• Member Since 24th Jul, 2018
  • offline last seen Feb 14th, 2021


Embittered neckbeard who in 2016 accidentally fell in love with a pretty purple bookhorse and her sweet friends.

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  • 277 weeks
    Spring Breakdown

    What's needed now are stories about Sci-Twi's feelings as she watches Sunset and Princess Twilight's reunion in Spring Breakdown, and the emotional consequences for their relationship. Here's hoping this site's master heartstring-pluckers can deliver!

    0 comments · 378 views

Spring Breakdown · 7:24pm Mar 31st, 2019

What's needed now are stories about Sci-Twi's feelings as she watches Sunset and Princess Twilight's reunion in Spring Breakdown, and the emotional consequences for their relationship. Here's hoping this site's master heartstring-pluckers can deliver!

Report PoemeMystique · 378 views · #eqg
Comments ( 3 )
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Thanks for the watch!

Thank you for the faves and the watch!

Thanks for the watch! :D

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