• Published 26th Jan 2017
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Dragon Ball Z: Daughters of Destruction - Blackdrag-rose

Rainbow Dash and Applejack are transported to a strange world, where they are raised by Beerus the Destroyer and his attendant Whis.

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Majin: Sacrifice

"G... Guys, what are we going to do?" Krillin asked, though he was absolutely shocked by what was happening in front of them, because while he had expected Majin Buu to be strong he wasn't expecting Gohan to be defeated so easily, "Gohan's been beaten and the God of Creation is being beaten before our eyes. What exactly are we going to do about this?"

"We're going to do exactly what we planned on doing from the start," Goku commented, though at the same time Vegeta nodded his head as well, which caused the rest of the group to take a step backwards, "Vegeta and I will head in there, rescue Shin before Majin Buu has a chance to finish him off, and then I'll use my Instant Transmission technique to move us away from this area. Even with Super Saiyan 3 I have the feeling that we won't be able to do much, but there's another technique we have in our arsenal... one that Vegeta and I can use, or we can teach it to another pair that can make use of it."

"Kakarot, you're referring to the Fusion Dance, aren't you?" Vegeta inquired, knowing that the two of them had practiced the technique several times over the last couple of years and could easily pull it off if they wanted to use it, and now was the perfect opportunity for them to do so, as Majin Buu was distracted and wouldn't notice what they were doing before it was too late.

"Yeah, I am," Goku replied, though his tone indicated that he wasn't entirely sure about something, which meant that he had to be thinking the same thing that Vegeta was thinking, "however, Gogeta might make short work of Majin Buu and leave nothing of him left... so maybe we should hold off on revealing his existence."

"Hold up a moment!" Piccolo said, staring at the two Saiyans, who happened to be standing side by side at the moment, with a look of confusion on his face, "What is this about a 'Super Saiyan 3'? And for that matter, what is this Fusion Dance technique that you mentioned... and who is this Gogeta? Some sort of great warrior that you discovered in the Other World?"

"We don't have a lot of time, so we'll have to tell you later." Vegeta said, knowing that Piccolo and the others wouldn't understand the concept of the Fusion Dance technique, though a few seconds later he glanced over at his friend and the bag he was carrying, "Kakarot, how many more Senzu Beans do we have?"

"We have two left at the moment." Goku replied, wondering what was so special about the beans all of a sudden, though at the same time he suspected that Vegeta had a plan to turn the tide against Majin Buu, "Meaning that we have enough to restore your stamina and heal your body, as well as using the last one to heal Shin of all the wounds that had been inflicted on him."

"Okay, that is perfectly fine for our purposes." Vegeta commented, to which he turned his gaze over to Majin Buu, who seemed to have stopped his assault on Shin and was staring at him, as if he was expecting them to intervene at some point, "We should leave Gogeta for later, once we have a better understanding on Majin Buu's abilities... so hand me one of those beans and we'll get to saving Shin."

Goku nodded and handed one of the remaining Senzu Beans to Vegeta, who put it in his mouth and chewed on it for a few seconds, allowing his energy to be restored the moment he swallowed it. The instant he was ready the two of them separated themselves from the group and walked forward, knowing that what they were about to do could very well either kill one of them, kill both of them, or spell the end for Majin Buu. As they approached their target, however, Buu seemed to realize that they were coming and dropped Shin, before starting to walk towards the duo. It took them a few seconds until they were really close to each other, which was when the three of them stopped and stared at each other... though it was clear, to the Z Warriors anyway, that something big was about to happen.

"Are we going to fight?" Buu asked, his tone indicating that he was excited for a challenge, which meant that he wasn't too pleased with what Shin and Gohan were able to provide him with.

"That's the plan," Goku replied, though at the same time he smiled for a moment, because he knew that there was one thing that he and Vegeta needed to do before the battle started, "though you'll have to give us a few seconds to prepare before we get started."

"Oh? And why is that?" Buu asked, though Vegeta could have sworn that there was a hint of innocence behind the creature's voice, making him wonder if the girls had been right and that it might be easier to befriend the creature in front of them.

"Because we're not at our full power yet." Goku said, to which both he and Vegeta braced themselves, as they both had practiced this sort of thing and knew what they were doing, "What you are seeing at the moment is our normal state, our base form if you will..."

Goku grinned as stopped speaking for a moment, as that was when both he and Vegeta focused on their power and ascended to the rank of Super Saiyan, to which both of their hair moved upwards and turned golden once more. As both of their auras settled down, however, both of them could tell that Babidi was watching them and seemed to be thinking about what they were doing. Even if he realized that they were repeating what Vegeta had done with Nappa there was no stopping them, as they were sure that Majin Buu would be too distracted and wouldn't even attempt to stop them.

"This is a Super Saiyan..." Vegeta explained, knowing that Buu likely had no idea what a Saiyan was and likely didn't care, but even if that was the case it appeared that the creature had some interest in what they were doing, as he wasn't trying to stop them from transforming.

Goku and Vegeta then followed their first transformation with the second stage, pushing themselves passed the current form that they were in and ascended even higher, to which their hair became more rigid as bits of blue lightning danced around their respective auras.

"...and this is a Super Saiyan that has ascended past a Super Saiyan," Goku said, gesturing to their forms for a few seconds, though at the same time he was pleased to find that Buu was willing to let them transform in front of him, if the eager nod was anything to judge, "though we call this a Super Saiyan 2."

As Buu started to nod his head in understanding, however, he heard Babidi shouting at him to stop them before they ascended even higher, though the thought of them going beyond their current forms made Buu smile as he waved a hand towards the duo. Goku and Vegeta grinned as they floated into the air for a few seconds, though the majority of their group knew exactly what was coming next, as they had witnessed the fight with Nappa and knew what they were doing.

"And this..." the two Saiyans shouted, their voices echoing throughout the area as they braced themselves against their auras, which were starting to vibrate and resonate with each other as they started the process of ascending past the Super Saiyan 2 form, though at the same time their hair started to move with their auras, "is... to go... even further beyond!"

The moment those words left their mouths the two of them started to scream, in the same fashion that Vegeta had done in his fight against Nappa, while at the same time their respective powers flowed into their auras and transformed them into a golden shine that made them look like a pair of shining golden spheres. A few seconds later they started to sweat as their respective powers started to build up, though they were both well versed in feeling their powers build like this, thanks to all the training they had gone through over the many years. The only gasps that were heard this time around were the ones that came from Krillin and Piccolo, as they had been trapped in stone when Vegeta had done this, which indicated that they were amazed by the power that they were generating.

Applejack and her sisters, who had seen what had happened when Vegeta had transformed on his own some time ago while he was fighting Nappa, weren't completely surprised by the power they were feeling at the moment. Rainbow kept her eyes on the clouds and watched as they started to flow into where the two Saiyans were floating at the moment, though at this point she had decided to go with the flow. Applejack, who had felt the echo of the planet when it had cried out in pain during Vegeta's transformation, had to mentally block out the noise she was hearing, because she could hear part of the Earth screaming as well. That was, of course, followed by the ground beneath them starting to violently shake, which would tell Krillin and Piccolo of the power that was now coursing through both Goku and Vegeta's bodies.

"Wha... what is this power I'm feeling?" Krillin asked, as while he was shocked by what he and Piccolo were seeing at the moment, he also noticed that everyone else seemed to be holding their own and weren't as surprised as they were, which meant they had missed the fight with Nappa.

"How are they able to generate so much power?" Piccolo added in, as he was absolutely stunned by how much both of the Saiyans had grown since the Cell Games, but he suspected that this was because of the training the two Saiyans had gone through over the last seven years.

"Honestly, its best if you see this for yourselves," Trunks commented, knowing that he didn't have the skills necessary to explain what the Super Saiyan 3 form was, but he did want to see what Goten's father looked like when he ascended to that level.

A few seconds later both Goku and Vegeta pulled themselves to their full heights and, with one final scream that echoed throughout the entire area, they were both consumed in a blinding flash of light, though since there were two of them the others made sure to cover their eyes this time. As the light faded, and everyone was allowed to see again, the group pulled their arms down and stared down at the battlefield once more, where Krillin and Piccolo were shocked to see the changes that had been brought upon their friends. Both Goku and Vegeta's hair were now heading down their backs, though now that they were standing up again they could see that their spiked Super Saiyan hair was now flowing down near their backs and stopped by their waists. The two Saiyans then glanced back at the group for a few seconds, allowing Krillin and Piccolo to see that their eyebrows had completely vanished, making their foreheads and eye ridges appear larger than before... while at the same time making them both look a lot stronger and tougher than they had been a few minutes ago.

Once the transformation was complete, and the two of them had full control of their respective powers again, Goku and Vegeta floated back down towards the ground, while at the same time noticing that Buu seemed excited about them... even if he had been pushed backwards just a tiny bit by the force of the winds they had been pushing out.

"Sorry about that, I personally don't use this form as much as my partner does." Goku commented, to which both he and Vegeta let a small smirk appear on both of their faces, though at the same time they prepared themselves to do battle with Majin Buu, "We call this form Super Saiyan 3."

"You may look scary, but you don't frighten Buu." Buu stated, to which he pounded his chest with his fists for a few seconds, indicating that he was prepared for whatever they were about to throw at him.

"I figured as much," Vegeta said, to which he glanced over to the other Saiyan for a few seconds, who seemed excited about the idea of fighting Majin Buu at the moment, "So Kakarot, shall we get the party started?"

"We should." Goku replied, to which he tossed the bag containing the final Senzu Bean over to Vegeta, who caught it, before he flashed through the air and stunned both Krillin and Piccolo for a moment.

Buu barely had time to move before Goku appeared behind him and kicked him in the back of the head with his knee, sending him right towards Vegeta, who spun around and kicked him right back in the direction that he had come from. Goku then knocked Buu into the air and pushed him away from the ground, though as Vegeta followed him the two of them pushed Buu back and forth between them, to which their attacks left small indents in Buu that healed within seconds of them being created. As Buu attempted to correct himself Goku grabbed onto his antenna and started using him as a punching bag, though at the same time he glanced at Vegeta for the briefest of seconds... to which Vegeta turned around and headed back towards the ground.

Vegeta landed near Shin, which scared off Babidi once he realized that he had returned, before he knelt beside the God of Creation and placed the last Senzu Bean in his mouth... though a few seconds later Shin's wounds healed and he stood up again, much to his surprise.

"Vegeta? How did you get the energy to use your Super Saiyan 3 form again?" Shin asked, though at the same time he glanced down at his own body, finding that all of the wounds that Majin Buu had inflicted on him had been healed, "Did you give me one of those Senzu Beans that Chronoa has been telling me about?"

"That's correct," Vegeta replied, though he was surprised that Shin even knew about the Senzu Beans, but instead of questioning it he pointed off in the direction that Gohan had been flung in thanks to Majin Buu's attack, "You should tend to Gohan... Goku and I will keep Buu distracted for as long as we possibly can."

"Vegeta, there is something you should know before you go back into battle," Shin said, to which he glanced over at Rainbow and Applejack, who were glad that he was okay, before turning to the Saiyan once more, "There was something that we never told the girls, back when we were training them... something that would have had them going crazy if they knew about it."

Vegeta knew that Shin was referring to Beerus, Whis, Chronoa, and himself when he mentioned 'we' in such a manner, which told him that whatever Shin and the others hadn't told the girls was very important. He also knew that he was burning time at the moment, but he wanted to hear what Shin had to say before he rejoined the fight with Majin Buu.

"Shin, what is it that you didn't tell Rainbow and Applejack?" Vegeta asked, though at the same time he spotted Goku spinning around and tossing Buu into one of the peaks around them, causing the entire thing to collapse.

"Beerus and I..." Shin started to say, though he cut himself a few seconds later, which meant that this was definitely important and that it shouldn't be taken lightly, before he sighed and faced Vegeta, "the two of us are life linked... meaning that if I had died..."

"Then Beerus would have died as well." Vegeta said, realizing exactly what would have happened if Shin had died, to which he counted his blessings that he and Goku had stepped in when they did, though before he stepped into battle he turned towards Shin once more, "Shin, you should get out of here while you have the chance... otherwise Babidi might force Majin Buu to fight you again, while he still has the creature under his sway. If you were to die for real... well, all I can say is that the girls would be devastated when they heard the news, especially since they haven't seen their father since they went to sleep all those years ago."

"Agreed." Shin commented, to which he floated into the air and turned in the direction that Vegeta had been pointing in, where he felt the faint pulse of Gohan's ki, "Vegeta... be on your guard. Majin Buu is an extremely powerful opponent and shouldn't be taken lightly."

Vegeta nodded and watched as Shin headed away from where they were fighting, though not a few seconds later he focused on the task at hand and flew back up into the air, where he spun around and planted his foot in Buu's chest, just as Goku kicked the backside of Buu's body. As Buu started to correct himself both of the Saiyans unleashed a series of punches at the Majin's body, aiming at both his actual body and his head, though at the same time they realized that they were still only leaving indents in their wake. A moment later the two of them grabbed onto one of Buu's arms, Vegeta on the right and Goku on the left, before they dived towards the ground and hurled him into the rock as if he were a bomb of some kind.

The two of them then floated down so they could get a better look at their handy work, though as the seconds ticked by Buu pulled himself free of the rubble and huffed, to which the indents on his body disappeared and left him in his original state. Buu then grinned at them with his eyes partly open for a few seconds, though that was immediately followed by him swinging his arms and allowing them to extend until they clocked both Saiyans in the face, who had been surprised by the fact that Buu could actually extend parts of his body like that. As Buu celebrated hitting them, however, both Goku and Vegeta corrected themselves and separated from each other, before they raced towards where Buu was standing and punched him in his face, from both sides.

As Buu staggered backwards the two Saiyans spun around and kicked him in the chest, allowing the combined force of their attacks to send Buu flying through the air, where he collided with the tip of Babidi's still buried spaceship and broke it into pieces.

"Galick Gun..." Vegeta shouted, to which he brought his hands to the left side of his body and started gathering his ki, allowing the ball of energy to form as black lightning danced around his body, "FIRE!!"

Vegeta locked onto where Buu was laying and launched his attack, which raced through the air, passed by where his partner was floating, and barreled into where Buu was located. The force of the explosion rocked the surrounded area and kicked up a decent amount of wind that would have pushed most people away, but none of that was on the level of what Rainbow and Applejack could do. Vegeta was a little pleased that he had been able to hit Majin Buu while he was resting above Babidi's spaceship, because at the very least they could prevent the creature from leaving the planet... until he figured out a way to do that on his own.

"No no no!" Babidi cried out, falling to his knees for a moment as he looked at the destruction that had been caused in front of him, while at the same time not believing how terrible his luck had been so far, "Not Majin Buu and my spaceship!"

That was immediately followed by a large pink ball jumping out of the smoke and landing on the ground in front of where the spaceship used to rest, to which Goku and Vegeta raised an eyebrow in shock as they realized that Buu was still kicking. The creature grinned at them as he stretched for a few seconds, though that was before he floated back into the air and leveled himself with where Vegeta was floating, but at the same time the Saiyan knew that something was up. Buu then raised his hands into the air and started pushing them forwards and backwards, to which he launched a series of pink ki spheres at Vegeta.

Vegeta, realizing what was going on, raised his hands and repeated the motions, to which his ki spheres raced towards Buu's and detonated, filling the air with some smoke before they two of them finished their attacks... though at the same time Goku floated up to Vegeta's side.

"Damn him. This is just like fighting Cell all over again," Vegeta commented, knowing that neither he or his partner had fired any ki attacks, up until he fired the Galick Gun anyway, so there was no reason for their opponent to know the Scatter Shot attack that they sometimes used in battle, "only Buu doesn't need to see an attack before he knows it."

"He only needs to exchange a few blows with us to know our abilities," Goku said, though at the same time he was thinking what Vegeta was thinking, which meant that one of them would need to have some words with the girls before they attempted to fight Buu, if they ever tried to anyway, "He's a rotten one alright. He's been playing us the entire time, letting us hurt him while he's gathering information on all of our techniques... only now he can go on the offensive whenever he..."

"Buu's turn!" Buu called out, causing the two Saiyans to look at him once more, though at the same time Buu brought his hands to his side and started gathering his energy, "Ka...me..."

"...wants." Goku finished, to which he let out a sigh, as it appeared that he had been correct in his earlier thinking, even with two Saiyans using the Super Saiyan 3 form they still weren't a match for the creature they were fighting, before he looked over at Vegeta, "So, got any ideas on how we're going to stop him and his attack?"

"We use our ultimate combination attack and hope it works." Vegeta replied, to which he held his arms out to the side and started gathering his energy, where he was thankful to have gotten the Senzu Bean earlier, before two spheres formed above his hands and he brought them together as one whole sphere, "Final..."

"Let's do it then," Goku said, to which he came to a stop right beside Vegeta and brought his hands to his side, where he tapped into his own power and let his aura vibrate as a sphere formed between his hands, "Kamehame..."

"HAAAAA!" the two Saiyans shouted, to which they leveled their hands with where Majin Buu was floating at the moment, at the same time no less, and launched their beam attacks at their opponent.

The Z Warriors watched as the two beam attacks became one before their eyes, taking on the appearance of a Kamehameha Wave with the swirling effects of the yellow Final Flash wrapping around parts of the blue wave, and yet neither of them were canceling the other out. Buu, seeing the attack coming his way, leveled his own hands with the large beam attack and loosed what he was been preparing, though as the two beams collided with each other it quickly became clear that Goku and Vegeta had the upper hand. The Final Kamehameha, as that was what the group was deciding to call the attack, pushed Buu's pinkish colored Kamehameha backwards for a few seconds... before finally overcoming what was in front of it and surged passed where Buu was floating.

The following explosion rocked the area and kicked up even more wind than what Vegeta had done with his Galick Gun, though the group was sure that this was on the scale of a fully powered Lightning Lance... and neither of the Saiyans had actually charged up their attacks for a few minutes like they would usually do.

"Such incredible power those two possess." Applejack commented, though at the same time the majority of their group was shocked by the terrifying and incredible power that Goku and Vegeta could wield when they worked together.

"Seeing them fight makes me want to get in there as well," Rainbow said, to which she let out a sigh as she waited for Buu to show himself, because they all knew that he wasn't dead yet, even if that level of power was brought to bare against him, "hopefully we get a chance to fight Majin Buu... before someone kills him."

Before anyone else could say anything something shot out of the smoke, to which they watched as one of Majin Buu's arms descended towards the ground and landed near where Babidi was standing, where they could hear the cries of agony coming from the evil wizard. As the smoke cleared, however, they realized that the Final Kamehameha had actually devoured nearly everything that was Majin Buu, meaning that the arm was literally the last piece of him. Goku and Vegeta, seeing the full effect of their attack, smiled for a few seconds, though even as they did so they glanced down at the last remaining part of Majin Buu... and in that exact moment the arm started to move as it enlarged, revealing that their opponent could revive himself if a single piece of him remained.

Vegeta, however, turned to Goku and tapped him on the shoulder, to which his partner glanced over at him for a moment, wondering if they were going to using their last trump card.

"Kakarot, your burning through the time that you have too quickly," Vegeta said, to which he noticed that his partner could sense it as well, which meant that he likely knew what was coming next, "with the time left we'll only end up creating a severely weakened Gogeta. You need to drop out of your Super Saiyan 3 form and get the others to safety... I'll stay behind and buy you as much time as I can."

"But Vegeta, who will stop Majin Buu if we can't?" Goku inquired, though at the same time he carefully reverted back to his base form, as he agreed that he could do something more productive with his remaining time.

"Goten and Trunks," Vegeta replied, knowing that, despite the fact that he hadn't seen the two half Saiyans fight their enemies earlier, the two of them had great power that was sleeping inside their bodies, which they had been trying to bring out ever since they both turned Super Saiyan, "Take them to the Lookout and try to teach them the Fusion Dance... and if they need some help we can always show them the results of our fusion."

"You know, its a shame that Buu befriended the girls," Goku commented, already knowing that Rainbow could have easily dealt with Buu on her own, if she went serious, and that she and Applejack could have finished the job together, "otherwise we won't be in this situation."

"Just keep everyone safe." Vegeta said, to which he stared at his partner for a few seconds, who stared back at him before nodding his understanding and headed towards where the Z Warriors were standing.

Goku flew through the air and landed beside the group, knowing that all of them were surprised by the fact that he was here and was not remaining by Vegeta's side. When they started asking questions, however, he told them that Vegeta was risking his life so that they could get out of here without Buu following them, allowing them to come up with a better plan of attack. Trunks, on the other hand, flew up to where his father was floating, while the others quickly moved out of the area and headed someplace where they could use the Instant Transmission without their opponent seeing it.

"Dad, let me fight with you!" Trunks said, to which he stared down at where Buu's regenerating body was, finding that at least half of the creature's body had been remade so far.

"No, you should get out of here as well." Vegeta replied, though before his son could say anything Vegeta turned towards him and raised a hand towards the medallion that he was wearing, to which he gently pulled it free and tied it around Trunks' neck, though once its was secure he ran his hand through his son's hair, "Trunks, my father gave me this medallion so I could come and visit both him and my mother in the Other World, in the city you have visited so many times over the last few years. It has been a constant reminder that even though they weren't here, in the world of the living, they were always a button press away... so I want you to keep that medallion safe, so you and your mother can come visit me and the others once this ordeal is over."

"Dad... you aren't saying what I think you're saying..." Trunks said, though at the same time he sniffed for a moment, because the thought of his father sacrificing himself, and dying in the process, was something he didn't want to think about, especially with Majin Buu on the loose.

"As Saiyans, and warriors of justice, sacrifice is something we used to do when a warrior faced something or someone they couldn't beat," Vegeta stated, knowing that there were some members of his race that had done that in the past, though at the same time he chuckled, "Trunks, you take care of your mother for me... though I suspect that once she hears what I did she'll gather the Dragon Balls and ask Shenron to revive me, likely so she can lecture me about doing this in the first place."

"Dad..." Trunk said, though as he started to say something Vegeta stopped him by embracing him in a hug, which had come out of nowhere, but then he decided to drop the discussion.

"Go join Kakarot and get out of here," Vegeta said, but even as he spoke he glanced over at the area that Buu was regenerating in and noticed that the creature was almost finished putting himself back together, though he wasn't paying attention to Vegeta and the others just yet, "I'll cover your retreat."

Trunks glanced in the direction of Majin Buu for a moment, taking in how much progress he had made, before nodding to his father and turned around, to which he flew away from the area and headed towards where the rest of the group was located. Vegeta, on the other hand, watched as his son rejoined everyone and they continued heading away from where Majin Buu was located... though after a few seconds he turned back to his opponent and lowered himself to the ground. The moment he touched the ground he spotted Buu finishing his regeneration, though at the same time he braced himself, because what he was about to do next would no doubt spell his end.

A few seconds later Buu walked out of where he had been earlier and stopped close to where Vegeta was standing, though it was clear that he was annoyed about what had happened.

"That hurt a lot." Buu stated, though at the same time he glared at Vegeta with his eyes partly open, because now he intended to hurt his opponent before hunting down the rest of the group that had been with him.

"I have one last attack that I want to show you," Vegeta replied, to which his aura wrapped around him like a sphere, once more making him look like a golden ball of light, while at the same time he brought out his full power, "I'm going to ensure that you cannot restore yourself... by blowing you to bits!"

The power he was generating caused the wind to surge around where he was standing, while at the same time the bits of rock that were scattered everywhere cracked into smaller pieces. Buu, however, glanced down at himself in confusion for a moment, as if he was confused by what Vegeta had said, before he looked up at his opponent and wondered what he was doing. Vegeta smiled for a moment, knowing that even if his opponent managed to survive this attack he would soon meet his end at the hands of someone else, though at the same time he was banking on his power as a Super Saiyan 3 to obliterate everything that made up Majin Buu's body.

A few moments later, when he was sure that he had all the power his body could hold, he let out one of the loudest screams he had ever uttered and released all of the power in one swift motion... where he felt a brief amount of pain course through his body before he felt nothing more.

Goku and the others had been moving away from where Majin Buu was located, and where Vegeta was planning on keeping the creature stalled so they could make their mistake, when Trunks caught up with them and refused to say what his father had told him. He had spotted the medallion that Vegeta wore all the time, as it was one of his most prized possessions, before he realized that his partner intended to sacrifice himself so he and their friends could get out of the area. A few moments later they all felt Vegeta's power rise even further than it had been earlier, though that was before they felt the rushing wind that alerted them to what he was actually doing... though that was before the area they had been in a few moments ago was engulfed in a blinding flash of light.

Rainbow and Applejack, who were feeling the power of their friend like everyone else, were stunned by what happened next... Vegeta's ki disappeared the moment the explosion reached its peak, as if his life had been extinguished within that instant.

"VEGETA!" the girls shouted, though they both knew that their call was in vain, as the only reason for their friend's ki to suddenly vanish like that was because he had sacrificed himself for them to escape.

Goku, despite having known that Vegeta had been planning this, was still saddened by the fact that his friend had sacrificed his own life to make sure that they could get away, but he wanted to be sure of what had happened before he and the others departed from the area. He had the others stop for a moment and turned around, to which he quickly flew back to where the explosion had come from... where he found a hole in the ground, roughly the size of the Lookout, that had yellow lightning surging into the middle of the hole. It didn't take him long to find out what happened to Vegeta, as he immediately spotted his friend floated in the air above the middle of the hole... only he appeared to be a statue, like what had happened to Piccolo and Krillin earlier.

A few seconds later, before he could do anything, Vegeta's body fell out of the sky and collided with the ground, to which it broke into a large number of fragments and dissolved in the wind, leaving nothing of his partner behind. Goku then glanced around the area for a few seconds and discovered that Majin Buu had been blown into pieces, so much so that he couldn't possibly regenerate from the mess that Vegeta had left behind. That was followed by the various pieces of Buu started moving and became a large number of smaller Buus, of varying sizes, though once they were all wearing the form of Buu they flew into the air and started to gather into a single mass.

Goku knew what was happening before his eyes and immediately retreated from the area, to which he flew back to where the others were waiting for him to return... where he promised to tell them what he had seen, once they were back at the Lookout and weren't in any immediate danger. Vegeta's sacrifice may not have had the intended effect he wanted, but Goku knew that this would give them the opportunity to create a warrior that would turn the tide against the creature that Babidi had awoken... and save the world at the same time.

Chronoa and Whis both let out a sigh of relief as they watched Shin fly off in the direction that Gohan had been flung in, no doubt heading to save him and get him started on some sort of training that would allow Goku's son to obtain a power that might allow him to destroy Majin Buu. Chronoa had been right to put her faith in the two Saiyans, as Goku and Vegeta succeeded in preventing the death of Shin and got him back on his feet, to which she glanced over at Beerus' sleeping form and noticed that his chest was moving like someone that was alseep. She was glad to see that he was okay, but to be completely sure she walked over to where the God of Destruction was laying and checked his vitals... to which she let out another sigh of relief as she came to the conclusion that everything seemed to be normal.

As she laid a hand on Beerus' for a moment she considered herself to be lucky, as she and the girls hadn't lost the most important person in their lives... though as she turned to return to her seat on the nearby couch, however, she felt something latch onto her hand. She glanced back at the couch she was standing in front of and noticed that Beerus was lightly gripping her hand, not hard enough to hurt but light enough for her to know that he was fine, despite the fact that he had suffered from experiencing near death for the first time.

"Ch... Chronoa..." Beerus muttered, though she couldn't tell if he was speaking in his sleep or if he was somewhat awake and was actually talking to her, "will you... stay with... me?"

"Beerus... light of my life... of course I will." Chronoa replied, not caring if he could hear her or not, though at the same time she put a kiss on his forehead before laying on the couch next to Beerus, where she was thankful that they were wide enough for the two of them.

Whis, however, smiled as he looked at his God of Destruction and the Supreme Kai of Time... no, Beerus and Chronoa... for a moment, because he felt that they made a wonderful couple... and he was happy to see that his oldest friend had survived, though he would never have the same happiness that Chronoa was feeling. At least he knew that, in the end, Shin's death had been prevented and Beerus would live to see another day... and he would finally get to see his daughters without having to worry about the prophecy holding him back.

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