• Published 26th Jan 2017
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Dragon Ball Z: Daughters of Destruction - Blackdrag-rose

Rainbow Dash and Applejack are transported to a strange world, where they are raised by Beerus the Destroyer and his attendant Whis.

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Android: Goku's Awakening

"Explain yourself," Piccolo said, to which he crossed his arms as he stared at the Bio-Android that was standing in front of him, while at the same time Tien and Krillin were waiting nearby, keeping an eye peeled for Cell in case he decided to come back and actually fight them, "You call yourself a Bio-Android and claim that you are Cell's sister, so explain why we shouldn't just strike you down where you stand... especially when your father is Dr. Gero, whose designed all of your kind to kill Son Goku and the rest of us."

"Very well, I shall try to explain the reasoning behind why my father created me in the first place," Gale replied, to which she looked into the sky for a moment, so she could relax her mind for a few seconds before she got started, before she turned back to the trio, "My father was trying to create the perfect warrior, one without any sort of flaws, and that resulted in the creation of the Androids, though he eventually turned them into monsters to kill Son Goku. My brother was, from all the files I was able to open in my timeline, supposed to be my father's final creation, but then when Rainbow Dash and Applejack appeared, and tipped the balance of power, he saw an opportunity to create something even better. He saw the change to harness the natural powers of the world and create something better than Cell, but in case I resulted in complete failure he kept building Cell.

Of course it took some time to get the formula correct, and lay the building blocks for both my brother and myself to be created, but the final key came when Frieza landed, as his cells helped create us in the first place, but then we both went into stasis to grow and our father disappeared... though now I understand why."

"Dr. Gero was killed by Android 17 and 18," Krillin stated, remembering what had happened when the deceased doctor had tried to activate the two Androids and use them to kill everyone, before they all discovered that he had messed up and allowed them to reprogram themselves, though he was roused from his thoughts when he noticed the change in Gale's facial expression, "oh, I'm sorry for you loss."

"Thank you." Gale said, taking a moment to wipe a stray tear from her eye before facing the group again, and noticing the looks that Piccolo and Tien were giving her, "I know that the two of you might not care about Dr. Gero, because he tried to kill you and your friends, but during the time he spent caring for me he was a different person, as I could see a difference in his human form and his Android form. Yes, Cell was designed to be the perfect warrior, but my father designed me to live my life as I deemed fit, be it trying my hand at world domination or helping you deal with my brother... though I think its clear which path I have chosen."

"And you fully expect us to believe that statement?" Tien asked, because based on everything he had seen of Dr. Gero and his Androids, and Cell for that matter, he couldn't believe that the dead doctor would create something that would determine its own place in the world, much less chose to fight beside them.

"You know those two children that escaped the town before your arrival?" Gale asked in return, causing all three of the Z Warriors to nod their heads for a moment, as they had noticed the children fleeing before Gale and Cell had fought for a few seconds, "If I were under any orders to, say, ensure that the Red Ribbon Army rose to power again I would have likely captured them and held them in a cell somewhere, until I was ordered to do something else. Instead I prevented my brother from consuming them and adding to his already considerable power, though at the same time I have already determined that in another day, maybe a day and a half, he'll have more than enough power to outrank most of the Z Warriors... if not Android 17 and 18 themselves."

"You got all that from a single bout with him?" Piccolo inquired, because if Gale was able to gauge her brother's power level, with a single exchange between the two of them, than that meant Dr. Gero had created new life, one capable of feeling everything that everyone else felt, had a ki that seemed more unique than one would expect, and could sense ki rather easily.

"Yes, and that was while I was holding back," Gale said, taking note that the Z Warriors seemed surprised by the fact that she was implying that she hadn't used all of her power against her brother, "Trust me on this, because it is no boast, if Cell had bothered to stick around, and actually tried to beat me, I would have beaten him into submission without using more than seventy-five perfect of my power."

"Don't you think you might be overstating your abilities?" Tien commented, though at the same time he had to wonder if she was telling the truth, because she had the cells of Rainbow, Applejack, and Frieza following through her veins, which meant that she had to be very strong.

"No, because I can back my statement with both my actions and my power," Gale stated, to which she gestured to the holes and cracks in the ground around them, which had been the result of her and Cell merely exchanging a few ki blasts between them, "My brother knew that I was going to hit him with a good percent of my power, roughly fifty to sixty percent, so he used everything in his arsenal to equal what I was throwing at him. The next time we cross paths, however, he will have increased his own power even further, which means that I will likely have to increase my own power to match him... and that's not even taking into consideration the fact that he might absorb the other Androids before that happens."

"That's something that has been bothering me since they started their journey along the countryside," Piccolo commented, because the constant mentioning of Android 17 and 18 made him remember how dangerous they were, while at the same time allowing him to recall that they couldn't sense their energy at all, "We have no way of finding those two Androids and warning them that Cell is here, with the purpose of absorbing them and adding their considerable power to his own. Not to mention that he has that perfect form that is currently locked away, only waiting for him to absorb them so he can evolve and become even stronger than he already is."

"From what I know about 17 and 18, from my father's files, they'll be gunning for Son Goku," Gale said, remembering what the Androids of her timeline had done, before that reality's version of Trunks killed them and lead to his own death, which was how her brother had come back in time in the first place, "which means that they'll be heading for his house to see if he's there... though, judging from your expressions, I guess its safe to assume that he's already been moved to a secondary location. One that will take the Androids an hour or two to think about before they head there, which means that we really should head back to him and intercept them when they arrive."

Piccolo stared at the Bio-Android for a few seconds, weighing the potential threat that she could pose to Son Goku if she was lying to them, because if she was lying she could gain access to him and they wouldn't know he was dead until Chi Chi checked on him. At the same time he worried that she might be trying to gather most of the Z Warriors into one location so she could obliterate them all in one attack, most likely the lance considering whose cells were inside her body at the moment. Part of his body, the part that was the original Piccolo, screamed that she was going to betray them in the worst way possible, but at the same time the part of him that was Kami suggested that she might actually be an ally that none of them could have ever seen coming... much like the version of Trunks that came from the future.

In the end he glanced at Krillin and found the bald fighter staring at him, as if his glare was telling him that they should put their trust in Gale Wind and accept her aid in their hour of need... to which he let out the sigh that had been building inside him and unwrapped his hands.

"Very well, I say that we take a leap of faith and welcome you into our fold," Piccolo said, though at the same time he glared at Gale, just so she understood what he was trying to say, "but if you betray us..."

"You'll tell Rainbow and Applejack on me?" Gale suggested, though as she said the words the others knew that she meant it, indicating that she desired a brief fight or brawl with the girls whose cells dominated her own body, "Trust me, I don't intend to betray any of you... I only want to stop my brother from gaining his perfect form and destroying the world."

Piccolo nodded his understanding, because it seemed like the Saiyan part of her, the desire to protect the world from someone that could destroy it, was shining through everything else at the moment. Now that they knew that Gale was on their side the Z Warriors levitated into the air and headed in the direction of Master Roshi's house, to which Krillin looked back and noticed that Gale was definitely following them. The three Z Warriors wondered what Roshi and the others would think about Gale, especially when they discovered that she was actually on their side, but they reflected to keep their opinions to themselves until they reached their destination... where they could begin searching for Cell once more.

It took them some time to reach the island that Roshi had built his home on, which was understandable considering how far they had been, but when they arrived the were immediately told to keep their voices down, as Goku was still sleeping. Gohan had asked them if they had found Cell and dealt with him, as the Androids had warned them about the threat the creature posed, but he was slightly disappointed to learn that their target had disappeared after engaging someone else. When Gohan inquired who had been fighting Cell, if even for a few seconds based on what they told him, Piccolo moved to the side and revealed Gale Wind, to which Gohan and the others raised their eyebrows in shock... as they all thought that Rainbow and Applejack were the only pony girls in existence.

Gale admitted that she had thought that she was the only one until she read the files her father had on the two girls, though when Chi Chi, Roshi, and Gohan learned who her father was they prepared themselves... while at the same time Yamcha, who was sitting nearby, merely sighed and ignored what was going on.

"Aren't you going to get ready for a fight Yamcha?" Chi Chi asked, knowing that they needed every person available to stop Gale, while being annoyed that the fighter was ignoring everyone.

"No." Yamcha replied, to which he sipped on his drink and beckoned for the others to sit down, while at the same time offering Gale one of the unopened soft drinks that was sitting near him, "If she's got the cells of Rainbow Dash and Applejack inside her, which she has confirmed and is apparent when you look at her, then I'm as good as dead if I got into a fight with her. Besides, Piccolo, Tien, and Krillin wouldn't bring an enemy to where we were hiding Goku, which means that she has to be an ally in the fight against Cell... though its odd to hear that he has a sister."

"And a beautiful one at that," Roshi commented, though at the same time he noticed that Gale didn't seem to mind what he had said, which spoke volumes about the future she had come from.

"Can we please focus?" Chi Chi asked, to which she turned towards Gale for a moment, as she and the other Z Warriors had taken up some seats around the table and the television, which was turned on so they could figure out where their opponent was going to strike next, "So you came here, from your own future, to hunt down and kill your brother, because he's trying to obtain this so called perfect form of his? Couldn't you have, I don't know, stopped him before he figured that the future Trunks had a time machine, accessed said machine, and traveled backwards in time?"

"If I had known that was his intention I would have moved a lot faster," Gale replied, to which she opened the can she had been handed and sipped from it, though that was followed by her smiling for a brief second, "unfortunately all I could do was grab onto one of the legs of the time machine and follow him backwards in time, though along the way I slipped off and landed about one year ago. I kept myself hidden, so I could hunt down my brother and try to stop him before he revealed himself, but, as Piccolo found out, I was apparently too late... so all we can do now is draw him out of hiding."

"Wait, you've already fought your brother?" Roshi asked, though the only reason he was asking was because they needed to know everything that Gale knew about her brother, because right now she was the only one that might be able to help them hunt him down and stop him before he completed his terrible mission.

"Yes, back in Nicky Town," Gale answered, though as she spoke she gently placed the can back on the table, "Cell attacked the town and drained most of its civilians, though when I arrived I managed to rescue two children before he ended their lives. My plan was to test his power, so I could gauge how much power I needed to use against him, but then he decided to use trickery and escaped, though I will gladly give you my knowledge and help you find my brother."

"You know, its actually nice to have an ally that has some information on Cell," Krillin commented, to which he turned towards Gale and remembered something, though that was followed by him pointing at the can she had been drinking from, "I take it that this was the first time you've ever had a soft drink?"

"Oh, yeah, it was," Gale said, though she was a little surprised by the sudden change of conversation, but she didn't mind it at the moment, "In my future the only things to drink are water and milk, as everything else was pretty much destroyed by the Androids, so I never had the opportunity to try one of these until now. I could have had one during the year I was searching for my brother, but I was afraid of being found out before I could find Cell, so I focused on my mission and expelled all other thoughts."

"That's understandable, to some degree," Piccolo stated, though at the same time he turned and faced the Bio-Android, knowing that it was time that they get to talking about her brother, "Now then, why don't you start telling us everything you know about Cell and his habits... and maybe we'll catch him before he kills anyone else."

"Very well then," Gale replied, to which she let out a sigh as she turned and faced the group as a whole, because she was sure that someone could get the information to Bulma and the others, "I shall give you all I know about my brother, and hopefully he makes a mistake while we're talking."

Unfortunately Cell didn't make a move while Gale was telling the Z Warriors and their civilian friends everything she knew about her brother, as in all the habits that he had and how he preferred to hunt when he was searching for someone specific, as in the Androids. Tien accused her of holding back in the future, because he could easily blame her for allowing the future Trunks to die and allowing her brother to access the time machine, as if everything that her brother had done was all her fault. The rest of the group, on the other hand, stated that Tien was being stupid by accusing her of everything that was happening to them at the moment, as she had no way of knowing what her brother was planning.

Gale also admitted that she had tried, on multiple attempts in her timeline, to talk some sense into her brother, to try and dissuade him from his current path, but eventually that stopped when Cell made his attempt at the time machine, which brought them both to this era. Gale had been hoping to convince her brother that following the path their father set him on was the wrong one, and had been trying not to kill Cell the entire time, but now she knew that her brother was set in his ways and wasn't backing down. It still pained her to think about the fact that she was going to kill her own brother, but she was willing to do it so everyone he had killed could have a second chance at life... which ended up surprising most of the people around her.

Their discussion went throughout the rest of the day, though when night came upon them Gale promised to watch over the island in case the Androids showed up looking for Goku. It was clear that most of them were okay with allowing her to stand guard over the island, though Chi Chi was weary of her because of the fact that Dr. Gero made her, indicating that she was worried that Gale might betray them to get at her husband. Gale, on the other hand, moved to the top of the house and sat there all night long, allowing herself the opportunity to enjoy the sights and smells that she had ignored in her own timeline... which made her remember that she needed to stop her brother before he did something terrible.

She found the sound of the waves and the smells all around her quite relaxing, so much so that she wished that she could enjoy them for more than a few days, but she knew that Cell needed to be stopped, which was why she steeled herself and waited for the morning to arrive.

When morning did arrive she found that everyone was grateful for her standing guard, despite the fact that she knew the Androids wouldn't arrive for some time, but she was happy to find that everyone trusted her a little more than they had the previous day. Chi Chi beckoned for Gale to join them for the morning meal, as she was sure that the Bio-Android hadn't actually eaten anything substantial since her own timeline, and even then there hadn't been enough due to the damage 17 and 18 had done to their era. Gale was more than willing to sit down and eat with them, as it allowed her to actually experience some of the foods that she had heard about and drink some coffee, which she nearly chocked on the first time she drank from the mug, but she laughed it off with everyone else.

Their fun, however, was cut short when the news came on and the announcer said that a 'monster' had appeared in a large city that happened to be located in Sector 48, to which the Z Warriors looked at each other for a few seconds... where Yamcha came up with the 'brilliant' idea to use a sky car so they could reach the city without Cell realizing they were there until it was too late to stop them. Gohan asked Gale to stay behind, to help protect the island in case the other Androids showed up and demanded to see his father, to which she reluctantly agreed and watched them fly off in their sky car. Once they were gone, and had traveled quite the distance, Chi Chi and Roshi went back into the house, though from what she could tell Goku's wife was getting some water so she could clean off Goku and Roshi was going to watch the television so he could keep taps on Cell's movements.

Gale, on the other hand, remained in the area she had been sitting in earlier and took some deep breathes, because she was a little irritated that the Z Warriors had asked her to help them hunt her brother down and then had basically told her to stay put... but she guessed that she would get her chance again in the future.

"Is something wrong Gale?" Chi Chi asked, because despite the fact that she still didn't completely trust the Bio-Android, even if she had spent the night watching over her and her family, she was still a mother and noticed when someone's emotions were off.

"Yes, something is wrong with this arrangement," Gale replied, to which her eyes glanced at the open window, as she already knew that her brother was increasing in power while she played guard, "I came back in time to stop Cell, to stop my own brother, from acquiring his perfect form and doing even more harm to this world than what Androids 17 and 18 did in our timeline. I didn't come back so I could sit on the sidelines until my brother decided to show himself."

"Don't beat yourself up about not getting to fight Cell just yet," Chi Chi commented, remembering what her husband and his friends usually did with most of the villains that they fought, "if I know the Z Warriors, and I'm fairly sure I know them well enough, you'll have your chance to fight your brother soon enou..."

Before Chi Chi could finish what she was saying, and set down the container of water she had been filling the entire time, the ground shook and caused her to tumble to the ground, while at the same time causing both Gale and Roshi to look around for the cause of the disturbance.

"Is it the Androids?" Chi Chi asked, recalling that 17 and 18 had, according to what everyone else had told her, wanted to fight with her husband at some point in time, "Are they attacking?"

"I don't know, but you should check on Goku." Gale said, to which she beckoned for Roshi to join Chi Chi , though at the same time she made her way outside.

As Gale walked outside she immediately noticed that the water was being parted in a direction that lead away from the island, as if someone had fired a Kamehameha at the water and had parted it in an attempt to see how strong they were. A few seconds later Gale heard a slight gasp and made her way to the side of the house, where she spotted Chi Chi and Roshi looking out of a window, though that was before she noticed that Son Goku was standing by the beach. She knew that the Saiyan must have overcome his illness, if what the other Z Warriors had told her was correct, though as Chi Chi climbed down to the ground Goku fired another Kamehameha at the water... though Gale caught Chi Chi before she hit the ground.

Once the ground stopped shaking she set Goku's wife down and let her run to where her husband was standing, to which Goku turned around at the sound of Chi Chi approaching him.

"Goku!" Chi Chi shouted, to which she threw herself into Goku's arms, who seemed a little surprised by the fact that she was shouting his name, but he hugged her back anyway.

"Chi Chi," Goku replied, though both Roshi and Gale detected that he was actually sorry for what had happened to him, despite the fact that it wasn't his fault that he caught the heart disease to begin with, "I'm sorry to have made you worry about me so much... though it appears that I am completely over my illness."

"Really?!" Chi Chi exclaimed, because she had seen the pain her husband had been in thanks to the illness and wondered if Goku was truly over the heart disease.

Instead of responding with words Goku lifted Chi Chi into the air and started spinning around, which turned the frown on her face into a smile, though he eventually slipped and accidentally sent her into the air. Gale braced herself to catch Chi Chi before she hit the ground, but Roshi made a hand motion that told her to stop in her tracks, to which she watched as Goku caught his wife and set her back on the ground... which was followed by him apologizing to her for accidentally doing that to her.

"Its good to have you back Goku," Roshi commented, causing Goku to notice that he and his wife weren't alone at the moment, "because the circumstances have changed. Everything that the future version of Trunks warned us about has changed from the history he knew... and there are some pieces that even he knew nothing about, if what the others told us is to be believed."

"I know, I heard everything while I was sleeping," Goku replied, to which he turned to the newest arrival from the dreadful future timeline, where he stared right at Gale for a few seconds, "I heard that Dr. Gero was your father... so what do you feel when you look at me?"

"Nothing." Gale answered almost immediately, knowing the reasoning behind why Goku was asking his question, because her father wanted the man dead and she was literally the only one that was different from the other Androids, "I don't feel my father's intense hatred for you, though instead I felt the desire to meet you and fight you in battle... after you have completely recovered and once my brother, the Bio-Android called Cell, has been dealt with."

"Good, because I wasn't intending on fighting just yet," Goku said, indicating that he wanted some additional rest, or his own definition of rest, before he started training or fighting again, "I'm sure that Vegeta is thinking the same thing that I am, after witnessing the fight between the Androids, Rainbow, and Applejack, and the fight between Piccolo and Cell... we need to aim for something higher than Super Saiyan."

"Is something like that even possible?" Roshi asked, because based on everything they knew about the Saiyan race, which came from Vegeta, the Super Saiyan was supposed to be the ultimate form of a Saiyan warrior, but it appeared that Goku might be thinking that there was another level he and Vegeta hadn't reached yet.

"Truthfully, I have no idea," Goku commented, though at the same time he carried his wife up to the room he had been sleeping in, and forced everyone to follow him, before he started putting on the pieces of clothing that were missing, "but even if there isn't a higher transformation, and Super Saiyan is the limit, we should be able to push ourselves to the max and increase our power... maybe even enough to where we can beat Cell."

"And let me guess, you'll be taking Gohan with you to train?" Chi Chi asked, because she knew that while Goku would ensure that their son had the training he needed, or he thought that Gohan needed, he wouldn't have him do any homework during that period of training.

"Yeah, that was my plan," Goku replied, though at the same time he noticed that Chi Chi looked a little annoyed about something, but he knew that she was going to voice her opinion soon.

"You know, normally I would say that 'you have got to be kidding me' or something like that, but this time I won't," Chi Chi replied, to which she let out a sigh as she lightly punched Goku's shoulder, "Go ahead, go train with Gohan, but make sure that you make him as strong as you possibly can, because once all of this Android business is finished he'll be returning to his studies."

"I can accept those terms," Goku said, to which he raised a hand into the air and placed two fingers in front of his forehead, though before he did anything he glanced at Gale for a few seconds, "Gale Wind, the others will no doubt be returning here in the near future, and I'm sure that the Androids will follow them a few hours later, so I would appreciate it if you stayed here to help everyone with them."

Before Gale could say anything, or even object to the fact that she should be joining the others in the fight against her own brother, Goku activated his instant transmission technique and vanished before their eyes, leaving her to sigh as she leaned back against the wall behind her.

"I cannot believe that I was just sidelined by Son Goku of all people," Gale commented, not believing her luck in regards to her hunt for Cell, because everyone wanted her to do nothing while they fought what was essentially her battle.

"Don't worry about it too much," Roshi said, to which he walked out of the room and started heading downstairs, "Eventually he sidelines everyone... it just depends on whether or not he's got a plan in mind for whatever foe he and the others happen to be facing at any given moment. You'll be back in the action, once he realizes how powerful you really are thanks to the cells that your father gave you."

Gale silently hoped that Roshi was right, because she hated to think that she had spent all this time searching for her brother, and even followed him back in time to this era, only to be denied repeatedly... though she eventually followed Roshi downstairs, where she decided that she might as well wait for the return of the Z Warriors and the news they would be bringing everyone else.

It had taken Goku some time to teleport to where Gohan was, and explaining what he intended to do with the rest of his friends, before he and his son moved to where Vegeta was at that exact moment. As it turned out the other Saiyan was in the middle of training with about twenty other Saiyans, and his own son for that matter, though they stopped their training session when they noticed that he was feeling much better. It was then that he explained that he knew where they could get a years worth of training in a single day, though it was limited to two people being allowed into the room at any given moment.

Vegeta's curiosity got the better of him, because he was interested in this so called 'Hyperbolic Time Chamber' and the training that Goku told him about, to which he promised his parents that he would return when he was able so he could tell them about the chamber. When they had settled on what they were doing next Goku moved them to the Lookout, where they discovered that Mr. Popo was already waiting for them to arrive.

"Ah, I was told to be expecting your arrival at this point in time," Mr. Popo commented, to which he beckoned for them to follow him, though that was when he started moving in the direction of the chamber they wanted to use, "The Hyperbolic Time Chamber will require a few minutes to reset itself, and fill back up with food, but I think that you can afford a few minutes of walking."

"Wait, someone else is already using it?" Goku asked, because he had been sure that he was the only Z Warrior, besides Piccolo at the moment, that knew about the existence of the Hyperbolic Time Chamber.

"Yes. Young Rainbow and Applejack were brought here by their mother yesterday," Mr. Popo stated, though at the same time the group knew that there was something that he wasn't telling them, "and they have been training ever since they arrived... though they should be finishing up any minute now."

It didn't take them very long to reach the area that the door to the Hyperbolic Time Chamber was resting in, though as they noticed the clock above it they could all tell that the girls would be leaving it in the next few minutes. Goku was still surprised that the two girls had known about the existence of the chamber, though Vegeta patted him on the shoulder and said that their mother had likely known about it and had brought them here to train. Trunks and Gohan stared at the door while they waited, though while Gohan was thinking about how much stronger the girls were going to be, and how much stronger he could get, Trunks was thinking about something else... though that was the fact that the future Gale Wind had revealed herself and allied with the Z Warriors.

He still didn't trust the Bio-Android, especially when he took into consideration who her father was, but before he could get too deep into his thoughts he noticed that the door was opening... to which the group watched as Rainbow and Applejack walked out of the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, though their clothing was wrecked to some degree and they were accompanied by who he assumed was their mother.

"I see that the training went well," Mr. Popo commented, to which both Rainbow and Applejack nodded their heads, though at the same time he turned to Chronoa, "I take it that your 'friend' already departed from the chamber?"

"Yes, he's long gone at this point," Chronoa said, though at the same time he smiled at the group that was in front of her and her daughters, "Go ahead and enjoy the Hyperbolic Time Chamber... I'm sure that all of you will enjoy what you find on the other side."

Vegeta nodded and pulled Trunks into the chamber, because everything he had been told about the place indicated that it would only be accessed by two people at a time, but with Chronoa it was possible that she had bent the rules to bring Whis in the train the girls. He had no way to prove whether that was true or not, but at the moment he was glad that he and his son would have a chance to test out the new training area, though at the same time he knew he would likely stick to training with the rest of his kind. Besides, he knew that both Rainbow and Applejack would likely take the next day to rest and relax before they went out and resumed their hunt for Cell... and he couldn't wait to see the look on the Bio-Android's face when they showed up to fight him.

Before he and Trunks actually entered the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, however, he turned to the girls and felt the energy that they were giving off, though as he smiled he knew that they were hiding their true power, just in case Cell was keeping taps on all of them.

"So Rainbow, Applejack," Vegeta said, stopping the girls before they walked away, "now that you have finished your training, I have a question for the both of you; do you think you can stop Cell in your current state?"

"We should be able to," Applejack commented, to which she smiled in return, though at the same time her sister started rubbing the back of her head, "we just need to be smart about how we approach the Bio-Android and we should be able to catch him off guard, though I won't guarantee anything just yet."

"Besides, even if we can't best him with our fists and our brains we've got something else up our sleeves," Rainbow added, though she had a small smirk on her face at the moment, "we've developed a few new techniques that should leave Cell speechless, if he forces our hand anyway. Personally, I would like to show Cell just how strong we really are, even though Applejack disagrees with my plan of action."

Vegeta walked into the time chamber and left the girls to whatever argument that would be following Rainbow's statement, as he knew that he had no power to stop them once they had started. For a moment he almost felt sorry for Cell, but when he remembered the destruction and death that followed the creature's appearance he decided that he deserved everything that was coming his way... though he knew that time would tell whether the training the girls had gone through was enough to deal with Cell.

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