• Published 26th Jan 2017
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Dragon Ball Z: Daughters of Destruction - Blackdrag-rose

Rainbow Dash and Applejack are transported to a strange world, where they are raised by Beerus the Destroyer and his attendant Whis.

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Majin: Having Fun

Goku, having only minutes to spare after his chat with Majin Buu, opted to spend the remainder of his time on Earth with Chi Chi and Goten, knowing that he could easily spend time with them in Asgard when they came to visit him and Vegeta. This gave his son and Trunks a small break before they attempted the Fusion dance again, though the two kids were excited to have some time to relax before they continued their training, as they both knew that it would take them some time before they could actually attempt a fusion between them. Mr. Popo had something made for all of them, so they could have a small send off party of sorts for Goku, though the group made small talk as they wondered what Majin Buu was doing at that moment... before Goku mentioned that Buu had done what he thought he was going to do, as he had killed Babidi mere minutes after he had departed from the area.

As everyone celebrated the death of Babidi, as that meant that Buu could potentially follow the promise he made to Goku, the Saiyan in question glanced over at Rainbow and Applejack, whose power levels seemed to be the same at the moment. He had to wonder if the girls had purposely observed the poses necessary for the Fusion technique and were training to master them as well, but at the same time he didn't want to ask them, as that would make everyone else wonder why Goten and Trunks were risking their necks when they could have asked the girls to do it instead.

A few minutes later, when it came time for Goku to leave the Earth once more, Fortuneteller Baba approached the group and indicated that his time was nearly up, to which Goku followed Baba into the air and waved goodbye to the others... though a few seconds later, with the group waving goodbye as well, he and Baba faded until there was nothing left of either of them.

"Okay, we should get back to training," Piccolo commented, to which he turned to Goten and Trunks, who happened to be walking towards the area that was in front of the palace that rested on the Lookout, "What are the two of you doing?"

"We're going to see if we can skip all the training and fuse right away," Trunks replied, to which he and Goten grinned as they stopped and faced the rest of the group, standing at the required distance apart from each other and started concentrating on making their power levels the same, "After all, uncle left us in charge of beating Majin Buu... and we are not going to fail him."

"The two of you have an hour or two of training under your belts, and it took both Goku and Vegeta a week to fully learn and master those poses," Rainbow spoke up, knowing that this was way too soon for them to be attempting this sort of thing, but apparently they wanted to try fusing already and weren't going to stop for anyone, "They understood that this technique required constant practice before they could master the poses and use it in battle, but if the two of you want to try and impress us, than go ahead... I'm not stopping either of you."

Applejack glanced over at her sister for a moment, knowing that one reason Rainbow had spoken up is because the two of them were secretly learning the technique as well, and that they had both agreed to wait until they had perfected the poses before they attempted this. They were in the same boat as Goten and Trunks, as they both had the same amount of practice time with the Fusion technique, but they were being smarter than the kids were. At the same time Applejack noticed that the rest of the group was interested in seeing if the two kids, called prodigies by both Chi Chi and Bulma, could really master what Goku and Vegeta couldn't in a much shorter time.

A few seconds later Applejack sighed as she sat down and watched the two kids, because what was going to happen next would likely help her and Rainbow in their understanding of the Fusion technique... as well as teach Goten and Trunks that there were some things that you didn't rush on.

"Very well then, we'll attempt the Fusion technique," Piccolo said, not knowing why they were wasting time like this, though at the same time he stared at the two kids and immediately noticed that something was wrong, "Trunks, lower your ki just a tiny bit... you're still higher than Goten."

"This is tougher than I thought it would be," Trunks commented, though at the same time he braced himself as he purposely lowered his ki a tiny bit, before he glanced back up at Piccolo, "How's that?"

"Good, your energies are almost utterly identical," Piccolo replied, to which he had the rest of the Z Warriors, those that were really close to him, back up and give the kids some room, before turning back to Goten and Trunks, "Now then, you can start the Fusion whenever the two of you are ready."

Goten and Trunks braced themselves as they moved through the first couple of steps in the Fusion technique, apparently already having that part memorized, though Piccolo already knew they had been able to do that because they had messed that part up more than anything else so far. When they entered the second set of movements, however, Piccolo noticed that they had screwed up, as Goten's hands resembled fists, as the pose required, while Trunks' hands were pointed with one finger sticking out on both hands. Before he could stop them, however, they moved into the final step of the Fusion technique and let out the 'Ha!' that was required when they reached that step... to which Goten glowed blue for a moment while Trunks glowed red.

The two kids were then engulfed in a flash of light that made everyone shield their eyes for a few seconds, though when the light faded they were shocked by what they found in place of Goten and Trunks. In front of them stood a fat kid, who was the same height as both Goten and Trunks, whose face, arms, and legs were fatter than either of the kids that had fused to make him. He was also wearing a white pair of gi shorts, a teal colored sash, and a dark blue vest that had a yellow collar around his neck, which also had a yellow band near his shoulders. The kid's hair seemed to be a fusion of Goten and Trunks' hair, as the front and back of the kid's hair was black like Goten's, while at the same time the sides of his hair were purple like Trunks' hair.

"This is the warrior that's supposed to stop Majin Buu?" Krillin asked, though he had to wonder if Goku was basically telling them that nothing could beat Buu and they were simply wasting their time, because the warrior in front of him didn't look all that imposing or powerful.

"I think Goku's plan was for us to fight a fat person with another fat person," Yamcha stated, though at the same time he stared at the Fusion warrior and wondered what Gogeta, the Fusion between Goku and Vegeta, looked like.

"No, this is the result of a failed Fusion." Piccolo stated, to which he walked up to the Fusion warrior, who stared up at him for a few seconds, where Piccolo made the correct pose in front of them, "During the second stage of the Fusion technique, the '...sion' stage, Trunks had a finger pointed outwards instead of a pair of fists. Fortunately this isn't permanent, so in thirty minutes you'll defuse and we can get back to training... so the next time you attempt the Fusion technique you don't fail the Fusion."

The group patiently waited for the thirty minutes to pass before Goten and Trunks defused, to which the fat kid they had become glowed for a few seconds before they separated from each other... though instead of following Piccolo, who was beckoning for them to follow him, they stood their ground.

"Sure, we may have failed once," Trunks stated, glaring at piccolo for a moment, as he knew that he and Goten could get it right now that they knew what they had done wrong, "but we'll get it on our second try."

"Though if we fail the second time we really should pick up our training," Goten added, knowing that at the rate they were going they might not actually succeed.

"Fine. Have it your way." Piccolo stated, though at the same time he seriously hoped that Goku was making better progress with Vegeta in the afterlife, because it appeared that they might need another back up plan.

"While you guys have fun trying to master Fusion, I'm going to head down to the surface," Gale spoke up, causing the group to look at her for a moment, though at the same time Rainbow and Applejack nodded their understanding, "Goku promised Buu that I would play with him, and he's no doubt waiting for me to show up, so I'm going to go find him and see what he's up to."

"Just be safe Gale," Applejack said, knowing that their little sister would do that anyway, though at the same time it never hurt to remind her that she was going to be in the presence of a terrifying foe.

Gale nodded and embraced her sisters for a moment, knowing that they were going to be bored out of their minds while they waited for Goten and Trunks to master the Fusion technique, before she ran over to the side of the Lookout and jumped into the air. She turned around for a moment, just to wave goodbye to the others, before she focused on where Buu's terrible ki was coming from and headed in that direction, leaving the others to wait for Goten and Trunks to finish their training.

Buu, shortly after killing Babidi and deciding to build a house to live in, while he waited for the pony and the powerful fighter to show up, headed in random a direction and quickly found a small village that had clearly been abandoned some time ago. He wasn't sure if it was because of Babidi or if the people had moved to one of the major cities, but he didn't care as he landed in the middle of the village and looked around for anyone that might still be in the village. He spent a few minutes checking the village, but in the end he didn't find anyone hiding anywhere, so he returned to the middle of the village and prepared to start building his home.

Buu lifted his hands into the air and commanded that the current buildings break apart and gather above him, to which he watched as the abandoned buildings broke apart and gathered in a mass above his head. A few seconds later, when everything was off the group, he used his antenna and turned all of the pieces into clay, where he gathered all the bits into a large blob of clay and allowed it to hit the ground. Once the clay was on the ground he started taking pieces of the clay off of the pile and tossed it into the area behind him, where he started to mold the pieces together into a solid piece and formed a circular base to start off with.

The entrance of his house was a decent sized dome that was at least twice his height, with an opening for him to jump through, while behind it was a few more spheres that were hollowed out. The tail section, which was connected to the entrance, took a few minutes to complete, but when it was ready Buu smiled as he took the rest of the clay and stared building the top of the house, where his bedchamber would be. It took him some time to complete the outside structure, though once that was done he went inside the house and started modifying it, adding in a complete kitchen, an eating area, his bed and bathroom, a pantry area in case he actually stocked the place full of food, and another bed and bathroom for any visitors.

Once the structure was complete, and the inside had been completely modified to his liking, Buu landed on the top of the house and proclaimed that the building was complete. A few seconds later he slipped into the entrance and headed up to his personal bedroom, where he turned on the water and filled his tub to the brim, which was followed by him taking off his clothing and slipping into the water. He remained that was for some time, relaxing for the first time since he was sealed away by Bibidi, before he decided to climb out, clean himself off, and then brushed his teeth, which was necessary after all the candy Babidi had him eat earlier.

The moment he was done brushing his teeth he slipped into a pair of pajamas, which had been created from the leftover clay, and took a seat in his circular bed, where he fell asleep... only to wake up not five seconds later, his energy fully restored. He climbed off of his bed and changed back into his normal clothing, to which he wondered what he could do until the pony arrived to have fun with him, making him wonder if he should fly around the area and search for something to do. Explosions and killing were out of the question, as the man he had spoken to earlier had said that if he was a good boy the pony would show up at some point in time, so it left him with little options to pass the time on his own.

Buu stepped out of his house for a moment and spotted a small clearing nearby, close to his house so that if he built something there it would easily be recognized as something he owned, to which he got the idea to build another object to pass the time. Seeing how he actually had no more clay to work with, however, Buu quickly found a pile of boulders nearby, on the other side of a nearby hill and turned the rocks into the material he needed. Once he had the clay in hand he returned to the clearing he had noticed earlier and set the clay down, to which he slowly turned the material into a blob and started molding whatever came to his mind.

He wasn't aware of how much time had actually passed before something landed behind him and coughed, to which he turned around and found one of the pony girls from earlier, the one that the disappearing man had called Gale, had arrived at long last.

"Gale!" Buu cried, tossing the last bit of clay to the side, as he didn't need it to occupy his attention now that his friend had arrived, before approaching the pony girl and patting her on the head, "Buu is happy to see you again."

"Likewise Buu," Gale replied, though she was actually thankful that the Majin had actually built a house, as it made him even easier for her to find him, but even as she thought about that she looked at the statue Buu had been working on while he was waiting for her to arrive, "Hey Buu, what sort of creature is that supposed to be?"

The statue in question depicted a creature that had a head that resembled a horse of some kind, though the head had a deer antler on the right side, a blue goat horn on the left side, one long fang in its open mouth, two different sized pupils in its eyes, a snake tongue, a goat beard, and white bushy eyebrows. The statue also had the right arm of a lion, the left claw of an eagle for its left arm and hand, the right leg of a lizard, and the left leg of a goat, though oddly enough all of it was structured correctly. Gale also noticed that the had a bat's wing on the right side of its body, another type of wing on its left, one that Gale had never seen before, a horse's mane on the back of what she assumed was the statue's neck, and a tail that reminded her of Shenron, with a white tail tuft at the end.

Gale had never seen such a chimera creature before, as that was the only word she had to describe the creature Buu had molded with his clay... though oddly enough the serpent-like creature was positioned in a manner that looked like he was singing, but she decided that it was best if she didn't question why Buu chose that pose to begin with.

"I don't know," Buu admitted, though Gale suspected that, based on the story that Shin had told them about Buu, that the chimera creature was likely one that Bibidi had told him to destroy so many years ago, or he had a good imagination, "So, what game are we going to play first?"

Gale smiled and said that they should start off with the game they played last time, hide and seek, though Buu questioned how that would go when there were only two of them, as it seemed boring for them to be taking turns and having no one else to look for. Gale had an idea to make the game more fun, as she had picked up one of Rainbow's abilities while they were training and modified it to her liking, to which she gathered her ki and the wind whipped around her for a moment. That was followed by three more of her appearing next to her, where she explained, to a very excited and confused Buu, that this technique was her variation on Rainbow's Cloud Copy technique. Buu, upon seeing that Gale had such a technique, did the same thing, until there were four of her and four of him, though in order to tell the main pair apart from the clones Buu made them pink colored armbands.

Once the armbands were in position the original Gale started counting and the others disappeared, heading to an area that they could hide in without being found immediately. When she finished counting a few seconds later Gale started the hunt for Buu, his copies, and her copies, to which she searched the area and took note of where her own copies were located. That was an interesting part about the Cloud Copy technique, and she was sure that Rainbow knew about this already, but she could tell where her copies were at any given time, meaning that she was really searching for Buu... but she made sure to make this look like a game, so Buu would have fun and not blow something up.

When she brought their first round to an end she made sure that the original Buu was the last one she found, before she, her clones, and Buu's copies hid in the surrounding area as the original Buu started counting, before he quickly finished and started hunting for all of them.

Some time passed before Buu grew tired of hide and seek, in the sense that he wanted to try something different for a couple of minutes, to which Gale told his of another game they could play, a game called tag where one person chased down another and touched them, saying 'tag, your it' and then running before the second person had time to react. Gale explained that there several varieties of this game, as well as some other varieties of hide and seek, but she also told Buu that she was purposely starting small so he could understand the rules before they moved onto something harder. That seemed to grab Buu's attention, as he nodded and followed Gale's lead in the first round of the new game, to which everyone scattered as Gale started chasing after Buu.

Gale caught up to the original Buu and tagged him first, to which Buu spun around and chased one of her clones down, ultimately pinning them between him and the wall behind it, to which he tagged the clone and ran off before he could be touched again. Gale smiled as she watched Buu play with his copies and her clones, as it appeared that she was right in her thinking that he was just an innocent creature that had a really nasty temper, though she was thankful that nothing had actually brought his terrible rage to the surface yet. Eventually the original Buu, who had been tagged by one of Gale's clones, appeared behind Gale and tagged her, to which Gale smiled at Buu and resumed the chase, knowing that the creature was definitely having fun with her.

As time passed, however, Gale noticed two things happen in the area that surrounded Majin Buu's house, though one was creepy and the other was something she had been expecting ever since she heard the story of what happened at the Cell Games seven years ago. She silently watched as one of the sky cars entered the area surrounding the house, with enough distance put between the house and the vehicle so that a distracted Buu wouldn't notice the arrival of the vehicle, and landed a few seconds later. She observed the area the vehicle had landed in and watched as three people showed themselves, two armed with weapons and the other one wearing nothing like his companions, before the armed pair retreated into the vehicle and departed from the area, leaving their companion behind.

Mr. Satan had arrived to deal with Majin Buu, which meant that the armed forces of the world were acting a lot faster than what Goku might have been expecting, though Gale knew that she would make the situation work in her favor... as long as she ignored the creepy statue that seemed to be following her, as she was sure that it turned to face her whenever she wasn't looking.

"Hey Buu," Gale called out, high enough so that Buu could hear her, while at the same time low enough so that Mr. Satan wouldn't be able to detect what she was saying, though that was followed by Buu and both of their copies gathering around her, "It seems that a new friend has shown up. Why don't we head inside and give him a proper welcome when he reaches your front door?"

"Okay!" Buu exclaimed, to which the two of the dismissed their copies, or reabsorbed in Buu's case, before they headed into the building and waited for Mr. Satan to show up.

Gale smiled as she imagined the look on Mr. Satan's face when he realized that Buu was a friendly individual and that there was no reason for him to bother with trying to kill him... and maybe she could make the two of them become friends once she was done straightening Mr. Satan out.

Meanwhile, at the check-in station in the Other World, a group of Saiyan warriors, lead by Bardock, arrived after they received a notice that Nappa had been slain and was waiting to be taken back to his private suite in Hell. When Bardock and his warriors arrived, however, they found that Nappa had already been detailed by someone, as Vegeta was sitting on Nappa's back and keeping him pinned to the floor. Standing next to them was Goku, who had just arrived within the last minute and was patiently waiting for the warriors to get there so he and Vegeta could continue their training... though once Bardock walked into the check-in station both of the Saiyans glanced at him.

"Kakarot, Vegeta, its good to see that the two of you are well, despite being dead," Bardock said, to which the two Saiyans nodded for a moment, as they knew the position they were in, before he glanced down at the person they had come to collect, "and I see that you have detained He Who Must Not Be Named."

"He tried to flee when he saw me enter the building," Vegeta stated, though as Nappa struggled he planted the back end of his boot in Nappa's stomach, silencing him for a moment as he turned to Bardock, "So, I take it that you and the others are here to deliver him back to Hell?"

"We are indeed." Bardock replied, to which some of the warriors stepped forward and revealed the metallic cuffs they had brought with them, "We crafted these new chains out of Katchin, said to be one of the strongest metals in the entire universe, and had them blessed by all four Kais and the Grand Kai himself... so now it will be even harder for him to escape from his prison."

Vegeta glanced over at Goku as he climbed off of Nappa, to which the two of them worked together and heaved the evil Saiyan onto his feet, where they held him in place while Bardock and his warriors secured Nappa with a new set of chains and cuffs that would prevent him from ever escaping Hell again... even Shenron was asked to revive him again. As Bardock and his warriors escorted Nappa back to Hell, however, Vegeta and Goku headed back to Asgard, where they intended on training until Goten, Trunks, and the others showed up to reveal the fruits of their labors, and reveal the fusion between their sons. Goku had mentioned that he was teaching their sons the technique before his father had arrived, though now he and Vegeta were excited about seeing what sort of warrior emerged when Goten and Trunks correctly used the technique.

At the same time, however, Goku knew that the two of them would discover more than the fusion between Goten and Trunks... though he seriously hoped that it was just his feelings about Rainbow and Applejack's reasons for watching the Fusion technique, and not something much more terrifying.

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