• Published 26th Jan 2017
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Dragon Ball Z: Daughters of Destruction - Blackdrag-rose

Rainbow Dash and Applejack are transported to a strange world, where they are raised by Beerus the Destroyer and his attendant Whis.

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Namek: Ginyu's Fierce Battle

"Normally I would suggest that my scouter must be malfunctioning, but I know the truth," Ginyu commented, after having jumped into the area that his fallen comrades had died in and started walking towards the one that finished off Recoome, "Your one of the rare species that can lower their power level to a point where you can fool to scouters into believing that your a worthless target, sort of like me. I honestly have no idea who you are, or where you came from, but I'm going to make all of you pay for what you have done here today."

"Well, I can answer two of those right away," Goku replied, a grin appearing on his face as Ginyu neared him, because he knew this fighter was going to be more challenging than the one he had defeated with the Kamehameha, "My name is Son Goku, and I'm a Saiyan that was raised on Earth."

"Earth eh? I recall Zarbon mentioning in a report that your planet was a barren wasteland," Ginyu said, though as he walked his eyes moved towards Vegeta for a few seconds, indicating that he had thought of something, "I see, so that's why Raditz's report suddenly changed. You and your friends did something to Vegeta when he landed on your planet, something that caused him to suddenly decide to switch sides and start attacking Lord Frieza's forces on this planet."

"Look, if your going to talk about me while I'm in the area you might as well have the decency to let me join the conversation," Vegeta threw in, landing beside Kakarot for a moment, because it appeared that he and Ginyu would be talking for a few moments and not actually fighting like he had thought they would be, "This wasn't a spur of the moment decision or anything, I've been plotting Frieza's downfall since he obliterated my planet and killed the majority of my race. Besides, my friends would have been upset if I had suddenly turned evil and brought ruin to every planet I visited..."

"Which explains everything else about you," Ginyu stated, cutting Vegeta off as he turned his gaze to Rainbow and Applejack, because as far as he could determine they were the cause of Vegeta's betrayal, "Now then, why don't you run back to your friends Vegeta... and I'll be along shortly to take care of you once I finish with the man in front of me."

"Fine then, its your funeral," Vegeta said, turning to leave for a moment, but he paused to look over at the other Saiyan, "Kakarot, my only advice for you is this; don't hold back while your fighting Captain Ginyu."

"Oh, I don't plan on holding back," Goku replied, to which Vegeta quickly returned to where the others were waiting, as he was eager to see what happened as well.

Ginyu stared at the retreating Saiyan for a few seconds, and the people he was returning to, before returning his full attention to the Saiyan that happened to be standing before him. He had known, from the various pieces of information Nappa had told the rest of Lord Frieza's forces, that a Saiyan had the potential to become great warriors and fighters the more they fought. He recalled that at one point it was Nappa's understanding that Vegeta had only sought out the most powerful opponents on each planet in order to boost his own strength once he emerged on top.

Just as Ginyu was about to drop into a battle stance, and get this fight started, his scouter started beeping, indicating that he had a call coming from Lord Frieza himself.

"Give me a few minutes," Ginyu said, holding up a hand to stop Goku from doing anything, who merely lowered his hands to his side, "I've got to take this call."

Goku had no idea what was going on, but based on what he had seen of those scouters, and what everyone else had told him about the devices, he knew that someone could make and receive calls from someone else. Seeing how his companions were dead, and most of their scouters were broken, he had to assume that the only one left belonged to Ginyu's boss, the dreaded Frieza according to King Kai. After a few seconds Goku merely nodded his head and waited to see what happened, because he had the feeling that this call was going to upset his opponent in some manner.

"My thanks," Ginyu said, taking a deep breath to calm himself and contain the anger that he was feeling, before assuming his role as the leader of his team and tapping his scouter, "Ah, Lord Frieza, what a surprise. What can I do for you?"

"I was curious as to what was taking you all so long," Freiza's voice said, indicating that Ginyu had his scouter's volume up too high, though he made no effort to change it, "Normally it doesn't take you an hour to wipe the floor with some pesky ants."

"Everything is fine my Lord," Ginyu replied, even going through a fake bow of sorts, as if Frieza was actually standing in front of him, which was likely how his nerves were responding to the disgrace he was feeling, "in fact we're just finishing up the rest of the opponents that we were assigned to fight and kill. We should be back at the ship in an hour or two."

"I do hope you mean that you aren't having any problems," came Frieza's voice again, though this time there was some sweat coming off of Ginyu's forehead, "I was poking around with my new scouter and I kept getting the same curious reading; there are only seven people in your direction, though the readings for Guldo are weaker than normal."

"Guldo is just resting from his fight, Lord Frieza," Ginyu quickly replied, silently hoping that his haste didn't tell his Lord what was really going on at the moment, "Recoome's just having some fun beating up Vegeta and Rainbow Dash, so they'll be ready for you when we make our triumphant return to your spaceship."

"Good, then your orders are to remain the same as when you arrived on this planet," Frieza continued, though even from the scouter everyone could tell that he wasn't actually impressed by Ginyu's progress, "I will expect you and your squad to be at my ship when I return, as I am currently hunting down a trio of readings that may be more Namekians. If your not back at my ship when I arrive... well, you of all people should understand what comes next."

"O... of course, my Lord," Ginyu said, though it was clear that he knew that failure meant death, something that he had been dreading for the longest time, "I understand your orders. We shall not fail you."

A few seconds passed before the call was apparently terminated, because Frieza didn't say anything to those last words that Ginyu told him, though it was another thirty seconds before he managed to calm himself down. Receiving a summons, and another job, from Lord Frieza was an honor and a privilege for Captain Ginyu, but receiving a call during that same mission, on the other hand, was almost like being scolded without any harsh words thrown at him. The threat at the end was essentially death, the one thing that Lord Frieza held over all their heads at any given moment, but the fact that he was no longer at the ship meant that there was time to clean up the mess he was in and blame the deaths of his companions on Vegeta and Rainbow... which would hasten their own doom once his Lord was done receiving all the information he needed on the Dragon Balls.

"Sorry about that interruption," Ginyu said, lowering his hand from his scouter and turning his full attention back to his opponent, who had patiently waited for him to finish his conversation, "Now, where were we?"

"I think you were saying something about my power level?" Goku offered, because after Vegeta jumped in the conversation had gotten a little out of control, though he hoped that his suggestion helped.

"Ah yes, it was my estimation that your power level is at sixty thousand, higher than Recoome's power level," Ginyu continued, as if nothing had interrupted him, "That means that you are an extremely capable warrior... and that this fight will be interesting for the both of us once we get started."

With that said Ginyu charged at Goku and started throwing punches his way, which resulted in Goku ducking and weaving as his opponent tried to touch him, but in reality Ginyu wanted to see how his foe held up in a battle against someone who was at least on the same level as him. That continued for a few more seconds before Goku swung his foot at Ginyu, who caught him and tossed him at the rock wall that Jeice had been beaten into, though before he could be hurt Goku flipped over, landed on the rock, and flew at Ginyu with a kick aimed right at him. Ginyu vanished before the attack could reach him, leaving Goku to wonder where he had gone for a few seconds, before Ginyu raced through the ground, popped up in front of him the moment the Saiyan noticed where he was coming from, and hit him hard enough to send him flying onto his back for a few seconds.

Goku rolled out of the way before Ginyu could bring his own foot down on his chest, though that was rapidly followed by him planting his boot in Ginyu's chest, knocking him away and he got back on his feet. Goku then followed after Ginyu, throwing kicks at his opponent as they moved away from Vegeta and the others, though he missed and broke the ground several times before Ginyu left the ground and started flying. That was rapidly followed by Ginyu spinning around a tree and nailing Goku as he followed him, before he moved to the top of the cliff that was above them and kicked Goku back towards the nearby body of water. Goku, however, stopped himself above the water and burst back towards Ginyu, causing the water beneath him to explode as he raced back towards his opponent.

The two of them then continued to exchange punches and kicks with each other in the air, before Ginyu managed to land a lucky hit on Goku and sent him back towards the ground, though all Goku did was bounce off a tree and land on the ground, which Ginyu copied as he landed a few steps away.

"Your strength and speed are definitely impressive for a Saiyan," Ginyu commented, a grin appearing on his face as he looked at Goku, before raising one fist into the air, the other laid against his entire body, and one foot in the air at a bent angle, "but you are no match for me, the illustrious and feared Captain Ginyu."

"So what's the deal with all the weird poses you and your companions use?" Goku asked, though he made no effort to copy the captain at all, because he didn't see the point in doing so, "I've never seen anything like it at all."

"Can you not grasp the splendor of the Ultra Fighting Pose?" Ginyu asked, being completely serious on the matter, considering how much time he had spent on creating these poses for both himself and the rest of his men.

"No, and I get the feeling that we're both running out of time," Goku replied, referring to the call that Ginyu had received, the same one that he had made no attempt to hide.

"Right, we had best pick up the pace," Ginyu agreed, finding it odd that his and Goku were agreeing on something, despite the fact that he knew they were doing so for different reasons, "Tell me how you like my Milky Cannon!"

Before Goku had time to react to the name of the attack, and comment on it, Ginyu quickly gathered his ki into his left hand and aimed at him, though a few seconds later he released a large ki blast, in the shape of a large purple colored sphere, that raced towards where Goku was standing. Goku stared at the sphere for a moment before jumping into the air, to which he soared over the attack as it raced towards one of the stone boulders behind him and detonated upon impact, creating a hole that rivaled Rainbow's lance in terms of destructive power. When the smoke cleared he was right in his thought, because the hole was almost as big as the Lookout sized hole that accompanied the lance, along with enough force that rivaled the attack as well.

Goku appeared behind Ginyu and swung his foot at his neck, to which his opponent ducked before the two of them engaged in another round of throwing punches and kicks at each other... though after a few seconds they separated from each other yet again.

"So, how was my attack?" Ginyu asked, clearly wanting to see how his opponent felt after witnessing one of his more powerful attacks, "Did it leave you feeling an ounce of fear once you realized how powerful I am?"

"No, not really," Goku replied, beckoning over to where Rainbow was standing for a moment, to which Ginyu stared at the pony girl for a few seconds, "she's got this really wicked attack that not only destroys the area around it, but also detonates with enough wind that you would think a storm was happening... and it creates a crater that's bigger than this one. You know, its a shame she didn't use it against Burter, because I was hoping to see how much stronger it had gotten since the last time I saw it in action."

"Clearly you are bluffing," Ginyu commented, not believing that Rainbow even had such an attack that could easily match the Milky Cannon, in terms of destructive power and damage caused to the area around them, "If she had such a move, as you claim she does, she would have used it in her fight against Burter..."

"Well, the problem is that she can only use it once per day or something," Goku remarked, as if he was spouting facts for his opponent, "its a lance made out of ki, producing enough energy to crack the ground beneath it and manipulate the weather into creating dark clouds. I get goosebumps just thinking about trying to take out that attack."

"You know, I'm far more interested in you at the moment," Ginyu said, causing Goku to tilt his head for a moment, before realizing what he was talking about, "Yes, I know that you are still not taking me seriously. You've been holding back the entire time... so go ahead and show me your full power."

Goku stared at Ginyu for a moment, wondering if he really should reveal what he was capable of, but then he let out a sigh and remembered that he had told Vegeta that he wasn't going to hold back in this fight. He mentally reflected on the entire fight so far, which was pretty much a warmup for the two of them at the moment, and knew that they could keep fighting until they reached a draw. Neither of them would be happy with such an outcome, not when the other fights up until now had been either a win or a loss, but it didn't take Goku very long to determine what he needed to do. He stared at Ginyu and nodded as a red aura wrapped around him, because he intended on showing his opponent his full strength, though he was adding in the Kaio-Ken to demonstrate what he was truly capable of.

Ginyu watched as his opponent's power level rose passed sixty thousand and kept on climbing up to ninety thousand, which was when he started to feel a chill run down his spine as he tried not to panic at what was happening in front of him. His mouth was wide open in shock as Goku's power level passed the one hundred thousand mark and continue to rise, as if there was no end to his opponent's power. He felt his body shake when his opponent's power reached a hundred and twenty thousand, though even then Goku's power continued to rise even further beyond that. When they reached the one hundred and fifty thousand mark Ginyu backed away, tore a large boulder from where it was resting, and hurled it at his opponent, but the entire thing shattered before it could do any damage to Goku.

When they reached one hundred and eighty thousand, on the other hand, the ground beneath Goku cracked all around him, while Ginyu stood there with a look of shock and surprise on his face... though that was rapidly followed by the Saiyan powering down and letting the aura fade from his body.

"Let me make one thing clear," Goku said, while a small smile appeared on his face for a few seconds, "I can still put out more power than that, but then it would be way too easy for me to beat you."

"N... no way, it can't possibly be..." Ginyu said, taking a step back as he looked at his opponent, remembering what Lord Frieza had told him at one point in time, about the one thing he truly feared, "Y... you couldn't possibly be a Super Saiyan, could you?"

"No, I don't think so," Goku replied, surprised by the terminology that was used, but decided to ask Vegeta about it later, considering he knew more about their race than he did, "pretty sure I would know if I was a 'Super Saiyan'. Now then, let's get back to the fight."

"Actually, any further conflict between us is unnecessary," Ginyu said, his fear turning to joy as he realized what was standing in front of him, especially when he had yet to reveal the trump card he reserved for special occasions, which lead him to take off his scouter and hold it to the side, "Jeice, hold onto my scouter for me."

Ginyu stood there for a moment, wondering why his scouter was still in his hand, before he remembered that his second in command had been beaten and slain by the one called Applejack... and he could tell that Goku was looking at him like he had gone insane.

"That's right, he's dead." Ginyu commented, letting out a sad sigh as he realized that he was going to have to find someone else to train to be his second in command once this entire venture was over, before looking up at his opponent, "Here, hold this for a second."

Ginyu tossed the scouter to Goku, who caught it and stared at it for a few seconds, wondering what his opponent was trying to do by throwing it at him, before he turned his attention back to Ginyu, who was gathering his ki into his right hand. A few seconds later Ginyu raised his hand into the air, as if he was going to throw the energy at Goku, but instead of doing that Ginyu rammed his fist into his own chest, breaking the armor and skin beneath it while shocking everyone that was watching them fight. The ground shook for a few seconds while Ginyu ripped a small hole into his chest, though that was soon followed by him tearing his bloody hand out and panting like crazy.

"Um... I think you were supposed to do that to me." Goku stated, not even sure what was going on anymore, though he was sure that everyone else was as clueless as he was.

"Oh but you see, I did do it to you!" Ginyu replied, his grin remaining on his face the entire time, as if he knew something that no one else in the area knew.

"That doesn't make any sense at all!" Goku said, though he glared at his opponent as he wondered what was going to happen next, because if it was an attack he wanted to be prepared for it.

"Change now!" Ginyu shouted, holding both of his arms out while a stream of ki energy was released from his mouth, heading right towards Goku at an alarming rate.

Goku could barely move for some reason, as if whatever Ginyu had done had trapped him where he was standing, but instead of hitting him the beam of energy surged into his mouth, shocking his body as something terrible happened inside of him. A few seconds passed before Goku's world went dark, to which he panicked that his opponent had killed him without giving him time to actually have a proper fight, but before any true panic could take place he found the light returning to him. When the light faded, and he could see again, he found himself surprised to find that he was staring at his own body, while at the same time feeling a burning ache in his chest... to which he spotted that his hands resembled Ginyu's hands.

Goku looked down at himself and found that he had, somehow, switched bodies with Ginyu, because while he fell to his knees his opponent, who was now inside his own body, was standing tall and was enjoying the air around them... while at the same time slipping the scouter onto his head.

"Ah, that is so much better," Ginyu said, to which everyone heard Ginyu's voice come out of Goku's body, though a few seconds later he touched his chest to make sure that his technique had actually worked.

"W...what did you... do to... me?" Goku asked, allowing everyone else to hear that the two of them had swapped bodies, as if Ginyu attaching the scouter to Goku's head wasn't an indication that something was wrong.

"I made an exchange, your body for mine," Ginyu replied, flexing his arms for a moment, "It will take some getting used to, I'll freely admit that right now, but eventually I will have total control of your powers, and your one hundred and eighty thousand power level. This technically makes me the second strongest person in the universe, though I am still far away from being able to reach Lord Frieza's level of power... even with this body under my control."

"No, your more like the fifth strongest at this point," Rainbow declared, landing beside Ginyu for a moment, as she had determined what had happened while Ginyu and Goku had been talking, though that was followed by Applejack appearing in the area as well, though she landed next to Ginyu's old body, "but if you want a challenge then I think we can find someone for you to fight."

"Come now, do you really think the two of you can stand up to my new power level?" Ginyu replied, dropping into a battle stance as he beckoned them forward, "I'll show you how wrong you really are."

"Actually, she was referring to me," Vegeta said, causing Ginyu to turn around and receive an uppercut that knocked him into the air, though he stabilized for a moment and noticed that Vegeta had been standing behind him while he was talking with Rainbow, "Thanks to Recoome and Kakarot I am now much stronger than I was, oh, thirty minutes ago."

"Wait, I don't understand why you would be thanking Recoome," Ginyu remarked, indicating that he had no idea how Saiyans could further their own powers, which was something that Nappa had told no one.

"Don't worry, soon it won't matter to you," Vegeta replied, a small grin appearing on his face as he looked up at Ginyu, though he was slightly annoyed that their enemy had stolen Kakarot's body.

Before Ginyu could say anything Vegeta flew up towards him and slammed his fists into his stomach, knocking him backwards for a second, though two seconds later Vegeta appeared behind him and swung his foot into Ginyu's back. Ginyu immediately zeroed in on him and started throwing punches at him, in an attempt to show off the power he had gained, but within the first few swings he noticed something was wrong. He knew, from watching Recoome beat Vegeta into the ground until he was nearly dead, that the Saiyan couldn't have as much power as he was currently demonstrating. If anything Ginyu knew that he should be faster than Burter, and even the rainbow haired pony girl as well, with this new body of his, but yet he was being pushed back as if he had taken a weaker body.

After a minute of not being able to land a single hit, and receiving several in return from Vegeta, Ginyu fell back for a moment and held his hand up to stop Vegeta in his tracks.

"Normally this is where I have Jeice read my new power level and let my opponents shake in fear," Ginyu stated, taking off his scouter and tossing it to Vegeta, "seeing how your 'friend', the one called Applejack, killed him, I would ask that you read my level."

Vegeta stared at the scouter for a moment, already thinking that he should smash it into a thousand pieces and continue beating Ginyu, but after a few seconds of thought he decided that he could at least humor his opponent, to which he slipped the scouter on, clicked the button, and waited to see what the reading was.

"Let's see here," Vegeta commented, his grin widening a bit when he saw the number, because he was pleased to see that it was nowhere near what Kakarot had produced earlier, "according to this your power level is only twenty-three thousand."

"Th...that's impossible," Ginyu replied, sweat rolling down the side of his face for a few seconds, not understanding why his level was so low all of a sudden, "My power level should be at one hundred and eighty thousand... this doesn't make any sense."

While he was distracted Vegeta tossed the scouter back at him, fooling Ginyu into thinking that it was an attack and causing the man to shatter the scouter, before following that up with a series of punches to the chest while forcing him into a rock wall. Ginyu managed to pull himself free for a second and loosed a ki blast, one that was the same size as Jeice's Crusher Ball, at Vegeta, but all the Saiyan did was smack it to the side with his hand. That was followed by a barrage of hits, where Vegeta would come from either the left or the right and either punch him with his fists or slam one of his feet into him, leaving Ginyu to bounce around between attacks as Goku's body took all of the damage.

After another minute of beating up Ginyu, and being sure that his work was complete, Vegeta slammed both of his fists into Ginyu's back and sent him right towards the ground, where he created a small body sized crater that was smaller than anything his companions had made during their battles. Once that was done Vegeta rose into the air and took a look at Ginyu's former body, who was staring up at him, and nodded once, before heading back down in an attempt to 'kill' Ginyu. A few seconds passed until a golden light formed around Kakarot's body, which was what Vegeta had been hoping for the moment he had started beating up Ginyu, because it meant that his target wanted to switch bodies again.

As the ki energy shot out of Kakarot's body, and headed towards Vegeta, Ginyu's old body jumped in the way and let the ki enter its body, though the flash of light that followed indicated that the move had been successful.

"H... How dare you interfere!" Ginyu shouted, his voice coming from his own body this time, while Goku's laugh came out of his own body, letting everyone know that the two men were back in their original bodies, "How could you have figured out my technique already?"

"Wow, you really are stupid," Vegeta commented, causing Ginyu to turn towards him for a moment, with what appeared to be a look of anger in his eyes, "You showed us your technique a few minutes ago, when you stole Kakarot's body. Did you honestly think that it was going to be hard for us to determine what you did, especially when your voice came from his body and you told us what you had done? I easily deduced that you intentionally harmed yourself in order to prevent Kakarot from fighting back, but then you realized that I was stronger than you and decided to take my attacks so you could switch into another body.

From there all we had to do was make sure that Kakarot was ready for when you used your technique again, which he was by the looks of it, and here we are, with the two of you back in your original bodies."

"Not for long," Ginyu promised, though that was followed by Vegtea appearing in front of him and slamming his elbow into his chest, causing him to cough up some blood, before delivering a kick that sent him into a nearby plateau that had yet to be damaged.

Vegeta followed that attack with a barrage of ki blasts that destroyed the entire plateau he had hit Ginyu into, though as the smoke cleared he noticed his opponent was getting up and flew down to greet him once more. Ginyu barely had time to move before Vegeta grabbed onto his horns, spun him around, and threw him towards another rock wall, one that crumbled the moment he collided with it. When Ginyu picked himself up Vegeta was there to meet him, either slamming him into more rock walls, throwing his body towards the ground, or receiving more ki blasts that tore up the landscape. As this happened Vegeta already knew why Ginyu wasn't fighting back, he was waiting for the perfect opportunity to switch bodies with him, so that way he wouldn't be able to fight back as Ginyu attacked everyone else, but Vegeta was planning on that.

He then delivered a blow to Ginyu's jaw with his knee, stunning his opponent for a moment, before he grabbed onto his horns yet again and threw Ginyu into the air, though he waited a moment or two to check and see what the others were doing. What he saw was Kakarot holding a strange frog like creature, leading Vegeta to wonder why something was even hanging around the area with all the battles going on, but decided not to question it as he realized why Kakarot was holding onto it. With a smile on his face Vegeta flew after Ginyu, who stopped himself in midair and held his hands out, to which his entire body glowed with the attack they had been waiting for.

Change now!" Ginyu shouted, to which his body released the golden colored stream of ki they had been expecting, though at the same time Vegeta reversed his direction and headed back towards the ground... all while watching the frog being launched into the air and intersecting the path between him and Ginyu.

Once the flash of light was over Ginyu's body landed on the ground and proceeded to hog around like a frog, though at the same time the frog slowly moved away as it tried not to look at the people it's new host had been fighting... though before it could get very far Applejack stopped him by pressing the bottom of her right hoof on top of him.

"You know, I am constantly amazed at how well you and your friends think on your feet," Vegeta commented, landing beside Kakarot, who was being helped up by Krillin and his son, before looking over at the frog and Ginyu's old body, "First we should deal with Ginyu, instead of leaving him as a frog, and then we'll see to getting you healed as we figure out how to summon this 'Eternal Dragon'."

Applejack already knew what Vegeta was talking about, in regards to Ginyu, so she removed her hoof from the frog's back and tossed him over to her friend, who stared at the creature the moment it was in his hands. A few seconds later Vegeta gathered his ki around the frog and tossed him into the air, though he waited until the frog was a good distance away from them before collapsing his hand into a fist, allowing the ki to detonate and take out the frog. The moment the frog was taken care of Vegeta flew over to Ginyu's former body and repeated the ki attack, just to be sure that there was no evidence of the once feared captain of the Ginyu Force.

As the group determined what to do next, now that the Ginyu Force had been taken care of, Rainbow and Applejack shared a quick glance with each other, because they both knew that it was only a matter of time until Frieza found them... which meant that they needed to use the Dragon Balls and get off the planet before the tyrant found them. They remembered their promise to their mother and father, that they shouldn't fight Frieza unless they were backed into a corner, though at the moment they both intended on keeping that promise... which meant they needed to be quick about what they were doing before their enemy found them out.

"What do you want?" Nail asked, staring at the man that was standing before him, the one that had pulled himself from the chair or throne like vehicle he had rode in on.

"I was curious as to whether your Dragon Balls required a password in order to use them," Frieza answered, crossing his arms behind his back as he approached the Namekian that was standing in front of him, "I may not have acquired the wish granting orbs myself, not yet at any rate, but I decided that I had better check for any words or incantations that would prevent me from making my wish unless I uttered them upon the spheres."

"I cannot reveal that information to someone as evil as you," Nail replied, glaring at the evil tyrant for a few seconds, to which he held up a hand to stop the man from speaking, "but I will tell you this; the other person that resides in this house is the Grand Elder of Planet Namek. He created the Dragon Balls, so if he dies the Dragon Balls will disappear with him."

"Grand Elder?" Frieza asked, to which he took off his scouter and looked at the top level of the building, though that was followed by him loosing a blast from his eyes and blowing a hole in the top of the building, where he floated up to the top and found a rather large Namekian resting in a large throne, "I see, you were telling the truth... he is certainly different than the other Namekians I have encountered so far. Excuse me, Grand Elder, I was simply curious as to what the password for the Dragon Balls was... though I could easily force you to tell me what I want if I killed your young assistant."

"Do not think Nail is so easy to defeat," the Grand Elder said, not even bothering to lift his arms to beckon to Nail, who was now floating behind Frieza, "He is the strongest of the warrior-type Namekians, the greatest that has ever been produced in a long time. You will not be able to defeat him as easily as the other members of our race that you encountered so far."

"Very well then," Frieza replied, slipping his scouter back onto his face as he turned to the Namekian that was behind him, a grin appearing on his face while he spoke, "if the two of you are going to be this stubborn, then I shall show you the terror of the strongest being in the universe."

"You know not what you say," the Grand Elder commented, drawing Frieza's attention to him again, while at the same time causing Nail to raise an eyebrow for a moment, "do not think that you can take for yourself the title of the strongest being in the universe... that is reserved for the one person you fear."

"I would suggest that you not test my patience," Frieza fired back, glaring at the old Namekian for a moment, wondering how he could have known about the God of Destruction.

"His children are here, somewhere on this planet," the Grand Elder continued, not knowing whether or not his words would have any effect on the person standing between him and Nail, "but I shall be waiting here, regardless of who wins your fight."

Frieza stared at the old Namekian, wondering if his old age was finally getting to him, because Beerus had no children and that would have been something he would have heard about if it was the case. The thought of Beerus, the God of Destruction, having not one child, but two or more, was a chilling thought indeed, but he decided not to think on it too much. He was so close to gaining immortality, though all he needed was the password and the seven spheres, which Ginyu was in the process of securing by capturing Vegeta. A few seconds later he and the younger Namekian, Nail he recalled, were flying off in the distance, leaving the elderly Namekian behind until the winner of their little duel returned to him.

A few seconds later Piccolo, who had been hiding behind the throne the entire time, emerged from his hiding spot and stood in front of the elderly Namekian, who let out a short sigh of relief.

"I'll go and see if I can't help Nail," Piccolo said, knowing that at his current level Frieza was likely to kill him, but they needed to give Dende time to reach the others and help them summon the Eternal Dragon of Namek.

"Thank you," the Grand Elder replied, indicating with his head for a few seconds, to which Piccolo moved into the air and followed behind the tyrant at a safe pace that wouldn't show up on his scouter.

The Grand Elder felt a smile grace his face, because in the end he knew that he, the Earthlings, and their allies were going to have the last laugh over the tyrant that was attacking the planet... and he had no idea what was about to happen.

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