• Published 26th Jan 2017
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Dragon Ball Z: Daughters of Destruction - Blackdrag-rose

Rainbow Dash and Applejack are transported to a strange world, where they are raised by Beerus the Destroyer and his attendant Whis.

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Interlude: Laughter's Return

A week had passed since Goku and Vegeta had started their training on Beerus' planet, where Whis watched over their progress while Beerus continued showing Rainbow and Applejack the finer points of using their godly ki, which would take some time considering that he had actually never taught someone how to do this. Beerus actually had to interrupt Whis' training sessions from time to time due to his inexperience in actually teaching someone to use the type of ki that was unique to him and the other gods. He knew that it had to be annoying for Goku and Vegeta to have their training interruped in such a manner, but what really happened was that they were interested in what Whis had to say and listened in on their short conversations so they could get some pointers for their own training... to which they stopped trying to do that when Whis increased the weight of their stones on them, while also promising Whis that they wouldn't do it again.

Beerus knew that the Saiyans were actually just looking for something to latch onto, to really get their training started, and he couldn't fault them for that, but at the same time he knew that they wouldn't take the easy way out of this even if Whis actually gave it to them on a silver platter.

While the six of them were training, which involved Whis taking the Saiyans to the edge of the planet once more for the stone training while Beerus watched the girls fight above the lake, Chronoa had Gale take a different approach to her own individual training. Since Shin had trained with Beerus for a few years, to prepare himself for the battle with Majin Buu, Chronoa asked if Shin would take some time out of his days and spar with Gale, which involved the two of them sparring above a different part of the planet so they didn't get in the way of the others. Despite that fact Rainbow and Applejack occasionally stopped what they were doing to either watch their sister's training or even jump in and spar with her for a few minutes... though all of this helped aid her development.

Whis made sure that, while Goku and Vegeta were going though his intense training, the two Saiyans spent a few minutes eating, sleeping, and doing something that actually didn't involve training, just so they didn't burn themselves out in the process. That also involved taking them back home when a day ended, so their families didn't worry about them and understood that they were preparing for whatever the future held for the Earth, something that Chi Chi started to become angry with until she realized that Goku would go along with the training regardless of what she wanted. She still insisted that Goku stay on Earth for an hour or two each day to take care of the small farm that they had set up, to which everyone was shocked when they heard that Vegeta was more than willing to help his friend out... but Beerus knew that it was so they could get back to the training in a timely manner, though he said nothing about it.

Since Whis was insisting that the Saiyans take a break between their training sessions, and they seemed to be doing it every now and then, Beerus also insisted that his daughters do the same thing, where he was actually surprised to see that Rainbow was willing to take some breaks while they trained.

Another thing that Beerus found to be interesting was that the chefs in his temple, both the new ones and the old ones that insisted on staying on with him until they found a suitable replacement, were amazed by Chronoa's cooking skills when she wanted to make the entire group a meal at lunch or dinner. Beerus had to wonder if the chefs had known that the Supreme Kai of Time had been a terrible cook up until thirty-nine years ago, because after the arrival of Rainbow and Applejack Chronoa's skills had taken off in a positive manner. He even heard that some of his chefs were asking her about the various dishes that she created, as she usually put a twist on a certain dish that made it unique to her and she actually told them about her dishes so they could try them out in the future.

Beerus remembered when eating one of Chronoa's puddings would cause him, and anyone else that was unfortunate enough to taste the dish, to freeze for a few minutes, as her skills had been pitiful in the past... but now her puddings tasted divine and he actually enjoyed eating them, something that everyone agreed with.

While they were training Gale actually showed them a new technique she had been practicing with and had been attempting to complete, though she never got around to trying it out while Super Buu was running around and had resumed training with the technique after the party that celebrated his defeat. Beerus and Whis agreed that she could show them the technique when it was time to take a break, so when the time came, and both groups were ready for their break, the entirety of their group turned towards where Gale was standing at that moment. Gale, sensing that it was time, nodded her head and moved away from where they were gathered, to which she held her hand out and gathered her ki for a few seconds... which was followed by a spinning sphere of ki energy appearing above her hand.

"This is my Spiral Sphere technique, the base form of what I'm about to show you," Gale said, to which she prepared herself for what was coming next, as channeling the power into the stronger version of this attach was tougher than what she originally thought it would be.

A few seconds passed before Gale held her right hand away from her body, the palm facing the tree that was resting to her right, though that was before the wind around them started to gather around the sphere and started to form the four blades that were supposed to branch off from the center. It took a few moments for her to complete the technique, though once she was finished she nodded her head to Shin, who nodded in turn and summoned a block of metal in the area near her. Gale braced herself as she swung her arm and struck the block with her ultimate technique, something that she hadn't told her sisters about, to which they all watched as the block went flying with the sphere digging into it... before it reached a certain distance from where they were standing and detonated its payload.

The force of the blast would have knocked them all backwards, if they all weren't used to the power of Rainbow's lance, though there was a decent sized crater blasted into the ground where the attack had detonated... though once the wind died down Gale huffed for a few seconds and regained herself as she turned back towards the rest of the group.

"That was the Spiral Sphere: Wind Release," Gale said, though at the same time she wiped some sweat off of her forehead, because the power she needed to use in order to pull off that attack made it a one time thing, two if she could manage to gather enough power to pull it off a second time.

"I had no idea you had such a power hidden from us," Goku commented, to which he chuckled for a moment as he waved a hand towards Rainbow and Applejack, who were smiling at their sister at the moment, "and it seems that you are more like your sisters than we originally thought you were... you have a talent for channeling your elemental affinity."

Whis started to open his mouth, so he could say something about what they had just seen, though that was before he noticed that his scepter was glowing, but instead of the glow that came when the Grand Priest contacted him and the other Angels this was the glow that meant another Angel was contacting him. He briefly excused himself, as he apparently had a call that he needed to take, before holding the top of the scepter towards the area where no one was standing, which was followed by a green circle appearing in the air. A few more seconds passed before the figure of Celestia appeared in front of them, to which he heard some of the others gasp before they paused what they were doing, giving the Angel of Universe 13 their full attention.

At the same time, however, Beerus had to wonder if Sunset was calling for Rainbow and Applejack to return to their home universe already, which would ruin all of the plans that he had for their training so they could eventually master using the godly ki that they had unlocked.

"Celestia, this is an unexpected surprise," Whis said, as he knew that the majority of their group would be surprised by the timing of the call, though at the same time he silently admitted that he was interested in what was going to happen next, "What can we do for the Angel, and the God of Destruction, for Universe 13?"

"I'm sorry for the suddenness of this call, but we have some news that should interest the girls," Celestia replied, to which she shifted her gaze upwards for a moment, where she looked at Rainbow and Applejack for a few seconds, before she turned back to Whis, "One of the other ponies that Discord displaced, again by accident as he claims, has returned to Equus... and its one of Rainbow and Applejack's missing friends."

Rainbow and Applejack raised their eyebrows for a few seconds, as their memories told them that the ponies that Discord had shown them, on the screens he had summoned while they were talking, and they remembered the names of most of them. From what they knew the displaced ponies were King Sombra, Queen Chrysalis, Gilda, Derpy Hooves, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Lyra Heartstrings, Trixie Lulamoon, and a trio of creatures that Twilight called the Sirens, or the Dazzlings as Sunset knew them. Based on the names they knew, and what their memories revealed, the only two that fit what Celestia was telling them were Pinkie and Rarity, which made them wonder which of them had finally found their way home... and it appeared that Celestia wanted to keep that a secret for now.

They had the feeling that Celestia wanted them to come and visit Equus so they could meet the pony that had just returned to their home world... and the two of them were actually interested in seeing which of their friends had finally found their way back to Equus.

"Would it be possible for us to make a brief visit and let my daughters reunite with whichever one of their friends that happened to return home?" Beerus asked, because he had seen the look in Rainbow and Applejack's eyes, as they were interested in seeing who this pony was and he wasn't about to deny them a small reunion.

"Of course you can come over for a visit," another voice said, to which Sunset appeared in the background, though at the same time the group heard the sounds of Twilight talking to someone that wasn't standing near Celestia or her scepter at the moment, "besides, our friend is eager to reunite with the two of you."

With Sunset's approval to visit her universe given to them, and the call terminated a few seconds later, Beerus and the others gathered together and allowed Whis to get them moving in the direction of Universe 13, though at the same time they were all excited about who had finally returned. Rainbow and Applejack had an idea which of their two friends it could be and told the others a little bit about them, as they wanted them to know something about both Rarity and Pinkie before they arrived. It took them some time to pass through their universe and entered Universe 13, though the girls spent that time talking so they knew that they understood some of the memories that they had recovered, especially the ones involving Pinkie and Rarity.

When they finally reached Equus, for the second time in two weeks, Whis slowed down and located where Celestia was standing, to which he carefully brought them down towards the plains that they had landed in the last time they had come to this planet. This time around, however, there was an interesting ship, roughly twice the size of the Capsule Corp building, resting nearby, though at the same time Beerus noticed that the bottle shaped ship had an unusual metal alloy that had to be native to this universe. From what he could tell there was no one inside the strange ship at the moment, which told him that whoever had returned to Equus had likely gone back to Ponyville... though that was before he felt the presence of Universe 13's gods approaching them.

The moment the group towards towards the other gods, however, they noticed that there were some new people walking beside them; one man who looked to be about twenty years old, five creatures that appeared be to a cross between an otter and a weasel, and a pony girl that looked about the same age as the man did. The man was wearing some gear that looked like it was made so he could survive in a desert, while at the same time wearing a suit of armor, made in the same style of his clothing, that looked like it was made out of the same metal as the nearby ship. The hybrid creatures, who had orange fur, were an interesting bunch, as three of them were wearing white robes while one of those carried a staff, while one of the remaining two was wearing pants and some goggles on his forehead... though the fifth member of their race had dark purple fur color instead of an orange color like the others.

The last member of the group, the one Beerus was most interested in, was a pony girl like his own daughters, though her skin color and her hair color were pink colored, though the hair was slightly darker than her skin, and she happened to be wearing a suit of armor that matched what the man was wearing and showed off her midriff. The interesting part about her armor was that the right side of it was dark purple colored while the left side was light blue color, almost white colored, and the middle of her chest piece seemed to be a union of the two colors. The two colors happened to meet at a blue colored gemstone, one that Beerus suspected represented something about the pony girl they were staring at, which Celestia might be able to tell them about. One other thing he noted was that she also seemed to be wearing some sort of robe, which was split a slight distance below the neckline to reveal the armor beneath it, but he had no idea why she was even wearing the robe to begin with... and was sure that he wouldn't understand until he found out her story.

A few seconds later he turned towards Rainbow and Applejack, where he noticed that the two of them definitely knew who was walking towards them, as they walked towards their friend and threw their arms around her once they were in front of each other, which was something that she replicated not a few moments later.

"Its good to see you again Pinkie," Applejack said, to which the three of them pulled back from each other, before she glanced at the people and creatures that had come home with her, "Who are your friends?"

"This is my brother, Jak, and our friends Daxter and Raven," Pinkie replied, though Beerus noticed that she sounded unusually happy, but at the same time she waved a hand towards the two creatures that had been riding on her shoulder and Jak's shoulder, indicating that the orange one was Daxter and the purple one was Raven, before beckoning to the remaining three creatures, "and these are the Precursors, the beings that the people of the world I was teleported to revered as gods. This is their leader, and the most powerful of the trio, Eon."

"Greetings warriors and gods of Universe 7," the indicated creature, Eon, said, though at the same time he bowed his head towards Beerus for a few seconds, telling Beerus that he knew about the Gods of Destruction and recognized what he was almost immediately, "As Pinkie Pie said, my friends and I are the Precursors, though all five of us, including Daxter and Raven, are known by the term 'ottsel', which is the name for the form that you are staring at. My friends Surf and Trigger, named after the surfing and gun hobbies that they each enjoy, as well as myself can command the vast Eco energies that we used to craft the world that Pinkie landed on... as well as the other planets that rest near it."

"Eco energies?" Chronoa asked, because while she was interested in what Eon was talking about, as this was new to all of them, she had the feeling that this new type of energy was similar to Equus' magic or the ki of their universe.

"It is a type of energy that is similar to the magical energies of this world, or the ki of the world Rainbow and Applejack were sent to," Eon explained, revealing that he must have spent some time understanding the other energies that Sunset had discovered, meaning that Pinkie must have returned to Equus a few days ago at the very least, "Eco is broken up into six different colors; Red Eco, Blue Eco, Green Eco, Yellow Eco, Light Eco, and Dark Eco, though I will explain what each color does. Red Eco contains the essence of power and strength, which allows the person that uses it to empower their blows and take out certain opponents at a much faster pace. Blue Eco contains the energy of motion, which increases the user's speed, allows the activation of specific machines that we invented, and the collection of nearby items, like other bits of Eco energy or collectable items. Green Eco contains the energy of life, meaning that it can restore someone to perfect heal and cure corrupted plants back to the state they had been in. Yellow Eco contains the power of long-range strength, as the user can launch fireballs at whoever they are fighting or whatever they are targeting.

The last two types, Dark Eco and Light Eco, are different from the other four, as Dark Eco has the property to warp, mutate, and potentially even destroy things that are infected by it, or even people if they are unfortunate enough to have it injected into their bodies. Jak and Pinkie were touched by Dark Eco some time ago and they were greatly effected by what happened to them, though at the same time they were granted new abilities that helped them deal with the war that was coming towards them. The final type of Eco, Light Eco, is speculated by the people of our world to be the rarest and purest form of Eco, though at the same time it contains the properties of healing, restoring, balancing, and purifying, and it was something we gifted Jak and Pinkie with when they found the statue that was connected to where we were hiding. Light Eco also serves as a balance for Dark Eco and also grants another new set of abilities... and restored the entirety of Pinkie's abilities in the process."

"That's an interesting set of abilities that you've picked up," Rainbow commented, to which she turned her head towards Pinkie, though at the same time Beerus could tell that she was interested in fighting someone that had some unusual abilities that weren't like anyone they had fought so far.

"I know right?" Pinkie asked, to which she moved her arm for a moment and caused the robe to move as well, as if she was about to show something off to all of them, "When I channel a specific type of Eco through my body, as that is an ability that Jak and I can do due to our own reasons, my robe changes shape to match which color I pick... here, let me show you what happens when I channel Light Eco."

Rainbow and Applejack watched as Pinkie glowed for a few seconds before the robe started to unfurl before their eyes, though that was followed by the robe transforming into a white pair of wings, which appeared to be the same size as the wings that Celestia had possessed before her transformation, that actually came out of her back. It quickly became clear that Sunset and her fellow gods were surprised by the form that Pinkie had taken, meaning that they hadn't seen this yet, before Pinkie chuckled and flexed her wings for a few seconds. That was followed by the wings actually moving, which was when she took to the skies for a moment and she flew around them, revealing that she now had the power to fly when she used this form.

As Beerus watched all of this he knew one thing was coming, something that Rainbow likely remembered from her old memories, though he silently chuckled as he watched Rainbow prepare herself for what she was about to do... especially when Pinkie flew close to where everyone was standing.

"Say Pinkie, do you want to have a short race?" Rainbow asked, though at the same time she lifted herself into the air and flew over to where Pinkie was floating, who seemed to raise her eyebrow for a moment, "Maybe once around the planet or something similar to that?"

"Sure, I've been waiting for a real challenge to test these babies out," Pinkie replied, to which she opened her wings to their full length once more as the two of them started to move away from the group, though that was before another thought came to her mind, "Oh, and when we get back I need to throw a party for all three of us, for overcoming everything that was thrown at us and finding our way home... and then I need to join Discord in the search for the other ponies he accidentally displaced."

Rainbow grinned and took off a few seconds later, to which Pinkie burst into the air and raced after her, leaving Sunset and the others to sigh as they used their own methods to follow after them, as some of them had expected this and others were surprised that such a thing was happening at the moment. Beerus, being excited to see what was going to happen, followed after the two of them, though he kept at a decent distance to avoid disrupting the two of them as they raced to the far north. From what he remembered, based on what he and the others had been told about this world, the Crystal Empire rested to the north of Canterlot and Ponyville, though he wondered if Rainbow and Pinkie even knew that or if they were just racing for the fun of it.

After a few minutes of following them he noticed that Sunset, Twilight, and Celestia were actually ahead of the girls, rapidly weaving an entire course for the two of them to follow, though neither Rainbow or Pinkie seemed upset by the change to where they were going. Rather the two of them were excited that someone was even creating a course for them, making Beerus wonder what sort of world Pinkie had been sent to as he followed after them, while avoiding the obstacles that Rainbow and Pinkie were passing through. It took the two a few minutes to reach the area that the Crystal Empire was in, telling the watchers that their speeds were greater than anyone originally believed them to be, though the first one to reach the halfway point and turn around was actually Pinkie... which caused Rainbow to pick up her speed as she gained on Pinkie and became neck to neck with her once more.

As they made the return trip to the plains outside Ponyville, however, the two of them really put forth their best effort to beat each other, though at the same time Beerus noticed that Rainbow was starting to get ahead, something that was bound to happen regardless of how fast Pinkie was. Soon Rainbow was packing on the speed and was getting ahead of Pinkie, who tried to make her wings go faster and made them pause for a few seconds, almost knocking her out of the sky, but she was able to regain herself as she returned to the course... but unfortunately she was unable to catch up to Rainbow. A few more seconds later and Rainbow had landed on the ground of the plains, to which she turned around and watched as Pinkie reverted back to her original form as she touched down as well, though despite the fact that she had been beaten she was smiling.

"I don't know what happened to you and Applejack, but it appears that you haven't lost your speed at all," Pinkie said, to which she chuckled for a moment, though at the same time the rest of the group landed around them, where Eon dropped Jak off and allowed him to check on his sister.

"Well, I am the fastest mortal in all of Universe 7," Rainbow replied, though at the same time she smiled, because it appeared that despite the fact that Pinkie was slower than her she might have found a decent racing partner for the future, "though it remains to be seen if I'm the fastest mortal in Universe 13. After all, we don't know what sort of adventures the others are having and what sort of training they happen to be receiving at the moment."

"Nonetheless, its time for a party!" Pinkie declared, to which she raised a hand and reached into her hair, where she pulled out some party items, though most of it was plates and other eating items.

Beerus chuckled, because Pinkie seemed to be someone that he was interested in knowing, as her abilities seemed to be stranger than anything he had seen so far and she seemed to have a talent for many things, despite the fact that all they had seen was her racing Rainbow. He was sure that there were more to her, and her abilities, that they hadn't seen yet, though at the same time he wondered what was happening to the other displaced ponies... and hoped that nothing terrible happened to them before they returned to Equus.

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