A year already? · 4:06pm Oct 13th, 2023
Wow. A whole year. That's just wow.
It's almost been a year since I released the first chapter of the prequel to 'Daughter of the Moon', and started the rewrite for DotM(Daughter of the Moon) .
A lot has happened. But first, I think i owe an explanation for lack of updates and stories. The first, and the biggest reason. I'm not a writer. I enjoy reading more, never actually written any stories or fics before DotM. It was my first, and it holds a very special place in me.
Hey, it’s Oath from Discord; sorry I haven’t talked to you in a while, but how have you been; and what is your Discord again?
So you got a new profile pic now?
And your welcome I guess
Ah, thanks for reminding me to change it to something I made rather than an image from online
Also like your profile art cover
Princess Luna/nightmare is best princess