• Member Since 1st Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen 26 minutes ago

The Psychopath

My self-published books: Pure fantasy (Dragon main characters) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CSM7QQ2M


High, high above the world on a mountain peak hidden by an infinite sea of clouds sits an eldritch entity of a lower order gazing upon the world and its inhabitants, in particular the ponies. A few of them in particular have caught its attention, but as the years go by and it watches the world decay and evolve, it ponders its own purpose and those of its fellows, having never truly understood these 'lesser' beings on the order of reality.

Art is Remiel by Peter Mohrbacher. Source when you hover over the image.

Chapters (2)

Crossover with the Battletanx series. It's unnecessary to know it beforehand. Everything pertinent is in the story. TL;DR Big tanks = Big booms
The world has suffered from a mega virus that targeted and wiped out 99.99% of all females regardless of species. Only a few non-alicorns survived the catastrophic event and now exist as the Queen Lords of their people, surrounded on all sides by loyal males that have come to worship them in these dark times. Shining Armor and Cadance have been on the run with the remnants of the Crystal Guard, looking for a safe home in this ravaged wasteland to raise their soon-to-be child.

With the military weaponry having been raided, replicated, and reintegrated into society, the world is a battlefield of death and destruction crushed beneath the treads of the battletanx. Only perseverance will see the couple through these apocalyptic times and reach the promised lands when the sun itself comes to burn them.

Chapters (1)

An unknown amount of time has passed since a magitech virus was released and unexpectedly mutated on its path to disable its intended recipients, spreading like a death shroud. Now life is warped and twisted, with ghosts and horrific mutations wandering the world, living among the ruins of the world that was and picking at the flesh still clinging to its bones.

Somewhere in there, Astral Nebula will find the blueprint to rebuild the magitech portal that will free everyone from the pocket dimension they're trapped in, but all she learned from her grandparents and elders mean nothing in this new reality left behind by the immortals and magic.

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to Overstepping

It's not necessary to read the 'sequel'. These are just little story ideas that I use to experiment with horror and can be read on their own.

Lavender Staar finally gets a job in the quarantined Belbel region of Balfuffer on a continent to Equestria's South-East. Her task is to screen the inhabitants of an apartment to make sure no pony comes that could harm the inhabitants.

The changelings depend on her to temporarily replace one of theirs, making them very nervous about Staar's efficiency. They just hope the inevitable slip-up will be caught before they get anywhere deeper into the complex.

Inspired by 'That's not my pony' itself inspired by the game 'That's not my neighbor'.

Would've used art from the video as cover art, but the artist said not to, so, gotta respect their wishes.

Chapters (1)

Fluttershy has been fighting incessantly for a little over a decade now. She is battered and bruised and tired, lamenting the loss of her once-joyous life and the animals she cared for. Ever since Sombra had returned with an army of artificial creatures made of flesh and crystal, Equestria's newest generation have only ever known death and destruction. Even the mighty alicorn sisters could not halt Sombra's advance despite their power.

Tired of all this death and destruction, the once meek mare wishes on a shooting star one booming night for it all to end. For something to change. For something that sits above all of this carnage and savagery to intervene and put a stop to all this.

She should have wished for simple peace instead.

The promotional tie-in to my book series 'Lux Locus' I mentioned a long time ago. Now for your reading pleasure! It's a sci-fi/fantasy hybrid, with each book introducing an alien race through their perspective rather than our own. The link will be in the story itself and isn't necessary to read to understand this, as is the purpose of promotional stories.

If you like Warhammer 40K then you'll maybe like this, too!

The Violence tag is there just in-case.

Art by Night Bridge.

There's a few chaps already written. I'll publish one a day until it's complete.

Chapters (8)

Death isn't alive, but neither is it dead. It simply is. It takes those who have died and ferries them to the afterlife they are tied to. It has even done this to supposed immortal beings.

Immortality is not invincibility.

There are souls that elude it for a time, either through magic, soul anchoring, or any other variety of factors. Eventually, they found their way into the listless, wispy presence of death. Reunited with their loved ones, taken from others. Death has always been seen as a being of evil by the living due to these things, but it does not embody such concepts, being detached entirely from such mortal empathies.

However, there is a large group of souls that defy the basic rules of life and death. Souls that it can't grasp, and many of these souls purposefully harass and annoy Death as they come through. And then they come through again. And again. And again somehow. They are linked to a world that somehow predates existence and defies the concepts of chaos and order themselves.

Follow Death in this short tale as it rips its nonexistent hair out when it deals with members of the World of Illogic when they 'expire' through external factors.

Chapters (1)

ShadowLegacy13 did a read of this story on youtube that you can find here

Spotify alternate link.

Twilight has had a long reign. She has watched ponies develop technologies that those of the past considered mere mythology. She has watched them scour the world and discover continents that were hidden from view or simply lost beneath the waves. Many creatures and tribes of ponies have come and gone, and the sea of stars is where they went last.

The alicorn accompanied them and acted as a figurehead and council before retreating back to Equestria. Now she is crumbling apart in the final years of her life as her magic consumes her body and the ponies are on the verge of dying out. As she watches the sky, engulfed by a black hole crowned in light, Twilight is approached by a still young mare, unfortunately born in an age where she will be all that's left of her people in just a few years.

She asks Twilight a question not about herself or her future, but about the alicorn herself: How does a god die?

Apparently it's on EqD too.

Hover over the image to find the source.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle and her assistant Spike. Two names that cause Canterlot Castle to shake. Between her bizarre experiments and excentric personality, the unicorn becomes an extreme annoyance to everypony, especially when she starts fixating on a 'Nightmare Moon'. Spike is also a nuisance, often stuffing his face with random things and causing explosions randomly.

Exhausted with the chaos they keep causing, Celestia sends Twilight and Spike to Ponyville at the onset of the Summer Sun Celebration, hoping that the calmer environment will help them calm down and make friends.

It has the reverse effect.

In this story Twilight acts like Invader Zim and Spike like Gir.

Pic source available when you hover over the image.

Chapters (2)

After a display of dissatisfaction turns into a revolution, Celestia found herself meeting a most unfortunate end at the hands of the mob. Being powerless to stop them or even muster up the courage to sway their minds, Twilight flees Canterlot and vows to bring Celestia back to life.

Through this vow the young unicorn starts to venture into territories of magic either hidden, forgotten, or unknown. On this path she encounters creatures and ancient entities that boggle her mind and aid her in her quest, but Twilight fears she might be losing the grander picture. Is the end of her journey bringing her beloved mentor back to life or is she slowly being corrupted by the miasma she now wades through?

Now on EqD!

Art by StDeadRa on DA. Hover over the cover art here to see the source link.

Chapters (44)

This story is a sequel to Ancient Bones

A being that has lived for millennia, that almost wiped out the minotaurs and ponies of the east, and has developed brand new magical languages every century to prevent the living from gaining the upper hand against him has thrown in the towel. The lich decides to follow the three ponies who had come to his artificial continent Arkom to slay him, curious as to the progress and inventions the creatures whom he once tried to turn into undead.

His childlike wonder unnerves the three who hesitantly bring him to the mainland and get him to stand trial for what he did, but he doesn't exactly cooperate. The 'new world' is a fascinating thing to one stuck in the past, leading to the lich jumping about eagerly to discover everything. The populace don't take it well.

Chapters (2)