• Published 26th Jan 2017
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Dragon Ball Z: Daughters of Destruction - Blackdrag-rose

Rainbow Dash and Applejack are transported to a strange world, where they are raised by Beerus the Destroyer and his attendant Whis.

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Future: End of a God

"So, who are you supposed to be?" Zamasu asked, because while he was annoyed that another warrior had come to fight him, especially another fusion warrior like him and Vegito, he figured that he might as well have the name of the person that he was going to kill.

The fusion warrior titled her head for a moment, the energy that was radiating from her body preventing Zamasu from seeing her facial features, though she remained standing in the same position that she had been standing in the moment she touched the ground. Instead of saying anything, and answering the question, the fusion warrior shimmered for a few seconds before flashing through the air, where Zamasu watched as his new foe had crossed the distance in an instant, before he raised his left arm to defend himself. He raised his arm as if he was going to block a kick from the side, which seemed to be the tactic that one of the girls used, but what he got was a punch to the face that knocked him backwards a tiny bit, though as he corrected himself he gathered some power into his right fist and jumped back into the battle. From there he threw his right fist forward, to which the fusion warrior replied in kind and parried the attack with one of her own, using her right fist to stop the attack from hitting her.

The collision of their fists caused an explosion to rock the entire area around them, where Goku and the others were glad that the safe zone that Applejack had created was still around, since the force of the explosion rocked the platform that they were standing on. At the same time Trunks noticed that his mother, the one that had come with Goku and his friends from the past, and Mai were waving at them as the smoke cleared, to which he quickly flew down there with Gale and brought them to the safe zone. From there they learned that the resistance was watching the fight from the safety of a nearby cliff, though they were putting their hopes in Trunks, Gale, and their comrades, which the duo was happy to hear, but at the same time the air vibrated as Zamasu and the fusion warrior collided with each other once more and another explosion occurred.

The fusion warrior and Zamasu moved thought the area that they were in, where they exchanged a fury of punches and kicks as they moved through the air, to which explosions rocked the area around them while purple lightning lashed out at the ground and blew chunks out of the earth around them. Zamasu found that it was nigh impossible to actually touch his opponent in the first few attacks they shared with each other, though that didn't stop him from trying to hurt her in some manner so he could cause the fusion warrior to defuse. After another few punches Zamasu moved out of the way as the fusion warrior moved to punch him, allowing the force of her punch to carve a gash into the ground, to which he moved in with another punch as his opponent's guard was lowered, only for the fusion warrior to flip forward and avoid his attack entirely... before spinning around and kicking at Zamasu, who ducked before the foot could even touch him. The force of the kick caused the upper parts of the buildings behind him to explode, destroying them instantly, before the two fighters separated from each other.

A few moments later Zamasu went on the offensive and charged at the fusion warrior, where he unleashed a fury of attacks that his opponent could only block against, though at the same time the air rippled around them as bolts of lightning struck the buildings around them, destroying everything they touched in the process. As Zamasu pushed his foe back he finally found the opening he was searching for and kicked the fusion warrior backwards, though it didn't seem to have any effect on her at all as she went flying into the large building behind her. Before she struck the building, however, the fusion warrior flipped backwards and touched the edge of the building with her hooves, to which Zamasu started loosing Blades of Judgement at his target. It was then that the fusion warrior started dodging his attacks as she brought her hands together, forming the stance that Goku used to channel the power of the Kamehameha, to which Zamasu continued to fire at her as she charged the power that she needed to fire the attack.

A minute passed before the fusion warrior was ready to fire her attack at Zamasu, though when she finally did, and the blue Kamehameha went flying down towards her target, Zamasu surprised her by firing a highly concentrated Blade of Judgement into the center of her attack... causing it to separate into smaller beams that surged into the ground around him and erupted all around the part of the city they were in, before the blade reached his target and blew up in the fusion warrior's face, knocking her backwards. The only disappointment that Zamasu felt was the failure to force his opponent to defuse, though that didn't stop him from grinning as the fusion warrior landed on a nearby building and stared at him, to which the pointed at her for a moment.

"Do you see now, mortal?" Zamasu asked, knowing that by now his foes must have realized that they had no hope of defeating him in battle, not when he was the strongest god to grace the twelve universes, "It doesn't matter what you or your friends do to power yourselves up, because in the end I, Zamasu, will remain as the most powerful god in all of existence! My immortality means that you cannot kill me, so you should stop your foolish struggle and surrender to me... though if you prefer to foolishly continue this fight than I shall simply destroy you."

The fusion warrior stared at Zamasu for a few seconds, as if mentally debating something, before appearing to close her eyes and take a deep breath, to which everyone watched her for a few seconds as she seemed to decide on something, which was when she burst through the air and flew right back at Zamasu. This time around Zamasu let the fusion warrior fly right passed him and slam into the buildings that were right behind him, though at the same time he followed after her. When he caught up with her, however, he started to unleash another fury of attacks at his target, forcing her to go back on the defensive, where their attacks caused more lightning to flash out of the sky and strike the ground around them once more. As the two of them fought Zamasu could have sworn that his opponent was purely defending herself, as she made no attempts to bypass his own defenses, though at the same time he kept his eyes open for any tricks that might tip the odds in her favor.

While all of this was going on, however, the other fighters observed the match with some interest, as they were wondering how this fight was going to go now that Applejack and Rainbow were trying something that none of them had even known about... though both Vegeta and Goku noticed something odd.

"Gowasu, wouldn't you say that this is the first successful fusion of this type?" Goku asked, though at the same time he kept his eyes on the fight, as while the fusion warrior possessed great strength, speed, and defense it appeared that something might be wrong with her.

"Yes, this is the first successful fusion of the two Avatars into a single body," Gowasu replied, to which he turned and looked at the Saiyan for a moment, as he was curious as to why he was asking such a question at the moment, "Why are you asking such a thing at a time like this?"

"Because the energy from the fusion hasn't gone away yet," Vegeta said, as he realized what his friend was talking about, which meant that this might not actually be the first successful fusion of this type at all, though that would mean bad things for everyone.

"Hmm?" Gowasu commented, to which he carefully examined the fusion warrior for a few moments, watching how she moved when Zamasu attacked her and how she moved when she attacked him back, all while causing the area around them to break in the process, before he realized something important, "I see now, the merging of the two Avatars is not yet complete. The fusion warrior is trying to buy time for the two conflicting energies to settle down and let the fusion energies fade away, which is when we'll see what Rainbow and Applejack look like when they're fused together in such a manner... if Zamasu didn't cause them to defuse anyway."

That was followed by Zamasu kicking the fusion warrior backwards before appearing above her, where he knocked her towards the ground, but instead of following after her he pointed both of his hands towards the ground and unleashed a devastating hail of Blades of Judgement at his target. The fusion warrior, on the other hand, landed in the middle of a large clearing and remained standing there, though at the same time a white barrier of some kind appeared in an arc above her head as a good number of the blades were destroyed before they could touch her. The blades that landed around her shield ended up blowing holes in the ground around her, though at that happened the group watched as the fusion warrior was quickly surrounded by a large gaping hole, about twice the size of the Lookout, with a little area for her to stand on that was simply floating in the air. The group realized that Zamasu had obliterated everything around the fusion warrior and was focusing on her, so that the moment she decided to move he could blow her to pieces or cause her to defuse before he was ruined.

For a minute or two it looked like Rainbow and Applejack's attempts at something greater were going to fail, since Zamasu wasn't giving them the chance to complete their fusion, but before anyone said anything they watched as sparks started to fly between the two fighters. A few moments later it became clear that the fusion warrior was done playing around, as she was loosing small ki blasts into the air at the same rate that Zamasu was firing his blades down at her, though they were powerful enough to nullify the explosions that would have naturally occurred. That was quickly followed by the fusion warrior slipping a well placed punch, in the form of a powerful burst of wind, through all of the attacks, as it raced up to where Zamasu was floating and struck him right in the chest, causing him to gasp in pain as the last of his attacks rushed passed where the fusion warrior was standing... while at the same time causing the group to look at the fight in shock, as they weren't expecting such a thing to happen so suddenly.

That was swiftly followed by the fusion warrior roaring with all her might, her voice sounding like a mixture of Rainbow and Applejack's voices that was different from Raijack's voice, before she was completely obscured from everyone's eyes as a sphere of energy formed around her... with strands of energy being pulled into the sphere at the exact same time.

"Mortals... that defiant strike against your true god, and the power you command..." Zamasu said, his voice filling the air for a few moments, where the watchers could tell that he was upset over being struck in such a manner and could feel his power rising as a response, "will not... go... UNPUNISHED!"

The group watched as Zamasu's dark energy filled the air above him, creating a massive cloud of energy, as he raised a hand into the air and created a massive Holy Wrath in the process, one that was nearly twice as big as the Sphere of Destruction that Rainbow had thrown at him earlier. That was followed as the sphere of destructive energy started to collapse into a much smaller mass, as it shrunk to half it's beginning size before becoming a quarter of that, before finally settling down as a sphere of energy that Zamasu could hold in his hand. When Zamasu felt that the sphere was ready to be fired at his opponent, however, he did so without delay, intending to punish the girls for standing up to him, causing the sphere of energy, with the dark energy cloud wrapped around it, to descend towards where the fusion warriors was standing at that exact moment. A few seconds later, however, the light faded and the attack disappeared entirely, causing everyone to look around in shock, as they weren't exactly sure what had happened... though that was before their questions were answered.

The fusion warrior, her body shining a little brighter with the white energy, appeared some distance behind Zamasu and had her back facing his, though as Zamasu turned around, however, he and the others saw that the fusion warrior was holding the sphere of energy above her right hand, which she shattered seconds later. Zamasu, shocked by what had happened, turned around and prepared to punch the unsuspecting fusion warrior with his fist, though that was when she appeared in front of him and simply walked up to him in a slow manner. As his fist passed through where she was standing the fusion warrior ducked and let the attack go by her, while at the same time rapidly kicking Zamasu twice in the chest without him even seeing the attack. In response he backed up a few steps and loosed a volley of blades at his foe, who flipped backwards, landed with her hooves on the building's roof, and waved her right hand to the side, using the force of the wind itself to knock the blades off their trajectory and caused them to explode when they hit some buildings that Zamasu wasn't aiming for. Zamasu then rushed at his foe with the intent of killing her before anything else happened, though that was when the fusion warrior moved behind him and they both stopped moving... only for a rapid succession of attacks to slam into Zamasu's body before he was thrown from the top of the building and collided with one that was resting nearby.

It was at that point that the energy that had been obscuring the fusion warrior's body disappeared, allowing the observers to see what the Potara fusion between Rainbow and Applejack looked like, where they discovered that the new warrior's body definitely matched Applejack's body. The warrior's facial features matched Applejack's as well, though instead of having Applejack's hair and tail she possessed Rainbow's style of hair and tail, where the group noticed that there were a few olive streaks between the colored sections of her rainbow colored hair. The attire that the warrior wore was definitely a mix between what the girls had been wearing when they put the Potara earrings on, as she happened to be wearing the collar of a God of Destruction on the upper part of her body, complete with a binding around her chest area. The lower part of her body was covered in what appeared to be the lower section of a Supreme Kai's jacket, complete with the pants to over her legs, though instead of the normal sash that Shin and Gowasu wore the warrior's sash was the type that belonged to a Destroyer.

What Shin found interesting was that the collar had a symbol that looked like an apple that had been merged with a bolt of lighting, with the strips being an equal mix of cyan colored stripes and olive colored strips... and that the sash had the same symbol where Beerus' diamonds would have been located. When the warrior opened her eyes, however, the group found that her right eye was dark purple colored, the color of Destruction, while her left eye was light green colored, the same color of Creation.

"That... that is the stable fusion of the two Avatars," Gowasu said, or at least that was what he was thinking, because no one had ever seen what happened when the Avatar of Creation and Avatar of Destruction survived the Potara fusion process, while at the same time feeling the power the warrior held, "...amazing..."

"She's even stronger than Raijack was... and she hasn't even done anything yet." Goku commented, though at the same time he was grateful that this warrior was on their side and wasn't someone they had to fight, otherwise he was sure that they would have lost immediately.

"So this is what my opponent looks like," Zamasu said, looking at the form that his opponent was wearing at the moment, though at the same time he frowned when he noticed the pieces that belonged to a Kaioshin, "Foolish mortals, always trying to copy the gods at every turn. I will take great pleasure in showing you just how much you have sinned..."

"Aekarai," the fusion warrior spoke up, speaking for the first time since she had been fused, surprising both Zamasu and the group that was watching them at the same time, though her tone suggested that she was going to be more focused on the fight than Raijack would have been.

"Excuse me?" Zamasu asked, as he wasn't sure what the fusion warrior meant by that, but at the same time he knew that she would be coming towards him soon enough and kept his guard up for the first attack, "What do you mean by 'Aekarai'? Is it the name of an attack or something?"

"No, it's my name," the fusion warrior, Aekarai, replied, though at the same time she turned to the side and stared down at Zamasu, while also making sure that her white aura was surrounding her, "Now then, Zamasu, it's about time we settled this fight."

Before Zamasu could say anything Aekarai burst into the air and raced towards where he was standing, though as he swung his fist at her she bypassed the attack entirely by carefully moving herself higher in the air, walking along his arm, and landing on the ground behind him without him even noticing until he had missed her. That was followed by Aekarai spinning around and kicking him into the air above them, though as Zamasu corrected himself, and stared down at his opponent, he found that she was no longer on the ground where he had been standing. He then found himself being repeatedly kicked throughout the entire airspace above what had been West City, as Aekarai kicked him across the chasm that had been created earlier, made him pass through the ruined portion of the city that vegito had destroyed, and forced him to bounce back and force as if he was a punching bag. That was before she kicked him high into the air and appeared above him, before bringing the backside of her left hoof down on his neck, sending him flying into the ground beneath them, while at the same time the force of the kick flattened a good acre of land in the process... maybe even two acres at the most.

It was in that moment that Zamasu was glad for his immortal body, otherwise he was sure that those powerful kicks, delivered at the speed that his opponent had used, would have killed a mortal fighter, though at the same time he carefully picked himself up after obliterating the rubble that had landed on top of him.

"I see that you survived the Apple Season Barrage," Aekarai commented, though that was before she charged some ki into her hands and started throwing balls of energy into the area around Zamasu, since he hadn't taken the time to move out of the rubble yet, "well then, let's see how you like the Zap Apple Surprise."

Zamasu stared at the balls that were around him, as they appeared to be rainbow colored, but was surprised when they appeared to serve no purpose than to distract him, to which he raised his left arm for a moment and formed another ki blade around his hand. He then pierced the closest ball of energy and smiled as the ball seemed to break apart, though his happiness was short lived as the energy latched onto his arm and refused to let go, but before he could do anything the other balls became active and latched onto his body as well. He immediately realized that by hitting one of the balls he told the others were he was standing, though even if he had thought to move after hitting the first one the attack was designed to follow him. That was before the balls that were attached to his body, which was all of the ones that his opponent had thrown into the area around him, started to glow for a few seconds, before they detonated their payload and trapped him in the middle of an explosion, creating an even larger crater than what he had been standing in.

When the smoke cleared Zamasu collapsed on the ground for a moment as he huffed, as he wasn't expecting his opponent's power to be so great, but at the same time he stared up at Aekarai as she floated down so she could be within range in case she wanted to blast him again... or if she wanted to talk for a few moments.

"Do you want me to grovel, mortal?" Zamasu asked, though he didn't intent to beg for mercy or anything, because his immortality made him immune to death and pain, but the power of his opponents attacks was definitely making him think that the pain immunity wasn't working at the moment.

"No Zamasu, I don't want you to grovel." Aekarai replied, to which she came to a stop when she was standing in front of Zamasu, who she picked up by the hair and pulled him up until they were looking each other right in the eyes, "I'm going to keep hitting you until you break... and then you will have my permission to die."

Before Zamasu could say anything Aekarai let go of his hair and let him fall, though as he thought about regaining his footing she spun around and kicked him in the chest, sending him flying through the air until he collided with some trees, where he coughed as he finally came to a stop against a log. Aekarai stared at the direction she had sent Zamasu in and simply floated back up into the air, though when she came to a stop again she pointed the palm of her right hand towards the location that Zamasu was resting in. From there small spheres of energy, some light green colored and some dark purple colored, appeared in the air around her before they started swirling together as she formed a mass of energy that was half of each color. Once the attack was ready Aekarai stared down at where Zamasu was resting, finding that he hadn't moved at all, to which she leveled her hand with the exact location that her foe was laying in and took a deep breath for a moment.

"Let's see how well the Duality Cannon fares," Aekarai commented, to which she braced herself as she loosed the sphere of energy, which raced through the air and shimmered as it locked onto it's target.

A few seconds later a massive explosion engulfed the entirety of the forest that Zamasu was resting in, as well as part of the mountain that rested nearby, and kicked up a lot of wind, revealing that the force behind the attack was more than what the watchers were even expecting. When the wind died down, and the smoke finally cleared, Aekarai floated over the massive crater that was beneath her, which almost looked like a moon had impacted the area, and searched for Zamasu, though she found him not a few moment's later. The left sleeve of his attire had been completely obliterated in the attack and a good portion of his pants had been destroyed, but his body looked the same, except for the fact that he was smouldering from the intensity of the power that had been unleashed on him. With her target found Aekarai floated down to where he was laying and stared at the seemingly broken Zamasu, though not a few seconds later his eyes snapped open as he threw his left hand forward.

Aekarai, being faster on the draw that Zamasu was, moved to the side and shattered the ki blade that had formed around her opponent's hand, though once that was done she picked Zamasu up and lightly tossed him into the air, before appearing behind him and kicked him so hard that he went flying back into the ruins of West City... though she followed along and stopped when he did, where he actually got back up the instant he stopped moving.

"I... I am... IMMORTAL!" Zamasu declared, though at the same time he stood his ground and stared at Aekarai, who was waiting to see what sort of move he made now that he was no longer the top dog that he thought he was, "It does not matter how many times you attempt to 'break' me, for I shall never die. I am the god of the new world!"

"I wouldn't say that," Aekarai said, though as she spoke she already noticed someone approaching Zamasu from behind, but she made no movements to stop them, since she figured out what was coming next, "Your just a frustrated Kaioshin whose sense of justice blinded you to the truth of the universes, until you got fed up with us mortals that you decided to take action against us, betraying your duties as a Kaioshin."

"It doesn't mater what you say to me, because you'll never destroy me." Zamasu said, cutting Aekarai off from saying anything more, to which the fusion warrior remained silent as she waited for him to stop talking, "Go ahead, reveal to me the arsenal of powers that you have unlocked thanks to this form and I shall recover from everything you do to me, making me even stronger than you could possibly be. I will make you see just how weak you all really are, in the face of a shining god, and reveal that your weaknesses will never allow you to..."

"None of us are ashamed of our weaknesses, Zamasu," a voice said, though that was before a golden colored blade pierced Zamasu's chest from behind, to which Aekarai nodded when Trunks and Gale appeared behind Zamasu, "It's in our nature as mortals to help each other in times of crisis, the same crisis that you created, and we've survived this long by helping each other through it all. We work together and survive, that's... that's just who we are!"

A few seconds later Trunks and Gale started to glow with the familiar power of spirit energy, to which Aekarai nodded her head as she watched what was going on, though at the same time Zamasu pulled himself off of Trunks' blade and focused all his efforts on the one person he was sworn to kill above all others. Trunks, however, was more than happy to engage in a sword fight with Zamasu, especially since Gale backed him up as the two started to emit a bright light from their bodies. Aekarai smiled as she moved to the side and felt the energies of everyone on Earth, including a small portion of the planet's remaining power, surge into the air around the duo as they battled Zamasu, where she watched as a Spirit Bomb formed in the air above them. After a few moments of the fighting going on the Spirit Bomb dispelled Zamasu's darkness and called attention to it, though at the same time Trunks' blade started to shine with the blue spiritual energy that was in the air.

As Zamasu declared that mortals were weak, and could never beat a god, Trunks leapt into the air and let the spiritual energy surge into his body, transforming his blade into a much larger weapon, one that was sure to finish off Zamasu, before Trunks engaged the self-proclaimed god... though it didn't take long before Trunks shattered Zamasu's ki blade and stabbed his foe in the chest. From there Zamasu questioned the power that was now boring into his body, something that he had never felt before, while Trunks and Gale told him that this was the power that he and the people of his timeline, the mortals that he sought to destroy, wielded inside them. That caused Zamasu to force the blade from his chest, leaving an ugly white gash in his body that refused to disappear, where he questioned why mortals would retaliate against the gods in such a way, then followed it up by stating that mortals were against justice. Trunks and Gale stood side by side as they rushed forward and started to cleave Zamasu in half, going from the spot between his legs and headed up right to his head, while at the same declaring that no one cared for Zamasu's 'justice'... before eventually splitting the insane apprentice in half.

"A god... losing to a bunch of mortals," Zamasu commented, both of his halves talking at the same time, which made sense since he was still immortal, though that was before he started laughing at the all, "this cannot happen..."

The group watched as the spirit energy finally made it's presence known and engulfed the laughing Zamasu in a pillar of pure spirit energy, to which his body broke apart before their very eyes until there was nothing left of their foe... to which Trunks and Gale breathed a sigh of relief as they finally powered down, while at the same time Trunks looked down at his blade with a smile on his face.

"Trunks, Gale, and Aekarai," Goku said, to which the trio watched as the safe zone moved into the air and landed nearby, illustrating that it was still following Applejack's commands, "You guys did it... you beat Zamasu!"

"Yes... we did," Trunks replied, to which he glanced at everyone that was around him, which included those that were on the ground and those that were in the safe zone at the moment, "Thank you, everyone. Without your help, I'm not sure we would have been able to beat Zamasu."

"I wish the me from this timeline could have lived to see this," Bulma commented, though at the same time she smiled, because while Zamasu had been strong and required the use of a fighter she had known nothing about, she was pleased to see that the Potara fusion between Rainbow and Applejack had been enough to keep Zamasu distracted.

"I am surprised to see what a Potara fusion between the two Avatars was successful," Gowasu said, to which Aekarai glanced towards him for a moment, while at the same time he studied the warrior and her attire, informing her that this wasn't something that people usually saw, "You, my dear, are extremely lucky that the conflicting energies of Destruction and Creation didn't destroy yourself and all of us in the process... but, to see that you were able to do something that no one has done in the millions of years the universes have existed, excites me."

Before Aekarai could say anything, however, the air behind them shook as an angry red line appeared where Zamasu had been standing, though that was when the line loosed a surge of power into the air before a foul dark cloud appeared overhead and started spreading out before their eyes. A few seconds passed before the dark cloud shifted and revealed an extraordinary amount of Zamasu's faces in the air, shocking everyone by the sheer fact that their foe wasn't dead yet, especially after everything they had used against him so far. Instead of letting the weakest members of their group, which was Goku and Vegeta due to the fact that they had used all of their energy with Vegito's Final Kamehameha, Aekarai had everyone enter the safe zone as she opened a hole for it to rest in... though once it was embedded in the ground she dispelled the shield that was protecting them and created a new one from the energy that she commanded, one that was even stronger than the one Applejack created.

After that Aekarai flew into the air and gathered the two elements into her hands, fusing them into a single mass of energy that shook the air around her, before she loosed what she would call the Duality Kamehameha, which raced towards the sky and ignited a large explosion in the air... though despite the damage she caused to the sky, the obliteration of a group of Zamasu's heads, they simply returned a few seconds later. Since it appeared that she might not be able to beat their foe now, Aekarai flew back down to the safe zone and entered the barrier, just in case Zamasu did something they weren't expecting.

"Zamasu... might be trying to become the universe itself." Gowasu said, as he could tell that his former apprentice was up to something, though this time he wasn't sure if the Avatar fusion had the power to smash Zamasu, especially since it appeared that the cloud was trying to cover the entire world at the moment, "He's cast off his form as a god and is trying to become justice and order itself."

"The universe?!" the group asked, though before anyone could say anything else the various heads of Zamasu started glowing red in the eye area, to which they stared firing angry red beams of energy down at the planet, striking wherever they wanted to.

The group watched, from the safety of the barrier that was protecting them, as the entirety of West City was engulfed in a sea of red angry energy, though they waited to see what happened when Zamasu stopped firing at the planet... though when the smoke cleared the group discovered the horrible truth of their foe's actions. The entirety of West City had been leveled to a single point, though there was nothing around them for miles and, when Trunks saw this, they found that they were the only living creatures left on the planet. Not only had Zamasu transformed once more, but he had destroyed everything that Trunks and Gale had been fighting for, to which the two of them and Mai stared up at the sky in pure rage, but they knew that there was nothing they could do at this point in time.

"What are we supposed to do against this sort of power?" Gowasu commented, though at the same time he stared up at the sky and looked at the many faces of Zamasu, which were no doubt spreading out to the other worlds that existed around the universe.

"I'll hit him again," Aekarai said, to which she stepped out of the barrier and stared up at the sky, though this time around she gathered the power of Creation and Destruction into a large ball of energy, the Duality Bomb as she was going to call it, before she hurled it into the air.

The resulting explosion rocked the sky for a moment as a large hole appeared in the sky, but before anyone could do anything Zamasu fixed the hole and continued laughing, indicating that nothing they could do would stop him and his quest to spread justice across the universe. Goku, not really seeing any other option at the moment, decided to pull out the button that Zeno had given him earlier and asked Shin and Gowasu if the King of All was still around in this timeline, since Zamasu said that he killed all the gods. It was then that the group discovered that no matter who the person was, be it someone like Goku, someone like Beerus, or an immortal like Zamasu, Zeno was unbeatable, to which Goku revealed the button and declared that he was going to press it. Before he did so, however, the area near them flashed and Zeno appeared like magic, to which Shin and Gowasu bowed before the King of All in the way the Kaioshin did, while at the same time Goku looked down at the button for a few seconds before staring at Zeno... as he was confused since he had never actually pressed the button, though he wasn't about to complain.

Zeno, as the group discovered, wasn't interested in the majority of the group, rather he was interested in Aekarai, as he stared at her for a few seconds before he started doing anything.

"So, you're who I felt earlier." Zeno said, staring at Aekarai for a few moments, though at the same time the group was lucky that Zamasu hadn't done anything since he started firing at the planet, "You're strong, so strong that the failure would have ruined a good part of this universe."

"I apologize, Zeno-sama, neither Applejack or Rainbow Dash were aware of the potential risk when they put the Potara earrings on," Aekarai replied, taking a moment to respectfully bow to the King of All, before she stood straight and beckoned to the sky for a moment, "unfortunately our foe here is really annoying and won't accept defeat, so they decided to show him the power of mortals and I was the result of their fusion."

"What is this?" Zeno inquired, looking around at the ruin that was around them, though his tone slightly indicated that he wasn't happy with what he saw while his attention slipped away from Aekarai, "It's horrible. There's nothing here. He did all this?"

"That's right." Goku spoke up, as he figured that now was the chance to totally destroy Zamasu and end this fight, even if Zeno had to erase a few planets from this timeline to save the rest of the universe from their foe, "Don't you think that you should erase him."

"You're right." Zeno said, though at the same time his gaze darkened as he raised his arms out and started gathering his power, to which Goku paled as he realized what was coming up soon, "A world like this..."

As Zeno started to rise in the air, however, Goku had Shin and Gowasu use the Time Ring to head back to the timeline they all came from, before he turned to Bulma and had her pull out the time machine, who nodded her head and pulled the capsule out. Since they were in a safe zone the shield that Chronoa put on the time machine would still work, though a few seconds passed before Shin and Gowasu headed back to the past, to which Bulma had the machine in question appear before she, Trunks, and Mai climbed into the cockpit. One the time machine was ready Aekarai pulled the barrier down as the group surrounded the machine, allowing the protective barrier to surround them once more, before they started to move into the air... giving them a brief front row seat to Zeno heading right towards the sky, where his energy became a bright sphere around him.

"A world like this must disappear!" Zeno declared, to which he focused on what he was about to do and let the energy go, where the sphere of energy expanded out from where he was floating, though before it could touch the time machine the group slipped back into the time stream and left the future behind.

Beerus and the others had been watching the crystal screen that Chronoa had installed in the Capsule Corp, seeing how Black and Zanasu fought before their eventual fusion and the reveal of their new power, the power that had forced Goku and Vegeta to recreate Vegito. This time around the fusion warrior had done enough to Zamasu before he defused from them expanding too much energy, though what was when he and the others witnessed Rainbow and Applejack attempting the risky fusion between the two Avatar states. He already knew that such a thing was risky, as he knew about the failures that Gowasu had told the group about, but at the same time he was thankful that nothing had happened to his daughter in the process. Rather he was surprised by the sheer power that their new fusion state, the warrior called Aekarai, commanded when she was fighting, as it almost looked like she was using Ultra Instinct due to the white aura, but there was no way to accurately tell at the moment.

Then the watchers observed Zamasu being cut in half by Trunks and Gale, seemingly ending his reign of terror, before he transformed into a mass of energy that tried to become the universe itself, though that was when he utterly erased every living person on the future Earth. At the same time that caused a menacing circle to appear in the air where the time machine first arrived in their era, one with Zamasu's head, though Chronoa assured them that it would be taken care of in a reasonable manner. Goku appeared to be ready to use the button that Zeno-sama had given him, to summon the Future Zeno to the planet so he could deal with Zamasu, but instead the Future King of All appeared before of what Rainbow and Applejack had done. It appeared that Future Zeno would have done something to Aekarai, for creating the fusion state that she had obtained, but then they turned his attention to Zamasu... though that was when they lost the connection with the future, while at the same time Zamasu's head and the circle around it disappeared.

Beerus breathed a sigh of relief as he noticed that his friends were alright, though it was even better when he noticed Aekarai standing among the arrivals, to which he smiled as he approached the mighty Potara warrior, who smiled at him as he approached, so much so that she barely noticed Vegeta returning her hat.

"We gods have always determined that a fusion between the two Avatars was too risky, because of the potential threat it posed to the universe it was attempted in," Beerus said, noticing that Aekarai looked a little sad by his statement, as if he was actually scolding Rainbow and Applejack for their actions, to which he rested a hand on her shoulder for a moment and looked into her eyes, "but for the two of you... well, taking risks appears to be something that's common in Universe 13, and your risks seem to work in your favor. Leave it up to two girls from Universe 13 to be the first pair to show that one of the most dangerous fusions, in all of existence, is capable of being completed... and it makes me even prouder to be your father."

"Dad..." Aekarai said, though that was before the power that was holding her together faded, as she was engulfed in a bright light for a few seconds before she defused, splitting back into Applejack and Rainbow, who stared at each other for a few seconds.

Beerus chuckled as he embraced his daughters for a moment, while they did the same after taking off the Potara earrings they had been wearing, because they had survived their excursion into the future, had battled a powerful pair of foes that had pushed them to improve themselves, and had done something that all the other gods had deemed impossible. The other Destroyers had stated that Universe 13 wasn't dangerous, even though Sunset Shimmer had tied with him in their match, but they didn't know that her potential for growth was still there, meaning that she was likely getting stronger. Only Gowasu knew that the girls could use the dreaded fusion between the two Avatars, though Beerus knew that Rumshii was likely to ignore him if he attempted to tell his Destroyer God anything, meaning that this would be their secret for many years to come.

He was proud of what his daughters had done in the past and what they could do when they put their minds to it, and he was sure that they would be able to help their friends conquer anything else that came to haunt the Earth or their own home planet in Universe 13, in the near future anyway.

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