• Published 26th Jan 2017
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Dragon Ball Z: Daughters of Destruction - Blackdrag-rose

Rainbow Dash and Applejack are transported to a strange world, where they are raised by Beerus the Destroyer and his attendant Whis.

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Namek: Aftermath

Rainbow and Applejack had been expecting to watch the end of Planet Namek from the safety of the ship that Goku had arrived in, despite the fact that it would have been crowded with how many people were in their group. In reality the last glimpse of Namek they had was them staring out of the ship and watching as the ground shifted all around them, though that was followed by them being engulfed in a bright light that brought them to a forest. For a moment the girls, and the rest of their companions, seemed confused as to what had happened, but after a few seconds of looking around Applejack guessed that they had all been teleported to Earth... and by everyone she meant everyone that had been aboard the ship, all the Namekians that resided on the planet, and everyone that had been near Frieza.

Applejack even spotted the Grand Elder sitting nearby, panting as he barely lifted his head to look at the area around them, but she noticed that Goku was the only one missing at the moment.

"Where in the world are we?" Bulma asked, looking around for any landmarks that she recognized, while at the same time Gohan jumped out of the tree he had appeared in and landed beside her.

"I think we're back on Earth," Gohan commented, a smile appearing on his face as he looked at all the Namekians that were standing around and looking at the area they were in, as he was pleased that they had all gotten off of Namek before its destruction.

"This is indeed Earth," Dende said, walking up to the two with Piccolo coming up behind him, "the Grand Elder told me to use the final wish and bring everyone to this planet... except for Frieza. Unfortunately there were two versions of the wish and the one I made was in the sense that Frieza was still alive, so the one called Goku is still on Planet Namek."

"At least he still has a way off the planet before it explodes," a voice said, to which Vegeta walked towards the group with a smile on his face, "and he doesn't have to worry about Frieza anymore... not when we beat the tyrant into the ground and his ki disappeared."

"Oh thank the gods that Frieza has been taken care of," Rainbow stated, a grin appearing on her face as Applejack helped her into a standing position, "I don't envy his spirit when our father finds out what he did and comes looking for him."

Vegeta turned towards the girls for a moment and stared at them for a few seconds, just to be sure that his mind wasn't playing tricks on him and that the wish to bring everyone that Frieza and his men had killed back to life had actually worked like it was supposed to. Once he was sure that what he was seeing was real, which was aided by the fact that he could sense Rainbow's ki again, he stepped forward and embraced the girls in a tight hug. He was glad that both of his friends were okay and that they had escaped any permanent damage that Frieza might have caused them, though he was sure that Rainbow's experience with death was going to have some impact on her fighting style in the future... or not considering that she was one of Lord Beerus' daughters.

"I swear, if I didn't know any better I would suggest that the three of you were father and daughters," Bulma commented, her voice ruining the moment that the trio was having, to which the three of them pulled back from each other, "One of these days the two of you are going to have to tell us who your parents are, because I'm sure that they have to be worried sick about the two of you."

Rainbow and Applejack shared a look with each other, because they knew that none of their new friends would believe them if they suddenly started telling them that their mother was the Supreme Kai of Time and that their father was the God of Destruction. They were sure that Bulma would immediately start asking questions, like why their father didn't just kill Frieza when he started blowing up planets, if they revealed who their parents were. There was also the chance that Bulma would think they were making up stories to get out of actually telling them about the people that raised them before they went into their enchanted sleep, so in the end the two girls decided that it was better for the rest of the group to be in the dark about who their parents were.

That didn't stop either of them from thinking about the fact that their mother had likely been worried sick about them the moment they started fighting Frieza, but they knew that she had to be relieved that they were both okay... despite the fact that Rainbow had to be revived by the Eternal Dragon of Earth.

Gohan noticed that the Namekians were gathering around the Grand Elder, no doubt to tell them about what had transpired in the last few minutes, to which he beckoned for everyone else to walk over and hear what was going on. It was then that they got the confirmation that this was indeed Earth, and that both Kami and King Kai had asked Shenron to bring back everyone that Frieza and his men had killed, allowing Dende to use Porunga's final wish to bring them all here. Gohan decided not to speak up about Krillin, because he had been brought back once already and Shenron could only bring back a person one time, which meant that the only way for his father's best friend to live again would be to use the Namekian Dragon Balls to wish him back to life.

The Namekians were devastated when they learned that their planet was going to explode soon, though at the same time they seemed overjoyed to hear that the man responsible for the destruction of Namek had been done in by both Goku and Vegeta, who rubbed the back of his head as they praised him.

"So, you and Goku beat the strongest being in the universe." Piccolo commented, causing both Vegeta and the girls to turn towards him for a few seconds, "Does that mean that the two of you are now the strongest fighters in the entire universe?"

"No... there is still one being stronger than both of us," Vegeta replied, though he noticed that Rainbow and Applejack were smiling, because they knew exactly what he knew and were waiting to see what he said about their father, "his name is Beerus the Destroyer, or Lord Beerus if you prefer. He's a being that's so powerful that even Frieza is terrified of him... though I really don't know much about him."

Vegeta was glad to see that the others, excluding Rainbow and Applejack, were shocked by what he had said, though before they could question what was said they all noticed that seven stone spheres fell from the sky and landed in the area behind the Grand Elder. Vegeta was somewhat happy to have the spheres land when they did, because he was sure that Piccolo had been looking at him funny for a few seconds, as if he suspected that he had been lying about something. Vegeta didn't know if Piccolo or Gohan remembered Rainbow claiming to be one of Beerus' daughters, or if they had forgotten that fact in the heat of battle, but he didn't want to say more in case they actually remembered something.

In his mind it was better to make sure that his new friends didn't know who Rainbow and Applejack's father was, because there would be too many questions to answer... and he knew that he didn't have all the answers to them.

"It would appear that I have reached the end of my lifespan," the Grand Elder said, though his statement stopped the Namekian children as they climbed out of the trees they were in, before the entire race was standing around their Grand Elder, "I am pleased to have fulfilled everything I have gone in the time given to me. And, from the sounds of it, it appears that the Dragon Balls have followed us to Earth. Moori, p... please step forward and hold our your hand."

The elder in question stepped forward as the Grand Elder started coughing, indicating that he was indeed nearing the end of his life, much to the dismay of the Namekians. Applejack, Rainbow, and the rest of their group watched what was about to happen, because they were all sure that this wasn't something that was seen everyday. When Moori held out his left hand the Grand Elder gently lifted his right hand into the air and placed it around Moori's hand, which was followed by a yellowish aura appearing around the elder as a look of shock appeared on his face.

"F... from now on, you are the Grand Elder," the Grand Elder said, smiling as he pulled his hand back the moment the aura faded, though at the same time he coughed a few more times, "In due time the Dragon Balls will regain their brilliance and shine once more. Promise me that you will use them well."

"Do not worry Grand Elder, we will use them well," Moori replied, raising a hand to wipe some tears from his eyes, which several of the other Namekians repeated seconds later.

"Good," the Grand Elder said, though at the same time his body started to phase in and out, indicating that he was definitely reaching the end of his life, "Let there be eternal peace among the Namekians."

That was the last thing the Grand Elder said as his body vanished before their eyes, though all the Namekians cried out his name a few times, indicating that he was dead for those that were behind them. Piccolo had to turn away for a moment, to tell something to be quiet while the other Namekians mourned the loss of their Grand Elder, before his concentration returned to the group in front of him. Dende, however, discovered that Piccolo had fused with Nail, the Namekian that had been guarding the Grand Elder when they had arrived at his house, but he only smiled as Moori declared that the Namekians should focus their energies on finding peace for themselves.

As Bulma determined what they were going to do next, as she overheard Gohan and Dende talking about using the Namekian Dragon Balls to wish back Krillin, Yamcha, and anyone else that was still dead, she heard a familiar voice in the back of her head.

Hey Bulma, its me, Yamcha. the voice said, though Bulma definitely recognized it as Yamcha's voice, but she could also tell that he was annoyed about something, King Kai wanted someone to pass on some information to you and the gang... and I volunteered to do so.

"R... really?" Bulma asked, looking around for Yamcha for a moment, causing the rest of their small group to look over at her as the Namekians gathered around their new Grand Elder, "And where are you exactly?"

I'm on King Kai's planet. Yamcha replied, as if he had been expecting such a question and had prepared an answer ahead of time, And before you ask King Kai is allowing me to speak directly into your mind, with one of his abilities.

"Is that so?" Bulma said, looking a little surprised by the notion of Yamcha speaking into her head, but dismissed it as she determined that she needed to hear whatever he was trying to tell her, "So, what's the message that your delivering to us?"

King Kai says not to worry about Goku, Yamcha replied, almost as if King Kai had known that she and the others were planning on using the Namekian Dragon Balls to wish their friend back to Earth, when the spheres had become active again that is, He'll be blasting off of Namek in the ship he arrived in within the next ten minutes, though the destruction of Namek is going to hurl him through space until he lands on another planet. King Kai says that its better to not waste a wish on trying to bring him back to Earth and let him do what must be done... though it sounds like he's got one last mission to do before he can return home.

"Oh... does King Kai have an idea of when Goku will return to Earth?" Bulma inquired, knowing that both Chi Chi and Gohan would be worried about him until he returned, and so would she and the rest of his friends.

He says between six months to a year, Yamcha said, though his tone indicated that he was annoyed about something, Apparently he's been speaking with a friend of his and she's the one answering whatever questions he has... while being vague at the same time.

"Well then, that gives us enough time to use the Namekian Dragon Balls as we see fit" Bulma stated, to which she smiled as she heard a wave of confusion on the other side of the conversation, "Apparently Porunga, the Namekian Eternal Dragon, can revive people as many times as the people want... which means that Krillin can be returned to life as well."

Only to die in the vacuum of space, another voice said, one that Bulma determined had to be King Kai, who had patiently been waiting until Yamcha delivered the message before speaking up, The Dragon Balls return people to life where they died, so since Krillin died on Namek he would return to where Namek used to be... where only death would await him.

Bulma started to shake as she told the rest of the group the news about Krillin's fate, about the fact that he'd never be able to come back to life with the Dragon Balls because the planet he died on no longer existed, but before anyone freaked out Vegeta stepped forward.

"Look, I don't know a lot about spirits, but I have an idea." Vegeta said, causing the group to turn towards him for a moment, "What if you took his spirit and moved it to Earth, where a second wish could then be used to bring him back to life? I'm not sure if its possible or not, but its likely the best chance at bringing Krillin back to life."

"Why didn't I think of that?" Bulma moaned, slapping herself in the forehead, as if she had known about spirits and had forgotten that they might have some sort of loophole around where a certain spirit died.

"Excuse me, madam of Earth," Moori said, causing the group to suddenly shift their gaze towards the new Grand Elder, who had separated himself from the group, "My people and I would like to use the Namekian Dragon Balls to find a suitable planet to live on, once they have reactivated that is, but we have come to an agreement regarding their usage. It will take one hundred and thirty days for the Namekian Dragon Balls to reactivate, so until then we need to find a suitable home that will serve as a temporary residence until all of your friends have been resurrected. We have agreed that it is the least we can do for the people that saved our race from extinction."

Bulma ran through the deal they were offering her and the others in her head; they could use the Dragon Balls to move Krillin's spirit back to Earth and resurrect him, which would use up two wishes, and then bring Yamcha back, as he was the only one who hadn't been resurrected yet. Then they would have to wait another one hundred and thirty days to let the Namekians use the wishes as they desired, because Bulma was sure that Tien and Chiaotzu would have shown up by then. While they had been waiting on the ship, back on Planet Namek, Gohan told her that two of their three friends had already been brought back, leaving Yamcha as the odd man out.

To her it sounded like the best deal they could ask for, because she and her friends could resurrect the last of their friends and the Namekians could find a new home with wishes to spare.

"How about I invite all of you to come live at my house until you can make your wish?" Bulma offered, seeing a surprised look appear on Moori's face for a moment, "Its pretty big, and I'm sure that both my father and I would like to earn about your culture before you leave... besides, there would be a big fuss if someone else found all of you out here."

"I... I guess that would be true," Moori replied, not sure what sort of fuss Bulma was referring to, but he sensed that she meant well by her offer, "Very well then, on behalf of the Namekian people I accept your kind assistance."

"Okay then, I'm going to go hunt down a phone and call my father," Bulma said, to which she started to walk in the opposite direction of the Namekian Dragon Balls, before she spotted Vegeta and the pony girls resting near some trees, "Hey Vegeta, do you and the girls want to come over as well? I'm sure all three of you are dying to get a decent meal in you... and sleep in an actual bed."

"Please don't mention 'dying' so soon," Rainbow moaned, though at the same time she, Vegeta, and Applejack smiled at Bulma, because they knew that she didn't mean anything by accidentally saying the word.

"What Rainbow means is that we'd be delighted to spend a few nights at your place again," Applejack said, because she knew that her sister would never say such a thing, especially when all she had to do was grab a cloud and lay on it to form a nice bed for herself.

"After killing Dodoria, Zarbon, the Ginyu Force, and Frieza, and transforming into a Super Saiyan, I say that some rest is definitely in order," Vegeta commented, letting out a yawn, which was understandable considering how tired he was feeling after expanding so much energy to beat Frieza.

Bulma smiled as she walked away form the group, because she was happy to see that everyone was quite pleased with what they were able to accomplish during their time on Namek. Sure, the planet was either going to explode soon or it had already done so, but they had managed to save an entire race from extinction, which she supposed was one of the things that Vegeta had wanted to do the moment they stepped foot on the planet. She glanced back at the Saiyan as she walked further away from the group, wondering how such a fierce warrior could be so kind to those he considered his friends, as if he was a person with two personalities. She guessed that she had hit the nail on the head, based on what she heard him say before he and the others waged their war on Frieza and his forces, but she smiled as she continued walking.

One phone call later, and after an hour or two had passed, the group noticed a large yellow ship flying in their direction, though the look on Bulma's face told everyone that this was one of her father's ships. Rainbow had spent some of the time asking Vegeta what she missed after Frieza shot her in the chest and killed her, to which she discovered that both he and Goku ascended to being Super Saiyans and beat up the tyrant in combat. She was slightly annoyed that she hadn't seen the Super Saiyan state in battle, and Vegeta wasn't about to do it in his exhausted state, but he did promise her that one day he would show her his new transformation... and maybe spar with her for a few seconds with it.

As the ship landed a lady came charging out of the cargo area, calling out Gohan's name as she asked the Namekians where her son once, which immediately told Rainbow and Applejack that she was Gohan's mother.

Once Gohan and his mother had been reunited, and Bulma had finished discussing the details of her deal with the Namekians, they slowly boarded the ship and made sure that there was enough room for everyone. It took a few minutes to ensure that everyone was inside the ship, as well as make sure the seven stones that were the Namekian Dragon Balls were brought aboard as well, before Dr. Brief engaged the engines and started the journey back to the Capsule Corporation building that Rainbow and Applejack had stayed at for that one night. The group settled into a relaxing ride as they made their way to their destination, though during the ride the group noticed that the Namekian elders were chatting among each other, no doubt discussing what they would do once they were on a new planet.

After the group arrived at their destination, and the ship had landed, the Namekians seemed amazed by the building that rested in front of them, though Vegeta noticed a spherical ship that happened to be sitting in the yard... which looked identical to the one that Kakarot had used to reach Namek, only the number on the side was different.

"Is this the style of ship that Kakarot used to reach Namek?" Vegeta asked, as he had noticed that the man that had been driving the yellow ship had been staring at him for a few seconds, so he decided to strike a conversation with the man.

"Oh, you mean Goku," Dr. Brief said, to which Vegeta nodded his head, indicating that the man knew who he was referring to, "Yes, I designed these ships after the Saiyan Pods that you and the bald Saiyan landed in... though it took some time to make this one space worthy. All these odd malfunctions and problems kept springing up, as if something or someone wanted to keep Chi Chi and the others here on Earth... though considering that Planet Namek has been destroyed at this point I'm glad that the problems appeared in the first place. Did you want to use the ship?"

Vegeta stared at the ship for a few seconds, wondering if he should use the ship to head out across the stars and obliterate more of Frieza's empire, before he shook his head. With Frieza dead, and one of his underlings was bound to have noticed that his ki had disappeared, it was only a matter of time until the entire empire crumbled on itself. There was no reason for him to kill them anymore, as the ones that were largely responsible for taking over the various planets had already been taken care of. Without Frieza, Zarbon, Dodoria, and the Ginyu Force to command the lesser troops he knew that the power hungry captains would begin declaring war on each other, effectively ripping the majority of the empire to pieces once they discovered what had happened on Namek.

"No... I was just curious about the ship." Vegeta eventually said, turning away from the ship and accepting a drink from Dr. Brief's wife, who was giving out drinks to everyone that had come off the ship, "By the way, I applaud you for being able to reverse engineer the technology behind the pods that Raditz, Nappa, and I used to reach this planet... it couldn't have been easy for you."

"Well, my daughter and I are geniuses," Dr. Brief commented, rubbing the back of his head as he took a drink and walked with Vegeta as they headed towards where the other Z Warriors were sitting, "but for the amount of time we had to study the pods, before we ended up breaking all of them, I think we did a decent job... its only a shame that there aren't anymore pods for us to study and learn from."

Vegeta glanced back at the spherical ship for a few seconds, recalling what little he had seen of the one that Kakarot had used to reach Namek, and smiled as he and Dr. Brief walked away from it. He already knew that the man had learned everything there was to learn about the pods that he and the other Saiyans had used to reach Earth to begin with, so there was no point in telling him that he could easily use the spherical ship to acquire more of the pods for him to study. Doing so would, unfortunately, bring the eyes of the rest of Frieza's empire to Earth, where he and the others would basically be fighting a full scale war against an empire that could use all its resources to avenge the death of Frieza.

Still, even as he walked away from the ship he couldn't help but feel that one day someone from Frieza's empire was going to show up and cause some damage to Earth, which meant that he and the others needed to be prepared for such an event... but for how he planned on joining the celebration and having some fun with his friends, both the new ones and the old ones, before he focused on preparing them for whatever was ahead of them.

King Kai smiled as he stopped watching what was happening on Earth, because right now Vegeta, Rainbow, Applejack, and everyone else deserved their hard earned victory over the dreaded Lord Frieza, which he felt would have been ruined if he continued to hover over them and didn't turn his attention elsewhere. There were other matters that required his attention, though he thought back to the yellow envelope that had been delivered to him shortly after everyone had been returned to Earth... which was the reason he was standing on Snake Way and not hanging out in his own house. He turned to the left after a few steps and glanced up at the golden gate that was in front of him, one that was hidden from everyone that ventured down Snake Way.

The only people that knew about the gate's existence was himself, the people who lived behind the gate, and anyone that was given permission to pass through the gates... and the person who had contacted him was standing outside his destination.

"Good afternoon King Kai," the man in front of him said, a smile appearing on his face as he looked away from whatever he had been looking at for the last few minutes.

"Afternoon King Vegeta," King Kai replied, coming to a stop in front of the old Saiyan King, while a smile also appeared on his face, "I received your message some time ago... are you sure about this?"

"Yes, I have never been more sure in my life... or afterlife for that matter," King Vegeta said, remembering what he had been told a few hours ago, "There are things that I would like to tell my son, and some things that are better shown than said, though this will also give me the chance to show him what happened to us... besides, I would like to give my son the chance to meet his mother."

King Kai sighed as he nodded his head towards the dead king, though thanks to everything he had seen, from both Goku and Vegeta, he knew that the Saiyans were a stubborn race and tended to stick to what they said, which meant that King Vegeta would likely hound him until he granted his son permission to see what was behind the golden gate. He still had no idea why the dead king insisted on allowing Rainbow and Applejack to join Vegeta on the other side of the gate, but he decided that it was better to simply grant permission and call it a done deal. Despite the fact that he hadn't been included, and had likely been forgotten about, King Kai knew that one day Goku would see what was on the other side of the gate as well... though that wouldn't be for some time.

In the end King Kai knew that Vegeta deserved some sort of reward for bringing about the defeat of Frieza, so he guessed that allowing him a glimpse of what was waiting for him in the future was better than nothing... especially with the emotions that will rise once the Saiyan Prince realized what, and more importantly who, was waiting for him behind the gate.

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