers that had been sentenced to live here. This time, however, he had arrived a little later than what he would have liked, so in order for him to go through Hell, and find Cell without being noticed, he needed to keep Frieza around... until he found his target anyway.

The two of them walked down the path in silence, which was understandable considering how terrified Frieza was of the fact that Beerus could instantly change his mind, regarding the decision he had made a few years ago, and erase him from the universe... though Frieza's curiosity finally demanded that he ask why the Destroyer God was even here, even if that felt like a bad move to make.

"Lord Beerus," Frieza said, though he had to gulp when he felt the eyes of the God of Destruction staring at his back, but he wasn't willing to turn around and be sure that Beerus was looking at him, "may I ask a question?"

"You may," Beerus replied, though his tone indicated that he would only answer one question, which meant that he would have to carefully pick his question.

"Why are you after Cell?" Frieza asked, already knowing that if the Destroyer God didn't want to reveal that bit of information he would either tell him it wasn't his business or he would remain silent... until they reached the Bio-Android's new home.

"He killed Applejack." Beerus stated, noticing that Frieza faltered in his steps for a moment when he heard the answer, though the tyrant regained himself to the best of his ability and continued forward, "I plan to repay him in kind."

Frieza had known that the Bio-Android had to have done something bad for Lord Beerus to come here, something like what he had done back on Namek, but he always suspected that Applejack would have survived a death blow from whatever villain they were facing. The fact that the Destroyer God was here, in Hell, meant that Cell wasn't important to the timeline, as Frieza was sure that the only reason he had been spared all those years ago was because he still had some relevance to the timeline. He actually felt sorry for the Bio-Android, because he clearly had no idea what was coming his way at the moment, but he kept his mouth shut so Lord Beerus didn't decide to end his existence for asking too many questions when this wasn't his concern.

A few minutes later Frieza stopped at the opening of the area that Cell had taken for himself, where he spotted the Bio-Android studying the surrounding landscape and was shaking his head at something... though he glanced back at Lord Beerus and knew that this was as far as he could go.

"Lord Beerus, this is as far as I go," Frieza commented, knowing that if he stuck around there was a good chance that he would be an accidental death, though at the same time he bowed to the God of Destruction one last time before walking away from the area he had walked to, "Oh, and have fun with your opponent."

Beerus didn't reply to that as he walked into the area that Cell was standing in, though he knew that the Bio-Android was focused on trying to create something that resembled the arena he had made back on Earth. It was clear that his target had no idea that he was even there, but simply destroying him while his back was turned was too easy and wouldn't satisfy his anger at all. As he approached the Bio-Android he knew that it was a matter of time until one of the Saiyans, or even a squad of them, came running to stop him, so he had to be quick about his business... to which he stopped some distance away from his target and cleared his throat.

"Hello Cell," Beerus said, causing the Bio-Android to turn in his direction for a moment, though Cell didn't seem surprised to find that someone else was bothering him, "you and I have some business to complete."

"If you say so." Cell commented, to which he raised his hands and dropped into his battle stance, though the fact that he had done that first told Beerus so much about the Bio-Android's short stay in Hell, "I have been hounded by the other inhabitants of Hell ever since I got here... one more won't mean much and I'll have another screaming body for the pile. The clothing you are wearing reminds me of Rainbow Dash... so much so that the desire to beat you has risen several degrees while we have been standing here."

Beerus sighed as he pulled his hands out from behind his back and adopted one of the stances he usually used when he was fighting with Whis, when they really got serious about their training, though he waited for a few seconds so he could study what his opponent was going to do first. Cell rushed at him and threw his fist through the air, to which Beerus caught the fist with his hand and the ground sunk a little bit, much like what happened when Rainbow did the same thing in her fight with the Bio-Android. Cell paused for a moment as he stared at Beerus' fist, remembering the same thing happening when he fought Rainbow, though before Beerus could strike back Cell jumped away... though when he landed on the ground he stared at Beerus for a second.

Beerus glanced at Cell for a moment and dashed over to where he was standing, though as the Bio-Android raised his arms to defend himself, however, Beerus launched his attack and appeared behind his opponent, to which four fist sized indications appeared on Cell's chest. Cell had time to cough and stagger backwards before Beerus attacked again, where he slammed his fist into the Bio-Android's back and sent him flying into the rock spire that he was facing, causing the entire thing to collapse. A few seconds later Cell burst out of the rubble and started throwing ki blasts at Beerus, who simply stood where he was and used one hand to send the attacks flying into the other rock spires that were around the area, breaking off pieces of them in the process.

A moment or two passed before Cell determined that ki blasts wouldn't work, not unless he bothered to charge one up and fire it at Beerus, though he did gather his energy and created a lightning blade over his right hand. Beerus frowned at that as Cell charged at him, where he used one finger to block each and every attack that came his way, like he had done so many times in the past, before catching the tip of the blade between two fingers and striking Cell in the chest with his foot. The force of his kick sent Cell flying into one of the intact spires and collapsed it as well, though as the rocks fell Beerus knew that if he didn't hurry up the Saiyans would arrive and stop him from completing what he came here to do... to which he raised his arms back into his battle stance.

When Cell charged out of the rubble he went on the offensive once more and started throwing punches and kicks at Beerus, though while Beerus could have easily ducked and weaved through the attacks without actually blocking them, however, he noticed that part of Cell's power was in the rubble as well. He had an idea of what the Bio-Android had planned at the moment, but he allowed Cell to believe that his barrage of attacks was keeping him distracted, as he was waiting for the perfect opening to reveal itself so he could finish this battle. He played Cell's game for a few moments, knowing that he was wasting precious time that he didn't have, before the rubble moved and revealed a second Cell, or more like the original one, that was holding a lance in his hand.

Beerus smashed the Cell clone into the ground, killing it in the process, as the original one threw the lance at him, though a few seconds later Beerus caught the head of the lance in his left hand as he stood back up... where he frowned when he realized that Cell's 'Perfect' Lightning Lance really didn't measure up to Rainbow's lance. A few seconds passed before he shattered the lance and scattered the ki that had been used to make it, before he rushed towards where Cell was standing and struck him in the chest. The force of his blow forced Cell onto his knees and caused him to gasp in pain, but at the same time Beerus knew that it was time to bring the fight to an end... to which his aura appeared around him as he leveled his palm with Cell's head.

"Wh... why are... you doing... this... to me?" Cell asked, though the timing of his words meant that the damage Beerus had done to his chest was making it hard for him to speak in complete sentences.

"Simple, you killed one of my daughters... and this is payback," Beerus replied, knowing that the Bio-Android deserved to know that him killing Applejack was the reason why this was happening to him, though at the same time he glared at Cell one last time before he finished him off, "Hakai!"

The word 'Hakai' resonated inside Cell's mind, as Rainbow had used the same word with an attack that had completely erased one of his Cell Juniors from existence, to which his eyes widened in fear as he realized what was coming next. He started to scream as his body started to disintegrate into nothing, becoming thousands of tiny particles that would soon disappear from the universe. Cell watched in agony as his body disappeared before his eyes, breaking apart like the unfortunate Cell Junior that Rainbow had used this technique on earlier. The last thought that crossed his mind, before he was completely destroyed, was him wishing that he hadn't killed Applejack like he had... and then, a few seconds later, there was nothing left of Cell.

Beerus let out a sigh as he lowered his arm and let his aura disappear, though while he felt happy to have avenged Applejack's death he also knew that the girls would be unhappy with him once they learned that he had done this. He glanced towards the roof of Hell, where the barrier that kept the inmates trapped down here was located, and spotted two familiar Saiyans standing on top of one of the flat topped spires. Goku and Vegeta had arrived on the scene, and had likely seen the permanent death of Cell, though before he let them come down here Beerus turned in the opposite direction and levitated into the air... which was followed by him vanishing before either of them could come over and talk with him.

Beerus knew that he was in a little bit of trouble with Chronoa, considering that Goku wasn't supposed to have seen him at all, though he suspected that this would have good consequences instead of bad ones... though he kept that thought to himself as he found his way back to Whis and teleported out of the Other World. He knew that there would be time to talk and fight with the two Saiyans in the future... they just had to patiently wait for that day to arrive like he was.

"In... incredible." Goku said, staring down at the ruined area that Cell had been standing in, before the cat-like creature known as Beerus the Destroyer came along, while at the same time trying to process what he had seen, "Cell never stood a chance against him."

"Of course he didn't stand a chance." Vegeta replied, though as he spoke he was trying to determine what he was going to say to the girls, because based on what he knew they went to sleep for all those years because their father started napping because of some prophecy, "Beerus the Destroyer is the God of Destruction for our universe and his power is unmatched... so beating him would be impossible without a power that matched his own."

"Then we'll have to find a power that matches his," Goku stated, causing Vegeta to glance over at him, knowing that it was a mistake to bring him along for the ride, "Just seeing the way he fought, and how he beat Cell with his speed and power, has me thinking about possible ways to improve myself until I'm at his level... maybe even one level higher if I could manage it."

"And how do you propose that you get onto the same level as a God?" Vegeta asked, though at the same time he already knew that it was too late to try and talk Kakarot down, especially when he had just witnessed Beerus fight and destroy Cell in a matter of minutes.

"We do what we always do; we train." Goku replied, to which he gestured back in the direction of Asgard, and towards anything else that was in the afterlife, "Since you and your mother have unlocked the Super Saiyan 2 form, along with Gohan, than the first order of business is for me to unlock that level as well. Once the two of us have both unlocked that transformation, and have mastered it like the original Super Saiyan form, we can begin working on ways to increase our power even further... be that another level of Super Saiyan or something else we're not even aware of yet. One day we'll have the power to challenge Beerus the Destroyer and see who the superior fighter is, but until then we should get started with a new round of training."

Vegeta already knew that Kakarot was crazy for wanting to fight Beerus, which was something that he didn't want to do because he knew how terrifying the God of Destruction could be in a fight, but what his fellow Saiyan said made him wonder about something. The legends he had been told mentioned that the only transformation the Saiyan race had, excluding the Great Ape form, was the Super Saiyan form, and yet three of them had already ascended past that level. It made Vegeta wonder if there might be another level of power beyond the Super Saiyan 2 form, which Kakarot was already looking for now that he knew of the existence of Super Saiyan 2.

For a moment Vegeta actually wondered if there was a Super Saiyan 3 form, a level of power that was even greater than what the Super Saiyan 2 gave a Saiyan... to which he chuckled as Kakarot turned to look at him.

"Okay, I'll help you train like I have done in the past," Vegeta said, though he held up a hand to stop Kakarot from saying anything at the moment, to which he changed his hand into a single finger for a few seconds, "I only have one condition if we're going to be doing this."

"And that would be?" Goku asked, because while he was glad that Vegeta was seeing that there might be something stronger than Super Saiyan 2, he was also shocked that there was a condition he would have to agree to.

"I need you to Pinkie Promise that you won't tell Rainbow and Applejack what you saw here today," Vegeta explained, knowing that if the girls learned that their father might be awake, and didn't care to contact them, it might shatter them, but he wanted to see if he could learn more before saying anything that might break their hearts, "None of our friends on Earth can know what we saw here today... at least until I say otherwise."

Goku grinned as he accepted the terms that Vegeta laid out for him, not really understanding why they needed to keep this a secret from everyone on Earth, but he was willing to go with it. He also had to perform the actions of the 'Pinkie Promise', which was something Rainbow and Applejack had showed Vegeta when they were all children, though from what he could gather it was a promise that came with a consequence if it was broken. Once he had performed the necessary movements, and Vegeta was satisfied with what he was given, the two of them turned around and headed back to Asgard, as they still needed to tell King Vegeta, Queen Mizuna, and King Kai what they had seen... and he knew that they were going to be shocked when they heard that the scouts had been correct in what they had reported.

As they flew through the afterlife Goku wondered if he would ever get the chance to face Beerus the Destroyer in battle one day... to which he grinned as he imagined the fight the two of them would have and wished that such a dream could come true in the future.

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