• Member Since 6th May, 2015
  • offline last seen 15 minutes ago


Always Watching, Always Reading, Always Learning. Oh, and Hello.


Im alive, I think. Sorry for the scilence. · 1:12am Oct 6th, 2018

Hey there everyone. I guess the first thing I should say is I'm sorry for not giving any feedback in years. Second is that I haven't put out any content when I said I wanted to. To be honest I still do, but my sloth has really put a dampener on that. Ive realized that in order to change that, not just for my productivity, but for my future I have to do something to get me doing anything. And so, comes the main reason why Ive made this blog post. I'm not leaving the fandom, and I'm not getting

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I think I'm ready. · 3:34am Sep 19th, 2016

Hello there, I am making this post to inform you that I will be writing a group of stories. All of them tie into each other, but not in the "normal" way. What I'm doing is making the main story, along with "guides" of sorts not in the main story itself. This is for those that don't want to read the guides. That way they can still enjoy the story without the breaks that the guides would normally cause. In total there will be three guides alongside the main story, and more when needed. The first

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I have no idea what to call this blog post. · 8:41am Jul 13th, 2016

Hello. Something I have been feeling lately is every time I read a story, I get the urge to write my own. I have started yes but that is not the issue, my issue is that I do not have microsoft word to write the story in. Due to this, I've been having to use the site itself to type it. I'm looking for recommendations of interfaces to type the stories in eazier. That and to ask if others get that feeling I said in the beginning as well.

Report Deixis · 298 views ·

I'm considering writing. · 6:16am Apr 26th, 2016

Hello everyone who follows me. As the title says I plan on starting to write, though there are a few issues with this.
1: I have a tendency to spell phonetically and misspell words commonly.
2: This will be my first attempt with writing for fun, not just because I need to. Usually because of school, back when I was in school.
3: I have numerous ideas for stories ranging from one shots to several dozen chapters with several story arcs and I don't know what to write first.

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One of my future goals with this account. (Updated) · 6:21am Dec 14th, 2015

Hello, the reason I am doing this post is to get out what I've been doing for months now. I am currently following 201 people and growing and with that comes the stories they write. The reason behind this is that I want to help spread word of the authors and there stories. What I plan on doing is using this account to find the people able to create good stories and have them recorded and ready for anyone to read. This does not mean anyone can be on this list. Though many fit my personal

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Report Deixis · 292 views ·

I am at a loss with SFM · 1:30am Oct 25th, 2015

Finally gets SFM.
Opens SFM for the first time.
Accidentally messes up the interface.
Realizes should have looked up tutorial first.
Looks up tutorial.
Finishes several tutorial videos.
Now is worse off than at the start.
Reasoning behind this madness, I just wanted to make a picture with the program due to being a bad visual artist.
Needs help.
Any advice would be appreciated.

Thank you.

Report Deixis · 204 views ·