This is a compilation of all the little silly ideas I get that aren't large enough to make a full story, but I still get the urge to write. There'll be a bit of everything here, but never much longer than 1,000 words! They're short Pony Shorts!
Tom x Bloomberg OTP [Comedy] - In which Twilight Sparkle is emotionally scarred by a surprising subset of romantic literature.
Zen [Slice of Life] - In which Pinkie Pie demonstrates that a garden truly is a reflection of its tender.
A Little Storm of Chaos [Slice of Life][Friendshipping] - In which Rainbow Dash cooks up a little something for Pinkie Pie.
On Crowd Songs [Slice of Life] - In which Ponyville's premier musician struggles to wrap up winter.
Letters and Late Fees [Comedy] - In which Celestia takes a moment out of her day to visit an old friend.
Morning Routine [Normal] - In which Sepia Tock has bad dreams.
Equestria [Normal][Myth] - In which Equestria is made.
Cold Flight, Warm Hearth [Slice of Life][Friendshipping] - In which Rainbow Dash delivers her last present of the day to a special friend.
Bucky McGillygutty X Kicks McGee OTP [Random][Comedy] - In which a simple leg finds the simplest and greatest pleasure of all.
Experimental Report: Animus [SCIENCE][Comedy] - In which Twilight Sparkle performs an experiment.
One-Bit Novels [Adventure][Comedy] - In which Daring Do makes a daring escape.
The Taste of Bitter Almonds [Noir][Comedy] - In which an inspector enters a bar, looking for a drink.
The Mark [Normal][Myth] - In which ponies gain their Cutie Marks.
Derpyganger [Normal] - In which Derpy Hooves relaxes after a long day.
Origami [SCIENCE][Normal][Comedy] - In which the results of Twilight's earlier experiment come back to haunt her.
Stratus [Slice of Life][Comedy] - In which Fluttershy deals with a problem purely for pegasi.
The Sleep of Reason [Normal] - In which two sisters share dreams as the years pass them by.
Black Bun Pie: Cragodile Hunter [Normal][Comedy] - In which Pinkie Pie visits Twilight with a package from her uncle.