• Published 26th Jan 2017
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Dragon Ball Z: Daughters of Destruction - Blackdrag-rose

Rainbow Dash and Applejack are transported to a strange world, where they are raised by Beerus the Destroyer and his attendant Whis.

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Majin: Special Training

Gohan flew beside Kibito, with a small amount of distance between them, and observed the area that they were flying through, remarking at how it reminded him of where he and his family lived. He found it odd that there wasn't anyone living on this planet with the exception of Shin and Kibito, though when he mentioned that Kibito said that the Sacred World of the Kai was a holy place that none of the Kais, such as King Kai for instance, were allowed to step foot on. That told Gohan that there had to be something special about this planet for only two people to be the only ones that could live on the planet, though that was followed by Kibito correcting him. Kibito explained that only a select few had permission to come to this sacred world; any other Supreme Kais, and he confirmed that Chronoa was included on that list, and the deity that was the opposite of what Shin was.

When Gohan asked what Kibito was referring to he was told that since Shin was the God of Creation for their universe, the Kaioshin as it were, the person that was Shin's counterpart deity was the God of Destruction, the Hakaishin, and that he should be honored if he was ever visited by the god in question.

"A God of Destruction?!" Gohan asked, to which Kibito nodded for a few seconds, though instead of saying anything else Gohan returned to his thoughts, wondering if this God of Destruction was the father of Rainbow Dash and Applejack, the missing parent that he and the other Z Warriors had only heard whispers about.

The reason he thought about that was because when Rainbow transformed during her fight with Cell, into a form he had never seen before, she had said 'Hakai' when she killed once of the Cell Juniors, which seemed like something that a God of Destruction would say. If the girls were actually the daughters of the God of Destruction, however, it made him wonder why the deity wasn't taking care of them and training them to one day take over his position. That thought made him briefly wonder if the girls had been abandoned on Earth, as if they were disappointments to their father, which only made him mad when he considered that option. It was also a very viable option, as neither of the girls mentioned their father by his name or what he did for a living, which would have made sense if they despised him for abandoning them... however, the fatal flaw in that theory was that the girls seemed to praise their father, leaving Gohan confused.

In the end he shook his head and tossed the thought aside, as he guessed the only reason that Rainbow and Applejack's father was a god was because their mother was the Supreme Kai of Time, the actual God of Time... to which he decided that their real father had to be some sort of great warrior that had died, which was why none of them spoke about him anytime someone brought him up.

"There is something we must do before we reach the plateau the Z-Sword has been resting in," Kibito commented, snapping Gohan out of his thoughts for a moment, to which he refocused on what was happening around him.

"Really?" Gohan inquired, to which he noticed that Kibito was nodding, where he looked around the area, trying to find Shin, and found that they were still alone for the moment, "And what would that something be?"

"You should be wearing clothes that are worthy of this holy realm," Kibito said, to which he pointed a finger at Gohan, which started to glow a few seconds later, "Hold still for a moment, this will be over before you know it."

Gohan's clothes shimmered for a few seconds, causing him to look at them in shock as they transformed from his ruined Great Saiyaman suit and became the same sort of clothing that Kibito and Shin were wearing, though his matched Kibito's more than it matched Shin's. Where the main part of Kibito's clothing was red with a blue undershirt, Gohan's new attire happened to be dark blue colored with a lighter blue colored undershirt, though the trim on his clothing was red while Kibito's was yellow. Gohan's new pants, if they were called that, were white colored and he was wearing a pair of red shoes, which was different from Kibito's blue colored pants and yellow colored shoes. Gohan also discovered that he was wearing a pair of earrings, which were blue colored and shaped like small balls, while Kibito's were green... and, oddly enough, their sashes had the same orange coloration.

As Gohan spun around to get a look at his new clothing, and how it perfectly fit his body, he noticed that Kibito was nodding his head in approval, which meant that he enjoyed having his work appreciated by everyone else.

"It suits you well, Gohan." a voice said, to which Gohan looked back and noticed that Shin had caught up with them, which meant that he had been too occupied with looking at his new attire to notice that he and Kibito had company.

"You think so?" Gohan inquired, though while he was glad to be wearing something that wasn't falling to pieces, like his old suit was, he wasn't sure if he should be wearing the same thing that Shin and Kibito were wearing.

"Yes, I do." Shin replied, though at the same time he took his place at the head of the pack, but that didn't stop him from speaking a little bit more, "You know, back when I was helping my friends raise Rainbow and Applejack, before we put them in their enchanted sleep, I had actually gifted them with their own versions of the clothing you are wearing. They may not fit into them now, not without new measurements being taken and the clothing remade, but back then they looked so cute wearing their formal clothing... even if it was rarely used."

"Kaioshin," Kibito said, interrupting Gohan before he could say anything in response to what Shin had just told him, to which the two of them looked forward at where Kibito was pointing, "we are approaching the plateau that the Z-Sword is currently resting in."

Gohan would not have called the location that the Z-Sword was resting in a plateau, because it was more like a rock spire that was sitting in the middle of a lake, though at the same time he wasn't exactly sure what he was expecting when he heard the weapon was located on a plateau. The weapon itself appeared to be embedded in the middle of the plateau, where a fraction of the actual blade was sticking out of the ground, allowing someone to grab onto its handle and try to pull it out. Gohan also noticed that the seemingly legendary blade had a golden guard between the blade and the handle, while at the base of the handle, which was the bottom, there happened to be a blue colored stone of some kind.

The three of them landed around the Z-Sword and stared down at it, though Gohan briefly wondered how such a thing would allow them to beat Majin Buu, who pretty much bested the combined power of two of the strongest warriors in their universe; his father and Vegeta.

"Gohan, this is the legendary Z-Sword." Shin commented, though at the same time he stepped aside and allowed Gohan to approach the weapon, as if he was studying it and was considering how he might pull it out, "To the best of my knowledge there hasn't been a person that has ever been able to pull this weapon out from the plateau... though to be honest we never considered asking Rainbow and Applejack, as the last time we saw them they were only seven years old."

"Um, I have a question," Gohan said, to which he turned towards Shin and Kibito for a moment, who were a little surprised that he hadn't started his attempt to pull the weapon out yet, "What's supposed to happen when I free the Z-Sword from where it is resting?"

"It is said that the legendary blade will give you tremendous power," Kibito replied, though at the same time Shin nodded, confirming what his companion was saying before Gohan even had a chance to question it, "Power that may allow you to overcome the power that Majin Buu wields and save your world from being destroyed by him and Babidi."

"Really?" Gohan stated, as acquiring the power to defeat Majin Buu seemed very important at the moment, which he suspected his father was going with the rest of their friends back on Earth, though that was before he focused on the weapon in front of him, "Very well then, I shall try to pull the Z-Sword from the plateau."

Gohan positioned himself behind the Z-Sword and gripped the handle with both of his hands, to which he concentrated on the weapon and ignored anything else in his immediate area. A few seconds later he started his attempt to pull the blade free, to which he struggled against whatever was keeping the blade trapped in the ground. A few moments passed before he actually started to sweat, though that sweat reached his hands and caused him to let go of the Z-Sword, which meant he was bending over backwards as his head hit the ground. He waved his hands, as they hurt from attempting to pull out the stubborn blade, though the instant they stopped hurting he stood back up and stared down at the blade for a few seconds.

He quickly came to a decision and ascended into his Super Saiyan form, though instead of stopping there he pushed himself to the next level, going right into his Super Saiyan 2 form... before he gripped the handle once more and started his second attempt at pulling the Z-Sword free. As he struggled against the blade once more he found his feet sinking into the ground for a few seconds, indicating that what he was doing might not even work for him, before he felt the blade move just a tiny bit. The instant he felt that change, however, Gohan doubled his efforts and the entire area around the blade started to crack as more of the sword started to come free... before he pulled himself back into the air and pulled the legendary blade from where it had been resting, resulting in the energy he had poured into his effort to pulse in the area around the plateau before disappearing.

Gohan then floated in the air for a few moments, marveling at how heavy the Z-Sword actually was, before panting because of the sheer amount of energy he used to pull the weapon free.

"You did it!" Shin cheered, though at the same time he and Kibito followed Gohan down to a lower part of the area, where they all landed near one of the trees and stared at the legendary blade, while at the same time Gohan powered back down to his base form.

"U... Unbelieveable." Kibito said, though he was completely stunned by what he was seeing, because he had been so sure about there being no one who could pull the Z-Sword free in the entire universe.

"Gohan, how does it feel to be holding the legendary Z-Sword?" Shin inquired, to which both he and Gohan stared at the blade, while at the same time Kibito continued to be stunned because of the fact that the sword had been drawn at long last.

"Its remarkably heavy." Gohan answered, though to prove his point he struggled to lift the blade into the air, which made him bend over backwards when he pulled the sword up close to his face, before returning to standing straight and slowly swinging the sword around a few times, "I don't feel any incredible power inside the blade... nor do I feel my own power being increased by the blade. Maybe the secret to gaining this incredible power is to actually practice with the Z-Sword, instead of expecting to immediately gain the power by drawing the blade."

"Really?" Shin asked, though at the same time Kibito seemed to break out of whatever mental state he had been in and gave them his full attention, though he knew that his friend was staring at the legendary blade, "Well, why don't you start practicing with it and we'll see how you have improved in an hour or two? I'm sure that you will have improved by quite a bit in that short amount of time."

"He won't be challenging anyone to a fight anytime soon, not with how unsteady he's wielding the blade," Kibito commented, watching Gohan swing the Z-Sword around, while at the same time struggling under the weight of the legendary blade, "Until you can wield that legendary blade, like its an extension of yourself, you won't be able to beat Majin Buu and save the universe."

"You say that now," Gohan said, to which he turned in Kibito's direction for a moment, where he held the Z-Sword out, as he was inviting Shin's bodyguard to test his strength against the legendary blade, "but here, try holding the sword for a moment."

Kibito seemed willing to take up the challenge, to which he wrapped both hands around the handle of the Z-Sword, in an area that was available after Gohan slid his hands out of the way, before he nodded to Gohan. A few seconds later Gohan let go of the handle, to which Kibito was quickly brought down towards the ground, where the base of the sword hit the ground and forced him to let go. The Z-Sword then collapsed on the ground, creating a small indent in the earth around it, surprising both Shin and Kibito at the same time, while Gohan simply held up his sore hands and smiled. A few moments later Kibito approached the weapon and tried to pull it off of the ground, though after a few seconds of trying to lift the Z-Sword up he finally let go and walked away from the weapon.

"Well, this just proves my point," Kibito stated, though it was clear that he was only acting tough, despite the fact that it might have hurt his pride that he couldn't lift the Z-Sword like Gohan could, "You must learn to wield the Z-Sword as if it is an extension of your body... only then will you have the power to stop Majin Buu and save the universe."

Gohan nodded and reached down to pick up the Z-Sword, though to do so he had to ascend back to his Super Saiyan state, which was the only way for him to even lift the sword up and swing it with any sort of accuracy. It would have been an annoying method to train with, but he was used to it thanks to the training he and his father went through when Cell was still a threat. Sure, he had neglected the majority of his training to study whatever his mother threw at him, but he remembered the training his father gave him in preparation for the Cell Games... and this was on the same level as the training he had gone through.

As he started his training, however, he had to wonder what sort of training his father and the rest of his friends would be going through to prepare for the eventually fight with Majin Buu.

"Fu..." Goten and Trunks said, performing what they believed were the necessary steps of the first section of the Fusion technique, though at the same time they were unaware that Goten had briefly messed up with his hands.

"...sion," the two of them continued, correctly performing the second set of movements that were required for the technique, where they briefly noticed that Goku was nodding his head at them, confirming that they had done something right and hadn't messed up.

"Ha!" the two of them finished, ending up in the finishing pose of the Fusion technique, which they had been trying to master for the last hour, though they waited for someone to say something before they broke apart from each other.

"You two are definitely doing a lot better," Goku commented, to which the two kids separated and stood apart from each other, while at the same time he huffed for a few seconds, "Goten, you have to be more careful when you do the first set of movements, because you folded your hands into fists instead of keeping them open. Your breathing also has to be in sync, though you two are definitely getting closer to mastering that step as well..."

"Goku, are you okay?" Piccolo asked, as he had never seen Goku like this before, because in the last hour his energy seemed to be dropping, which he had to assume was because of the Super Saiyan 3 form he had used earlier.

"No, transforming into the Super Saiyan 3 form was pretty draining, though I'm surprised that I'm only now feeling the effects of all the energy I burned," Goku admitted, though even as he replied he spotted Fortuneteller Baba floating into the area on her crystal ball, to which he determined something very important, "Hey Fortuneteller Baba, how much time do I have left before I need to go back to the Other World?"

"I would say about thirty more minutes," Baba replied, causing everyone else in the room to stare at Goku in shock, as they had no idea that transforming into the third Super Saiyan form had been that draining.

"Then its a good thing that Goten and Trunks have a good idea of the basics of the Fusion technique," Goku said, to which he raised an arm and wiped some of the sweat off of his forehead, indicating that he was definitely at his limits, "Okay, I've decided on something; you guys will come to Asgard in the next three to five hours, where Vegeta and I will demonstrate how to properly use the Fusion technique... and maybe you guys will have a better understanding of the technique when you come and see us."

"That sounds like an excellent idea," Piccolo stated, as while he and the others knew of the existence of Gogeta, the fusion between Goku and Vegeta, none of them had actually seen him and had no idea what sort of power the fusion warrior possessed.

"And there is one last thing I need to do before I actually have to leave," Goku said, to which he raised two of his fingers to his forehead and started searching for the one ki signature that was different than the others, "In order to give you guys enough time to perfect your Fusion, and not mess it up at the wrong moment, I'm going to head to where Majin Buu is and hopefully persuade him into waiting for a few days."

"Do you honestly believe such a thing is possible?" Piccolo asked, though while he was sure that Goku could convince his opponent to wait for a few days, he wasn't sure that the Saiyan could convince Buu to stop killing and just do nothing until Goten and Trunks were ready.

"I honestly don't know," Goku replied, though he smiled for a moment, because he knew something that Piccolo might have missed back when Buu had been released from his prison, "but Buu insisted that the 'ponies' were his friends and that he wouldn't kill them, so much so that Babidi had to reword his order to the creature. If I were to tell Buu that one of the ponies might be coming to visit him... well, maybe he'll become a good boy and patiently wait for them to arrive. That would give Goten and Trunks the time they need to master the Fusion technique."

Before anyone could say anything, or even stop him from leaving, Goku disappeared with his Instant Transmission, though not a few seconds later he appeared above one of the bodies of water that covered the Earth... where he found Majin Buu and Babidi flying his way, only to stop when they realized that he was there.

"Buu remember you!" Buu exclaimed, though as he pointed at Goku, with a happy smile on his face no less, Babidi got off his back and floated to the side, as if he was expecting another fight to break out between them, "You were one of those scary looking guys Buu fought earlier... are you here to play with me again?"

"No, I'm not." Goku replied, to which he pointed up at the halo that was above his head, "This halo means that I'm already dead and that I shouldn't even have come to this world, but I had special permission to come back for today... though using the Super Saiyan 3 form drained most of the time I had to spend, meaning that I have to go back to the Other World soon."

"Aw, but Buu wanted to play with you some more." Buu said, though what surprised Goku the most was how sad and disappointed the seemingly evil creature sounded, almost as if there was actually some good in him that was shining through at the moment.

"I may not be able to play with you, but if you stop killing people and destroying cities I know that Gale might show up and play some games with you." Goku said, though the only reason he was bringing that up was because Gale actually seemed to like playing games with Buu, despite the fact that they were interrupted by Babidi.

"Gale?" Buu asked, though at the same time Babidi brought his palm to his face, as if he couldn't believe that Buu was acting so childish at the moment.

"She was the youngest girl that was playing hide and seek with you earlier." Goku explained, hoping that he could inspire Buu to remember who he was referring to, "She and her sisters taught you how to play the game, where you found Rainbow first, found Gale second, and then discovered where Applejack was hiding last."

"Ponies!" Buu exclaimed, the images of the three pony girls springing into his mind the moment Goku told him the order he found them in, where he remembered the fun he had with them, despite how short their game had been, "One's coming to play with me some more?! Buu is so happy that he could just explode!"

"You should be focused on holding that insolent worm down and beating him until he's dead!" Babidi snapped, cutting into Buu's happy mood and causing the creature to stare at him again, indicating that he didn't like having his mood ruined like that, "What? Don't give me that look, otherwise I'll just use my father's spell and seal you back up in your ball until you become obedient again."

"Babidi, I'm going to say this once; shut up." Goku said, causing the evil wizard to turn and glare at him, though at the same time Buu stared down at Babidi, before he turned his attention back to Buu, "You know Buu, there's something I don't understand about you. I don't know why, when you are as strong as you are, that you continue to allow yourself to be ruled over by Babidi, especially when some of his orders have been ones you've disliked... like when he gave his first order, which was to kill everyone in front of you, and that included your pony friends, and he had to amend the order just to get you to do something."

"Majin Buu is my servant, just like he was my father's before the Kaioshin killed him," Babidi snapped, though at the same time he had no idea that Buu was glaring at him with anger in his eyes, telling Goku that he remembered what the evil wizard's first order had been, "so of course he would have to obey any order I give him... and soon, after we've destroyed several more cities and killed thousands of people, he'll forget that he ever liked those three girls. Then he'll slaughter them with a look of joy on his face."

Goku could sense Buu's anger rising, indicating that he actually liked spending time with Gale and her sisters, so much so that Babidi's assumptions about him killing all three of them were making him mad. He already knew that Babidi had sealed his fate, because it appeared that at some point in the future Buu was going to snap and kill the evil wizard, which he wasn't sure was a good thing or a bad thing. Still, he had to deliver a message to Buu and hopefully buy Goten and Trunks the time they needed to master the Fusion technique, and he was running short on time.

"Buu, I know that you wanted to fight me some more and I apologize for not being able to stay and do so," Goku said, causing both Babidi and Buu to turn and look at him, as they were both curious about what he was going to tell them, "but Goten, who is my son, and Trunks, who is Vegeta's son, are working on rising to your level of power so they can fight with you. If you give them two to three days they will be ready to fight with you... and I'm sure that you will have as much fun as you did when you were fight me and Vegeta."

"Really?" Buu asked, though as Goku nodded Buu smiled and closed his eyes, temporarily forgetting his anger towards Babidi, but Goku knew that it was lurking just beneath his smile, "Okay. Buu will wait for them to show up... but ponies don't like explosions or death, so Buu promises to stop until your son and his friend arrive."

Goku honestly wasn't expecting Buu to actually promise that he would stop destroying cities and stop killing people for fun, which meant that Gale's plan to befriend the creature had more of an effect on Buu than she could have realized. When he regained himself, and promised that Gale would find him soon enough, he bid Buu farewell and used his Instant Transmission to get out of the area, leaving Buu to his own devices... to which he returned to the Lookout and smiled at his friends for a few seconds.

"Well, it seems that you are in a good mood." Piccolo commented, though at the same time the entire group, which included all three pony girls, gathered around him, as they had heard what he was going and were eager to hear if he had been successful, "So, what happened when you went to talk with Majin Buu?"

"You guys aren't going to believe this, but he actually promised to stop his rampage," Goku said, noticing that everyone had their jaws drop, though at the same time Gale smiled at her sisters, "I had to tell him that Gale would be finding him in the near future to play games with him, which he seemed excited for and promptly proclaimed that he would stop destroying things... like a sign of good faith towards the person that befriended him first. He was also sad and disappointed when I told him that I wasn't there to fight him, but now he seems eager to see the results of Goten and Trunks' training."

"I'm not even going to question what you did this time around." Piccolo said, though at the same time everyone was smiling, because it appeared that Gale's plan to befriend Buu was paying off already, "You and Gale just ensured that we will have enough time to prepare Goten and Trunks for the upcoming fight."

"Yeah, but you should still come to Asgard anyway, to see what a perfect Fusion looks like," Goku said, though at the same time Chi Chi ran forward, already knowing that they were approaching the end of his stay on Earth, until he convinced the people in the Other World to send him back anyway, "If everything goes as planned, and nothing terrible happens, then in three days time we will have defeated Majin Buu and restored peace to the world."

As everyone celebrated Goku's quick thinking and the time he had given them, however, Goku had the feeling that Buu would be making his move against Babidi pretty soon, because he was sure that the evil wizard was going to do something stupid and lower his guard at the wrong moment.

"H... He's gone." Babidi commented, having looked around the area and found no trace of the man that had been talking to him and Buu for the last few minutes, though annoyingly enough his servant wasn't doing anything to help him, to which he growled and turned towards Buu, "This is all your fault you know. If you had just killed that guy when he showed up we could have reached the next city and destroyed it, but then we wouldn't have the warning that someone was coming your way. Oh, I have a great idea; we should build a house somewhere and pretend to follow your promise to that guy, then when this Gale shows up you can blast her into oblivion and resume our rampage until the two pesky children arrive."

Buu, however, glared at the evil wizard for a few seconds, his earlier joy at the prospect of fighting a strong warrior that could rival him dashed by Babidi's plans on killing one of his friends the moment they arrived. The man raised a valid point about why he was 'serving' Babidi, as Buu was patiently waiting for Babidi to lower his guard so he could end the threat of being sealed back inside the ball he had been trapped in for so long. Buu hated Babidi with a passion, as his first order had been to kill his new friends, which had been withdrawn and changed not a few seconds later, but now it appeared that the time was right for him to make his move.

"Babidi-sama," Buu innocently said, sounding as submissive as possible, while at the same time causing the evil wizard to look at him for a moment, "I just had a good idea."

"An idiot like you has an idea?" Babidi asked, though his tone indicating that he couldn't believe that he was wasting time with what Buu was saying, especially when the other guy had gotten away from them, before he turned away from Buu, "Just tell me and be done with it... we have more cities to destroy and thousands of lives to kill before this Gale shows up for what will result in her death."

Buu, on the other hand, raised his hand and pointed his palm at Babidi's back, to which he was grateful that the man who had appeared rather suddenly had also disappeared rather suddenly, because it was the perfect distraction. His energy wrapped around his hand for a few seconds, all while Babidi was too preoccupied by his search to notice, to which Buu grinned as he prepared himself.

"This is my idea," Buu said, though he glared at Babidi's back at the same time, while he started to release the energy he had gathered, "DIE!"

Babidi had just enough time to turn around before the energy attack collided with his body, engulfing him in a matter of seconds and barely giving him enough time to scream as the sudden attack ripped him to pieces. A few seconds later a small explosion occurred where Babidi had been floating, to which Buu smiled as he realized that he had killed the evil wizard and freed himself from the annoying man. Buu floated in the air for a few seconds, wondering what he should actually do now that he was free, before he remembered his promise to the man who could appear and disappear in a matter of seconds... and then his smile widened as he remembered what he had been promised.

"I may not have liked you, Babidi, but you had one good idea," Buu said to himself, to which he looked around the area he was in and tried to find something, though he suspected that he was going to have to move before he found what he was looking for, "time to find a nice place to build a house... maybe somewhere nice and quiet, without anyone nearby."

Buu smiled as he departed from the area that he was in, knowing that he was free to do whatever he wanted, though at the moment that was have some fun with Gale when she arrived... and then they would have fun playing games until the powerful fighters showed up.

Whis was pleased to find that Goku was able to persuade Majin Buu into waiting for Gale to arrive so the two of them could play some games, as well as patiently waiting for a few days for Goten and Trunks to finish training on the Lookout. He would have suspected that a creature like Majin Buu would have ignored such a request and resumed killing once Babidi was dead, though it seemed that Gale's earlier act of friendship was able to win her some points, thus earning the Z Warriors some much needed time to complete their respective training. As he thought about training he thought about what Shin was doing at the moment, allowing Gohan to practice with the Z-Sword on the same world that Beerus was resting on at the moment.

When he thought about Beerus, however, he glanced over at the couch that was resting nearby and found the two gods peacefully sleeping at the moment... or so he thought, because a few moments later he spotted one of Beerus' ears twitching for a few seconds. That was quickly followed by Beerus slowly pulling himself into a sitting position, who carefully stretched his arms before resting a hand on Chronoa's shoulder, where he gently shook her awake. It took Chronoa a moment to wake up, but when she did she actually let out a yawn, making Whis wonder if she had actually gotten any sleep while she was working in the Time Nest.

"Morning Whis," Beerus said, letting out a yawn of his own, though he had actually been curving his own sleeping habits and was sleeping more like his daughters, though there were times where the old Beerus shined through the cracks, "I know the first thing I'm going to do, after having something to eat and taking a shower."

"And that would be?" Whis asked, though at the same time he had a decent idea what Beerus wanted to do, but he thought it best to let the Destroyer God tell him in the off chance he was wrong.

"I'll be heading to Earth," Beerus replied, to which his eyes snapped open, revealing the anger filled eyes that Whis had seen only twice in the last ten to twenty years, when Rainbow and Applejack died to their respective opponents, "I'm going to erase Babidi for nearly killing both Shin and, by effect, myself."

"Unfortunately that won't be possible," Whis commented, though he was glad that Beerus was actually putting Shin above himself for the moment, while at the same time Beerus looked over at him, "Babidi was just killed by Majin Buu, so in a few minutes he'll appear in the Other World and be sentenced to Hell like all of the other villains that have been killed by Son Goku and the Z Warriors."

"Is that so?" Beerus inquired, to which Whis nodded his head for a moment, causing the God of Destruction to sigh for a few seconds, before he looked at the crystal again, "Very well then... I shall simply head to the Other World and destroy Babidi there..."

"No no NO!" Chronoa stated, causing both Beerus and Whis to look at her for a moment, though at the same time she was staring at Beerus and no one else, "You are not going anywhere just yet. You just recovered from Shin nearly dying, and nearly killing you in the process, and you shouldn't be looking for anything like fighting someone or blowing someone you dislike to pieces... not until I'm positive that you really are okay. Beerus... I nearly lost you..."

"Chronoa..." Beerus said, though instead of saying anything further he reached forward and wrapped his arms around the Supreme Kai of Time, pulling her into a hug as he leaned them back against the couch and wiped some of the tears from her eyes.

Whis smiled as he turned back to the crystal screen he had been watching, because Beerus had once said that of the twelve Gods of Destruction he was the only one that would never be able to be tamed by something like a bond of love between him and another. It was meant in the sense that he could decide to do something and the person that he loved would be able to change him mind in a matter of seconds, which Whis was seeing every time he looked at Beerus and Chronoa. The Supreme Kai of Time had, with the help of two special girls, done the impossible; they had transformed Beerus from an angry and easy to annoy god and turned him into a god that actually listened to those that were around him, such as Shin, who the old Beerus never listened to... and Chronoa, of all people, could actually stand up to Beerus and change his mind without the fear of being destroyed.

Love, Whis eventually decided, was still one of life's strangest mysteries, especially when someone like Beerus could fall sway to the mysterious power... and come back a more reasonable god, one that everyone who kept the universe in balance liked to work with, instead of being worried for their lives. And everyone owed Beerus' transformation to Rainbow and Applejack... to which Whis thanked whatever powers had brought them to this universe, before turning and smiling at the sight of the two gods, once people who disliked each other, cuddling together as they watched the crystal screen. It was a wonderful sight to see, one that he hoped he would see more of in the coming years.

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