• Published 26th Jan 2017
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Dragon Ball Z: Daughters of Destruction - Blackdrag-rose

Rainbow Dash and Applejack are transported to a strange world, where they are raised by Beerus the Destroyer and his attendant Whis.

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Majin: Starting the Tournament

Trunks and Goten watched the three men enter the building that was in front of them and disappear, though as they stared at the structure they were half aware of the fact that the announcer was speaking to the audience. Based on what they had told, by the Supreme Kai of the universe no less, they knew that two of the men they had been watching were definitely trouble. Mighty Mask, on the other hand, was a mystery, as it appeared that he and Babidi's men were doing the same actions at the same time, but they never stopped and talked with each other, making it look like they weren't together and that everything that had happened so far was pure chance.

Trunks only knew when the announcer was addressing him because Goten was tugging on his shoulder, to which he turned towards the man that was standing near the stairs that lead into the ring... and it appeared that he was expecting some sort of answer from him.

"Sorry, I got caught up in the fact that I won and spaced out for a moment." Trunks said, though he turned away from the building and faced the announcer, to which he rubbed the back of his head for a moment, "Um... what were you asking me again?"

"That's perfectly fine for someone of your age, because I'm sure that winning came as quite the shock for you." the announcer said, though at the same time he knew that the two kids had been looking out for the person that he had been asked about, but didn't mention that to anyone around them and played along with, "Now then, would you like to take a break before you fight the Champion, Mr. Satan, or would you like to face him right now?"

Trunks actually had to think about the question for a moment, because if he decided to go ahead with the fight he would speed up Yamu and Spopovich's plans, while at the same time stalling the match would delay their plans as well. His parents and grandparents had told him to think about things before he put any plans into motion, though generally he ignored that and dove headfirst into the situation... but this time was different. They were facing one of the evilest Saiyans to grace their race in all of the years since they had landed on Planet Vegeta, and he was sure that there had to be more than just Nappa in that list, along with the fact that he was planning on releasing Majin Buu when he had the chance to do whatever he had come to the tournament to do.

For a moment he actually considered stalling his match with Mr. Satan, just to push Yamu and Spopovich's plans back, but after a moment he sighed and faced the announcer once more.

"I've come to a decision," Trunks said, knowing that the audience would be eagerly awaiting his answer, though at the same time the announcer leaned forward so his voice could be heard by everyone, "I would like to fight the Champion, Mr. Satan, right now."

"As you wish." the announcer said, to which he drew himself back and waved a hand towards the same building that Trunks and Gotan had been looking at for a few seconds, while at the same time grinning as the crowd started to do the 'Satan Call' once more, "Mr. Satan, your opponent waits for your arrival."

A few seconds later Mr. Satan, having reattached both his cape and his World Championship Belt since Trunks had last seen him, walked out of the building he had been hiding in and threw his hands into the air, causing the crowd to really cheer for him. He then stopped when he was halfway to the ring, though Trunks could immediately tell that he had Goten must have put on more of a show than they had realized, because Mr. Satan seemed a little afraid of even approaching the ring... despite the fact that none of his fans seemed to have noticed his mood.

"Who is this youngster that challenges the World Champion, Mr. Satan?" Mr. Satan asked, putting on the bravest face that he could, clearing doing his best to hide whatever fear he was feeling from his fans, though at the same time he walked into the ring and pointed at Trunks, "It's you then?! I hope you are ready."

"As ready as I'll ever be." Trunks replied, though at the same time he did his best to sound like an excited child that was getting the opportunity to face Mr. Satan, even though he wasn't too thrilled about this part of his winnings.

What promptly followed Trunks' words were the fact that Mr. Satan removed his cape and belt, similar to how he had taken them off earlier, and replaced his Championship Belt with an ordinary belt that was worn with a gi, like the one that Trunks was wearing at the moment. Mr. Satan then showed off a few of his moves, mainly to please the audience that was watching them, but he made no move to approach Trunks just yet... to which Trunks stretched for a few seconds, which caused Mr. Satan to stop what he was doing and walk over to him.

"What are you getting so worked up for?" Mr. Satan asked, though at the same time Trunks detected a hint of fear in his voice, meaning that the man feared that he was going to immediately kill him or something, "This is mainly just an... attraction... for everyone else. You know, just a bit of light fun."

"Don't worry about it old man, I wasn't planning on getting serious with you." Trunks commented, causing Mr. Satan to raise an eyebrow, as it appeared that he had no idea what he was referring to and Trunks wanted to keep it that way for as long as he could, "I just figured that we could throw a couple of punches and then wrap up the match."

Before Mr. Satan could say anything to what Trunks had said, however, the announcer decided to start the match right away, despite that fact that he wasn't ready to fight just yet, though that was followed by Trunks approaching him and throwing several punches at him. Mr. Satan, who had been watching the boy's fight with his best friend, as he could tell that they were friends without someone telling him that fact, was shocked to find that Trunks was purposely missing with each of his swings. He wasn't sure if the kid was trying to make it seem like he was the stronger fighter, as the crowd was cheering for him and not the boy, or if he was just playing around... but at the same time he still backed away from Trunks, who followed after him.

A few seconds later Mr. Satan, who wasn't paying attention to where he was going, soon found himself laying on the ground outside of the ring... though before the crowd could complain about what had happened he jumped onto his feet and posed for everyone, before turning his attention to Trunks.

"You man, you have a talent for martial arts." Mr. Satan declared, though his tone seemed to indicate that he had 'let' Trunks win this match, considering that he was a kid fighting an adult, to which the crowd cheered him on for purposely losing the match, meaning that they would be expecting something more from him in the Senior Division, "You got me this time, so the old man will take his defeat... and the knowledge that in a few years a worthy challenger will definitely face me in the ring, for real."

Trunks, really not knowing what else to do in this situation, just smiled and acted like an excited child that was getting that one present he had asked for and wasn't sure he was going to get, until he opened the box and found what he truly wanted. On the inside, however, he was thinking about what he and Goten were going to do if Yamu and Spopovich made their move... and who might get hurt if either of the men did something stupid.

Up in the stands, however, stood the rest of the Z Warriors, who actually had to laugh when they noticed that Mr. Satan and Trunks seemed to be playing along with the fact that everyone else believed that Mr. Satan had purposely lost to Trunks. They all deemed it better this way, as Mr. Satan's reputation was still intact and Trunks didn't show off anything that would have made Babidi's minions make their move. As Trunks and Goten returned to the building that Mr. Satan had walked back into, after collecting his cape and belt, the announcer announced that they would be taking a thirty minute break before they determined the order of the Senior Division... which gave them some time to get something to eat before they had to prepare themselves.

Rainbow and Applejack, however, remained with their sister and the rest of their group, as they would be able to see things better from where they were standing... to which Vegeta and the others made their way down the stairs and followed Videl towards one of the entrances that would take them to a small shop, where they could get a quick bite to eat before they needed to return. They were, however, stopped by a pair of staff members who were blocking the entrance they needed to pass through, though none of them were worried about this at all.

"I'm sorry, but the only people allowed passed this point are the contestants that have qualified for the Senior Division." one of the men said, to which he held his arms out, as if he was actually trying to prevent them from passing through the area.

"Wait, so the results of the preliminaries are already in?" Videl asked, as she had never heard of the results being made so quickly, but after everything she had seen from this group so far she guessed that they made the process so much easier.

"That is correct," the man replied, to which he immediately retracted his arms and reached into his clothing, where he withdrew a list that he had been hiding and opened it up, "Just tell me your names and I will tell you if you have qualified for the Senior Division."

"My name is Son Goku." Goku replied, though at the same time he had forgotten this part of the tournament, where they had a list to verify if someone was actually one of the sixteen contestants.

"I am Vegeta." Vegeta said, to which he offered the two men a smile, as he wasn't too annoyed about this, as he had no knowledge that this was even part of the tournament procedure and should have asked Bulma about it before they had come to the island.

"18." Android 18 stated, though while she appeared to be the only one slightly annoyed by this turn of events, she did her best to appear friendly and, more importantly, not annoyed about something.

"My name is Krillin." Krillin said, though at the same time he smiled as well, because he knew that all of them had qualified for the Senior Division and wasn't worried about anything.

"I am the Great Saiyaman." Gohan stated, acting the part of his superhero persona, just so the staff members didn't ask questions and let them move on, without stopping them for anything.

"I am Ma Junior." Piccolo answered, though he was slightly glad that neither of the staff members were asking about the color of his skin, as one person had asked about that and he had accidentally scared them off when he told them that this was his natural skin color.

"I'm Videl." Videl said, though she was still had a few chuckles left in her, as she knew that her father had purposely lost to a child that could have easily beaten him, but she wasn't about to ruin her father's fun.

"My name is Shin." Shin said, to which he offered the two staff members a smile as well, as they were only doing their duties and he couldn't fault them for following their orders.

"And I am Kibito." Kibito finished off, offering a much smaller smile to the two men in front of them, while at the same time keeping his eyes peeled for either of Babidi's men.

"I... I don't believe it. All of you have qualified for the Senior Division." the man said, to which his partner ran over and double checked the list of names that they had with the names they had been given, though that was followed by both of them moving out of the way, "There will be a drawing at 1:30 to determine the order of your matches, so please keep an eye on the time."

Once they were through the entrance that the two men happened to be standing in front of, and had some distance on them, Videl brought them to a small shop that they could sit down in and have a quick bit to eat. It was then that she got her first real experience with Saiyan's and their appetite, to which she was promised that she would learn all about the race later on. At the same time Shin told them that they should continue what they have been doing and act like they belong, which meant that when it came time for the drawing they needed to act normally and observe who their opponents were. They were still unsure of whether Mighty Mask was an innocent civilian that was in the wrong place at the wrong time, or if he was another minion of Babidi's that they didn't know about... but Shin couldn't stress that they needed to be careful, especially since they were drawing closer to what Yamu and Spopovich had been waiting for; the start of the Senior Division.

Still, to make everyone feel slightly better about what they were about to do, Shin raised a glass and toasted to their individual success... while at the same time taking their minds off of the upcoming drawing for a few seconds.

When they were finished with their meal, and the majority of the intermission time had been used up, the group pulled themselves from their seats and made their way to the area that the drawing would be held in, knowing that soon they would be seeing who they would be fighting against in the Senior Division. As they entered the small courtyard like area they noticed that the announcer and some of the staff members had already gathered for the drawing, as they had set up a table, with a box that contained all the numbers they could pick from, as well as a whiteboard that had the tournament layout already written on it's surface. The nine of them noticed that Yamu and Spopovich had arrived as well, as they were lurking near one of the walls and were keeping an eye on everyone, and three other human fighters that would fall in a matter of seconds.

Vegeta, of course, immediately noticed Mighty Mask standing alone once more, though this time he had his eyes closed as he waited for the drawing to begin... while at the same time Videl noticed that her father, the final of the sixteen contestants, was nowhere to be seen at the moment, making her worry about him.

"Ah, the group of nine has arrived at last," the announcer said, though it was clear that he was speaking to himself and not one of the staff members around him, who had likely noticed the group's arrival as well, before he pulled up his clipboard and noticed that they were still one fighter short, "Well then, I guess its time to call Mr. Satan down and have him join the others for the drawing."

"Actually, Mr. Satan said that he would be having a quick rest before the drawing started," one of the staff members said, causing the announcer to look at him for a few seconds, "but he did say that, if he wasn't present when everyone else had arrived, we are to assume that he might have overslept and draw his position in the Senior Division for him."

"Really?" the announcer said, as he wasn't convinced that Mr. Satan was doing that at the moment, but he said nothing as he let out a sigh and put on his game face once more, "Very well then, we shall simply draw his number for him when it comes time for his turn to draw."

With that said he and the staff members turned to face the assembled fighters, to which those that weren't looking in their direction seemed to sense a change in the air and turned their attention to the announcer... meaning that all of them were eager to see what happened next, once they had all drawn their numbers.

"Everyone, we will now be holding the drawing to determine your match order," the announcer said, though at the same time he was pleased to find that everyone was now looking at him, as even Mighty Mask had opened his eyes and was staring in his direction, "When your name is called, please come forward and draw one of the balls from this box... it will contain the number of your position in the Senior Division and will determine who you will be fighting. I will be calling you in Japanese alphabetical order... starting with Contestant Killa."

The man who stepped forward was a tall man with dark skin that had some decent sized muscles, which happened to be smaller than the ones that Spopovich had. He happened to be wearing light green colored pants, a small yellow colored belt, and a dark green colored shirt that had no sleeves on it, while at the same time showing off the fact that both of his arms were wrapped in martial artist bandages, which were wrapped around his hands and stopped below his elbows. Killa barely had any hair on his head, as it was cut incredibly short, though everyone silently watched as he walked forward and reached into the box that one of the staff members was holding onto.

A few seconds later, with everyone watching him, Killa withdrew his hand from the box and looked down at the ball he had grabbed, to which he smiled as he showed it to the announcer.

"Number 15," Killa said, though at the same time he allowed the announcer to take the ball from him and return to where he had been standing a minute ago, while at the same time the staff members told each other what Killa had drew and wrote that down on the board in front of them.

"Right, Number 15," the announcer confirmed, moving to place the numbered ball in the container that it had been in up until this point in time, before he looked back at the list and moved his finger towards the second name, "Next is Contestant Kibito."

Kibito nodded and approached the table that the box was sitting on, to which he reached into the box and moved the balls around for a few seconds, making it appear that he was testing his luck... to which he pulled out the ball with the number 7 on it.

"Number 7." Kibito said, showing the announcer and the staff the number he had pulled out, before handing it back to the announcer and taking his place by Shin.

"Next is Contestant Krillin," the announcer commented, though at the same time he was pleased to call forth one of the original group, as he was bound to get a good number and a decent opponent.

"Let's see what number I get," Krillin said, to which he walked forward and reached into the box, where he moved hs hand over the remaining balls before pulling one out, though he chuckled for a moment, "I'm the third one called and I pulled out the number 3 ball."

"Right," the announcer said, though he had to chuckle as well for a few seconds, as he also found it funny that the third person called managed to draw the number 3 ball, before he grew serious once more, "Now then, the next one up is Contestant Great Saiyaman."

Gohan nodded and walked foward, to which he reached into the box and did the same thing that the others had done so far, though when he pulled his ball out he found that he had pulled out the one with the number 8 one it... meaning that he was going to be matched up with Kibito. To be perfectly honest he was excited to see what sort of power the bodyguard for the Supreme Kai of the universe had, but he knew that he wouldn't be seeing that until later, if Kibito wanted to spar with him at some point. After he had returned to the group, however, the announcer called 18 forward next, where she walked up to the box, moved the balls around, and pulled out the number 9 ball.

"Next up is Contestant Shin," the announcer said, though at the same time he found that some of the group of nine would be either fighting each other immediately or would be once they reached the second round, which would make things much more exciting for everyone.

"Right." Shin said, to which he walked forward and repeated the movements that the others had gone through, though a few seconds later he pulled out a ball and looked at it, "Number 5."

"That's a good number," the announcer commented, penning the number onto his sheet as the staff did the same thing with the whiteboard, before he looked up at the remaining contestants, "Next up is Contestant Spopovich."

The Z Warriors glanced over at the brute for a moment, who seemed to have not heard that his name had been called, before Yamu patted his shoulder and beckoned to the table. Spopovich pulled himself out of the sitting position he had been in and walked over to the table, to which he reached into the box and moved the balls around in a fashion that made the box shake. The announcer commented that he hadn't realized that the man had been Spopovich when he had first laid eyes on him and said that he must have gone through some intense training to reach this point... though a few seconds later the brute pulled out a ball and handed it to the announcer, who said that Spopovich had pulled out the number 14 ball.

The person that followed Spopovich was someone called Jewel, who was a guy that had blond colored hair that happened to be wearing a martial arts uniform that was different from what the Z Warriors were used to... where they discovered that he had drawn the number 16 ball.

"The next contestant is... Son Goku." the announcer said, though his smile returned for a few moments, as this was definitely going to be an interesting number that the man drew.

"I'm so excited," Goku said, to which he walked forward and reached into the box, though a few minutes later he pulled out the ball and noticed that it was the number 11 ball, "Aw, my opponent hasn't been decided yet."

"Not yet anyway," the announcer agreed, knowing that Goku wanted a decent opponent when he stepped into the ring, before he looked down at the list once more, "Next up is Contestant Videl."

"Yes." Videl said, to which she walked towards the table and reached into the box, though while she moved the balls around there was something she needed to ask, "So what's wrong with my father?"

"Oh, Mr. Satan is taking a rest at the moment." the announcer replied, not even wasting a second in answering the question, though he offered her a nervous smile, "Don't worry, he'll be ready for the tournament soon enough."

Videl stared at the man for a few seconds, as she wasn't sure that her father would even want to participate if Goku and the others were involved, but she sighed and pulled out a ball... to which she discovered that she had drawn the number 13 ball, which meant that her opponent was Spopovich, one of Babidi's men. The next person to draw a number was someone called Pintar, who was a large man, in terms of size and weight, that happened to be wearing a suit that reminded the Z Warriors of the clothing that Mr. Popo wore all the time. It was fair to say that Pintar could have passed for a fat genie, though he drew the number 4 ball and was destined to be Krillin's opponent... which meant that he had to listen to the man boast for a few minutes before returning to where he had been standing the entire time.

Krillin sighed for a moment, because all of Pintar's boasts told him that he could easily defeat the large man in one or two hits, which meant that the second round would be more interesting for him.

"Let's see," the announcer said, feeling slightly sorry for Pintar, because he had just assured that his fight would go quickly, before he looked down at the list once more, "next is Contestant Vegeta."

Vegeta, who had been looking away from Mighty Mask the entire time they had been in this area, let out a sigh as he walked towards the box and reached into it. He wondered if he was going to draw the number 12 ball and claim Goku as his opponent, which would have been slightly amusing, though when he pulled his hand out he found that he had actually drawn the number 1 ball. His match, against an opponent who hadn't been decided yet, was going to be right off the bat, though it appeared that his opponent could be Piccolo, Yamu, Mr. Satan, or Mighty Mask. He showed the ball to the announcer, who nodded and took it from him, before he headed back to where the others were standing... though it was clear that all of them were curious about who his opponent was.

"Next up is Contestant Mighty Mask," the announcer said, to which everyone had to turn and look at the masked fighter, who was grinning as he stepped forward.

Mighty Mask approached the table and reached into the box, where he silently moved around the remaining balls that were inside it, though a few seconds later he pulled out a ball and handed it over to the announcer.

"Let's see here," the announcer said, not surprised that the masked fighter wouldn't want to talk with some many people around, as sometimes they did that to avoid revealing who they were in case one of their friends was nearby, "Contestant Might Mask drew the number 2 ball."

Vegeta was stunned for a moment, because despite the fact that there weren't that many balls left he found it odd that the masked fighter was able to draw the ball that had the number that was paired with his. What he didn't like, however, was the smile that the man had on his face, as if he had been hoping for this the entire time, before he turned around and went back to where he had been standing earlier.

"I have to fight him?" Vegeta said, as he wasn't sure if he should be glad to have to fight the masked fighter or if he should be annoyed, but at this point it was too late to change the numbers they had drawn.

"It would seem so," Goku commented, though at the same time he glanced at the masked fighter as well, as there was definitely something about him that worried him, "Don't let your guard down... we don't know anything about him and he's bound to have a trick hidden somewhere."

Vegeta nodded, as he completely agreed with Goku on that point, but there was still something about the masked fighter that continued to remind him of Nappa... and he honestly hated having the constant reminder looking at him all the time.

"Next, Contestant Ma Junior." the announcer said, to which Piccolo walked forward and reached into the box, though a few seconds later he pulled his chosen ball out and handed it to him, "And Ma Junior has drawn the number 6 ball."

Piccolo glanced at Shin as he walked back towards the group, as he was curious as to how he would fare in a battle with the Supreme Kai of the universe. After that the announcer declared that he would be picking the number that Mr. Satan would have drawn, to which he pulled out the number 10 ball, indicating that 18 would be the one to fight the World Champ when their match came up. A few seconds later Yamu, the final contestant, stepped forward and drew the final ball, the number 12 ball that indicated he would be Goku's opponent, before the announcer asked them to follow him towards the waiting area.

Vegeta stared at Mighty Mask as everyone followed the announcer, because soon he would be able to figure out what was up with the man and why an intense hatred burned in his eyes every time the masked fighter looked at him. He still considered the possibility that he could be Nappa, more because of his body type than anything else, but there was still that one nagging feeling that was screaming to him every time he glanced at the man. His mind was telling him that the masked fighter had to be Nappa, even though they had no evidence to support that theory at the moment... but even so he kept the idea in mind. If Mighty Mask was actually Nappa, however, Vegeta was sure that his fighting style would have remained the same, though he kept that to himself as he considered how to win the first round.

All Vegeta knew was that his match was going to be very interesting, especially since fate wanted him and the masked fighter to fight immediately, though he was more than willing to figure out what was wrong with the man... even if he had to tear off his mask at some point in the next couple of minutes.

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