• Published 26th Jan 2017
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Dragon Ball Z: Daughters of Destruction - Blackdrag-rose

Rainbow Dash and Applejack are transported to a strange world, where they are raised by Beerus the Destroyer and his attendant Whis.

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Namek: Punishment

"It seems that my scouter was correct, I cannot find the Ginyu Force anywhere," Frieza stated, glaring at Rainbow the entire time, who was waiting for him to come at her, "Tell me, did you kill them?"

"I only beat Burter," Rainbow replied, remembering the battle she had with the self proclaimed 'Fastest in the Universe', to which she had shown him that she was much faster than him, "the others beat Guldo, Recoome, Jeice, and Ginyu."

"I see," Frieza said, anger flashing over his face for a few seconds, before he returned to his previous expression turned his hands into fists, "I'm going to make you all pay for what you have done here today."

That was when Frieza started to release his ki, in the same manner that Rainbow and the others had done when they had fought the various members of the Ginyu Force, though when he did it the ground around him shook as one of the rock walls cracked under the pressure of his power. Rainbow heard Gohan and Krillin gasp as they felt the ki that Frieza was putting out, while Goku got excited about having a chance to fight someone that was this powerful, but Rainbow merely stood her ground and waited. She even noticed that he was creating waves in the water around them, which told her that he was definitely strong... while reminding her that her mother and father had warned her and Applejack about Frieza multiple times.

Part of Rainbow was excited about the prospect of fighting the evil tyrant at long last, and making him pay for everything he's done to the universe, though there was the part of her that was worried that they were going to be beaten within an inch of their lives due to the power gap that was between them and their opponent.

Eventually Frieza stopped releasing his ki and started firing small ki blasts at Rainbow, who used her speed to avoid the first attack and moved around the area they were in, making sure that none of the blasts hit anyone else as they lifted themselves into the air. Frieza seemed surprised by her speed, in the beginning anyway, but then he seemed to remember that she had taken out Burter and understood what was happening. Rainbow continued to dodge the attacks, occasionally throwing a ki blast in return, but for the most part she was content to move around the area until her opponent decided it was time to use his fists against her. After a few more ki blasts were thrown at her, and she jumped out of the way, Frieza seemed to grow bored of what was happening because his next ki blast was aimed right at Applejack and the others.

Before the ki blast could make contact, however, Vegeta moved to the front of the group and swung his hand at the attack, knocking it off course and sending it into an island that was close to where they were fighting.

"I have to admit that I was rather annoyed when you claimed to have beaten Burter in battle," Frieza commented, glaring at Rainbow the entire time, not even shifting his gaze towards Vegeta and the others, "but now, after having seen your speed for myself, I have to say that I can see why that was the case. Its a shame that you had to anger me like this, because I could have used you as a backup member for the Ginyu Force if something had happened to Burter."

"Like I would ever want to be a part of their team," Rainbow replied, crossing her arms for a moment, while expelling any images of what she would look like in the Ginyu's armor, "I've got my friends and my sister as my teammates, and they are all I will ever need."

"It seems that beating the Ginyu Force has made you arrogant," Frieza stated, letting out a chuckle for some reason, which caused Rainbow to raise an eyebrow for a moment, "I can tell by looking in your eyes; you think that by beating the Ginyu Force, my most elite soldiers, that you now have a chance at beating me, when you couldn't be more wrong in your life. I am the strongest being in the universe, unmatched by anyone... be they members of my own race, the worthless Saiyans that you have befriended, the cowardly Namekians that I have slaughtered, or weak little pony girls who should know when to give up."

Rainbow stared at Frieza for a few seconds, wondering if he even knew what he was talking about, before letting out a chuckle that turned into a small fit of laughter, which only seemed to annoy her opponent even more.

"I fail to see what is so funny about this," Frieza said, tilting his head to the side as Rainbow regained herself, though all he really wanted to do was punch her into the ground and obliterate her.

"Its funny that you think you're the strongest in the entire universe," Rainbow replied, settling down and facing her opponent again, while at the same time preparing herself for what was to come next, "I'll have you know that my sister and I know a few people who are much stronger than you are."

"Oh? And who might those be?" Frieza asked, though he swore to himself that if the pony girl even mentioned the God of Destruction, or anyone associated with him, such as his attendant, then he was going to make sure she suffered before putting her down.

"Our father, Beerus, and his attendant Whis," Rainbow answered, though at the same time she dropped into her battle stance as she waited for her opponent to resume the battle.

A few seconds passed before Frieza burst into a fit of laughter, as if he couldn't believe what Rainbow had said or was refusing to believe everything she had just told him, though that was quickly followed by him growing serious once more.

"You are nothing more than a impudent rat," Frieza said, his ki flickering around him as he surrounded himself in an aura for a moment, "Maybe taking you out, for making sure a bold claim without anything to back you up, will put me in good graces with Beerus... and maybe I'll give him your head while I'm at it."

With that said Frieza flew at Rainbow and swung his right arm at her, but instead of dodging the attack Rainbow reached up with her left hand and caught the attack by grabbing onto Frieza's wrist. That was swiftly followed by Frieza using his open fist the throw another punch at Rainbow, though he forgot about her right hand and watched at she caught the second attack as well. The two of them were then surrounded by both of their energies, which formed a perfect sphere around them as they struggled against each other, fighting for some sort of dominance in this struggle.

The conflict of their energies not only cracked the ground around them, and did everything else that Frieza was able to do on his own while he was releasing his ki, but it also caused the two of them to sink into the ground, which gave way as the energy sphere pushed everything away from the two of them. Half a minute passed before Frieza's scouter exploded from having to read what was going on between the two of them, causing them to disengage from the fight and jump backwards, landing on opposite sides of the hole they had created during their struggle.

"You might not be the daughter of Beerus, because such a thing would be impossible, but you are definitely strong," Frieza commented, a slight smile appearing on his face for a moment, "However, I can tell that you are hiding your true power from me... so why don't we see what strength is hiding beneath your puny body, though if you wish to ignore me I can simply blow the planet, and all of you, to pieces."

"You want to see me at my best?" Rainbow asked, a smile appearing on her face, because she knew what Frieza was asking for, "Very well then, it will take me a few minutes to prepare, but I'll give you what your asking for."

Rainbow turned towards the group and beckoned to Applejack, though instead of just her sister coming down alone she was accompanied by Vegeta, which made sense considering what had happened in the past. She turned towards them for a moment and quickly made the motions that accompanied the Lance of Lightning, causing them to raise an eyebrow for a moment before nodding. She then jumped behind them and landed near the water, to which she faced the direction Frieza was in, calmed her mind as best as she could, and placed her hand in the triangle formation as she called upon her ki.

"Is there anything we should be watching out for?" Applejack asked, though she had already given her hat to Goku before coming down here, as he had carefully stated he wanted to watch for a few minutes before joining in the fight.

"Yeah, you remember what Zarbon did when I overpowered him?" Vegeta replied, indicating back to the fight that had happened after he and Rainbow had stolen the Dragon Balls Frieza had acquired, to which Applejack nodded her understanding, "We have to make sure that Frieza doesn't transform into his true form."

"Wait, you knew I can transform?" Frieza asked, because he was painfully sure that he had never transformed in front of Vegeta, merely because it was something he almost never did, as there was never a reason to use any of his full power against anyone, "How did you find out about that ability?"

"I've been studying you for years Frieza," Vegeta answered, though at the same time he and Applejack dropped into their battle stances, fully prepared for the fight that was to come once he stopped talking, "Ever since you recruited Raditz, Nappa, and I into your army, mere days after you destroyed my home planet, I started studying both you and how your empire runs. One of my father's favorite lessons was to keep your friends close and your enemies even closer, so I took that lesson to heart and became what you wanted me to be; a soldier that never questioned the orders he was given.

I will admit something right now, I never actually thought that I would get away with faking everything for all the years I spent under your heel, and yet I did. You took me all over your empire, showing me the ins and the outs of how it ran, how your soldiers fought, who were the ones that I was going to have to watch out for on the communications, and so on. You allowed me to see all the weaknesses of your ships and your troops, which I left alone for the big day that was coming, and I remained the arrogant warrior that took on a long wolf style, despite the fact that you shackled Nappa to me. And then, after twenty-three years of pretending, I finally found my old friends, both of whom knew what evils you were capable of performing, where we banned together and came here to stop you."

"So your telling me that you have been one of those annoying heroes that I've killed thousands of?" Frieza stated, surprise filling his eyes for a moment, as if he actually couldn't believe the truth that Vegeta revealed to him, before he glared at him and Applejack, "You know, that is rather disappointing to hear... because here I thought that Nappa was only making you look bad in his reports, but it seems he was telling me the truth the entire time. Still, your explanation tells me many things that I could ask questions on, but to save us some time I won't bother asking you anything more... other than to die when I transfo..."

Before he could finish his statement Applejack appeared to the right of him and slammed the base of her right leg into his face, knocking him into the nearby rock wall for a few seconds, though when he emerged she continued with an uppercut that knocked him right into the air. Vegeta was up there to meet him as he slammed his fist into Frieza's face, sending him flying away from the island they were on, though as the tyrant correctly himself Applejack appeared behind him and started throwing a few punches and kicks. Applejack wasn't playing around, because the moment she had sent Frieza flying she had dropped into the Kaio-Ken form, to maximize the amount of damage she could do before her target could regain himself.

As Applejack threw herself into the motions of the Harvester's Barrage, and each attack landed where she intended for them to land, Krillin and Gohan flew up to Vegeta, where the three of them prepared their individual ki attacks... though the end of the attack quickly came up as both of Applejack's hooves were shoved into Frieza's chest and sent him flying towards the ground, creating a small crater around him.

"Now!" Vegeta shouted, pulling his arms back for a few seconds, to be sure his attack was at full power, before releasing what he had at the moment, "Galick Gun!"

"Ka... me... ha... me..." Krillin intoned, sweat rolling down the side of his face as he finished preparing himself, to which he leveled his hands at Frieza's body, "HAAAA!"

"Masenko!" Gohan shouted, though that was followed by him lowering his hands from his forehead and leveling them with his target, to which he released his attack as well.

The trio of attacks surged towards where Frieza was laying, as he was still stunned by Applejack's earlier attack, though as they drew close the three of them merged into one empowered attack and struck the tyrant in the chest, detonating with enough force to shake the entire island. When the shaking stopped they found that their opponent was still in one piece, which was understandable considering that he was powerful enough to blow planets up, but it was clear that they had done some damage.

"It appears that I have underestimated all of you," Frieza said, pulling himself out of the crater he had been thrown into and dusting off his armor, which had several cracks in it, while also frowning at the few bruises that were on his body, "but do not think that a few bruises and some cracks on my armor will be enough to stop me from transfor..."

Frieza was once again cut off as Vegeta appeared to the side and kicked his chest with his right leg, which was followed by both Gohan and Krillin slamming their fists into the unsuspecting tyrant, knocking him right into the Scatter Shot that Applejack was in the process of throwing at him. Frieza emerged from the smoke and charged at her, hitting her face with his fist, but that was what Applejack had been planning on as Vegeta returned the favor as she ducked, allowing them to send the tyrant into the rock wall behind him. They waited for a moment and their opponent flew out to do battle with them once more, missing several punches as the two ducked under his attacks and hit him with their own in return.

After a few more hits Applejack jumped back and let Vegeta draw Frieza into a stalemate, just like he had done with Rainbow, but they could all tell that the tyrant was not amused by what was happening to him.

"I am beginning to lose my patience with all of you," Frieza said, looking into Vegeta's eyes as they struggled against each other, though not on the same level as when he did it with Rainbow, "When I say I'm going to transform into my second form, you are to bask in my presence and allow me to punish you accordingly."

"I don't see that happening any time soon," Vegeta replied, though he was grinning as he positioned them so that Frieza's back was facing Rainbow, which would be perfect for when she unleashed her attack on him.

Not a few seconds later Rainbow, who was wearing a grin on her face, yanked her hands apart and summoned her lance, though this time it was a calming blue color instead of the red rage color that had been the one she had started with. The weapon crackled as she grabbed onto it with her right hand, where she spun it around once so the tip was facing her desired target, who had no idea what was about to be coming his way. Vegeta remained where he was standing, keeping Frieza in the dark so what would happen next would be a surprise, though everyone else fell back so they didn't get caught when the weapon was thrown.

"HEY FRIEZA!" Rainbow shouted, pulling her arm back as she said the words, as it was merely to distract the tyrant and give her friend enough time to move before he was caught in the blast as well.

"WHAT?!" Frieza demanded, as if he was irritated over everything that was going on, though he made no effort to turn around and face Rainbow, which was followed by his hold weakening for just a second.

"CATCH THIS!" Rainbow replied in kind, to which she threw the lance with all the strength she could muster, to which it flew through the air and cracked the ground beneath it.

This time around Frieza did turn his head towards Rainbow, though that was followed by Vegeta disengaging from their fight and throwing himself to the side, where the moment Frieza was face to face with Rainbow something struck him in the chest. The tip of what appeared to be some sort of lance pierced the center of his armor, though surprise crossed Frieza's face as the force behind the weapon forced him backwards and sent him flying through the air. He raised his hands and grabbed onto the shaft of the weapon, in an attempt to yank it off and throw it somewhere else, but before he could actually do anything his back collided with one of the islands... allowing the lance to detonate its charge.

The force of the explosion rocked both the ground and the very air that everyone was standing on, causing them all to stand their ground while the wind acted like it was from a powerful tempest, one that was capable of ripping both trees and their roots right out of the earth. Everyone had to hold their hands up to shield their eyes from the dust that came their way, while trying to make sure that the wind didn't blow them away or knock them to the ground, but they were familiar with the attack and were well prepared this time. Rainbow, however, did not fall to one knee this time, indicating that the results of King Kai's training had paid off, as she was able to move after firing the lance instead of becoming useless.

When the smoke and dust finally cleared the entire group was shocked by the large crater that appeared where the trio of small islands had once been located, one that was a little bit larger than the one they had seen back on Earth, though with all the water filling the crater it was impossible to see the damage Rainbow had caused to Frieza.

"See? This is why I'm glad they are on our side," Krillin spoke up, though it was cleared that he was surprised that releasing Rainbow's hidden potential had increased the damage as much as it had, "So... who thinks that the lance killed Frieza?"

"Krillin, we can sense energy," Gohan said, looking at his father's friend for a moment, before turning his attention back to the massive hole that had been left in the water around them, "Why do you bother asking?"

"One, because I'm being optimistic," Krillin replied, shaking his head as he turned his gaze to Rainbow, silently worried about how much stronger the attack could become if she got even stronger, "and two, that lance killed Nappa in a matter of seconds..."

"Yeah, but Rainbow had to fire it twice to kill the oaf," Vegeta commented, reminding Krillin as to what happened back on Earth, though at the same time he was prepared for their opponent to come out of the water and fight them again.

Vegeta would have said more, but before he could do so he noticed something climbing out of the water, to which he was pleasantly surprised to find that the entirety of Frieza's armor had been obliterated in the attack. Not only had that happened, but there were quite the number of cuts and bruises on the tyrant's body, indicating that he had underestimated the power that Rainbow contained. He knew he should have been shocked by what he was seeing, as Krillin and Gohan were, but he knew who had trained the girls for three years, which was why he wasn't too surprised by the outcome. Rainbow and Applejack were constantly getting stronger with every fight they were in, just like Kakarot, Gohan, and himself, which was why he smiled at the thought of finally bringing the tyrant down.

Though as Frieza finished climbing out of the water, and stood on the island they were all floating above, Vegeta noticed something odd; he was at least twice, if not three times, as tall as he had been before the lance had hit his chest, his horns were pointed upwards this time, and he had this look of pure anger that was directed towards Rainbow, as if she was the only one he had any interest in fighting anymore.

"To think that I would actually be forced to change my form instead of willingly doing it myself," Frieza commented, to which he glared at Rainbow as he beckoned for her to come at him again, "You should have peacefully submitted to me when you had the chance, so you could have escaped the horrors I'm about to unleash upon you... but now your only option is to DIE!"

Rainbow was surprised by the power she was feeling from their opponent, the same power that she was sure everyone else was feeling, because it was far stronger than anything she had ever felt before. She was sure that Vegeta could argue that her parents were stronger than this, but it was one thing to know that and another to feel the gap in power for herself... especially when she and Applejack couldn't feel their father's godly ki, as they weren't gods themselves. Whis had explained that to her and Applejack one day when she had asked why the two of them couldn't feel their father's energy, their mother's energy, or even Whis' energy... though it was easily explained that they would need to be gods themselves to feel their individual ki.

At that exact moment Rainbow was beginning to understand why their mother and father had insisted on them not fighting Frieza until they were truly ready to do so, because there was such a power gap between them that actually made Rainbow feel afraid for the first time in her entire life.

"Yes, you should be afraid," Frieza said, a smile appearing on his face as he noticed that there was some level of fear on the majority of the people he was going to be fighting, save for Vegeta and the other person that he assumed was a Saiyan, "the last time I bothered to check my power level in this form, and shattered literally every scouter and scouter like machine in my vicinity, my power level was at about one million. Here, let me prove it to you."

The moment Frieza raised his left hand towards his chest, and started to gather his ki, Rainbow and the others vacated the area and moved away from the island, which exploded the moment the tyrant released the energy he had been holding, though when the smoke cleared there was only a small part of the island left... the small area that had been around Frieza's feet.

"I must say that I am impressed that you all managed to flee before getting caught in the blast," Frieza commented, staring at all of them as he determined which was the weakest of the bunch, so he could sow more fear among them, "however, that was my way of saying hello. Even the Saiyans would have done what I did."

"No, no we did not," Vegeta fired back, once again insulted that the tyrant thought his entire race was nothing more than ruthless killers that he intended to get rid of further down the line, "We would land outside a settlement, preferably in an area that wasn't important to the villagers, and then we would peacefully talk with them until we determined who we were supposed to take out. We killed tyrannical rulers all the time, preparing for the day when we could launch an attack and take you down... and then Nappa betrayed us and made it impossible to save the universe from your evil."

"Okay, we're getting off topic again," Frieza said, glaring at the bald one for a moment, knowing that he would be the perfect target, but also remembering who had forced him to change in the first place, "I know exactly which one of you I'm sending to Hell first!"

Before anyone could react to what Frieza had said, and properly prepare themselves for what was coming, Frieza jumped into the air and flew right at Rainbow, with a speed that was slightly faster than her maximum... and used his left horn to pierce both her gi, and her chest, in an instant. Pain flashed through Rainbow's body as she felt the horn go all the way through her body, and came out of her back, but as she attempted to hit Frieza with her fists he merely grabbed her arms and made sure that they were held away from him. That was followed by Frieza pulling his horn back for a few seconds, making sure to not entirely leave Rainbow's body, before driving it forward again and doubling the pain she was feeling.

Krillin, not knowing what else to do, decided that the best course of action was to charge at the tyrant while he was distracted, but Frieza saw him coming and slammed his foot into Krillin's face, hard enough to knock him out of the sky and send him flying into one of the other islands around them. The others stood there, because they knew that if they loosed any sort of ki attack Frieza would only toss Rainbow in the way... and in her current condition she would take the full force of their attack. A few seconds later the tyrant pulled Rainbow off of his horn and let her float in the air for a moment, though that was quickly followed by him delivering a kick hard enough to send her flying towards another island... where she impacted the ground and laid there.

"Ah, I think impalement is my favorite way to kill a person," Frieza commented, flying down to the water to wipe the blood off of his horn for a few seconds, though once he was done he returned to the position he had been in previously and noticed that the small Namekian child was no where to be seen... not that it mattered to him at all, "Alright, whose next?"

That was followed by Gohan appearing on Frieza's right for a moment and slamming the base of his leg against his leg, though as Frieza was pushed back a bit he noticed a look of rage on the child's face. As he corrected himself, and tried to get back into a standing position, Applejack appeared behind him and launched herself into a barrage of attacks, though this wasn't the Harvester's Barrage she had used earlier. After a bit Frieza swung him right arm at Applejack to stop her attacks, to which she backed off immediately, but before he could throw something else at her something stuck his head and sent him flying towards a different island than the one Rainbow was on.

It was at that point that Frieza noticed that the two Saiyans, who had been holding back after his transformation, were the ones responsible for hitting him, though before he could move off the island both Gohan and Applejack loosed their own Scatter Shots at him. Once the individual shots stopped coming he noticed that they were all preparing their own individual ki blasts, though he knew that he didn't have time to dodge them all. The four ki blasts were loosed at the same time, though because they were all aimed at the same target they merged into one massive ki blast that struck Frieza in the chest and detonated upon impact.

The resulting explosion tore a large crater in the ground, one large enough to fit his entire body in while coming nowhere near the size of the craters Rainbow could make with her lance, though when the smoke cleared the group found that Frieza was laying in the middle of the crater with some dust and rubble on his chest.

As the group waited to see what the result of the combination attack had been, and how pissed off Frieza was going to be, Vegeta noticed that Dende was working his healing abilities on Rainbow... though he was making sure that he was out of Frieza's sight the entire time. Vegeta knew that as long as they kept Dende's healing abilities a secret, and prevented their opponent from finding out about them, then they could fight, get hurt, and heal without having to worry about dying, until either they exhausted the little Namekian's powers or Frieza just blew the world up. It was fortunate that they had Dende on their side at the moment, because he was easily preventing Rainbow from dying... though even Vegeta shuddered when he thought of what Beerus would do if either of the girls ended up dead.

"You know, that may not have been on the same level as that lance," Frieza commented, carefully pulling himself out of the crater and looking at the group, "but it still hurt a lot. Too bad all you did was incur my wrath!"

The group scattered as Frieza came after them, though his target of choice was Gohan, who he slammed his left knee into so he could prevent him from getting further, before wrapping his tail around his body and sending him down to the island he had been struck into mere seconds ago. Gohan barely had time to move before Frieza was on top of him, his foot pressed against his head so he could squish him like a bug or a piece of fruit, but the pain was short lived as Goku slammed his fist into Frieza's side and knocked him into the nearby rock wall. As Frieza pulled himself out of the rock wall he noticed that Gohan was already struggling to get up, which was understandable considering how much power he had used in his attacks, but before he could advance towards his targets he heard something coming his way... though when he jumped backwards part of his tail was cut off by a flying energy disk.

Frieza then turned towards the direction the attack had come from and found the bald one from earlier standing on a nearby rock, his hand stretched out for a moment, which meant that he had thrown the attack... leaving Frieza to wonder how he could be alive when he knew the attack he had used against him had been a fatal one.

"You okay Gohan?" the Saiyan behind him said, to which he turned around and found that the young boy had recovered from what should have been another near fatal attack... also without any sort of damage like the bald one.

"Yes father," Gohan replied, jumping onto his feet with a happy look on his face, as if he thought that this was all a game, before he turned serious as the two faced Frieza.

"Excuse me," a new voice behind Frieza said, going so far as to tap him on the shoulder, causing him to turn his head back for a moment and find Rainbow Dash standing behind him, "I've got a present for you."

That was followed by an uppercut that sent him flying into the air, but as he corrected himself he had to wonder how all of these people were getting back up after he had given them wounds that should have killed them at this point. Before he could get too far Vegeta appeared beside him and threw a few punches at him, though Frieza frowned and used his Death Beam to blast a small hole, one about the size of his finger tip, in Vegeta's chest. He then slammed his foot into the Saiyan's head and sent him flying towards the ground, but as he watched Vegeta for a few seconds he could have sworn that he spotted a smile appearing on his face.

"Room for one more?" another voice asked, though before Frieza could even tell who had spoken this time he found a fist in the side of his face, sending him flying towards another island and creating a small crater around him.

As Frieza picked himself up and rubbed his cheek he noticed that the latest newcomer was another Namekian, like the one he had nearly killed before it revealed that he was late to the summoning of the Eternal Dragon. This Namekian, however, was wearing a white cape, white shoulder pieces, and even a white head piece, though it was clear that the group he was fighting knew the person in question.

"I was wondering when you were going to arrive Piccolo," Goku said, to which he and the Namekian shook hands for a moment before turning their attention to their opponent, "and you are even stronger than the last time we crossed paths."

"Well, I did train with Rainbow, Applejack, and the others on King Kai's planet for six weeks," Piccolo replied, a smile appearing on his face as he took off the white clothing he was wearing and cracked his knuckles, "and fused with another Namekian... so this should be an interesting fight."

"Too bad you didn't arrive sooner," Goku commented, to which the two of them dropped into their battle stances, "you should have seen the look on Frieza's face when he saw Rainbow's lance in action."

"I sure felt the attack when she released it," Piccolo said, his smile turning to a frown as he looked at Frieza, who was in the process of picking himself out of the crater he was in, "Now then, let's see to finishing this guy off... unless there's something I need to know about him before we start fighting."

"This is his second form," Vegeta spoke up, walking up to the two fighters for a moment, and shocking Frieza at the same time when he realized that the hole in his chest and been healed to the point where he looked fine, "according to all the stories I heard Frieza has two additional forms after this one, each stronger than what we are currently fighting. I will stress my point; do not, under any circumstances, allow Frieza to transform into his next form."

"Okay, I'm done questioning how you know about my various forms," Frieza commented, his rage building as he stared at all his opponents, trying to figure out how they were coming back from the brink of death, "What I want to know is why none of you will die!"

Usually when Frieza found an opponent that was worth tormenting with his superior power, such as Vegeta or the new Namekian, he would power up and assume an even greater form to strike fear into their hearts, but he knew that he would never get the chance to do so this time around. He was facing seven opponents, as he wasn't counting the Namekian child that had no doubt ran away, and none of them would give him the opportunity to transform, if what he had been forced through earlier was anything to go by. He still found it annoying that he had to resort to such cheap tricks in order to go from his first form to his second form... though at the moment he was considering jumping from his second form to his final form.

He had the feeling that he would only get one more chance to unlock his powers, though if he was right he wanted to be sure that he truly struck fear into the hearts of his enemies before he killed them.

"I see, then we'll have to ensure we wrap this up quickly," Piccolo said, though it was at that point that Frieza noticed that all of his opponents, all seven of them, were arranged around him and had dropped into their battle stances, as if they were planning on attacking him at the same time, "Let's do this!"

The Namekian lead the charge against him, forcing him to go on the defensive as attacks were thrown his way, though while he did that the others attacked while Frieza was distracted. Applejack would occasionally drop into a series of attacks, nothing like the barrage style one she had used earlier, while her sister would taunt him with distractions, such as a cloud that had been molded to her form and colors, which he had cut in half before realizing that it hadn't been her at all. Gohan and Krillin, the shortest of the bunch, attacked from behind, loosing small ki blasts that made him turn towards them, to which the Namekian would claim his attention again with another painful punch somewhere on his body. The two Saiyans would take turns aiming for his head, or any part of the body that the Namekian wasn't aiming for, but it appeared that they, too, were only causing minor distractions.

The barrage of attacks swiftly came to an end as the Namekian punched Frieza so hard that he went flying into one of the nearby islands and created another crater around him, though as the dust cleared he noticed that his opponents were gathering in one spot... and all seven of them were preparing their individual ki blasts.

"Ka... me... ha... me... HAAAA!" Krillin, Applejack, Rainbow, and Goku shouted, while at the same time leveling their hands in Frieza's direction and loosing their attacks at him.

"Masenko!" Gohan and Piccolo followed up, though that was followed by the two of them lowering their hands from their foreheads and loosing their ki blasts as well.

"Galick Gun!" Vegeta shouted, swinging his arms towards Frieza as his purple ki blast, with black lightning dancing around it, surged forward as well, joining the group of attacks that was already in motion.

Frieza watched as the seven ki blasts surged towards him, slowly merging into one entity that was enough to shake the ground around him as he picked himself back onto his feet, but he barely had enough time to actually move before the attack struck him in the chest and detonated with enough force to obliterate the entire island around him.

"Did we get him that time?" Krillin asked, not wanting to bother with detecting their opponent's ki for himself, because if he still felt Frieza's ki, after all the damage they had done, he was going to give up hope immediately.

"No... he's still alive," Vegeta replied, though that was followed by all of them noticing that the water below them was turning into a whirlpool, along with the ground shaking rather violently, though that was accompanied by the feeling of their opponent's ki rising rapidly, "That bastard, he's trying to transform again... we've got to hit him with everything we have and stop him from reaching his third form!"

At that point every one of them unleashed everything they had; Applejack and Piccolo loosed a storm of Scatter Shot blasts towards the center of the whirlpool, while Rainbow and the others charged their attacks and fired them after each other, letting one of them fire before someone else followed seconds later. Their ki blasts detonated when they hit something, or someone, but to be absolutely sure that Frieza wasn't allowed to transform into his next form the group kept firing for the next minute and a half, to which they stopped when both Vegeta and Piccolo agreed that they needed to wait for the smoke to clear. They were both worried about what might emerge from the water, because if they didn't stop their opponent from transforming then the group was in a world of trouble.

That was followed by the water exploding upwards, as if something other than their ki blasts had exploded, though the group landed on the nearby island as they watched for Frieza to emerge from the water. When Frieza showed himself the group felt his amazing power as they stared at him, though that was when they discovered that the form that their opponent had taken on this time was actually a little shorter than Vegeta's height. Frieza's body was now white colored, with the strange purple gemstone like objects in his forehead, chest, and shoulders remaining where they had been located in his previous two forms. Despite all the damage the group had done to their opponent, in addition to using Rainbow's lance earlier, there were no scratches, bruises, or cuts on the tyrant's body... and even the part of his tail, which Krillin had cut off, had been restored.

"We're going to die..." Krillin commented, absolute fear filling his voice as he took a step backwards, though even with Goku standing beside him he was still scared for his life.

"At least one of you knows the terror that is standing before you," Frieza commented, a smirk appearing on his face for a moment, though that was followed by him lifting his finger and pointing at Dende, "Bang."

For a few seconds nothing happened, leading everyone to wonder what the tyrant was doing, though that was when Frieza loosed a ki blast that raced through the air and struck Dende in the chest, knocking him into the rock wall behind him... though when the smoke cleared, and Dende wasn't moving at all, the group knew how much trouble they were in.

"Now then, I do believe its time for all of you to die," Frieza said, chuckling as if he found something funny, leaving the group to prepare for the worst, "and then I'm going to obliterate this planet from the face of the universe."

Rainbow and Applejack shared a look with each other as the group prepared themselves, because now that Frieza had revealed his full power, if what they were feeling was his true power, they finally understood why their mother and father had told them not to face the tyrant until they were properly prepared to fight him. At this exact moment they realized that they had been told to grow up and not do anything that would bring them into direct contact with Frieza, though it was far too late for them to back out at this point. Rainbow was severely worried about their chances at this point, because if the lance was only able to wound their opponent, and not critically damage him like it had done to Nappa, then they were seriously in trouble.

Rainbow could feel sweat rolling down the side of her face while she tried to calm her nerves, though as she glanced over at her sister again she could see that the same thing happening was to Applejack as well... leading her to realize that the two of them, the daughters of Beerus the Destroyer, were actually scared for their lives. She only hoped that they could walk away from this fight with their lives intact.

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