• Published 26th Jan 2017
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Dragon Ball Z: Daughters of Destruction - Blackdrag-rose

Rainbow Dash and Applejack are transported to a strange world, where they are raised by Beerus the Destroyer and his attendant Whis.

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Universe 6: Gathering the Team

Beerus, Whis, and the others waited for a few minutes, to be absolutely sure that Champa had left his world behind and wasn't coming back for some other reason, before they gathered together and departed from this world, but instead of heading directly to Earth Beerus insisted that they tell Shin the news. Rainbow and Applejack knew that Shin deserved to know what might happen to the Earth if Beerus' team lost the match against the Universe 6 team, especially since all of their Universe 7 friends lived on that planet. One thing that everyone agreed on was that Champa was going to underestimate the strength that Goku and Vegeta had, because they had seen him smirk before his departure, meaning that he believed that his team could easily smash whoever Beerus selected for his team.

When they arrived on the Sacred World of the Kais they were greeted by Kibito, who took them to where Shin and the Old Kai were sitting, no doubt discussing the finer points of Shin's training to understand his position as the God of Creation and what that entailed... though in Beerus' opinion Shin was already doing a fine job and didn't need further training, but he kept his mouth shut on this manner. All three of them were shocked to hear that Champa had come by for a visit, and had challenged Beerus to a fight by using warriors from their respective universes, but once the initial shock passed Shin smiled and said that he had faith that Goku, Vegeta, and whoever else was picked would make sure that their Earth stayed in their universe, even if it meant annoying Champa.

Once they finished informing Shin of the news, which he thanked them for, Shin had them gather around and he teleported all of them down to Bulma's backyard, before he smiled and teleported himself back to his realm, indicating that he was still busy and needed to continue whatever he was learning about.

"I didn't know you guys were coming back so soon," a voice said, to which they looked up at the large balcony that was above them and noticed that Bulma was looking down at them, though there was a frown on her face, as she knew that when Goku and Vegeta stopped their training earlier something bad must have happened, "did something happen while you were off training?"

"Yes, my brother came by for a visit," Beerus replied, though at the same time he and the others levitated themselves up to the top of the balcony and landed near Bulma, causing her to turn and face them, "He had something rather interesting to say... something that will no doubt shock you once we tell you what happened."

"Really?" Bulma inquired, though when the group started to nod their heads she let out a sigh and started moving back towards the inside of the building, "I'll be right back with some snacks... something tells me we might need some before this tale is over."

Beerus knew that they didn't need anything to eat or drink for the retelling of what happened on his planet, but since Bulma had already started to depart he guessed that a few snacks wouldn't hurt at all, to which he and the others took their seats around two of the tables and waited for Bulma to return. When she did return Whis and Beerus helped her carry out some of the snack and drink items that she had prepared, though once they were set down she insisted that they tell her exactly what happened. While Beerus explained the nature of Champa's visit Bulma admitted that it was strange for the Universe 6 God of Destruction to come all the way to Universe 7, just so he could show off something new that he could eat whenever he desired. She was, however, every happy to hear that Champa was shocked by the level of food they had on Earth, even laughing at Champa's defeat thanks to cup ramen, before her face turned serious when Beerus mentioned the tournament his brother insisted on throwing... and was shocked when she heard that Champa intended to take their Earth, and all of it's people, and exchange it with his dead Earth if his team won.

She was also interested in the Super Dragon Balls, the wish orbs that the Namekian ones were apparently based off of, and the fact that the Super Dragon could grant whatever wish they desired, because she insisted on their team winning so Champa didn't get his way... though she was shocked by what happened next.

"Bulma, is it possible to build a new Dragon Radar or modify an existing one so we can find the seventh Super Dragon Ball?" Vegeta asked, though while he was reluctant to actually ask her to do this he knew that she was the only one that was capable of pulling such a deed off.

"If I modified the sensitivity of the Dragon Radar I might be able to do that," Bulma replied, though at the same time she already knew that this was going to be a tough task, as she had no idea how large the spheres were or how long it might take to find the last one, "Normally I would just suggest that we summon Shenron and ask him if he knew were the last Super Dragon Ball was located, but with this being a large universe I'm afraid that his power won't be enough to figure out where the last wish orbs is resting. So I'll just get to work on modifying the existing radar... or maybe I'll make a new one that's for the Super Dragon Balls and nothing else."

"Well, just remember that the match is in five days," Whis said, to which Bulma nodded and headed back inside the building, leaving him and the others to their own devices while they wondered who they were going to include in the Universe 7 team.

"So, who should we look for first?" Rainbow asked, because while she knew that it would be easy to hunt down Frieza, as he was still near North City based on what she was feeling, there was also the matter of Piccolo and Gohan, who were training with each other at the moment.

"We don't know who Uncle Champa will be picking for his team," Applejack stated, to which several heads nodded their agreement, as they all knew that they were going into this small tournament blind, before she let out a sigh, "asking Buu to help us would be nice, but something tells me that by the time we got to the start of the tournament he would be out of commission for some time. Our best bet is to start with Piccolo and Gohan, then, once we give them the news and see which of them want to join the team, we'll likely have to head back to North City and see what Frieza is up to."

"The Saiyans working together with the person who destroyed our planet, its humorous in a way," Vegeta commented, to which Goku nodded his head while the others turned and looked at him, who simply chuckled to himself before growing serious once more, "well, if Bardock was able to make friends with Chilled, after all these years of being dead, we should be able to put our past behind us and forge a new future with the new Frieza."

"Very well then, we'll make for the mountain range that Piccolo and Gohan are training in," Beerus said, to which he got to his feet and stared at them, where the rest of the group followed his lead as he floated into the air and left the Capsule Corp building behind.

As they flew through the air towards their destination, however, they were surprised when Krillin caught up with them and hailed them, where he said that Bulma had told him about the match between their universe and Universe 6, though he assured Beerus that he was only interested in hearing the full story, as he suspected that they already had their perfect team built in their minds. Instead of telling Krillin everything, and delaying their arrival at where Gohan and Piccolo were, Applejack recommended that they wait a few more moments before they said anything, to which Krillin understood that they didn't want to repeat everything twice, or even three times, before completing their team. When he heard who they were planning on asking to join the team, however, Krillin had to admit that he was shocked to hear that they were even considering Frieza... and, at the same time, he couldn't deny that the emperor's new power put him on the level of Goku and Vegeta when they used their new Super Saiyan Blue transformation.

Rainbow and Applejack knew that Krillin still didn't like Frieza, especially since he was the reason Krillin had died on Namek, but they were willing to trust him until he did something that betrayed that trust... to which they continued flying in silence as they neared where Piccolo and Gohan were located.

Along the way Goten and Trunks caught up with them as well, asking if they were going to be battling against some fighters from Universe 6, though while Goku and Vegeta admitted that they were apart of that team they had to tell their kids that they wouldn't be allowed to join the team. One, because they were too young for such a thing despite the fact that they were strong warriors in their own rights, and two, they were planning on using Fusion during the tournament, which wasn't allowed at all. Sure enough the two of them were disappointed to hear that they wouldn't be partaking in the fights at all, though Rainbow, Applejack, and Gale cheered them up by saying that their uncle, the God of Destruction for Universe 6, was going to bar them from competing in the tournament as well, so Goten and Trunks weren't the only ones that wanted to fight and found out that such a thing was impossible for them at the moment.

Vegeta and Goku were definitely sorry that Goten and Trunks couldn't compete in the tournament, but before the kids could actually say anything they were interrupted by two strong powers colliding in the middle of the air in front of them... where they saw Gohan and Piccolo pull away from each other for a few seconds before Piccolo forced Gohan into a rock pillar, which caused the entire thing to collapse as the two of the sparred for a few moments. The two of them only stopped sparring when they noticed that they had company, to which Gohan smiled as he waved at them while Piccolo crossed his arms and stared at them. When Goku, Vegeta, and the others landed they immediately told Krillin, Gohan, and Piccolo about Champa's visit to Beerus' planet, the match that the two of them had agreed to, and what would happen to the Earth if they lost the match... which caused the three of them to be speechless for a few moments while the information sunk in.

"So, a martial arts match, using the Budokai Tenkaichi rules, between our universe and Universe 6," Piccolo stated, though at the same time he glanced over at Rainbow and Applejack, because based on what he, Gohan, and Krillin had been told he had to guess that Champa didn't want Rainbow and Applejack competing against his team.

"That's right," Goku said, though as he spoke Beerus nodded his head, letting Piccolo know that this was definitely happening in case he chose to not believe what Goku had told him, "We're all in agreement; you and Piccolo should join our team as our third and fourth members... and, before you ask, Frieza is the fifth member, but we haven't asked him if he'll join our team."

"Fighting on the same team as Frieza," Gohan commented, echoing something that Rainbow, Applejack, and Krillin had been thinking about, despite the fact that the trio weren't actually on the team, "I'll admit, that's something that I never thought would happen before... but, for the sake of keeping Earth in this universe, I'll fight by his side. When is this tournament taking place?"

"In five days from now," Whis said, though that was when the joy of showing off the results of his training disappeared from Gohan's eyes and was replaced by an internal conflict, though he wasn't the only one that noticed the sudden change in the young fighter.

"I know that look," Beerus commented, causing Gohan to turn towards him for a moment, to which he rested a hand on Gohan's shoulder and looked him right in the eye as Gohan did the same thing, "you are deciding between seeing the results of your training and missing something that will benefit you, your loving wife, and your young daughter. Gohan, I won't be mad at you if you decide to choose your family over this tournament, because I have chosen to forsake certain things in life for the benefit of my loved ones. Go ahead and take care of your family, we'll take care of making sure the Earth remains in Universe 7 and doesn't get moved into Universe 6."

"Lord Beerus..." Gohan said, as he was shocked to see that their God of Destruction was so understanding in this sort of situation, but then he remembered who his daughters were and remembered the sacrifices he made to make sure Rainbow and Applejack grew up to be the warriors that they were, to which he bowed his head towards Beerus for a few seconds, "Thank you."

Beerus smiled at Gohan, as he was glad that Goku's son was so understanding, before he turned to the rest of the group and nodded, to which they all floated back into the air and headed in the direction of North City... as there was a certain someone that they needed to talk to.

Frieza smiled at his workers as they moved their supplies around the base, carefully building the required sections in the exact order that they generally built them in, though this time around instead of installing fear into his work force he found that simply smiling and telling people they were doing good motivated them. For a long time he had been all about fear with everyone he came into contact with, but all it took was one wrong meeting with the strongest being in his universe to turn his life upside down. All in all the encounter with Lord Beerus had been one he needed, because it allowed him to rethink his life and put a better foot forward, which not only made the vast majority of his soldiers happy, but several of the planets they had already saved were sharing the good news.

He knew that it would take years for the dark stain of his evil to be erased, if not a few decades, but this was a new start for the Frieza Force and it was already turning out better than he could have ever hoped for... so much so he kept his smile on as he checked with the other workers, just to be sure that everything was going according to schedule.

"Lord Frieza," one of his soldiers said, to which Frieza stopped in his tracks and turned towards the man, though this time around the soldier didn't even flinch, indicating that he, as well as the others, were growing used to his new persona and how he ran the empire, "It appears that Son Goku and his group are coming this way."

"Is that so?" Frieza inquired, though at the same time he raised a hand to his chin and considered why Goku, Vegeta, and the others would be coming here, as he had actually planned on inviting them to see the place when it was finished, before he decided that they would tell him why they were visiting him, "Well then, I shall meet them outside and greet them like that host I would be if the base was finished. Keep up the good work Felix."

"Yes sir!" the soldier, Felix, replied, to which he saluted Frieza for a few seconds before charging off to continue his duties, which made Frieza chuckle for a few moments as he walked towards the entrance of his new base.

Under normal circumstances Frieza would have never been visiting a base while it was under construction, as he usually left that to Zarbon and sometimes even Dodoria, but since those two were long dead, and had been replaced, he could have easily had Tagoma or Shisami do this. It felt right that he oversee the building of this base, since it would allow his forces to work in unison with Goku, Vegeta, and the rest of the Z Warriors should something happen to this world, though since it was still under construction he had a picnic area established. It gave his soldiers a place to eat and relax when they were taking their lunch breaks or when their shifts were over, though since everyone was currently working it was the best place for him to meet his guests.

He was expecting the arrival of Goku, Vegeta, and some number of the Z Warriors, but he was surprised to see Lord Beerus, Lady Chronoa, Whis, and all of Beerus' daughters arrive with the group... to which he calmed himself down and approached the group like he did the last time he saw them.

"Lord Beerus, Goku, Vegeta," Frieza said, to which he bowed towards the God of Destruction and shook the hands of the Saiyans he had sparred with some time ago, before he faced their entire group and beckoned for them to follow him to the picnic area, "To what do I owe the pleasure of your company?"

"My twin brother Champa, the God of Destruction for Universe 6, came by today and challenged me to a match," Beerus replied, though since everyone in his group knew this he was only repeating himself so that Frieza would understand why they had come here, "He wants our two universes, or rather five fighters from each universe, to battle each other for the Super Dragon Balls, which can grant the user any wish that they desire. The problem with this scenario is that Champa openly stated that if his warriors defeat my warriors, and he finds where the seventh Super Dragon Ball is located, he'll make a wish upon the orbs and switch his dead version of Earth with the planet we are currently standing on... effectively making anyone on Earth a resident of Universe 6 and a servant of Champa's whims for delicious food."

"Oh, now that doesn't sound good at all," Frieza said, though while he could resist the urge to growl he knew that Beerus would not openly allow his brother to take the planet that his friends called home, especially since his daughters had done the same for a number of years, before he glanced at the warriors standing in front of him, "So, what sort of rule system did the two of you come up with?"

"We decided that it would be like the Budokai Tenkaichi, where opponents are eliminated by either admitting defeat or being knocked out of the ring," Goku answered, though Frieza had the feeling it would have been the Earth raised Saiyan, considering that he had to have had many attempts to win one of those tournaments, "Killing, the use of weapons, and performance enhancing drugs aren't allowed, something that Vegeta recommended and Champa agreed to."

"I see," Frieza said, to which he raised a hand to his chin as he thought about what he had heard, while at the same time taking in the number of warriors in front of him and subtracted the number that likely wouldn't be fighting in the tournament, "So, did you come here to warn me about the potential universal flip, or are you asking me to join your team and prevent such a thing from happening?"

"Frieza, we came to ask for your assistance," Beerus said, because at the moment he actually had no idea if Frieza was going to brush them off or actually join their team, but if he was the one talking then maybe they stood a chance of recruiting him for the battle against his brother's forces.

"Of course I'd be interested in joining your team," Frieza replied, to which he chuckled for a moment, because after his battle with Goku and Vegeta, and meeting Sunset Shimmer for that matter, he was interested in seeing what sort of warriors the other universes had to offer, "Just tell me the date and time and I'll be there."

Beerus was happy to hear that Frieza was more than willing to join the team he was putting together, though since there were four fighters, and they really didn't have anyone else that could fill the fifth spot since Champa was likely to ban his daughters from entering, he guessed that they would have to stick to the four they had. Whis, on the other hand, was giving Frieza the information regarding where to meet them, on which day and at what time, where Frieza actually pulled out a device that kept track of his schedule and made some notes on it. He told them that he could easily have someone take over his role at the base while he participated in the tournament, which meant that he wouldn't be pulling back like Gohan was forced to, before nodding to the group.

Before the group left, however, both Goku and Vegeta noticed something odd about Frieza, despite the fact that he was friendly towards them and his soldiers seemed to be happier than when Vegeta was working under him.

"Frieza, did something happen to you since our match?" Goku asked, because he was feeling a lot less power emitting from the emperor, which either meant that something serious happened or Frieza might have learned a trick during his time on Earth.

"Oh, I picked up the basics on hiding my power," Frieza replied, as it was meant to be another surprise for the Saiyans to find out the next time they fought, though he should have known that one of them would have sniffed him out, "I'm no master at this, not yet anyway, but I have the basic idea down... and we might be able to fool our opponents when we finally meet them."

Beerus chuckled for a moment, because Frieza was learning a few of the tricks that Goku, Vegeta, and his daughters had picked up during their time on Earth, which was going to make him an even greater force to be reckoned with when the tournament started. While he and his friends were leaving he overheard Goku and Vegeta saying that they intended to spend three days inside the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, to increase their power for the battles that were ahead of them, while Piccolo stated that he would train in his own way. The rest of the Z Warriors indicated that they would spread the word about the match, as they were all sure that their friends would want to come and see what happened, to which Whis and Beerus nodded their understanding... though at the same time Beerus had to smile.

This time around he was going to have three to four whole days of training with his daughters, where he intended to push them to their limits and see just how strong they really were, because despite the fact that they likely wouldn't be allowed to fight in the tournament he would still like to see their progress.

When they returned to the Capsule Corp building Beerus, Whis, and the rest of their group bid their friends farewell before they headed back into the stars above them, where they made their way back to Beerus' planet and stopped by the lake they usually trained near. Rainbow and Applejack seemed interested in what they were going to do this time around, as they expected that they would have been allowed some time with their friends before they started training, but the look on their father's face told them that this training was going to be even tougher than what they had been going through so far. Chronoa and Gale moved away from the lake area, as Chronoa had the feeling that she knew what was coming next, while Whis simply floated away and watched from afar, telling the girls that they were in for something special.

"This time around I want the two of you to turn on your Avatar forms from the start," Beerus said, to which he turned and faced his daughters, as he knew that they were much stronger than they had been when he first fought them and knew that their training would have strengthened them, though at the same time he held both of his hands out, "Come at me like you did after I fought Goku and Vegeta... and come with all of your strength."

Rainbow grinned as the purple destruction energy surrounded her while the green creation energy surrounded Applejack, to which the two of them held their auras for a few seconds, though when they were ready they started the transformation process. A few moments later Rainbow emerged from the energy with her version of her father's attire replacing her gi, while at the same time Applejack emerged with her version of Shin's attire, telling everyone that was watching that they were taking this seriously. Whis, knowing that this was going to be dangerous, had Chronoa and Gale join him before he surrounded them, and the temple itself, with a barrier that would keep them from being hurt while the God of Destruction sparred with the Avatar of Destruction and the Avatar of Creation... while at the same time hoping that the entire place didn't end up destroyed in the process.

Rainbow and Applejack charged through the air not a few moments later, while Beerus stood his ground and raised both of his hands at the same time, knowing that this was going to be a great training session for his daughters.

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