I think I got it! · 3:45am Jul 29th, 2013
Using my SUPERB intellect I think I have figured out what Pinkie was talking about when she said: "and then i said, 'Oatmeal? Are you crazy?'"
drum roll, please.
I believe she is in fact making a reference to the 1969 Frosty The Snowman short film, in which when the children are trying to decide what to name frosty, one kid goes and suggests "Oatmeal" as his name. And the rest of them are all like "wtf mate". But that doesn't matter cause i'm RIGHT!!!!
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Thanks for the double fav on "Every Five Hundred Years" and "To Name a Rainfall," I appreciate it!
Thank you very much for adding '...And It's Freaking Cold Up Here' to your Best of the Best list. I worked hard on it. And I like your theory about Pinkie's "oatmeal? Are you crazy?" line.
Thanks for the fav on Double Vision
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Heyo, thanks for the fave! :D
Thanks for the watch!