• Published 26th Jan 2017
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Dragon Ball Z: Daughters of Destruction - Blackdrag-rose

Rainbow Dash and Applejack are transported to a strange world, where they are raised by Beerus the Destroyer and his attendant Whis.

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Saiyan: The Saibamen

Rainbow looked at the creatures that Vegeta and Nappa referred to as the Saibamen, noticing that one was eying Piccolo and another was staring at Krillin, though the other four seemed somewhat confused on who their targets were. Nappa seemed to be looking at the six minions he had created, as if he was thinking about something to say before he loosed them to do battle with the Z Warriors. She glanced over at Applejack for a moment, seeing that her eyes were on Nappa himself, as if she was thinking about taking out their friend's bodyguard before he could loose the Saibamen. Rainbow actually wondered if she could pull away for a moment and attempt to summon her lance, but she decided to discard that thought entirely, because she knew that she hadn't recovered enough to even make one as powerful as the one that she had produced while she and Applejack had been training.

It would have been so simple to bring about the end of this fight if she could use that ability, but in the end she prepared herself for the coming fight like everyone else, though she made sure to keep an eye on Vegeta or Nappa, just in case either of them decided to join the fight at some point.

"Let's see, your Number One," Nappa commented, tapping one of the Saibamen on the head, before pointing to the next on in line and continuing to number them, "you'll be Number Two, and Number Three, and Number Four, and Number Five, and finally Number Six. Okay then; Numbers One and Two, take care of the Namekian and his apprentice, Three and Four, you guys attack the bald midget, and Five and Six, you two have the honor of fighting Vegeta's imaginary friends."

"Oh goddammit Nappa, they aren't my 'imaginary' friends," Vegeta growled, though it appeared that he was resisting the urge to smack Nappa upside the head, if the fact that he had crossed his arms was any indicator, "Just remember the rules I have for using the Saibamen and maybe I won't hurt you this time."

"Whatever you say Vegeta," Nappa said, his grin never leaving his face as he returned his attention to the Saibamen, "Okay boys, go have some fun and crack some skulls!"

The Saibamen screeched in joy as they separated into three groups, the first two heading for Piccolo and Gohan, the second pair heading towards Krillin, and the third pair heading towards Rainbow and Applejack. Piccolo and Gohan moved to the right of where they had been standing, forcing their enemies to follow them, while Krillin took to the air and fought his enemies right there, leaving the girls on the ground with their foes. Applejack looked at the one that Nappa had dubbed Number Six, which happened to be staring at her as it actually made six light cuts in its own skin, while the other one, Five, bared its claws at Rainbow.

"You ready for this sis?" Applejack said, dropping into her fighting sense as she stared at her foe, knowing that it would take some time for them to deal with all the Saibamen.

"Oh, I am so ready for this," Rainbow replied, a smile appearing on her face as she stared at Five, holding her hands out as she waited for the Saibamen to make the first move.

Both Number Five and Six charged at the girls, though the moment they drew close Rainbow swung her right fist at her opponent and struck it in the jaw, knocking it backwards just a tiny bit, to which the Saibaman grinned for a second before charging at her once more. Five swung its claws at her with the intent to do harm, which she expected from everything Nappa had said so far, so she ducked and weaved as it attacked her. She remembered the training that her father and Whis put her through, teaching her to dodge attacks to reduce the damage she took in battle, though she also managed to land another punch on the Saibaman, this time in the stomach, before pulling back again. Her opponent seemed to enjoy the challenge, as if it actually knew what its fighting ability was and liked the fact that she was putting up a fight, but she decided not to let it land a hit on her if she could help it.

Applejack, on the other hand, didn't start out by attacking the Saibaman that was coming her way, rather she merely moved out of the way whenever the creature tried to attack her. She chose to observe her opponent and study its movements, while dodging the attacks that came at her, which would only anger the creature in the end. She knew that, in its anger, the creature would eventually make a mistake and leave itself open to an attack, where she would then strike and turn the tide of battle in her favor. Eventually the Saibaman threw a punch at her, though this time Applejack grabbed the arm before it had a chance to touch her, before lifting her right leg into the air and striking her enemy in the chest. The Saibaman stepped backwards for a bit, as if it was completely surprised by what had happened, though all Applejack did was drop back into her waiting stance and waited for the creature to come at her again.

"They fight like they did twenty-three years ago," Vegeta commented, carefully watching the girls fight their enemies, while noticing that the other three fighters were dodging their enemies without dealing any sort of damage on their own.

"What are you talking about Vegeta?" Nappa asked, his eyes never leaving the fights that were occurring in front of them, "Soon your imaginary friends will be back where they belong... in your imagination."

"Screw you Nappa," Vegeta replied, shooting a glare at the back of Nappa's head, knowing that he wouldn't see it now that the fighting was happening, "Anyway, as I was saying, the girls are fighting like I remember; Rainbow is sort of like you, charging into battle and hitting whoever her opponent is, though the difference between the two of you is that her enemies enjoy the challenge, while your foes run screaming until you brutally kill them from behind. Applejack, on the other hand, is sort of like me, she's a tactician in the sense that she observes her surroundings and her opponent, before she develops a plan of attack to ensure her opponent falls."

"So your saying that they will be better opponents than anything we've faced so far?" Nappa inquired, his mind solely focused on the battle that was unfolding before them, "Oh I can't wait to play with them."

Vegeta looked at Nappa for a moment, wondering if he even remembered anything about the girls from when he was a little boy, but then decided that it was better if the oaf didn't recall anything. He already knew everything he needed to about the girls, from the years they spent training and hanging out, so he was already aware of how this fight might end. Then there was also Kakarot, who was missing in action at the moment, and the other fighters that were above Raditz's power level, several of which his scouter was tracking at the moment. This entire venture could go sideways thanks to Nappa and every misunderstanding he was giving the girls and their new friends, eventually escalating to a fight between him and them.

Even though Vegeta knew that he was likely much stronger than the two girls combined, as he had been training for the last twenty-three years while they were doing what it was they were doing, he knew that they had some knowledge on his own weaknesses, which could bring about his defeat. He actually frowned when both Rainbow and Applejack slammed their fists into their enemies, sending the two Saibamen into each other and dropping them to the ground for a moment, knowing that they were either deliberately holding back or were suffering from something that was preventing them from giving the fight their absolute best. That was followed by the Namekian, the little boy, and the bald midget hitting their Saibamen so hard that they were forced to retreat to the other two, making them regroup while the fighters did the same behind the girls.

Vegeta felt a small smile appear on his face for a moment, because despite the fact that the Saibamen had been used against his wishes, and were currently being beaten, he was pleased to see that the girls were almost as strong as he remembered them. Before he, Nappa, or any of the fighters could say anything they heard someone else call out the name of the bald midget, to which they turned to the new arrivals in time to see them land.

"Tien! Chiaotzu!" Krillin said, pleased to see that more of the gang was showing up to fight the Saiyans, despite the fact that they were running a little late anyway, "Boy am I glad to see you two again."

"I'd say the same Krillin," Tien replied, turning his eyes to the figures in front of them, to which he found two armored people, likely the Saiyans, and the six green creatures that seemed eager for battle, "Um... weren't there only supposed to be the two Saiyans?"

"Well, the bald Saiyan created those creatures to test us in battle," Krillin said, staring at the two Saibamen that he had been fighting, or the ones that he assumed were the ones he had been fighting considering that almost all of them looked the same, "and, on top of all this madness, Rainbow and Applejack seem to know the two Saiyans."

"Wait, you two know these monsters?" Tien demanded, shocked that the girls that had shared a meal or two with them, and even trained with them for this fight, knew the very people that had destroyed an entire city in a matter of seconds.

"Can we please focus?" Applejack and Piccolo shouted at the same time, to which Applejack merely tapped her hat and let Piccolo speak, "Like I told Krillin earlier, there will be plenty of time to talk about this once we've dealt with our enemies... and that includes the Saibamen they created."

"It doesn't matter how many of them there are, the goal is the same regardless." Tien stated, glancing over at Gohan for a moment, remembering something that had been said during his stay at the lookout, before turning to Krillin for a second, "Is that him? Goku's son?"

"Yes, and I have been training him since his father's death." Piccolo said, a slight grin appearing on his face as Tien turned back towards him, "He's improved quite a lot since I started training him... and I am pleased with his progress."

"You are all shrimps," Nappa snapped, causing the group of fighters to turn back towards him and Vegeta, to which he turned his attention to his creations, "Saibamen, make them all suffer!"

The Saibamen seemed pleased to be given the order to attack again, as they all prepared themselves to charge forward and attack again, to which the group readied themselves for the eventual attack.

"Not yet!" a voice declared, to which Yamcha jumped down to the area to the group's right, where he prepared himself for the coming fight, "Sorry I'm late, I didn't know the Saiyans had arrived until I felt that burst of energy earlier. Now we're all here, save for Goku."

"Eight against six," Nappa commented, counting the number of enemies that were standing opposite of their Saibamen, a frown appearing on his face once he finished counting, "They have more fighters than we have Saibamen... what do we do?"

"Nothing you idiot," Vegeta said, though he kept his arms crossed while he thought about what to do next, because he had the feeling that the 'Goku' the other fights were talking about was actually Kakarot, which meant that things were going to get interesting when he arrived, "We wait for Kakarot to arrive and then we'll go from there."

"But that's boring," Nappa whined, though not a second later he spotted several flying machines closing in on where they were standing, to which he smiled as his ki pulsed around his right hand for a moment, "though now it looks like I have something to pass the time with."

Nappa loosed the ki blast he had been gathering and sent it flying towards the three vehicles that were flying above their heads, fully intending to blow at least one of them up just to have some fun, but before it could make contact Vegeta appeared in front of the vehicles and smacked the ki blast with his right hand, sending it flying into a nearby stone structure and destroying the entire thing.

"I suggest the lot of you get out of here, before he tries again," Vegeta said, not even bothering to turn around and face the vehicles, though his anger was burning once more.

He heard the pilots say something to each other, but whatever that something was he didn't care as he descended down to where Nappa was standing, who looked annoyed that he had been interrupted. He cast a glance to the girls for a moment, noting that they actually looked a little happy to see him saving innocent people from Nappa's stupidity, before turning his attention to his companion again. When he landed on the ground again he walked up to Nappa, who stared down at him while he returned the favor, allowing him to see all of his hate and anger for his companion.

"So, why did you interrupt my fun?" Nappa asked, as if he thought that killing innocent people was to be considered fun, which only irritated Vegeta even more.

"Goddammit Nappa, I have told you time and time again that killing innocent people is wrong," Vegeta snapped, though he knew that his words were likely shocking the fighters that the Saibamen had been fighting, because Raditz had likely made them believe that he and Nappa were here to kill them all, "I will not stand by and watch you kill innocent people... and the next time you disobey me might very well be the last time you do so."

"Whatever you say Vegeta," Nappa said, looking passed Vegeta and staring at one of the Saibamen, "You, go fight the guy with three eyes to pass the time."

The Saibaman seemed eager to get into a fight with someone, especially as Tien walked forward and beckoned for the creature to come at him with all of his strength. The Saibaman charged forward and swung his claws at Tien from every direction, though all Tien did was dodge the attacks that were coming his way, until he delivered a powerful jab at the Saibaman's chest and knocked the wind out of it. Tien stared at the wounded Saibaman for a moment, daring it to get back up and continue the fight, but when the creature refused to get back up he returned to the group. That, however, was rapidly followed by Nappa extending his fingers towards the wounded Saibaman and blew him to pieces, much to the surprise of everyone save for Vegeta.

"I'll do the same thing to the rest of you if you fail to entertain me," Nappa told the rest of the Saibamen, who seemed a little uneasy with the death of their comrade, but then turned to the group and glared at them, "So, whose next? The bald midget, the Namekian, or maybe the guy with the scar on his face?"

"Let me show you what I am capable of," Yamcha replied, a grin appearing on his face as he approached the group of Saibamen, as if he intended on taking them all out at the same time, "I'm going to take care of the other five at the same time... and then we can deal with the Saiyans together."

"Go ahead Number Four, you can take care of him," Nappa said, to which the Saibaman he had given the name Four stepped forward and prepared for battle, though that was followed by Yamcha doing the same thing.

The two combatants stared at each other for a moment, as if they were trying to intimidate the other into folding and fleeing, before they charged at each other and started throwing punches at each other. Rainbow and Applejack watched the fight unfold as Yamcha and the Saibaman used their ki to enhanced their speed, to which they attacked each other all over the area around them. Apparently Gohan couldn't see the fight as it was happening, as Piccolo told him to sense the movement of their ki, though not a few moments later he seemed to get a sense for where Yamcha and Four were.

The battle soon turned in Yamcha's favor, as he spun low and kicked Four's feet out from under him, surprising the Saibaman for a moment, before he delivered another kick to the creature's head, forcing it to the side as it landed on all fours for a second. That was rapidly followed by Yamcha appearing behind it and throwing his fist at its head, though Four seemed to be expecting the attack and caught the fist before it could reach its destination. Then the Saibaman spun around, pulling Yamcha with it for a moment, before tossing him into the air, though Yamcha took the opportunity to correct himself and followed up with a kick that would have hurt if he made contact. Four, instead, dodged and moved to the top of one of the stone pillars around them, though that was followed by him lunging at Yamcha, who smiled and disappeared.

When Yamcha appeared in the air above the Saibaman he brought his hands together and collected his ki into a sphere, which he then leveled with Four and released a beam of energy that collided with the creature's chest and drove it into the ground, creating a small crater around the creature before he landed between it and the Saiyans.

"Looks like these monsters aren't as strong as you think they are," Yamcha commented, a smile appearing on his face as he looked at the other four Saibamen, as if he was eager to do the same to them as well, "I'll take care of the other four by myself as well."

"Well, now it seems that you are underestimating the Saibamen," Nappa replied, the grin never leaving his face for a second, "Go on Number Four, show him your explosive power!"

"Nappa... you better not have said what I think you said," Vegeta growled, knowing the Saibamen commands that his companion used by heart at this point, and there was one that he had forbid Nappa from using due to how dishonorable it was to use such a tactic.

That was seconds before the Saibaman jumped out of the hole he had been laying in and latched onto Yamcha, tightening his arms and legs around the man's body, leaving everyone to gasp for a moment. Vegeta, on the other hand, actually looked a little horrified by what was about to happen, because he actually closed his eyes and waited for what was to come to be over. At first nothing happened besides the struggle between Yamcha and the Saibaman, though that was before the creature started to glow with an intense light. The group had to look away as an explosion rocked the area, kicking up dust and pieces of stone, though when they were sure that the air had settled down they opened their eyes and found a larger crater in the place of the small one... and resting in the middle of it was the motionless form of Yamcha.

"The fiend," Piccolo said, clearly stating that he was as surprised as everyone else that was standing around him, though while most of them were staring at Yamcha's body in surprise Krillin moved to the side of his fallen friend, "He blew himself up."

"Hey, clean that up," Nappa called out to Krillin, not caring what the bald midget was feeling at the moment, though if it was grief and rage then his fight would be a little better than the person the Saibamen had killed, "He's dirtying up the place."

"No... this can't be happening," Krillin growled, though a faint line of ki appeared around him as he faced the Saiyans, "You bastards... I'm going to make you pay for killing Yamcha!"

The moment the final word left his mouth Krillin loosed a massive charge of ki energy that, while slow moving, pulsed with enough energy that warned the group to move out of the immediate area. The Saibamen, seeing it coming towards them, separated into four different directions, though it soon became clear that they were apparently the target of Krillin's attack as the energy moved towards the two Saiyans. Though that thought quickly changed as Krillin shifted his hands and the energy moved into the air, allowing it to gain some height before the energy broke into five separate strands of energy. Three of them struck down three of the four remaining Saibamen, where Applejack spotted the final one slipping into a spot between two rock structures, before the final two strands zeroed in on Nappa and Vegeta and blew up on contact.

The group waited for a few seconds, letting the smoke settle and clear before they could determine what had happened, though while they waited for the reveal of what happened to the Saiyans the remaining one that slipped away darted out of its hiding place and tried to get at Gohan, though that was followed by Piccolo grabbing its hand, slamming his fist into its chest, and then tossing it into the air, before he loosed a small burst of energy from his mouth and blew the last Saibaman to pieces.

"You know, I actually expected Rainbow to do something like that," Vegeta said, stepped out of the smoke with Nappa beside him, though they both looked like they had a few scratches and nothing else, "oh, and goddammit Nappa."

"What did I do this time?" Nappa asked, though his tone indicated that he was getting tired of hearing his companion saying those words, almost as if he was confused as to why he was constantly getting in trouble.

"I told you, and even forbid you, from commanding the Saibamen to blow themselves up," Vegeta replied, apparently struggling to contain the amount of anger that was inside him at the moment, "it is dishonorable for us to use that type of technique against warriors that have proven themselves in battle. You should have let the Saibaman accept his defeat and suffer the same fate as the one you destroyed, but no, you had to go and tell the thing to blow itself and its opponent to pieces. I should make you suffer for ending that warrior's life in such a dishonorable mann..."

"Bored now, starting the fight with the other pests," Nappa declared, stepping away from Vegeta, who only got even more pissed off now that Nappa had cut him off and was walking away from him, before staring at the group, "So, who wants to tangle with me?"

"I... I don't believe it," Krillin said, fear creeping into his voice as he stared at the small amount of damage he had done to the two Saiyans, "I did that at full power."

Rainbow and Applejack weren't surprised that the attack had done so little to both Vegeta and Nappa, considering that the two of them seemed to be much stronger than the Saibamen they had been fighting. They knew how strong the two Saiyans had been when they were younger, so they already knew that the entire group was at a disadvantage at the moment. They could only imagine how much stronger Vegeta had become after twenty-three years of traveling the stars and fighting whatever his father sent him to fight. As Nappa approached the group the two of them shared a look with each other and prepared themselves, knowing that Nappa wasn't about to let any of them off without fighting all of them.

The Saibamen had been the easy part of this entire fight, that much they and the rest of the group knew, but now the hard part was about to rear its ugly head on all of them... and the girls knew that all of them would be hard pressed to beat Nappa if he pulled any cheap tricks like he did with the Saibamen.

"So, the imaginary friends want to fight me first," Nappa commented, glaring at the two girls as they stepped forward, "Maybe now I can send you back where you belong... and then I can have some real fun with the other fighters."

"Well then, we'll show you what we're capable of," Rainbow replied, dropping into her battle stance as Applejack followed suit, "I have been waiting for this day ever since we first met you."

Applejack knew, from watching Vegeta, that their friend wasn't about to jump in and help Nappa out, which meant that he was waiting to see how strong they were at the moment. Applejack was also interested in seeing how well they measured up to Nappa, though she merely remained silent as she readied her arms for what was coming. There was likely a trick or two hidden up Nappa's sleeves, if the Saibamen were any indication, so she knew that she and Rainbow would have to be ready for anything and everything. The two of them were ready for whatever Nappa could throw at them... though that didn't stop Applejack from worrying that their opponent had a trump card hidden in case he desperately needed it.

In the end she let out a sigh and prepared herself, knowing that the coming fight was going to be a tough one... and knowing that the clash with Vegeta would be even tougher if they managed to topple Nappa.

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