• Published 26th Jan 2017
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Dragon Ball Z: Daughters of Destruction - Blackdrag-rose

Rainbow Dash and Applejack are transported to a strange world, where they are raised by Beerus the Destroyer and his attendant Whis.

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Interlude: Departure

Both Rainbow and Applejack found it odd to be wearing normal Earth clothes for the first time in their entire lives, because everything they had worn before was either the gi that mimicked their father's personal colors or the clothing that Shin wore, which they wore when they went to something more formal. Chronoa took them around West City that same afternoon, where they explored what the city had to offer and actually found a place that had some movies playing, though Chronoa was a little disappointed that all the movies that were playing were all action based. Still, she promised the girls that they would relax and take a break from all the fighting, so she got them some tickets and watched the hour and a half movie that they had picked out.

At the end of it Chronoa swore that watching her daughters fight their enemies was better than the movie they had watched, but she kept that piece of information to herself as they continued walking around the city. She wondered how Applejack and Rainbow would react if they knew that she, Whis, and Shin were actually watching over them at any given moment in time... though she knew that they would feel betrayed if they found out that Beerus was actually awake. The whole point of them being placed in the enchanted sleep was so that they would wake up when their father did, or rather that was what she had told them twenty-three years ago, as she intended for them to fight along side the one person that might give Beerus the challenge he was looking for.

Instead of worrying about the specifics of what she and the others had done, and alerting her daughters to the fact that something was bothering her, she focused on the present and continued their exploration of the city.

When they finally returned to the Capsule Corp building, after a long afternoon of exploring the city, they found that Dr. Brief was examining one of Applejack's special apples, though the remaining three apples had been left alone. As they walked into the building they learned that Bulma's father was more than willing to allow Rainbow and Applejack to set up a small house on the outskirts of the city, as it appeared that he had a large amount of land and never bothered to use it. The trio guessed that Bulma had talked to him while they were gone and had convinced him to help the girls out, especially since she considered that their mother would be leaving once the day was done.

Chronoa hated that she had to leave the girls behind, especially after spending some more time with them, but she was afraid that her presence might influence the events that were coming down the line... even if she didn't tell anyone about what was coming. As they sat down around the table, and let the girls settle down after their long afternoon, Vegeta informed them of what he was planning on doing in a few days.

"Wait, your going to leave the planet and go into space?" Rainbow asked, because while she knew that Vegeta would have eventually gone to wherever his brother was living she didn't expect it to be this soon.

"I talked it over with Dr. Brief while you were gone," Vegeta said, his fingers running over the medallion he was holding, which was pretty much one of his prized possessions despite the fact that he had only had it for half a day, "and he's determined that the planet my brother is living on will take at least six months to reach with the current level of the technology available. It should take a whole year for me to make the round trip, so by the time I get back Kakarot should have returned as well, be it by the power of the Dragon Balls or by the ship he used to reach Namek in the first place."

"When are you planning on departing?" Applejack inquired, though she wasn't as shocked by the news as Rainbow was, because once their friend had received the medallion he was holding she knew that it was only a matter of time until he left to go find his brother.

"I'm told that it will take ten days to prepare the ship outside for such a long journey," Vegeta replied, letting out a sigh as the words left his mouth, "which means that the three of us can do anything, such as training or just taking some time to relax, while we wait for all of the preparations to be completed."

Chronoa rested a hand on both Rainbow and Applejack's shoulders, calming them down in case they were upset from hearing the news that they were going to have to be without their friend for another year, but after a few seconds she discovered that they weren't saddened by the news. They had known that he would have gone searching for his brother at some point in the future, though she was impressed that the girls were so approving of the idea once Vegeta had explained everything to them. Chronoa knew that Bulma and the others would be able to keep the girls on the right track while their friend was gone, not to mention while she returned to where Beerus, Whis, and Shin were waiting for her to return... though she was already planning future visits to Earth so she could give the girls some normalcy in their lives.

When the moon finally raised itself into the night sky, and the day was officially over, Chronoa stayed for a few more minutes to tuck the girls into the beds that they had been given for the moment, and they had insisted on her tucking them in like old times, before she bid farewell to everyone and departed from the Capsule Building.

The next ten days went by with some speed for Applejack and Rainbow, as they spent a day or two actually going over the exact design of the small house that Dr. Brief was willing to construct for them. From what the two of them knew they already had the understanding that they needed a kitchen, a bathroom, and two bedrooms, in addition to a small living area for them to relax in when they weren't busy doing anything else. Bulma insisted on adding a third room, a guest room in case someone wanted to spend the night or something, though considering that they had no idea about what went into making a modern home the girls agreed to it, deciding that Dr. Brief and Bulma knew better than they did.

Of course they had to persuade Dr. Brief not to bother with installing any stereo systems in their future home, because they had the feeling that they wouldn't use it at all and that it would be a waste of space... though after some words from his daughter he eventually agreed to their request.

On the remaining eight days they would go out to the wasteland where they took out Nappa, where they would either spar with Vegeta, Piccolo, or Gohan, who had to receive permission from his mother to take a break from his studies and had to promise that he would come back without any bruises. They occasionally sparred with Tien as well, as he and Chiaotzu had appeared outside the Capsule Corp building the morning after their mother left with a smile on their faces, because they were happy that the group had gone out of their way to resurrect them while they were on Namek. The sparring was actually good for everyone, as they showed off their skills they had picked up and sometimes taught a skill to someone else, where they could determine whether or not to use the skill in the future... though no one could quite figure out Rainbow's Cloud Copy technique she had developed.

Vegeta suggested that Rainbow and Applejack were special in that regard, that they had skills that were unique to them and couldn't be easily copied no matter how many times someone tried to learn the technique.

Once the tenth day had passed the group gathered around the ship that Dr. Brief had updated for Vegeta, where they discovered that it would allow him to reach the planet his brother was living on and get back to Earth with enough fuel leftover. There were some additions that Dr. Brief had made to the living area of the ship, as well as updating the gravity machine in the middle of the ship to handle up to four hundred times Earth's gravity, but Vegeta didn't seem to mind the changes. The girls already knew that if he wanted to train he would stop the ship and use the medallion to visit Asgard, but they guessed that he might use the enhanced gravity as well... there was really no telling with their friend.

"Be safe on your journey, Vegeta." Applejack said, looking up at their friend as he stood before the entrance of the ship, while the rest of their group stood behind them.

"Don't worry, I'll be sure to remain as safe as possible," Vegeta replied, though at the same time he moved his hand through Rainbow's hair, as she hadn't said anything besides wishing him well on his venture, "The only thing that would make me stop, excluding damage to the ship, would be if I spotted one of Frieza's ships going somewhere, but the chances of that are slim to none. I'll be back in ten months minimum, or a year at the maximum, and then we'll have some fun when I get back... and maybe Kakarot will have arrived by that time."

"Goku will be back before you know it," Bulma said, as she knew that her friend would make sure to return to Earth, especially when Chi Chi and Gohan were waiting for his return, "and then he'll get back to protecting the Earth from people like the villains all of you fought on Namek."

"Now that I can believe," Vegeta stated, a smile appearing on his face as he pulled his hands back and stepped into the ship, though he turned back to the girls for a moment, "I'll see all of you in about one year's time."

Applejack and Rainbow waved their hands at the ship for a few seconds, though after a few seconds the rest of their group started waving their hands as the door closed behind Vegeta. The group waited for a couple of seconds before the ship's launch systems started up, to which they watched as the ship lifted into the air, became a perfect sphere once more as its landing gear pulled back into its body, and then shot into the air as it headed towards space. Everyone watched as the ship slowly became a small circle in the sky, before it became a small dot and then eventually disappeared, to which everyone decided to relax before they went back to whatever they had been doing before Vegeta had decided to leave the planet.

One hundred and twenty days passed rather quickly for Rainbow and Applejack, because they helped Dr. Brief construct the building that would be their house before Applejack started planting all of the samples that their mother had given to her. When they weren't doing anything with their new residence they were helping Bulma and their friends out, which meant that Bulma generally asked them for assistance with the Saiyan knowledge that they knew about while they trained with the rest of their friends. One thing they also did, with some assistance from Bulma and her father, was that they explored the world a little bit, so they could understand where all of the cities were located in case something happened in the future.

The girls were preparing to go about their day when Piccolo showed up outside their house, as they still hadn't gotten used to the communication device that Dr. Brief had installed in their house, which would allow them to contact people that they had the number of.

"What's up Piccolo?" Rainbow asked, closing the book that she happened to be reading, which was one of the newer Daring Do books that their mother had dropped off during her visit.

"Bulma's getting everyone together so we can resurrect Krilling and Yamcha," Piccolo said, to which both Rainbow and Applejack stopped what they were doing and locked the door behind them, before they followed their friend back to the Capsule Corp building.

"I can't believe that its been one hundred and thirty days since the Namekian Dragon Balls were last used," Applejack commented, though while they flew through the air she couldn't believe that she and Rainbow had forgotten about the wishes that Bulma planned on asking Dende to make for them.

"Its understandable that you two would have forgotten about today, considering the fact that the two of you are just children," Piccolo stated, though at the same time he smirked at them for a few seconds, "incredibly powerful children I might add. I'll say something, your father has to be incredibly proud of you... if your mother's attitude is anything to go by."

Rainbow and Applejack glanced at each other for a few seconds, knowing that their father would be extremely proud of them once he had finally woke up from his slumber... and, more importantly, overcame his rage over the fact that Frieza had killed Rainbow. Just thinking about their father made them wonder what Goku was doing at that exact moment, because they both agreed that the prophecy regarding a worthy challenger had to be about him. They hadn't said anything about that in case mentioning it changed the timeline where their mother would intervene and fix their mistake, though they decided to focus on what was coming their way.

When they entered the city they carefully made their way towards the Capsule Corp building and landed near where the others were gathered, to which they discovered that they had already arrayed the Namekian Dragon Balls and were waiting for someone else to arrive before they summoned the Eternal Dragon.

"I told Rainbow and Applejack the news," Piccolo said, to which he looked over at Bulma, noticing that she seemed anxious about bringing Yamcha and Krillin back to life, "So, who are we waiting for?"

"Chi Chi and Gohan," Bulma answered, knowing that despite the fact that they weren't directing any wishes at Goku, as it appeared that he was needed elsewhere in the universe, his family members wanted to be here when his best friend was brought back to life again, "They should be here in a minute or two."

The moment the words left her mouth they heard the sound of a small group approaching them, to which they found Gohan and Chi Chi running towards them before they summoned Porunga. Once they were all gathered together, and found out that Gohan had been sent back to school since the last time they had seen him, Bulma asked Dende to summon the Eternal Dragon. Dende nodded his head and turned towards the seven spheres, to which he extended his hands towards the orbs and started speaking the incantation that would wake Porunga from his slumber.

The sky darkened as Porunga ascended towards the sky, allowing everyone that had never laid eyes on him to stare at him in shock... to which the girls discovered that the Namekian Eternal Dragon was different from the one that resided here on Earth, based on what everyone else was telling them.

"Those who have gathered the Dragon Balls," Porunga said, his voice immediately causing everyone below him to quiet down while he spoke, which was the same effect he had when he was summoned back on Namek, "now speak your wishes. I shall grant you any three wishes, as long as they are within my ability to grant."

Bulma stepped forward for a moment, because thanks to the agreement that existed between them and the Namekians they could resurrect their friends before sending the Namekians home... which would be in another one hundred and thirty days, once the Namekian Dragon Balls had returned to life.

"The first wish is easy," Bulma said, causing Dende to look back at her for a moment, "We wish that Krillin's spirit is moved from where Planet Namek once rested and brought here"

Dende nodded and turned back to Porunga, to which he started speaking in his native tongue, leaving everyone to glance up to the large dragon and see if he had the ability to grant such a wish for them... though that was followed by his eyes glowing for a moment before dying down a few seconds later.

"I have summoned the spirit of the being called Krillin here," Porunga stated, his eyes moving towards Dende for a moment, as if silently awaiting the second wish that they had for him.

"The second wish is also pretty easy," Bulma stated, a smile appearing on her face as everyone cheered for a few seconds, though she had to resist the urge to do the same thing, "we wish that Krillin be back to live."

Dende spoke the wish to Porunga, who nodded his head and started to use his power once more, though after a few seconds everyone was able to determine that the wish had worked, because not seconds later Krillin appeared in front of the Dragon Balls, though his clothing had been completely restored.

"Sweet! I'm alive again." Krillin said, grinning as he looked at everyone that was in front of him, who happened to be cheering at both Porunga's work and the fact that he was alive once more, "I am eternally grateful for this."

"And the third wish, bring Yamcha back to life," Bulma stated, because thanks to the actions of Krillin and the others on Namek they managed to bring Tien and Chiaotzu back to life first, leaving Yamcha as the odd man out.

Once more Dende spoke the wish to Porunga and the dragon's eyes started glowing, though for some reason when the wish was granted Yamcha landed in the little river that was near where they were standing, to which Bulma sighed as the man climbed out of the water. With the wishes granted Porunga wished them farewell and ascended towards the sky, to which Rainbow and Applejack noticed that he returned to the Dragon Balls, which followed him into the sky, before the seven spheres scattered around the world. It was at that point that they became aware that this was how the Dragon Balls worked, that once a wish was made the seven spheres scattered around the world and turned to stone for one year, or one hundred and thirty days according to the Namekians.

With the wishes made the Namekians returned to the area that had been given to them, while Bulma and her parents took Yamcha inside so he could clean himself off and figure out what he was going to do now that he was alive once more. Krillin didn't seem to mind what had happened, as he had been through death once before, though he expressed an interest in sparring with the girls at some point in the future... as long as they didn't hurt him too bad. As everyone went their separate ways Rainbow and Applejack turned their heads to the sky for a moment, wondering how Vegeta was going in the vastness of space... before letting out a collective sigh as they went back to what they were doing before Piccolo came to get them.

Rainbow and Applejack repeated what they had been doing for the first one hundred and thirty days, training with each other or their friends for some time every day before returning to what their tasks were... which was working with the small saplings that Applejack planted or reading books, like Rainbow did when they weren't busy. It was during that time that Bulma insisted that the two of them try and learn something and not spend all their time training or staying in their new home, though while Applejack considered the prospect of going to school, and learning something that might help them in the future, Rainbow remained neutral to the whole thing.

When the second one hundred and thirty days had passed, and this time they were aware of it thanks to Applejack marking the day on the calendar they had in their house, they gathered outside the Capsule Corp building and were handed one of Bulma's Dragon Radars, which would help them discover where the Namekian Dragon Balls went. In the end they actually only found one of them, which happened to be near their own house and dampened Rainbow's mood that they couldn't go on a grand adventure again, though it didn't take very long for everyone else to return with the other six spheres. As Dende summoned Porunga again, however, Bulma turned to Moori and told him that they had received all the wishes that they wanted, which meant that the Namekians could use the next three on themselves.

Rainbow and Applejack listened to the group as they determined that the first wish was to find a suitable planet that would become their new home and transfer all of the Namekians, save for Piccolo, to the new planet, thus leaving the remaining two wishes for when they arrived on the planet that would become their home. A few seconds later Porunga declared that he would grant their wish and the entirety of the Namekian race vanished before their eyes, telling everyone that they were heading to the planet that the Eternal Dragon had found that fit the criteria that Dende had told him. That was swiftly followed by Porunga ascending towards the sky and disappearing, returning the sky to its normal color and leaving everyone to go about their business once more.

As everyone went back to what they were doing, however, the girls suspected that something was going to happen in the near future... though at the same time they had to wonder if that meant that both Goku and Vegeta were in the process of returning to Earth. One thing they both agreed on, they would figure out what was happening when the event occurred, which meant that they had to prepare themselves for what was coming.

Mr. Popo let out a sigh as he felt the Namekians and their Eternal Dragon depart from the planet, as he didn't care about them like everyone else did, despite what Kami had been learning while contacting Piccolo. Anyone else would have been amazed by the facts that the Namekians had given Piccolo, and by some extent Kami, but he wasn't too impressed by what the two Earth bound Namekians had learned. The only thing he was impressed with was the fact that Piccolo, with the help of the Namekian he had fused with back on Namek, was able to create some sort of mind game with Kami and keep him occupied for hours on end. He had discovered the mind games when he found Kami walking around the Lookout, and not sitting in his usual chair, while mumbling about Piccolo 'sinking his battleship' from time to time.

Today, however, Kami was meeting with Piccolo in one of the many mountain areas where neither of them would be bothered, allowing them to do whatever they wanted with their mind games... allowing Mr. Popo to watch over and defend the Lookout from any and all invaders that might consider themselves to be Kami's replacement.

That thought was followed by several cracks appearing in the plants around him as someone attacked the Lookout, breaking down some of the palm trees that had been growing up here and cracking some of the tiles that made up the floor around him. Mr. Popo almost smiled at the fact that he had thought about someone attacking the Lookout and then someone came to give him some company, but he hid his emotions as he turned around. Four people appeared around the entrance of the building that was behind him, though when they were all assembled they knelt down to whoever was inside the building... to which Mr. Popo nearly raised an eyebrow when a small person walked out of the building.

"Ah, the view hasn't changed since the last time I was here," the person said, to which he pulled back his hood and revealed a sickly green colored creature, who seemed pleased by something, "Hello Mr. Popo, I see that you have been keeping my throne clean and well maintained in my absence... though I have returned to take what is mine."

"Is that so?" Mr. Popo said, though he wasn't too impressed by the return of Garlic Jr., especially when he had only four henchmen at his command at the moment, "And what makes you think that you can just take over Kami's position like this?"

"I shall capture both you and Kami, when he returns, and ensure that neither of you can escape the prisons I designed for you." Garlic Jr. replied, a large grin appearing on his face, as if he believed that he was actually going to win, "Then I shall unleash the Black Water Mist and create an army of loyal subjects that I can rule over until the end of time itself... while you and Kami helplessly watch from your prisons."

"We'll see about that," Mr. Popo stated, pulling his hands out from behind his back, to which he raised one up and beckoned for the henchmen to come at him, where they were allowed to the moment Garlic Jr. nodded his head in their direction.

The four henchmen came at him from all four angles, intending on preventing him from being able to stop all of them at the same time, but that was what Mr. Popo was expecting from them. Despite the fact that he was outnumbered he blocked all of the punches and kicks that came his way, though he refused to attack back while he lured them into a false sense of security. The minions of an evil villain were easy to deal with, because if they got an enemy that wouldn't fight back he knew that they would make a mistake and he would be able to trip them up... worse than they already were. He found it somewhat amusing that these four were easy to fool, but he knew that they would be shocked when he revealed his hand to them in the next few minutes.

A few minutes later the henchmen jumped back and released the skill they had apparently been planning on using against him, which happened to be a red web like attack that wrapped around him and bound him to the ground... much to the joy of Garlic Jr.

"See? You stood no chance at beating my henchmen," Garlic Jr. said, to which he pulled out a container that was apparently the special prison he had prepared ahead of time, "Now then, we shall seal you away and wait for Kami to show up... and then we shall take over the rest of the world!"

"Not when your henchmen are trapped," Mr. Popo stated, silently enjoying the looks of confusion he was getting from both Garlic Jr. and his four minions, who started chuckling a few seconds later.

"I guess being captured has given you a sense of humor," Garlic Jr. replied, pulling the cap off of one of the containers he was carrying, indicating that he was finishing his preparations, "Any last words before I stuff you inside this bottle?"

"Yes; allow me to show you what really happened." Mr. Popo stated, to which he snapped his fingers, which was due to the fact that no one had paid much attention to him after the webbing had been placed on him, before the area around him shattered like glass.

Garlic Jr. raised an eyebrow as the scene before him shifted from his henchmen holding down the simple landscaper with their special web ability, which would have allowed him to seal him away, and changed to all four of his minions being trapped on the ground with their own webs, as if all four of them had struck each other and not their opponent. Mr. Popo, on the other hand, was standing where he had been when he and his minions had first revealed themselves, though his hands were crossed behind his back and he had the same neutral expression on his face. Garlic Jr. had no idea what he just happened, but he was sure that it had suddenly shifted in favor of the landscaper, as it appeared that he was the only one that knew what had just occurred.

"W... what did you do?" Garlic Jr. asked, figuring that if he got the man talking he would be able to take control of the situation by sealing him inside the prison he was currently holding.

"I manipulated their minds for a few minutes," Mr. Popo explained, flexing his fingers for a few seconds, as it had been some time since he had actually been forced to use his skills in an actual battle, "I forced one of them to fight his companions until they all came to the conclusion to use their web skill on me, to which they trapped each other... instead of hitting your preferred target."

"I can still seal you away," Garlic Jr. stated, causing Mr. Popo to turn his full attention towards him, "besides, if we were forced to fight I would still win. I am, after all, immortal thanks to the wish I made before Goku trapped me inside the Deadzone. You, on the other hand, are just a simple landscaper for Kami, which means that I should be able to defeat you with some relative ease... allowing me to relax before I untie my henchmen and start my take over of this planet."

"You think I'm a 'simple landscaper'?" Mr. Popo said, to which he actually started chuckling, which ended up sending a shiver down Garlic Jr.'s spine for a few seconds, "No Garlic Jr., I'm something more grand than a 'simple landscaper'. I'm a powerful demon from the Other World, though my exact nature is none of your concern at the moment. I decided to come to this particular world because I heard from a friend that there were going to be some exciting events happening on this planet... and several of them have already occurred in the more recent years. You, on the other hand, shall be banished back to the Deadzone, where you shall remain for the rest of your existence."

Before Garlic Jr. could say anything, or even acknowledge that he was facing a demon, a circle of dark energy appeared on the ground beneath his feet, to which strands of energy burst out of the circle and wrapped around his arms and legs. He watched as his henchmen were dragged screaming into the dark energy that was keeping him still, while apparently having no power to do anything to release himself or save them. He thought about where the portal would be taking him and his henchmen, wondering if it would drop them off in Hell or the Deadzone, but he already knew that he could escape both of them with enough time.

He quickly glanced at the sky and looked at the Makyo Star, which was currently at a distance that wouldn't empower him more than he already was, but thanks to how close it was he could easily escape the Deadzone again... and then try this again when Mr. Popo wasn't paying attention in the next few days.

Mr. Popo noticed that Garlic Jr. wasn't screaming like his henchmen and spotted the glance he stole towards the sky, to which he turned and sopped a red star slowly moving towards the planet. He assumed that his opponent knew exactly what it was, which had to be why he wasn't screaming, though that lead to him extending a hand and summoning a small orb of energy that mimicked Goku's Kamehameha when it wasn't being fired. He stared at the energy for a moment before nodding his head, to which he tossed it into the air and allowed it to shoot into the air, before snapping his fingers and causing the portal energy to start dragging his prisoner into its depths.

It was at this point that Garlic Jr. started struggling against the energy that was holding him captive, but his smug look turned to fear as he noticed that the energy had gotten rid of the star that he was counting on... to which he screamed when the darkness reached his chest.

"Bye!" Mr. Popo said, waving a hand for a few seconds as the darkness consumed the rest of Garlic Jr., to which the energy dissipated and left him to clean up the mess that Garlic Jr and his henchmen had created.

He then let out a sigh as he resumed his duties, silently hoping that Kami was having some level of excitement with Piccolo, because it was only fair that the Guardian of Earth had some fun before the real excitement started... though he already knew that the fun would really begin when a certain Saiyan Prince returned from his trip.

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