• Member Since 2nd Nov, 2014
  • offline last seen June 16th


Who am I? Just a guy who's a writer for fun. Profile pic drawn by the user Sweetstrokes


Eclipses are one of the most sacred events in Equestria, symbolizing the union of night and day. As such Twilight gathers the element bearers to observe the event, but instead of a beautiful crossing of the sun and moon, bizarre monsters, the likes of which never before seen by pony kind, crawl from the Everfree just as Twilight and her friends lose the powers that they each hold. Luckily, A group shows up with their own powers, powers that the ponies themselves begin to awaken to. The power of Persona.

Cover art by JazzyQ

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to Five nights at Sombra's

Little Dinky is a survivor. She's battled heart transplants, anti-magic syndrome and even pony-bola. But now, somepony else is on the chopping block. (Takes place about a year and a half before Five Night's at Sombra's)

Cover art taken from Persona 3

Chapters (1)

Octavia is worried about Vinyl. With their wedding in four months, Octavia has been growing more and more stressed trying to make sure everything is perfect. But when one morning, Octavia finds her fiancé holding her glasses and bawling her eyes out, Octavia decides it's time to get help.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to A Cold Day in Canterlot

Horn Valley is a sacred place to the Changeling hive. Legend says that the large, spiky protrusion on the canyon's western cliff-face is the horn of the goddess, Queen Papillion, trapped under the rocks during a land slide. This sacred ground contains some of the hive's only fresh water in the harsh desert environment, so when the dragons come, looking to take the land for themselves, the changelings aren't going to give up their holy land without a fight. (A little clarification, this story takes place 12 years before the events of the show and Shadow Strike doesn't have a lot of things he has in my other stories with him. He doesn't speak in haiku and he doesn't have deception, because he learned how to do that AFTER deserting)

Cover art by the amazingly talented Swirling Line

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Short Changeling Hero

It's that time of year again. The snow's falling, the animals are sleeping and everypony is bringing in the holiday cheer. But for two incognito Changelings and one mare, this is so much more than a holiday.

Chapters (1)

(Warning. To get full experience, it is recommended to listen to the song "Kryptonite" by 3 Doors Down before reading)
There is are three reasons why Luna became nightmare moon the same year of the fall of the Crystal empire. The first was her envy of her sister. The second was a seed of doubt planted in her mind by Discord. The final of them is the same reason Luna does not have an apprentice. This is the story of the third.

Cover art by the amazingly talented Note Sketch

Chapters (1)

It was supposed to be a fun day, but then everything changed when the spirit of an enemy passed traps Fluttershy, Applebloom, Scootaloo, Sweetiebelle, and Dinky Hooves in a haunted pizzeria. Now the five have to survive until their friends figure out a way to get them out of the messed up hell hole.

Community Collab
Chapter one, two, five, seven, and nine by Fossil-Dragon-messiah
Chapter three, four, six, eight, and ten by TheMusicalBoy93
Chapter 11 by both of us
Cover art by Keam

Chapters (11)

This story is a sequel to Cocytus and Phlegethon

Shadow Strike has let his past as Thanatyak, the Changeling soldier burn away. But on this day, his past will come back to haunt him, Long Shot, Pupa and all of Canterlot like a phoenix from ashes.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Shadow Strike and Long Shot: The Vacation

Two bank robbers from Appleloosa are on the loose... But Shadow Strike and Long Shot are hot on their heels.
(Fun fact: Cocytus and Phlegethon are actually the names of two rivers in the underworld in greek and roman mythology.)

Chapters (1)

Queen Larvirus is a stubborn changeling, as is typical of the rulers of the northern hive, a collection of brutes and warmongers. So when a plague robs her and her hive of their fertility, she refuses to join the new united hive and submit to queen Locestris, a long dead ancestor of queen Chrysalis, to seek help for her diseased hive. Fortunately, a benefactor comes with a bargain "Be cured and become my instruments of war, or have your hive rot away."

Chapters (1)