Background Pony"My name's Lyra Heartstrings, but you won't remember anything. Listen to my symphony, for itby shortskirtsandexplosions
432,377 words
· 6,882 · 248
ApotheosisTwilight and Luna explore a land that appears on no mapby Daetrin
46,300 words
· 2,762 · 46
Earth & SkySequel to Windfall, set three years after. Twilight & Rarity invent artificial wings!by Warren Hutch
264,681 words
· 1,212 · 28
Harpflank and SweetsLyra and Bon Bon: THEY FIGHT CRIME. And robots. And monsters. And ponies. And more Arcainum
105,778 words
· 452 · 7
The End of PoniesA lone pony of a Wasteland future Equestria finds a way to visit her dead friends in the shortskirtsandexplosions
527,556 words
· 2,014 · 65
Thanks for the fave on Patience, She Said. I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Thanks for the fave on Patience, She Said. I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Hey, thanks for the fave on Luna's Hard Days Work!
Thanks for the Fave of An Apple Comes Out of the Cellar
I hope you got a laugh or two out of the it.
If you're looking for more comedies, I do have two more posted and one in the pipeline.
Thanks for the fav!