• Published 26th Jan 2017
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Dragon Ball Z: Daughters of Destruction - Blackdrag-rose

Rainbow Dash and Applejack are transported to a strange world, where they are raised by Beerus the Destroyer and his attendant Whis.

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Future: Terrible Truth

Beerus and the others flew back to Universe 7 in silence, because it wasn't every day that Beerus, or any of the Gods of Destruction really, went out of their way to kill another god, especially an apprentice like Zamasu, but he still did it anyway to prevent a terrible future from becoming their reality. They all knew that Zamasu would have killed Gowasu, thus killing Rumsshi in the process, though there was no telling how many other gods he would have toppled before he started his mad quest to obliterate humanity. From the looks of the future that Future Trunks and Future Gale came from, and how depressing it was, Beerus had to assume that the vast majority of the Gods, both the Kaioshin and the Hakaishin, had to have been killed by the Future Zamasu, which meant that it was a good thing that he had stopped that future from happening, even if that meant another Time Ring had likely been created with Zamasu's death.

At the same time, however, something bothered Beerus, because from what they had seen Black was the one wearing the Time Ring and not Future Zamasu, which made him wonder if Applejack had actually hit the nail on the head with her theory about what happened. If that was the case, and she was right about Black being another Zamasu, then erasing the Present Zamasu wouldn't have changed the future, since Black was wearing the ring. A part of him hoped that Applejack was wrong, just so they didn't have to meddle with the flow of time anymore, but at the same time he had the feeling that she was right and that they, along with the rest of their friends, would be returning to the future soon. Personally he wanted Rainbow and Applejack to stay here, where it was safe for them, but he knew that they weren't about to let their friends go off and fight the evil duo again, especially after what happened last time.

In the end Beerus simply sighed and wrapped his arm around Chronoa, because he knew that things were going to get exciting once they returned to Earth, though how exciting depended on what happened to the future, which they could figure out the moment they reached their destination.

When they returned to Earth they found Future Trunks and Future Gale practicing with each other while their present counterparts observed their movements, while also noticing that Bulma and the others were watching them as they waited for the group to come back with news about what happened in Universe 10. The moment Whis appeared above the Capsule Corp building everyone stopped what they were doing, which they did every time he appeared like this, and he gently placed them on the ground before dispelling the bubble. The group then waited for the rest of their friends to gather around them, though Beerus mentally chuckled when he saw that all of them were definitely interested in what he and his group had been up to. At the same time, however, his group separated from each other to give themselves some room, since they had been standing close to each other since their departure from Universe 10, before they all faced the group that had remained on Earth.

"So? What happened in Universe 10?" Bulma asked, knowing that something must have happened, because the air around the group was slightly different than it had been earlier, when they were getting ready to leave for Gowasu's temple to check up on him.

"Zamasu tried to kill Gowasu and then attempted to hurt Goku in my presence," Beerus stated, though at the same time he sighed, because so far it appeared that he was only destroying people, lately anyway, that threatened his friends or his immediate family, "so, for his crimes he committed against Gowasu, I erased his existence... much like Rainbow did back during the Cell Games to her opponent."

"Then that means it's over," Future Gale said, to which a smile appeared on her face, because if Applejack's theory was correct then the future was a much better place and they wouldn't be depressed when they arrived back in the era that she and Future Trunks were from.

"Lord Beerus, what exactly will happen to the future?" Future Trunks asked, as there was a feeling that he couldn't shake, no matter how hopefully he should be at the moment, especially after everything he and Future Gale endured over the last year of running.

"If a god destroys another god, even an apprentice, there's no way that the future would be unaffected," Beerus replied, to which he sighed for a moment, as there was the other side of the statement that most of the gods refused to acknowledge, "but, if Applejack's theory is correct, simply destroying the Present Zamasu will have had no change on Black or the Future Zamasu, since Black is the one wearing the Time Ring. That means that the future will not have changed and that you would be stuck with the evil pair until someone defeated them, or simply erased them from existence."

"Then I hope Applejack is wrong and that the future will have changed since Zamasu's death," Future Trunks said, to which he glanced over at the pony girl in question, who seemed to have her eyes closed at the moment, only for them to open when she sensed that he was staring at her, "I hope you aren't angry at me for saying such a thing."

"Hey, everyone has to be wrong every now and then," Applejack said, though at the same time she shrugged, because there were times where she was right and other times where she was wrong, meaning that no one was perfect, before she glanced at the time machine again, "Truth be told I'm curious about whether I was right or wrong with my own eyes, though we'll never fit all of us in the time machine, not without making multiple trips."

"Actually, I can help you with that," Chronoa spoke up, to which her energy gathered around her as she weaved some of it around the time machine, creating a large bubble around it, one that could be turned off and on with a new button that had been safely installed inside the control panel, "I just added a small addition to the time machine, one that allows a bubble, like the one Whis uses for travel, to form around the machine, sealing the device and everyone around it in a protective bubble for the journey through the time stream. All you have to do is stand near the time machine when the button is activated and you'll be locked inside a bubble that's like the cube we rode in for the tournament, meaning that more people can go to the future with Future Trunks and Future Gale."

Beerus still didn't like the idea of letting his girls go to the future, where Black and Future Zamasu were waiting, but at the same time he knew that they would go regardless, to which he simply said nothing about forbidding them from going to the future. At the same time, however, Bulma said that before anyone went to the future, to see if it had changed or not, they would all sit down and have a pleasant meal together, to boost their strength in the off chance that they actually had to fight someone in the future. As such the two groups settled in for a few minutes and simply socialized as Bulma and Chronoa put the finishing touches on the meal that was being prepared, though when the night started to make itself known the duo served everything that had been made, causing everyone to smile as they all gathered around and enjoyed each others company... as well as the delicious food that had been made for all of them.

During that time Future Gale inquired if Beerus would like to come along as well, to see the future for himself, but Beerus was quick to refuse the offer, since if he went back and forth through time in such a manner he would alter history as well, though in what way he wasn't sure. Even if Chronoa was able to tell him that his visit to the future had no ill consequences for Future Trunks' era, with a one hundred percent certainty, he still wouldn't do it, as it was dangerous for people like him to meddle with the time stream. Privately he knew that the only reason he would even consider going to the future, and risking major damage in the process, was if his girls were in danger, something that he was sure everyone knew he'd do, but he didn't say anything and no one brought it up either.

When it came time for the group to leave for the future, however, a few things happened, with the first being that Bulma insisted on coming along, because if a miracle happened and the future was changed none of the warriors knew how to operate the time machine, something that they all agreed with. The second thing that happened was that Goku picked up the bag of Senzu Beans and stored them away, in an area where their foes wouldn't see it until it was too late to stop them from using one of them in case a fight happened in the future. The third, and final, event that occurred was that Shin asked for Rainbow and Applejack to follow him for a moment, as there was something private he wanted to tell them before they left for the future, causing the girls to raise an eyebrow as they followed Shin to a more secluded place.

"What's wrong Shin?" Rainbow asked, because she had never seen the Kaioshin for Universe 7 like this, asking to speak to them and tell them something that not even their father deserved to know.

"I might be paranoid in thinking you might need these, but I'd rather make sure you had them and didn't need to use them, rather than need them and not have them," Shin replied, to which he pulled out a small box, one that usually came with a small pair of earrings, and handed it to Applejack, who opened it and revealed a pair of Potara inside it, "I pray that you don't need to use those in battle, but if your foe becomes even stronger than the two of you, and Raijack for that matter, then you have a backup plan."

"Right." Applejack said, to which she carefully stored the package inside her hat, which actually had an area where she could hide something without risking it being destroyed, before she donned the hat once more, "Come on, let's not keep the others waiting for us."

Rainbow and Applejack were still excited to be joining Future Trunks, Future Gale, Goku, Vegeta, Frieza, and Bulma on their journey back to the future, so when they returned to the group they stood next to the time machine while Shin rejoined their father's group. It was then that they discovered that Bulma had also prepared a new jacket, in the style of the old one that Future Trunks had been wearing, for him to use, which he immediately put on, and a new set of gi that resembled Future Gale's old gi, which she happily changed into before returning to the group. Once everyone was ready Bulma and the future warriors climbed into the cockpit of the time machine and started powering it up, to which the warriors that were coming with them touched a part of the machine as the bubble started to form around them.

A few moments later, with the protective bubble completely surrounding the immediate area around the machine and lights all showing green, Future Thrunks moved the controls and the time machine shot into the air... before disappearing as it slipped into the time stream once more.

Moments after the time machine, and the warriors it was carrying, departed from the past they arrived in the future, though those that had been here before were shocked to see that the future was as ruined as it had been before the Present Zamasu had been killed. Applejack, usually being the better person, resisted the temptation to tell everyone that she told them so and focused on what they were seeing, while at the same time Rainbow looked around the area, as she was curious as to whether Black and Zamasu had felt their return yet. Trunks, however, carefully brought them to the ground and started to power down the time machine, allowing all of the warriors to remove their hands from the machine as they separated from it, giving Bulma and Gale a chance to climb out. A few seconds later, when the time machine was fully powered down, Trunks hopped out of it and reverted it back to a capsule, which he carefully stored away as they started to move away from the ruined Capsule Corp building.

As they walked, however, Applejack made a statement that only those that were familiar with her abilities understood, leaving Trunks and Gale in the dark for a few seconds, until someone explained it to them anyway.

"The Earth... she's in pain," Applejack commented, as she could only imagine all the damage Black had done in the year he had been fighting Trunks and Gale, as well as all the land that had been obliterated over the long year, "Black and Zamasu are going to pay for everything they had done to this era."

"Um, I think I missed something," Trunks said, as he had no idea what Applejack was talking about and was shocked when it was only him and Gale that were confused by what she had said, "What exactly does she mean when she says that the 'Earth is in pain', especially when she calls it a 'she'?"

"Applejack is an apprentice Kaioshin," Frieza stated, remembering what he had seen and learned about the girls since his resurrection, though at the same time he smiled as he noticed that both of them were focused on keeping an eye open for their enemies, "since she is an earth pony, who are naturally attuned to the elements of her home world, this means that she can communicate with the spirits of the planets she visits. Some of the planets she talks to are female, such as the Earth, some of them are male, like Planet Meka, and others don't have a spirit, meaning that they're scheduled for destruction at some point in time. She can also tell when a planet is in pain, though your version of Earth is likely telling her where she was hit, the pain she was in, and anything else that the planet might want to talk about now that someone can actually lend Earth an ear."

"That's... that's amazing," Trunks replied, as he had no idea that Applejack was actually the next in line to be a Kaioshin for Universe 7, which explained why Shin wanted to talk with her, though that only made him wonder what sort of power or position Rainbow was heading towards.

"Rainbow, on the other hand..." Frieza started to say, but then he smiled and simply shrugged, because this one really wasn't his to tell and wanted to see Trunks' reaction, as well as Gale's, when they figured out what Rainbow was destined to become in the future, "well, let's just say you'll be surprised when you see her power for yourself."

Before Trunks could say anything one of the resistance members ran out of where he was hiding and approached them, though when he was happy to see that Trunks and Gale had returned, with additional help, he informed them that Mai was in trouble. As the group made their way towards the hideout, which was still in the same location as when they had last been here, they discovered that Mai had another run in with Black while they were away and had suffered for her actions. When they arrived at the area that Mai was resting in, however, Trunks and Gale acquired one of the Senzu Beans from Goku and made sure that Mai ate it, even though that required doing mouth to mouth to make sure that Mai got the bean inside her body... to which the group watched as she recovered from whatever was ailing her and her injuries healed before their eyes, causing the duo to smile as their friend opened her eyes.

During that time period, however, the ki of both Black and Zamasu drew closer to their location, to which the warriors quickly departed before they gave away the exact location of the resistance and moved to the surface, where they flew away from the area the survivors were in... only to find the evil duo standing on some of the ruins about ten minutes walk time away from the entrance to the resistance's hideout.

"Welcome back," Zamasu said, staring right at Goku while he spoke, though at the same time he noticed that there were two new additions, once that he remembered meeting along side Goku, "Saiyan."

"Thanks to you guys I can become even stronger!" Black happily stated, though even when he saw the new arrivals he knew that they would be fodder as well, as Goku was the only one he truly cared for and knew that both he and his partner could take out all of the fodder in moments.

"Trust me on this, but things won't go the same way as before," Vegeta replied, though instead of rushing their foes immediately, like a fool, he stood his ground and floated in the air with the rest of his friends, who were all getting ready for the incoming fight.

"No, it will be about the same as last time," Zamasu said, to which his eyes shifted towards the two pony girls that were silent at the moment, because despite what he knew about the two of them he knew that they posed no threat to their plan, "Sure, you brought the daughters of Beerus the Destroyer with you, but they'll fall like you in no time."

Vegeta growled as he noticed that Black had turned on his Rose form and was coming his way, to which he slipped into his Super Saiyan Blue form and rushed down to meet his foe, where they exchanged a few punches before a wave of energy radiated from where they were fighting, breaking some of the buildings around them in the process. As that happened the two fighters backed away from each other, though they were both eying their opponent as they waited for one of them to make the next move.

"So, you want to defeat me, Vegeta?" Black asked, though his tone suggested that he found all of this to be funny, which only irritated the entire group to no end, "You were unsuccessful last time."

"We're not here to defeat you and Zamasu for our own personal reasons," Vegeta replied, to which he glanced back towards the future version of his son and Gale, who nodded to him as he turned his attention back towards Black, "We're here to defeat you and Zamasu for this world, for this future, that you seek to destroy. We're doing this for Trunks, Gale, and everyone else that lives in this era."

"How unfitting for a Saiyan to say," Black stated, though at the same time he continued to smile at the group that was in front of him, while Zamasu remained on the part of the ruined building they had been standing on earlier.

"By the way, we already know everything," Goku commented, causing both Black and Zamasu to turn towards him for a moment, though he actually wondered what they would say when they revealed what they knew to the evil duo, "We know that you, Black, used the Super Dragon Balls to switch bodies with me, before you killed Gowasu, stole his Potara and the Time Ring. Then you came to another point in time to make this Zamasu your ally, granting him immortality with the Super Dragon Balls, before beginning your rampage on this world."

"You are... surprisingly accurate," Zamasu stated, though he was honestly surprised by how well the Saiyan had seen through their actions, making him wonder if he and Black had underestimated Goku in some manner, "I honestly didn't think that you would be able to come up with such a theory and observation."

"That's because I'm the one that suggested the theory in the first place," Applejack said, causing the duo to turn towards her, though at the same time she crossed her arms and stared down at them for a few seconds, "though the looks on your faces tells me that I hit the nail on the head."

"Well, you were right," Black said, to which he raised a hand and touched his chest, though at the same time he stared at the group while he did so, while remembering what happened, "this is the body of Son Goku... but the soul is that of Zamasu. After I made the wish on the Super Dragon Balls, and swapped our bodies, I traveled to Earth and killed you, while you were in possession of my old body. Son Goku, I am the Zamasu that you defeated, despite the fact that I was a god and you were a lowly human who foolishly believed that you had a right to touch our glorious divinity. In the end I threw away my real body and melded both my mind and my soul to your body, so I could use your power to fulfill my justice. And thanks to this Time Ring, that I acquired for our purposes, anything that happens to the past me has no effect on me at all... so if you destroyed me in your era, for example, I get to remain to continue my glorious plans."

"And, since you already know what we did to get to this point, there's no use in telling you anything else," Zamasu said, though at the same time he floated up towards where Black was floating, to which the two of them glanced over at each other, "Shall we begin?"

"Of course," Black stated, to which the two of them dropped into their battle stances, perfectly mirroring each other, before they both brought their right hands to their right side and held their left hands at the ready.

Moments later both Black and Zamasu called a ball of ki energy into existence above their right hands and launched them at the group, where they spun around each other until they merged into a single massive fiery ball of energy that came flying towards the group. Instead of getting caught in the blast, however, the group separated from each other and moved away from the ball, letting it hit the ground and expand it's energy in a small area, leaving a crater in it's place as the entire thing disappeared. Once the attack was finished the group got back together as they faced the evil duo, who were staring down at them like they were trying to convince all of them that they should kneel and ask to be forgiven, though that only made them all want to beat the duo even more.

"In order to fulfill my justice I needed someone who understood my will," Black said, to which he rested a hand on Zamasu' shoulders, because despite the fact that they said that they wouldn't tell the group any more he felt like talking anyway, "someone who carries the same justice, the same pain over the foolishness of humans, and who harbors the same ideal world in his heart. As you know I used the Time Ring to travel to this world, where I killed this world's Gowasu and raised Zamasu here to the rank of Kaioshin."

"After that, well, I gained immortality thanks to the Super Dragon Balls," Zamasu continued, though he grinned while he talked, because it felt so good to admit all they had done for the betterment of the universes, even if it meant that the group despised them even more, "once we had all of the pieces we needed... well, we destroyed the Super Dragon Balls to ensure that they couldn't be used against us!"

"And here comes the best part," Black said, though this time his grin widened, as he had a good amount of fun with this next part, as it helped ensure his spot as one of the most powerful beings in the universe without leaving anyone around to challenge him and his partner, "We traveled to the remaining eleven universes after destroying the Super Dragon Balls, where I personally killed every Kaioshin in the known universes... thus killing the remaining Gods of Destruction as well."

"You're nothing but a pair of cowards!" Rainbow snapped, though at the same time lightning danced around her body for a moment as the sky above them responded, as she couldn't believe what she was hearing, while Applejack growled as well, "To think that our father and uncle fell because you killed the Kaioshin that were linked to them, instead of facing them in battle like you should have."

Black and Zamasu grinned as they started the battle anew, though instead of fighting Rainbow and Applejack they focused on those that they deemed to be the true enemy, Goku, Vegeta, Frieza, Trunks, and Gale, as Black fought all three Saiyans while Zamasu dueled with Frieza and Gale, leaving the girls to do what they wanted. Black gracefully dodged the attacks that were coming his way, kicking, kneeing, and punching his opponents until he knocked Vegeta into the top of the nearby building before throwing Trunks on top of him, while at the same time raining ki blasts down on Goku. Zamasu parried the wind type attacks that Gale was throwing at him while Frieza, in his Golden form, tried to hit him, but since he was immortal Zamasu took the attacks and simply grinned as he did so, before retaliating against his opponents. The girls, however, had no such luck since both of the evil duo were simply ignoring them, though since that was the case Rainbow decided to screw over Black... by backing away so she could charge her first ultimate attack.

Applejack, on the other hand, decided to be on the defense so she could ensure the attack was completed without any problems, though at the same time she was worried about how ineffective Super Saiyan Blue was in comparison to Super Saiyan Rose, as Black was making fools of their friends... just like Zamasu was doing, until he knocked his opponents to the ground and pinned Goku to a wall.

"Don't you want to know what happened to your precious family?" Zamasu asked, though the smile on his face told anyone that was staring at him what must have happened to Chi Chi, Gohan, and Goten.

"I don't have to ask," Goku replied, though he thought about his options as he noticed Rainbow preparing something familiar, to which he decided to keep Zamasu pinned here, "your face tells me everything."

"Yes, I exchanged my body with yours," Black said, though that was before he pierced Zamasu's chest, and Goku's as well, with a ki blade, causing Goku to stare down at the blade for a few seconds, "and then I killed you in front of your family... before I chased after your wife and son and cut off their heads! And, for the fun of it so I could get used to your body all that much faster, I chased down and slaughtered Vegeta's entire family as well!"

It was at that point that Goku snapped the ki blade that was stuck in his chest and shattered it into bits as his anger flared, causing his Super Saiyan Blue aura to light up and surround him as it pushed both Black and Zamasu away from where he was standing. Vegeta and Trunks, who had been listening to the duo, felt the same anger awaken inside their beings as their auras burst to life as well, causing the duo to look at the trio of Saiyans for a moment as they prepared themselves. The buildings around the trio cracked and crumbled into pieces as they all stood up, though that was followed by Goku and Vegeta rushing Black while Trunks took on Zamasu, to which Frieza and Gale watched as the two Saiyans push the imposter into the air for a few moments. That was immediately followed by Goku and Vegeta hitting Black so hard that they sent him flying into the side of a building, though as Zamasu appeared behind them Trunks appeared above him and slammed his fists into his head, knocking him into the ground.

Together the trio loosed a volley of ki blasts at Zamasu, blasting him even further into the ground, before Goku and Vegeta bailed as Black emerged from his resting place, where they wailed on him with their fists before knocking him into the ground... where they used the Instant Transmission to appear in front of Zamasu, to which Goku knocked him backwards with the back of his fist, all without looking at him. Trunks landed beside them as they approached Black, though when they prepared themselves to end Black he surprised them by blocking their incoming attacks, before loosing a blast of energy into Goku and Vegeta's chests, knocking them backwards in the process. Zamasu rushed up to Trunks and knocked him into the ground as well, leaving the trio there for a few moments, giving Black the chance to power up, revealing that the damage they had done to him only made him that much stronger.

Black then caused his ki blade to grow even longer, though when he swung it he left pin like objects attached to certain points of his opponent's bodies, which exploded and knocked the trio to the ground... causing them to drop back into their normal forms once more.

"Okay, this is ridiculous," Frieza stated, staring up at the duo for a moment, while at the same time trying to prevent Gale from doing anything that she might regret, "You mean to tell me that we can deal a great amount of damage to you, yet you'll soak it up like a sponge and grow even stronger in mere moments? Saiyans don't work like that!"

"And yet I grow stronger the more I am beaten," Black commented, before he glared down at Trunks, who moaned as he faced the duo while Goku and Vegeta got up as well, "Go ahead, I know that one of you will call what I'm doing in this form murder, but that is a lesser sin than what Trunks has committed. Trunks, because of your actions in creating a time machine and changing the past, a new Time Ring was forged due to your changes, prompting me to make the wishes that brought us to this point in time. You, Trunks, are one of the reasons why humanity has to suffer, why I eventually sought to use Son Goku's body to kill all the foolish gods and create this shining future."

"We even had to kill the foolish Supreme Kai of Time that let you get away with your transgressions," Zamasu added, though at the same time he chuckled, because there was an interesting order to how all of that had happened, especially when he glanced over at the pony girls, "Chronoa let you and your changes slide without even attempting to punish you or Gale for your sins, as she should have, so we surprised her when she left the Time Nest and killed her before she even had a chance to defend herself."

"What did you just say?" Rainbow growled, though at the same time the energy in her hands flashed red, indicating her anger at the moment, while Applejack glared at the two evil beings that had ruined the future.

"You should have seen the rage on Beerus' face when he found Chronoa's body laying on the ground," Black said, to which he chuckled for a moment as well, because it had been a fun experience for him and Zamasu, even with their plans on the line, "Gone was the person the two of you tried to create in your blasphemy, trying to change a God of Destruction into another being entirely, and in his place stood the dreaded Destroyer who cared for no one but himself. In his rage he started destroying planets left and right, intending to obliterate the entirety of Universe 7, though at the same time we took the opportunity to kill Shin before he could even find us... and then we obliterated all of their bodies, leaving nothing of them behind."

Frieza, taking the opportunity that had been presented when Black and Zamasu looked over at Rainbow and Applejack, made sure to use three of the remaining Senzu Beans so Goku, Vegeta, and Trunks could recover, though as the trio of Saiyans stood back up they all felt the air change... though this time around Frieza knew what it was, just like Goku and Vegeta understood what was coming next.

"Black... Zamasu... we'll never forgive you for killing our parents," Rainbow stated, though her voice carried over to where the pair of evildoers were standing, who simply smiled at her and Applejack as their anger built around them and their auras appeared around them, "DO YOU HEAR ME? YOU'RE BOTH DEAD MEN WALKING!"

Rainbow followed that up by allowing the energy of destruction to wrap around her once more, to which it formed a perfect sphere around her for a few seconds as Applejack stood still as well, where she let the energy of creation form the same thing around her body. The group watched as the two sisters remained that way for a few seconds, as they usually did when transforming into their Avatar forms, before the two spheres of energy broke apart, revealing Rainbow in her Avatar of Destruction form, complete with the proper attire, as well as Applejack in her Avatar of Creation state, wearing the same clothing that Shin wore. The sisters floated there for a few moments, though before anyone could do anything Applejack moved through the air and landed in front of her friends, where she wove her energy though the air and the ground beneath them lifted into the air, separating them from the ground... while also generating a barrier around them that was designed to keep them safe.

While this was going on, however, Black and Zamasu were looking at the girls with a look of disgust in their eyes, as if they couldn't believe that Rainbow and Applejack had accessed the godly energy that they painstakingly made sure that only they had access to.

"Blasphemous mortals," Black and Zamasu growled, indicating that they weren't happy with either of the girls, though at the moment they were focusing on Rainbow, since she was standing alone right now, "None of you deserve to even touch the godly energy that you are using. Leave the godly energy to the real gods!"

Black and Zamasu dropped into their mirror battle stances and gathered their energies for a few seconds, before loosing a pair of ki blasts that spun around each other and merged into a massive fireball, one that was designed to collide with their target and obliterate them from existence. Rainbow, on the other hand, simply raised her left hand and stopped the sphere in it's tracks, before it could touch her, and kept it that way for a few seconds to show her opponents that she wasn't to be underestimated, before she shattered the energy ball. As the strands of energy separated from each other Rainbow flashed through the air and appeared behind her targets, where she kicked Zamasu in the side of his head and sent him flying towards the ground, away from her friends, before punching Black so hard that he went flying into one of the ruined buildings around them.

She remained standing in the air for a few seconds, staring down at Black as he pulled himself up from the rubble once more, though all she could feel was anger for him and Zamasu.

"Black, I'll have you and Zamasu know that Applejack and I are destined to become gods one day," Rainbow said, though at the same time the sky flashed as she stared down at her target, where she noticed that Zamasu was simply staring at her, "specifically Applejack becoming a Kaioshin... while I become a God of Destruction."

"So what about your so called 'God of Destruction' destiny?!" Black replied, though at the same time he chuckled as he stared at Rainbow, because he found all of this to be funny beyond words, while he noticed that Zamasu was grinning as well, "Such a thing is meaningless before the two of us!"

Rainbow growled as she extended her right hand towards Black, who was diagonal with where she was standing, and let the destruction energy surround her once more, though that was before a sphere of energy appeared in front of her hand, one that she was going to use to great effect.

"Hakai!" Rainbow declared, though at the same time the sphere of energy expanded until it was the size of her body, where she loosed it and let it fly through the air towards her target, who was foolishly standing in the same area that she had been in when she charged her attack.

"You think I'm scared of your pitiful attempts at using destruction energy?" Black challenged, though at the same time he raised his hand and stopped the sphere from touching him, where it rested a few inches above his hand and sat there as he continued to chuckle, "I told you, such a thing is meaningless against me!"

Rainbow grinned as she applied a little pressure on the sphere and it pushed itself further downwards, where it passed Black's hand, surprising him in the process, before half of his arm had been consumed by the sphere, though that only made her grin even more as she heard Black constantly state that her attack was meaningless. Before Black had a chance to get away from the sphere, since he had Goku's Instant Transmission, Rainbow had the sphere enlarge and trapped him where he was standing. A few moments later the destruction energy expanded into a ball that was as wide as the main building of the Capsule Corp and the energy detonated, where a rush of wind and debris passed by where she and the others were standing, while at the same time Zamasu stood there with shock on his face. That was instantly followed by a flash of light that made the majority of the observers turn their eyes away for a moment, though as the light died down they all spotted a crater where Black had been standing.

Before anyone could talk, however, the ground shook for a few seconds before the earth separated from each other, creating a chasm that ran through the remains of West City and literally separated the ruined city into two sections, without damaging the resistance base at the same time.

"Wh... What is she?" Trunks asked, though as he spoke he felt some sweat roll down the side of his face, because instead of feeling hope that they could beat Black and Zamasu with this power he felt a new level of fear, as Rainbow's power terrified him more than their enemies did.

"One of Lord Beerus' daughters," Frieza replied, though at the same time he, Goku, and Vegeta grinned, because now that Rainbow and Applejack were annoyed they would no doubt defeat the evil duo in no time, "she is Rainbow Dash, the girl who gained the power to use the Avatar of Destruction at an early age... and she is destined to become one of the strongest Gods of Destruction the multiverse has ever seen."

Trunks had no idea that Rainbow possessed this kind of power, and was scared to even consider what Applejack had up her sleeve with her Avatar of Creation form, but he and Gale couldn't help but smile, because with this power on their side there was literally nothing Black and Zamasu could do to stop the girls from destroying them and saving the future.

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