• Member Since 22nd Oct, 2015
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago


Brony forever


What I promised · 12:33pm Jul 20th, 2020

I do not know does anybody even watching my blog but if you liked my story maybe you will be interested. In the comments I have promised if it reaches at least 50 likes there will be a sequel. And yesterday it has happend. So officially I am working on the sequel.
I cant say when will it be released but I have a ton of free time to write so it should not take too much time.

Comments ( 43 )
  • Viewing 39 - 43 of 43

Yep I really like what you are striving for i am trying to do clop with story too

Thanks for adding 'But Please, Don't Bite' to your favourites :) hope it's of your liking

I did not start to read it yet when it is fully complete will I begin

Hey, I hope you enjoy my story! c:

XDDD Yeah now you mention it I cant unsee her that way.

  • Viewing 39 - 43 of 43
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