I'm here to chew bubblegum and showcase my writing skills, and I'm all out of writing skills.
Hello! I'm mainly gonna be writing one-shots of my Next Gen characters. I'm also the artist for "The Bridge"~
Greetings and bienvenue, I am Michael Ravencroft. Writer and artist. From the obscure, to the known, from Comics, to Tokusatsu, nothing eludes my creative eyes. Hark the Raven.
Something isn't beautiful because it lasts.
Problems for which friendship cannot be the solution do not belong in Equestria.
Other than a Cybertronian writing utensil, I am an avid brony that is partial to writing novice-level stories whenever an idea pops into my head, whether I like it, or not. It's mostly the latter.
It's so nice to be here with such nice people. My goal, here, is to write and give life to my stories. I hope you all have great days/nights :D
Somehow, I manage to write sad fluff. I'd be concerned about my mental health, but I'm too busy writing.
An on again-off again Australian FIMfiction author. I like to write stories, be they good or bad. I always have an idea in my head just waiting to be used. I love to write and will continue to do so.
I've been crazy all my life, it's kept me from going insane.
Trixie and Twilight are best ponies! (Diamond Tiara is best filly :D )
Hey everyone. I'll keep this simple, I am not anyone important. I am here to provide you with something, hopefully, interesting to read. So please, enjoy yourself!
Okay ahem... Iv'e been a fan of mlp since the summer of 2014. My favorite character Sunset Shimmer why? Because she's so cool
My name is Rob Royale, one of Princess Luna's guards. As a writer I don't take myself very seriously so lets all enjoy the lolz and the fact that we all watch a show about colorful talking ponies!