• Published 12th Apr 2015
  • 944 Views, 31 Comments

Crystal Wings - Witching Hour

When Monkey Wrench lost her wings in a weather factory accident, she thought her life as a pegasus was over; not if Witching Hour has anything to say about it!

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Chapter 1 - Awakening

Sun filtered through the windows, striking Monkey Wrench’s face and waking the yellow pegasus from her slumber. The pain in her back, radiating from her bandaged wings, throbbed dully as she brushed a lock of her red mane out of her eyes and looked around the hospital room. Instead of clouds as she’d expected from the last time she’d woken, there were the ornate structures of a land-based structure, and she could see the spires of a castle out the window. Her expression turns from curious to confused just in time for a grey unicorn with a blue mane and tail to enter the room. Her horn was glowing with pale blue light which also surrounded a clipboard and pen hovering before her, and she wore a white doctor’s coat.

“Good afternoon, Monkey Wrench. My name is Witching Hour and you’re at the hospital in the Canterlot. I requested your transfer from Cloudsdale Hospital,” the unicorn explained as the clipboard floats over to Monkey Wrench’s bed and hung on a hook for it there. “I’m certain you have questions regarding that…” she added with a smile to her patient.

Struck dumb by Witching Hour’s introduction, Monkey Wrench nodded then cleared her throat in an attempt to start speaking. It hurt, likely from disuse and being parched. Obligingly, Witching Hour anticipated the pegasus’ need, and a glass of water was floated over to Monkey Wrench’s hooves and gratefully accepted.

After a long gulp from the glass, Monkey Wrench sighs in relief. “Thanks… But… Why did you request the transfer? Why did they grant it?” she asked as Witching Hour moved to take a seat next to the bed.

“Because I believe I can help you… And they saw my argument to that point as convincing,” she explained patiently with a smile. Immediately, Monkey Wrench’s expression turned dark and hopeless, glancing over her shoulder at the bandaged appendages on her back.

“No one can help these,” she said, her voice sure and sad. “I’m not flying anymore.”

Witching Hour shook her head, seeming to be equally sure of herself. “I can, Miss Wrench, and you will” she replied firmly. “I may not be able to fix them completely, just as I’m sure your previous doctors told you, but I will get you flying again.”

Witching Hour’s voice was so firm and sure that Monkey Wrench felt a spark of hope come to life in her heart. Flying and fixing things were her two great passions; of course, the latter had lead to the loss of the former. The spark flickered, almost fading before the pegasus desperately grasped it in her mind… The thought of soaring high in the clouds strengthened the faint glimmer.

“Will you let me show you how I intend to?” Witching Hour asked after a long moment of watching Monkey Wrench with patient blue eyes, breaking the pegasus out of her reverie. Wordlessly, she nodded to her doctor.

Immediately upon seeing the nod, a smile broke across Witching Hour’s face and her horn lit up again as several pieces of paper popped into existence in the room. She summoned a tray to her, laying the papers out. “Here’s what I propose…”

Author's Note:

Hello! I hope you've enjoyed this first chapter! I was thinking of continuing this further into the explanation of what Witching Hour wants to do, but I wanted to stretch this out a little since this is the only real story that's come to mind with these two characters. Hopefully, you, dear readers, understand this.
Both the characters are OCs of my own creation. I do not own anything else in this universe, certainly not Equestria nor the Crystal Empire.

Thanks for reading! Please leave any constructive critiques (or rave reviews if it doesn't suck) in the comments!
~Witching Hour 13