• Published 26th Jan 2017
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Dragon Ball Z: Daughters of Destruction - Blackdrag-rose

Rainbow Dash and Applejack are transported to a strange world, where they are raised by Beerus the Destroyer and his attendant Whis.

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Namek: The Eternal Dragon

"We should head back to Frieza's ship and use one of his healing pods on Kakarot," Vegeta commented, knowing that they were running out of time before the tyrant showed up and ruined all of their plans, which was why he was talking and the others were looking at him, "unless you happen to have more of those Senzu Beans on you."

"No, I gave you guys the last three I had," Goku replied, letting out a groan as Krillin and Gohan helped him to his feet, "Are you sure that we have the time to spare on returning to the ship and using one of the pods?"

"If some of us head back to Bulma and get the Dragon Balls we should be fine," Vegeta answered, though at the same time he could feel Frieza moving a little further away from where they were currently standing, while also noting that a smaller ki was coming their way, "We should split up into two teams; one that consists of the rest of you so you can get all of the Dragon Balls in one go, while I carry Kakarot to the ship and get him inside one of the healing pods... and get some new armor while I'm at it."

"Hey, is that Dende coming our way?" Krillin asked, to which everyone turned in the direction as the Namekian child landed near them and ran towards them, a look of happiness in his eyes.

"Oh thank the Grand Elder that I found you guys," Dende said, letting out a few huffs as he settled down, "The Grand Elder gave me the password that will allow you to summon Porunga... though where are the Dragon Balls?"

"We left them with Bulma and Moori," Gohan replied, while at the same time Krillin smacked himself in the head, which told everyone that he had forgotten something, "You know, it never occurred to me that we needed to ask the Grand Elder for what the Namekian password was so we could summon their Eternal Dragon. I'm just glad that we don't have to fly near Frieza to get it anymore."

Vegeta was somewhat surprised that there was also a password to activate the Dragon Balls, which would have followed gathering all seven of them into one location, but he held his tongue. Considering all of the madness they had been through, what with taking out the majority of Frieza's high ranking soldiers and stealing the Dragon Balls from the tyrant, he decided to let the oversight of the password go. Sure, he was a little annoyed that such an oversight had occurred to begin with, but he calmed himself down before he made a scene that would result in either Rainbow or Applejack lecturing him, because that was the last thing he needed at the moment. He was happy that Dende knew the password, which meant they only needed to get back to the seven wish granting spheres, get them away from Bulma and the other Namekians, and go someplace else to summon this Porunga.

The reason for departing from their base was because he knew that Frieza would find them the moment they summoned the dragon, which was why he wanted some distance between them before they even attempted anything.

"Oh, what happened to him?" Dende asked, pointing at Goku and his wounds for a moment, which drew the attention of the group for a few seconds before they looked at him.

"My opponent used some sort of body change technique," Goku replied, smiling for a moment despite the pain that his body was in, "Vegeta had to beat up my body a little bit to get the guy to leave... though when he did I took my body back. Then, when he decided to use the ability again, I grabbed a nearby frog that hopped near me and threw it between him and Vegeta, which trapped my opponent inside the frog's body. Once the fight was finished Vegeta blew up both the frog and my opponent's body, just to make sure that he was truly taken care of and that he wouldn't come back to hurt anyone else."

"Here, let me heal those for you," Dende said, to which Gohan and Krillin gently placed Goku back on the ground as Dende approached him, though that was followed by some sort of energy emitting itself from his hands as the bruises and cuts closed themselves, "The Grand Elder somehow knew that I was going to need the ability to heal, so he unlocked my own hidden potential before sending me to come to your aid. I passed by the tyrant, the one you call Frieza, on my way here, though considering I wasn't followed I can tell that he was more interested in speaking with the Grand Elder and Nail. From what I can gather your friend Piccolo is following Nail and Frieza at the moment, no doubt giving us the time necessary to summon Porunga and make your wishes."

A few seconds after the words left his mouth, and he dropped his hands, Goku got onto his feet and stretched his arms, indicating that whatever damage Vegeta had done to him, while Ginyu had been inside his body, had been fully healed... and he still got his power boost to help them later on.

"Thanks for that," Goku said, patting Dende's head for a few seconds, before turning to the rest of the group, "Vegeta and I will head to Frieza's ship and see if there isn't anything useful we can use for the coming fight, so the rest of you should head back to Bulma, get the Dragon Balls, and come find us."

Rainbow, Applejack, and the others nodded their heads before they started flying towards the location of their base of operations, where Bulma and the Dragon Balls were located, leaving Goku and Vegeta alone for a few seconds. There was another reason behind Goku wanting to be alone with Vegeta, besides the fact that their friends could carry the Dragon Balls without needing their assistance.

"Hey Vegeta," Goku said, causing the other Saiyan to turn towards him for a moment, though there was a small look of curiosity on his face, "That Ginyu guy said something that I think you might know something about... something he called a Super Saiyan. What is this 'Super Saiyan' that he was talking about?"

"Follow me to Frieza's ship and I'll tell you what I know," Vegeta replied, though on the inside he was a little happy that he could at least tell Kakarot one of the most important legends that the Saiyan race had.

Goku grinned as he and Vegeta headed off in the direction of Frieza's ship, knowing that he might get some answers while allowing Vegeta to have some fun telling him a legend he might not have passed onto anyone else since his planet was destroyed. It was also to take his mind off the fact that they were racing against time and that they had no idea when their enemy was going to be catching up with them, but he didn't tell Vegeta his other reason as the two of them flew through the air and made their way to their next destination.

"Are you sure that you want to go through with this?" Frieza asked, knowing that the Namekian in front of him was going to be as stubborn as the rest of his kind, which meant that he was going to have a fight on his hands, "I could spare you all the grief I'm about to cause... in exchange for the password to use the Dragon Balls anyway."

"Like I said, I would never give the password to someone like you to begin with," Nail replied, dropping his his battle stance as he stared at his opponent, sweat rolling down the side of his face the entire time.

"Very well then," Frieza said, letting out a sigh as he held his right hand behind his back and held his left hand out, "I will show you the terror that I told your precious Grand Elder about... while only using my left hand."

Nail glared at the tyrant standing a few feet in front of him, silently wondering how much time he could buy Dende and the Earthlings, so they could use the Dragon Balls and end this nightmare. He recalled the Grand Elder mentioning that the children of some incredible being, one that Frieza was afraid of, happened to be on this planet as well, though the only ones that could fit that description were the ones known as Applejack and Rainbow Dash. When the Grand Elder had released their hidden potentials, and shocked their friends with their potential, Nail had sensed both of their powers... and silently kept his opinions to himself. He knew that the two of them were only beginning to tap into their true powers, just like the child that was apparently of Saiyan heritage, though he was unable to tell what type of heritage the two girls had.

He mentally wondered if Frieza even knew what he was getting himself into, but he shook those thoughts from his head as he launched himself forward and swung his arm at his opponent's neck... only to find that he had done nothing to Frieza as his hand stopped against his open neck.

"Is this all the strength you can muster?" Frieza asked, to which he gripped Nail's outstretched arm with his left hand, digging his fingers into Nail's skin and squeezing hard, "A pity, and here I thought you would provide me with some entertainment."

That was quickly followed by Frieza twisting his hand and tearing off Nail's hand and part of his arm, causing the Namekian to stumble backwards as he screamed in pain. That was always something Frieza enjoyed whenever he had to dirty his own hands, the screams of his enemies when he inflicted pain upon them with either wounds to their body or tearing parts of one of their limbs off. As his opponent moved away from him, and sweated for a moment, Frieza tossed the hand back to the Namekian and stared at him, to which he decided to try his luck again.

"Tell me the password and I'll end your misery," Frieza said, glaring at the Namekian the entire time, "otherwise I'll go back to your precious Grand Elder and try my luck with him again."

"Don't you dare think that I'm so easy to beat," Nail replied, focusing his energy for a moment as his right hand, and the part of the arm that had been torn off as well, regenerated from his stump, before he dropped back into his battle stance.

"So you wish to die with your body completely intact," Frieza commented, letting out another sigh as the Namekian stared at him, though he had known that this would have been the case considering all of the Namekians he had encountered on this planet were stubborn to the bone, "Very well then, I shall grant this simple wish of yours... and I will continue to beat you until you reveal to me the password to use your Dragon Balls to grant my wish for immortality. Soon you will understand why I am the strongest, and most feared, person in the entire universe."

"And yet the Grand Elder knows that to be false," Nail said, a small smirk appearing on his face for a few seconds, though it disappeared as the tyrant focused all of his attention on him again, "I don't know what the Grand Elder was talking about, but I will not tell you the password... no matter how many times we clash."

Frieza let out another sigh as he prepared himself, because he had the feeling that this was going to go on for some time until he managed to get anything useful out of his opponent... and maybe he would get the Namekians to shut up about Beerus, because that was already starting to annoy him.

It took Rainbow, Applejack, and the others an hour to reach their destination, as they had used their speed now that it was essentially a race against time at this point, though they found Bulma and Moori sitting at the table they had left them at. Apparently the two of them had been exchanging information on their cultures the entire time the group had been gone, though they were happy to hand over the seven Dragon Balls to the group. Rainbow took the One and Five Star Balls, Applejack picked up the Three and Seven Star Balls, Gohan smiled as he carried the Four Star Ball, Krillin seemed indifferent as he took the Two Star Ball, and Dende made sure to take the Six Star Ball, completing the set as they walked outside.

With the Namekian Dragon Balls in hand, and assuring Bulma and Moori that the nightmare was almost over, the group took to the skies and headed in the direction of Frieza's spaceship. From what they could tell Vegeta and Goku were in the vicinity of the ship, though they could also tell that there were some additional soldiers that hadn't been taken care of yet. Considering the fact that none of the lower power levels were dropping told the group that the two Saiyans were observing the soldiers before they made their move against them. Rainbow mentally wondered if Vegeta was waiting for them to arrive, so they could launch a full scale attack against the soldiers, but decided to say nothing as they moved through the air.

"So what are we planning on wishing on?" Applejack asked, speaking a thought that had been bugging her the entire time since they acquired all seven of the crystalline spheres.

"You know, I hadn't actually thought about that," Krillin commented, realizing that they had failed to go over what they were going to use the Dragon Balls for, because they had been so caught up in making sure that Frieza didn't get his hands on the spheres, "Considering that we're going to have to fight Frieza soon, maybe we should make Goku and Vegeta immortal... that way they'll just keep powering up every time the tyrant tries to kill them."

"Are you sure that wishing for immortality is the best use of the wish that Porunga will give us?" Rainbow inquired, not because she wanted the wish for herself or for Applejack, but because she wanted to be sure that they were using the wish wisely.

"Actually, according to the Grand Elder, Porunga will grant three wishes," Dende cut in, knowing that the group had assumed that the Namekian dragon would only grant one wish, and considering that they were racing against the clock he decided to cut to the heart of the issue, "so wishing for two people to have immortality is possible."

"Well, we'll need to resurrect at least one of our friends with the Namekian Dragon Balls," Krillin pointed out, as if he knew something that Rainbow and Applejack didn't, "at least Chiaotzu has been resurrected once by Shenron, so we'd have to ask this Porunga to resurrect him back on Earth... and Tien as well while we're at it. We can always ask Shenron to bring back everyone that Frieza killed... once we're sure that Frieza has been taken care of."

Applejack and Rainbow glanced at each other for a moment, still wondering if that was a wise use of their three wishes that the Namekian dragon could grant, but they didn't say anything as they made their way towards the spaceship. Neither of them honestly cared about making a wish themselves, as they had nothing to wish on that couldn't be resolved in time, so they were fine with the rest of the group asking Porunga for whatever they wanted.

They were silent the rest of the way to the spaceship, as if what Krillin had said would be what they wished for, though when they neared the ship they noticed Vegeta and Goku hanging on a nearby plateau, watching the soldiers the entire time.

"We've killed all of their high ranking soldiers," Vegeta commented, just as the group landed behind him and Kakarot, where they deposited the Dragon Balls on the ground before walking up to the duo, "We had best take everyone else out... before they call Frieza and tell him where we are. That means we need to be lethal when we launch our attack."

"If you say so Vegeta," Goku said, to which he, Vegeta, Rainbow, and Applejack floated into the air and flew at the spaceship, where all of them noticed that none of the soldiers even knew they were coming.

The moment they neared the spaceship, and crossed a certain threshold, Vegeta gathered a small ki blast and sent a volley down towards the ship, which separated into five separate blasts that took down five soldiers in the same instant. Goku landed on the top of the ship and punched every soldier that came his way, making sure that his punches took out all of them to the point where they stopped getting up entirety. Rainbow and Applejack entered the hole that had been created when Rainbow and Vegeta stole the Dragon Balls, the one that lead to Frieza's room, though when they entered the main part of the ship they attacked all of the soldiers that were on the inside... where eventually the two Saiyans joined them and helped them put down the rest of their enemies.

Once they had taken care of the soldiers, and there were no signs of anything else happening, Vegeta made his way to the armor room and looked around until he found a suit of armor that would fit him, though according to what he said it appeared that the suit would fit his needs despite the fact that it was missing the shoulder pieces.

"Do you think Krillin and Gohan need some armor?" Vegeta asked, catching the others by surprise for a moment, though then he seemed to reconsider what he had said, "No, that was stupid of me to ask considering what is coming our way."

"Hopefully we won't need to fight Frieza," Applejack commented, letting out a sigh as they walked outside the ship, "You know, I just had a crazy thought about the Dragon Balls; we use two of Porunga's wishes to resurrect two of your friends, while at the same time we can use the Earth ones to resurrect everyone Frieza and his men killed on this planet, and then with Porunga's final wish we could evacuate everyone back to Earth."

"Oh come on, I'm itching to use my lance again." Rainbow stated, staring at her hands for a moment, though it was clear that she was imagining summoning the lance and using it against the tyrant, "Where's the fun in running when we've already got him cornered?"

"Our mother and father told us to avoid fighting Frieza at all costs," Applejack replied, though she had known that her sister would be looking for any excuse to fight the tyrant, even if they had a viable method to get off the planet without him finding out what they were up to, "Let's not press our luck any further."

"You know, your idea might actually work," Goku spoke up, rubbing the back of his head as they flew outside the ship and made their way back towards where they had left the Dragon Balls, "King Kai just contacted me and told me that Mr. Popo has already found two of the Dragon Balls back on Earth... which means that he either had the same plan in mind, or he heard what we were saying and decided that your idea was better than what he had."

Applejack was happy to hear that someone agreed with her plan, because despite the power ups she and Rainbow had gotten, while not even mentioning the rest of their group, she knew that none of them would be able to take Frieza out. Their best option was to summon Porunga, ask for two of their friends be brought back to life, and then make sure the Eternal Dragon of Earth had his wish used up before leaving this planet behind. She also knew that their parents would be annoyed if they went back on their word and picked a fight with the tyrant, especially after they had promised not to fight Frieza unless they had been backed into a corner and fighting him was the only thing they could do.

It didn't take the group very long to return to where the Dragon Balls had been set down, though they did find that Krillin and Gohan had moved them a bit further away because Dende told them that an island was better for summoning Porunga inside of a plateau... though none of them argued with the change considering that they were running out of time.

"Now that everyone is present we can summon Porunga," Dende commented, to which everyone noticed that there was a smile on his face, which meant that he was pleased about something, before he turned his attention to the seven Dragon Balls, raised his hands so they were barely above one of the spheres, and started speaking in his native language.

At first nothing happened, leading Rainbow and Applejack to assume something had gone wrong when Dende had said whatever he had said to the Dragon Balls, but before either of them said anything the seven spheres started to pulse with an unusual type of energy. That was soon followed by the sky darkening all around them, turning the normally sunny sky into what it would look like when it was nighttime, despite the fact that Namek had no night on their planet. When the Dragon Balls were surrounding by a bright light, and that light stretched to the heaves, the girls knew that they were about to come face to face with the dragon that Dende called Porunga.

At the same time, however, Frieza slammed the back of his left hand into Nail's face, causing him to stumble backwards before Frieza used his foot and pushed his 'opponent' to the ground. Frieza was growing impatient with both the Namekian in front of him and the fact that Ginyu had yet to report his success to him, leaving him to wonder if something had happened to his feared fighting force. The Namekian, on the other hand, was so stubborn that he didn't understand how outclassed he was, because every time Frieza knocked him back, be it to the ground or into the nearby rock wall, he got back up and tried a different tactic. In the beginning it had been humorous, watching his foe try and hurt him in every way he knew from his training, but in the end he had grown tired of his foe's stubborn attitude and resolved to end the fight at long last.

That was why the Namekian was laying with his back to the ground, his hands covering his face due to the damage he had caused, while all Frieza did was let out a sigh as he turned to face the person who was only wasting his time.

"I have grown tired of asking the same thing over and over," Frieza said, staring at the wounded Namekian while wondering if this time he'd finally get what he wanted, "What's the password to use the Dragon Balls?"

"I... I told you... that I cannot reveal that information to someone... as evil as you," Nail replied, though at the same time he pulled his hands back and smiled at the tyrant, which only confused Frieza for a moment, "but then again, I never knew the password to begin with. Only the seven Elders that hold the Dragon Balls know the incantation that's necessary to summon Porunga... though the Grand Elder gave Dende the knowledge he needed to help the Earthlings get their wish. Its a shame you didn't stop him when you had the chance."

Frieza stared at the Namekian that was laying before him, recalling the small child that had flown passed him when he was nearly upon the Grand Elder's house. He had seen the child before, as it was one of the ones that Rainbow Dash and her friends had saved before Dodoria could kill them and secure the Dragon Ball. He remembered the annoyed look the child had given him when they crossed paths for that brief moment, indicating that he disliked the killing of his people for their sacred artifacts. Though the moment he realized what the Namekian had said, and what he was implying, was the moment he realized that he had been tricked into coming out here so the child had enough time to reach his destination... and thwart his attempts at achieving immortality.

The instant he realized what was going on, and annoyance flashed over his face, he noticed that the sky was turning black, which should have been impossible considering that there was no night on this forsaken planet.

"What's up with the sky?" Frieza asked, looking around for a moment while trying to wrap his head around what was going on, though that was before he noticed the Namekian chuckling to himself, "What's so funny?"

"The Earthlings have the password," Nail stated, looking up at the sky with a huge smile on his face, knowing that his sacrifice hadn't been in vain, "the black sky means that they have summoned Porunga and are about to make their wish. Score one for the good guys."

Frieza couldn't believe his luck at the moment, which was why he burst into the air and soared towards the location where Vegeta was located, knowing that he had to be behind what was happening. As his scouter searched for Vegeta's power level he discovered that not only had the number of power levels he could pick up diminished since he last activated the device, but there was also no signs of the Ginyu Force at all.

"Why aren't the Ginyu Force showing up?" Frieza demanded, though not a few seconds later the answer came to him, which only served to piss him off even more, "Oh, they're dead.... WHY ARE THEY DEAD?!"

Nail continued to chuckle as Frieza flew away from where he was laying, his anger blinding him to the fact that there was someone else in the area he had just departed from. Piccolo carefully emerged from his hiding place and approached Nail, dropping to one knee as he looked over the other Namekian's wounds and determined how much time he had left. Nail had another surprise waiting for Frieza, which he was going to give to Piccolo once the tyrant was far enough away from where they were resting... though he had the strangest feeling that Frieza was going to be more surprised by one was waiting for them by Porunga.

When the light dimmed down a bit both Rainbow and Applejack were finally able to look upon the Eternal Dragon that was known as Porunga, though what they found surprised them. The dragon appeared to have a heavily muscled upper body, where he had large muscles in his shoulders, in his arms, and even had what appeared to be a well defined four pack. Porunga's head appeared to be alligator like in appearance, though he also had the same antenna that the Namekians had while having a fin run down the entire length of his body, as well as some spikes on his shoulders and head. The lower part of his body was that of a serpent, though there appeared to be no true end to his body as the end of his tail went into the light that was in front of Dende, which had been where the Dragon Balls had been located.

After taking the Eternal Dragon's appearance into consideration, and what little they knew about dragons to begin with, both of the girls found him to be a little intimidating.

"Wow, so this is Porunga," Krillin commented, with a hint of fear in his voice, though he shook his head and steeled himself a moment later, "He's as intimidating as Shenron is... and even larger than Shenron as well."

"T... This is the first time I've ever seen Porunga," Dende admitted, knowing that those that had seen the Eternal Dragon from Earth were shocked by the appearance of Namek's dragon, while at the same time he knew that it was a good experience for those that hadn't met either one of them yet.

"Those who have gathered the Dragon Balls," Porunga said, his voice immediately causing everyone below him to quiet down while he spoke, "now speak your wishes. I shall grant you any three wishes, as long as they are within my ability to grant."

"Sweet," Krillin said, turning to Dende for a moment, a look of purpose in his eyes, "Can you ask Porunga to revive everyone that the Saiyan known as Nappa killed back on Earth?"

Dende nodded and started speaking to Porunga, translating the wish into his native language so the dragon could understand it, which told everyone that wishes had to be made in the Namekian language. For a few seconds nothing happened, making them all wonder if it was possible to resurrect multiple people with the first Eternal Dragon, though when Porunga opened his mouth everyone remained silent.

"That wish cannot be granted," Porunga stated, much to Krillin's dismay when he realized that the wish had failed, "Restoring the dead to life can only be accomplished for one individual at a time."

"That actually makes this a lot easier in some regards," Vegeta commented, a smile appearing on his face as he turned to Krillin and Gohan, "We'll just do what Applejack suggested, with back two of your friends and then use the third wish to transport everyone on the planet, excluding Freiza, to Earth. Then we can see to creating a new Planet Namek somewhere for the Namekians to live, because I'm sure Frieza will blow the planet to pieces once he's realized we tricked him."

"Okay, that should work," Dende said, turning his attention to Krillin for a moment, indicating that he needed the names of those he was trying to wish back, "who am I wishing for?"

"Our friends Tien Shinhan and Chiaotzu," Krillin replied, a smile returning to his face for a moment, knowing that they could get most of their friends brought back to life before they had to leave the planet.

Dende nodded and spoke the first wish to Porunga, speaking Tien's name for a moment, though that was rapidly followed by the dragon proclaiming that the wish had been granted. A few seconds later Goku, who was in contact with King Kai, agreed that Tien was alive, which was understandable considering that the person in question had been on King Kai's planet the entire time. With the first person brought back to life Porunga declared that he was ready for the second wish the group had for them, to which Dende called out Chiaotzu's name in the same wish he had used for Tien. Another couple of seconds passed before the dragon proclaimed that the wish had been granted as well, and was confirmed by King Kai, to which the dragon asked for what their third wish was.

Before they bothered to make their third wish, and send Porunga back into the Dragon Balls so they could disperse, Goku learned that four of the Earth Dragon Balls had been gathered... though it would take another hour or two before Mr. Popo could resurrect all of the Namekians that Frieza had killed in order to gain the Dragon Balls. As they got closer together to determine how to go about the time between the awakening of Shenron, and Mr. Popo bringing all the dead Namekians to life, they noticed that the light around Porunga was starting to flicker. For a moment happened, causing everyone to worry about what was going to happen next, though that was before Porunga's eyes went dark and smoke started to emit from his body... which was followed by the dragon turning into a surge of energy that raced towards the sky.

The following release of energy, almost like an explosion going off above their heads, destroyed Porunga and sent the seven Dragon Balls down towards the ground, to which they landed in a perfect circle around the group... only they had turned to solid stone.

"W... what just happened? Vegeta asked, because at this point if the dragon was dead, which it appeared to be at the moment, then there was no way for them to get off the planet without Frieza finding them.

"Dende... does this mean the Grand Elder has passed away?" Gohan inquired, as he had never heard of anything like this happening to the Eternal Dragon of Earth before, but then again he had never seen Shenron to begin with so he wasn't familiar with what could happen to one of the wish granting dragons.

"...yes..." Dende replied, sadness filling his voice as tears ran down his face, though he made no effort to hide what he was feeling, "the Grand Elder is dead... and so is Porunga."

"Ladies and gentlemen, you've really done it now," a voice above them said, to which everyone turned towards the top of the closest rock wall and found Frieza standing there, looking down at all of them with a look of pure anger in his eyes, "You have done a wonderful job at shattering my dreams for immortality... though I trust that all of you are prepared to pay the price for your various acts of defiance against me, especially you Rainbow Dash."

"Tell me something," Rainbow said, staring at the tyrant as everyone looked at her, wondering what was going through her mind at the moment, "do my friends and I have to fight you to resolve this mess?"

"I would accept no other alternative to punishing all of you," Frieza immediately replied, though a smile appeared on his face as he held his left hand out, "though it will be more like you struggling against me while I slowly slaughter all of you."

"And would you say that we have no choice in the matter?" Rainbow asked, though at the same time Applejack nodded her head for a brief second, understanding that Rainbow wanted to be sure that this wasn't going to break their promise to their parents.

"Your only choice in the matter is fighting and dying by my hand," Frieza declared, not really understanding why Rainbow was even asking these questions, or why the other pony girl had nodded her head for a brief second.

"That's exactly what I wanted to hear," Rainbow said, grinning as she released her ki, to which she disappeared and caused Frieza to look around for a few seconds.

What followed next was Rainbow appearing to Frieza's right and planting the bottom of her right hoof against the side of his head, using the speed behind her movements to knock Frieza from where he was standing and sent him flying into the other plateau the island had. As Rainbow landed she brought her hands together by her side and started charging her attack, while at the same time everyone else backed away before they were caught in the crossfire. The moment Frieza's shadow appeared in the smoke Rainbow leveled her hands with the plateau and released the Kamehameha, which surged into the hole she had created and exploded upon impacting something.

A few seconds later Frieza flew out of the smoke and landed near Rainbow, though he took a moment to wipe off the dust that had gotten on his armor while he stared at her.

"You know, I'm actually glad that Ginyu didn't defeat you," Frieza said, a smile appearing on his face as he stared at Rainbow, "because now I can beat you into the ground before I kill you!"

"Go ahead and try," Rainbow replied, dropping into her battle stance as she faced the tyrant, who made no such movements, as if he was studying her before making a move.

Applejack, on the other hand, watched her sister as she became the first one to do battle with Frieza, knowing that they didn't have the strength necessary to beat their opponent yet. She knew that the best they could hope for was Mr. Popo using the Dragon Balls on Earth to resurrect everyone that Frieza and his men had killed, while hoping that the Grand Elder was included on that list. If they could bring the Grand Elder and Porunga back, and got Dende to the dragon without Frieza noticing, they could evacuate everyone from Namek and get them safely to Earth.

Even as everyone else prepared for the fight, where they would eventually have to take a turn against Frieza, Applejack could only hope that they could last long enough to use the third wish on the Namekian Dragon Balls... while also silently praying to her parents that nobody died during the fight.

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