• Member Since 14th May, 2015
  • offline last seen June 9th


When faced with the evils of this world, happiness can give you the foundation to bear it, sadness gives you the wisdom to acknowledge it, and anger gives you the strength to oppose it!

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Found 4 stories in 15ms

Total Words: 10,715
Estimated Reading: 42 minutes


a prison where I lock up the plot bunnies that pop up to distract me from working on my main stories.

they may never see the light of day unless I find the time or someone pays their bail. (wants me to work on them.)

Chapters (1)

another Fic about the Canterlot Wedding getting crashed. but this time it's saved by the most unlikely hero yet!

this story is dedicated to my pal ShinigamiSparda!

Chapters (1)

a one-shot where Sunset and Rarity have to deal with the evilest thing in the human world... teenagers.

a one-shot that I wanted to do for a bit, and now that I had some free time decided to write it down and share it with yeah!

Chapters (1)

when evil rules and goodness fails theirs only one hero who can answer the call, and he answers with.


Chapters (1)