• Member Since 9th Jul, 2017
  • offline last seen November 19th


I laik the Sun

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I know the cover looks like a bad youtube video but I PROMISE that this is a comedic masterpiece.

You know that scene from Willy Wonka/Charlie and the Chocolate factory- the one where Violet turns into a blueberry? Well, there’s that (except Violet is Sweetie Belle and Willy Wonka isn’t a thing) and also Tirek is there and he likes cheese.

Blame Darkimus-Primal on Discord because they messaged me and suggested this but I’m not sure if this was exactly what they were looking for...

But this is what I wrote.


Chapters (1)

Rarity wants to make Anon a dress. Anon does not want a dress.

••• ••• •••

For, ah, clarification, Rart is an on-purpose mispelling of a specific MLP:FiM character whom I can guess you can figure out the name of.

Chapters (1)

Rarity wakes up one morning to find out that she's a trash can.

It's not good.

This story was written for Dubs Rewatcher as part of the 2018 Jinglemas collab thingamajigamabob.

Merr Crimmas / Happ Hol-eeeeee-de

Chapters (1)

Subject: Andrew Johnson.
Reason: contact with potential extraterrestrial threat.
Date: 11/28/2018
Time: 10:03 AM

Agents are currently quarantining Mr. Johnson’s house while we interview him about hi contact with an extraterrestrial entity. Mr. Johnson seems to be compliant to our questioning.

Chapters (1)

Essix Darryl Gertine Yonniccan is an all-black alicorn. This story is about him, obviously. He's special and cool and everybodypony loves him. He’s so cool he fights demons for fun and asks out princesses and is actually really awkward and this sentence is too long. Join your lovable narrator (Me! Hii!) as we follow Essix around in a totally-not-creepy way.


Yes, I know exactly what I am doing.

Let me know if you see any grievous errors so I can fix them or laugh at you meanly.

Chapters (3)

Spades Duck has a wife who is preganté and she wants pickles. And milk.

Now with multiple alternate endings, begennings, a few guest chapters, and a halloween special!

It’s actually over. I swear.

Chapters (13)

Luna needs her caffiene intake to wake up. Meanwhile, the changelings are invading Canterlot during the wedding. What could go wrong?

Yes, his full name is “the Paul.”
Created for Aragon’s Comedy (is serious buisiness) contest. Written and edited within a period of 36 hours. Help.

Rated teen cuz whipped cream

Submitted just before midnight

Chapters (1)