• Published 26th Jan 2017
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Dragon Ball Z: Daughters of Destruction - Blackdrag-rose

Rainbow Dash and Applejack are transported to a strange world, where they are raised by Beerus the Destroyer and his attendant Whis.

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Majin: Super Buu's Plan

Super Buu continued his barrage of attacks, hoping to keep Gohan distracted while he finished forming his plan in his mind, until Gohan jumped over one of his attacks, landed on the rocks some distance behind Super Buu, and then charged back at him, where he kneed him in the face. The force of the impact send Super Buu into the ground and cut a small gash into the earth below him, though when he stopped he decided to lay there for a few seconds and think about what his opponent's moves were. So far he knew that Gohan preferred to block his attacks and only assault him when an opening revealed itself, but at the moment he knew that seizing such an opportunity was going to be impossible, as his opponent was much faster at taking an advantage than he was.

His only option was to close the distance between his power and the new power that Gohan was wielding, which would allow him to fight on the same level that Raijack was supposed to be at... and he hadn't even faced her yet, which was the most annoying part about this whole situation.

"Get up." Gohan stated, glaring down at Super Buu for a moment, knowing that he was trying to trick him and that he wasn't about to fall for something like this, especially since they had just started their fight, "An attack of that level shouldn't have had any effect on you, so its pointless to try and trick me."

"Would you believe me if I said that I wasn't trying to trick you?" Super Buu inquired, though at the same time he picked himself off the ground and returned to his full height, while rubbing the area Gohan had hit him in and made sure to get rid of the liquid that was by his mouth.

"It appears that I might have been wrong in thinking that you were just a mindless beast that focused solely on battle," Gohan commented, though at the same time a smile appeared on his face, indicating that having a smart opponent appealed to him in some way, "but I still stand by what I just said; I'm going to kill you."

Super Buu growled for a moment, as he always disliked it when someone said that they were going to kill him, but before he could react Gohan dashed forward and kicked him in the stomach, before pulling himself out and kicking Super Buu in the face, sending him backwards once more. As Super Buu attempted to right himself, however, Gohan appeared behind him and punched him in the back of the head, sending him into the ground once more, before grabbing onto his antenna, spinning him around for a few seconds, and then tossed him into the nearest plateau. As the plateau collapsed around him, however, Super Buu gathered his ki and let out a blast from his mouth, which went flying towards Gohan, but instead of hitting his target Gohan backhanded the attack and sent it behind him... where it hit a rock pillar and blew the entire thing to pieces.

The instant Gohan hit the attack, however, Super Buu burst out of the rubble around him and formed a ball once more, to which he flew towards Gohan with the intent on crushing him into the ground, but Gohan raised his hands and stopped the attack in its tracks... despite the fact that a few moments later Super Buu pushed him into the rock wall behind him. Once they had collided with the rock wall Super Buu returned to his normal state and focused on Gohan, who blocked his attacks, grabbed onto his last punch, and then released some of his energy as he flung Super Buu into the air... before following after Super Buu, getting ahead of him in the process, and then hit him with enough force to send him flying back towards the ground.

As Super Buu regained himself once more, however, he noticed that Gohan was no longer in the air above him, to which he focused his mind for a moment and found out where his opponent was... to which he turned around and found Gohan standing behind him.

"I was right in changing my mind," Gohan commented, a smile appearing on his face, while at the same time Super Buu merely stared at him, "you definitely aren't a mindless beast. You are smarter than I originally gave you credit for."

Super Buu grinned and flashed through the air, intending to hit his opponent from behind, but when he appeared behind Gohan, however, his enemy brought his left elbow backwards and struck him in the eye, before turning and punching him into the rock wall behind him. Super Buu, on the other hand, detonated the rock wall he had been thrown into, allowing the pieces of rock to fly at where Gohan was standing, who started punching every rock that would have actually hit his body. Super Buu appeared on the back of one rock and opened his mouth so he could loose a beam of energy at point blank range, but Gohan grabbed his mouth and forced it shut, effectively making Super Buu's body glow for a moment before his attack detonated inside his body.

When the smoke cleared the observers could see that there were some new holes in Super Buu's body, with smoke coming out of them, though Gohan approached his target and slammed his fist into Super Buu's chest, causing him to cough out the rest of the smoke that his attack had caused. A few moments later Gohan started slamming his right elbow into the back of Super Buu's neck, forcing him to the ground for some time, before he finally stopped attacking as he realized something important.

"You can't win." Gohan stated, already knowing that there was no reason for the girls to perform their fusion and transform into Raijack, who had to be even stronger than he was at the moment, if the power he had felt earlier was anything to go by.

"So, that was you I felt earlier." Super Buu replied, though at the same time he carefully picked himself up and dusted himself off, while at the same time making sure that Gohan did nothing, "While I was fighting Gotenks, right near the end if I do believe, I felt the presence of a power that was much stronger than my current opponent, one that could rival the power of Raijack. You and Gotenks are interesting opponents, and powerful ones I might add, but Raijack is the one I am after at the moment... and I will not stand for you getting in my way!"

"Then its too bad that you didn't fight her first, instead of seeking out Gotenks," Gohan commented, noticing a look of irritation appear on Super Buu's face for a moment, before it disappeared completely, "Now you'll never get the chance to fight her in battle."

Super Buu chuckled and released his energy, to which his ki surrounded him like an aura and created a small crater around his feet, while at the same time kicking up the wind and caused it to blow away from where he was standing. After a few moments Gohan raised an eyebrow as he noticed that pink lightning was arcing around Super Buu's body, crackling every now and then, while at the same time the veins in his body, or what Gohan assumed were his veins, became more visible. Super Buu's aura, however, almost looked like it was made out of fire, based on how it was moving, though as Gohan watched all of this, and felt Super Buu's power rising, he immediately came to the conclusion that something bad was going to happen... and he remembered what happened during the Cell Games, seven years ago.

Once Gohan realized what Super Buu was doing, and was a little shocked by the creature's decision, he called out for the others to get out of the area and fled as well, though not a few seconds later Super Buu was engulfed in an explosion that rocked the area around them... though as the smoke cleared they could tell that the explosion had left a massive crater in the ground. Gohan, who was holding onto Piccolo, Goten, and Trunks, were floating in the area above where the explosion happened, while at the same time Rainbow, Applejack, and Gale were standing on the edge of the crater and observed the damage that had been caused. Gohan was sure that the pony girls had felt it as well, Super Buu had done all of this as a distraction in order to escape, but he knew that, in time, Super Buu would be taken care of and the universe would be saved from his evil.

When the two groups got back together, however, Gohan knew that someone was bound to have questions, though at the same time he focused his energies on locating Super Buu.

"So, is he dead?" Piccolo inquired, though at the same time he looked around the area, wondering if such an explosion would have erased everything that had made up Super Buu's body, as leaving even a piece behind would spell disaster for all of them.

"No." Gohan replied, taking a moment to take a deep breath as he formulated an answer, "This explosion was merely a distraction... if he wanted to kill me, and everyone else as well, he would have simply destroyed the whole planet, to be sure that everything died with him. Of course he'd likely still be able to regenerate if he blew a planet up, so it makes you wonder what his plan is and why he felt the need to create a distraction like this."

"I just hope that you haven't scared Super Buu off," Rainbow commented, though she let out a sigh as she looked at the area in front of them, to which she stared at the crater that had been etched into the ground, "You know, we were supposed to fight Super Buu in case Gotenks failed to finish him off, but can I point out that having Gotenks, whose a much weaker fighter, battle Super Buu was an incredibly poor decision."

"WHAT?" Goten and Trunks exclaimed, though their tones indicated that they were annoyed by the comment, especially with all the work they put into mastering their fusion technique, before Trunks spoke up, "Come on Rainbow, you saw how we were putting the hurt on Super Buu, in the last few minutes of our fusion. You have to admit that allowing us to fight was a good way to make Super Buu understand just who and what he was up against."

"She's not referring to your power," Applejack added, causing the group to turn towards her, though Gohan and Piccolo remained silent, as they were interested in where this was going, "Goten, Trunks, I know that the two of you have been training with your parents since you were first able to walk, but sending you against someone was powerful as Super Buu was actually a reckless decision. We all know that Gotenks is a rather powerful fusion, but in the face of what happened in Asgard we should have disregarded Goku's original plan and went with the stronger one... besides, the two of you are still children and you haven't taken this fight seriously since you started training."

"But it wouldn't have been fair to let Raijack fight Super Buu," Goten insisted, as both he and Trunks were still annoyed about discovering the fact that Rainbow and Applejack had gone through the effort to learn the technique as well, "Trunks and I were supposed to be the only ones to learn the technique, so you learning it behind our backs is like cheating... meaning that we should have been fighting Super Buu and not you two."

Applejack opened her mouth to say more on that subject, especially since Super Buu wasn't the type of opponent she would willingly throw children at, though this time Rainbow simply put a hand on her shoulder and shook her head, to which she dropped the issue. At least the sisters agreed that they should have been the ones to fight Super Buu and not Gotenks, because maybe he'd be truly dead and not laying in wait somewhere, putting a plan of attack together. Besides, arguing with children that cared more about cheating and fairness in combat, instead of actually being serious about the fight, wasn't going to get them anywhere.

Once the 'argument' ended Piccolo inquired as to how Gohan acquired his new strength, to which Gohan explained almost everything that had happened on Shin's world, expect he left out the fact that he had come into contact with Beerus the Destroyer. It still shocked him to even consider the fact that Rainbow and Applejack were actually daughters of the God of Destruction, a being that could have easily obliterated their planet when either of them died, but he couldn't bring himself to tell anyone about what he had discovered. Chronoa had said that he only needed to keep what he knew a secret for some time, a short amount of time if he recalled her words correctly, so he decided to honor his word and said nothing about it... though he still focused on finding Super Buu.

When Gohan inquired about the Dragon Radar, which Piccolo was carrying, he was told that it was useless since Dende was dead, to which Gohan replied that Dende was actually alive and was hiding most of his ki... leaving a small trail for him and the others, so they could easily find him. As the group started following Dende's ki, and were on the lookout for any signs of Super Buu, they eventually flew over a desert that had cactus everywhere, though walking though it all was Mr. Satan and Bee. When Gale noticed them she immediately flew down and grabbed onto them, pulling them into the air as they continued towards where Dende was waiting for them, while at the same time surprising Mr. Satan, who ended up thanking Gale for the timely rescue from the clutches of the desert.

Not a few minutes later they found Dende hiding between some large rocks with what appeared to be some sort of underground cave, small enough for him to hide in until someone found him, though as the group landed around him Piccolo had to ask how he survived Super Buu's assault on the Lookout. Dende explained that Mr. Popo had taken him away from the Lookout the moment their enemy returned from the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, indicating that he had to survive long enough for balance to be restored to the planet, or something to that effect, before disappearing. As such Dende had no idea where Mr. Popo was located, as even with the seven years of peace he had never mastered how to detect the man's energy, which he seemed to hide all the time... though that didn't surprise Rainbow and Applejack, considering what they knew about the man.

Of course they had to explain who Dende was to Mr. Satan, while at the same time informing him that Videl had been killed by Super Buu, the same Buu that Mr. Satan had witnessed the birth of not a few hours ago... to which the man broke down and sobbed over the death of his daughter.

That was when everyone that could sense ki noticed that Super Buu's ki had returned and that it was closing in on where they were standing, though that was before they noticed that it appeared to be coming from all four directions. Rainbow, Applejack, and Gale immediately knew what was going on, as when they sparred with Super Buu he intentionally used the pieces he had been cut into to create multiple copies of himself, like what Rainbow could do with the clouds, to which they wondered what was going on. Even Piccolo stated that he wondered what could have changed in the last hour, though that meant that Super Buu might be coming back to deal with Gotenks before fighting someone else.

The group of fighters moved to a higher position and waited for their opponent to show up, though when he did they found that there were twelve Super Buu's flying into the area around them, three landing in each direction before they all looked down at the assembled group of fighters.

"We've come to settle the score," one of the Super Buu's, from the group that had landed to the left of the Z Warriors, spoke up, though at the same time the one that spoke pointed at Goten and Trunks, "with the two of you."

"And we will fight with you." another Super Buu, from the trio in front of the group, said, before pointing his finger right at Gohan, who smiled as he imagined taking his opponents apart.

"And we would like to have some fun with you..." a third Super Buu, this time coming from the trio that stood behind the group, said as he pointed at Piccolo, who sweated at the thought of facing three Super Buu's, as there was no telling how powerful each copy was at the moment.

"...while we spar with you," the final trio said, surprising the group by the fact that all three of them had spoken, before they pointed at Rainbow, Applejack, and Gale.

Applejack sensed that something foul was going on, because it almost appeared that Super Buu might have separated his full power into twelve equal parts, meaning that each fighter was significantly weaker than he was when he was whole, but that didn't make any sense. Gohan was able to beat Super Buu into the ground on his own, so having three weaker Super Buu's meant that he was going to literally tear them all apart, and the same went for Gotenks, which was why their opponent was also calling out Goten and Trunks. She didn't see the reason behind challenging Piccolo, unless Super Buu wanted to test the Namekian's strength for himself, and she guessed that the three that were for her and her sisters were meant to keep them entertained while the others were busy fighting.

As the trios of Super Buus lead their desired opponents away from the area, and put some distance between them all, Applejack had the feeling that something bad was going to happen... and, judging by the expressions of both of her sisters' faces, Rainbow and Gale were feeling the same way.

Goten and Trunks followed their opponents some distance away from wherever the others were being taken, though when the trio of Super Buus landed the one that had spoken to them earlier insisted that they transform, as their disagreement was with Gotenks and not the two of them. Goten and Trunks agreed with that statement, as they were both eager to put Super Buu in his place, before they landed with enough distance between the two of them and performed the Fusion Dance perfectly. This time when they transformed they immediately went into Super Saiyan 3, indicating that they were being serious about the fight, before Gotenks leapt into battle and charged at the closest Super Buu... though when he punched him his target pretty much went limp and turned into a puddle of goo.

Instead of worrying about that Gotenks turned his attention to the two remaining Super Buus and attacked them as well, kicking one of them had enough in the chest to produce the same result as the first one, while using a ki blast to blow the third one apart as well. When the two defeated Super Buus turned into puddles as well, however, Gotenks landed in the middle of all three puddles and stared at them, wondering why Super Buu insisted that he fight three weaker versions of the opponent he fought in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. A few seconds later, as if in response to his unspoken question, the three puddles sprung up and wrapped around Gotenks, though as he struggled against the goo he found himself in a losing position... and began to wonder if this had been a part of Super Buu's plan from the beginning.

At that exact moment Piccolo landed on the plateau that his opponents wanted him to fight on and immediately attacked the Super Buus that were standing around him, finding that they were purposely taking all of his attacks, which confused him. One of his attacks severed the arm of one of the Super Buus, which simply hit the ground and turned into a puddle without his target reforming it, which greatly concerned him at the moment, but he continued as he dismantled the opponent he had disarmed. The other two Super Buus watched him reduce the first one to a puddle a goo before they attacked him as well, where he was once again confused as to why they were so easy to take care of, especially with the gap in their power levels.

He fought the two remaining Super Buus and continued tearing them apart, his worry growing every time a fallen body part turned into a pile of goo, before he managed to break his remaining opponents into pieces and was surrounded by a small pool of goo. He took a moment to think about what Super Buu was thinking when he created this plan, as it appeared that he had cut his power into tiny pieces and was using clones to fight him and the others, but then he shook his head and started gathering his ki. He already knew that, in order to defeat Super Buu, he and the others needed to obliterate every piece of the creature that had killed everyone on the planet, but before he could do that something wrapped around his arm... though as he realized what was attached to his arm, however, the goo leapt up and wrapped around him, causing him to struggle against it.

As his vision was obscured by the goo, however, he realized that he and the others must have walked into a trap, because this certainly felt like a trap that someone like Super Buu would create... and immediately became worried for the future of the universe.

While Gotenks and Piccolo were fighting their groups of Super Buus, however, Gohan landed beside the ones that had decided to challenge him and immediately kicked one of them, leaving an imprint on his target's body as he slammed his fist into the head of another copy. As the trio of enemies fought him, and he fought back, he noticed that bits of his opponents fell to the ground and turned into puddles of goo, but he focused on breaking the trio and nothing else. Normally he would have focused on a piece of information, but right how he was fueled by anger over the fact that Super Buu pretty much killed everyone on Earth, including his mother for that matter, and he made sure to make the copies of his opponent suffer for everything he's done since his transformation.

His anger lead him to break one of his opponents into pieces, which of course turned into smaller piles of goo, before he turned towards the remaining two enemies that were standing around him and punched another one in the chest, indicating that he was far from finished. He dodged the attacks that were coming at him, finding that they were much slower than what he remembered, before he broke the arms off another copy and blasted it with a ki blast, blowing it into pieces. He then turned his attention to the final copy of Super Buu and they exchanged attacks with each other, though once more he found that his blows did more damage and shattered this copy's arms as well, before he broke it into pieces like the other two.

As he glanced down at the pools of goo that rested around him, and wondered how the others were doing at the moment, the goo sprung up and started wrapping around him while he was distracted, causing him to struggle against it... but as the goo covered his eyes he started to realize that he had been had.

While all of that was happening, and trouble was befalling Gotenks, Gohan, and Piccolo, Rainbow and her sisters followed their enemies as they moved away from where Dende had been hiding. The three of them could feel an influx in Gotenks, Gohan, and Piccolo's ki, meaning that they were either destroying the copies of Super Buu that they were fighting, or something else was happening that they were unaware of. Applejack already knew that something foul was going on, because none of this made any sense, though she and her sisters had to raise their eyebrows when their opponents stopped in midair and turned to look at them... causing the three of them to stop as well.

"My apologies for deceiving you," the copy in the middle said, while at the same time the other two turned into a floating goo pile that remained there for the moment, "but I was growing tired of all the distractions and wanted to make sure that, when we actually fought, we wouldn't have to worry about someone interfering with our battle... and this gives me the chance to power up before we fight."

Before any of the girls could say anything, and stop Super Buu's copies from leaving the area that they had been brought to, the final copy turned into a pile of goo and went flying back in the direction that they had come from, indicating that all of them had missed something. The sisters looked at each other for a moment, before they turned in the direction that Dende was in and started heading back, while at the same time wondering what they could have missed when the four groups of Super Buu copies had shown up to fight all of them.

At the location that Dende was standing in, however, he was hiding behind some rocks as he stared up at a Super Buu that had appeared in the area shortly after the four groups had drawn the others away, but he was purposely hiding his energy to avoid being detected. Dende had to wonder what was going on, because based on everything that he's seen and heard so far this Buu was vastly different from the one that Gale and Mr. Satan had been befriending... and he was smarter than everyone originally thought he was. His thoughts were interrupted as Super Buu held his hands up towards the sky and closed his eyes, as if he was focusing on something, though not a few minutes later Dende detected several items coming towards where Super Buu was standing.

Dende watched as several pink globs of goo, each about the size of Piccolo, flew through the air and collided with Super Buu's body, to which they splashed all over his body and consumed everything that was the enemy of humanity... and then Dende's eyes widened as something happened to Super Buu. Dende watched as Super Buu started to take on the form he had been using since Evil Buu swallowed the chocolate version of Majin Buu, though that was when the changes started to make themselves known. Some clothing started to form on the upper part of Super Buu's body, which started to resemble Piccolo's mantle for a few seconds, before it morphed into the vest that Gotenks wore in his fusion state, until it resembled Gohan's gi... leading Dende to understand what Super Buu had done.

He had absorbed Gotenks, Piccolo, and Gohan, incorporating their skills and powers into his being, while at the same time indicating that Gohan was the strongest person he had absorbed... making Dende worry that Super Buu would try the same thing when he fought Raijack.

"This can't be happening!" Goku exclaimed, looking down at the crystal ball as Super Buu finished taking on his new form, after having absorbed Gotenks, Piccolo, and Gohan, while at the same time feeling a wave of dread that he had never felt before, "Super Buu... we practically gave him the strongest mortal strength in the entire universe."

"I did not take this into account," the Old Kai commented, though his tone indicated that he was more than annoyed by having his hard work mean absolutely nothing good, as he had pretty much given Super Buu the strength to fight and kill anyone he fought, "Okay then... Son Goku, you will go back to Earth and defeat this evil yourself."

"I'm not sure I would be able to do anything this time around," Goku replied, as he would have liked to go back to Earth and help the sisters out, and he could have if he asked King Yemma and explained why he needed to go back, but he knew what was wrong, "Even if I got King Yemma's permission to head back to Earth, like I had gotten when I went back to participate in the World Martial Arts Tournament, I wouldn't be able to stay long. I would have to use Super Saiyan 3 to even hope of standing up to this new Super Buu, to which he would either kill me or my time would expire."

"Then I shall return you to life by giving you the remaining years of my life," the Old Kai stated, though he held up a hand to stop everyone from talking, "I'm only going to live another thousand years, maybe a little more, and I'm no longer Life Linked to Beerus the Destroyer, which Shin here has the honor of having, so it is perfectly fine for me to give up my life... especially since the fate of the universe at stake."

Before Goku, Shin, or Kibito could do anything the Old Kai sat down on the ground, closed his eyes for a moment, and suddenly collapsed on the ground, as if his life had been extinguished. A few seconds later Goku's halo flashed between being non existent and existing, before finally fading away completely, causing Shin to silently mourn the passing of his ancestor while Kibito moved to pick up his body. Goku, however, noticed something interesting, as a few seconds after he had lost his halo another one appeared over the Old Kai's head, indicating that he was still alive... in a manner of speaking. The group waited for a few seconds before the Old Kai pulled himself up and dusted off his clothing, to which he simply smiled at the trio that was staring at him.

"So, how do you intend to stop Super Buu?" the Old Kai asked, knowing that the seasoned fighter had to have some plan to destroy Super Buu, even if it was a terrible one.

"I'm going to the Check-In Station, ask King Yemma to allow Vegeta some time back on Earth, and we'll use Gogeta against Super Buu," Goku stated, as he immediately came up with the perfect plan to use, "If both Vegeta and I use the Super Saiyan 3 form, and perfectly perform the Fusion Dance, we might have a chance at beating Super Buu with Super Saiyan 3 Gogeta..."

"That sounds like a terrible idea," the Old Kai replied, to which he held his hands up to his ears, gently removed the earrings, and held them out in one hand, while at the same time causing Goku to stare at them, "You would be better served to use these Potara Earrings, instead of performing this Fusion Dance. These earrings will allow you and someone else to fuse, but this time the power generated by the fusion will be even stronger than what you can produce with your silly dance... but it comes at a price. The people who use the earrings will be permanently fused together, so make sure whoever you use it with understands that there is no turning back once you put them on... and make sure one of you wears one in your left ear and the other wears one in the right ear."

"W... wow..." Goku said, looking at the two earrings in a new light, especially since he figured that he and Vegeta could form a warrior that might rival Raijack, maybe even overpower her, before he looked up at the Old Kai, "Um... Rainbow and Applejack are going to use the Fusion Dance in the next minute or two..."

"Just find this Vegeta you mentioned and use the Potara Earrings with him," the Old Kai stated, insisting that Goku leave before something else happened, while at the same time he noticed that the crystal ball now reflected the three pony girls that were flying towards Super Buu, "Those two and their sister may be strong, but they'll be killed by Super Buu soon enough, so you had better use the time they give you to find your partner and explain the situation to him."

Goku nodded and placed his fingers on his forehead, while making sure that he had the two Potara Earrings, before focusing on where King Yemma was located, because he was sure that Vegeta would be there and he could explain the situation to him before they both headed to Earth... he only hoped that Rainbow and Applejack could stall Super Buu long enough for them to use the Potara Earrings.

Rainbow, Applejack, and Gale returned to the area that Dende had been located in, though as they did so they realized that they had been had by Super Buu, as he had taken their friends and incorporated them into his body. His clothing indicated that Gohan was the strongest among them, which made sense due to the power he had been wielding, though at the same time they watched as their opponent looked at himself and grinned. It appeared that his plan to absorb Gotenks, Piccolo, and Gohan had worked like a charm, while at the same time making the three of them look like fools for even going along with the copies that had pointed at them. As they landed, however, Super Buu didn't seem to notice them, meaning that he was too preoccupied with himself to even care... before Rainbow coughed and drew his attention to them.

"Like I said, I would like to apologize for deceiving you three," Super Buu commented, though at the same time he fully turned towards the sisters, allowing them to see his new body and feel his new power, "but it was necessary for me to level the playing field and make sure that there weren't any other fighters that stood between me and you two... or rather the person you can fuse into, the one called Raijack."

"Gale," Applejack said, though at the same time she took off her hat and tossed it to her younger sister, who caught it and looked at her and Rainbow, "go stand with Dende and give us some room... this is going to be intense."

For a few seconds Gale looked at her sisters, who were already standing at the required distance to correctly perform the Fusion Dance, before she nodded her head and backed away, heading to where Dende and Mr. Satan were standing, where she landed and waited to see what happened next. A few moments later both Rainbow and Applejack raised their arms and started moving through the poses that made up the Fusion Dance, while at the same time Gale and Dende, having no idea how powerful Raijack truly was, watched with curiosity in their eyes. The sisters made their way through the first and second set of poses, successfully performing them and saying the words without fail, before they completed the final step and were engulfed in a blinding flash of light.

Not a moment later Gale felt the ground beneath her shake, as if it was responding to the power that Raijack commanded, while feeling a disturbance in the air itself... though that was before she noticed a figure appear where her sisters had been standing.

"W... What's going on?" Mr. Satan asked, as he had to stead himself against some of the rocks, as he didn't want to fall and hurt himself while something like this was going on, even though he had no idea what was happening.

"The Earth... is shaking," Dende stated, sweat rolling down the side of his face, because while he had suspected that this fusion warrior was strong, based on what he had heard, he never expected any of this to happen, "Raijack... her power is beyond anything I have ever felt before."

Gale watched as the energy dissipated and revealed the fusion warrior that was the result of Rainbow and Applejack correctly performing the Fusion Dance, feeling the same energy that she and Majin Buu had felt when she was playing with him and Bee. Raijack possessed the body of Rainbow and the hair of Applejack, though Gale wasn't too concerned about the colors of her skin and hair being different, as that had happened with Gotenks' hair when Goten and Trunks fused. Gale also took in the clothing that Raijack was wearing, along with its coloration and the top part of a body suit that rested on the warrior's chest, though as she did that she had to wonder what sort of amazing power the fusion warrior possessed... because the energy she was feeling made her worries disappear.

She was sure that Raijack could save the world, and the rest of the universe for that matter, from being destroyed by Super Buu... and all she had to do was watch the upcoming fight and wait for the victor to be decided.

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