• Member Since 1st Mar, 2012
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The Psychopath

My very first (self-published) book can be found on Amazon Kindle for 5 or 12 paperback! If you love dragons, give it a look! https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CSM7QQ2M


Death isn't alive, but neither is it dead. It simply is. It takes those who have died and ferries them to the afterlife they are tied to. It has even done this to supposed immortal beings.

Immortality is not invincibility.

There are souls that elude it for a time, either through magic, soul anchoring, or any other variety of factors. Eventually, they found their way into the listless, wispy presence of death. Reunited with their loved ones, taken from others. Death has always been seen as a being of evil by the living due to these things, but it does not embody such concepts, being detached entirely from such mortal empathies.

However, there is a large group of souls that defy the basic rules of life and death. Souls that it can't grasp, and many of these souls purposefully harass and annoy Death as they come through. And then they come through again. And again. And again somehow. They are linked to a world that somehow predates existence and defies the concepts of chaos and order themselves.

Follow Death in this short tale as it rips its nonexistent hair out when it deals with members of the World of Illogic when they 'expire' through external factors.

Chapters (1)

ShadowLegacy13 did a read of this story on youtube that you can find here

Spotify alternate link.

Twilight has had a long reign. She has watched ponies develop technologies that those of the past considered mere mythology. She has watched them scour the world and discover continents that were hidden from view or simply lost beneath the waves. Many creatures and tribes of ponies have come and gone, and the sea of stars is where they went last.

The alicorn accompanied them and acted as a figurehead and council before retreating back to Equestria. Now she is crumbling apart in the final years of her life as her magic consumes her body and the ponies are on the verge of dying out. As she watches the sky, engulfed by a black hole crowned in light, Twilight is approached by a still young mare, unfortunately born in an age where she will be all that's left of her people in just a few years.

She asks Twilight a question not about herself or her future, but about the alicorn herself: How does a god die?

Apparently it's on EqD too.

Hover over the image to find the source.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle and her assistant Spike. Two names that cause Canterlot Castle to shake. Between her bizarre experiments and excentric personality, the unicorn becomes an extreme annoyance to everypony, especially when she starts fixating on a 'Nightmare Moon'. Spike is also a nuisance, often stuffing his face with random things and causing explosions randomly.

Exhausted with the chaos they keep causing, Celestia sends Twilight and Spike to Ponyville at the onset of the Summer Sun Celebration, hoping that the calmer environment will help them calm down and make friends.

It has the reverse effect.

In this story Twilight acts like Invader Zim and Spike like Gir.

Pic source available when you hover over the image.

Chapters (1)

After a display of dissatisfaction turns into a revolution, Celestia found herself meeting a most unfortunate end at the hands of the mob. Being powerless to stop them or even muster up the courage to sway their minds, Twilight flees Canterlot and vows to bring Celestia back to life.

Through this vow the young unicorn starts to venture into territories of magic either hidden, forgotten, or unknown. On this path she encounters creatures and ancient entities that boggle her mind and aid her in her quest, but Twilight fears she might be losing the grander picture. Is the end of her journey bringing her beloved mentor back to life or is she slowly being corrupted by the miasma she now wades through?

Now on EqD!

Art by StDeadRa on DA. Hover over the cover art here to see the source link.

Chapters (44)

This story is a sequel to Ancient Bones

A being that has lived for millennia, that almost wiped out the minotaurs and ponies of the east, and has developed brand new magical languages every century to prevent the living from gaining the upper hand against him has thrown in the towel. The lich decides to follow the three ponies who had come to his artificial continent Arkom to slay him, curious as to the progress and inventions the creatures whom he once tried to turn into undead.

His childlike wonder unnerves the three who hesitantly bring him to the mainland and get him to stand trial for what he did, but he doesn't exactly cooperate. The 'new world' is a fascinating thing to one stuck in the past, leading to the lich jumping about eagerly to discover everything. The populace don't take it well.

Chapters (2)

Twilight Sparkle and Applejack end up getting pulled through a strange rift just outside of their farm homes into worlds with ponies sporting wings or a horn. As they try to find a way back, they end up encountering ponies with very friendly demeanors that want to help the lost mares.

But, why did rifts open up in the first place? Why are they warping light and color around them, and why is there a strained voice coming from them? Is Twilight and Applejack's world threatened? What about these new ones? What is about to happen?

Based off the original prompts for G5 where the Mane 6 were still going to be the main characters, but the tribes were split into their own worlds. I've tweaked everything to be more varied and to get rid of any 'planet-of-hats' tropes.

If this is a successful concept, I'll continue it and try my best to make 'episodic' chapters with continuity to an extent, like the cartoon.

I could've cropped the image, but it would've sliced off the artist's name, and THAT'S, NO GOOD

Chapters (4)

Lavender Staar spends her days trying to find a good job but hasn't had much luck yet. Fortunately, she gets called to Canterlot Castle for a job interview by Princess Celestia along with others to work as a janitor. It's not much, but it would help Lavender feed herself. The castle and the land surrounding it feel...off, however.

Thanks to Lunaexcelsior for helping me fix up the story

Also thanks to Kryostasis Blueberry Soda for spotting some spelling errors. :>

Chapters (1)

Pinkie drops Gummy off with Twilight for the day while she leaves for Trotalot. Twilight agrees, not expecting much from the animal, but during her experiments, he speaks.

Shocked, she tries to convince Pinkie and her friends, but the little gator doesn't flinch, and it becomes harder and harder to not seem overworked...and perhaps a little bit crazy...a lot crazy.

Another short story suggestion by PerphectlyInsane in the Fimfic discord.

Chapters (1)

Luna realizes that her sister has become something of both an idol and a symbol of Equestria since she was -ahem- on forced leave. In fact, Celestia has, perhaps, become the biggest figure in Equestrian history. The moon princess decides that she's going to use her skills in the artsy fartsy to make sure her sister remains the 'biggest' for decades to come by submitting her latest piece to the Professionals' Equestrian Art Contest.

On EqD now too!

Chapters (1)

Audio read by The Mystery Fluttershy Fan

Pinkie Pie is planning on making a special batch of cream and icing for Ponyville's anniversary, but she feels that the current recipes aren't tasty enough. So, she goes to the best place to get things soft and fluffy: The sky! The clouds are the softest and fluffiest things known to pony kind, and so the recipe she needs is definitely there with them.

However, with any pie, she needs to go to the surface. Instead of finding the 'bestest' clouds, she instead discovers an entity that created and maintains the sky: A sky 'god'. Pinkie is not at all what it was expecting from a 'living shape'.

Chapters (1)