• Member Since 22nd Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen July 9th

Zephyrus Scary

30/Male/Soviet Alaska


Princess Celestia has a bit of a problem that only a shapeshifter can solve (probably).

(Obviously inspired by Skywriter's "Princess Celestia Hates Tea".)

Chapters (1)

Twisted Spare, while studying a book of myths, comes across a terrible prophesy: the ancient evil of Queen Husk, once sealed inside Queen Chrysalis’s heart by the Elements of Unity, is predicted to emerge as a twin to an unloved Goddess—on the date of the coming Change Carnival! Despite her student's worries, the Queen sends Twisted and her assistant, Gaze the cockatrice, out to the hamlet of Fangville, where she is to oversee the preparations of the Carnival.

Where she will meet five certain Changelings that will change her life her forever…

((Cover by Shadowfoxnjp on FA.))

Chapters (3)

When Okabe Okarin HOUOUIN KYOUMA destroyed Kurisu’s time travel research before it could start World War III (again), he didn’t realize this wouldn’t stop any inventors’ ambitions of developing a time machine, and something disastrous must have happened, if Hououin can judge from waking up in a completely different body! However, HOUOUIN KYOUMA Time Turner, as the only one with the full Reading Steiner ability, is the only one who remembers… There’s no time to worry about such things, however, because it’s not long before he finds himself forced to use time travel again in order to stop an insane physical god bent on initiating eternal night, and that’s just the beginning…

*Crossover with “Steins;Gate” (only the anime canon, minus the OVA, in case there are any significant differences with the VA or conflicts I run into with the OVA I wouldn’t know about). Watching it would be beneficial, but I’ll try to write this so such is not necessary, which will have the obvious result of SPOILERS for the anime.

Chapters (3)

“Sometimes a lie is easier to take.” -and sometimes a lie is easier to give.

Behold Heartstrings, victim of her own body, and know her…

Chapters (1)

Pinkamena "Pinkie" Diane Pie is Us. In crazy brilliance, We made Pinkie so strange that We would never be suspected, and it worked until the very end. An end that came about, not because We failed, but because of inescapable circumstance.

Now, We must run.

We do not want to think about what they will do to Us if they catch Us.

Chapters (2)

Side story to Love Mine that occurs after the events in chapter five.

The Bearers attempt to return to their lives after their first encounter with Alternate, but just as Celestia feared, he's thrown a far larger wrench into the works than either the alicorn or the Changeling at first thought.

Chapters (2)

What wouldn't I do for Mother?

What wouldn't I do for Love?

... What would I do if I had to choose?

((For the purposes of this fanfic, the episodes "Cutie Mark Chronicles" and "Hearts' and Hooves' Day" take place after "A Canterlot Wedding."))

Chapters (4)

Beyond Earth and beyond the Universe within which Earth exists there is a place full of love; the richest mine of love that can be found, as it is seen by those capable of utilizing it...

Within that place, specifically a part of it called the Everfree Forest, awakes one such creature: a Changeling; specifically, a Changeling who had been a human on Earth the day before. How will he survive in a body that literally needs love for nourishment, while in a world that is now wise to the Changelings' tricks and has branded them evil? Better question: Will he be able to change more than his physical appearance?

These questions are not the only thing that will plague him, for the hows and whys of his arrival and transformation are in a hurry to reveal themselves, and Equestria's heart will stop as it waits for its fate to be decided.

Now with a side story (with more to come) from other characters' POV!

Chapters (10)