• Published 26th Jan 2017
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Dragon Ball Z: Daughters of Destruction - Blackdrag-rose

Rainbow Dash and Applejack are transported to a strange world, where they are raised by Beerus the Destroyer and his attendant Whis.

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Namek: The Ginyu Force

"The Ginyu Force is a team of super-elite and powerful warriors," Vegeta explained, looking at everyone that was currently sitting at the table with him, while at the same time worrying about their chances to beat such powerful enemies, "a team that is vastly different than the rest of Frieza's army. For instance most of the people that Frieza conquers are pressed into serving him, similar to how I was recruited until I landed on Earth, while these five special warriors volunteer to serve the tyrant. You can think of them as mercenaries and freelancers that caught Frieza's eye, to which he selected each of them to fill a spot in his own special unit, though rumor has it that they are some of the strongest fighters in the entire universe.

According to all of the rumors I heard, over the many years I spent in silent servitude to Frieza, the Ginyu Force are supposed to be as evil, as ruthless, and even as cold-hearted as their master. There were also several rumors that suggested that the Ginyu Force followed an independent mentality that had been forged within the group, no doubt thanks to the fact that they weren't slaves like everyone else Frieza conquered, and had a strange code of honor and fairness that separated them from the rest of Frieza's soldiers."

"Have you ever seen them fight?" Piccolo asked, though as he did so he took a sip of water from the cup that Bulma had offered him, while everyone else that was sitting around the table did the same thing with their own drinks.

"No, though at the moment I wish I had," Vegeta replied, letting out a sigh as he turned his gaze towards the table, "I have had the displeasure to meet one of their members in the past, but before I could get any of the rumors proven we were interrupted by Frieza. The only member I know is Guldo, who is a short round alien with light green skin and four eyes, though he's got the normal two eyes like we do and two much larger eyes located at the sides of his head. The rumors associated with him all state that he has some sort of psychic ability, though none of the accounts ever specify if their talking about him possessing the power to stop time or the power of telekinesis. If there are rumors on the other four members I've never heard of them, so basically we'll be blind for when it comes time to fight them... once they finally arrive on Namek."

"We should take this opportunity to have Rainbow visit the Grand Elder," Applejack commented, causing all of the fighters to turn towards her, "He was able to unlock the hidden potential trapped inside Krillin, Gohan, and myself, and I'm pretty sure that you and Rainbow felt it while you were stealing Frieza's Dragon Balls."

"So that's why your so much stronger than me at the moment," Rainbow said, though now she determined to pay this Grand Elder a visit and see if he could do the same thing for her.

"Hey Vegeta, how long do you think we have until the Ginyu Force arrive?" Krillin asked, mainly because it would take roughly three hours flying at their maximum speed to reach the Grand Elder.

"We have at least three hours until they touch down," Vegeta replied, though despite the fact that he couldn't sense the Ginyu's at the moment he knew that they would be arriving soon, if the look on Zarbon's face was anything to go by, "maybe four hours if we're lucky."

Gohan, who had been silent the entire time they had been talking, raised his hand and drew the attention of everyone else to him, though it was clear that he had been thinking about something. Vegeta was interested in hearing what the little kid had to say, because if he had spent some of his time training with Piccolo, who had formulated the plan that took out Nappa in his Great Ape form, then he had to have something up his sleeve.

"What do the Ginyu Force do when they arrive on a planet?" Gohan asked, as he was curious as to what sort of attack they should be expecting in the near future.

"During my time with Frieza I actually asked the same question," Vegeta replied, somewhat shocked to hear the same question being directed at him, "and the tyrant told me that he usually sends the Ginyu Force out to attack the highest warriors that a planet has to offer. Its similar to what Nappa should have done when we landed on Earth, but that's not really relevant to your question."

"Though won't they be under orders to hunt you down?" Piccolo stated, recalling everything that Vegeta had said about Frieza, to which he got a nod to confirm his suspicions, "Then here's what we should do; we should head to an uninhabited piece of the planet and have you power up so you'll appear on their scouters, which will make them come for you immediately. Frieza has no idea that you are working with us, so he won't be able to tell his special soldiers that particular piece of information... which means that they'll find five enemies instead of the one they were expecting. Before they land someone needs to show Rainbow where the Grand Elder's house is, which I will gladly take the responsibility of at the moment, though once she's powered up she'll come join you for the fight."

"And what will you be doing the entire time?" Bulma asked, as she noticed that Piccolo had never said that he would fight the Ginyu Force, which made her wonder why he had even bothered to come to Namek in the first place.

"With a new scouter in hand Frieza will no doubt continue his search for the missing Dragon Balls, which means that he'll find Nail, Dende, and the Grand Elder in no time." Piccolo replied, though he glanced over at the seven crystalline spheres they had gathered, knowing what would happen if the Grand Elder were to die, "I'll try my best to make sure that no harm comes to the Grand Elder... not until we can use the Namekian Dragon Balls to undo the damage that has been inflicted upon the planet. That will give Vegeta and the others plenty of time to deal with the Ginyu Force, or hold them at bay until Goku finally decides to show up and help us out."

"That reminds me, I just got done talking with my father," Bulma said, referring to the communicator that was resting in the other room, "and he told me that, according to his calculations, Goku should be arriving on Namek in the next five to six hours."

"He'll be cutting close," Vegeta commented, though he was a little annoyed that no one had bothered to mention that Kakarot wasn't even on the planet at the moment, because he knew that such an addition to the group would easily turn the tide in their favor, "Okay, we should separate into our groups and get ready."

As it turned out Piccolo had spotted a nice area for them to fight in, one that appeared o be in the middle of the area that rested between where their base was located, where the Grand Elder's house was located, and where Frieza's spaceship was located. They planned on leaving the Dragon Balls with Bulma and Moori, who wanted to be sure the spheres were safe until it was time to use them, and traveling as a single group until they reached the spot Piccolo had found. Once they were there Piccolo and Rainbow would continue towards the Grand Elder's house, where they would unlock Rainbow's hidden potential and send her flying back to the others... hopefully before the Ginyu Force touched down.

As they left the cave, and the Dragon Balls, behind Vegeta couldn't help but worry that even with Rainbow being powered up by the Grand Elder they might not be able to beat all of the Ginyu's. With five of them they might be able to take out the weakest member of their force, Guldo, but after that all of their enemies would get even tougher... especially considering he had no idea what powers the other four members possessed. No one spoke while they flew towards the location that Piccolo had found earlier, as they were all keeping track of the approaching evil that was coming their way.

About an hour to an hour and a half later they reached the island area that rested between the cave and the Grand Elder's house, a place that Vegeta agreed would be the perfect location to fight without endangering Bulma and the other Namekians, though as he, Krillin, Gohan, and Applejack moved towards the ground Piccolo and Rainbow continued towards their destination. Vegeta and the others watched them disappear into the distance, to which they prepared themselves for the eventual landing of the Ginyu Force and the fight that would be coming their way.

It took Rainbow and Piccolo another hour to reach the house that the Grand Elder was resting in, to which they found Nail standing outside the still open door, though he seemed surprised to see Piccolo again, but he nodded his head when he realized why they had come back to him. Piccolo quickly introduced the two of them as they floated up to the second level of the house, where he and Nail introduced Rainbow to the Grand Elder.

"Ah, I have been expecting you," the Grand Elder said, beckoning for Rainbow to step forward, to which she approached the side of his throne and waited to see what her hidden potential felt like, "I sense that you will need your hidden potential to overcome the coming trials, so I shall unleash your power so you can save the Namekian race and avenge those that have fallen."

Rainbow waited as the Grand Elder placed his left hand on her head and focused his energy, though she knew that Nail, Dende, and Piccolo were interested in what her power would feel like. After a few moments she heard the Grand Elder mention something about a decent amount of power trapped deep inside her, which she had expected if Applejack's power boost was anything to go by, before a white aura wrapped around her as her ki suddenly shot up. She had felt her sister's power when this had happened to Applejack, but she grinned as she realized that they were evenly powered again, which only widened when she noticed the shocked look on Piccolo's face.

"Krillin said that it felt like Applejack had been trained by a god when her power had been released," Piccolo commented, though he wasn't too surprised by this being her hidden potential thanks to that lance he had seen, "I bet he's thinking the same thing at the moment... because your power is now at the same level that your sister's is at."

"Now go, pony of the skies," the Grand Elder said, withdrawing his hand from Rainbow's head and placing it back on his throne, which was followed by several coughs, "join your friends in their coming fight."

"Thank you Grand Elder," Rainbow said, remembering her manners and bowing to the large Namekian for a moment, before turning to the trio behind her, "I'll see you guys later... after we've beaten this Ginyu Force."

Before anyone could say anything Rainbow floated down to the first story of the building, jumped through the front door, and flew in the direction of Vegeta and the others, knowing that the Ginyu's would be arriving at any moment... and prayed that she made it back to the others with enough time to spare.

Frieza watched as five pods descended from the sky and crashed into the ground near the spaceship, oddly enough in a direct line of sight with his ruined glass dome that he stared out of all the time. He smiled as he turned around and climbed into his floating chair, to which he made his way towards the top of the ship so he could personally meet with the Ginyu Force and give them their next mission. They had performed their duties to his specifications the last time he had called upon them, so he was expecting the same results this time, especially when he considered that Vegeta wasn't the only target he wanted eliminated.

Once he reached his destination he stopped moving and waited, to which he spotted five figures floating up into the air and touching down on the spaceship in front of him, though they did so in a manner that had them lined up with two members on the left of their captain and two members on the right of their captain. All five of them wore special armor, which was really just the normal armor he gave his soldiers, though he added the unit symbol to make them stand out from everyone else. Their captain had his back turned to Frieza at the moment, but he generally expected something like that every time he saw them, considering what they did before receiving their orders. Frieza couldn't help bu chuckle when he looked upon his finest soldiers, because he knew that Vegeta and Rainbow Dash didn't stand a chance at this point.

The soldier on Frieza's far left moved one leg to his right while keeping the other one bent just a bit, which was followed by his left arm pointing towards the middle of the group and him shouting his name, 'Recoome', to complete his part of the pose. The soldier on Frieza's far right repeated the same gesture as that the first soldier used, only with his right arm and hand pointed towards their captain, to which he shouted 'Burter'. The soldier that was standing right next to Burter dropped down into a kneeling position, while flipping his hair over his face and then flipping it back into position, before raising his hands into the air and shouting 'Jeice'. The soldier standing next to Recoome made some movements with his hands, while also using his larger two eyes in the act, before raising his hands and calling out 'Guldo'.

With the four lowest members of the squad taken care of the captain bent over so he could see Frieza from between his legs, to which he called out 'Ginyu' before the five of them assembled in one of the oddest fashions that Frieza had seen from them so far.

"To-geth-er we-are," the five of them said at the same time, showing off the fact that they must have spent weeks practicing this routine until it was flawless, "the Ginyu Force!"

Frieza did what he always did whenever the five of them showed up and did one of their introduction poses, he waited until he spotted one of them getting tired, where he would congratulate them and then get onto business... though the opportunity presented itself when he noticed that Burter was getting tired already.

"Well done everyone," Frieza said, to which he watched as the five members of the Ginyu Force relaxed and took up a more respectable stance, standing at attention like the rest of his forces, "I have been expecting your arrival for some time."

"Thank you Lord Frieza," Ginyu commented, a quick smile appearing on his face, though that was quickly replaced with a slight frown seconds later, "Please tell us what our mission is this time."

"The traitorous Vegeta has taken the Dragon Balls I have already gathered and fled with them," Frieza stated, already enjoying the fact that the members of the Ginyu Force were already thinking of the pain they could inflict on the Saiyan, as the four that were wearing scouters were already searching for Vegeta, "However, for some strange reason his power level is starting to rise higher and higher, as we already know he's taken out Dodoria... and potentially Zarbon as well. Although he should still be no match for all of you. For now your orders are to knock him out and bring him back here; I would like question him on the location of the Dragon Balls before bringing an end to his life."

"That will be an easy task, as our scouters are already tracking him down... considering that he's currently powering up." Ginyu replied, though at the same time he noticed that there were three more power levels resting near Vegeta, one of which easily rivaled Recoome, "Who might the other three be? All three of them appear to have a fair amount of power backing them."

"Three of them?" Frieza commented, remembering back to the village where two young children flew off with the Namekians that Dodoria was about to kill, as well as the one that started the attack, "Two of those must be the small children that interfered earlier... that means that the last one has to be Rainbow Dash. Either they teamed up with Vegeta to steal the Dragon Balls, which is unlikely, or they're about to fight each other for the wish granting spheres... which means they'll be easy to find."

"What are we to do with anyone that isn't Vegeta?" Ginyu asked, though the moment the question left his mouth the rest of his squad quieted down, as they were all eager to hear what their orders were.

"You are to kill the two children," Frieza replied, quickly holding up a hand before the Ginyu Force got too excited, "but as for the one called Rainbow Dash... I want you to bring her to me as well. I want the satisfaction of killing her myself."

"Understood," Ginyu said, to which the other four members of his squad started cheering, while his earlier smile appeared on his face, "let us go thoroughly enjoy ourselves."

Jeice quickly handed over the scouters that Frieza had requested, which was a good thing he had them bring them considering that all of them had been destroyed when they attacked that one village, before falling in with the rest of his squad. The five of them then did some sort of pre fight preparations, apparently pretending to exchange blows with each other before standing in front of Frieza, going from the shortest in the front to the tallest in the back. That was then followed by them flying into the air and heading towards where Vegeta was at the moment, all of them eager to crash whatever party the Saiyan was having.

Frieza let out a sigh as the Ginyu's disappeared into the distance, because as much as he liked how ruthless and evil they were, which was why he had created the force to begin with, he still felt uneasy whenever he wanted them do their poses... but he knew that Vegeta and the runts from earlier were doomed.

"They've started to move," Vegeta commented, dropping out of his powered up mode for the moment, though at the same time he hoped that he and the others had masked Rainbow's power, "I hope all of you are ready."

"We won't know until they arrive," Applejack said, leaning against a nearby tree as her hat kept all of the sunlight out of her eyes, though she was grateful to have it with her.

"Okay, I'm going to be the one that says it," Krillin stated, jumping to his feet as he looked at Applejack, which told them that he was going to be talking about Rainbow, "What's the deal with both your hidden potential and Rainbow's? I mean seriously, it feels like the two of you were trained by a god or something."

Vegeta looked over at Applejack for a moment, having already known that none of the Earthlings or Piccolo knew the truth behind Applejack and Rainbow's parents. He suspected that the reason behind them not telling anyone that their father was the God of Destruction and their mother was the Supreme Kai of Time, besides the fact that he was sure they weren't dating or anything, was because no one would believe them even if they told them. From what he was seeing it Applejack, who mostly told nothing but the truth, had deemed it important to tell a lie this time around, which meant that he was going to have to keep his mouth shut until she told him otherwise. The reason behind their hidden potential had to be because of the fact that Beerus and Whis had trained them for three years straight, but it was a guess that they would never know the answer to.

"Who knows?" Applejack replied, shrugging for a moment, because she knew that no one besides Vegeta would understand the reason behind her and her sister's power levels at this point, "Though we shouldn't be looking a gift horse in the mouth, not when it could turn the tide of battle in an instant."

Krillin looked at her for a moment, wondering if she actually knew something or if she was trying to pretend that she knew nothing, but in the end he decided it wasn't worth it. He opened his mouth to say something, to continue the conversation, but before he could actually say anything Vegeta quickly snapped his head towards the direction that Frieza's ship was in. That was rapidly followed by five humanoid aliens landing in front of them, two of which were actually taller than Vegeta while another two of them happened to be closer to Applejack's size. Krillin noticed that the one that was closer to Vegeta's height, the purple skinned alien with two horns on the top of his head, seemed like the captain of the group, because he had this aura that made him think that was the case.

"Hello Vegeta," the captain said, though at the same time the other four seemed to chuckle about something, while the man seemed to be looking for something, "Tell me, where are the Dragon Balls you stole from Frieza?"

"I'm not about to tell you, Ginyu," Vegeta replied, glaring at the five members of the Ginyu Force, while Krillin, Gohan, and Applejack gathered near him, "but then again, you were likely ordered to find and beat me in combat, so your not going to leave even if I bothered to make the attempt."

"Indeed." Ginyu said, as if he was agreeing with what Vegeta had said, though that was followed by him turning his eyes back to the group, "Very well, I shall ask another question; where is the one you call Rainbow Dash?"

Vegeta opened his mouth to say something about her being on her way to their location, which would have been the truth, but as he started to say something he felt Rainbow enter the area near where they were standing. Instead Vegeta grinned and crossed his arms, leading the Ginyu Force to wear a confused expression on all of their faces, before one of them, Jeice, noticed something on his scouter. That was followed by Rainbow flying through the air, to which she flipped around the moment she came close to where they were standing and landed right beside her sister, while also facing the Ginyu Force as if she hadn't done anything impressive.

"That would be me," Rainbow declared, using her right hand to punch the palm of her left hand in front of her face, indicating that she was excited to get into a fight with their new enemies, "who wants to know?"

"Ginyu!" Ginyu shouted, jumping around so that his back was facing them, which was followed by him bending over and looking at them from between the middle of his legs.

"Jeice!" the red skinned and white haired alien declared, dropping to one knee and raising his hands into the air, while also doing some sort of motion with his hair.

"Burter!" the large blue skinned alien said, moving one leg to the side while the other pointed at the guy who spoke before him, while his right hand was pointed towards the middle of the group.

"Guldo!" the small green skinned alien, who also happened to have four eyes, shouted, while doing some sort of motion with his eyes before dropping to one knee and copying Jeice's movement.

"Recoome!" the large humanoid like alien stated, his movement copying Burter's completely, though he was pointing towards his leader with his left hand instead of his right hand.

"And together we are," the five of them declared, to which Ginyu dropped down in front of the group and pointed of of his hands towards the ground, Jeice appearing right behind him and throwing a fist into the air, Burter standing behind Jeice with both of his hands out in a 't' formation, while Guldo moved to Ginyu's right and stood there with his fist near his mouth, and Recoome stood with his back facing the group and had a hand near Burter's face, "the Ginyu Force!"

Rainbow, having watched all five of them go through the process of completing this special pose of theirs, couldn't help but burst into a fit of laughter, one that made her drop to the ground and roll around for a few seconds. Applejack, on the other hand, tipped her hat downwards to hide her face, though she seriously hoped that the men in front of them were embarrassed by what they had just done. Krillin and Gohan appeared to have no idea what to think about what had transpired in front of them, as they were still suffering from the original shock of their enemies arriving.

"I feel like throwing up for some reason," Vegeta said, glaring at the five men in front of them, who glared at them in turn as they returned to their standing positions.

"Now we have another reason to beat you all up," Ginyu growled, annoyed that the people in front of them were laughing at their pose and not celebrating it like they should be, "and I'm going to enjoy taking you down a peg."

That caused an uproar from the other four members of the Ginyu Force, each of them declaring how unfair it was that their captain got to fight Vegeta when the last time they were called by Frieza he got to fight the toughest fighter of that bunch, to which Ginyu eventually receded his statement. That was followed by he declaring that the four would chose who they were fighting based on a game of rock-paper-scissors, which caused Rainbow to get back on her hooves and stop laughing while Applejack lifted her hat back up.

"First will be Vegeta," Ginyu declared, though at the same time the group noticed that Guldo was definitely eager to claim him as his opponent, despite the fact that everyone else was saying that he'd never get the chance to fight him.

The group watched as the four men threw their hands into a circle multiple times, constantly coming to a tie with each other while their captain grinned the entire time, before Reccome managed to win the upper hand and declare that he was going to be the one to bring Vegeta down. Ginyu then pointed at Rainbow, declaring that she was the next one they could play for, though after about ten more games it eventually came down to Burter winning the right to fight her. With only two opponents left Ginyu stated that the smallest members of the group, Gohan and Krillin, would be a pair, so that all four of them would have someone to fight without allowing any of them to run away, before declaring that the next one they were playing for was 'the one with the strange hat', according to what Ginyu said.

"My name is Applejack!" Applejack fired back, annoyed that they hadn't bothered to ask her name before doing what they were doing, but it seemed like they weren't playing attention.

The end of the third game resulted in Jeice winning the right to fight Applejack, meaning that Guldo would be fighting both Gohan and Krillin while Ginyu sat on the sidelines and watched all of them fight. Apparently the Ginyu Force wasn't without some sort of fairness, as they allowed Vegeta and the others to choose who was fighting first, thus determining which member of the Force they'd be calling forward. Based on what they heard earlier, about Vegeta only knowing something about Guldo, Gohan and Krillin decided to go first, giving the rest of the group time to determine who would be fighting next once Guldo was taken care of. Once the first round of fighters had been chosen Vegeta, Rainbow, and Applejack moved away from the duo as Burter, Jeice, Reccoome, and Ginyu did the same thing on the other side of the island they would be fighting on.

While they did that Rainbow stared at Burter, who was grinning, as Applejack looked over at Jeice, because she was excited to have the chance to test out her abilities now that her power had been boosted by the Grand Elder, as she hadn't had the opportunity to fight anything for real since they had been brought to this planet by Mr. Popo. She grinned as she looked at the five men that made up the Ginyu Force, because she had the feeling that all of them were going to be crying by the time they were done with them.

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