• Published 26th Jan 2017
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Dragon Ball Z: Daughters of Destruction - Blackdrag-rose

Rainbow Dash and Applejack are transported to a strange world, where they are raised by Beerus the Destroyer and his attendant Whis.

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Future: Visits and Suspicions

After Black had been sent back to the future, and the time machine was safe from harm thanks to Chronoa knowing what his target was from the look in his eyes, Bulma took the journal her future self had left for her and took the time machine back into the Capsule Corp building. Despite the fact that the machine had been saved from complete and utter destruction, which would have made her search for the one that Cell used to travel back in time, Bulma needed to update the software, fix up anything that had been damaged over the year of waiting it had been through before Future Trunks and Future Gale used it to come back here, and create enough fuel so that the future warriors and their allies could go back to the future and hunt down Black. The Pilaf Gang, apparently having nothing better to do, accompanied her to the laboratory that she was heading to, as they intended to give her all the help they could so the time machine could be made ready, leaving the future warriors and the others to do as they wished while the repairs were being made.

During that time Bulma's parents returned from the vacation they had been on, which she had completely forgotten about in the heat of Future Trunks and Future Gale returning, Black making his appearance, and everything else that happened in the last hour or two... though her father was definitely interested in working on the time machine, so much so that he was delighted to get to work immediately, causing some of the Z Warriors to chuckle for a moment.

An interesting thing that happened was that both Trunks and Gale wanted to know why their future counterparts were staring at Mai when she followed Pilaf and Shu into the Capsule Corp building, where the two future warriors explained that when Black first attacked the majority of the Earth's population was destroyed. Then the survivors began their counterattack against their terrible foe, hiding in underground bases and using coordinated attacks, but one of the people that led the new resistance was their friend Mai, her future counterpart anyway. The future warriors revealed that they had been working with Future Mai and the resistance to somehow corner Black, so that they didn't need to come back here for assistance, and tried everything they could think of to defeat their foe, as modern weapons had no effect on Black and dropping a city on him did nothing.

One of the things that Beerus found interesting about their tale was that Black, at one point during his war with the future warriors, declared that humanity was unnecessary and that they needed to be erased, while at the same time telling them that he came from someplace that was higher than Earth. He had noticed that, during the brief skirmish with Black, that the ki that was radiating from Black's body wasn't the same as Goku's ki, confirming that someone must have stolen his body at some point in time. The words of the future warriors, however, made him wonder if one of the Kaioshin from one of the other universes, or maybe one of their apprentices, had done something they shouldn't have, as the Time Ring could only be worn by a Kaioshin. His beliefs were further validated when Future Trunks said that Black had told them that humans were the 'only failed creations of the Gods', which only made Beerus growl for a few seconds, as he had the opposing view that Black had.

Black may think that humans were unnecessary and deserved to be destroyed, but Beerus knew that they were an important part of how the universe worked and that erasing all of them was counterproductive to the jobs of both the Gods of Destruction and the Kaioshin... which only made him want to figure out who Black really was so he could fix this problem before it got worse.

Trunks eventually asked his future counterpart why he and Future Gale didn't bring Future Mai back with them, since they had been close friends during this entire ordeal, to which the two future warriors sighed and told them the truth, that before they could use the time machine to come back they were attacked by Black. The unfortunate effect of that event was that Future Mai died when Black attacked them, much to the shock of Trunks and Gale, while at the same time the future warriors held back their tears as they thought about their friend. Once they found out what they wanted to know, and that their future counterparts were itching to get back to the future to repay before Future Bulma and Future Mai, Trunks and Gale headed towards the laboratory where Bulma was working so they could aid in the repairs to the time machine... or whatever else was necessary of them.

When Future Trunks and Future Gale tried to help out, however, Bulma stopped what she was doing and told them that she had more than enough hands to help her out at the moment, but she suggested that they visit Gohan and his family, especially since Future Trunks had told them that Gohan had been his mentor before the androids killed him. Before either of them left the complex, and followed the instructions to where Gohan would be at the time, Bulma insisted that they change out of their warn out clothing while she patched them up, where Trunks changed his pants out for a cleaner pair and pulled off his jacket, revealing that the shirt underneath was still undamaged. Future Gale, on the other hand, changed out of her ruined gi and walked out wearing more civilian clothing, which was a blue pair of pants and a lighter blue colored shirt with the Capsule Corp logo on it.

As the two future warriors departed for where Gohan was supposed to be, after learning that he was a scholar and no longer fought in any major battles, despite occasionally training with Piccolo every now and then, Frieza told the Z Warriors that he needed to get back to his base and talk with his soldiers, but promised that he would be back in time for them to use the time machine. Once Frieza departed Future Trunks and Future Gale did the same thing, to which they headed towards the area that Gohan was in at the moment, where he was attending a conference according to what Piccolo told them, but as they flew both of them stared down at the city and briefly recalled the destruction that Black had caused, before shaking the memories from their minds and focused on what they were doing at the moment. When they arrived at the building in question, and verified that this was the building Piccolo had told them about, both of the leaned against the nearby wall and waited for Gohan to walk out.

A few minutes passed before they heard people walking out into the open area that they were standing in, on the street that was outside the building in question, before Gohan walked out and glanced at them for a second as he went by them... though that was before he realized what he was seeing and turned back towards the two of them.

"Trunks?! Gale?!" Gohan exclaimed, turning back and walking up to the duo, who opened their eyes and stared at him in surprise, something that he was feeling at the moment.

"Gohan?" Trunks asked, though he was surprised that Gohan was wearing his version of a suit and tie with a sweater over his chest, but he liked how Gohan had taken to the scholar lifestyle.

"That's right." Gohan replied, to which he smiled at the duo for a few moments, as it was nice seeing them again, especially since the Cell Games had been years ago, back when he was barely a teenager, "It's been so long since I've seen the two of you. Last I saw the two of you was the Cell Games, right?"

"Correct." Gale answered, though unlike the last time she had seen Gohan she didn't crack under the mention of her brother's name, as she and Trunks knew something that none of the others knew about.

Gohan smiled and beckoned for the two of them to follow him to the nearby park, where he had them sit on a bench and take in the scenery, as he correctly guessed that they needed some peace in someplace that wasn't wrecked, and went to a nearby vendor to get some ice cream. When Gohan returned he had a small container with three cones, a chocolate one that he handed to Trunks, a vanilla one that he let Gale take, and a swirl combination of the two that he took while he claimed the seat next to them. While they dug into the ice cream Gohan explained that every time he was by this area he always stopped by the vendor and got some ice cream, as it was delicious and he was already friends with the owners of the stand. As the three of them sat there Gohan asked if they wanted to come to his house, meet his family, and maybe share a meal with them, to which the duo looked at him in surprise for a moment before deciding that they might as well take him up on his offer.

When they arrived at Gohan's house, which was actually quite nice from the outside, both Trunks and Gale recognized Mr. Satan immediately, as it wasn't hard for them to do that since they had seen the man on the television before the Cell Games, though they met Videl, Gohan's wife, and Pan, their daughter. Of course Gohan had to explain that they were the future counterparts of Trunks and Gale, had come back in time with a time machine that the Future Bulma had created, though while Mr. Satan immediately questioned their statement Videl welcomed them with a smile. Of course what Mr. Satan eventually decided on was that they must have come back to meet him since he was likely more famous in the future, but neither Trunks or Gale told him that the androids had killed him in their timeline... so the only things that they knew about the man had come from this era, as he had been forgotten in the grand scheme of things.

Of course what they discovered was that Pan definitely took after Gohan, as she could float about at random, causing Gohan to transform into what he called the 'Great Saiyaman' as he attempted to deal with the situation, though Gale had the smart idea to move Trunks' sword into the entrance area so that Pan couldn't play with it. They watched as Gohan chased Pan down and eventually caught her, where he told the two future warriors that Videl was a great cook, where the duo agreed to stay for dinner when Videl asked them to stay, despite the fact that they had taken Gohan up on his offer while they were in the park. One thing that they did encounter, which they had anticipated when Mr. Satan left them alone with Pan, was that the young baby was quite playful around strangers and that they had to be careful of her trying to play around with them while also trying to avoid smashing anything. The last thing the two of them wanted was for Pan to break anything while she was messing around, or while they were trying to catch her, though they were both sure that someone was likely watching them while they did this.

When they finally caught Pan, and sat back down on the couch, they had to wonder how the repairs for the time machine were coming along and what the others were doing... as they had to be doing something that wasn't relaxing while Black was terrorizing the future.

While Future Trunks and Future Gale were off hunting Gohan down, and desired some time alone with him, Beerus and Whis remained at the Capsule Corp for some time, where Beerus was watching his daughters throw some punches at Goku and Vegeta as a way of training, without using ki or blowing the area around them to pieces. Chronoa was sitting nearby, helping Whis analyze the ki that Black had used during his skirmish with the trio of warriors that had confronted him, as they were determined to figure out who Black truly was. While they did that Beerus also thought about the other gods whose ki he had encountered over the years, if even for a moment, and knew that there was a reason behind why it felt so similar, as he was sure that he had met someone with the same ki at some point in his life.

It took some time and effort for them to figure out anything, but when they did Whis smiled for a moment and turned towards Beerus, who sensed that someone was staring at him and turned towards his Angel.

"Beerus, we've found someone who has a ki that is similar to Black's ki," Whis said, though at the same time the four fighters that were training stopped what they were doing and landed nearby, as they were eager to hear what Whis had to say this time around, "and that someone is from Universe 10."

"Universe 10..." Beerus commented, to which he raised a hand to his chin for a moment, as he narrowed down his mental search and immediately realized who Whis had to be talking about, "I see. Shall we pay Universe 10 a visit and see if we can't unravel this mystery?"

"Certainly." Whis replied, though at the same time he raised his scepter and peered into it once more, where he found that the Angel and God of Destruction for Universe 10 were on the other side of their universe.

Beerus knew that it was customary for Angels to contact each other when a God of Destruction wanted to enter the universe of another God of Destruction, something that Champa clearly hated to do and convinced Vados to stop doing it since it was a 'waste of time'. Beerus, on the other hand, knew that it would at least allow the Angel to know that they had visitors at some point in time, because what they were thinking of doing would no doubt be reported to Rumsshi at some point in time. It was better that the other Gods of Destruction thought that he was playing by the rules and only visited when they had permission, rather than being seen as invaders like Champa would be... though luck seemed to be in their favor, as Rumsshi appeared to be meditating at the moment, deeply according to what Cus told them, and that she was more than willing to let them visit Gowasu, and would tell Rumsshi of their visit after he finished meditating.

What Beerus and Whis knew was that Rumsshi would not awaken from a deep meditation for some time, as it was his equivalent of what Beerus used to do in the past when he was letting years slip by him... but, since he would be out of commission for some time, that gave them the perfect opportunity to investigate what was going on.

Once they had Cus' permission to enter Universe 10, however, Whis had Goku, Vegeta, Rainbow, and Applejack gather around him, Beerus, and Chronoa, to which he waved his scepter and surrounded them all in a bubble that they would use to travel to their destination. Piccolo and Krillin, who had been standing nearby and were curious as to what was going on, stayed put and said that if anyone asked where the group went, since someone was bound to do that, they would simply say that they went to Universe 10 to investigate something. That statement would tell anyone that they were searching for information on who Black actually was and where he had suddenly come from, which both Future Trunks and Future Gale would be happy to have. A few seconds later, after knowing that someone would tell the others where they went, Whis nodded his head and the spherical bubble shot into the air as they made their way towards the atmosphere... though once they reached the space surrounding the planet he changed the path they were taking and zeroed in on Universe 10.

Along the way, however, four members of their group were interested in knowing who they were looking for in Universe 10, since Beerus and Whis hadn't said anything other than they had an idea as to who might have the same ki that Black gave off... something that Beerus was quick to remedy.

"We're looking for Zamasu, the apprentice Kaioshin for Universe 10," Beerus told them, as he knew that they would take this matter seriously when they arrived at their destination, as well as act appropriately when they arrived, "Originally he used to be just a Kaio, like King Kai for instance, though that was until Gowasu took notice of his prodigious fighting skills and took him under his wing to start training him as a Kaioshin. Also, from what I understand, he's a very calm and methodical person, which helps him determine his opponent's fighting style and how to counter it in a fluid motion that makes you think he's trained against that attack style before. We haven't heard anything bad about him, mostly because Rumsshi and Gowasu would be quick to deal with such a problem if one arose, but it wouldn't hurt to keep your guards up while we're visiting Universe 10."

"You don't think he'd attack us, do you dad?" Applejack asked, because she had to admit that an apprentice Kaioshin would have to be exceptionally brave to attack a group like them, especially since all four of them were powerful in their own rights, along with the fact that her and Rainbow's father was a God of Destruction.

"No. It would be foolish for him to attempt such a thing," Beerus remarked, but at the same time he focused on what was ahead of them, as the situation might be different than what the thought it could be, "but it never hurts to be careful, especially since his ki is so similar to Black's ki."

Rainbow and Applejack, knowing more about the world of the Gods than Goku and Vegeta did, thanks to the many years they spent with their parents, nodded their understanding and watched as their friends mimicked their movements, though they all remained silent as they waited for them to reach their destination. Fortunately they didn't have to wait too long, as soon enough Whis pulled them out of the stream they had been following and they appeared above a world that seemed just like Shin's world, a planet that the Supreme Kai used to watch over their universe. As the group looked down at the path in front of them they discovered two people, both male by how their bodies looked, standing near each other, though they both were looking up at the bubble that Beerus and the others were riding in.

The first person they laid their eyes on had light yellow colored skin, which was wrinkled and showing off how old he was in the grand scheme of things, along with pointy ears, and white colored hair that was in the style of a mohawk flipped towards the left side of his head. The person in question was wearing a gray and yellow coat with a violet long-sleeved shirt underneath, a light blue sash, darker blue baggy pants, and white boots, though his green colored Potara earrings revealed that this was Gowasu, the Supreme Kai of Universe 10. The other person, who was standing behind Gowasu, had pale green colored skin, gray colored irises, white eyebrows, and white colored hair that was also in the style of a mohawk, only his hair was moved towards the right, which was opposite of Gowasu. The person was also wearing a violet long-sleeved shirt under a gray and yellow coat, a light blue sash, dark blue baggy pants, and white boots, making him look like a Gowasu copycat for a moment... but they all knew that this was Zamasu, the person that Beerus had named while they were making their way to Universe 10.

A few moments later, when they reached the ground, Whis released the bubble and their group gracefully landed on the path in front of the duo, who were definitely surprised to see all of them standing there, as they clearly weren't expecting visitors... which meant that Cus either didn't tell them they were coming, or the communication between deities in this universe was on a level that was lower than what Beerus, Whis, and Shin did.

"Why, if it isn't Beerus-sama." Gowasu said, though at the same time he bowed his head towards the God of Destruction for Universe 7, something that Zamasu immediately repeated not even a few seconds later.

"Greetings Gowasu," Beerus replied, offering them a friendly tone and a smile, something that they were no doubt troubled by, since his prior reputation among the gods wasn't all that good, but he was working on repairing that now that he had changed.

"It's been a while, hasn't it?" Whis commented, referring to the prior summit they had a year ago, where they all welcomed Sunset Shimmer, Celestia, and Twilight Sparkle into the fold, "Who is that standing behind you?"

Beerus knew that this was a cheap tactic for them to use, pretending to not know the person that was standing in front of them, but since they actually hadn't laid eyes on Zamasu before today it was better if Gowasu introduced them before they started accusing anyone of anything.

"This is my pupil, Zamasu." Gowasu answered, though at the same time he raised his head and took stock of who was standing in front of them, as he knew some of them automatically and some of them were new to him.

"Pleased to make your acquaintance." Zamasu said, following his mentor's lead and raised his head, giving him the chance to accurately take in who had accompanied the God of Destruction for Universe 7, though the look on his face when he looked at Goku told Beerus and Whis many things.

"If you don't mind me asking, but who are your friends?" Gowasu inquired, as he was certain that there was a reason behind Beerus bringing so many people with him, but he was sure that it was for a good reason.

"Actually, these are my daughters Rainbow Dash and Applejack," Beerus replied, to which his daughters respectfully bowed their heads towards Gowasu and Zamasu, as they had learned to do this years ago when they were young, before moving towards the two Saiyans, who placed a hand above their hearts and bowed as well, "along with my friends Son Goku and Vegeta, who are Saiyans. And this is my lovely wife Chronoa, the Supreme Kai of Time for Universe 7."

"I see..." Gowasu said, as he could understand Beerus bringing his daughters, since they were likely learning how to interact with the world of the gods, but he still didn't know about the two mortals that accompanied them, especially since Zamasu seemed a little annoyed by their presence, which he would have to fix later on, "Incidentally, what brings all of you here, to the Sacred World of the Kais, today?"

"A certain individual showed up on Earth, where Goku and Vegeta are from, wearing a Time Ring," Whis explained, though he was actually quite surprised that the Saiyans were holding themselves back, which was a good thing since they didn't want to annoy anyone just yet, "but he was no Kaioshin. Also, this individual happened to be wearing the face and body of Son Goku."

"Th... that is rather baffling." Gowasu admitted, because he knew that the Time Rings could only be used by the Kaioshin and that this Son Goku definitely wasn't one, which meant that whoever had taken the ring and this person's body had some something terrible.

"Since this individual was wearing a Time Ring, we came to a conclusion," Beerus stated, to which he glanced back at the temple that Gowasu no doubt lived in, which only reminded him of the place that Shin created on his own planet, before he turned back to the duo, "are your Time Rings alright?"

"Naturally. I keep them safely stored away," Gowasu replied, though that was before he remembered which God of Destruction he was talking to at the moment and knew what he needed to do next, "but, since you came all the way here from your universe, I suppose I can quickly check and be sure that nothing has happened to them."

Beerus nodded and let the Kaioshin of Universe 10 lead the way to their temple, where he and the others would stand in front of the table for two while Gowasu and Zamasu went to retrieve their Time Rings, though everyone remained silent the entire time. From what he could tell Zamasu had never seen Goku before, had absolutely no idea what a Saiyan was, and was completely confused about what a Time Ring was, but that still made him question whether they were correct about him or not. They still had no idea what his ki felt like yet, since he was being calm and collected, but he was sure that Goku could 'persuade' him to give them that information before they departed from the planet... though all thoughts went to the side as one section of the temple's door opened and Gowasu walked out with Zamasu, where Beerus noticed Gowasu carrying a wooden box that he set on the table.

Gowasu then carefully undid the cord that bound the two parts of the box together and lifted the lid, where Rainbow, Applejack, Goku, and Vegeta found five rings that matched the one that Black had been wearing, though four of them were green colored and the one that was alone was silver... matching the ring that their foe had on his finger.

"As you can see, they are all present and accounted for," Gowasu stated, though he was actually pleased that they were all here, because what Beerus and Whis had told him about had made him concerned that a Time Ring might have been stolen, but his fears had been proven to be false.

"It doesn't appear that there's anything wrong here," Chronoa said, though at the same time she saw something when she stared at the silver ring for a moment, but she didn't pay too much attention to it.

"I am relieved to hear that," Gowasu said, to which he decided to be brave and ask the question that had been on his mind ever since the group had arrived, while at the same time Zamasu stared at the two Saiyans, "but if this is happening in Universe 7, then why come all the way to Universe 10?"

"We're checking to be sure that none of the other universes have had their Time Rings taken," Whis replied, to which he gestured towards the girls for a moment, as there was another excuse he could use that was technically the truth if they were to do it, "this also gives the girls the opportunity to see the other universes and interact with the other Gods... and let's them learn more about the world of the Gods at the same time."

"I see." Gowasu said, though at the same time he noticed that Goku also seemed interested in Zamasu for some reason, to which he recalled the brief conversation he had with his pupil before the arrival of Beerus' group, "Beerus-sama, is it alright if I ask you something else?"

"I don't see why not," Beerus replied, but he mentally smiled, because this had to be what he and Whis would have asked at some point before their departure, though he waited for Gowasu to speak.

"Might I ask one of your companions, preferably Son Goku, for a brief battle with Zamasu?" Gowasu asked, knowing that Zamasu would likely object to what he was saying, though he was pleased that his pupil was being quiet this time around, "This would be a good chance for him to learn more about humans."

"I see," Beerus said, to which he turned around and faced Goku, who was already interested in what was happening, but he was keeping his excitement held back to appear more respectable, "What do you say Goku? Are you up for a few minutes of sparring with Zamasu?"

"Yes!" Goku stated, though that was when he stepped forward and bowed towards both Gowasu and Zamasu, to which Beerus noticed a light smile appear on Gowasu's face, indicating that he liked how the Saiyan was acting, "Zamasu, it would be an honor for you to spar with me for a few moments."

Zamasu glanced at Gowasu for a few seconds, as if he couldn't believe what was going on, before finally sighing as he admitted defeat, to which he acknowledged what his teacher had said and moved out of the temple, indicating that he didn't want to break anything in the temple. Goku followed him out to the area they had landed in earlier, while Beerus' group and Gowasu stood nearby so they could observe the battle, though he knew that his friends were keeping an eye on Zamasu, in case their suspicions were correct. One thing that Gowasu tried to do was convince Zamasu to go easy on Goku, revealing that they truly didn't know anything about him, though that only prompted them to use more of their power than what Gowasu wanted... with the excuse that it would allow Zamasu to overcome any injuries that Goku might inflict on him during the fight.

The real reason, however, was that using his full power would allow them to see if their suspicions were right or if they were horribly wrong, to which they patiently waited for Zamasu and Goku to make a move... which was when Goku went right to Super Saiyan 2, right off the bat, before he and his opponent entered their respective battle stances.

Goku immediately rushed forward and threw his right fist at Zamasu, though he intentionally left himself in a position where his attack could be blocked or parried, to which Zamasu raised his right hand and let Goku's fist touch it, before using his left hand to push Goku to the side as he moved as well. As Goku moved to towards where Zamasu moved him towards, however, he noticed a hand was coming towards him, to which he stomped the ground and raised his left hand behind his shoulder, countering the incoming attack with a small ki blast. What happened next was that the air shook as their two energies appeared around them for a few seconds, to which Goku felt the intensity of Zamasu's ki for a few seconds, as he was sure that it felt like Black's ki, only there was a difference between what he had felt earlier and what he was feeling at the moment.

Seconds later the two of them separated from each other as their auras disappeared, to which they prepared themselves as they faced each other once more, though Goku hoped that Beerus and the others got the information that they had received from this brief collision of powers. Just to be sure that they got enough information Goku rushed forward and threw his fist into Zamasu's face, which he blocked easily, though Goku then overpowered that defensive measure, much to Zamasu's horror. As Zamasu pushed his arm to the side, however, Goku moved his body so that he would be heading head first towards the ground, though at the same time he brought his right leg up from behind as he began to perform a spin kick. Zamasu took the attack by parrying it, to which Goku stood straight up once more and went on the offensive, where he continuously attacked Zamasu while he searched for a weak spot, causing a nearby Gowasu to question how Goku's power rivaled a God of Destruction... which Beerus decided to ignore, since part of it was true, though the real truth was best kept under wraps.

Eventually the battle came to an end when Goku knocked Zamasu back into a kneeling position and followed it up by sending a punch towards Zamasu's face, though he stopped himself in front of the apprentice's face, who was completely stunned by what had happened... though since that was the end of the battle Goku disengaged his form and praised Zamasu's skill, who reluctantly accepted Goku's hand as he pulled him back onto his feet.

With the battle over, however, Beerus called for Goku to join them so they could 'visit' the other universes to 'check on their Time Rings', to which they excused themselves and regrouped nearby, where Gowasu bowed slightly as Whis summoned a bubble around them. Seconds later Whis lifted them into the air and sent them flying in the direction of Universe 4, to give the illusion that they were following through with what they told Gowasu earlier, though when they were some distance away from the Sacred World of the Kais, for Universe 10 anyway, Whis switched streams and started taking them home to Universe 7. While they traveled back home they agreed on one thing, that the cold heart that Zamasu was suppressing and the ki that he was unleashing was more than enough for them to confirm their suspicions that the apprentice Kaioshin for Universe 10 could become Black.

While they traveled back home, however, Applejack made an observation that the others might not have noticed yet, that if Zamasu was going to become Black at some point in time, like they were thinking that he might, they could have very well set the ball in motion, causing the apprentice Kaioshin to begin planning the terrible acts he would eventually commit in the future... though if they were right, and he was on the road to becoming Black, she was sure that their father would erase Zamasu to preserve their timeline. All she knew was that only time would tell this time around, especially once Goku, Vegeta, and Frieza went to the future to hunt for Black, to finish the job they started when the imposter invaded their era earlier.

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