• Published 26th Jan 2017
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Dragon Ball Z: Daughters of Destruction - Blackdrag-rose

Rainbow Dash and Applejack are transported to a strange world, where they are raised by Beerus the Destroyer and his attendant Whis.

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Future: Back to the Future

Beerus, Chronoa, Whis, Rainbow, Applejack, Goku, and Vegeta arrived back on Earth sometime before dinner, where they told Future Trunks and Future Gale that they might have a lead on who Black was, but since they weren't exactly sure if Zamasu was Black they didn't say anything. Instead they asked the two future warriors about their day, listening to how the duo described meeting with Gohan and discovering that he had accomplished his goal of being a scholar, something that they were glad to see. They also admitted that it was interesting to meet his family, or more like Videl and her father, but it had taken them some time to get used to Mr. Satan and entertain Pan while Gohan was finishing his report, while at the same time admitted that Videl was a good cook like Gohan had told them about. This era's version of Trunks and Gale were also interested in what sort of relationship the two future warriors had, though while they blushed Future Gale said that they weren't going to ruin the surprise for them.

Eventually night came upon them and Beerus, along with Chronoa and Whis, bid the group farewell for the night and headed someplace that wasn't the Capsule Corp building, though instead of heading back to Beerus' planet they retired to the house that Bulma had constructed for Rainbow and Applejack years ago. It had been modified shortly after Chronoa and Gale joined the family, in the eyes of the Z Warriors anyway, and Bulma modified it again shortly after her birthday party where Beerus and Whis revealed themselves. As such there was a room for Beerus and Chronoa, one for all three of the girls, and a spare that Whis could use whenever he wanted, but since Whis didn't sleep it was a spare in case someone else came to the house. Instead of sitting around and wasting his time, however, Whis continued to study what they had seen when Black invaded this era and what they had seen back in Universe 10... just to be sure that there wasn't something that any of them missed over the last couple of hours.

When morning started to shine, however, Whis carefully left the building and moved back to the Capsule Corp, where he spotted Future Trunks and Future Gale walking outside, though while they were heading towards the lake he wondered what they were doing. He watched them for a few seconds, where they floated out to the middle of the lake and closed their eyes, where it appeared that they were mentally imagining their prior fights with Black and the helplessness that they had felt when Black overpowered them. Sure enough they both ended up staggering for a moment and had to catch their breath, but after a few moments they went back to what they had been doing and continued doing that for the next hour and a half. Whis was surprised to find that they were spending this long on image training, though they were being intense with this training, as he noticed both of them shed a drop of blood from their lips, which meant that the two of them were serious about this type of training. Before Whis could even consider leaving the area, however, he noticed Vegeta walk over to them and call out to them, though he already knew that Vegeta was going to train the future version of his son and his girlfriend before they went after Black.

Whis smiled a few moments later as he floated back into the air and headed towards the house that Beerus and the others were sleeping in, though when he arrived he found that only Applejack was up, though being the early riser that made sense... though she was meditating instead of what she usually did, which was work on her trees. When he entered the building he found that Chronoa was fixing breakfast, indicating that the others were going to get up soon and that she wanted them to have something to eat when they did. Not a few minutes later Beerus and Rainbow came out of their rooms and yawned, at the same time no less, but both Whis and Chronoa were glad to see them, especially since this era's version of Gale was the last to emerge from her room. Not even a minute later Chronoa called for everyone to gather as she put the finishing touches on breakfast, where Applejack joined them and they all had a big family meal together, once more delighting in Chronoa's excellent cooking in the process.

When the girls went to take their showers, however, Whis heard his scepter beep and he picked it up, finding that the message was coming from Zeno-sama's domain, which meant that it was either from his father, or it was from the King of All himself... to which he called Beerus over real quick and they prepared themselves, where they discovered that the caller was none other than Zeno-sama.

"Greetings Zeno-sama," Beerus said, bowing his head in respect to the King of All, while at the same time Chronoa mimicked his stance while Whis simply nodded his head, "I hope that you are having a nice day, and thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to speak with us."

"This is a pleasant surprise," Whis added, knowing what the King of All could do if he was upset, though they were fortunate that he was in a good mood at the moment, "How do you do?"

"I contacted you because I wanted to talk to you about something," Zeno replied, though at the same time he simply smiled as he thought about the reason for a few seconds, before the reason came back to him and he turned his full attention to the gods again, "I want to meet Son Goku."

Beerus, Chronoa, and Whis glanced at each other for a few seconds, because they were both sure that nothing good would come of such a thing happening, but speaking against the King of All would put him in a bad mood and likely destroy the entire universe in the process... to which they turned their attention back to the King of All, knowing that he was waiting for them to speak.

"We'll inform him immediately," Beerus stated, to which he mentally smiled as the smile on Zeno-sama's face remained, and maybe even widened a little, before the connection was terminated without the King of All saying anything else to the three of them.

The trio breathed a sigh of relief as the scepter returned to normal, though when Rainbow, Applejack, and Gale returned to them they explained that they had received a call from Zeno-sama while they were busy in the showers, as there was more than one in this house, and that he wanted to meet Goku soon. The girls seemed surprised to hear such a thing, but that told them that the King of All liked Goku's battle with Hit so much and likely found his personality to be refreshing, since it appeared that most of the Gods appeared to be nervous around him. Moments later they decided that they might as well tell Goku the news, to which the girls finished their preparations before all six of them left the house and flew towards the Capsule Corp building.

When they arrived on the balcony area, however, they found that Goku and the rest of the group was finishing their own breakfast, where they greeted their friends as they landed nearby.

"Goku, I need to have a quick word with you," Beerus said, though he purposely made his tone sound serious, because this was a very serious matter, while at the same time Chronoa excused herself so she could contact Shin and tell him what was happening.

"Oh, okay." Goku replied, to which he finished what he was eating, cleaned off his face, and followed both Beerus and Whis to a more private area, one where they wouldn't be interrupted by the others until they were finished discussing what they needed to talk about, "So, what do we need to take about?"

"We got a call a few minutes ago from Zeno-sama's palace," Beerus explained, as he knew that Goku already understood that such a thing meant that it was either from the Grand Priest or the King of All himself, even though it was unusual for Zeno-sama to make calls on his own since he usually had the Grand Priest make them in his stead, "and the King of All wants to see you."

"Oh right, Zeno-sama," Goku said, as he remembered seeing the King of All back during the previous summit of the gods, and had personally met him after the tournament between Universe 7 and Universe 6, to which he actually wondered what the King of All wanted with him.

"He has requested that you come to his palace immediately," Whis spoke up, because he knew the meaning behind what the King of All had said, as while he hadn't actually asked to meet with Goku immediately his tone spoke volumes about what he really wanted, "We're not sure what he wants to talk to you about though... it could be about the Universal Tournament or something just as important."

"Well, I remember one of you telling me that it would take two days if we traveled the normal way," Goku stated, as either Whis or Beerus had said something about traveling by the method Whis used would take that amount of time to go from Earth to Zeno's palace, though a few seconds later another thought came to mind as he faced Whis, "Oh, how about we ask Shin if he can take us to Zeno-sama's palace? He can use that Kai Kai ability of his and get us there in an instant."

"We had the same thought on the way here, which is why Chronoa is contacting him at the moment," Beerus said, revealing the reason why Chronoa had separated herself from them before Goku had followed after them, before letting out a sigh, "Goku, I know that you already understand this, but please don't do anything careless or reckless while you, Whis, and Shin are visiting Zeno-sama's palace... and please refrain from mentioning Black, the time machine, and what we're doing at the moment. Messing with the flow of time, even with a Supreme Kai of Time helping us to be sure that nothing terrible happens, is still bad and it will annoy Zeno-sama to some degree... maybe enough for him to consider erasing the entire universe."

Goku gulped for a moment, because he knew that upsetting the King of All would be a bad idea, but he promised Beerus that he would keep the information regarding Black and the time machine under wraps while he was visiting Zeno-sama's palace. The last thing he wanted was for their universe to be erased in the blink of an eye, though his words appeared to have appeased Beerus, who was still worried about what they were doing, but neither of them said anything as Shin appeared nearby. Thanks to Chronoa's efforts he was up to date on what was necessary, though he was surprised to be heading back to Zeno-sama's palace so soon after the summit, but he, Goku, and Whis got together and he used his Kai kai ability to take them to their destination... leaving the others to get ready for the time machine being fully repaired and the eventual invasion of the ruined future.

With Whis, Shin, and Goku gone for the moment, and Bulma still putting the finishing touches on the time machine, Beerus and his daughters simply joined the rest of the group and struck up a conversation with them, merely asking how they were doing and what they thought about the situation. Piccolo and Krillin, who were planning on leaving after breakfast, said that it was weird to see a version of Goku that wanted to kill humanity and purge all life from the universe, since that was what Black had said, but they knew that Goku, Vegeta, and Frieza could finish the job. The reasoning behind that was because the three of them had dominated Black when they fought him earlier and would have likely beaten him if the void hadn't called him back to the future. They also stated that Future Trunks and Future Gale were fortunate that Chronoa was here, otherwise they would have been forced to wait as Bulma fixed up the time machine that Cell used before they could follow after Black.

Beerus, ultimately, remained silent as everyone talked, because he honestly couldn't believe that he was even allowing his friends to use the time machine in such a manner and that he was worried about Goku doing something foolish while he was visited Zeno-sama.

About thirty minutes passed before Goku, Shin, and Whis returned to the area where the future warriors had landed when they escaped from the future, though everyone was definitely interested in what Zeno-sama wanted to talk about, since he had Goku come to him immediately. It was then that Goku explained that the King of All called him because of how he had acted back when the tournament ended, because he wasn't terrified or scared like everyone else, causing Zeno-sama to ask him to be his friend. Goku, of course, naturally agreed since saying no could have ended their universe, though he also promised Zen-chan, a name he had created for the King of All since he insisted on having a name only Goku would use with him, to find him a friend that could be with him for more time instead of constantly calling for Goku every time he wanted to do something... to which Goku insisted that he would find the King of All the promised friend the moment he, Vegeta, and Frieza finished off Black.

Beerus was shocked by what Zeno-sama wanted from Goku, and was even more shocked by the fact that the King of All insisted that Goku give him a friendly name like that, but in the end he was also happy, because it appeared that Goku had appeased the King of All... even though Goku had been given a button that would either bring him to Zeno-sama's palace or call Zeno-sama to Goku, which was too powerful in his opinion.

A few moments later Frieza landed and excused himself for being late, as he meant to arrive earlier, but there had been more paperwork for him to do at his base before he could depart like he originally planned, especially since some of his soldiers had been called out for something that was happening on one of the other planets. The group didn't mind Frieza being late, since the time machine hadn't been finished yet, but they were happy to see that he was true to his word and that he was itching to deal with Black. As they talked, however, Bulma exited the Capsule Corp and called for everyone to gather near where the time machine had touched down earlier, to which she threw a capsule out and let the time machine form before their eyes... fully upgraded thanks to the information the future her sent back in time and it's fuel reserves were completely restocked, allowing them to make a round trip.

The problem they discovered what was there was enough room in the cockpit for three people to sit without hurting themselves, which Future Trunks and Future Gale would be sitting in since they knew how to use the machine, leaving the three warriors to determine where they would be sitting. Goku and Vegeta eventually decided to latch onto the engines of the time machine and let Frieza sit in the cockpit as well, much to the surprise of the rest of the group, before they took their positions. That was followed by Future Trunks pulling down the lid of the part he, Future Gale, and Frieza were sitting in as his father and Goku taking up their positions... to which he pulled the lever and moved the time machine into the air, before they disappeared in a flash of light as they traveled to the future.

As the time machine disappeared, however, Chronoa smiled and pulled out the crystal mirror she, Beerus, Whis, and Shin had used to watch Rainbow and Applejack while they were growing up... though as everyone sat around it the image started to form as the time machine reached it's destination.

A few moments after engaging the time machine Trunks was happy to see that the version of his mother from the other era was able to fix it up and repair all the systems that had been damaged over the year he and Gale had fought with Black, as they managed to reach the desolate future without anything happening. As they slipped out of the time stream Trunks took them down slowly, giving the warriors a few moments to see what the future looked like while he carefully made sure that he didn't damage the machine. He had them land in the same area that his mother had thrown the capsule at, where he powered down the systems and opened the lid, allowing Gale and Frieza to jump out of the cockpit while Vegeta and Goku climbed off the engines... before turning off the power, jumping out, and reverted the machine back to it's capsule state, which he quickly stored away.

"Everything's wrecked..." Goku commented, staring at the destruction that rested all around them, as the vast majority of the buildings were damaged in some manner and some of them looked ready to fall over at any moment, "So... this is the future that you guys came from..."

"Good lord, this reminds me of when I used to dominate worlds," Frieza said, as he had seen perfectly ordinary cities, much like the one from their era, reduced to ruins like this one, only this time around he was sickened by what he and the others were seeing, "I'm going to strangle Black when we find him."

Just then Trunks and Gale turned towards the direction that Mai had fallen in and noticed something odd the moment they looked in that direction, as they rushed over to where her body had hit the ground and discovered that it was gone, save for the hat she had been wearing when they made a run for the Capsule Corp. That meant that she had to be alive and that Black hadn't killed her, but before they got their hopes up they heard the sound of guns being fired and noticed four canisters coming towards where Goku was standing. Before Trunks could move, however, the wind wrapped around the items he would have targeted and they were torn apart, where they exploded in mid air, though he already knew that Gale was behind destroying them in such a manner. At the same time, however, he seriously hoped that Black wasn't paying attention at the moment, especially since they were all powering their power to the point where no one should be able to detect them.

That was also followed by the members of the resistance, who had apparently been standing guard over this area since their departure, emerging from their hiding places and pointed their weapons at Goku, though they stopped in their tracks when Trunks and Gale told them to stop. The members of the resistance were quick to ask the duo for their autographs, since they did so many great things since Black appeared, but they eventually discovered that now wasn't the best time and that they had better get going. Of course they also stepped in front of Goku and stared at him for a few seconds, to be absolutely sure that he wasn't Black, before both Trunks and Gale introduced their friends to the two soldiers that were in front of them. What surprised the two future warriors was that the resistance apparently knew that their friends were heroes from the past, but instead of questioning it they got underway and left the Capsule Corp behind, since they had a mission to fulfill and a few to find.

Of course the two men also revealed that the reason they knew about Trunks' and Gale's mission to the past was because they, and the other members of the resistance, learned this information from Mai herself... which prompted them to head into the nearest subway entrance and head towards the hideout of the survivors. There they found Mai, who had some bandages wrapped around the top of her head, tending to the soldiers that were around her, though that didn't stop Trunks and Gale from surprising her with their return. From there Mai and the soldiers led the way towards their new base, explaining to the group that the old one had been attacked by Black shortly after he suddenly reappeared, revealing what happened to him after Black returned to the future. They also discovered that the number of survivors had decreased as well, as there were enough in the hidden underground base to fill one of Bulma's garages, though they all claimed that Mai had done well in saving as many as she had... especially against a foe like Black, who enjoyed destroying everything around him and slaughtering all the innocent people he could find.

While the survivors praised both Trunks and Gale, since it was by their actions that they had survived so long, Vegeta had everyone clear some space as he pulled out a container of three capsules that Bulma had prepared in her spare time, revealing that the first one had a grand feast stored inside it... and handed the container to Mai, saying that the other two had useful supplies that she and the others could use in the future. They also discovered that the future's version of Yajirobe was alive and well, though he was still the same as the one from their era, so they knew he was just another survivor and not a fighter. Sometime during the feast Vegeta, Goku, Trunks, Gale, and Frieza slipped away from the area and returned to the surface, where Mai inquired as to what they were planning on doing so they could stop Black... though that was when she learned that all five of them were going to utterly destroy him, because three of them had nearly done the job and they were here to finish the job.

The five heroes, upon reaching the surface, wrapped their auras around them and took off, heading away from the base that the resistance had set up, because there was no reason to get them involved now that they had the opportunity to hope for Black's defeat... before they all landed in a park that was wide enough for a good fight, where Vegeta loosed a lower powered beam attack into the air, signaling where they were for Black.

"No matter where that bastard is, he should have seen that," Vegeta commented, to which he lowered his arm and stared at the sky, while at the same time all five of them prepared themselves for Black's arrival, "he should have no problem finding us now."

Not even a few seconds later the clouds above them swirled for a moment as lightning surrounded the figure inside the clouds, which was followed by it all breaking apart as Black appeared before them, though what surprised the warriors from the past was that he was completely healed... as there was nothing left to suggest that the three of them had nearly killed him a few hours ago.

"I was wondering when you were going to return to this era," Black said, though he smiled as he looked down at the group, but his eyes were focused solely on Goku, once more revealing that the imposter wanted a crack at the person whose body he had stolen, "Good. I am glad that you were able to make it back here in one piece."

Goku and Vegeta immediately accessed their Super Saiyan Blue forms, allowing their hair to flare upwards as their godly ki formed the aura around their bodies, while at the same time Trunks did the same thing with Super Saiyan 2, where lightning crackled around his aura for a few seconds. Frieza and Gale followed their lead, where Frieza transformed back into his Golden state while Gale pushed herself to the state that mimicked Super Saiyan 2, just like her brother did when he was fighting against Gohan all those years ago. The energy radiating from all five of them shook the area around them for a few seconds, revealing the amount of power that they were giving off and showing that they were ready for a fight... though at the same time Black was completely unfazed by what he was seeing.

"Yes... three warriors who clad themselves in godly ki, and two mortals that defy the gods themselves," Black stated, though he clapped for a few seconds, indicating that he was pleased with them all, "Good... all of you have trained well to achieve your current level of power..."

That was followed by Black disappearing from where he was floating and reappeared right in front of Vegeta, who was in the middle of the group, before the five warriors jumped backwards and separated themselves a little bit, but they already knew that something was horribly wrong. Black was not as fast as this when Goku, Vegeta, and Frieza had fought him earlier, but even if he managed to recover from his defeat, and get back to full health, the Saiyan body he had stolen shouldn't have been able to boost his power by this much. It was greater than any of the boosts that Goku and Vegeta had gained over the years, as it almost appeared that Black was taking a page from Frieza's race this time around, but that only made them wonder if their chances of winning had been greatly reduced. Instead of feeling fear, and stepping down from a fight like this, the five warriors dashed forward and started the battle, though that was when Vegeta punched Black in the chest and sent him flying through some of the ruined buildings.

Goku and Frieza, anticipating that first attack, followed after Black as he smashed through the walls behind him and went on the offensive as they started throwing a storm of punches at their target, who could only defend himself at the moment and even took them at times. When they freed themselves from the buildings Goku moved forward and kicked Black so hard that he flew even further backwards, right into Frieza, who kicked him so hard that he sailed into the air for a few seconds. Trunks and Gale were on the receiving end as they kicked Black in the chest as hard as they could, sending him right into the ground below them, where Vegeta entered the fight once more and started throwing punches into Black's body, causing the ground around them to flatten three times in a row... before Black grinned and Vegeta jumped out of the hole he had made, where the others gathered around to see what was going on now.

A few seconds later Black walked out of the hole that had been created around him and dusted off his gi with a smile on his face, though that was before he dashed towards Vegeta and kicked him in the chest, sending him sailing through the ruined buildings until he was on the ground of the park. All four of the remaining warriors reacted immediately, though this time around when they attacked Black simply avoided their attacks and hit them in return, sending all four of them flying back to the park where the battle had started, though he didn't do any lasting damage, as they were able to get up just fine a few moments later.

"I am still surprised to see that humans can reach the level that you have," Black commented, though he was looking at Goku, Vegeta, and Frieza, since they were the ones that used and could feel godly ki, but at the same time he chuckled for a moment, "as a reward for all of your hard work, allow me to show you something."

Black's ki started to wrap around him like he was going to transform, though at the same time the clouds above their heads flashed, indicating that something was going to happen as the area around them actually darkened a little bit, making the five warriors prepare themselves for what was coming next. That was followed by Black's aura taking on a new coloration as it surged into the clouds for a moment, before it transformed from a black clouded aura into something that was a very dark shade of red on the outside, but transitioned into a more pinkish color on the inside. Black's hair also took on a pastel pink color with faint white highlights as it flared upwards, with his eyebrows matching the new color of his hair, and his eye color changed to light gray color. The power he was putting out, however, told the group that the earlier fight had given Black the knowledge of how to transform into a Super Saiyan, and, at the same time, allowed him to essentially steal every transformation that Goku had... indicating that this new form of his had to be his Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan transformation.

"Just look at this color, isn't it human?" Black asked, though he actually smiled at them as he held his hands out, as if he was silently challenging them to come and fight him now that he had transformed, "If I had to put a name on this form, on this rose... yes, Super Saiyan Rose."

"Well aren't you full of surprises," Frieza commented, though while he thought that Black looked more intimidating by being someone that stole Goku's body, he had to admit that the power arrayed against them was not to be laughed at as he and the others prepared themselves for Black's next move.

"Son Goku, look at me now!" Black said, completely ignoring Frieza and his statement, as it appeared that he was solely focused on one person at the moment, which only made the group keep their guards up, "Thanks to you I have finally reached the peak of beauty."

"I don't know about beauty," Goku stated, as he wasn't sure that this qualified as beauty, but at the same time he knew that the battle was going to resume at any moment and wanted to be ready for it, "but you sure got quite the power up after our last fight... one that's far stronger than what we have ever gotten before."

"In the end, you're only human." Black commented, once more ignoring what was being said as he focused on what he had achieved, looking proud of himself in the process, even though this was because he stole the information from Goku during the last battle, "You cannot possibly understand the level of my proud words... nor do any of you understand your true place in this world..."

Vegeta, apparently growing tired of this conversation, surged towards the sky and threw a punch at Black, who simply moved out of the way and this his own punch at the back of Vegeta's head, though Vegeta surprised his opponent by catching the attack with his right hand. He then twisted Black to the side and unleashed a storm of blows on Black's ride side, before uppercutting him and knocking him backwards, though the only thing that annoyed Vegeta was the fact that Black was constantly smiling throughout the battle. Vegeta then surged towards the opening he had created and intended to knock Black into the ground, so the others could join in the fight and end this nightmare, but before that happened he was stopped in his tracks... as Black had summoned a ki blade that had pierced Vegeta's armor, going right into his chest and came out of his back.

"Vegeta!" Goku shouted, though he was shocked that Black could do all of this without Vegeta even seeing it coming, making him wonder if they even stood a chance at beating him this time around.

"Like I said, you don't understand your place in this world," Black said, though he smiled as he stared into Vegeta's eyes, enjoying the feeling that was coursing through his body at the moment, "besides, you were always going to be a warm up for me."

With that said Black pulled his arm, and the ki blade that was attached to it, back and released Vegeta, who coughed up some blood for a moment before falling towards the ground below them, though as Frieza caught him he dropped out of his Super Saiyan Blue form. At the same time the other warriors glared up at him as he stared down at them, though he was focused on a single person at the moment, since the others were mere ants compared to his true target, who was staring up at him with a look of anger and hate on his face. Instead of beckoning Goku forward, however, Black landed on the top of a ruined building and grinned at them as he brought his hands to the right side of his body, where he started charging a now dark pink colored Kamehameha... one that was currently being aimed right at the group.

What actually happened next, however, caught them all off guard as both Goku and Vegeta heard a familiar voice speak, one that seemed to stop Black in his tracks and turn the aura off while keeping himself in his new state... though that was before Zamasu, the one from this time period, descended towards the area they were all in. What made Goku worried was the fact that he was landing beside Black, indicating that he likely wasn't on their side and that their chances for survival had actually just gotten all that much worse.

"I remember you, Son Goku," Zamasu said, though the smile on his face definitely revealed that he wasn't on their side, as it was almost identical to the one that Black had been using the entire time they had seen him, "Today I will kill you and everyone you hold dear."

"Zamasu, I was honestly hoping that this wasn't the case," Goku remarked, though at this point he knew that he had to stall for time, especially since it appeared that Frieza was silently trying to get Trunks and Gale to ready the time machine in some manner, or at least trying to tell them to do so, "but it appears that you and Black are allies... or at the very least partners."

"An accurate observation on your part," Zamasu stated, as he actually sounded a little surprised that Goku had determined that fact from simply staring at them, but at the same time his smile remained on his face, "I, on the other hand, would say we're more like kindred spirits, but partners works as well. Soon the world that we envision will become a reality, a world were humans like you and your friends aren't necessary at all. Even you unrefined Saiyans, despite your sudden change of heart and became warriors of justice, are particularly unnecessary in our world, since you swap from evil to good and back whenever it suits you."

"That's where you would be wrong," Goku replied, as he knew enough about the history of the Saiyan race to understand that something major had happened to King Vegeta to make him change the minds of his entire race, save for Nappa, to become the legendary warriors of justice that the universe remembered them as, "unless some major change were to happen, a Saiyan sticks to their belief no matter what... just like Vegeta and I have fought on the side of good ever since we were born. Besides, you don't have the right to just destroy humanity like this, that right belongs to the thirteen Gods of Destruction that watch over the thirteen universes."

"Thirteen?!" Zamasu inquired, making it sound like he hadn't heard about Sunset Shimmer's ascension, to which Goku wondered what happened to the Future Beerus, as he should have come to stop this the moment Black acted up.

Goku took the opening that revealed itself and rushed towards his opponents, though since he was fighting to provide time for the others to get away he made sure that their focus was on him and no one else, to which he started fighting Zamasu and noticed that his aura had an evil feeling to it as well. It was more identical to the aura that had been around Black when they fought him, while possessing none of the virtue he had felt in the ki from the Zamasu of his era, meaning that they had to keep an eye on their Zamasu before he went off the deep end. While Goku was thinking about the situation that they were in, and how it tied back to their era, Zamasu surprised him and sent him flying towards an old ruined street, where he jumped backwards as arrow shaped ki blasts hit the ground in front of him and exploded. During the rain of ki blasts Black had followed after them and raced towards him with his ki blade extended, though Goku dodged it and let Black cut into the ground.

What he then discovered, however, was that the closest building that was parallel with Black had dark pink lines wrapped around it's exterior before the entire building shattered into a thousand pieces and crumbled to the ground, indicating that Black wasn't to be messed with.

"Son Goku is supposed to be my prey." Zamasu calmly said, though at the same time he landed beside Black, where Goku noticed that he wasn't all that upset over Black joining the battle, meaning that there was something between the two that they didn't know about.

"This body wants him," Black replied, though as he spoke he pulled his ki blade from the ground and pointed it at Goku, who readied himself by entering his battle stance once more, "it doesn't look like I can stop this desire."

"Very well then," Zamasu stated, to which he also turned his attention towards Goku, indicating that they were either going to come at him at the same time or do what Black had done and use smoke as their cover, "let us beat down and destroy this miserable Saiyan, together."

Goku observed his opponents as they dropped into their own battle stances, though that was when he noticed that Black seemed to be mimicking Zamasu for the tiniest of seconds before using the same one that he had stolen from Goku earlier. He wondered if there was a reason behind that, as in whoever had taken his body had the ability to remember the battle stance of whoever he was fighting and could copy their moves into itself, but at the same time he knew that the others would be surprised by this fact. When the duo came towards him, however, Goku dodged the attack that Zamasu was throwing towards him and avoided the blade entirely, though that opened him up to Black's attack... though before it could connect a golden aura, one that was different from a Saiyan's aura, appeared between him and struck Black in the chest, before knocking him away.

"Oops, sorry about that," Frieza said, though a smile appeared on his face as he let Goku's back touch his own, while the two of them returned to their battle stances, "my hand slipped."

"I didn't think you'd be the first to come to my aid," Goku admitted, because he would have thought that Trunks or Gale, since this was their era they were fighting for, would have come here instead of the former tyrant, "but I'm not complaining since you just saved me from being cut up."

"Trunks and Gale wanted to come, but I told them to watch after Vegeta," Frieza explained, though at the same time he stared at his opponent, who was putting away his ki blade as he dusted himself off, giving them a few seconds to speak before they got started again, so he lowered his voice, "Trunks is also getting the time machine ready, so when you see a golden stray ki blast in the air we'll need to move fast."

"I understand," Goku said, because it appeared that they were going to need some serious firepower, potentially Rainbow and Applejack, to take these two out without dying in the process, "Well then, let's give these guys a show."

Together Goku and Frieza fired a small ki blast at the ground in front of them, creating a small smoke screen of sorts, before they flew out towards their targets, as Goku flew right up to Black and knocked him into the air while Frieza moved forward and started battling Zamasu. Goku and Black moved along the side of a building, where Black fired ki blasts that Goku dodged before trying to hit him using the ki blade, but instead of using the Instant Transmission, in the off chance that it was the only move of his that Black didn't copy, Goku refrained from using it. Of course that proved to be nonsense since he dodged the attack and tried to hit Black from behind, only to have Black use the same technique and blast him all the way into the ground. When Goku remarked that he was surprised that his opponent could use the Instant Transmission technique, along with the Kamehameha, Black simply smiled and said that anything Goku could do he could do it so much better.

That told Goku that every technique he had mastered over the years, and painstakingly learned from those that had created them at times, was now in the hands of his enemy, though Goku suspected that if Black tried something like the Spirit Bomb it would be twisted into an instrument of evil, bent on the destruction of all that was good in the universe.

While that was happening, however, Frieza and Zamasu danced around the area that they had chosen for their arena, though they were merely punching and kicking each other, or dodging attacks and moving around to avoid being hurt in some manner. The problem with that, however, was that Frieza was starting to notice that Zamasu didn't care if he got hit or not, as none of his attacks seemed to faze the evil Kaioshin, as Frieza had heard that Gowasu had been wearing green Potara and Zamasu had orange ones. The fact that this version of Zamasu had one green Potara, on the same ear that Black was wearing his Potara, clearly meant that Zamasu had killed his mentor, though he was sure that there was more to the story than what he was seeing at the moment. Eventually Frieza also noticed a hole in Zamasu's defenses, one that he could use to easily end this fight in an instant if he so desired, to which he mentally smiled as he aimed for that spot during his next attack.

When Zamasu's guard was broken, with a surprised look on his face, Frieza wasted no time in using his Death Beam to puncture his opponent's chest ten times, making sure that he hit every major organ in the process, sometimes even twice depending on which organ it was... but what shocked him was that it still had no effect on Zamasu.

"That won't work on me," Zamasu said, to which Frieza watched as all of the holes he had made healed before his eyes, to the point where it looked like he had never damaged him to begin with, "This immortal body... this is a true god."

"So this is what having an immortal body would do to someone," Frieza commented, as he occasionally wondered what would have happened if he got his wish back on Namek, one that he had no idea if he still wanted anymore, "kind of takes all the fun out of a battle if you ask me."

"There's no need for you to fight anymore," Zamasu stated, though at the same time he floated up into the air, where Black appeared near him thanks to his stolen technique, to which Goku did the same thing and appeared next to Frieza as they stared up at the duo, "all you need to do is receive your retribution!"

Together Black and Zamasu held one of their hands into the air and gathered their energy, where a ball of ki appeared above each of their hands before merging into one massive sphere of energy, one that was clearly intended to kill the two of them in the process. Frieza, on the other hand, wasn't about to let them have their way as he held his hands close together for a few seconds, before pulling them apart above his head and a Supernova formed above him, one that he threw straight at his opponents. Black and Zamasu didn't seem fazed by what was going on, as they dropped their ball of destructive power on the one that was coming towards them, causing the two to battle for supremacy in the area between the two groups... but Frieza grinned for a moment, as neither of their opponent had realized that this was merely a ploy so they could use the time machine to go back to their era.

During their struggle Goku noticed the stray beam of energy that Frieza had mentioned earlier, to which he touched Frieza's shoulder and gave a slight tug, to which the emperor nodded as Goku raised his fingers to his head and caused the two of them to disappear as Frieza let go of the Supernova... obscuring their escape from both Black and Zamasu.

The two appeared near the time machine as the cockpick started to close, to which they both latched onto one of the engines and found that Trunks, Gale, and Vegeta were sitting in the center of the machine, before they nodded to Trunks and prepared themselves. Not a few seconds later the time machine shot into the air and stayed there for a few seconds, giving them enough time to see Black and Zamasu rushing towards them before they slipped back into the time stream and headed back to their era. Goku knew that their opponents were tough, more than any of them had originally thought they would be after nearly killing Black during the first encounter, but they still had a pair of fighters that were unknown to this duo... and hopefully the power that Rainbow and Applejack possessed would be enough to turn the tide against Black and Zamasu.

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