• Published 26th Jan 2017
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Dragon Ball Z: Daughters of Destruction - Blackdrag-rose

Rainbow Dash and Applejack are transported to a strange world, where they are raised by Beerus the Destroyer and his attendant Whis.

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Namek: Planet's End

Frieza stared at the two Super Saiyans that were floating above the massive hole that led to the planet's core, silently wondering which one of them was going to attack him first. He already knew that accessing all of his power wasn't an option at the moment, not when Vegeta likely knew of his full potential and was going to ensure that he didn't go through his final transformation. Of all the things that his former minion knew about, his transformations leading up to his final form and all the vital points of both his ships and his empire, he wouldn't put it past the Saiyan to know he wasn't at full power. Even if he somehow convinced the Saiyan from Earth to let him go full power, which was doubtful considering who was standing next to him, he'd never reach his full potential... not when Vegeta would break him before he reached that state.

As much as Frieza hated to admit it, and he seriously hated to admit it, he knew now that he had made a mistake by killing Rainbow Dash and the bald one... especially when he should have killed one of the Saiyans earlier, though now he was paying the price for his actions.

Before he could do anything Vegeta appeared in front of him, grabbed his face with his left hand, and pushed him through the air as they left the area around the hole he had created, though out of the corner of his eye he noticed that the other Saiyan was following behind them. A few seconds later Vegeta threw him towards one of the islands they were near, telling Frieza that, despite his fury riddled mind, the Saiyan knew that staying near the open hole was a bad thing for the planet. As Frieza corrected himself, and managed to regain a proper stance, Goku slammed his fist into his cheek, before delivering a blow to his stomach with his left knee.

Frieza growled and threw his right fist at the Saiyan, which was grabbed seconds later by Goku's left hand, though he would not be denied and used his other hand, but Goku repeated the same thing with his right hand. It was at this point, when both of his hands were stopped, that the Saiyan tightly gripped his hands, preventing him from retreating if he wanted to, while at the same time making Frieza wonder what was coming his way next... and remembering what they had promised him. The Saiyan even cracked his hands a tiny bit, just like what had happened after he and Vegeta had transformed, and caused some more pain to go through his body.

"P...Please don't break my body," Frieza said, because while he hated the word 'please' he knew that he might get somewhere with his foes if he said it, but he wasn't holding his breath as he stalled for time.

"Okay." Goku replied, though he made no effort to release his foe, which was understandable considering how angry he and his companion were at the moment.

"Truly?" Frieza asked, disbelief crossing his face for a moment, which made him wonder if he might actually have a chance to get through this ordeal with his body remaining intact.

"No." Goku stated, while at the same time he used his new power to lift Frieza into the air for a few seconds before slamming him into the ground that was beneath them.

Frieza barely had time to understand what was going on as Goku lifted him back into the air a few seconds later and threw him at the plateau that was to his left, causing the ground around him to break as he was thrown through the air. Before he reached the plateau Vegeta appeared behind him and slammed his elbow into his face, oddly with enough power to send him flying back at Goku, who grabbed the back of his head and slammed him into the ground. The force of the impact was enough to create a crater that was three times the size of his body, though one that had happened Goku let go of his head and grabbed his tail, to which she was spun around for a few seconds before he was thrown back at Vegeta. The other Saiyan delivered a powerful kick to his face and knocked him into the air, though Frieza used that opportunity to force himself backwards so he could stare down at the two Saiyans.

Despite the fact that he already knew he was in trouble, based on the fact that he was fighting two Super Saiyans, he found it annoying that they both assumed that they could dominate the entire fight without some form of punishment.

Frieza growled and flew at where Vegeta was floating, though the Saiyan dodged the attack that he had designed to be the trick, which was followed by him spinning around and kicking him in the chest. It didn't seem to do much good as Vegeta grabbed onto his leg, flipped him around, and brought his back down onto him knee, putting some more cracks into his spin for a few seconds. That was followed by Vegeta tossing him into the air, allowing Goku to slam his fist into his chest and send him flying through the air, where he collided with the island that was behind him and shattered it before ending up in the one behind that one.

A few seconds later Frieza floated out of the hole he had been thrown into and rose into the air, though he stared at the Saiyans that stopped near where he was waiting, but neither of them came at him again, as if they were waiting for him to make the next move.

"You, Saiyan from Earth, have been underestimating my power the entire time." Frieza stated, glaring at Goku for a moment, knowing that what he was about to say would cause his target to ask for verification from Vegeta, "Let me tell you that I am still not at my full power."

"Vegeta," Goku said, his eyes not leaving Frieza for a moment, though the tyrant could still see the anger that was burning in his eyes, "What's the truth of his statement?"

Frieza turned his eyes to the other Saiyan for a second, wondering if he knew about his max power or not, but this appeared to be the moment he was waiting for and silently prepared himself for what was to come.

"He's still not at his full potential," Vegeta replied, though Frieza could still hear the anger in his voice, something that he had expected to hear, "but I'm sure you know what that means..."

"Don't let him transfo..." Goku started to say, though that was interrupted by Frieza appearing in front of him and slamming his fist into Goku's face, sending him flying into the water below them.

Before Frieza could do anything else, and claim the advantage he had created, Vegeta delivered a powerful to his cheek and sent him flying into the island to the right. As Frieza corrected himself he spotted Goku bursting out of the water and coming in his direction, to which the Saiyan delivered a series of blows to his body before grabbing onto the end of his tail and slamming him into the island once more. A few seconds later, as Frieza picked himself up, he noticed the two Saiyans floating near each other, though based on the level of their anger he knew that they weren't planning strategy.

This was quickly becoming a problem, where neither of them wouldn't let him transform any further, though at the same time he was grateful that he was able to stall them like this... because the longer they fought, without the two killing him, the closer they got to the end of Namek, which was drawing closer if the cracks near the large crater was anything to go by.

His glance at the crater proved to be a bad move, as the moment he did so Goku appeared to his right and slammed his fist into Frieza's chest, causing him to cough up some blood as he was thrown backwards through the air. As he attempted to regain himself Vegeta appeared behind him, latched onto his back, and flew down to the island that they had been fighting above, to which he let him go after delivering a powerful kick to his chest. Frieza crashed into the ground and created yet another crater, which was starting to become a trend if all of the other craters, on all of the intact islands, was anything to go by, but this time he merely pulled himself onto his feet and gathered his energy into his hands.

If fighting the two Super Saiyans with his hands was a bust, where he couldn't deliver any blows on either of them, he guessed that changing to ki based attacks and flying away was the way to go at the moment... and he had to wonder if that would give him the chance to actually transform if he lost his foes for a few seconds. He glanced at his two targets, mentally debating which one he wanted to take out first, before he loosed a burst of ki blasts at where Vegeta was standing, knowing that he could force the two of them apart and maybe buy him some time. That was followed by Vegeta appearing in front of him and slamming his fist into his stomach, before throwing an uppercut that would have knocked him backwards had the Saiyan not grabbed the back of his head and brought it down on his knee.

As Vegeta forced him further away from the large hole in the planet's surface, and continued to deliver blows to his body, Frieza noticed that the Saiyan from Earth was standing still, though his eyes were locked on where he and Vegeta were fighting at the moment... leading him to wonder if something else had snapped in the Saiyan's head.

Goku, on the other hand, had heard a voice that managed to cut through his anger and create a foothold for someone to speak with him, which was why he was letting Vegeta vent his anger alone at the moment.

Goku, can you hear me? King Kai asked, which was the only reason that Goku had stopped moving in the first place, because even in his anger riddled mind he knew that his mentor would have something to tell him.

I do King Kai, Goku replied, his frown remaining on his face as Vegeta slammed Frieza into the ground and launched a burst of ki blasts that tore the ground around his target to pieces.

Good, then I'll get to why I contacted you, King Kai said, which immediately told Goku that there was a plan of some sort in motion at the moment, Kami and I need you and Vegeta to keep stalling Frieza for as long as you can. Mr. Popo is in the process of gathering the final Dragon Ball so he can summon Shenron and wish back everyone that Frieza and his men have killed on Namek... though unfortunately that won't work for Krillin.

I thought as much, Goku stated, his anger flaring as he imagined what had happened to his best friend, which only made him want to punch Frieza so hard that he broke something inside his body.

Once Dende and everyone else is brought back you need to keep Frieza from discovering that Porunga has been revived, King Kai continued, as if he had been expecting that reaction to what he had said, we already know that he can't wish upon the Eternal Dragon without knowing the Namekian language, but it would be best to let the final wish be used without him knowing about it.

I doubt Frieza will last much longer, Goku commented, as he noticed that their opponent was only now getting exhausted, while at the same time it seemed that he was attempting to stall them for time, though I do have a request for when you tell Dende the wish he has to make when he and Porunga are revived.

And that would be? King Kai inquired, though at the same time he had the feeling that he knew exactly what Goku was going to ask him to change the wish to.

When it comes time to take everyone off the planet, let me stay behind to ensure Frieza dies. Goku replied, to which he noticed the cracks around the larger crater were really starting to spread further away from the hole, Unless Vegeta and I kill him before the wish is made... then you can wish all of us back to Earth.

If that is what you really want, King Kai said, making no effort to try and talk Goku out of this decision, because he was angry and pissed off, which would make any attempt only further his anger.

Goku nodded before flying back into the battle, to which he slammed both of his feet into Frieza's back so hard that he sent him flying towards the ground, though the tyrant caught himself and stopped before he could collide with the island... though the look on his face indicated that he wasn't pleased to have both Saiyans fighting him again.

"You know, I just realized something," Frieza said, looking at the two Saiyans that were staring at him, almost as if he was slightly pleased to have figured out whatever he was talking about, "based on the fact that you keep pushing me away from the core, I can tell that the two of you are buying time for the others to escape. It won't matter in the end; Namek will soon become fireworks and then I will track down your friends, where they will all die painful deaths by my hand."

"Your statement is half right," Vegeta replied, causing a frown to appear on Frieza's face for a moment, "You are correct in thinking that we want the rest of our comrades to escape the planet, but only one of them is more important than the others. If you succeeded in killing Applejack as well... well, none of us would be alive once her father found out what happened to her and her sister..."

Before Vegeta could go much further Frieza launched a Death Beam at his forehead and knocked his head backwards, though whatever expression he was wearing turned to a frown as he realized that his attack had done nothing to the Saiyan.

"We're going to keep breaking you," Goku commented, cracking his knuckles as he glared at Frieza, while at the same time Vegeta nodded his head and prepared himself, "and we're going to make sure that Namek becomes your grave."

Frieza growled as he surrounded himself with his energy, as this time he intended on ramming into one of his opponents and knocking them out of the sky, though at the same time he noticed that only Goku was preparing his beam attack... while Vegeta was either going to watch, or he was planning something else. Thanks to the anger that was flowing through their bodies Frieza found it hard to guess what they were going to do at any given moment, but he was preparing himself in case the two had some sort of plan to use against him. In any event he launched himself forward and flew into the beam attack that was coming his way, though he intended on breaking on and doing some damage that might turn the tide of battle back in his favor.

Though as he struggled against the beam of energy that was bashing at his energy he had to wonder what secret plan the two Saiyans had for him... and why he had the strangest feeling that something was going to go in their favor in the near future.

Mr. Popo stood on a small island that was some considerable distance away from Kami's Lookout, letting Kami and King Kai go over what wish they wanted Shenron to grant for them. He already knew that they were going to wish some people back to life, as that was what they usually used the Dragon Balls for these days, but he decided to let them finish talking before he summoned the Eternal Dragon. All seven spheres were gathered nearby, waiting for him to summon Shenron and make the wish, though he had lied about the last one being hard to find so that Kami and King Kai could go over their wish and change it if they desired. In truth the seventh had landed on this very island, which made it extremely easy for someone like him to find, but he patiently waited for the two gods to make up their minds.

Eventually he felt the tug that came when Kami wished to speak with him, to which he opened his mind a little bit and decided to see if a decision had been made about what they were actually going to be wishing for.

Mr. Popo, are you there? Kami asked, as he wanted to make sure that he had reached the correct person and wasn't relaying a wish to someone who wasn't near the Dragon Balls.

I am here Kami, as are the seven Dragon Balls. Mr. Popo replied, resisting the urge to sigh, because even after all these years his companion had yet to figure out what his mind felt like so he could stop asking the same question, Have you and King Kai decided on which wish you would like me to make?

Yes. Kami answered, though he knew that they were slowly running out of time and decided to get the show on the road, We would like to have Shenron bring back everyone that Frieza and his men have killed, on Planet Namek, brought back to life... and that includes young Rainbow Dash as well.

Of all the things that could have happened, and that he had made a checklist for, the death of Rainbow wasn't something that Mr. Popo had been expecting, which was rare for something to catch him off guard, but he regained himself. If anything this provided him with the ammunition necessary to get Shenron to ensure that the wish was granted in a timely fashion, which would please quite a few gods at the same time.

Mr. Popo broke the connection with Kami and said the summoning phrase to awaken Shenron, which was followed by the sky getting darker as the Dragon Balls started to glow. What erupted out of the Dragon Balls was a long serpentine body that eventually ended in a head, which had brown antlers on the top of it, though the dragon had long flowing whiskers and flowing green hair on his cheeks. Shenron coiled around himself a few times, ensuring that no body part ever touched another part of his body, before his head looked down at whoever had summoned him.

"I am the Eternal Dragon. Speak your wish and I shall..." Shenron started to say, but that was before he noticed who was standing in front of him, to which he bowed his head a little bit, "Ah, it is you, Lord Popo. It is an honor to grant you whatever your heart desires."

"I come with a wish from both Kami and King Kai," Mr. Popo told the dragon, though while he did enjoy being called 'Lord' every now and then he knew that now wasn't the time to get caught up in any fantasies, "They want you to bring back everyone that Frieza and his men have killed, on Planet Namek, back to life. This is within your power, is it not?"

"I... I do not know." Shenron replied, looking a little nervous for a few seconds, but then he regained himself and prepared his powers for the wish that Mr. Popo had told him, "I shall try my best."

"Your best had better be good, because one of the people that died on Namek is Rainbow Dash," Mr. Popo said, glaring at the Eternal Dragon for a few seconds, "she is one of Lord Beerus' daughters... and I would hate to see what would happen to you if he found out that you failed to bring her back to life as well."

"R... right then," Shenron stated, clearly not liking the idea of his entire existence being destroyed by one of the people that he feared, "I shall ensure that I use all of my power to grant this wish."

Mr. Popo nodded, because right now that was the only thing he could hope for and knew that the Eternal Dragon would definitely give it his all to make sure that everyone that died on Namek would be brought back to life... all they had to do now was wait and see what the outcome was.

Frieza continued to struggle against the energy beam that was in front of him, as he was trying to push his way through the attack so he could reach Goku and punch his face so hard that he stopped what he was doing. The problem was that he had no idea if Vegeta was standing still or if he was planning something to use against him, though he didn't dare let his mind wander while he fought his opponent's attack. A few seconds passed before he actually started to make some progress, as he was able to move forwards quite a bit, but even as he was rewarded with that he knew that it would be a hard fight for him to win at the rate he was going. His hard work was undone was the Saiyan he was fighting against added more pressure to his attack, forcing Frieza backwards once more, but he would not be denied his victory of his enemies.

It was at that moment that he remembered that Vegeta was still around, because a second beam of energy hit his back and forced him to collide with the energy that Goku was producing, causing an explosion that rocked the area around where they were standing... which was followed by the two Saiyans gathering near each other as they waited for Frieza to show himself.

"Why won't either of you two idiots die?" Frieza shouted, causing the smoke to break into pieces and disappear, revealing that the number of cuts and bruises on his body had only grown.

"Its because you can't damage us like we can damage you," Goku replied, to which both he and Vegeta dropped back into their battle stances and prepared themselves.

"Well I'm not fighting at my full power," Frieza countered, though at the same time he decided to try one tactic one last time and see if it worked in his favor, "how about this; you let me pull out my full power and I'll give you the fight of your lives... and I promise not to head to Earth if I win the fight."

"No deal," Vegeta snapped, his anger flaring once more, which caused Frieza to take a small step backwards for a moment, "its like Kakarot said earlier; Namek will be your grave... and we will ensure you pay the price for what you have done."

Frieza glared at the two Saiyans that were in front of him, annoyed that they believed that they could defeat him with their power boosts, though at the same time he noticed that the sky was getting a bit darker. He had to resist the urge to grin, because the sky was just another indicator that told him this planet was reaching its end... as if the lava erupting out of the ground and the earth violently shaking weren't enough clues to tell him about what was coming. If he could stall his opponents for a little while longer, and avoid being torn apart in the process, he could destroy the both of them when the planet exploded, because flying into space wasn't an option when they could catch him before he even breached the atmosphere.

Once the two Saiyans were dead, and he was sure they were, he would track down the rest of their friends and kill them in whatever manner he desired... and maybe even turn this Earth of theirs into fireworks as well when he was done with it.

Applejack stood outside of the spaceship that Goku had used to reach Namek, though while everyone was inside the ship waiting for Bulma to activate their ride, which she admitted she knew nothing about, she remained near the door. The earth below her hooves was cracking as the sky turned dark, which told her that Frieza had done something to the planet, something that neither Goku or Vegeta could stop from happening. This reminded her of the planet that she and Rainbow had witnessed the end of, the one their father had blown up because one of the kings had kidnapped the two of them, which told her that Frieza was being a sore loser.

The mere thought of her sister made her anger rise again, who had been killed right in front of her and the others, but after a few seconds she let out a sigh. She had always said her sister was a hothead and that she needed to calm down whenever she was angry, so she helped herself to her own advice for once. Piccolo had also told her, on their way back to the ship, that Mr. Popo should be gathering the Dragon Balls, which meant that they might be making a wish in the near future. She seriously hoped that the wish was made soon, because at the moment the planet was literally tearing itself apart all around them... and she already knew that they were running out of time.

Her thoughts were interrupted as she heard a sound that she never thought she would ever hear again; the sound of Rainbow moaning, which caused her to turn back towards the inside of the ship and found that her sister was being helped into a sitting position with her back pressed against the structure in the middle of the ship... and the hole in her chest had been completely healed.

"My chest is going to be sore for a few days," Rainbow commented, though the look on her face told everyone that she was glad to be alive again, before she found her sister's arms wrapped around her, "Geez Applejack, you don't have to squeeze me so hard... and we certainly wouldn't want to undo all of Mr. Popo's hard work."

"I'm just glad that your alive Rainbow," Applejack said, to which she pulled herself back for a moment, before she understood exactly what Rainbow had meant by 'hard work', "of course, the Dragon Balls."

"I think the wish was made for everyone that Frieza and his men had killed while they were on Namek," Rainbow said, a slight smile appearing on her face, "I'm sure that Dende and the Grand Elder will be brought back any moment now."

Applejack and everyone else smiled as well, because if the Grand Elder was brought back to life they could use Porunga's final wish and take everyone, excluding Frieza, off Namek and be done with this nightmare. All they had to do now was wait and see what happened, while at the same time putting their faith in the Saiyans that were currently fighting Frieza as Bulma tried, and failed, to get the ship started.

As Vegeta and Goku parried Frieza's attacks, and delivered a few in return, the two Saiyans felt the ki of all the dead Namekians being restored, especially Dende's. Even in their anger riddled state they knew that the Dragon Balls of Earth had been used, which meant that the Namekian ones would shortly be restored as well. Then one ki, far stronger than the Namekians, sprung back into existence, though Vegeta actually smiled as he delivered a punch to Frieza's face and sent him flying into the plateau behind him; Rainbow Dash was alive once more. Of course his earlier anger over her death returned in full force and turned his smile into a frown, but now he knew that she was safe and that Beerus wouldn't kill them all for what had happened to her.

Goku, on the other hand, was pleased to have Rainbow alive once more, because while he had no idea who her or Applejack's parents were he knew that they had to be important to someone... and that was all the thought he put into that as he turned his attention back to Frieza, who was pulling himself out of the plateau he had been thrown into. That was followed by him flying down to where the tyrant was standing, landing on the ground at a level that was parallel to his foe, and charging at Frieza before he had a chance to move out of the way. The two of them caught each others attacks and stood their ground, allowing their ki to battle with each other as the ground around them sunk a few times, just like what had happened when Frieza did the same thing with Rainbow.

A few seconds later Goku lifted Frieza into the air, giving Vegeta enough time to come in and slam his foot into the tyrant's back, sending him back into the plateau that he had emerged from seconds ago... which exploded a moment later as Frieza floated out of it.

"I have had it with you insolent Saiyans," Frieza snapped, though it was clear that his anger was on the same level as what Goku and Vegeta had felt earlier, but not to the extent where he was getting a transformation out of it, "I am glad that I wiped out most of your race so long ago, especially if this is the power that all of you could have wielded had more of you become Super Saiyans."

For once Frieza was telling the truth; if more Saiyans like these two had acquired this transformation, and came at him with the same anger and fury that these two possessed, he was sure that he would have been dead by now. He was actually lucky that there were only two Super Saiyans in front of him, because if there were three or more he was sure that he wouldn't have been put into his grave by this point. He still needed to figure out how he was going to stop his opponents from beating him before the planet exploded, but even as he thought about that he had to wonder if he could use his own ki in a similar fashion as the bald one he had blown up earlier. A disk made of energy, and had the ability to cut through anything, would be quite useful, which could potentially turn the tide of this battle if he managed to cut one of the Saiyans in half.

Even as he thought about what he could do to the Saiyans to win this fight, and what moves to do, he reminded himself that Namek would be destroyed soon as well, especially when he noticed some rings of fire off to his left. Lava was already pouring out of all the holes that he had created, though with the ground pulling itself apart he was sure that it was finding new paths to the surface. Even some of the islands were sinking into the water as the ground shifted, all signs pointing to the fact that Namek was going to meet its end soon enough. He was even sure that the sky would turn red with fire any more, giving him the signal that he was waiting for, the one that would tell him they had mere moments before they were at the end of their game.

In order to stall the two Saiyans Frieza held his hands out and gathered his energy, creating two red energy discs like the one the bald one had used earlier to cut off part of his tail, but the different between their attacks was that Frieza could control his discs with his hands,

"So this is your final technique," Goku commented, staring at an attack that reminded him of his best friend, which only made him even angrier than he was before, "how sad. I expected more for you, Frieza."

"I'm going to cut the two of you to pieces," Frieza declared, to which he threw the discs through the air and sent them flying towards his targets, though when they separated one disc went after Goku and the other went after Vegeta.

While Vegeta flew around the area, and forced the disc that was following him to cut through the islands or plateaus around him, Goku flew around Frieza's immediate area and kept his eyes on Frieza as he maneuvered around the broken island they were on, while at the same time seeing if there were any weaknesses to this attack that differed from Krillin's take on it. It was evident that Vegeta was keeping his disc away from the fight, as if he had known that Goku would figure something out, so while he flew around the area he would occasionally fly close to their opponent and test his reactions. As he did this Frieza shouted that he was the superior fighter of the three of them, and that he was the strongest in the entire universe, but neither of the Saiyans paid what he said much mind.

Goku was sure that there was some trick associated with the discs, because he knew there was one with Krillin's take on the technique, but then he actually got an idea that might help him use the attack to their advantage. Twice Goku flew close to where Frieza was standing, causing the tyrant to either throw the disc that was chasing him to the side or dodge before the attack could hit him. At one point Goku brought his disc back towards where Frieza was standing, though as he neared his target he loosed a small ki blast and kicked up some dirt that would block Frieza's sight for a few seconds... while at the same time speeding up so he could appear behind the disc and watch what was happening.

"Dammit!" Frieza shouted, jumping into the air the moment he spotted the disc coming his way, allowing it to pass below him with a look of anger on his face, "Did you really expect me to fall for such a childish trick!?"

That was followed by Goku bringing his right elbow down on top of Frieza's head, causing him to cough up some blood as he was knocked back towards the ground, but Frieza regained himself and started throwing punches at the Saiyan. After dodging a few attacks Goku rammed his left knee into Frieza's chest, stunning him for a moment, before raising his right hand and slapping his opponent's face a few times. Frieza managed to break away seconds later, but Goku followed that up by bringing both of his hands down on Frieza's head and sending him towards the ground, though he followed that up by kicking him hard in the chest. When Frieza neared the ground he flipped around and landed with his feet on the ground, to which he sunk into the earth for a few seconds, though that was followed by him growling as he moved back into the air.

Before Goku could say anything the disc that had been chasing him returned to the battle, though that was when it cleanly sliced off the lower half of Frieza's body, cut off the area between his left hand and left elbow, and even sliced his tail into two smaller pieces... which was followed by him crashing to the ground with a surprised look on his face.

"I... I wasn't expecting that," Goku admitted, because while he had been trying to use the disc to cut Frieza from the front he hadn't expected it to do the same from behind, though one good side effect was that the disc that was chasing Vegeta broke into pieces and allowed the Saiyan to rejoin him.

"I spent all those years studying Frieza... and this wasn't how I pictured the end of our fight," Vegeta said, though while his voice was finally starting to lose the anger he was feeling, which had been burning through his mind for their entire fight, he noticed something to the left of where they were standing, "Hey Kakarot... isn't that the Eternal Dragon?"

Goku looked in the direction of where Vegeta was looking and noticed that Porunga had been reborn, which meant that Dende would soon be making the wish to have everyone teleported back to Earth before Namek exploded. He heard a gasp from the ground below them and noticed that Frieza was still moving, though the defeated tyrant's eyes were locked on the dragon that was floating in the distance. A few seconds later the tyrant looked up at the two of them, as if he was expecting them to stop him if he tried to move, but Goku raised an eyebrow when he noticed that Frieza was gathering his ki into his remaining hand.

"Vegeta... is he doing what I think he's doing?" Goku asked, though he prepared himself for what he was going to do if the answer was yes, which was followed by his ki gathering around his body.

"Yes, one last attack," Vegeta said, to which he pulled his arms back and gathered his ki, though this time he intended on finishing off the tyrant that killed his parents, his race, his planet, and one of his best friends, "Galick Gun..."

"Ka... me..." Goku followed up, though he brought his hands to the right side of his body, which was opposite of what Vegeta was doing at the moment, "ha... me..."

"Time to die you monkey scum!" Frieza screamed, leveling his hand with the two Saiyans and releasing almost all of his energy into one powerful attack that should take them both out in a single instant.

"FIRE!" Vegeta shouted, leveling his own hands with where Frieza was hovering at the moment and releasing the power he had stored up, while resisting the urge to smile as he thought about what might happen next.

"HAAAAAA!" Goku called out in kind, firing his own ki blast at the tyrant at the same moment, to which the two attacks swirled around each other and merged into one powerful beam of energy.

The two attacks collided with each other in the middle of the air, though within a few seconds Frieza's attack was pushed backwards as the energy surged towards where he was floating. Frieza's eyes widened as the energy barreled into where he was at the moment and pushed him into the ground that he happened to be resting above, though the force was enough to detonate the entire island he had been thrown back into. The moment the explosion passed the two Saiyans studied their handiwork, finding that Frieza had been blown into a hole in the ground that was the size of the island he had collided with, though as they lowered their hands they waited to see if their opponent was going to show himself again.

When Frieza didn't resurface, and Goku determined that he couldn't feel his ki anymore, the two Saiyans finally let out the sigh that they had been holding back, during which they fell out of their Super Saiyan state and allowed their hair to return to normal.

"And that is the end of that," Goku said, though at the same time he turned towards Vegeta, "Come on, let's head over to Dende and get off this planet before it really starts to fall apart."

Vegeta nodded and together the two Saiyans flew towards where Porunga was, making sure to avoid any bursts of lava that erupted out of the ground below them. After beating Frieza, and apparently killing him in combat, the last thing either of them wanted to do was fall to something like this, so they decided to be careful while they made their way through the air. Even with having to dodge the flames they managed to make it to where the Eternal Dragon was waiting, where they found Dende lowering his hands as he turned toward them. The little Namekian seemed happy, which was understandable considering they had just finished beating the tyrant that was bringing an end to his home planet.

"So Dende, are you ready to leave Namek before it blows?" Goku asked, though even with his Super Saiyan form turned off he still felt angry, but he was sure that it would pass in time.

"Yep, and I already made the wish." Dende replied, his smile widening, while at the same time Goku seemed confused as to which whsih he was referring to.

"Which version of the wish did you make?" Goku asked, a look of confusion appearing on his face for a moment, "The one where we beat Frieza and everyone goes home, or the one where we haven't beaten Frieza and I stayed here to ensure he died?"

"Y... you were still fighting when I made the wish," Dende explained, waving his hands for a moment, "oh no, I've doomed you to share the same fate as Namek!"

"Not really," Vegeta spoke up, causing the two to turn towards him for a moment, "the ship you arrived in should still be in working order, unlike Frieza's ship that I trashed. You should have more than enough time to get back to it, power it on, and get off planet before Namek is destroyed Kakarot... no, not Kakarot. Your friends call you Goku, and even your enemies call you by that name... and I respect you for having the willpower to help me put Frieza down, so I shall call you by the same name as everyone else."

"Vegeta, I don't mind the fact that you call me by my Saiyan name all the time," Goku said, surprised that Vegeta would even say such a thing, but he smiled at the Saiyan anyway, "in fact I think hearing it every now and then actually helps me understand who I am, the Saiyan that was raised on Earth. Besides, if anyone other than you calls me 'Kakarot' I'm going to punch them in the face like Applejack did with Jeice earlier... that's how much I value our friendship."

Vegeta stared at Goku, or rather Kakarot, for a moment with a look of surprise on his face, because he had actually expected the other Saiyan to jump for joy at the thought of not having to listen to his Saiyan name being said by one person, but then he turned his surprise into a smile. He guessed that if the other Saiyan wanted to be called by his Saiyan name, and actually enjoyed hearing it every now and then like he claimed, he determined that nothing bad could come of it.

"Very well Kakarot, I'll keep calling you by your Saiyan name," Vegeta said, to which he rested a hand on the other Saiyan's shoulder as Porunga's eyes started to glow, "I'll be waiting on Earth with Rainbow, Applejack, and the others... so don't keep us waiting."

Goku nodded and watched as Dende, Vegeta, Porunga, and the Namekian Dragon Balls disappeared in a flash of light, though based on the ki he was feeling he could tell that everyone else had been taken off world in the time he and Vegeta had been talking. Once he was sure that he was the last person on Namek, and checked to be sure that Frieza's ki was gone, he turned in the direction of the ship he had used to reach the planet and flew towards it. He believed Vegeta when he said that there was time for him to get away from the planet before it detonated, but to be on the safe side he flew with all the speed he could muster.

Beerus leaned back in his chair as Whis, Chronoa, and Shin moved away from their seats and went to go grab some more snacks for what was coming next. Despite the fact that Frieza had been dealt with, Namek was going to explode soon, the Namekians had been relocated to Earth with everyone else, and Goku was going to be launched through space by the force of Namek's explosion... he was happy. He had wanted to go to Namek personally and utterly destroy Frieza, along with the planet in a fit of rage, but after cooling off and watching the rest of the fight he was glad that Chronoa had shocked him into staying put. Even from this one battle he could tell that Goku and Vegeta were a force to be reckoned with when they fought as a team, which was something that Whis had agreed with... after exclaiming his surprise that his God of Destruction was able to see that without having to be told.

But none of that mattered to Beerus for the moment, because as the crystal refocused on Earth, and showed them that everyone from Namek was okay, he looked at the faces of his two wonderful daughters and smiled... because despite everything Rainbow and Applejack were still alive and that was all that mattered to him at the moment.

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