• Published 26th Jan 2017
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Dragon Ball Z: Daughters of Destruction - Blackdrag-rose

Rainbow Dash and Applejack are transported to a strange world, where they are raised by Beerus the Destroyer and his attendant Whis.

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Cell: End of a Rivalry

The days after Dende's arrival on Earth, and the resurrection of the Dragon Balls that could summon the Eternal Dragon known as Shenron, progressed slower for the Z Warriors than they thought they would. Most of them gathered in the Capsule Corp building, where they went over their plan of attack when the Cell Games started, which meant the sequence in which their strongest fighters would fight Cell. Piccolo had determined that they could count on either Goku, Rainbow, Applejack, Vegeta, Gale, or Trunks starting the tournament as the first fighter that would challenge the Bio-Android, leaving the remainder to pick up the slack if they were taken out. As they determined who could be going first, and then the order that followed their first decision, Piccolo knew that the others were missing something; Gale's determination to stop her brother before he brought their future to this timeline.

Piccolo feared that Gale would charge at Cell before the start of the Cell Games, to take him out before he had a chance to demonstrate his terrifying power to the entire world, as a prelude to the destruction of the Earth, but he silently kept his thoughts to himself as he kept watch over the second Bio-Android.

Rainbow and Applejack had discovered, upon returning to the building with Gohan and Krillin, that the young Saiyan had received a birthday party, made up of his family and Krillin, to celebrate the year he had missed inside the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. As they heard that they had to wonder if their mother was too busy to come and visit them, because they knew that she wouldn't have missed such an event unless the Time Nest was under attack by someone, though they both sighed and moved on with their planning. The two of them were more than willing to add Gale's powers to the various routines they had built together, as her affinity for wind would aid them greatly in the coming battle... though all three of them knew that Trunks would be annoyed with them when he and his father stepped out of the chamber, so they planned on not telling him anything.

The time before the Cell Games gave them plenty of time to review Cell's attack patterns, what they knew about them anyway, and attempt to come up with some sort of plan to stop the Bio-Android... but after some time everyone eventually came to the conclusion that a one on one fight would be the way to go. That led to most of them trying to relax while they took their minds off of the threat that Cell posed to the world, just like what Goku and Gohan had been doing before the army had tried, and failed, to destroy their opponent.

"So Cell is just going to stand in his arena until the start of the Cell Games?" Krillin commented, as he had looked up at the television screen, where the reporters were standing a good distance away and were keeping an eye on Cell, transmitting their findings to everyone in the world.

"It appears so." Gale replied, though at the same time she memorized the area around the arena, because she knew it would help her find Cell later on, in case he decided to hide his power from her when she went searching for him, "Though I still cannot believe that the people of Earth are putting their trust is this Mr. Satan, when all he's done is made some noise, ripped three phone books in half, and punched a small hole in a bus. I know its not my place to say this, but Cell would definitely kill him if the two of them were to engage in a 'battle' with each other."

"He's just giving people hope at the moment," Applejack stated, though as she said that she knew Gale was right, because Cell could take one look at the man and kill him without even moving from where he was standing, "Hopefully we can start fighting Cell before Mr. Satan arrives at the arena, because he should stay as far away as he can, especially considering how powerful our opponent is."

"We'll be able to beat Cell, especially with all of the training we went through," Gale said, to which she kept her eyes on the screen that everyone was looking at, as she was staring at her brother and wanted to see if he made a move while the camera man was on him, "and then, once he's been brought down, we can call upon the Eternal Dragon and wish back everyone that has been killed so far."

Applejack glanced over at Gale for a moment, as when the Bio-Android mentioned everyone that had died so far it sounded like she was referring to this timeline's version of herself, as if she was silently telling the Z Warriors to give this version of her a chance. She was still annoyed with Trunks, for doing what he had done in the secret lab, but she and Rainbow had agreed that, if the Dragon Balls were restored in some manner, that they should try to bring this timeline's version of Gale back to life. At the same time she seriously hoped that Gale would listen to reason and not attack her brother before the start of the Cell Games, because she appeared to be thinking about that at the moment.

Applejack then let out a sigh as she picked up the cup that was sitting in front of her and drank some of the juice that had been poured into it earlier, though even as she did that she watched everyone around her... as there was no telling who would attack Cell early and who would wait for the start of the Cell Games.

The rest of their days passed without too much happening, other than Gohan and Krillin spending a decent amount of time with Dende on the Lookout, Vegeta and Trunks emerging from the Hyperbolic Time Chamber with a great increase to their power, and both Rainbow and Applejack showed Gale around their small house that Bulma had built for them. All of the Z Warriors were trying to relax before they went and fought with Cell, allowing the days to count down while Goku flew around the world and collected the Dragon Balls. None of them were worried about the world being destroyed, because they had faith in their abilities and the powers that their friends possessed, as they knew that one of them would bring about the end of Cell.

Two days before the start of the Cell Games Goku returned to the Capsule Corp building, where he received an earful from his wife about leaving her and Gohan alone to drive to where Roshi lived, but at the same time he brought with him all seven Dragons Balls, where they were safely deposited in the basement, in a special case Bulma had developed, until they had beaten Cell. It was also at that time that they discovered that Android 16 had been fully repaired, as the side of his head had been fixed up and he appeared to be fully functional once more, to which the group caught him up on everything that had happened since he went offline.

On the night before the Cell Games, however, was when something happened, because when the day gave way to the night, and everyone was sleeping in their houses so they could rest for the big day, only one person was awake. Gale walked out of the room that Bulma had given her, without any conditions she mentally added, and walked down the stairs until she was at the side entrance of the building. She immediately noticed the spaceship that Bulma and her father had built together, but at the same time she walked outside and started feeling the energy in the air around her, because she wanted to be sure that no one was moving when she departed from the building.

Once she was satisfied with what she was seeing, and that no one was coming out to stop her from leaving, she floated into the air and headed in the direction of her brother's ki... though she was unaware that, inside the building, that Piccolo was watching her as she flew into the distance, and only let out a sigh as she disappeared from his view.

Cell stretched as he waited for the last twelve hours to pass so he could officially begin the Cell Games and welcome his opponents to the arena that would decide the fate of this planet, as he was ready to fight the newly empowered Z Warriors and show the people of Earth a level of fear they had never felt before. Once all of his opponents were dead he would destroy this world and head into the vastness of space, where he would begin his own quest and start a new chapter in his life. He was eager to close the chapter of his life that his father, Dr. Gero, had forced upon him and the other Androids, until some of them hacked into his commands and made themselves neutral... though he was more eager to bring about his sister's death.

Fate or destiny seemed to be smiling upon him at that moment, because the instant his sister Gale crossed his mind he felt her ki appear in the area around the arena... though when he opened his eyes he found her standing on the edge of the arena, where she was glaring at him with an intensity that matched the power he was feeling.

"Well hello Gale," Cell said, a smile appearing on his face, because while he hated his sister with a passion he wanted to be reasonable when talking with her, "to what do I owe the pleasure of your company?"

"I have come here, to the arena that you said that would decide the fate of this planet, to stop you," Gale replied, to which a frown appeared on her face as she stared at Cell, though at the same time she dropped into her battle stance, "I will say this one last time, and I would hope you would at least consider my words; give up your mad scheme of destroying the world, otherwise you'll be destroyed instead."

"Oh joy, so we're repeating ourselves again... just like the last time we encountered each other and the time before that," Cell commented, to which he let out a sigh as he crossed his arms, as he had no intention of fighting Gale just yet, "Let me ask you something; have you ever considered leaving the Z Warriors behind and joining my side? It is what our father would have wanted, the two of us joining forces to kill Son Goku and his enemies before conquering every planet in the known universe."

"Cell, as much as I would love for the two of us to be a family again, I won't join you in enslaving anyone or destroying any planets," Gale stated, though it made her mad that her brother would suggest such a thing, especially since he knew what her answer was going to be before he even asked the question, "It truly pains me to do this, it really does, but for the betterment of the world you need to die... even if a part of my heart aches at the thought of killing you."

"If you are so dead set on fighting me, then follow me," Cell said, to which he floated into the air and headed to a nearby plateau, one that would provide them with enough room to exchange blows without damaging the actual arena, where he landed and stared at Gale as she did the same, "we should have enough room to exchange some blows before you understand how weak you are in comparison to me."

Gale sighed as she released her power, to which the wind surged around her as she pushed her ki to seventy-five percent, because she wanted to be sure what her bother's power was actually like before using her full power against him. Once she had released her power she burst through the air and slammed her fist into Cell's chest, though thanks to the power she had wrapped around her fist she sent her brother flying towards the rock wall behind him. Cell seemed to know what was coming next, as he flipped backwards and let his feet touch the wall he had been heading towards, though that was followed by him back flipping upwards and landed on top of the formation.

Gale glared at Cell for a moment, because she had expected her power to do more than simply push her brother backwards, but she knew that she stood a chance at beating him... as long as Cell kept using only seventy-five percent of his power anyway.

"I see that you have used whatever method the Saiyans used to empower themselves." Cell commented, to which he stretched his entire body for a few seconds, as this promised to be quite the workout that would prepare him for the Cell Games, and get rid of his annoying sister at the same time, "Well then, I guess this battle will be more enjoyable for me... and maybe have a little enjoyment for you, my dear sister."

Gale looked at Cell as he raised his arms and dropped into his own battle stance, which happened to be the mirror image of her own battle stance, before the two of them simply stared at each other as they waited for the other to make a move. Their ki caused the already dark sky to darken a little more while several bits of dust were kicked up around them, which Gale assumed had to be the same thing that had happened when her brother had been staring at Goku a week ago. Neither one of them seemed to be too concerned for the sudden shift in the area around them, save for Cell's concern for his arena that had been the reason they had moved in the first place, but they stood their ground and waited for a certain change in the area.

The signal came when a stray bolt of lightning flashed in the sky above them, to which both Cell and Gale flew at each other and slammed their fists into the other's fist, causing the air around them to shake for a moment, before they broke away from each other and started moving around the area. As Gale moved around the area she allowed her ki to wrap around her body, empowering her speed and the strength of her blows with the power of the wind itself, to which she sped up and slammed her fist into Cell's chest, knocking his backwards for a few seconds. Cell didn't seem phased by her attack, but that was just the beginning, as Gale unleashed her own version of the Harvester's Barrage on her brother, though the only difference between hers and Applejack's was that hers didn't end in slamming her hooves into her opponent's chest... but she made up for the lack of that blow by adding a Tempest Punch to the end of her assault, sending Cell into the rock wall, which collapsed around him.

Gale stared down at the small crater she had created, but instead of standing still and doing nothing, like the Z Warriors had done multiple times over the time she had known them, she summoned her wind into small four sided stars and started throwing them down at where her brother was resting. The instant the stars collided with the ground they started detonating, but she threw two dozen more of them at the crater to be sure that she did something to her brother... though she only stopped when she felt a sudden change in the air around her. She immediately converted the remainder of the wind she had summoned into a shield that protected the left side of her body, to which she stopped her brother's fist before it could make contact with her.

Before she could retaliate, and do some damage to her brother, Cell backed off and flew back to the area above the crater he had created when she had slammed him into the ground... to which she dropped the shield and stared down at him, as she was waiting for another attack to come her way.

"It seems that I might have underestimated your new power," Cell said, though at the same time he cracked his neck, as if she had done some damage to his head and he had repaired the damage before showing himself again, "but trust me, I will not be making that same mistake twice."

Unfortunately Gale knew that Cell never seemed to fall for the same trick twice, which was why he was such a tough opponent to beat when you combined that trait with his other traits and immense power, but she had been planning for this day for a long time and would not be turned back just because her brother was getting serious. Cell surrounded his body with a golden ki aura, which had been granted to him by the Saiyan cells inside his body, and flew at where Gale was floating at that moment. Their fists met in midair again, though instead of backing away from each other they started throwing punches and kicks at their sibling, trying to find a way to slip passed the other's defenses so they could gain some advantage in this fight.

One such opportunity presented itself when Gale purposely lowered her guard for a second, as Cell headbutted her and sent her backwards a bit, but she grinned and flashed through the air, to which she reappeared behind her surprised brother and slammed her hooves into his back. As Cell went flying through the air Gale followed after him, occasionally dealing another blow to keep her brother moving through the air, as if she was bouncing him from one spot to another and back, before she called upon her energy and pressed a large ki blast right in the middle of Cell's chest. As a result Cell went flying back towards the ground, but then he slipped out from under the ki blast and charged at her again, though this time he managed to slam his fist into her face.

Gale staggered backwards as she rubbed where she had been hit, but before she even bothered to think about how her brother had gotten passed her defenses she summoned her wind back to her and charged into battle once more. As she and Cell continued to parry each other's attacks, and cause the air to shake all around them, Gale used her wind to make small jabs at her brother, either nicking his arms and legs or just missing in general. When Cell bypassed her guard, and sent her backwards once more, Gale decided that it was time to stop holding back, because they would be fighting for hours if neither one of them used their full power... to which the wind kicked up as a small tempest formed around her.

"That's right, keep it coming Gale," Cell said, a grin appearing on his face as he stared at his sister, knowing that she needed to unleash all of her power if she wanted to have any hope of actually beating him in battle, "I want our last fight to be one that we can both enjoy."

"Oh, don't you worry brother," Gale replied, though at the same time the tempest shook and disappeared, which was one of the indicators that she had finished powering up, "allow me to show you how much stronger I got over the last ten days you gave both myself and the Z Warriors."

Cell opened his mouth to say something in return, as if he thought that such a statement needed a reply, but before he could actually say anything Gale appeared in front of him and slammed her fist right into his chest, though that was followed by her unleashing the barrage technique she had used earlier. Cell managed to slip out of the barrage after the fifth attack, but even as he did so Gale noticed and went on the offensive, using the wind to lash out at him from afar and empowering her punches with the power of the wind once more. She forced her brother to go on the defensive, as he slowly took to trying to block her attacks and trying to slip through all of the holes in her attacks... but she had left those in place on purpose, as she had known her brother would take the bait and open himself to a different attack.

As such she managed to slam her fist into Cell's face and sent him backwards, though as he tried to regain himself she flashed into the area around him and started throwing ki blasts in his direction. Some of them managed to hit their target, thanks to the smoke that sprung up when they struck Cell's body, though the rest of them were sent off course by her brother's own ki, indicating that he wasn't about to give up just yet. Cell sprung out of the smoke and started throwing ki blasts at her in retaliation for what she had done, though this time Gale simply moved out of the way and let the small charges head into the air, where they wouldn't hurt anyone... though once they had passed her Gale flashed back to Cell's side and kicked the side of his body, sending him back into the plateau they were fighting above.

Normally Gale would be overjoyed to be holding her own against her brother, and even overcoming his immense power as the case was this time around, but she couldn't be happy about the situation in front of her, because she could tell that something was wrong. If her brother was using his full power, as he claimed to be using, than she shouldn't be able to do this to him, which meant that he had lied about using all of his potential and was trying to lure her into a false sense of security... just so he could break her down further down the line.

"It seems that I had better take this as serious as you are," Cell commented, to which he stepped out of the smoke without any damage on his body, making Gale wonder if he had released his power to overcome all the power she had used against him so far, "Now then, let's see how you far against my full power!"

Gale braced himself as Cell came flying at her, where the two of them started swinging their fists at each other and parried the attacks that were being thrown at them, but at the same time Gale immediately realized that her brother's attacks had increased in strength. She blocked the punch that was coming her way and missed the kick that was aimed at her side, as if her brother's speed had increased as well, though as she staggered backwards Cell struck her in the chest and sent her flying in the direction she had been heading towards. Gale quickly regained her footing and flew back into the battle, where she used the wind around her to strike at Cell and cut several small gouges into his arms and legs, but at the same time she noticed that he wasn't as phased by the attack as he should have been.

Something was definitely wrong with this fight, because every time she thought she was doing damage to her brother, and she was sure of that fact, any wound she inflicted on her brother would simply vanish without a trace, as if she had never hit him to begin with. As she backed away from Cell, who was merely staring at her at the moment, she allowed the wind to gather around her and sharpened into a pointed tip, to which she sent it flying at her brother at the fastest speed she could muster at the moment. A light gash appeared on Cell's right arm for a few seconds, though instead of something happening, like Gale expected, the wound remained where it was... leading her to wonder if her mind was starting to play tricks at her at the worst possible time.

Gale growled as she called upon her ki and held her right hand up until it was facing away from her body, where an orb of energy appeared above her palm as the wind wrapped around the sphere, swirling around it as four blades branched off from it. This attack was similar to the throwing stars made of wind she had used earlier in the fight, though this technique required that she slam the attack into her opponent for the charge to take effect. She had to wonder if she could even reach her brother with this attack, as the last time she had attempted it Cell had simply cut off her hand and crushed her attack like it was nothing... but she needed to do something and this was better than just using the Kamehameha to wound her brother.

Once she was sure the attack was complete, and noticed that her brother was standing still, she charged at him and swung her ultimate attack at him, the only problem was that he moved to the side and severed her arm again, causing the attack to fall apart as she backed away... where she kept her eyes on her brother as she carefully regenerated the missing part of her arm once more.

"I would have thought that you would have realized that such an attack is useless against me, since the last time you used it I crushed it before you could use it." Cell commented, sounding a little disappointed in what Gale had done, as if he had considered her to be a good opponent until she pulled out her ultimate attack, "Now that you understand how futile it is to use that technique, seeing how you never hit anyone with it, why don't you get serious again and come at me like you were doing earlier?"

Gale glared at her brother as she used her ki to back flip through the air until she was higher in the sky and was diagonal with where Cell was standing... to which she pulled out her final trump card, one that she had spent some time in learning how to use the power, and allowed a red aura to wrap around her body. If her skills couldn't hurt her brother, and he could determine what to do at any given moment, than she was going to have to settle for overpowering him... which was why she had learned how to use this technique during her training with Piccolo.

Piccolo sat in one of the rooms that he and the other Z Warriors gathered in when they were making plans, or rather the main room that they tended to gather in and go over what they knew about their current opponent, though his arms were crossed and his eyes were closed. He had been keeping track of Gale's ki since she had departed from the building, because he knew that she was going to fight her brother and didn't want anyone to interfere with her fight, but he had discovered something odd. Cell had been holding back the entire time, as if he was saying that Gale's training was for nothing, but he knew that Gale had another trick up her sleeve... he had trained with her for two whole years in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber and knew her better than anyone else.

He had even said that this final trump card might be the only thing that could help her beat her brother, to which a small smile appeared on his face as he felt a sudden change in Gale's ki... though his concentration was interrupted by the door to the room opening, to which he noticed Trunks entering the room.

"Where is she?" Trunks demanded, to which Piccolo looked back at the Saiyan for a few seconds, as the young man hadn't bothered to look around the room and was staring at him, indicating that he was searching for a certain someone that wasn't present at the moment.

"I cannot answer your question directly, because I don't know which 'she' you are referring to." Piccolo commented, because if he stalled Trunks long enough Gale might be able to overpower her brother and end this fight before the Cell Games actually started, "Are you referring to your mother, Rainbow, Applejack, or Gale? I'm sure that all of them are sleeping in their rooms, no doubt resting before the beginning of the Cell Games."

"My mother, father, and this timeline's version of myself are awake and are standing in the middle of the inner garden," Trunks stated, though the look on his face indicated that he couldn't believe that Piccolo was trying to lie to him at the moment, "Rainbow and Applejack are standing on the top of the building, staring in the direction of Cell's arena, and Gale... Gale is nowhere to be seen. So let me ask this again; where is she?"

"Even you should realize where Gale is at the moment," Piccolo said, though at the same time he was pleased that the younger Saiyan's anger had blinded him for a few seconds, because that meant that he had ignored the obvious answer to his question, "Gale went to Cell's arena and challenged him to a fight... and, based on what I'm feeling, she should be wrapping things up with her brother."

Trunks started to open his mouth, so he could ask what Piccolo was talking about, but then he felt the sudden surge of power that was coming from the arena that the Cell Games would be held in... and that the power was coming from Gale at the moment, and not her brother. Gale was doing something to rapidly increase the power that was in her body, similar to what he and the other Saiyans did, but seeing how she wasn't an actual Saiyan Trunks knew that this had to be the other technique that Goku had been using. He had no idea when the second Bio-Android had learned the Kaio-Ken, but it appeared that she was planning on using it to beat her brother... and maybe save the world from Cell before he could kill anyone else.

It was in that moment that Trunks knew that Gale was truly on their side and was never on her brother's side, which meant that she was willing to sacrifice herself for the betterment of the world... to which he silently hoped that she managed to overcome her brother.

Cell watched as the red aura that was gathering around his sister seemed to cover her entire body, as if she was encasing herself in her own power for some reason, though at the same time he could feel the air changing around them. Gale's power was causing the air to shake, which meant that she had to be empowering herself like a Saiyan would, but he held his ground and waited for his sister to come at him once more. He still had a plan in motion that his sister hadn't detected, and he was slightly glad that she hadn't spotted it yet, but he also knew that he was going to need all of the power he could muster in order to best what was coming his way... as he knew that Gale had to be planning something better than what she had been doing so far.

His attention was drawn back to his sister as the aura around her solidified and cracked, which was followed by it breaking off of her body as she finished powering up, though she looked similar to a Saiyan at the moment... though instead of a golden aura hers was red and her hair wasn't pushed up at all.

"Looks like someone learned something new in the last ten days," Cell commented, as he was pleasantly surprised to find that his sister had bothered to learn the skill that Son Goku had used, up until he and Vegeta had learned the Super Saiyan transformation, "but don't you think that the Kaio-Ken is a little worthless to you, especially against the power that I command in my perfect form?"

"That might be true in its original state, but allow me to show you otherwise." Gale shouted, to which she growled as she pushed the Kaio-Ken to the safest multiple she could use thanks to her training, which might allow her to beat her brother without resorting to going overboard, "Kaio-Ken... times five!"

Cell smiled as the area around him shook as his sister further empowered herself, apparently having mastered a level of the Kaio-Ken that Goku, Rainbow, and Applejack hadn't gotten to on their own training. Despite what Gale said, about wanting to protect the world from him, she had the cells of Frieza in her body as well, which meant that she could also bring about the end of the Earth as well. He could easily avoid the attack that was coming his way and let her destroy the planet, but he wanted to show his sister some despair before he took her out of the running... even if it meant destroying the area around them in the process.

When he noticed his sister bringing her hands together, in the same motion that was used for the Kamehameha, he grinned and followed suit, to which he planned on loosing his attack at the same moment that Gale loosed hers.

"Ka... me..." Gale and Cell called out, their energies gathering between their hands and forming their attacks, to which the ground and air around them shook due to the power they were drawing to where they were standing, "ha... me..."

The two of them let the last part of the attack's name hang for a few seconds, allowing them to gather their full power so they could say that they didn't hold back when the dust had cleared. Cell had to wonder, for a second or two, if the camera people he had seen earlier were still around or if they had left the moment Gale had arrived, but he refocused on his target and prepared himself for what was coming. He was also glad that his sister had mastered this multiple of the Kaio-Ken, because it meant that he could see how powerful she truly was when she was trying her hardest to beat him... even if she was outmatched anyway.

"HAAAAAA!" the two of them shouted, oddly in unison, to which they leveled their hands with their opponents and loosed their attacks at each other, where the two of them collided in the middle of the area between them.

The two of them pushed at each other, trying to gain the upper hand and win the battle, but it soon became clear that the two of them were apparently evenly powered at the moment, though Cell wasn't having any of that. He opened himself to his full power, every last drop of it, and pushed Gale's attack back at her, knowing that every inch would drain her will to fight until the attack exploded in her face. He could win this fight, he knew he could, which was why he was pushing against his sister's attack... though even if he was overpowered he could play his second hand, which would surprise Gale when she saw what he had planned for her.

Gale, on the other hand, struggled to hold back her brother's power, to which she forcefully activated the Kaio-Ken and forced herself to use the higher multiples that she had attempted to use when she and Piccolo were in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber... which would spell her defeat if Cell wasn't swiftly defeated.

"Kaio-Ken..." Gale shouted, already feeling the strain from the multiple she was calling upon, while at the same time hoping that this would allow her to best her brother, "times... TWENTY!"

The surge of energy that awoke in her body went flying into her Kamehameha, which increased the amount of power that was baring down on her brother and increased the size of her attack. She groaned as the pain shot through her body, but she was willing to endure it for a few seconds if she could bring about the end of her brother, which seemed to be coming true as she pushed Cell's backwards. Cell seemed to be pouring all of his might into his attack so he wouldn't lose the match, which Gale had to commend him for, but with one last push Gale sent everything she had at her brother... to which her attack slammed into Cell and detonated with enough force to rock the entire plateau he was floating above.

A few seconds later Gale cut off her attack and got rid of the Kaio-Ken, to which she started to pant as she lowered her shaking hands, because the highest multiple wrecked total havoc on her body... but as the smoke cleared she felt no energy coming from her brother, which meant that she had won the battle and saved the planet from an untimely fate.

I... I did it... Gale thought, to which a smile came to her face as she looked down at the crater that had been created around where her brother had been resting, I beat Cell!

Gale's thoughts were immediately interrupted when she noticed what appeared to be a white cloud rising out of the smoke that was covering the crater, one that broke into fragments and dispersed into the air around her, which started to raise some alarms in her mind. She remembered one of Rainbow's abilities, the Cloud Copy technique that involved using a cloud as a copy of the user, and knew that she had fallen for the same trick that Rainbow would have used against her own enemies... which meant trouble for her. The instant she realized that she had been deceived she cursed herself for showing her hand so soon, though that was before she heard the crackle of a lance being formed behind her.

Gale turned around as fast as her screaming body would allow her, though before she could do anything her throat was grabbed by Cell, who was standing in front of her and had his left hand gripped on her throat... though in his right hand rested the eerie green lance, that radiated with the same power that Rainbow's contained.

"It has been an interesting battle, but this is where our fight ends," Cell said, to which he raised his right arm up and brought the lance up until the point was an inch or two away from Gale's chest, "Let's see how well you take a Lightning Lance that's aimed directly at your chest!"

Cell pressed the tip of the lance against her chest and swung his arm like he was actually throwing the lance at her, to which he let go of the lance and sent Gale flying through the air as the ground beneath her broke apart. Gale could feel the tip of the lance digging into her skin as she flew towards the section of the plateau that she had been sent flying towards, though at the same time she knew that she couldn't fight against the attack. If she hadn't used the twentieth multiple of the Kaio-Ken, and exhausted the majority of her power in the process, she would have been able to come up with a way to get out of this and survive until the start of the Cell Games... but now she knew that, even with all the training she had gone through, Cell was still stronger than she was and that she never really stood a chance.

Gale coughed as a small smile appeared on her face, because despite the fact that she knew what was coming, for both herself and Cell, she knew that someone else would save the world from her brother... and then they could find their father in the afterlife and, hopefully, become a family like their father would have wanted.

Cell grinned as his lance detonated the instant it came into contact with the plateau, engulfing his sister and the surrounding area in a vortex of energy that followed whenever the Lightning Lance was used, to which he stood his ground as the wind whipped around him. The ground cracked as pieces of the plateau crumpled into piles of rock, while at the same time the sky itself seemed to shake as well, but Cell stood his ground and braced against the tempest that had awoken in front of him. He waited for a minute or two before the wind died down, the ground stopped shaking, and the smoke completely cleared before he could see the Lookout sized hole that had been punched in the ground... though at the same time he floated back into the air and flew towards the crater.

It didn't take him long to find where his sister was resting, though he had to admit that he was impressed by the amount of damage he had done to Gale's body; as the area below her chest had been obliterated by the blast, the majority of her left arm was missing, and it appeared that there was a large number of cuts scattered around what remained of her body. He landed near Gale's body and studied it for a few seconds, as he fully expected his sister to surprise him like he had done to her and deliver one final blow to his perfect body, but as the seconds passed he began to wonder if he had poured too much power into his attack. Sure, he had wanted to kill his sister, but he wanted to beat her in battle and then gloat that he was their father's truly perfect creation before putting Gale down... so if he had killed her first, and completely skipped the gloating stage, then he would feel cheated.

After a minute of waiting he walked up to Gale's body, knelt beside it, and stared into her seemingly lifeless eyes, to which he placed two fingers on her neck and felt for any sort of pulse that would tell him that she was still alive... where Cell discovered that he had actually killed his sister with the Lightning Lance, which was something that the technique's creator, Rainbow Dash, couldn't do the first time she used the attack against her opponents. He had devoted himself to beating his sister and proving that he was superior, but now that part of his victory, the gloating, had been taken from him he decided to prepare himself for the Cell Games... so he could achieve the perfect victory that he sought.

As he left the crater he turned back and stared at his sister's body, wondering if he should obliterate the rest of it or maybe build a small tombstone and coffin for her... to which he sighed as he started changing the rocks in the area and began creating a small tomb for his sister. Despite how much he had hated Gale, so much that he swore to kill her one day, she had been an opponent that was worthy of being recognized and having her resting place labeled by him. Once he was done he knew that he would head back to the arena and get some sleep for the big event that was coming, as Son Goku and the others would be coming to fight him and try to save the world.

As he silently worked on the perfect tomb for his sister, with the perfect tombstone and the perfect coffin, he ignored the single tear that dropped from his face... and dedicated himself to finishing his task, before preparing himself for the Cell Games and the guests that would be coming his way.

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