I have loved learning about My Little Pony since the begining when it was first called My Pretty Pony in 1981. And then watching it. I have not written any fan stories but I enjoy reading very much.
When faced with the evils of this world, happiness can give you the foundation to bear it, sadness gives you the wisdom to acknowledge it, and anger gives you the strength to oppose it!
I've been writing for 9 years and I still don't know what I'm doing. https://ko-fi.com/perfectlyinsane
Just an aspiring bass trombonist trying to make my way.
I've been on an extended break. I think it's time to do some more finger exercises!
"There can only be a Super Saiyan once every thousand years... So why are there like twenty of you?!" - A villainous Dragon Ball Z complaint
Wants to write stories, never writes a story: A story of procrastination
25 Years old. Intersting OCs i've seen so far.Marshal Graves,Andrew Shepard,Crimson Rays,Rabbit,Echo the diamond dog and Stella Sabre
Seeing as I have done nothing productive this will account will occasionally be used for nothing interesting.
I am the Seneschal, the ruler of the eternal circle, and I have come for ponies.
I'm just the pony with the best weapon in the world. Yep, don't mind me.