• Member Since 19th Jan, 2021
  • offline last seen Jan 3rd, 2023


I love My Little Pony♡Friendship Is Magic~! 友谊是魔术

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  • 115 weeks
    fun emoticons to use~!

    /(ÓㅅÒ)\YA lil’Bunny~!
    /(ÒㅅÓ)\No lil’Bunny~!

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    2 comments · 117 views
  • 115 weeks
    Japanese honorisims

    Japanese Modern and Common Honorifics!
    (Koi is example name)
    ちゃん -Koi~chan~!*(friend)
    さん -Koi~san~!*(mister/miss)
    くん -Koi~kun~!*(dude-man)
    ちい -Koi~chiii~!*(your female friend)
    タン -Koi~tan~!*(baby, pet, being silly)
    ヘイカ -Koi~heika~!*(your highness,...)
    様 -0Koi~sama~!*(superior)
    ドノ -0Koi~dono~!*(master)
    しい -AKoi~shi~!*(we don’t know eachother)
    先輩 -AKoi~senpai~!*(upperclassman or your idol)
    おかさん -0kasan~!*(mom)
    おとさま -0tosama~!*(dad)

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    2 comments · 129 views
  • 115 weeks
    My Crazy Cat Kassan

    My Cuddly Cat, Kassan,
    Is very sweet and soft and is around 10 years old.
    My Creative Cat, Kassan,
    Tries to decorate pots with her paws painted colorfly.
    My Curious Cat, Kassan,
    Decided to come along for a visit to Russia with me.
    My Cute Cat, Kassan,
    Fell down a manhole in St. Petersburg and was never the same.
    My Careless Cat, Kassan,
    Always leaves the cat door wide open.
    My Clumsy Cat, Kassan,

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    0 comments · 97 views
  • 115 weeks
    I lost my mind under an umbrella...

    I lost my mind under an umbrella.
    I started to see cinderella.
    What happened next, I couldn't tell ya.

    It could have been real,or just an illusionary feel,
    Caused by a weird looking-banana peel
    that I actually ate. 
    I think it is fate, to be worse than crazy nate.

    I looked under the slate and I looked under the gate.
    I looked all over the state!
    But alas, my mind is gone.
    My joy is done.

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    0 comments · 111 views
  • 154 weeks
    MLP Voice Acting Tips

    Twilight紫悅星星Put at the back of your voice, and tighten. Pronounce much more than you have too.
    Rainbowz云宝Throw it all the way to the top of your voice so that it is cracking and sctatching 

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    2 comments · 136 views

fun emoticons to use~! · 5:44pm May 12th, 2022

/(ÓㅅÒ)\YA lil’Bunny~!
/(ÒㅅÓ)\No lil’Bunny~!

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Report Uknikorn · 117 views ·
Comments ( 21 )
  • Viewing 17 - 21 of 21

Me too, except I do read Chinese but I'm not that good. I take weekly chinese lessons

Yes. I am Chinese-American. I actually cannot read chinese very well, I used google translate, but I do speak it.

That language on your description, Is it Chinese? Oh and nice pfp!

Howdy howdy!
Thanks for adding Taboo to your favorites!

Thanks for the watch.

  • Viewing 17 - 21 of 21
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