• Member Since 8th Apr, 2015
  • offline last seen Oct 11th, 2024

Witching Hour

This is my circus and these are my monkeys aren't they? Carp.


This story is a sequel to A Very Witchy Holiday

Witching Hour hasn't done anything special for her birthday since she'd moved out of her parents' home, preferring to blend it into the New Year celebrations or spend it quietly at home.
Siren Bliss and Piano Treble won't hear of her working on her birthday, no matter what she says about preferring her routine though. So with nothing to do in the morning, she heads to her mother's tea room to help out... Little knowing the surprises that would further upset her normal routine that await her behind Fine Brew's till.

Chapters (4)

To enlarge the sphere of virtuous harmony of the benevolent design entrusted to us by Equus; and it is most fervently to be hoped, that the conduct of every member of the order, as well as those publications, that discover the virtues which actuate them, may tend to convince all races that the grand objective of the Minutor Crystallum is to promote virtues among all races.
General Cherry Tree, Writings
Letter to the Grand Forum of the Virtuous and Accepted Minutors for the Commonwealth of Canterlot, Snow Moon 776 Equestrian Era

With the fall of Equus to the Vices, a small consortium of crystal miners banded together to preserve the culture, faith, and knowledge of the fallen empire. Originally, they had a very minor role, as Equus’ lifestyle continued and thrived in the Crystal Empire under the reign of Crystal Hope, and later Queen Amore Cristallo. However, when the Crystal Empire vanished upon the defeat of the Mad King Sombra, the Minutor Crystallum took it upon themselves to seek out old records and keep them safe.

While the Adamantem operated within the political structures of the foundling nations or directed the organization, and the Vicus kept to their archival duties, the Ipsum used the knowledge preserved to find more and learn more, training in the ways of spycraft and strategy to acquire those things valuable to the society of miners.

In the spirit of the Equusese Empire, their society included members from all races; drakes, wyverns and kirins from the east, griffins from the west, and zebrica from the southern savanas, to say nothing of the usual pony races, donkeys and mules that made up a the significant number of small nations between.

In Cloudsdale, a small cell of Ipsum had been assigned the task of infiltrating the Wonderbolts with little success. The closest any had gotten was the reserves, none making the cut for the recruits or elites. In the meantime, they kept to their usual work for the order; gathering intelligence and going on missions to gather historical artifacts…

And then they found a lead on the mother of all artifacts; the relic of the Virtue of Life itself.

Chapters (8)

After saying her nighttime prayers, 5-year-old Witching Hour can't help but feel sorry for the Mare in the Moon, and so shares her thoughts before turning in...

She can't know the affects her words will have...

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Chase the Wind

Monkey Wrench hasn't gone back to Cloudsdale in months, not seeing her parents and four older siblings since her accident more than 10 months ago...

Cinna's family only has four ponies to it, since her father's been disowned by his parents...

Squad Zero is new in town and they don't really have anyone to spend the holiday with beyond each other...

So Witching Hour takes it into her own hooves, with the help of Fancy Pants and Fleur, to make sure this year's holiday gives them something special, even if it's just somewhere to be with other Hearth's Warming Orphans like themselves.

Set approximately 2 months before the start of Calm Wind's Piercing the Heavens.

Chapters (7)

This story is a sequel to Steady as She Flies

No power in the 'verse can stop them. They live for flying dangerously, and trolling the ever-loving life out of everypony they meet.

Much to Captain Spitfire's annoyance, Squad 12's antics never cross the line into Violations... The best she can do is simply not feed the Trolls.

That doesn't mean that others aren't going to feed them...

This is a collaborative effort between myself, Sylvian, Jim Hoxworth and Zoljen, using our alternate OCs.

Moonbow is mine, Sunshower is Sylvian's, Azure Star is Zoljen's and Bear Claw is Jim Hoxworth's.

Advisory: This story will contain massive amounts of crude humor, feigned incest, shamelessness, and unadulterated crack that comes from writing in the wee hours of the morning in the delusional throes of fatigue. This story will NOT contain any significant amount of plot, unless you count these crazies flaunting their rear-ends at ponies.

Cover image is a cropped screen capture from MLP:FiM Season 3, Episode 7, Wonderbolt Academy, and rather appropriately captures Spitfire's expression while dealing with Squad 12.

Chapters (10)

This story is a sequel to Steady as She Flies

Recruit Squad Alpha's captain, Dusk Glimmer, has been running interference between the Streak Twins of Squad Three and their younger sister, Aurora Streak, for five years now. So far, the difference in rank has kept them from interacting, but due to a certain deserter's flashy departure from the Wonderbolts, that barrier is gone and now the two squads (and their feuding siblings) are slated to be on a train and in the most media-saturated city in Equestria for upwards of three days...

Whatever happens, Captain Dusk Glimmer is going to have a migraine by the end of it... And probably a huge budget deficit.

This story immediately follows the events of Flying Sky High by Calm Wind - and between chapters 10 & 11 of Steady as She Flies.
Cover image drawn by me!

Chapters (5)

This story is a sequel to Steady as She Flies

Accepting Captain Spitfire's invitation, Monkey Wrench returns to the Wonderbolts Flight Academy, where she runs into Witching Hour's younger brother, Leaf Wind, again and meets Midnight Storm and Starry Sky.

Grouped together, the young pegasi are told the Wonderbolts' true purpose and put through two weeks of immersion into their routine. Will they fall short of expectations as returning Academy cadets? Or will they rise to the challenge and touch the sky?

Meanwhile, in Ponyville, Trick Step makes new friends and generally has a rollicking good time.

This story takes place at the same time as Chase the Wind.

Chapters (8)

This story is a sequel to Steady as She Flies

After hitting a block in her research into her bracelets and the Equusese Empire, Witching Hour turns to her new friend, Princess Twilight Sparkle, for help. Witching Hour and Twilight discover new truths about the empire lost to time and about themselves and the ponies dearest to them.

Twilight and Witching Hour will chase the wind to find their answers, letting it carry them away from Ponyville's Golden Oak Library and to the most unlikely places... But will they be able to handle the tragic truth?

This story takes place at the same time as Touch the Sky.

Chapters (8)

This story is a sequel to Crystal Wings

It's been nearly six months since Witching Hour saved Monkey Wrench from the life of a grounded pegasus and now, Princess Luna has given her student a new task - as a member of the unicorn forces of the Wonderbolts?!

Takes place in Calm Wind's Wonderverse. It starts approximately one month before Flying Sky-High.

Chapters (11)

This story is a sequel to Nighttime Prayers

When Monkey Wrench lost the use of her wings in a weather factory accident, she thought her life as a pegasus was over; not if Witching Hour, an up and coming unicorn with an unusual healing talent, has anything to say about it!

Chapters (7)